Well, if you don't count Brotherhood of Steel and Tactics. Then it's the one that doesn't count. I love 1 and 3, but 2 was silly and almost peaceful. Civilization sort of survived, plants grow, and everything is a [loud and jarring] pop culture reference. Plus that damn trial intro? The game forces me to make a character based around how I should play the game.
Mostly the same thing. The tone was fixed though. Also the support characters were way better than in 3. But Sunny Smiles has the worst damn voice actor ever.
And here I thought Lilly was the feminist-bait type of fictional character that makes people swoon.
No. Lilly is the misunderstood khaki debutante, who is much too dainty to hunt. She's exists to make executive decisions for lesser beings. Ask Yami, he's in the know.
No. Lilly is the misunderstood khaki debutante, who is much too dainty to hunt. She's exists to make executive decisions for lesser beings. Ask Yami, he's in the know.
You're right. Besides the escape from the motel, she's never put herself in danger. Even then, she was hiding with a gun while everybody else was in harms way.
No. Lilly is the misunderstood khaki debutante, who is much too dainty to hunt. She's exists to make executive decisions for lesser beings. Ask Yami, he's in the know.
Just like Lori Grimes. "Get in the kitchen? I never left!"
The fact that even if you agree with Lilly on everything and support her against Kenny everytime, she will still dump you and Clem (not to mention everyone else) to die on the road with no means of escape if walkers arrive, shows how much of a friend she really is :P
Say what you want about Kenny, at least he helps his friends.
Until you don't do something he MUST HAVE DONE for him... in which case he never stops bitching about it... and any time you need help he has a brain-fart.
Until you don't do something he MUST HAVE DONE for him... in which case he never stops bitching about it... and any time you need help he has a brain-fart.
Not really. He's only really angry if you try to help Larry and risk everyone else. This is a Lilly thread anyway, so why'd you think she left you for dead? :P
Until you don't do something he MUST HAVE DONE for him... in which case he never stops bitching about it... and any time you need help he has a brain-fart.
lee never dies if Kenny doesn't help, he wont let you die but he will only go the extra mile if you would for him and his family, otherwise you should just put some effort in and get that damn door off yourself
Not really. He's only really angry if you try to help Larry and risk everyone else. This is a Lilly thread anyway, so why'd you think she left you for dead? :P
Lee's a fawkin' Zombie Killing Maniac... she'd have to be dumb or crazy to kick him to the curb.
Until you don't do something he MUST HAVE DONE for him... in which case he never stops bitching about it... and any time you need help he has a brain-fart.
Kenny: Lee, I'm feelin' a bit thirsty. Can you go to the other side of the motel and get me some water?
Lee: No Kenny, I'm busy fortifying the wall to keep out walkers and bandits so we aren't killed in the night.
*Kenny will remember you made him get his own water*
Kenny: Lee, I'm feelin' a bit thirsty. Can you go to the other side of the motel and get me some water?
Lee: No Kenny, I'm busy fortifying the wall to keep out walkers and bandits so we aren't killed in the night.
*Kenny will remember you made him get his own water*
I laughed then remembered im a Kenny fanboy. :P
Nah from what others have said, it really is just based on the meat locker choice. At least you can get Kenny on your side. For Lilly every choice should either be
"Lilly is still crazy"
"Lilly will still leave you to die"
The relationship with Lilly never has you two joking and smiling at each other. She never cares to be your buddy or have your back in times of need.
She sees you as someone she can use. She sees you as a vote. Not Lee.
Side with Kenny he can see you're more then a vote.
You're more then Lee.
You're a friend. Get his back and he'll get your back.
The issue I have with Kenny is the fact that there are more opportunities in the game to do things for him and his family than there are to do things for Lilly and Larry that are optional, yet you can do all but one and Kenny will still turn on you. I fed his son in the pharmacy, consoled Kenny when he didn't help me save Sean/saved Duck instead of Sean(on second play through), I fed his son with the rations, I saved his wife from the walker at the motor inn, I saved his wife from Brenda at the saint John's house. Just because I didn't agree to kill Larry he refused to help me when Danny was pointing a gun at me and he watched me struggle in the pharmacy in episode 3 and waited to see if I would die, despite having a gun and being free to help me.
There are less opportunities to aid Lilly in the game than Kenny which are optional and meaningful. You can offer her a candy bar in the pharmacy, help her to get the medication for her father(not optional), agree that the group needs leadership in episode two, feed Larry with the rations and help her to try and revive Larry, so you can do far more for Kenny and his family. When I played, siding will Lilly the only time she went against me was when she outed me to the group in episode 3, telling them I was a murderer which can be excused given her emotional/mental state and her desperation.
My point is, I did less for her and Larry over the 3 episodes so I didn't feel as betrayed when she exposed my past as I did when Kenny left me for dead twice. Had Lilly of been of sound mind I think she would have been more Loyal to Lee than Kenny. At times there even seemed like there were possibilities for a romantic relationship to develop between them considering Lee and her father were the one's she most trusted. The Loss of her father would have made her bond closer with Lee if not for her having her break down and killing Carley.
Kenny on the other hand will treat Lee like an errand boy. If you check how he speaks to him e.g when he rushes him to cut of the teachers leg, he speaks down to him and gives orders, he also does this when he wants Lee to break in to the St John's slaughter house. Lilly treats Lee as an equal, with more respect when she feels supported by Lee and will show concern i.e when he returns from scouting the bandits base and when Lee tells her his plans to help Kenny check out the barn she says it's Lee's call but he should be careful since she thinks it's risky. Lilly shot at Andy when he was about to electicute Lee's head against the wired fence and episode 3 later reveals that she had a caring relationship towards Clementine, as she gave her hair clips to keep her hair tidy.
To stay friends with Kenny you have to agree with everything he says and practically suck up to him like a side kick. Every walkthrough I have seen on youtube where Kenny is friendly to Lee it is because the player did everything for Kenny and sided against Lilly at every opportunity.
Lilly behaves the opposite of Kenny in the sense that you can side against her through out episode 1 and 2 and just do one thing for her, try and save her father and she will forgive Lee for every other disagreement from earlier and have his back until she has her break down. Prior to her break down she seems to show more appreciation and memory of the things Lee has done for her through out the episodes.
I try to keep my arguments to the fuck Kenny thread but I'll post here once.
Kenny wasn't sure if he was able to save you gun or no gun. And when there are loads of walkers swarming, all using your pistol would do is waste ammo. And I bet most people are angry because they supported Keny until he meat locker, then he was angry at Lee. But I don't blame him, Lees who saved Lary risked his life and risked his family being eaten by the cannibals slowly and painfully for an old guy who treated everyone else like shit and might be dead. . They forced him to kill Larry by himself and shoulder the guilt himself, even if it was the right call.
Also I think moments like Kenny trusts you enough to tell you Duck is bitten (he could have kept quiet, or lied) and when offers to teach you how to use he train, in case he dies, shows how much of a good friend he is.
Firstly Kenny doesn't tell you Duck is bitten it is his wife that informs Lee because she acknowledges the seriousness and the ramifications. Kenny sweeps it under the rug so to speak and is in denial, choosing to believe his son won't turn into a walker.
With regards to the pharmacy incident in episode 3 for those that didn't kiss Kenny's arse throughout the series, Kenny knew he could have helped Lee he just chose not to. The noise from using a gun is only an issue when they want to go unnoticed. The place was overrun, that was a good enough reason to use a gun as any. The proof that he could have helped Lee is that he will help Lee on a different play through if he still likes Lee enough to.
As for the meat locker situation, assuming Lee froze up and did not, in the moment see things from Kenny's point of view that was still no reason to deliberately leave Lee for dead. Kenny suggesting Clementine crawls through the vent into an unknown location put her at as much risk as Lee put the group in my refusing to kill Larry before he reanimated.
Personally I don't believe that Lee and Lilly put the group at risk considering they had the advantage of kneeling/standing over him. If he is on his back he is not as strong as 2 adults using their force downwards towards him. Unlike the incident at the motor inn when Lee was on his back fighting of the zombie. Zombie's are not gifted with super strength, they are not stronger than they were before death. Lee struggled at the motor inn because it's weight was on top of him. Kenny did not take this into account. Lee and Lilly would have had more leverage. They had higher ground. That is how Obi wan defeated Anakin in starwars episode 3. Larry could have been restrained. Kenny could have held the salt lick above his head in case he turned into a zombie but he was impatient and chose the short and easier route of killing Larry the easiest way possible. Kenny was not in a good emotional state considering he was panicking about the fate of his wife and son when he made the decision to kill Larry. He even looks regretful after he has done it as if in disbelief of his own actions. He just wanted to get out of the meat locker to find his family and he didn't think or care about anything else and was even quick to suggest Clementine climbed though the shaft.
The point i'm making here is that Kenny's behavior towards Lee after the meat locker incident is not justifiable, given the way Lee has looked out for his family for the last 3 months. There is no way Lee disagreeing with him about his views on killing Larry in cold blood in front of his daughter and an 8 year old girl can negate or erase all of the sacrifices Lee had made for Kenny, Duck and Kat.
Lee took a risk out of compassion. Carley took a risk to leave the pharmacy to save Kenny,Duck,Kat,Clem and Lee. Had Carley of listened to Lilly in the drugstore Lee and his whole group would have died. The same compassion and desire to save a life Carly and Glen showed in helping Lee's group is the same compassion Lee shows in trying to save Larry. When they gave away their position at the pharmacy in episode 1 there were hordes of zombies.
Kenny was panicking and thinking about the easiest option when refusing to help Larry the same way Larry was in the pharmacy when he didn't want Lee's group inside to attract the outside zombies attention to them.
When duck is bitten Kenny is willing to keep him in the group putting everyone at risk on a moving train and whilst driving the RV. Had Duck of turned whilst Kenny was driving he could have crashed and killed everyone but he took that risk out of love for his son. I would say the group were at a greater risk then than they were in the meat locker as there was no guarantee that Larry would have turned into a zombie.
Firstly Kenny doesn't tell you Duck is bitten it is his wife that informs Lee because she acknowledges the seriousness and the ramifications. Kenny sweeps it under the rug so to speak and is in denial, choosing to believe his son won't turn into a walker.
With regards to the pharmacy incident in episode 3 for those that didn't kiss Kenny's arse throughout the series, Kenny knew he could have helped Lee he just chose not to. The noise from using a gun is only an issue when they want to go unnoticed. The place was overrun, that was a good enough reason to use a gun as any. The proof that he could have helped Lee is that he will help Lee on a different play through if he still likes Lee enough to.
As for the meat locker situation, assuming Lee froze up and did not, in the moment see things from Kenny's point of view that was still no reason to deliberately leave Lee for dead. Kenny suggesting Clementine crawls through the vent into an unknown location put her at as much risk as Lee put the group in my refusing to kill Larry before he reanimated.
Personally I don't believe that Lee and Lilly put the group at risk considering they had the advantage of kneeling/standing over him. If he is on his back he is not as strong as 2 adults using their force downwards towards him. Unlike the incident at the motor inn when Lee was on his back fighting of the zombie. Zombie's are not gifted with super strength, they are not stronger than they were before death. Lee struggled at the motor inn because it's weight was on top of him. Kenny did not take this into account. Lee and Lilly would have had more leverage. They had higher ground. That is how Obi wan defeated Anakin in starwars episode 3. Larry could have been restrained. Kenny could have held the salt lick above his head in case he turned into a zombie but he was impatient and chose the short and easier route of killing Larry the easiest way possible. Kenny was not in a good emotional state considering he was panicking about the fate of his wife and son when he made the decision to kill Larry. He even looks regretful after he has done it as if in disbelief of his own actions. He just wanted to get out of the meat locker to find his family and he didn't think or care about anything else and was even quick to suggest Clementine climbed though the shaft.
The point i'm making here is that Kenny's behavior towards Lee after the meat locker incident is not justifiable, given the way Lee has looked out for his family for the last 3 months. There is no way Lee disagreeing with him about his views on killing Larry in cold blood in front of his daughter and an 8 year old girl can negate or erase all of the sacrifices Lee had made for Kenny, Duck and Kat.
Lee took a risk out of compassion. Carley took a risk to leave the pharmacy to save Kenny,Duck,Kat,Clem and Lee. Had Carley of listened to Lilly in the drugstore Lee and his whole group would have died. The same compassion and desire to save a life Carly and Glen showed in helping Lee's group is the same compassion Lee shows in trying to save Larry. When they gave away their position at the pharmacy in episode 1 there were hordes of zombies.
Kenny was panicking and thinking about the easiest option when refusing to help Larry the same way Larry was in the pharmacy when he didn't want Lee's group inside to attract the outside zombies attention to them.
When duck is bitten Kenny is willing to keep him in the group putting everyone at risk on a moving train and whilst driving the RV. Had Duck of turned whilst Kenny was driving he could have crashed and killed everyone but he took that risk out of love for his son. I would say the group were at a greater risk then than they were in the meat locker as there was no guarantee that Larry would have turned into a zombie.
Nope, its pretty clear they both inform Lee, Kat is just the one to talk. When Kat told Lee, Ken did not look angry but just sad and he says something around how honesty is important. Theres no proof or evidence to suggest Kenny didnt want to tell anyone. And i dont blame him for being in denial, its probably a easy reaction for someone who's son has just been condemned to death. Not to mention we still dont know much about the disease, for all we know it doesnt affect children.
And just because Kenny doesnt rush in to save a guy he doesnt like in ep 3 and rushes in to save a friend in the same situation doesnt make him a bad person. Its natural. Not to mention, gunshots will dig them a bigger hole as it will attract even more zombies and possibly bandits from the area, making there escape that much harder.
What do you mean, leave Lee for dead anyway? In the meatlocker, he just pushes Lee aside and makes the right choice himself. Not really leaving him for dead. For Clem, you are hardly sending her into a small room with a huge zombie waiting on the other side. Even if the bandits do find her, they'll probably just stick her back in the locker and put a guard in that room. No point killing her and wasting food. Not to mention its only one person. With you refusing to kill Larry, you risk the lives OF THE ENTIRE GROUP, not to mention Kat and Duck getting absolutely horrible deaths. Besides, there was no other way to get out of the meatlocker anyway. If its a choice between everyone getting killed or risking Clem's life, sorry clem get in the vent :P
And sure, zombies dont get super strong. But Larry was huge and strong in life, as he will be in undeath, so he is a much larger threat than you're average walker. I think he will be stronger than the two, especially since they are basically starving and they havent eaten in absolutely ages. Not to mention they tend to jump up and no one had any decent weapons to deal with him, so there was a huge chance of him biting someone and Kenny doesnt know how bites even work. Add all that, and you simply cant deny he is a huge threat. If Kenny misses the saltlick or Larry jumps up (as they do) and moves slightly, then they are all dead. The smartest option is the safest option and thats to kill him before he reaminates. And sure he looked regretful. I would think he was evil if he didnt regret it, but it was still the right option. And again, sending Clem through the vent was the only way they are getting out and i dont blame him for wanting to get his family ASAP.
In the meatlocker, if you try to help Larry, you threaten Kenny and the only thing he cares about which is his family. And not just with quick deaths, or even getting eaten by zombies. No, you risk his family getting pieces cut off of them, bit by bit, and this could go on for days or even months. Kept alive with medicine and bandages, so they dont die and reaminate, so they can get as much meat as possible. You risked that happening (as well as everyone elses lives) for some old bastard who punched you in the face after you got him his heart medicine. Hard to see why he doesnt like you anymore And at the end of the day, he hasnt tried to kill you or anything but if it comes to life or death situations, he is less likely to risk his own life to save youre own.
And i get its a risk of compassion. But the risk in the meatlocker is HUGE compared to the one in the shop, not to mention it risks children getting eaten slowly by cannibals. And at least the people in the pharmacy had weapons and had a strong gate to hide behind. None of that in the meatlocker. The only thing stopping everyone from getting killed is the chance that Larry is in fact not dead, after having a huge heart attack, (and the last time we had to get him medicine). The two situations are completely different.
Same with the RV. I'd put there chances of survival of an RV crash much higher than there chances of survival against a huge zombie Larry in a small meatlocker with no weapons with the added risk of people getting eaten alive slowly outside. Not to mention there is no guarantee that Kenny would actually crash the RV. And we know that Duck would have to die before he reaminates and i trusted Kat to shout out or get Kenny to stop when he died or was about to die as she did. Obviously the right choice.
The issue I have with Kenny is the fact that there are more opportunities in the game to do things for him and his family than there are to do things for Lilly and Larry that are optional, yet you can do all but one and Kenny will still turn on you. I fed his son in the pharmacy, consoled Kenny when he didn't help me save Sean/saved Duck instead of Sean(on second play through), I fed his son with the rations, I saved his wife from the walker at the motor inn, I saved his wife from Brenda at the saint John's house. Just because I didn't agree to kill Larry he refused to help me when Danny was pointing a gun at me and he watched me struggle in the pharmacy in episode 3 and waited to see if I would die, despite having a gun and being free to help me.
There are less opportunities to aid Lilly in the game than Kenny which are optional and meaningful. You can offer her a candy bar in the pharmacy, help her to get the medication for her father(not optional), agree that the group needs leadership in episode two, feed Larry with the rations and help her to try and revive Larry, so you can do far more for Kenny and his family. When I played, siding will Lilly the only time she went against me was when she outed me to the group in episode 3, telling them I was a murderer which can be excused given her emotional/mental state and her desperation.
My point is, I did less for her and Larry over the 3 episodes so I didn't feel as betrayed when she exposed my past as I did when Kenny left me for dead twice. Had Lilly of been of sound mind I think she would have been more Loyal to Lee than Kenny. At times there even seemed like there were possibilities for a romantic relationship to develop between them considering Lee and her father were the one's she most trusted. The Loss of her father would have made her bond closer with Lee if not for her having her break down and killing Carley.
Kenny on the other hand will treat Lee like an errand boy. If you check how he speaks to him e.g when he rushes him to cut of the teachers leg, he speaks down to him and gives orders, he also does this when he wants Lee to break in to the St John's slaughter house. Lilly treats Lee as an equal, with more respect when she feels supported by Lee and will show concern i.e when he returns from scouting the bandits base and when Lee tells her his plans to help Kenny check out the barn she says it's Lee's call but he should be careful since she thinks it's risky. Lilly shot at Andy when he was about to electicute Lee's head against the wired fence and episode 3 later reveals that she had a caring relationship towards Clementine, as she gave her hair clips to keep her hair tidy.
To stay friends with Kenny you have to agree with everything he says and practically suck up to him like a side kick. Every walkthrough I have seen on youtube where Kenny is friendly to Lee it is because the player did everything for Kenny and sided against Lilly at every opportunity.
Lilly behaves the opposite of Kenny in the sense that you can side against her through out episode 1 and 2 and just do one thing for her, try and save her father and she will forgive Lee for every other disagreement from earlier and have his back until she has her break down. Prior to her break down she seems to show more appreciation and memory of the things Lee has done for her through out the episodes.
It's the MEAT LOCKER! You can side against Kenny EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. but the meat locker, and he'll have your back from then on. I refused to take the food, and I shot the girl in the street when he told me to leave her. Guess what? He called me his pal in the pharmacy, just after helping me get out from under the door. When I told him I was a murderer, he said "It doesn't matter Lee. And don't think you owe anyone an explanation. You're ok with me" or something like that. He sin't friendly to me because he thinks I'm his henchman, he's friendly to me because we are FRIENDS. Whenever he says something that I agree with, I agree with him because I think he truly is right.
I don't see how giving Clem hair ties counts as Lilly lining up to be her new mother. Lilly didn't truly CARE about anyone except Larry. That's why staying near Macon was so important. For LARRY'S heart medication. She wasn't the one who saved the group in the pharmacy in Episode 1, that was Kenny. She only cared about her father during that incident, while Kenny took charge and got almost everyone out alive. He even comes back for Lee if Lee was a complete asshole to him during the entire episode. It doesn't seem like Lilly and Kenny are all that different, but at least Kenny didn't steal the RV and leave everyone to die at the train. Lilly does that no matter what, just like Kenny saving you in Episode 1.
It's the MEAT LOCKER! You can side against Kenny EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. but the meat locker, and he'll have your back from then on. I refused to take the food, and I shot the girl in the street when he told me to leave her. Guess what? He called me his pal in the pharmacy, just after helping me get out from under the door. When I told him I was a murderer, he said "It doesn't matter Lee. And don't think you owe anyone an explanation. You're ok with me" or something like that. He sin't friendly to me because he thinks I'm his henchman, he's friendly to me because we are FRIENDS. Whenever he says something that I agree with, I agree with him because I think he truly is right.
I don't see how giving Clem hair ties counts as Lilly lining up to be her new mother. Lilly didn't truly CARE about anyone except Larry. That's why staying near Macon was so important. For LARRY'S heart medication. She wasn't the one who saved the group in the pharmacy in Episode 1, that was Kenny. She only cared about her father during that incident, while Kenny took charge and got almost everyone out alive. He even comes back for Lee if Lee was a complete asshole to him during the entire episode. It doesn't seem like Lilly and Kenny are all that different, but at least Kenny didn't steal the RV and leave everyone to die at the train. Lilly does that no matter what, just like Kenny saving you in Episode 1.
That's not what happened in my plays. While I was supporting or sometimes not Kenny, he kept whining for every single time I didn't side with him, calling me all sorts of names. Not exactly a friend. Even if you're friends he doesn't even try to understand your point. Guess he's just letting it go without discussing.
For the second paragraph I think you're giving Kenny too much credit. He did almost nothing in ep. 1 except threatening to kill the strangers that saved our lives. Well, I guess that's how he is with strangers.
Lee and Glenn did most of the things, found fuel and the key to the pharmacy.
That's not what happened in my plays. While I was supporting or sometimes not Kenny, he kept whining for every single time I didn't side with him, calling me all sorts of names. Not exactly a friend. Even if you're friends he doesn't even try to understand your point. Guess he's just letting it go without discussing.
For the second paragraph I think you're giving Kenny too much credit. He did almost nothing in ep. 1 except threatening to kill the strangers that saved our lives. Well, I guess that's how he is with strangers.
Lee and Glenn did most of the things, found fuel and the key to the pharmacy.
He only threatened to kill Larry. Larry, the old man who left us for dead, was trying to get everyone to side with him and kill Duck, Kenny's son. They didn't exactly welcome our group with open arms. Then again, maybe Kenny should have just stepped aside and let Larry smash Duck's head in for the sake of being polite, right?
He only threatened to kill Larry. Larry, the old man who left us for dead, was trying to get everyone to side with him and kill Duck, Kenny's son. They didn't exactly welcome our group with open arms. Then again, maybe Kenny should have just stepped aside and let Larry smash Duck's head in for the sake of being polite, right?
Of course, not. He could've check his son first, before threatening anybody. What if they were a united group, one that would see us as potential troublemakers and left us out because Kenny threatened Larry?
We had no guns and they had just saved our lives, despite having problems of their own.
Larry acted in the best of the group, something you usually claim Kenny does.
However, the slight difference is that Larry wasn't hostile to people who could be trouble (for example the St. Johns), he was hostile to people who had attitude, no brains and no guns.
I don't want to have Kenny beside me when I meet new people. He could only put me in trouble.
Of course, not. He could've check his son first, before threatening anybody. What if they were a united group, one that would see us as potential troublemakers and left us out because Kenny threatened Larry?
We had no guns and they had just saved our lives, despite having problems of their own.
Larry acted in the best of the group, something you usually claim Kenny does.
However, the slight difference is that Larry wasn't hostile to people who could be trouble (for example the St. Johns), he was hostile to people who had attitude, no brains and no guns.
I don't want to have Kenny beside me when I meet new people. He could only put me in trouble.
Kat was already checking, and Kenny needed to hold Larry off while she did so. Larry was ready to throw out Duck right there and then. Besides two people checking would just be unnessesary.
Whose "they" anyway? It was just Carely who stood up and did what she thought was right. And its not like he went in and started threatening and picking fights with the whole group. Larry immediatly got in Kenny's face and started shouting about how they need to kill Duck, even though he has no proof and no evidence of a bite. He's hardly going to go "Well i dont think you are right, but since you saved our lives I guess you can take our son and kill him, even though you have no proof he is bitten. One of your group members saved our lives so it is only fair" :P
And how did Kenny have attitude? They literally did nothing wrong before Larry started shouting. No guns? Just because they have no weapons doesnt mean he is allowed to be hostile to everyone. No brains? If Larry was smart, he would realise that killing a child before getting proof is dumb, especially if the pissed off father is standing right there. Kenny did nothing wrong and said nothing hostile to the St Johns when he arrived, so he obviously doesnt go around picking fights with people. And before you mention Omid or Chuck, his wife and son had just died like 2 hours ago, so he was seriously pissed off.
Of course, not. He could've check his son first, before threatening anybody. What if they were a united group, one that would see us as potential troublemakers and left us out because Kenny threatened Larry?
We had no guns and they had just saved our lives, despite having problems of their own.
Larry acted in the best of the group, something you usually claim Kenny does.
However, the slight difference is that Larry wasn't hostile to people who could be trouble (for example the St. Johns), he was hostile to people who had attitude, no brains and no guns.
I don't want to have Kenny beside me when I meet new people. He could only put me in trouble.
Larry , much like his daughter, doesn't believe in "proof". He was ready to kill a child because he "thought" he was bitten, without reasonable evidence. I didn't really see the entire group come out to save us, I saw Carley and Glenn. Lilly and Larry don't get credit for other people's actions. Lilly and Larry stayed inside the pharmacy being pissed because two people chose to do what they thought was right. They were hostile because Carley and Glenn went against their orders, and immediately set in with "Never disobey me again" and my favorite "We should have let you die out there". Then Larry starts with his "The kid might be bitten, let's kill him" spiel. He couldn't even wait for Kat to check. If Kenny hadn't gotten in his face, Duck would have been walker chow within 10 seconds. I think Kenny would ahve been a horrible person if he HADN'T stood up for his son. Larry and Lilly made a far worse first impression on us than we did on them. Perhaps if they had showed just a little bit of humanity. And to think, all it took was the end of the world to bring their "kindness" out later on.
You're missing a very important point here. They were the people with the gun. Their entire group risked their lives for us. Even if Lilly and Larry just stood in they still risked their lives because our group was stupid screaming "You friendly?" in a walker infested town.
So yeah, they were the one that saved us and even if they have some power struggles you still can't be sure how they'll react when you start threatening them. It's one thing to stand up for your own and another to start yelling and threatening with murder. What if they were the sort of people who would join the Governor (Ironically, Lilly joins him, lol), they could've had a very bad response to such a threat.
For me personally that was the point where I understood that Kenny is not only a coward, but he's really dumb. He does not really think about stuff, he just talks and talks...
I'm not really judging Lilly's group in this scene because you know we were the ones that crashed their party. They could've all let us die.
I didn't play favorites between the two in my canon playtrough. I supported kenny when I thought he was right and supported Lilly when i thought she was right.
I played both sides and tried to diffuse hostilities where I could.
Lily and I got along fine because of this. Kenny and I didn't. Why? Because you have to support Kenny in every single instance. It doesn't matter if I saved his kid and stuck up for him when larry thought he was bitten.
Because I didn't agree with holding back Lily while Kenny dropped a salt lick on larry I wasn't cool.
Guess what kenny doing the logical thing isn't always the right thing. There is nothing wrong with waiting and trying to revive Larry before ultimately convincing Lily that he is dead.
Nope it had to be done his way and if not I was coward. Fuck kenny.
Now with the loss of his wife and child I have much more sympathy for the man. I will try and do my best to help through this difficult time but I won't forget who he is.
People like to blame Ben for the events that unfolded. From my perspective it was lily and kenny (to a lesser extent) who were the perpetrators. If it wasn't bandits and ben it would have been something else.
You're missing a very important point here. They were the people with the gun. Their entire group risked their lives for us. Even if Lilly and Larry just stood in they still risked their lives because our group was stupid screaming "You friendly?" in a walker infested town.
So yeah, they were the one that saved us and even if they have some power struggles you still can't be sure how they'll react when you start threatening them. It's one thing to stand up for your own and another to start yelling and threatening with murder. What if they were the sort of people who would join the Governor (Ironically, Lilly joins him, lol), they could've had a very bad response to such a threat.
For me personally that was the point where I understood that Kenny is not only a coward, but he's really dumb. He does not really think about stuff, he just talks and talks...
I'm not really judging Lilly's group in this scene because you know we were the ones that crashed their party. They could've all let us die.
The problem with Lily was she lived her life through Larry. Even if she knew thought what he was doing was wrong she'd take his side regardless.
I can't remember the entire dialogue sequence but I thinks that what happened when duck was suspected of being bit.
The problem with Lily was she lived her life through Larry. Even if she knew thought what he was doing was wrong she'd take his side regardless.
I can't remember the entire dialogue sequence but I thinks that what happened when duck was suspected of being bit.
Actually she didn't take his side. She tried to calm people down because she knew her father was wrong, she was just afraid to say it out load. It is actually a normal reaction. You don't say things like that in front of strangers, not out loud. Why? Because your closest person might feel betrayed if you take the side of strangers. The best way is to try to calm both sides. I wouldn't betray my own, especially in front of strangers even if I see that they are wrong. I would probably do exactly what she did. Tried to make them stop and rethink it. Trust is a very touchy subject, especially during ZA.
Actually she didn't take his side. She tried to calm people down because she knew her father was wrong, she was just afraid to say it out load. It is actually a normal reaction. You don't say things like that in front of strangers, not out loud. Why? Because your closest person might feel betrayed if you take the side of strangers. The best way is to try to calm both sides. I wouldn't betray my own, especially in front of strangers even if I see that they are wrong. I would probably do exactly what she did. Tried to make them stop and rethink it. Trust is a very touchy subject, especially during ZA.
What do you think would have happened if the bathroom walker hadn't interrupted the argument? Would Lilly have stood by and let Larry throw Duck out, even though she thought he was wrong?
Actually she didn't take his side. She tried to calm people down because she knew her father was wrong, she was just afraid to say it out load. It is actually a normal reaction. You don't say things like that in front of strangers, not out loud. Why? Because your closest person might feel betrayed if you take the side of strangers. The best way is to try to calm both sides. I wouldn't betray my own, especially in front of strangers even if I see that they are wrong. I would probably do exactly what she did. Tried to make them stop and rethink it. Trust is a very touchy subject, especially during ZA.
that is the sort of thing that makes lilly a gutless daddy's girl, if my dad wanted to kill a child out of pure paranoia i would have said "shut up dad! you will give yourself a heart attack, now lets check the child is ok before you go crazy" that is the kind of thing that would have made me thought she had balls, and i would have respected her as a leader, but as is she was just leader by the force of larry and not a good leader either
What do you think would have happened if the bathroom walker hadn't interrupted the argument? Would Lilly have stood by and let Larry throw Duck out, even though she thought he was wrong?
I suspect she would, but only if Lee and the majority of the others agreed that it needed to be done.
In the argument she was trying to diffuse the situation by telling her father to calm down. Larry didn't think she was taking the situation seriously enough, he was all "you're not fucking acting like it!"
They loved it other deeply but Larry was somewhat of a handicap for Lilly.
I suspect she would, but only if Lee and the majority of the others agreed that it needed to be done.
In the argument she was trying to diffuse the situation by telling her father to calm down. Larry didn't think she was taking the situation seriously enough, he was all "you're not fucking acting like it!"
They loved it other deeply but Larry was somewhat of a handicap for Lilly.
that's a good point, i may have had a totally different impression of her if she was her own independent self, without the baggage of a controlling father she would have probably shown her military material and be a real leader
I don't see how giving Clem hair ties counts as Lilly lining up to be her new mother. Lilly didn't truly CARE about anyone except Larry. That's why staying near Macon was so important. For LARRY'S heart medication. She wasn't the one who saved the group in the pharmacy in Episode 1, that was Kenny. She only cared about her father during that incident, while Kenny took charge and got almost everyone out alive. He even comes back for Lee if Lee was a complete asshole to him during the entire episode. It doesn't seem like Lilly and Kenny are all that different, but at least Kenny didn't steal the RV and leave everyone to die at the train. Lilly does that no matter what, just like Kenny saving you in Episode 1.
That's being a little simplistic; if the only priority was her dad's medication, she wouldn't have advocated staying into Episode 3, cared about stolen supplies, etc. Staying at the motel made sense for reasons other than access to drugs, like the fact it provided shelter and water (both of which trump food as a survival concern, the lack of either one will kill you far quicker). As the saying goes; in an a survival situation, there's no such thing as a perfect spot, they only exist in manuals.
Lilly did seem to genuinely care about other people, we see that she spent time with Clementine when Lee wasn't around (in Jolene's video), she was concerned after Mark was shot, and she was the one that taught the survivors how to use the weapons they found and she helped with the bandits at the start of Episode 3, etc. and while she and her dad may have been cold about how they treated outsiders, Ben did kinda prove they had a point about being completely trusting of new people.
Both Lilly and Kenny put other people at risk for their families (hell, look at a video of Vold's silent playthrough and see what happens if you don't get Kenny to stop the train )... which is actually what I'd expect, to be honest - somebody's family is (or atleast should) be their first priority, just not necessarily their only one.
What do you think would have happened if the bathroom walker hadn't interrupted the argument? Would Lilly have stood by and let Larry throw Duck out, even though she thought he was wrong?
Replay the scene again using the silent option or side with Larry and you'll see. The bathroom scene come that early, Katjaa says there is no bite or scratch and Larry apologizes. There is a heated argument and a fight scene only if you side with Kenny.
Uh... I'm genuinely confused about what you mean. Are you talking about the cute, harmless rodent or the breed of dog?
or a
I think Ben is like that... yeah.
But Walking Dead, right? Hell of a game.
Just out of curiosity, what did you think of New Vegas?
No. Lilly is the misunderstood khaki debutante, who is much too dainty to hunt. She's exists to make executive decisions for lesser beings. Ask Yami, he's in the know.
You're right. Besides the escape from the motel, she's never put herself in danger. Even then, she was hiding with a gun while everybody else was in harms way.
Wow. Kenny seems more likable now.
Just like Lori Grimes. "Get in the kitchen? I never left!"
Say what you want about Kenny, at least he helps his friends.
Not really. He's only really angry if you try to help Larry and risk everyone else. This is a Lilly thread anyway, so why'd you think she left you for dead? :P
lee never dies if Kenny doesn't help, he wont let you die but he will only go the extra mile if you would for him and his family, otherwise you should just put some effort in and get that damn door off yourself
Lee's a fawkin' Zombie Killing Maniac... she'd have to be dumb or crazy to kick him to the curb.
Kenny: Lee, I'm feelin' a bit thirsty. Can you go to the other side of the motel and get me some water?
Lee: No Kenny, I'm busy fortifying the wall to keep out walkers and bandits so we aren't killed in the night.
*Kenny will remember you made him get his own water*
I laughed then remembered im a Kenny fanboy. :P
Nah from what others have said, it really is just based on the meat locker choice. At least you can get Kenny on your side. For Lilly every choice should either be
"Lilly is still crazy"
"Lilly will still leave you to die"
That sums it up perfectly
Lilly: Hey Lee, think you could go give my Dad a hand with working on the wall?
Lee: Sorry Lilly, but I'm going hunting with Kenny and Mark so that the group doesn't starve to death when our food runs out soon.
*Lilly will remember you didn't help Larry*
I don't play favorites. Everybody gets one.
There are less opportunities to aid Lilly in the game than Kenny which are optional and meaningful. You can offer her a candy bar in the pharmacy, help her to get the medication for her father(not optional), agree that the group needs leadership in episode two, feed Larry with the rations and help her to try and revive Larry, so you can do far more for Kenny and his family. When I played, siding will Lilly the only time she went against me was when she outed me to the group in episode 3, telling them I was a murderer which can be excused given her emotional/mental state and her desperation.
My point is, I did less for her and Larry over the 3 episodes so I didn't feel as betrayed when she exposed my past as I did when Kenny left me for dead twice. Had Lilly of been of sound mind I think she would have been more Loyal to Lee than Kenny. At times there even seemed like there were possibilities for a romantic relationship to develop between them considering Lee and her father were the one's she most trusted. The Loss of her father would have made her bond closer with Lee if not for her having her break down and killing Carley.
Kenny on the other hand will treat Lee like an errand boy. If you check how he speaks to him e.g when he rushes him to cut of the teachers leg, he speaks down to him and gives orders, he also does this when he wants Lee to break in to the St John's slaughter house. Lilly treats Lee as an equal, with more respect when she feels supported by Lee and will show concern i.e when he returns from scouting the bandits base and when Lee tells her his plans to help Kenny check out the barn she says it's Lee's call but he should be careful since she thinks it's risky. Lilly shot at Andy when he was about to electicute Lee's head against the wired fence and episode 3 later reveals that she had a caring relationship towards Clementine, as she gave her hair clips to keep her hair tidy.
To stay friends with Kenny you have to agree with everything he says and practically suck up to him like a side kick. Every walkthrough I have seen on youtube where Kenny is friendly to Lee it is because the player did everything for Kenny and sided against Lilly at every opportunity.
Lilly behaves the opposite of Kenny in the sense that you can side against her through out episode 1 and 2 and just do one thing for her, try and save her father and she will forgive Lee for every other disagreement from earlier and have his back until she has her break down. Prior to her break down she seems to show more appreciation and memory of the things Lee has done for her through out the episodes.
With regards to the pharmacy incident in episode 3 for those that didn't kiss Kenny's arse throughout the series, Kenny knew he could have helped Lee he just chose not to. The noise from using a gun is only an issue when they want to go unnoticed. The place was overrun, that was a good enough reason to use a gun as any. The proof that he could have helped Lee is that he will help Lee on a different play through if he still likes Lee enough to.
As for the meat locker situation, assuming Lee froze up and did not, in the moment see things from Kenny's point of view that was still no reason to deliberately leave Lee for dead. Kenny suggesting Clementine crawls through the vent into an unknown location put her at as much risk as Lee put the group in my refusing to kill Larry before he reanimated.
Personally I don't believe that Lee and Lilly put the group at risk considering they had the advantage of kneeling/standing over him. If he is on his back he is not as strong as 2 adults using their force downwards towards him. Unlike the incident at the motor inn when Lee was on his back fighting of the zombie. Zombie's are not gifted with super strength, they are not stronger than they were before death. Lee struggled at the motor inn because it's weight was on top of him. Kenny did not take this into account. Lee and Lilly would have had more leverage. They had higher ground. That is how Obi wan defeated Anakin in starwars episode 3. Larry could have been restrained. Kenny could have held the salt lick above his head in case he turned into a zombie but he was impatient and chose the short and easier route of killing Larry the easiest way possible. Kenny was not in a good emotional state considering he was panicking about the fate of his wife and son when he made the decision to kill Larry. He even looks regretful after he has done it as if in disbelief of his own actions. He just wanted to get out of the meat locker to find his family and he didn't think or care about anything else and was even quick to suggest Clementine climbed though the shaft.
The point i'm making here is that Kenny's behavior towards Lee after the meat locker incident is not justifiable, given the way Lee has looked out for his family for the last 3 months. There is no way Lee disagreeing with him about his views on killing Larry in cold blood in front of his daughter and an 8 year old girl can negate or erase all of the sacrifices Lee had made for Kenny, Duck and Kat.
Lee took a risk out of compassion. Carley took a risk to leave the pharmacy to save Kenny,Duck,Kat,Clem and Lee. Had Carley of listened to Lilly in the drugstore Lee and his whole group would have died. The same compassion and desire to save a life Carly and Glen showed in helping Lee's group is the same compassion Lee shows in trying to save Larry. When they gave away their position at the pharmacy in episode 1 there were hordes of zombies.
Kenny was panicking and thinking about the easiest option when refusing to help Larry the same way Larry was in the pharmacy when he didn't want Lee's group inside to attract the outside zombies attention to them.
When duck is bitten Kenny is willing to keep him in the group putting everyone at risk on a moving train and whilst driving the RV. Had Duck of turned whilst Kenny was driving he could have crashed and killed everyone but he took that risk out of love for his son. I would say the group were at a greater risk then than they were in the meat locker as there was no guarantee that Larry would have turned into a zombie.
Nope, its pretty clear they both inform Lee, Kat is just the one to talk. When Kat told Lee, Ken did not look angry but just sad and he says something around how honesty is important. Theres no proof or evidence to suggest Kenny didnt want to tell anyone. And i dont blame him for being in denial, its probably a easy reaction for someone who's son has just been condemned to death. Not to mention we still dont know much about the disease, for all we know it doesnt affect children.
And just because Kenny doesnt rush in to save a guy he doesnt like in ep 3 and rushes in to save a friend in the same situation doesnt make him a bad person. Its natural. Not to mention, gunshots will dig them a bigger hole as it will attract even more zombies and possibly bandits from the area, making there escape that much harder.
What do you mean, leave Lee for dead anyway? In the meatlocker, he just pushes Lee aside and makes the right choice himself. Not really leaving him for dead. For Clem, you are hardly sending her into a small room with a huge zombie waiting on the other side. Even if the bandits do find her, they'll probably just stick her back in the locker and put a guard in that room. No point killing her and wasting food. Not to mention its only one person. With you refusing to kill Larry, you risk the lives OF THE ENTIRE GROUP, not to mention Kat and Duck getting absolutely horrible deaths. Besides, there was no other way to get out of the meatlocker anyway. If its a choice between everyone getting killed or risking Clem's life, sorry clem get in the vent :P
And sure, zombies dont get super strong. But Larry was huge and strong in life, as he will be in undeath, so he is a much larger threat than you're average walker. I think he will be stronger than the two, especially since they are basically starving and they havent eaten in absolutely ages. Not to mention they tend to jump up and no one had any decent weapons to deal with him, so there was a huge chance of him biting someone and Kenny doesnt know how bites even work. Add all that, and you simply cant deny he is a huge threat. If Kenny misses the saltlick or Larry jumps up (as they do) and moves slightly, then they are all dead. The smartest option is the safest option and thats to kill him before he reaminates. And sure he looked regretful. I would think he was evil if he didnt regret it, but it was still the right option. And again, sending Clem through the vent was the only way they are getting out and i dont blame him for wanting to get his family ASAP.
In the meatlocker, if you try to help Larry, you threaten Kenny and the only thing he cares about which is his family. And not just with quick deaths, or even getting eaten by zombies. No, you risk his family getting pieces cut off of them, bit by bit, and this could go on for days or even months. Kept alive with medicine and bandages, so they dont die and reaminate, so they can get as much meat as possible. You risked that happening (as well as everyone elses lives) for some old bastard who punched you in the face after you got him his heart medicine. Hard to see why he doesnt like you anymore
And i get its a risk of compassion. But the risk in the meatlocker is HUGE compared to the one in the shop, not to mention it risks children getting eaten slowly by cannibals. And at least the people in the pharmacy had weapons and had a strong gate to hide behind. None of that in the meatlocker. The only thing stopping everyone from getting killed is the chance that Larry is in fact not dead, after having a huge heart attack, (and the last time we had to get him medicine). The two situations are completely different.
Same with the RV. I'd put there chances of survival of an RV crash much higher than there chances of survival against a huge zombie Larry in a small meatlocker with no weapons with the added risk of people getting eaten alive slowly outside. Not to mention there is no guarantee that Kenny would actually crash the RV. And we know that Duck would have to die before he reaminates and i trusted Kat to shout out or get Kenny to stop when he died or was about to die as she did. Obviously the right choice.
It's the MEAT LOCKER! You can side against Kenny EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. but the meat locker, and he'll have your back from then on. I refused to take the food, and I shot the girl in the street when he told me to leave her. Guess what? He called me his pal in the pharmacy, just after helping me get out from under the door. When I told him I was a murderer, he said "It doesn't matter Lee. And don't think you owe anyone an explanation. You're ok with me" or something like that. He sin't friendly to me because he thinks I'm his henchman, he's friendly to me because we are FRIENDS. Whenever he says something that I agree with, I agree with him because I think he truly is right.
I don't see how giving Clem hair ties counts as Lilly lining up to be her new mother. Lilly didn't truly CARE about anyone except Larry. That's why staying near Macon was so important. For LARRY'S heart medication. She wasn't the one who saved the group in the pharmacy in Episode 1, that was Kenny. She only cared about her father during that incident, while Kenny took charge and got almost everyone out alive. He even comes back for Lee if Lee was a complete asshole to him during the entire episode. It doesn't seem like Lilly and Kenny are all that different, but at least Kenny didn't steal the RV and leave everyone to die at the train. Lilly does that no matter what, just like Kenny saving you in Episode 1.
That's not what happened in my plays. While I was supporting or sometimes not Kenny, he kept whining for every single time I didn't side with him, calling me all sorts of names. Not exactly a friend. Even if you're friends he doesn't even try to understand your point. Guess he's just letting it go without discussing.
For the second paragraph I think you're giving Kenny too much credit. He did almost nothing in ep. 1 except threatening to kill the strangers that saved our lives. Well, I guess that's how he is with strangers.
Lee and Glenn did most of the things, found fuel and the key to the pharmacy.
He only threatened to kill Larry. Larry, the old man who left us for dead, was trying to get everyone to side with him and kill Duck, Kenny's son. They didn't exactly welcome our group with open arms. Then again, maybe Kenny should have just stepped aside and let Larry smash Duck's head in for the sake of being polite, right?
Of course, not. He could've check his son first, before threatening anybody. What if they were a united group, one that would see us as potential troublemakers and left us out because Kenny threatened Larry?
We had no guns and they had just saved our lives, despite having problems of their own.
Larry acted in the best of the group, something you usually claim Kenny does.
However, the slight difference is that Larry wasn't hostile to people who could be trouble (for example the St. Johns), he was hostile to people who had attitude, no brains and no guns.
I don't want to have Kenny beside me when I meet new people. He could only put me in trouble.
Kat was already checking, and Kenny needed to hold Larry off while she did so. Larry was ready to throw out Duck right there and then. Besides two people checking would just be unnessesary.
Whose "they" anyway? It was just Carely who stood up and did what she thought was right. And its not like he went in and started threatening and picking fights with the whole group. Larry immediatly got in Kenny's face and started shouting about how they need to kill Duck, even though he has no proof and no evidence of a bite. He's hardly going to go "Well i dont think you are right, but since you saved our lives I guess you can take our son and kill him, even though you have no proof he is bitten. One of your group members saved our lives so it is only fair" :P
And how did Kenny have attitude? They literally did nothing wrong before Larry started shouting. No guns? Just because they have no weapons doesnt mean he is allowed to be hostile to everyone. No brains? If Larry was smart, he would realise that killing a child before getting proof is dumb, especially if the pissed off father is standing right there. Kenny did nothing wrong and said nothing hostile to the St Johns when he arrived, so he obviously doesnt go around picking fights with people. And before you mention Omid or Chuck, his wife and son had just died like 2 hours ago, so he was seriously pissed off.
Larry , much like his daughter, doesn't believe in "proof". He was ready to kill a child because he "thought" he was bitten, without reasonable evidence. I didn't really see the entire group come out to save us, I saw Carley and Glenn. Lilly and Larry don't get credit for other people's actions. Lilly and Larry stayed inside the pharmacy being pissed because two people chose to do what they thought was right. They were hostile because Carley and Glenn went against their orders, and immediately set in with "Never disobey me again" and my favorite "We should have let you die out there". Then Larry starts with his "The kid might be bitten, let's kill him" spiel. He couldn't even wait for Kat to check. If Kenny hadn't gotten in his face, Duck would have been walker chow within 10 seconds. I think Kenny would ahve been a horrible person if he HADN'T stood up for his son. Larry and Lilly made a far worse first impression on us than we did on them. Perhaps if they had showed just a little bit of humanity. And to think, all it took was the end of the world to bring their "kindness" out later on.
So yeah, they were the one that saved us and even if they have some power struggles you still can't be sure how they'll react when you start threatening them. It's one thing to stand up for your own and another to start yelling and threatening with murder. What if they were the sort of people who would join the Governor
For me personally that was the point where I understood that Kenny is not only a coward, but he's really dumb. He does not really think about stuff, he just talks and talks...
I'm not really judging Lilly's group in this scene because you know we were the ones that crashed their party. They could've all let us die.
I played both sides and tried to diffuse hostilities where I could.
Lily and I got along fine because of this. Kenny and I didn't. Why? Because you have to support Kenny in every single instance. It doesn't matter if I saved his kid and stuck up for him when larry thought he was bitten.
Because I didn't agree with holding back Lily while Kenny dropped a salt lick on larry I wasn't cool.
Guess what kenny doing the logical thing isn't always the right thing. There is nothing wrong with waiting and trying to revive Larry before ultimately convincing Lily that he is dead.
Nope it had to be done his way and if not I was coward. Fuck kenny.
Now with the loss of his wife and child I have much more sympathy for the man. I will try and do my best to help through this difficult time but I won't forget who he is.
People like to blame Ben for the events that unfolded. From my perspective it was lily and kenny (to a lesser extent) who were the perpetrators. If it wasn't bandits and ben it would have been something else.
The problem with Lily was she lived her life through Larry. Even if she knew thought what he was doing was wrong she'd take his side regardless.
I can't remember the entire dialogue sequence but I thinks that what happened when duck was suspected of being bit.
Actually she didn't take his side. She tried to calm people down because she knew her father was wrong, she was just afraid to say it out load. It is actually a normal reaction. You don't say things like that in front of strangers, not out loud. Why? Because your closest person might feel betrayed if you take the side of strangers. The best way is to try to calm both sides. I wouldn't betray my own, especially in front of strangers even if I see that they are wrong. I would probably do exactly what she did. Tried to make them stop and rethink it. Trust is a very touchy subject, especially during ZA.
What do you think would have happened if the bathroom walker hadn't interrupted the argument? Would Lilly have stood by and let Larry throw Duck out, even though she thought he was wrong?
that is the sort of thing that makes lilly a gutless daddy's girl, if my dad wanted to kill a child out of pure paranoia i would have said "shut up dad! you will give yourself a heart attack, now lets check the child is ok before you go crazy" that is the kind of thing that would have made me thought she had balls, and i would have respected her as a leader, but as is she was just leader by the force of larry and not a good leader either
I suspect she would, but only if Lee and the majority of the others agreed that it needed to be done.
In the argument she was trying to diffuse the situation by telling her father to calm down. Larry didn't think she was taking the situation seriously enough, he was all "you're not fucking acting like it!"
They loved it other deeply but Larry was somewhat of a handicap for Lilly.
that's a good point, i may have had a totally different impression of her if she was her own independent self, without the baggage of a controlling father she would have probably shown her military material and be a real leader
That's being a little simplistic; if the only priority was her dad's medication, she wouldn't have advocated staying into Episode 3, cared about stolen supplies, etc. Staying at the motel made sense for reasons other than access to drugs, like the fact it provided shelter and water (both of which trump food as a survival concern, the lack of either one will kill you far quicker). As the saying goes; in an a survival situation, there's no such thing as a perfect spot, they only exist in manuals.
Lilly did seem to genuinely care about other people, we see that she spent time with Clementine when Lee wasn't around (in Jolene's video), she was concerned after Mark was shot, and she was the one that taught the survivors how to use the weapons they found and she helped with the bandits at the start of Episode 3, etc. and while she and her dad may have been cold about how they treated outsiders, Ben did kinda prove they had a point about being completely trusting of new people.
Both Lilly and Kenny put other people at risk for their families (hell, look at a video of Vold's silent playthrough and see what happens if you don't get Kenny to stop the train
Replay the scene again using the silent option or side with Larry and you'll see. The bathroom scene come that early, Katjaa says there is no bite or scratch and Larry apologizes. There is a heated argument and a fight scene only if you side with Kenny.