Well, Europe PSN are being left in the dark again:/
I'd just like to ask when you Europe PSN users think we'll get the game, and I hope people refrain from positing too many spoilers as it ruins the game for us...
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I completely forgot i saw it somewhere though.
Although... it's been a long ass time already, you guys should have it by now.
guess not yet...
why is it so hard to get the game out worldwide at the same frickin' time?!
Because consoles.
The PC version is released worldwide at the same time, though. Just saying.
This has been explained multiple times already. Just be patient and pick another device next time
WoW great hindseight there. Now go play somewhere else.
My guess is that most of the users who complain here bought the season pass. I did, and if I had know that I would be neglected in each.
TTG has since the first release promised that they would work towards a simultanious release across platform and region. They have yet to comment on how far they are in this process(I'm guessing not very far).
They still haven't responed to the mail I sent them on the subject either.
Well I got that of my chest.. I hope that'll help me keep sane for the rest of the week.. hopefully.
I'm sure US PSN and EU PSN receive the finished game at the same time as each other. EU PSN are the slow ones that always take longer than everyone else and sadly I have no idea why!
Otherwise I would have really boring evening... at least in this week...
Why should I be grateful? They chose to go international because they wanted the money. They sold five episodes to me, i.e. took my money, now I expect them have to deliver.
In fact TTG should be grateful to all the PS3 EU gamers who have bought their game, (especially those of us who bought the full five episode pack), giving them funds to keep on producing games.
yeah, of course it's sony's fault but why not giving them the game earlier so a worldwide release would be possible? i'm bettin all my money on a release this or next friday for eu users. that's how it was with every episode since the first one (btw: why did they manage to release the first one for everyone everywhere at the same damn time?!)
if i would have known that tt seems to be just too stupid to plan it right, i would definitely have bought the game via my us account.
everyone would have bought it anyways but there wouldn't be the problem eu users have right now. so no, i'm not happy at all.
Platformism is such a funny form of discrimination. I always have milk coming out of my nose when I stumble across it. Regardless of whether I've actually been drinking any milk before.
i do really understand your point, but especially here in this forum i get offended over and over again by so-called pc gamers. even i have a pc, even i play games on it. but i do not judge anyone by playing a game on a console because he likes consoles more. that's my point of view.
no, i did not intend to offend anyone. come on, you miss my point (which isn't really relevant to the topic).
i do not think that i'm any better than any pc gamer (i guess you meant that), but i do not offend other people by answering in a non-supporting way like many people here do.
how should a comment like "it's the fault of consoles. play it on a pc." (remembered quote from in this topic) help me in any way?
that's simply not true.
You're a fucking idiot.
Um no.
From http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Walking_Dead_%282012_video_game%29
Episode 1
Mac OS X & Microsoft Windows
April 24, 2012
PlayStation Network
NA April 24, 2012
EU April 25, 2012
Xbox Live Arcade
April 27, 2012
July 26, 2012
Episode 2
Xbox Live Arcade
June 27, 2012
Mac OS X, Microsoft Windows & PlayStation Network[5]
June 29, 2012
EU July 6, 2012 (PSN)
Episode 3
PlayStation Network
August 28, 2012
Mac OS X, Microsoft Windows & Xbox Live Arcade
August 29, 2012
Episode 4
PlayStation Network
October 9, 2012
Mac OS X, Microsoft Windows & Xbox Live Arcade
October 10, 2012
FYI there is NO release date as yet for PSN EU ep 4. Ep 3 was released on PSN EU on 6th September 1 week after PC.
That's not even taking in to account iOS which is still only up to ep 2.
What's your address, I'd like to send you some humble pie.
thanks to the guy above btw, those are the facts.
Comments such as that annoy the crap out of me.
It's bad enough the EU PSN players need to wait now, yet didn't for the first episode. Let alone us players on iOS that haven't even played ep 3 yet. Only to have everybody else place spoilers through out the forums!
Then to get told that it's the PC players that are waiting!
You should be grateful that europe founded your sory arse, no need to get rude...
it's not just here. everywhere on the internet everyone seems to spoil the game for me. i can't google the walking dead game anymore.
i still have my hopes for a rather soon release of episode 4.
Now they are just taunting us with this tweet!
I know they what to advertise they new release. But this is just not cool.
That's not the way we communicate with others here. Let me help you vent the aggression elsewhere.
And of course the assumption WAS utterly wrong. "PC last" is absolutely not true.
this is somehow ridiculous, i know they need to advertise it, but not one single word about the eu release or an apology. i don't like the way ttg are dealing with this (really) big problem they're having since the release of episode 2.
btw: any news on the release date for eu?
The european ps3 blog was updated a few hours ago with no mention of the walking dead.
This was the same case with the previouse episodes. I'm guessing will get the episode monday or tuesday next week. Im not that mad any more, I'm just let down.
This is has sadly turned me of episodic gaming for good.
nope, the blog will be updated soon, as this twitter post says: https://mobile.twitter.com/PlayStationEU/status/255974350849728512
so, i still got some minor hopes that we get it today.
but i still think that we won't be able to play it until next week.
i just saw it. so, no walking dead for us this week... that's a bummer...
Posted on 10 October, 2012 at 3:38 pm by Jawad Ashraf
We’re working with the publisher on this. As far as I know it’s not too far behind, but definitely not today. I’d really recommend asking Telltale as well…
It's really off putting I love TT games but I won't be buying a season pass ever again as I don't feel it, or I as paying upfront customer was worth anything regardless of where the fault lies