You know what I'm sick of? People comparing Doug and Carley and bashing Carley in the process. Just love your character for god's sake, you don't need to bash the other just because they were preferred by the majority. A character doesn't "deserve" a fanbase or not. They earn it by people's individual opinions on the character, and people happened to really love Carley for their own reasons, and it's not for anyone to shun them down. Just like you have your reasons for loving Doug, Carley fans have reasons for loving Carley. That's that.
I didn't really see anything special about Carley. Yes, she was a trusted member of the group (though in my playthrough, Lee and Kenny are thick as thieves), but I didn't really go for the whole romance developing between them. Not because it seemed unrealistic or anything to that nature, but because I preferred more room for more interesting developments in the story aside from personnel, romanic relationships.
It seems we are getting a truly fascinating plot in the next episode with Kenny's mental health and the whole conspiracy aspect and I'm glad that Lee's first and foremost concern is still Clementine without any distractions for romance. Carley's death, along with most of episode 3, seemed to be the start of where things are truly getting to be at their worst with innocence and trust becoming swallowed by this walker invested world and where there is an even greater threat waiting for them ahead.
I didn't really see anything special about Carley. Yes, she was a trusted member of the group (though in my playthrough, Lee and Kenny are thick as thieves), but I didn't really go for the whole romance developing between them. Not because it seemed unrealistic or anything to that nature, but because I preferred more room for more interesting developments in the story aside from personnel, romanic relationships.
It seems we are getting a truly fascinating plot in the next episode with Kenny's mental health and I'm glad that Lee's first and foremost concern is still Clementine without any distractions for romance. Carley's death, along with most of episode 3, seemed to be the start of where things are truly getting to be at their worst with innocence and trust becoming swallowed by this walker invested world and where there is an even greater threat waiting for them ahead.
If things are about to get a lot darker,cruel,violent and disturbing for the group maybe Carley,Doug,Katjaa,Lilly and Duck will turn out to be the lucky ones...
I didn't really see anything special about Carley. Yes, she was a trusted member of the group (though in my playthrough, Lee and Kenny are thick as thieves), but I didn't really go for the whole romance developing between them. Not because it seemed unrealistic or anything to that nature, but because I preferred more room for more interesting developments in the story aside from personnel, romanic relationships.
Wholeheartedly agree. I was relieved in a way when Carley died because it spared me the whole (predictable) romance thing. I know a lot of people were into that aspect but I think especially in the context of a ZA it's overrated. I think sex will happen during that time but there's bigger priorities than romance.
It wasn't the romance factor. It was with Katjaa and Carly dead there really aren't any members of the group left I can trust do the right thing should a difficult circumstance arise.
Basically now it's me and Clem against the world as far as I'm concerned. I don't trust Ben as far as Telltale will let me throw him. kenny is broken and even when his mind was right I could never fully trust him.
Lily is broken and I left her at the side of the road. The new people are unknowns. Their close relationship makes me question whether they will do the right thing should the other become threatened.
Wholeheartedly agree. I was relieved in a way when Carley died because it spared me the whole (predictable) romance thing. I know a lot of people were into that aspect but I think especially in the context of a ZA it's overrated. I think sex will happen during that time but there's bigger priorities than romance.
Couldn't disagree more. I think a romantic relationship between Lee and Carley could have been interesting. It wouldn't have to be happy one... But it would have added a different aspect to the ZA-scenario. Now it's back to killing off characters, then restocking the group with new characters. Like in every other ZA-scenario...
Couldn't disagree more. I think a romantic relationship between Lee and Carley could have been interesting. It wouldn't have to be happy one... But it would have added a different aspect to the ZA-scenario. Now it's back to killing off characters, then restocking the group with new characters. Like in every other ZA-scenario...
Meh, to each their own. I wouldn't have enjoyed that storyline, it bugs me that they are toying with it on the show...I'm like HEY there's more important things going on than who's shagging who....yanno, like walking dead people!!
Couldn't disagree more. I think a romantic relationship between Lee and Carley could have been interesting. It wouldn't have to be happy one... But it would have added a different aspect to the ZA-scenario. Now it's back to killing off characters, then restocking the group with new characters. Like in every other ZA-scenario...
I agree! I think it would've been interesting, though I'm a major fan of Carley x Lee so I'm being biased. I do think that the romance shouldn't have gone all the way to the last episode though, I think it was great to kill Carley off, but I wish it would've been done in episode 4 so that their relationship would've developed more during ep 3. They definitely never had sex, it was a sort of innocent love that was mainly about trusting and relying on each other for everything and feelings starting along the way. Really, you don't need to have sex to become a couple. Love isn't just about "shagging" each other. Most ZA-scenarios mainly have sex for the most part, not a good friendship/pair of partners that turns into a nice and slightly shy relationship.
Since they developed it though, I hope they carry it on and make a few references or at least one in ep 4 and in ep 5 about Carley and/or Carley and Lee's almost relationship. It would really suck and I'd be really upset if her and Doug are just forgotten and not brought up at least a few times.
Like I said in another post, having a relationship with Carley could open all sorts of problems in a ZA world, like the dangers of leading with your heart and not with your head. Would you risk the lives of three survivors just to drop everything and rescue Carley? Would Carley appreciate that you endangered others just to save her? TT could have gotten some mileage out of that.
I also have my doubts that this is the end of Carley. I give a 50/50 chance of her returning.
Carley haters please keep reading before you all start booing…
Of course she was left on the side of the road but if TT really wanted her dead and gone completely, that bullet would have impacted her forehead. Seriously, why would TT do that and Lilly was just a few feet away, how could she miss? Since she took the hit to the cheek, TT now has enough wiggle room to bring Carley back.
I have been writing the Last Survivor where Carley is rescued by another group of survivors from We’re Alive (a podcast program). However, in writing this I soon realized that even being saved by the most kindest and able people possible (best cause scenario imaginable in a ZA), Carley has to feel abandoned and left for dead by Lee and the others. ‘Did they even bother to check my pulse before driving off?’ would be her most troubling thoughts. Something like that would just eat you away on the inside and make her angry and bitter which can be made worse by the type of people she is stuck with now. Meth using woods people anyone? If Lee comes across her again, at best she’ll greet him with a slap to the face and a “You left for me dead you SOB!”. At worse, she tries to say hi to him with a bullet.
If Carley does return, she most likely won’t be the same person because of all the possible nightmarish crap that happened to her. Even if the story situation was forced (Lee doesn't check the body to be sure?), what do you do if you unknowingly abandoned someone you care about behind? How do you make it up to them? What the heck do you do if she just wants you dead? What if you finally killed Ben to get back at him for Carley's death... Whoops! :eek:
Like I said in another post, having a relationship with Carley could open all sorts of problems in a ZA world, like the dangers of leading with your heart and not with your head. Would you risk the lives of three survivors just to drop everything and rescue Carley? Would Carley appreciate that you endangered others just to save her? TT could have gotten some mileage out of that.
This would've been very interesting.
Though I can see where people are coming from in that they don't want romance to be the main thing. I don't either as much as I'm a sucker for romances (especially tragic ones) since Lee and Clem's relationship take a bigger priority, but it would've been nice to see romance play a slightly bigger role in this. Though I think that was answered by Telltale in a way when Lee tells her that although he did like Carley, it wasn't any time for romance. But that doesn't mean it can't happen, right?
I also have my doubts about it being the end for Carley but since her and Doug's options have gone hand in hand, I don't know if they'd keep Carley alive and keep Doug dead. (since Doug's face was shown so he's surely dead, but Carley's never was) Instead of just leaving her like that, they should've checked her pulse or at least Lee saying a few words or even just looking back would really have finished such an emotional scene. That's what I didn't like, that they just left her. Not sure if it's considered a mistake by Telltale or if they intended it to just be like that. Didn't like that, though. ):
I'm fine with my favorite character ever not coming back, but I would be upset if there aren't any references to her in the end. ): Hoping Telltale puts at least one or two in there.
And I'm personally hoping for the chance to kill Ben as revenge for Carley.
Poor Ben, the end results of ep 4 will be
"You and 99.9% of players shot Ben in the face.
I guess all that Ben hate shows how popular Carely was. I agree though that a relationship with Carely would have been interesting. First choice would have been whether to have a relationship or just push her away.
Though I think that was answered by Telltale in a way when Lee tells her that although he did like Carley, it wasn't any time for romance.
I still don't get why people accepted this explanation so easily. What's the point of survival, if you have nothing to live for?! I think its common knowledge that when people expect to die any second, they cling to each other like crazy. I find it hard to believe that Lee and Carley lived in that motel for three months without anything happening between them.
I find the survival aspect of the game not even half as interesting as the relationships of the characters under such difficult circumstances. But then again, I'm generally not a big fan of ZA-scenarios.
... What's the point of survival, if you have nothing to live for?!
You're saying it from the stance of a regular person, living in a world that basically offers you everything. You have most probably never tapped any of your survival instincts in your life time - most of us haven't.
I think its common knowledge that when people expect to die any second, they cling to each other like crazy. I find it hard to believe that Lee and Carley lived in that motel for three months without anything happening between them. ...
Isn't that rather Hollywood knowledge? But whatever... your movie... headcannon a romance.
Poor Ben, the end results of ep 4 will be
"You and 99.9% of players shot Ben in the face.
I guess all that Ben hate shows how popular Carely was. I agree though that a relationship with Carely would have been interesting. First choice would have been whether to have a relationship or just push her away.
same was said about duck/larry
and what happened most people tried to save larry,
You're saying it from the stance of a regular person, living in a world that basically offers you everything. You have most probably never tapped any of your survival instincts in your life time - most of us haven't.
I would disagree that this world offers me everything, but that's a different story. I wasn't saying they should commit suicide, I just wondered why they seem to do nothing to enjoy themselves. Ok, they didn't come across bottles of Malbec yet, but at least they have each other to enjoy.
that rather Hollywood knowledge? But whatever... your movie... headcannon a romance.
I think its more that you can't imagine anything other than a cheesy hollywood romance. But relationships under these circumstances are usually highly problematic.
Why do you think there is a lot of (consensual) homosexual sex between staunch heterosexual men in prison?! Because its one of the few things they can do to relieve them from their hopeless situation.
I would disagree that this world offers me everything, but that's a different story. ...
You live in a heated house/flat, have clean running water, electricity, three meals a day and loads of clothes, I suppose - maybe a car and a spouse as well.
Our, at least the western, civilization complains because they can't afford to drive a Ferrari, or because they have to wait for a video game to be released.
I think its more that you can't imagine anything other than a cheesy hollywood romance. But relationships under these circumstances are usually highly problematic.
Why do you think there is a lot of (consensual) homosexual sex between staunch heterosexual men in prison?! Because its one of the few things they can do to relieve them from their hopeless situation.
You are talking about plain sex here, there is nothing romantic in needing to relieve yourself physically while being in prison.
You are talking about plain sex here, there is nothing romantic in needing to relieve yourself physically while being in prison.
I focussed on sex, because its something that has been researched and is actually, err, quantifiable. Why would you assume that prison sex has nothing to do with romance?!
That's an odd thing to say considering his actions are a reflection of the player.
Not really. I didn't say a word to Carley at the drugstore. Yet, she confronted Lee and told him all about his past and said he was an okay guy. Those are the kinds of things that I was refering to when I said she saw things in Lee that I did not.
You on the other hand have posted some odd comments. They're just odd in the sense that they really should go on a "why we like Doug" thread. I'd start the thread for you but I did not save Doug and really didn't know him though I hear he's a swell guy. When I'm done with season 2 maybe I'll play a new game and save Doug on my second playthrough .
If you do start a Doug appreciation thread I promise not to post anything negative about Doug..just on that thread though.:D
Not really. I didn't say a word to Carley at the drugstore. Yet, she confronted Lee and told him all about his past and said he was an okay guy. Those are the kinds of things that I was refering to when I said she saw things in Lee that I did not.
You on the other hand have posted some odd comments. They're just odd in the sense that they really should go on a "why we like Doug" thread. I'd start the thread for you but I did not save Doug and really didn't know him though I hear he's a swell guy. When I'm done with season 2 maybe I'll play a new game and save Doug on my second playthrough .
If you do start a Doug appreciation thread I promise not to post anything negative about Doug..just on that thread though.:D
Can't post anything bad about Doug...the worst thing he does is eat HALF the biscuits that those CANNIBALS gave us, instead of just some like Carley did. Hell, for all we know he was eating them to make sure they weren't poisoned. He's a hero, that Doug.
Can't post anything bad about Doug...the worst thing he does is eat HALF the biscuits that those CANNIBALS gave us, instead of just some like Carley did. Hell, for all we know he was eating them to make sure they weren't poisoned. He's a hero, that Doug.
All true but I have been holding back the urge to comment on his socks with sandals so don't push me.:D
Can't post anything bad about Doug...the worst thing he does is eat HALF the biscuits that those CANNIBALS gave us, instead of just some like Carley did. Hell, for all we know he was eating them to make sure they weren't poisoned. He's a hero, that Doug.
Damn, I forgot about that!
Fuck Doug! that selfish bastard needs to die next episode! I'll do it myself at the first opportunity, or leave him for the walkers.
You know what I'm sick of? People comparing Doug and Carley and bashing Carley in the process. Just love your character for god's sake, you don't need to bash the other just because they were preferred by the majority. A character doesn't "deserve" a fanbase or not. They earn it by people's individual opinions on the character, and people happened to really love Carley for their own reasons, and it's not for anyone to shun them down. Just like you have your reasons for loving Doug, Carley fans have reasons for loving Carley. That's that.
I agree. I can understand if you wanted to throw a rant on a Lilly appreciation thread but a Carley thread? C'mon...You either like Carley or you didn't save her. What would Doug think about your comments?
Funny moment in TWD:
In my game, Carley was describing how Doug saved her when she was trapped in her news van. Something along the lines of how he just came over and saved her from walkers that were attacking the van. I kid you not, I and Lee both turned and looked at Doug and at the exact same time said "that guy?". I laughed so much I had to pause the game.:D
I still don't get why people accepted this explanation so easily. What's the point of survival, if you have nothing to live for?! I think its common knowledge that when people expect to die any second, they cling to each other like crazy. I find it hard to believe that Lee and Carley lived in that motel for three months without anything happening between them.
I find the survival aspect of the game not even half as interesting as the relationships of the characters under such difficult circumstances. But then again, I'm generally not a big fan of ZA-scenarios.
I think romance is perfectly acceptable in a ZA, as well. And realistic. You meet a group of new people, and are with them every day for a long time, you have a really high chance of falling for someone during the time that you're alive or together as a group.
I just really hope for a Carley reference or two in ep 4 and 5. It wouldn't be good not to insert some references, especially with how popular her character was and how close her and Lee were. We'll just have to wait! My guess is ep 4 is coming out next week.
At first I liked her because she seemed normal, you know, she didn't seem aggressive or anything bad, even when she knew Lee past she wasn't like "I'm gonna tell, I'm gonna tell" she was normal about it and open. The whole Irene thing made me be a bit more sympathetic to her.
In episode 2 she basically was still there for you, your moral rock so to speak, she even saved your life a few times on the farm. That sort of respect carried on into episode 3.
I guess I like her because she seemed the normal-ist out of the group and with her ability to care and be there for you she was a good friend. Also I did think she was kind of cute =X
I still don't get why people accepted this explanation so easily.
Upon this I concur. I'm of the opinion that their relationship wasn't handled that well to begin with. However, the extent of his expressed concern is basically a shrug of the shoulders. The writers wanted the gamer to feel something about Carley's death, but for those who really did, their concern isn't mirrored by their avatar.
Then again, if you know the genre, you knew the moment she expressed any kind of feelings for him her days were numbered.
Sucks she died , she was my favorite character. But I'd rather have her get shot then get torn apart by walkers or raped or something crazy and although the Lee/Carley relationship would've been nice it would've taken away too much from the Clem/Lee relationship.
She told you to tell the people who you trust the most. She didn't say to tell the entire world. :rolleyes:
You really shouldn't like one over the other... they were a team really and had such big plans in case everything went back to normal.
Thank you! Agreed.
It seems we are getting a truly fascinating plot in the next episode with Kenny's mental health and the whole conspiracy aspect and I'm glad that Lee's first and foremost concern is still Clementine without any distractions for romance. Carley's death, along with most of episode 3, seemed to be the start of where things are truly getting to be at their worst with innocence and trust becoming swallowed by this walker invested world and where there is an even greater threat waiting for them ahead.
If things are about to get a lot darker,cruel,violent and disturbing for the group maybe Carley,Doug,Katjaa,Lilly and Duck will turn out to be the lucky ones...
Wholeheartedly agree. I was relieved in a way when Carley died because it spared me the whole (predictable) romance thing. I know a lot of people were into that aspect but I think especially in the context of a ZA it's overrated. I think sex will happen during that time but there's bigger priorities than romance.
Basically now it's me and Clem against the world as far as I'm concerned. I don't trust Ben as far as Telltale will let me throw him. kenny is broken and even when his mind was right I could never fully trust him.
Lily is broken and I left her at the side of the road. The new people are unknowns. Their close relationship makes me question whether they will do the right thing should the other become threatened.
Couldn't disagree more. I think a romantic relationship between Lee and Carley could have been interesting. It wouldn't have to be happy one... But it would have added a different aspect to the ZA-scenario. Now it's back to killing off characters, then restocking the group with new characters. Like in every other ZA-scenario...
Meh, to each their own. I wouldn't have enjoyed that storyline, it bugs me that they are toying with it on the show...I'm like HEY there's more important things going on than who's shagging who....yanno, like walking dead people!!
I agree! I think it would've been interesting, though I'm a major fan of Carley x Lee so I'm being biased. I do think that the romance shouldn't have gone all the way to the last episode though, I think it was great to kill Carley off, but I wish it would've been done in episode 4 so that their relationship would've developed more during ep 3. They definitely never had sex, it was a sort of innocent love that was mainly about trusting and relying on each other for everything and feelings starting along the way. Really, you don't need to have sex to become a couple. Love isn't just about "shagging" each other. Most ZA-scenarios mainly have sex for the most part, not a good friendship/pair of partners that turns into a nice and slightly shy relationship.
Since they developed it though, I hope they carry it on and make a few references or at least one in ep 4 and in ep 5 about Carley and/or Carley and Lee's almost relationship. It would really suck and I'd be really upset if her and Doug are just forgotten and not brought up at least a few times.
I also have my doubts that this is the end of Carley. I give a 50/50 chance of her returning.
Carley haters please keep reading before you all start booing…
Of course she was left on the side of the road but if TT really wanted her dead and gone completely, that bullet would have impacted her forehead. Seriously, why would TT do that and Lilly was just a few feet away, how could she miss? Since she took the hit to the cheek, TT now has enough wiggle room to bring Carley back.
I have been writing the Last Survivor where Carley is rescued by another group of survivors from We’re Alive (a podcast program). However, in writing this I soon realized that even being saved by the most kindest and able people possible (best cause scenario imaginable in a ZA), Carley has to feel abandoned and left for dead by Lee and the others. ‘Did they even bother to check my pulse before driving off?’ would be her most troubling thoughts. Something like that would just eat you away on the inside and make her angry and bitter which can be made worse by the type of people she is stuck with now. Meth using woods people anyone? If Lee comes across her again, at best she’ll greet him with a slap to the face and a “You left for me dead you SOB!”. At worse, she tries to say hi to him with a bullet.
If Carley does return, she most likely won’t be the same person because of all the possible nightmarish crap that happened to her. Even if the story situation was forced (Lee doesn't check the body to be sure?), what do you do if you unknowingly abandoned someone you care about behind? How do you make it up to them? What the heck do you do if she just wants you dead? What if you finally killed Ben to get back at him for Carley's death... Whoops! :eek:
This would've been very interesting.
Though I can see where people are coming from in that they don't want romance to be the main thing. I don't either as much as I'm a sucker for romances (especially tragic ones) since Lee and Clem's relationship take a bigger priority, but it would've been nice to see romance play a slightly bigger role in this. Though I think that was answered by Telltale in a way when Lee tells her that although he did like Carley, it wasn't any time for romance. But that doesn't mean it can't happen, right?
I also have my doubts about it being the end for Carley but since her and Doug's options have gone hand in hand, I don't know if they'd keep Carley alive and keep Doug dead. (since Doug's face was shown so he's surely dead, but Carley's never was) Instead of just leaving her like that, they should've checked her pulse or at least Lee saying a few words or even just looking back would really have finished such an emotional scene. That's what I didn't like, that they just left her. Not sure if it's considered a mistake by Telltale or if they intended it to just be like that. Didn't like that, though. ):
I'm fine with my favorite character ever not coming back, but I would be upset if there aren't any references to her in the end. ): Hoping Telltale puts at least one or two in there.
And I'm personally hoping for the chance to kill Ben as revenge for Carley.
"You and 99.9% of players shot Ben in the face.
I guess all that Ben hate shows how popular Carely was. I agree though that a relationship with Carely would have been interesting. First choice would have been whether to have a relationship or just push her away.
I still don't get why people accepted this explanation so easily. What's the point of survival, if you have nothing to live for?! I think its common knowledge that when people expect to die any second, they cling to each other like crazy. I find it hard to believe that Lee and Carley lived in that motel for three months without anything happening between them.
I find the survival aspect of the game not even half as interesting as the relationships of the characters under such difficult circumstances. But then again, I'm generally not a big fan of ZA-scenarios.
Isn't that rather Hollywood knowledge? But whatever... your movie... headcannon a romance.
same was said about duck/larry
and what happened most people tried to save larry,
and in my run of ep3 most did kill duck lol
so it's not set in stone
If that's the case, a lot people are going to get caught with their pants down.
I would disagree that this world offers me everything, but that's a different story. I wasn't saying they should commit suicide, I just wondered why they seem to do nothing to enjoy themselves. Ok, they didn't come across bottles of Malbec yet, but at least they have each other to enjoy.
I think its more that you can't imagine anything other than a cheesy hollywood romance. But relationships under these circumstances are usually highly problematic.
Why do you think there is a lot of (consensual) homosexual sex between staunch heterosexual men in prison?! Because its one of the few things they can do to relieve them from their hopeless situation.
Our, at least the western, civilization complains because they can't afford to drive a Ferrari, or because they have to wait for a video game to be released.
You are talking about plain sex here, there is nothing romantic in needing to relieve yourself physically while being in prison.
I focussed on sex, because its something that has been researched and is actually, err, quantifiable. Why would you assume that prison sex has nothing to do with romance?!
I don't know how we got here but...
Well, I am trying to bring the thread back on track.
Not really. I didn't say a word to Carley at the drugstore. Yet, she confronted Lee and told him all about his past and said he was an okay guy. Those are the kinds of things that I was refering to when I said she saw things in Lee that I did not.
You on the other hand have posted some odd comments. They're just odd in the sense that they really should go on a "why we like Doug" thread. I'd start the thread for you but I did not save Doug and really didn't know him though I hear he's a swell guy. When I'm done with season 2 maybe I'll play a new game and save Doug on my second playthrough
If you do start a Doug appreciation thread I promise not to post anything negative about Doug..just on that thread though.:D
Can't post anything bad about Doug...the worst thing he does is eat HALF the biscuits that those CANNIBALS gave us, instead of just some like Carley did. Hell, for all we know he was eating them to make sure they weren't poisoned. He's a hero, that Doug.
All true but I have been holding back the urge to comment on his socks with sandals so don't push me.:D
Carley also dressed nice....there back on topic.
You don't have the guts! *wrong dialouge option, gets shot by cannibal woman*
Damn, I forgot about that!
Fuck Doug! that selfish bastard needs to die next episode! I'll do it myself at the first opportunity, or leave him for the walkers.
Oh wait...
I agree. I can understand if you wanted to throw a rant on a Lilly appreciation thread but a Carley thread? C'mon...You either like Carley or you didn't save her. What would Doug think about your comments?
Funny moment in TWD:
In my game, Carley was describing how Doug saved her when she was trapped in her news van. Something along the lines of how he just came over and saved her from walkers that were attacking the van. I kid you not, I and Lee both turned and looked at Doug and at the exact same time said "that guy?". I laughed so much I had to pause the game.:D
I think romance is perfectly acceptable in a ZA, as well. And realistic. You meet a group of new people, and are with them every day for a long time, you have a really high chance of falling for someone during the time that you're alive or together as a group.
I just really hope for a Carley reference or two in ep 4 and 5. It wouldn't be good not to insert some references, especially with how popular her character was and how close her and Lee were.
In episode 2 she basically was still there for you, your moral rock so to speak, she even saved your life a few times on the farm. That sort of respect carried on into episode 3.
I guess I like her because she seemed the normal-ist out of the group and with her ability to care and be there for you she was a good friend. Also I did think she was kind of cute =X
Upon this I concur. I'm of the opinion that their relationship wasn't handled that well to begin with. However, the extent of his expressed concern is basically a shrug of the shoulders. The writers wanted the gamer to feel something about Carley's death, but for those who really did, their concern isn't mirrored by their avatar.
Then again, if you know the genre, you knew the moment she expressed any kind of feelings for him her days were numbered.
She, at that point, had more knowledge of Lee than you as the player did, whether you talked to her or not.
Yes, I often post odd comments specifically to be odd. However, if you're referring to the I-love-Doug-Mug, that a direct facetious response to:
I am neither a Doug nor a Carley fanatic, anymore than I'm a Lilly or Kenny fanatic (although Doug/Carley are certainly more likeable).