whoa, you bring up a good point: What if you stop Kenny from his revenge on Ben? That could surely be the deal breaker: you stopping a man from getting to the killer of his family.
It doesn't have to be Ben, I was just using him as an example. He's the most likely candidate for this too. It would come down to you and your morals: Is it really right to let a scared kid die because he made a mistake? Even though it was a huge one?
It could be a situation with anyone else. Omid and his leg maybe. Kenny DOES say in the Ep4 preview that they should leave him, maybe he and Christa fight because she wants to take Omid with them.
I'm sorry, Cyreen, but you're not worth my time anymore. I'm not interested in your feminist shit.
Rock114, don't expect any reward for your choices. You should be siding with Kenny because you believe that is the right thing to do, not because you'll be rewarded. The boat he has promised you will most likely be missing, destroyed or something else that prevents you from sailing away with it. Almost nothing goes according to plans in ZA. In this one I'm do not agree with Chuck. Plans are not always good. Trying too hard to achieve a plan is what gets you killed at the end of the day.
Is it really right to let a scared kid die because he made a mistake? Even though it was a huge one?
Kenny siders should say yes because that's the rational thing to do. There's a threat and you remove it...
Although Kenny is a hypocrite for various reasons, especially that whether helping him kill Larry or not is what determines your friendship, I'd much rather him than Lilly. Larry was a dick anyways, so I didn't mind killing him in my second playthrough. Kenny's my bro right now and it's pretty great. Despite whether you're nice to Lilly or not, she's never your friend and still shoots Carley/Doug and tries to justify herself using Lee's past. I personally hate Lilly. Kenny is still a hypocrite, though. They're not much better than each other, just Kenny actually becomes your bro and Lilly always stays/goes back to being a bitch to you.
They're both very interesting and fantastic characters, whether you like them or not. So it's different for each person. That's what I love about the TWD cast.
Although Kenny is a hypocrite for various reasons, especially that whether helping him kill Larry or not is what determines your friendship, I'd much rather him than Lilly. Larry was a dick anyways, so I didn't mind killing him in my second playthrough. Kenny's my bro right now and it's pretty great. Despite whether you're nice to Lilly or not, she's never your friend and still shoots Carley/Doug and tries to justify herself using Lee's past. I personally hate Lilly. Kenny is still a hypocrite, though. They're not much better than each other, just Kenny actually becomes your bro and Lilly always stays/goes back to being a bitch to you.
They're both very interesting and fantastic characters, whether you like them or not. So it's different for each person. That's what I love about the TWD cast.
Kiel555 mentioned that in his playthrough that is not even a "100% pro Lilly" she doesn't use his past against him. So apparently, she doesn't always do that.
It doesn't have to be Ben, I was just using him as an example. He's the most likely candidate for this too. It would come down to you and your morals: Is it really right to let a scared kid die because he made a mistake? Even though it was a huge one?
It could be a situation with anyone else. Omid and his leg maybe. Kenny DOES say in the Ep4 preview that they should leave him, maybe he and Christa fight because she wants to take Omid with them.
Im just saying if there was anything that could/would break a totally loyal Kenny, that would be it
Lilly in my opinion is exactly like Shane from the the TV show. The craziness that ensues after they lose Larry via salt lick & Lori and Carl when Rick returns. The drive for alpha dog status and willingness to let the world burn as long as they can protect theirs. Even though Lily can be sweet ain't nothing stopping her from booting your ass out of the RV and leaving you so yeah.
I don't think many of them have really been what you would call friends, the majority are just people who have been forced together by the ZA. If they had been meeting in normal circumstances, they would probably only talk to each other maybe once or something.
Lilly in my opinion is exactly like Shane from the the TV show. The craziness that ensues after they lose Larry via salt lick & Lori and Carl when Rick returns. The drive for alpha dog status and willingness to let the world burn as long as they can protect theirs. Even though Lily can be sweet ain't nothing stopping her from booting your ass out of the RV and leaving you so yeah.
Team Kenny I guess.
I've already commented on this exact statement once, but I will do it one more time. How can you say that Lilly is like Shane? Lilly tries to do things for the entire group, even though she might be wrong in your eyes that doesn't mean she's doing it for somebody else. Shane kills a man just so he can save his own skin and is ready to kill his own best friend just so he can steal his wife. I don't see any resemblance...
Lilly is an egocentric bitch, who cannot stand any sort of disagreement. Even in your supposed "friendship" Lee's giving way more than he's receiving. True friends never abandon you and they don't require you to follow orders.
On the upside, she's gone and not worth discussing.
I think she had it pretty rough and i feel really bad for her. If you see from episode 1 to episode 3 she changes a lot and it's fact. She is not a bitch, she changed after her father died. I hope we see her again she is really a great character.
I've already commented on this exact statement once, but I will do it one more time. How can you say that Lilly is like Shane? Lilly tries to do things for the entire group, even though she might be wrong in your eyes that doesn't mean she's doing it for somebody else. Shane kills a man just so he can save his own skin and is ready to kill his own best friend just so he can steal his wife. I don't see any resemblance...
I didn't read the last one seeing as when it comes to threads about Lilly every avid user of this forum tries to avoid starting a stupid argument with your stubbornness and insane infatuation with Lilly. Yeah we're suppose to care about the characters but you take this shit way to far. I instantly regret posting here , I should've known you were lurking around trying to "protect" Lilly. I guess it's time for me to find a new thread.
I'm sorry, Cyreen, but you're not worth my time anymore. I'm not interested in your feminist shit.
Rock114, don't expect any reward for your choices. You should be siding with Kenny because you believe that is the right thing to do, not because you'll be rewarded. The boat he has promised you will most likely be missing, destroyed or something else that prevents you from sailing away with it. Almost nothing goes according to plans in ZA. In this one I'm do not agree with Chuck. Plans are not always good. Trying too hard to achieve a plan is what gets you killed at the end of the day.
Kenny siders should say yes because that's the rational thing to do. There's a threat and you remove it...
That's just it, I AM siding with Kenny (for the most part, at least) because I think that he's right. I have a sinking feeling that the boat won't be there, but it's our only plan. Not having a plan at all is more likely to get you killed IMO. With a plan you have a goal to strive toward, objectives to achieve, a reason to go on. I'd rather take a slim chance than wander the Georgia wilderness aimlessly, hoping for some form of salvation.
I'd rather be with Doug or Carley though. They ahve your back no matter what...or better yet Doug AND Carley. Then we'd never fail.
I didn't read the last one seeing as when it comes to threads about Lilly every avid user of this forum tries to avoid starting a stupid argument with your stubbornness and insane infatuation with Lilly. Yeah we're suppose to care about the characters but you take this shit way to far. I instantly regret posting here , I should've known you were lurking around trying to "protect" Lilly. I guess it's time for me to find a new thread.
Well, Yami is right though. I don't see any resemblance either.
Yeah, sounds like Shane had more reason to kill than Lilly did.
Lol... Lilly was in such a shock after the events that happened with her father and the farm as a whole. I don't like what she did, but i can't really be mad at her either. It was just a real breakdown.
Shane killed since he can't accept a no.
I've already commented on this exact statement once, but I will do it one more time. How can you say that Lilly is like Shane? Lilly tries to do things for the entire group, even though she might be wrong in your eyes that doesn't mean she's doing it for somebody else. Shane kills a man just so he can save his own skin and is ready to kill his own best friend just so he can steal his wife. I don't see any resemblance...
Actually, Shane, since we are obviously comparing Lilly to a very alternate reality Shane than the one that actually is still currently existing in her reality (who, by the way, was just a psychopath since the start of the apocalypse, desperately holding on to the notion that the government was going to save them all if they just sat around with their thumbs up their asses), has some similarities and major differences from Lilly.
Shane kills Otis not just for himself (that is a big part of it), but so that he can bring those supplies back and save Carl. If Shane didn't sacrifice Otis, the both of them would have assuredly died and then Carl would have died. Three people would be gone if not for his decision. Otis was morbidly obese and could barely run, and Shane was injured. The walkers would catch up to them at any point. Shane had already told Otis to take the supplies and go on without him, but Otis refused to leave him behind. Shane did what he did because it was the only option left to him, not just because he wanted to murder someone.
As far as not keeping the entire group safe... that's ALL Shane really did. Yes it's out of his insane infatuation with Lori, but what he does keeps everyone safe. He starts the slaughter of the walkers in the barn because that was a massive danger to the entire group. He wants to kill Randall because he was a dangerous person who attacked members of his group. If he escaped, Randall knew exactly where they were and could lead his people back and potentially rape, pillage and kill everyone in the group.
If ANYTHING, Shane is a more sane individual than Lilly ever was. Especially considering who Lilly goes on to side with and the atrocities she further commits, she is a MUCH bigger monster than Shane could ever have hoped to be in his wildest dreams. That includes his attempted murder of Rick!
Lilly became paranoid and in doing so, straight up murdered one of the group members. No rational discussion. No reasoning with her. She pulled the gun out, and for me, shot Carley out of speculation and no facts what so ever to reach that conclusion that Carley was the "traitor" of the group just because she had a mental break.
THEN, she has the gull to try and justify her actions because I'm a murderer. After I tried to help save her father who was nothing but an overt asshole to me, and tried to reason with them when they thought Duck was bitten.
Lilly's an unstable powder keg. I'm glad she's no longer with my group and I'll never regret leaving her on the side of the road.
I didn't read the last one seeing as when it comes to threads about Lilly every avid user of this forum tries to avoid starting a stupid argument with your stubbornness and insane infatuation with Lilly. Yeah we're suppose to care about the characters but you take this shit way to far. I instantly regret posting here , I should've known you were lurking around trying to "protect" Lilly. I guess it's time for me to find a new thread.
You can find another forum if you want. I couldn't care less. If you're not here to discuss, why post in the first place?
Snake Liquid, yeah I totally forgot about the supplies. Thanks for bringing that up. Well, in that case you can find some similarities with TV Shane maybe but not with comic book Shane. However, Shane's attempt at murdering Rick was quite different from Lilly's shot at Ben/Carley. I mean her father was brutally murdered a week ago, while Shane hadn't really lost anything. I mean Lori was never truly his in the first place and she's still safe and sound.
I do not agree with your statement about Lilly and the Governor.
The Governor is doing a really great job in manipulating people. There are a lot of good and innocent people in his little town. Lilly joining him does not make her a bad person. Lilly defending her people doesn't make her a bad person. While shooting at Lori could be perceived as bad if you're looking it from Rick's perspective, she's still just defending her own. When she realizes what is really going on, she truly regrets it and puts an end to the Governor. I don't think that turns her into a monster. I actually believe that's the redeeming part of her story.
Snake Liquid, yeah I totally forgot about the supplies. Thanks for bringing that up. Well, in that case you can find some similarities with TV Shane maybe but not with comic book Shane. However, Shane's attempt at murdering Rick was quite different from Lilly's shot at Ben/Carley. I mean her father was brutally murdered a week ago, while Shane hadn't really lost anything. I mean Lori was never truly his in the first place and she's still safe and sound.
Season 2 spoilers:
That may be true, but the emotional pain he had because of Lori could be just as severe. Remember, Shane truly thought Rick was dead. In the heat of the moment, in that hospital, Shane thought Rick died. Imagine, to start, the pain you'd feel if your best friend for potentially 15+ years, depending on how old those two characters really are, just died for something you blame yourself for happening in the first place. How would you be feeling? His first instinct was to take his best friend's wife and son to where he thought was safety in Atlanta, with absolutely no thought of himself.
The way Lori acted around him in the TV show, with a carried on relationship rather than the one time mistake it was in the comic, expressing actions that implied deep emotional connections, combined with their past of being so close with her, him and Rick. Then, when Rick comes back, Lori completely, and angrily shuts him out of her life. That kind of emotional pain is intense and really fractured the kind of person Shane was. Only then, at the very end, for Lori to admit to Shane that there truly were intense feelings, but for her to not even say that there is no hope for them to have a relationship. It finally just causes him to crack, much like the pain of Lilly's fathers death caused her to crack.
If Lee's story about killing the man his wife was sleeping with is fully true, then our main protagonist in the game knows better than ever how in an emotional break, you can do things you'd normally never do. Shane's stress of being totally alone, for being with three people that he loves more than anything but to be in such an awkward position that you can't be with any of them was just too much for him. Shane loved Rick. They were best friends since they were in high school. He loved Lori, then when the world went to hell and it was the only good thing left. He loved Carl, and would do and did anything for him. Then Rick comes back and he has none of them because of the way he feels about all of them.
I don't know. Shane was without a doubt the most complex and interesting character in the TV show. I have a lot of opinions about him, and none of them are that he was an evil, soulless monster. Not that Lilly is, I just still have my first impression of her from the comic, so that kind of clouds my opinion.
I do not agree with your statement about Lilly and the Governor.
The Governor is doing a really great job in manipulating people. There are a lot of good and innocent people in his little town. Lilly joining him does not make her a bad person. Lilly defending her people doesn't make her a bad person. While shooting at Lori could be perceived as bad if you're looking it from Rick's perspective, she's still just defending her own. When she realizes what is really going on, she truly regrets it and puts an end to the Governor. I don't think that turns her into a monster. I actually believe that's the redeeming part of her story.
Fair enough. That's a very good point, plus I forgot about what all happens to the Governor thanks to Michonne. From Woodbury's perspective, Ricks group would appear a vicious monsters so it's understandable, but still just a bad situation.
Shane...what a tragedy. Why why why did he not just team up with Andrea and leave the group as planned? She even wanted to go with him and leave the group as well. Instead he opts to stay and goes mad with the difficulties inherent in trying to steal another man's wife. I don't see any resemblance of Shane's story to that of Lilly's.
I still remember the howl from angry players who sided with Kenny on every single thing except the meat locker. They complained that Kenny acted as if Lee had never sided with him on anything since they first met. That was a bummer but didn't really affect me since I disagreed with Kenny often and can't say we were ever friends.
Lilly on the other hand I did hate and she hated me as well. I can identify with many of the comments members have posted regarding Lilly. But in trying to look out for the people in my group a friendship developed between Lee and Lilly.
I don't have the benefit of having played multiple games to see what happens if I chose all the other options that are available. In my one playthrough, the call was made to side with Lilly. She turned out to be a really great friend even surpassing Carley. Even the last moments with her were bittersweet. I thought it was a terrific end to that part of the story when she was not sure if Lee would accept but she asked him to go with her in the RV. When Lee accepted she seemed happy to me.
Many know what happens to Lilly later on for those who have read the comics. How she becomes trapped. I've not read the comics but I still like to think that in those lonely moments Lilly will not focus on everyone who betrayed her but rather on Lee, her friend, who cared for her and wanted to go with her.
I know others have sided with Kenny and think that he is a swell guy. Be that as it may, I hope your friendship turns out as good as the one I have with Lilly.
Sorry but I haven't seen the TV show so I can only judge Shane by the comics.Personally while I detest any type of murder I can understand someone snapping after a family member has died, especially in a horrific way, more than I can someone who wants to murder a friend because he wants the friends wife for himself?!
For me Lee's murder also shows a lack of control.He mentions he already knew about the affair before the murder so surely it isn't a complete shock for him.Did he deliberately go looking for the senator or did he happen to walk in on them? His bio by Telltales says he claimed self defence but the state thought otherwise,surely that meant his testimony and the evidence for his version of the event must of been pretty weak.Also a broken relationship has the chance to be salvaged a dead family member or friend cannot,there's no hope or a return to how things were for the latter.
I didn't agree with Larry deciding to perform his own delayed act of capital punishment but I can understand his opinion,on a complete stranger,more than I do Carley's "I don't care you're a murderer, frankly that's a useful skill to have"?! hmm,somewhat ironic don't you think.
As for Lilly and the Governor it's shown that she's absoluety devastated when she sees what he has tricked her into doing and thus she is the one to turn on him and end his evil.She also then takes control of her fellow survivors and tries to lead them to safety.So for me she isn't some kind of psychopathic she-devil who is devoid of any emotions. She made a mistake just as Lee did, just because I care less or don't know the victim doesn't lessen the crime.
I completely understand why Telltale will probably keep the murder ambiguous.How would people take it if the Lee they've been playing,for all this time,set out deliberately to kill a man for revenge?
Snake Liquid, I agree with you man. I hadn't really thought much about Shane but you do make some really good points.
I think that Shane is one of the aspects where the TV show is superior to the comic book. Much better developed and interesting.
We should make a Shane thread in the forum
I absolutely agree with Kiel555 and FarmerJoe as well. Great posts you three, I don't think there is much I can add for now.
Shane was seedy. Even if he assumed Rick dead, you dont take over your best friend's wife and assume head of his family- but it was all his actions after Rick came back that says the most about his inner self. He secretly hated Rick for coming back and made everything between them a tug of war after that. I wont even go into Lori.
Sorry but I haven't seen the TV show so I can only judge Shane by the comics.Personally while I detest any type of murder I can understand someone snapping after a family member has died, especially in a horrific way, more than I can someone who wants to murder a friend because he wants the friends wife for himself?!
For me Lee's murder also shows a lack of control.He mentions he already knew about the affair before the murder so surely it isn't a complete shock for him.Did he deliberately go looking for the senator or did he happen to walk in on them? His bio by Telltales says he claimed self defence but the state thought otherwise,surely that meant his testimony and the evidence for his version of the event must of been pretty weak.Also a broken relationship has the chance to be salvaged a dead family member or friend cannot,there's no hope or a return to how things were for the latter.
I didn't agree with Larry deciding to perform his own delayed act of capital punishment but I can understand his opinion,on a complete stranger,more than I do Carley's "I don't care you're a murderer, frankly that's a useful skill to have"?! hmm,somewhat ironic don't you think.
As for Lilly and the Governor it's shown that she's absoluety devastated when she sees what he has tricked her into doing and thus she is the one to turn on him and end his evil.She also then takes control of her fellow survivors and tries to lead them to safety.So for me she isn't some kind of psychopathic she-devil who is devoid of any emotions. She made a mistake just as Lee did, just because I care less or don't know the victim doesn't lessen the crime.
I completely understand why Telltale will probably keep the murder ambiguous.How would people take it if the Lee they've been playing,for all this time,set out deliberately to kill a man for revenge?
Nice post.
How do you think Lee's dream fits into all this? From his dream, which is a dream so may not be reliable, it seemed that he and his wife were having a nice evening (Like they both had a glass of wine in their hands and were laughing over something) then there is the sound of breaking window and Lee's wife screams....
I have no idea what happened but I believe veteran cops have good instincts and the one driving Lee to prison concluded that Lee "didn't do it" (murder the senator).
How do you think Lee's dream fits into all this? From his dream, which is a dream so may not be reliable, it seemed that he and his wife were having a nice evening (Like they both had a glass of wine in their hands and were laughing over something) then there is the sound of breaking window and Lee's wife screams....
I have no idea what happened but I believe veteran cops have good instincts and the one driving Lee to prison concluded that Lee "didn't do it" (murder the senator).
I'm still rather undecided with Lee's murder.It's still a mystery for me.
Is Lee's wife having a drink with Lee or is it the senator?Is she telling the senator that she loves him and it's Lee breaking in to attack her lover?
I don't remember hearing a male voice in the dream,do we hear Lee's voice?
I'm still rather undecided with Lee's murder.It's still a mystery for me.
Is Lee's wife having a drink with Lee or is it the senator?Is she telling the senator that she loves him and it's Lee breaking in to attack her lover?
I don't remember hearing a male voice in the dream,do we hear Lee's voice?
No male voices. I was thinking that because Lee could hear her talking clearly..maybe up close...that he was nearby not at the window listening.. then Lee is frowning as she tells someone she loves them...
But there is so little to go from that I just don't know. I'd like hope for the best but the car ride to prison puts a damper on those hopes.
Well, I think the cop driving Lee to prison was just poking fun at him. He mentions that everyone else he drives up to the prison always says "I didn't do it!" so he just figured Lee was about to say the same thing and decided to have a little fun with him. I'm fairly certain that Lee was guilty, but in more of a "crime of passion" sense than a premeditated one. I'd truly hate to find out that Lee didn't actually do it, because that pretty much nullifies any aspect of the redemption part of his story.
No male voices. I was thinking that because Lee could hear her talking clearly..maybe up close...that he was nearby not at the window listening.. then Lee is frowning as she tells someone she loves them...
But there is so little to go from that I just don't know. I'd like hope for the best but the car ride to prison puts a damper on those hopes.
So you think that the three of them were in the same room.Which means Lee's wife turns to her lover and tells him "I love you,baby" right in front of Lee and then follows it with a laugh... Ouch. That must mean that the glass smashing must be Lee throwing the senator through the window Poor Lee,what a verbal kick to the nuts!!!
So you think that the three of them were in the same room.Which means Lee's wife turns to her lover and tells him "I love you,baby" right in front of Lee and then follows it with a laugh... Ouch. That must mean that the glass smashing must be Lee throwing the senator through the window Poor Lee,what a verbal kick to the nuts!!!
Yeah..I'm all confused. Would that be considered self defense by Lee:D
I do support Rock114 on this one. I believe Lee is guilty and passion or not, he is just as much murderer as Lilly is. The reasons may be different, the motivation different but a murder is a murder.
I do like the redemption aspect of Lee's story. It does bring a lot.
As for the dream, I don't have the slightest idea of what exactly happens. Plus, dreams are not always memories. It could be his own twisted version of what happened. It could be his own wish of what should've happened being destroyed by what actually happened
I'm still rather undecided with Lee's murder.It's still a mystery for me.
Is Lee's wife having a drink with Lee or is it the senator?Is she telling the senator that she loves him and it's Lee breaking in to attack her lover?
I don't remember hearing a male voice in the dream,do we hear Lee's voice?
Sorry but I haven't seen the TV show so I can only judge Shane by the comics.Personally while I detest any type of murder I can understand someone snapping after a family member has died, especially in a horrific way, more than I can someone who wants to murder a friend because he wants the friends wife for himself?!
For me Lee's murder also shows a lack of control.He mentions he already knew about the affair before the murder so surely it isn't a complete shock for him.Did he deliberately go looking for the senator or did he happen to walk in on them? His bio by Telltales says he claimed self defence but the state thought otherwise,surely that meant his testimony and the evidence for his version of the event must of been pretty weak.Also a broken relationship has the chance to be salvaged a dead family member or friend cannot,there's no hope or a return to how things were for the latter.
I didn't agree with Larry deciding to perform his own delayed act of capital punishment but I can understand his opinion,on a complete stranger,more than I do Carley's "I don't care you're a murderer, frankly that's a useful skill to have"?! hmm,somewhat ironic don't you think.
As for Lilly and the Governor it's shown that she's absoluety devastated when she sees what he has tricked her into doing and thus she is the one to turn on him and end his evil.She also then takes control of her fellow survivors and tries to lead them to safety.So for me she isn't some kind of psychopathic she-devil who is devoid of any emotions. She made a mistake just as Lee did, just because I care less or don't know the victim doesn't lessen the crime.
I completely understand why Telltale will probably keep the murder ambiguous.How would people take it if the Lee they've been playing,for all this time,set out deliberately to kill a man for revenge?
i can see them keeping it ambiguous, but it would annoy me a bit, i never saw any of TWD game as a redemption story i just figured either he didn't do it or it was an accident, i know some people saw it the complete opposite and think he is a murderer seeking redemption, but i saw it more of a "out of the frying pan, into the fire" sort of situation.
but if it did turn out that Lee was a psychopath and he murdered the senator for the pure satisfaction of gruesomely murdering the guy that slept with his wife, and he figured having a child around would be a good tactical shield in a number of scenarios (including a social shield) , i think i would just want lee to die or at least suffer as much as possible
I know, Lilly shoots the governor right in the head! She seems to have a talent for headshots...
Which explains why she's so good at surviving a ZA.
I think, in the end, the last two survivors will be Lilly and Carl... and well... I have this theory that Carl is really the current incarnation of Death... so nothing short of Carl will stop her.
Which explains why she's so good at surviving a ZA.
I think, in the end, the last two survivors will be Lilly and Carl... and well... I have this theory that Carl is really the current incarnation of Death... so nothing short of Carl will stop her.
Ben's body count is far larger.
-His entire class
-half of Lee's group
That's not to say Carl won't take that title from Ben's cold, undead hands though...
It doesn't have to be Ben, I was just using him as an example. He's the most likely candidate for this too. It would come down to you and your morals: Is it really right to let a scared kid die because he made a mistake? Even though it was a huge one?
It could be a situation with anyone else. Omid and his leg maybe. Kenny DOES say in the Ep4 preview that they should leave him, maybe he and Christa fight because she wants to take Omid with them.
Rock114, don't expect any reward for your choices. You should be siding with Kenny because you believe that is the right thing to do, not because you'll be rewarded. The boat he has promised you will most likely be missing, destroyed or something else that prevents you from sailing away with it. Almost nothing goes according to plans in ZA. In this one I'm do not agree with Chuck. Plans are not always good. Trying too hard to achieve a plan is what gets you killed at the end of the day.
Kenny siders should say yes because that's the rational thing to do. There's a threat and you remove it...
Awesome, by all means go back to your cave, little dinosaur.
They're both very interesting and fantastic characters, whether you like them or not. So it's different for each person. That's what I love about the TWD cast.
Kiel555 mentioned that in his playthrough that is not even a "100% pro Lilly" she doesn't use his past against him. So apparently, she doesn't always do that.
Im just saying if there was anything that could/would break a totally loyal Kenny, that would be it
Team Kenny I guess.
I've already commented on this exact statement once, but I will do it one more time. How can you say that Lilly is like Shane? Lilly tries to do things for the entire group, even though she might be wrong in your eyes that doesn't mean she's doing it for somebody else. Shane kills a man just so he can save his own skin and is ready to kill his own best friend just so he can steal his wife. I don't see any resemblance...
I really don't hate Lilly, she is after all a fictional character. I was merely flipping the coin for her cyber-boyfriend-wannabe.
I didn't read the last one seeing as when it comes to threads about Lilly every avid user of this forum tries to avoid starting a stupid argument with your stubbornness and insane infatuation with Lilly. Yeah we're suppose to care about the characters but you take this shit way to far. I instantly regret posting here , I should've known you were lurking around trying to "protect" Lilly. I guess it's time for me to find a new thread.
That's just it, I AM siding with Kenny (for the most part, at least) because I think that he's right. I have a sinking feeling that the boat won't be there, but it's our only plan. Not having a plan at all is more likely to get you killed IMO. With a plan you have a goal to strive toward, objectives to achieve, a reason to go on. I'd rather take a slim chance than wander the Georgia wilderness aimlessly, hoping for some form of salvation.
I'd rather be with Doug or Carley though. They ahve your back no matter what...or better yet Doug AND Carley. Then we'd never fail.
Yeah, sounds like Shane had more reason to kill than Lilly did.
Shane killed since he can't accept a no.
Actually, Shane, since we are obviously comparing Lilly to a very alternate reality Shane than the one that actually is still currently existing in her reality (who, by the way, was just a psychopath since the start of the apocalypse, desperately holding on to the notion that the government was going to save them all if they just sat around with their thumbs up their asses), has some similarities and major differences from Lilly.
Shane kills Otis not just for himself (that is a big part of it), but so that he can bring those supplies back and save Carl. If Shane didn't sacrifice Otis, the both of them would have assuredly died and then Carl would have died. Three people would be gone if not for his decision. Otis was morbidly obese and could barely run, and Shane was injured. The walkers would catch up to them at any point. Shane had already told Otis to take the supplies and go on without him, but Otis refused to leave him behind. Shane did what he did because it was the only option left to him, not just because he wanted to murder someone.
As far as not keeping the entire group safe... that's ALL Shane really did. Yes it's out of his insane infatuation with Lori, but what he does keeps everyone safe. He starts the slaughter of the walkers in the barn because that was a massive danger to the entire group. He wants to kill Randall because he was a dangerous person who attacked members of his group. If he escaped, Randall knew exactly where they were and could lead his people back and potentially rape, pillage and kill everyone in the group.
If ANYTHING, Shane is a more sane individual than Lilly ever was. Especially considering who Lilly goes on to side with and the atrocities she further commits, she is a MUCH bigger monster than Shane could ever have hoped to be in his wildest dreams. That includes his attempted murder of Rick!
Lilly became paranoid and in doing so, straight up murdered one of the group members. No rational discussion. No reasoning with her. She pulled the gun out, and for me, shot Carley out of speculation and no facts what so ever to reach that conclusion that Carley was the "traitor" of the group just because she had a mental break.
THEN, she has the gull to try and justify her actions because I'm a murderer. After I tried to help save her father who was nothing but an overt asshole to me, and tried to reason with them when they thought Duck was bitten.
Lilly's an unstable powder keg. I'm glad she's no longer with my group and I'll never regret leaving her on the side of the road.
You can find another forum if you want. I couldn't care less. If you're not here to discuss, why post in the first place?
Snake Liquid, yeah I totally forgot about the supplies. Thanks for bringing that up. Well, in that case you can find some similarities with TV Shane maybe but not with comic book Shane. However, Shane's attempt at murdering Rick was quite different from Lilly's shot at Ben/Carley. I mean her father was brutally murdered a week ago, while Shane hadn't really lost anything. I mean Lori was never truly his in the first place and she's still safe and sound.
I do not agree with your statement about Lilly and the Governor.
Same here. All I'll say is that was some story and damn. Can hardly wait to continue on with Road to Woodbury next month.
Season 2 spoilers:
The way Lori acted around him in the TV show, with a carried on relationship rather than the one time mistake it was in the comic, expressing actions that implied deep emotional connections, combined with their past of being so close with her, him and Rick. Then, when Rick comes back, Lori completely, and angrily shuts him out of her life. That kind of emotional pain is intense and really fractured the kind of person Shane was. Only then, at the very end, for Lori to admit to Shane that there truly were intense feelings, but for her to not even say that there is no hope for them to have a relationship. It finally just causes him to crack, much like the pain of Lilly's fathers death caused her to crack.
If Lee's story about killing the man his wife was sleeping with is fully true, then our main protagonist in the game knows better than ever how in an emotional break, you can do things you'd normally never do. Shane's stress of being totally alone, for being with three people that he loves more than anything but to be in such an awkward position that you can't be with any of them was just too much for him. Shane loved Rick. They were best friends since they were in high school. He loved Lori, then when the world went to hell and it was the only good thing left. He loved Carl, and would do and did anything for him. Then Rick comes back and he has none of them because of the way he feels about all of them.
I don't know. Shane was without a doubt the most complex and interesting character in the TV show. I have a lot of opinions about him, and none of them are that he was an evil, soulless monster. Not that Lilly is, I just still have my first impression of her from the comic, so that kind of clouds my opinion.
Fair enough. That's a very good point, plus I forgot about what all happens to the Governor thanks to Michonne. From Woodbury's perspective, Ricks group would appear a vicious monsters so it's understandable, but still just a bad situation.
I still remember the howl from angry players who sided with Kenny on every single thing except the meat locker. They complained that Kenny acted as if Lee had never sided with him on anything since they first met. That was a bummer but didn't really affect me since I disagreed with Kenny often and can't say we were ever friends.
Lilly on the other hand I did hate and she hated me as well. I can identify with many of the comments members have posted regarding Lilly. But in trying to look out for the people in my group a friendship developed between Lee and Lilly.
I don't have the benefit of having played multiple games to see what happens if I chose all the other options that are available. In my one playthrough, the call was made to side with Lilly. She turned out to be a really great friend even surpassing Carley. Even the last moments with her were bittersweet. I thought it was a terrific end to that part of the story when she was not sure if Lee would accept but she asked him to go with her in the RV. When Lee accepted she seemed happy to me.
Many know what happens to Lilly later on for those who have read the comics. How she becomes trapped. I've not read the comics but I still like to think that in those lonely moments Lilly will not focus on everyone who betrayed her but rather on Lee, her friend, who cared for her and wanted to go with her.
I know others have sided with Kenny and think that he is a swell guy. Be that as it may, I hope your friendship turns out as good as the one I have with Lilly.
For me Lee's murder also shows a lack of control.He mentions he already knew about the affair before the murder so surely it isn't a complete shock for him.Did he deliberately go looking for the senator or did he happen to walk in on them? His bio by Telltales says he claimed self defence but the state thought otherwise,surely that meant his testimony and the evidence for his version of the event must of been pretty weak.Also a broken relationship has the chance to be salvaged a dead family member or friend cannot,there's no hope or a return to how things were for the latter.
I didn't agree with Larry deciding to perform his own delayed act of capital punishment but I can understand his opinion,on a complete stranger,more than I do Carley's "I don't care you're a murderer, frankly that's a useful skill to have"?! hmm,somewhat ironic don't you think.
As for Lilly and the Governor it's shown that she's absoluety devastated when she sees what he has tricked her into doing and thus she is the one to turn on him and end his evil.She also then takes control of her fellow survivors and tries to lead them to safety.So for me she isn't some kind of psychopathic she-devil who is devoid of any emotions. She made a mistake just as Lee did, just because I care less or don't know the victim doesn't lessen the crime.
I completely understand why Telltale will probably keep the murder ambiguous.How would people take it if the Lee they've been playing,for all this time,set out deliberately to kill a man for revenge?
I think that Shane is one of the aspects where the TV show is superior to the comic book. Much better developed and interesting.
We should make a Shane thread in the forum
I absolutely agree with Kiel555 and FarmerJoe as well. Great posts you three, I don't think there is much I can add for now.
Nice post.
How do you think Lee's dream fits into all this? From his dream, which is a dream so may not be reliable, it seemed that he and his wife were having a nice evening (Like they both had a glass of wine in their hands and were laughing over something) then there is the sound of breaking window and Lee's wife screams....
I have no idea what happened but I believe veteran cops have good instincts and the one driving Lee to prison concluded that Lee "didn't do it" (murder the senator).
I'm still rather undecided with Lee's murder.It's still a mystery for me.
Is Lee's wife having a drink with Lee or is it the senator?Is she telling the senator that she loves him and it's Lee breaking in to attack her lover?
I don't remember hearing a male voice in the dream,do we hear Lee's voice?
No male voices. I was thinking that because Lee could hear her talking clearly..maybe up close...that he was nearby not at the window listening.. then Lee is frowning as she tells someone she loves them...
But there is so little to go from that I just don't know. I'd like hope for the best but the car ride to prison puts a damper on those hopes.
So you think that the three of them were in the same room.Which means Lee's wife turns to her lover and tells him "I love you,baby" right in front of Lee and then follows it with a laugh... Ouch. That must mean that the glass smashing must be Lee throwing the senator through the window
Yeah..I'm all confused. Would that be considered self defense by Lee:D
I do like the redemption aspect of Lee's story. It does bring a lot.
As for the dream, I don't have the slightest idea of what exactly happens. Plus, dreams are not always memories. It could be his own twisted version of what happened. It could be his own wish of what should've happened being destroyed by what actually happened
http://youtu.be/pfYV5b0N0tA is a video of the dream, if you want to review.
i can see them keeping it ambiguous, but it would annoy me a bit, i never saw any of TWD game as a redemption story i just figured either he didn't do it or it was an accident, i know some people saw it the complete opposite and think he is a murderer seeking redemption, but i saw it more of a "out of the frying pan, into the fire" sort of situation.
but if it did turn out that Lee was a psychopath and he murdered the senator for the pure satisfaction of gruesomely murdering the guy that slept with his wife, and he figured having a child around would be a good tactical shield in a number of scenarios (including a social shield) , i think i would just want lee to die or at least suffer as much as possible
Which explains why she's so good at surviving a ZA.
I think, in the end, the last two survivors will be Lilly and Carl... and well... I have this theory that Carl is really the current incarnation of Death... so nothing short of Carl will stop her.
Ben's body count is far larger.
-His entire class
-half of Lee's group
That's not to say Carl won't take that title from Ben's cold, undead hands though...
Ben's a pariah dog.... Carl's the right hand of death.