So... why do you like Carley?
Why is everyone so in love with Carley? Yeah her getting shot was bad, but honestly I was more mad about Doug getting shot.
If you are a Carley fan why do you like her character so much? For the fact she was a possible romance? Or that she was uber cute trying to put in batteries?
If you are a Carley fan why do you like her character so much? For the fact she was a possible romance? Or that she was uber cute trying to put in batteries?
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Valuable traits in a ZA ally.
She throught arguing and insulting a mentally unstable woman with a gun was a good idea. Not the brightest move sweetheart.
like my carley page (the link is in my sig
I saved her once, she saved me several times.
she was the best shooter of the group.
she cared about Lee, and others too.
I already liked her before the 'maybe romance'.For me she was the best of the group.
First of all, she has an attitude. She's sassy and doesn't take anybody's crap, and can give an attitude, yet she never comes off as a bitch (at least to me). I think it's really hard for a character to have an attitude to them and not be considered by the majority as a bitch, she's considered the opposite, and I think Telltale did wonderfully with that. I really love that in a character.
She's a great person. She's also like Clementine in the sense that she's kind of a ray of hope in the bleakness of the world right now. She believes in saving humans and saving as many people as possible, and does her best to save everyone just like she did with Lee. She thinks of others and is very kind and generous. She didn't judge Lee, knowing only the black and white of his past, and searched for the grey area. She sees the good in people. Even if Lilly is a bitch, she herself tells you in ep 3 at the Motor Inn that she's mainly just worried about her.
She's intelligent. Yes, she doesn't know how to put in batteries in a radio (which I find charming and hilarious) I think it's best to keep her humble that way, as like any other person she has flaws, too. She's a great shot and has a lot of skill, and gives the best advice that Lee probably has ever gotten and will ever get in his life. It's hard for people to give great advice, especially in this situation, but she always keeps herself strong. Seeing death all over, she doesn't falter and focuses on the positive side. She even goes as far as saying and knowing that she can handle herself despite all of the things that go on, and she does.
I saved her for all of these reasons, plus that she and Lee were bound to have a romance imo, which I am in love with their relationship (or well, what it was). I hope we get references to her in ep 4 and 5, as well as Doug for Doug fans! I also find her very attractive but that doesn't really seal the deal for a character for me.
I think she was greatly developed and I wish my favorite character ever would've stayed a bit longer.
Wow, this was long. But yeah, these are some of the reasons coming from a super huge Carley fan. I realized that I loved these qualities from episode 1. I don't dislike Doug, either, which I think some people have an issue with just simply liking both and not having to bash one or the other.
"Tell people you are a murderer, that sounds like a great idea!" Some moral compass she was.
and also so I didn´t kill Andy because of her.
"Right thing to do" and "Walking Dead" don't mix. Sorry to tell you that.
- She is considerate of the group as a whole. She never tried to take sides in the power struggle (at least the sides who just argued over their problems)
- She helped immensely with trying to save Irene, she did her best to help hold off the walkers at the drug store while the others escaped, she distracted Andy St. John and she helped deal with the bandits
- She is a good shot
- She had proven to be trustworthy from the beginning unlike some of the group
- She is the good kind of stubborn. She knows what is right and is willing to stand for it even if it kills her
- She is the one who urges Lee to let people know of his past for very good reasons, as well as try to support Lee in trying to settle the power struggle
- She is a strong female character who doesn't need to be a cold killer, scantily clad or a male fantasy object. Heck?
- She cares for Clementine's safety and encourages Lee to be a good guardian
- She is pretty (my one shallow reason), but a very natural and not oversexed pretty
I say those are good enough reasons to like her
Actually it does. It doesn't mix in just one way, but a central moral question of all mediums for TWD is "What is the right thing to do?" Some people differ in interpreting it, but there are plenty of characters who argue for the morally acceptable things by society's standards. In the game, so far Kenny is so far the only really vocal proponent of the controversial decisions.
I do SOME of my choices according to what i think 'right', some people also, so I guess sometimes TWD and 'right thing' mix.
Of course there are moments where it is obvious, let's say help an injured after a car accident just to have a random example. Very often these choices aren't that obvious in our lives.
My boss once truthfully said in a meeting:
"it's often not important what choice you make, it is important you make a choice, be it right or wrong, and work from there. Anything else will be a standstill, and that is always the wrong choice."
Well it might be a bad choice if a rash decision led to the collapse of your boss's entire company
Though admittedly results might happen in spite of choices. You try everything to keep everyone alive and yet Carley still dies. In that case, it's just how you feel on your choice and your motivation for it rather than if your choice appeared right or wrong.
Do you punish your child because it skipped school or not? You might not know the real cause (inspite of talking to her/him), but you will need to make a choice. Be it right, or wrong. Now that you've made a choice go from there. There is nothing wrong in admitting a mistake later.
And yes, sometimes there are situations in life where choices seem to be there, but in reality they are not. They will always lead you to a single outcome, maybe slightly adjusted, but not changed.
Elections would be a good example...
Oh I know. I was just making a joke
And totally agree. If you made a mistake, you just have to deal with it. It is better to make the right decision, but it is not always clear when you are rushing. That's why it is so important to keep a clear head when in those situations. Even if your decision is dire and urgent, coming in with a clear head will make things just a bit easier.
Sexy voice, sexy job, sexy posture, pretty face, good figure and loveable personality--now correct me if I'm wrong, but how the hell could I NOT fancy a girl like that?!
Oh, and btw I felt Doug's death fitted a lot better and respected his character a lot more.(although there was hardly enough room already. Great guy) But my Curvacious 'Car' was stupidly straight-up murdered because she pissed Lt.Lilly off.
Wrong move.
Which is why she died by taking an argument too far and calling Lilly a "dumb bitch"
And thanks to her brilliant work, either she or doug died.
Doug did too and he didn't waste ammo.
Doug did too and he didn't waste as much ammo.
Guns attract more of them, melee weapons are what you need.
"HEY LEE! I TOTALLY KNOW YOU ARE A MURDERER! Oh whoops, did I say that out loud in front of an 8 year old. I totally won't do that again" *everyone instantly trusts her.
Calling Lilly a "dumb bitch" was totally the right thing to do. Now what Doug did, sacrificing his life to save Ben's, that was immoral. :rolleyes:
"Tell people you are a murderor" is never a bright idea.
Or Dumb as a bag of hammers... wait she has that trait nvmd.
So does "Salt Lick on forehead" Kenny and "Got a Salt Lick thrown on forehead" Larry.
But that was YOUR interpretation of "right thing" my interpretation is completely different given the circumstances. That is why TWD and "right thing" don't mix, there is NO "right thing" to do in a world like this.
If you had something that people could use as fodder against you, it's absolutely the smart thing to do as long as it is tactful. What better way to deflate a trump car than to turn it on its head and make it no big deal? So explain calmly to people one by one you were sent to jail or have lilly blab through her filter to the group you're a murderer? I'll take option A please.
So she said it in front of Clem? Clem doesn't know the full story and clearly does not understand it until you decide if you want to explain it to her. She expresses understanding and more or less acceptance when you do tell her as well. And Carley kept to her word to not tell anybody if you ask her to. That counts as being trustworthy and not dumb.
And calling somebody out for being irrational is not stupid either. Sometimes you need to be harsh to make people calm down. Plus she was also trying to stand up for Ben so she had altruistic reasons to doing what she did. Lilly was not going to be dissuaded either way so in a way Carley did sacrifice herself by directing Lilly's anger to her.
I can say things I like about Doug at least even if I personally find him less interesting as a character. He is clearly a very genuine guy, he's funny, he is smart, he is resourceful, he cares about group safety, he is sympathetic for his grief over Carley (see, even he thinks she is awesome
Keep in mind too that this is a thread inviting Carley defenders to voice why they like her. You can disagree, but just calling everyone stupid who likes her is counter productive. At least I can meet people at a middle ground and say what I like about every character since I think it is a strong ensemble overall save for Christa and Omid (at least for the moment unless they get more development).
Such as? Every thing she has ever really done has either been a waste or something Doug did better. Not really a fanboy, its geniune fact. Yes she saves you at the St Johns, but Doug does just as well in a hilarious way. Secondly, I wouldn't call myself a "Doug fanboy". I'm certainly not taking his death over the deep end like the Carley fanboys.
Sure, that seems great in theory, but you are telling people that you are a murderer! Telling it yourself doesn't change the deed, if a person truly trusts/distrusts you, it won't matter who tells them they are a murderer, they already don't care either way.
In episode 3, Clem stated to me that she knew I was lieing and that I was a murderer, that is Carley's fault to the fullest. Then questioned why I would do that, clearly meaning she doesn't accept it. Sure Carley didn't tell someone, but neither did Larry. I don't see him earning any medals for that either.
Yes, but telling the person that wants you dead and has already snapped a "dumb bitch" and then thinking that won't make her shoot her was dumb.
That's one way to look at it I guess.
Carley says the same things about Doug and even says she only lived because of him before you guys met.
I've never said that. I say Carley is stupid, because she is, but not that people are stupid for choosing her, she is good with a gun, and was a potential love interest... what's this? I can say good things too? What a shock!
I can too, I'm just sick and tired of all the Carley fanboys out there, when she really didn't do all the things people said she did. She was nice yes, she was certainly better to Clem than Doug, and she could've been a good love interest, but holy crap she does not deserve the giant fanbase she got.
Also, it may be "why you like Carley", but that is no discussion unless you get people from the other side to talk to
2)l didn´t save Doug,l don´t know what he do
3)same as above
4)ok, I'll kill bandits with a hammer while they use guns, or will try to kill 5 zombies with a bat.
5)she saw Clem? if so, I see no problem with that.
6)yes Carley's fault for Lilly not like to hear the truth and react that way.
7)I think my team deserves to know the truth, when I told them that some spend more trust in me.
when you do not tell anyone and Lilly regard for others on the road, what happens?
how you make a moral choice?
I do or what i think 'right' (telling the truth for the group) or emotion (Ben threatening).'m not talking about the results but as you make the choice.
'your interpretation of "right thing" my interpretation is completely different given the circumstances'. OK
Actually, if Carley is alive and you take her advice and tell Clem in Episode 3, Clem tells you she is happy you finally told her. She only calls you out for lying if you don't tell her or if Carley is dead in Episode 1.
And what, no one has ever forgiven someone of murder in history? It's one thing to be distrusting but another when you just say screw everyone else because of a mistake (which it is implied his murder is). Katjaa doesn't mind, Lilly forgives you if you saved Larry, Kenny eventually just puts in the back of his mind from his loss along with if you are on good terms and only Ben is the suspicious one.
No one expected Lilly to break like that. Kenny killed her dad and she didn't snap. They argued with harder insults at the motor inn and she didn't snap. It was a surprise.
And you just imply everything she did was dumb. Well did you see the rage at Kenny for his "dumb actions" in episode 2? I never saw either of them as dumb. Kenny is incredibly impulsive and Carley was accidentally made to look dumb to do a puzzle (I read it as being stressed and not thinking straight, which does happen). I wouldn't label them as dumb though. That would be like saying Lee is the biggest klutz ever because of how many times he fell over in episode 1 (I'd say somewhere around a dozen!). He had a bad leg!
And I don't like Doug fanboys telling us how awesome Doug is when really he didn't do anything that impressive. He made a bell security system, flashed a laser pen in Andy's eyes and was pretty much passive when Lilly threatened to kill Ben until the very end. He's still a nice guy, but kind of a backseat person compared to Carley.
And there's nothing wrong with giant fan bases for side characters. Have you been on the Bioware forums? If you think Carley fanboys are crazy, wait until you see the huge fan love for just about every side character in the Mass Effect series. Even Conrad Verner has tons of fans and he's a creepy psycho fanboy NPC who stalks Shepard! Hardly someone who deserves attention, but people found him charming.
And nothing wrong with people reacting to a character action/loss. Remember all the rage against Kenny in episode 2? It just means people care, which means Telltale is making a great story. If we didn't care, we wouldn't keep playing or react to anything. I'm not in "bring Carley back" camp at all (dead is dead), but there is nothing wrong with liking a character.
Besides the possible romance and being uber cute, I would say I liked Carley because of her friendship. I liked that I could ask her for advice or that she would offer advice and she was actually trying her best to help you make the right decisions. I appreciated her support and really don't know what I did to deserve it. She saw something in Lee that I did not.
I also came to rely on Carley. When I escaped from the meat locker and was alone in the rain trying to figure out what to do next I can say that morale got a boost when Carley showed up with her Glock! I just knew that whatever happened next Carley was there and she's not going to let me die. Turned out both Lilly and Carley helped when Lee was fighting Andy.
Of all the characters Lee has met thus far, Lilly and Carley were his best friends (I'm only talking about my game here). I know darker days are ahead of us in e4 and e5 but if TTG breaks with TWD tradition and there is a happy ending then when Clem's mother thanks Lee for bringing Clem safely to her, I hope there is a dialogue option where Lee can turn down the praise and say "Clem is here with you today thanks to some really good friends we met along the way".
That's an odd thing to say considering his actions are a reflection of the player.
Raspy and hunchy, just how I like 'em!