I did and I think that's why Kenny didn't side with me at the end. I've been on his side pretty much the whole game.
what did Ben say when you saved him?
Kenny didn't side with me either -___- I thought we WERE on the same page lol.
And i was so upset Molly left, she was the new Carly lls.
2nd question did anyone HID there bit?
and if so did they find out the same episode or are they saving it for episode 5
I pulled ben up, I hated him for causing carley's death, didnt really care bout katja and duck as much as I did carley, but after hearing clementine talk about ben, I didn't want to let her down. Also, theres a chance that Lee will survive, I'm pretty sure the guys in charge of the game mentioned them planning on doing a second season, and theres also the fact that during the talking dead for the show, they mentioned theres a cure for it. So yes, there is hope. Also still holding on to hope that carley will come back, when I look at the seen it looks like she gets shot in the cheek, which makes me think she might have been stunned, no one actually checked on her afterwards so theres always a chance.
what did Ben say when you saved him?
Kenny didn't side with me either -___- I thought we WERE on the same page lol.
And i was so upset Molly left, she was the new Carly lls.
2nd question did anyone HID there bit?
and if so did they find out the same episode or are they saving it for episode 5
All he said was "why?" lol. I'm thinking of hiding my bite the next time just to change it up and see if Kenny will go with a unbitten Lee.
I pulled ben up, I hated him for causing carley's death, didnt really care bout katja and duck as much as I did carley, but after hearing clementine talk about ben, I didn't want to let her down. Also, theres a chance that Lee will survive, I'm pretty sure the guys in charge of the game mentioned them planning on doing a second season, and theres also the fact that during the talking dead for the show, they mentioned theres a cure for it. So yes, there is hope. Also still holding on to hope that carley will come back, when I look at the seen it looks like she gets shot in the cheek, which makes me think she might have been stunned, no one actually checked on her afterwards so theres always a chance.
If she wasn't dead the million walkers that were coming up the road would have gotten her 8(.
Kenny did go with me. The choice I selected was I told him that Clem was my only family. I saved Shawn and sided with Larry in episode 1 ( that is what the games tells me, I was just trying to reason it out ), but I was still kind to Duck throughout the previous episodes. I also did NOT help kill Larry. I even pulled Ben up.
Whatever secondary choices I made throughout my play through it was enough for Kenny to join me in going to look for Clem.
Does anyone know if there is a way to see the stats of the group that follows you at the end again?
I can only see the stats of our choices. I would like to know who the rest of the community is coming with.
Does anyone know if there is a way to see the stats of the group that follows you at the end again?
I can only see the stats of our choices. I would like to know whom the rest of the community is coming with.
Me as well. I checked again, and there is no way to get to it.
I retried the gameplay 4 times in order to save Molly and she repays me by leaving mannnnn smh lol
I trust she is coming back to save you at some point on Episode 5 or even make an appearence on Season 2 (if we can use our save files from Season 1 it would be awesome!).
This episode left me in shock. Lee's bitten, Clem's kidnapped, and now everything's going to hell. Just absolutely shocking stuff.
Oh, and since there's a bit of this discussion going on, I didn't save Ben, showed the bite, and allowed Christa, Omid, and Kenny to come with me. I showed support for Kenny at the beginning, questioned him after episode 3, and I was surprised he kept his sanity at the end of Episode 4 (probably due to Ben's death). Christa and Omid, they were just good people to be with. They obviously wanted each other to live, and I felt I had to save Omid during the episode. Christa was also very nice to Clem as well, and she wasn't much of a threat.
I didn't want to go alone. Clem's basically a big part of the group, and somewhat family to Lee. Everyone has a right to save Clem, and that's what I'm running with.
This episode left me in shock. Lee's bitten, Clem's kidnapped, and now everything's going to hell. Just absolutely shocking stuff.
Oh, and since there's a bit of this discussion going on, I didn't save Ben, showed the bite, and allowed Christa, Omid, and Kenny to come with me. I showed support for Kenny at the beginning, questioned him after episode 3, and I was surprised he kept his sanity at the end of Episode 4 (probably due to Ben's death). Christa and Omid, they were just good people to be with. They obviously wanted each other to live, and I felt I had to save Omid during the episode. Christa was also very nice to Clem as well, and she wasn't much of a threat.
I didn't want to go alone. Clem's basically a big part of the group, and somewhat family to Lee. Everyone has a right to save Clem, and that's what I'm running with.
Just one episode to go... brace yourselves.
That what i thought.....Why TF would i go by myself? lol that seems like a bad idea.
I thought Christa was pregnant too i was like hmmmmm she's too emotionally involved in this video lol
Just finished episode 4. Damn Telltale... That's F'd up!!!!
Intense game playing, and I hate you guys for making me wait another month or so for the conclusion. lol
Reading some of the other posts. I hate Ben with a passion, but I couldn't just feed him to those things. I saved him. I showed everyone the bite. Kenny showed me Duck's bite, and all though it's just a game I felt I owed him the same. I told the group I would go alone, but they weren't hearing it so I thanked them and we decided to go as a group.
I've been playing 3 versions of the game. The first play through I just do what comes naturally. Then I have one where I back Kenny on everything, and a third where I side against him on every turn (even going as far as to not give duck any rations in episode 2).
This episode left me in shock. Lee's bitten, Clem's kidnapped, and now everything's going to hell. Just absolutely shocking stuff.
Oh, and since there's a bit of this discussion going on, I didn't save Ben, showed the bite, and allowed Christa, Omid, and Kenny to come with me. I showed support for Kenny at the beginning, questioned him after episode 3, and I was surprised he kept his sanity at the end of Episode 4 (probably due to Ben's death). Christa and Omid, they were just good people to be with. They obviously wanted each other to live, and I felt I had to save Omid during the episode. Christa was also very nice to Clem as well, and she wasn't much of a threat.
I didn't want to go alone. Clem's basically a big part of the group, and somewhat family to Lee. Everyone has a right to save Clem, and that's what I'm running with.
Just one episode to go... brace yourselves.
I thought after episode 3, i had really nothing else to lose except for Clem. Whitta proved me wrong. Knowing that Lee is pretty much already dead depresses me to no end. As excited as I am for the next episode, I'm also scared to see how this will all end.
I trust she is coming back to save you at some point on Episode 5 or even make an appearence on Season 2 (if we can use our save files from Season 1 it would be awesome!).
Well seeing since they're still in Savanna, I don't think she got that far. I'm hoping she'll show up sometime next ep.
Just played through a second time. I dropped Ben, showed the bite, and got Christa, Omid, and Kenny to come with me. The first time when I "saved" Ben, Kenny would not come with me at the end but when I dropped Ben he came. Glad too because Kenny is waaay cooler than Ben. I would have rather have not dropped Ben but that's the way it had to be lol.
My first time playing: I saved Ben because he's stupid and naive. He's stealing and giving supplies to the bandits to keep us safe and alive.
Now I'm ready to play for the second time and see what happens lol.
Chuck, ur always a hero. I wish I can save you,
I showed my bite because Kenny were there. I remembered that Kenny and kat showed duck's bite when we were in the van. They were honest to me. So I have to do the same for them.
I... don't understand, I loved the episode and every single piece of it was great but I disliked the ending. Now, this isn't to say I didn't expect something to happen to Lee eventually, it's just the way it was portrayed.
Had the bite been somewhere that couldn't be amputated, somewhere like his shoulder or something, I'd understand why amputation wouldn't be possible but the wrist? That's something I'd try to cut off, whether or not I'd die from blood loss the potential for survival outweighs the guaranteed death through the bite.
Hope there's an option immediately during the start of episode 5 on whether or not to amputate, potentially altering how events play out without your hand (leaving you incapable of doing certain things, possibly killing off other characters as you can't save them).
I mean, we've never dealt with a bite victim in a region which is treatable (something which has been covered in the comics). Duck couldn't be amputated, it was on his back.
Aw man I can't believe they ended it like that or that a game can stress me out this much, I bet the next one wont come out until Christmas or New Years.
Did anyone let Kenny beat Ben's ass when he admits to killing his family ? haha
i watched a stream so i'm in Australia waiting till tomorrow for the pc but it was a very good episode 3 and 4 have been the best so far , i'm going to save Ben , i dunno i just feel we need the numbers and even if the kid is a screw up i still respect him , Kenny i've been with since day 1 and am never giving up on him , the whole Lee bitten thing seemed predictable that was the only downside of it , I'm still wondering what happened to Vernon ? i mean he wants Clem , next morning his gone and the creep says his not Vernon which could be full of BS but remember that guy that Lee saw creeping on him when he was burying the boy ? he looked like the same guy in the family picture in the house , maybe thats the guy who took Clementine ? such a massive last episode to finish an amazing season ,
I... don't understand, I loved the episode and every single piece of it was great but I disliked the ending. Now, this isn't to say I didn't expect something to happen to Lee eventually, it's just the way it was portrayed.
Had the bite been somewhere that couldn't be amputated, somewhere like his shoulder or something, I'd understand why amputation wouldn't be possible but the wrist? That's something I'd try to cut off, whether or not I'd die from blood loss the potential for survival outweighs the guaranteed death through the bite.
Hope there's an option immediately during the start of episode 5 on whether or not to amputate, potentially altering how events play out without your hand (leaving you incapable of doing certain things, possibly killing off other characters as you can't save them).
I mean, we've never dealt with a bite victim in a region which is treatable (something which has been covered in the comics). Duck couldn't be amputated, it was on his back.
Yeah it sucks that Lee may die but I think most people knew something would probably be done to Lee or Clementine. Whenever a great relationship is being grown in the ZA thats a great indicator that one of the involved characters will be killed off for emotional impact. I'm just glad its not Clementine dying because I know all hell would break loose on these boards similar to the Carley craziness. Can't wait for the next episode and black ops 2 xD.
I'm surprised so many people have trouble shooting the Zombie off of Molly. I did it on my first try, which is fortunate since I do not ever restart or replay. I'll replay when all 5 eps are here.
My heart is broken. ):
And I can't stop shaking, man, just can't believe Lee is gonna turn...
He was such a good character, I felt on that moment that it was myself who was bitten, it felt so deep but still, I had one mission to do:
Save Clementine.
She will be destroyed when she find out what happened to Lee, I can't imagine the scene. That reforces my theory, that Lee role on Season 1 is to shape Clementine and teach her what is right or wrong, how to act and what to cling on. It was a journey of acknowledge. And Clementine will carry with her every she learned with Lee forever, and remember all his sacrifices as her motive to continue living.
Great episode. Can't wait for this goddamn finale.
Managed to make everyone come with me to rescue Clementine.
I am part of the (currently) 6% that decided to go alone to find Clem. I was shocked to see other outcomes where the whole group could come along! At the time it seemed like the logical choice for me, to find Clem and let the others set up the boat then rush Clem back to the boat before the others leave in some heroic act of bravery, where I would then convince them to go without me (as there isn't enough room) and show the bite as the decider at the end if they persist that I go.
Something tells me that it wont be anything like this though. Anyway, i'm sticking to every decision I make.
Ok... so... yeah... that ending..... FU Telltale! Why would you go on ahead and bite Lee?! I've been putting many hours making Lee the greatest ZA-Leader there is and now he's bitten and doomed for?! WHY!?! :-P In other words: Awesome episode!
I mean, sure it sucks that Lee might be turning for the worst but the storyline for the final episode sure looks good! Lee is bitten, Clem is abducted by one crazy sounding man, zombies all over the place outside, and I managed to get everyone to help Lee to look for Clem. The only problem is that now, Lee and the followers are all stuck down at the morgue with zombies around every corner How on earth will they get out? The look of Clem and the zombie corpse on the "Episode 5: No Time Left" picture gives me the creeps now!
Guess I have to wait 'till end of November/ early December to find out why :eek:
I am utterly screwed! I've been bitten, the kids gone and gotten herself kidnapped, I let Ben fall to his death and now no one wants to get my back. I'm afraid of what will become of me in episode 5.
No. If you watch the third tape it shows Molly and not the other girl.
No she did not give birth to her child LOL. It's unknown to what she did when she left, we may find out next episode. But hell no in way did she give birth to a baby, LMFAO.
If you look at Molly's hand when she returns, it appears that she is now holding a picture. I believe she went to gather her things from her old home or storage space of her sister.
Kenny's been my bro all through the game- I even sided with him in the meat locker. So why when I ask him to come with me does he say I wouldn't do the same for him. This has been the first big time where he hasn't treated me like a pal.
Kenny's been my bro all through the game- I even sided with him in the meat locker. So why when I ask him to come with me does he say I wouldn't do the same for him. This has been the first big time where he hasn't treated me like a pal.
Tell him Clem is your only family and he melts like butter.
Kenny's been my bro all through the game- I even sided with him in the meat locker. So why when I ask him to come with me does he say I wouldn't do the same for him. This has been the first big time where he hasn't treated me like a pal.
Weird. When I first played I dropped Ben and after I showed my bite, Kenny told me I had always had his back and bitten or not ,he would go with me.(I was pro Kenny all ep.1, neutral ep. 2 until the meat locker where i sided with Lily, ep.3 I brought Lilly with us talked him down during the train and I shot Duck.)
Well I got curious so I copied my save, and rescued Ben. When I got to the group part Kenny said that he would doubt if I would have his back until I said Clem was my family and convinced him to deal with Ben. I was able to recruit everybody this time, but the Kenny thing still confused me.
according to others you will have to be quick enough to shoot the zombie I brought clem with me and she shot the zombie.
But as others have said be careful because you can hit molly as well.
My next playthrough I am going to leve clem with ovid
when you took Clem with you, Omid turned into a walker didn't he? I could see that happening
Weird. When I first played I dropped Ben and after I showed my bite, Kenny told me I had always had his back and bitten or not ,he would go with me.(I was pro Kenny all ep.1, neutral ep. 2 until the meat locker where i sided with Lily, ep.3 I brought Lilly with us talked him down during the train and I shot Duck.)
Well I got curious so I copied my save, and rescued Ben. When I got to the group part Kenny said that he would doubt if I would have his back until I said Clem was my family and convinced him to deal with Ben. I was able to recruit everybody this time, but the Kenny thing still confused me.
Kenny still HATES Ben and is going to KICK HIS ASS like i told him too LMAO, but since Clem is your only family, he understands how to feel and is coming ONLY because of that
Yes. I still got kenny to come with me, but I just kind of felt hurt when he said I wouldn't do the same thing for him, even though everything up to then I had done made it clear I would. The only non-kenny decision I ever made was not rescuing duck (also, I let Kenny shoot him). Is this a bug?
It's just fucked right in the head. It was really hard doing the right thing or doing the best thing for the group.
What I miss is some more depth in the conversations. I felt like it was too much action and finding clues and too little background story and putting together the pieces of the puzzle about the other characters.
I knew there was gonna be something behind that cardboard box. Thought it would scare me and I'd have to QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQE and then I could go look for Clem. But fuck me. I love how they made that sorry little encounter with a trash can such a big thing.
I thought maybe I made some bad decisions in the past episodes but it looks like everyone got bit. I don't really see how this will end well for Lee. Fucking Lee, man. Bro. Man.
Kenny didn't side with me either -___- I thought we WERE on the same page lol.
And i was so upset Molly left, she was the new Carly lls.
2nd question did anyone HID there bit?
and if so did they find out the same episode or are they saving it for episode 5
Whatever secondary choices I made throughout my play through it was enough for Kenny to join me in going to look for Clem.
I can only see the stats of our choices. I would like to know who the rest of the community is coming with.
Me as well. I checked again, and there is no way to get to it.
I trust she is coming back to save you at some point on Episode 5 or even make an appearence on Season 2 (if we can use our save files from Season 1 it would be awesome!).
This episode left me in shock. Lee's bitten, Clem's kidnapped, and now everything's going to hell. Just absolutely shocking stuff.
Oh, and since there's a bit of this discussion going on, I didn't save Ben, showed the bite, and allowed Christa, Omid, and Kenny to come with me. I showed support for Kenny at the beginning, questioned him after episode 3, and I was surprised he kept his sanity at the end of Episode 4 (probably due to Ben's death). Christa and Omid, they were just good people to be with. They obviously wanted each other to live, and I felt I had to save Omid during the episode. Christa was also very nice to Clem as well, and she wasn't much of a threat.
I didn't want to go alone. Clem's basically a big part of the group, and somewhat family to Lee. Everyone has a right to save Clem, and that's what I'm running with.
Just one episode to go... brace yourselves.
I thought Christa was pregnant too i was like hmmmmm she's too emotionally involved in this video lol
Intense game playing, and I hate you guys for making me wait another month or so for the conclusion. lol
I've been playing 3 versions of the game. The first play through I just do what comes naturally. Then I have one where I back Kenny on everything, and a third where I side against him on every turn (even going as far as to not give duck any rations in episode 2).
Now I'm ready to play for the second time and see what happens lol.
Chuck, ur always a hero. I wish I can save you,
I showed my bite because Kenny were there. I remembered that Kenny and kat showed duck's bite when we were in the van. They were honest to me. So I have to do the same for them.
Had the bite been somewhere that couldn't be amputated, somewhere like his shoulder or something, I'd understand why amputation wouldn't be possible but the wrist? That's something I'd try to cut off, whether or not I'd die from blood loss the potential for survival outweighs the guaranteed death through the bite.
Hope there's an option immediately during the start of episode 5 on whether or not to amputate, potentially altering how events play out without your hand (leaving you incapable of doing certain things, possibly killing off other characters as you can't save them).
I mean, we've never dealt with a bite victim in a region which is treatable (something which has been covered in the comics). Duck couldn't be amputated, it was on his back.
i watched a stream so i'm in Australia waiting till tomorrow for the pc but it was a very good episode 3 and 4 have been the best so far , i'm going to save Ben , i dunno i just feel we need the numbers and even if the kid is a screw up i still respect him , Kenny i've been with since day 1 and am never giving up on him , the whole Lee bitten thing seemed predictable that was the only downside of it , I'm still wondering what happened to Vernon ? i mean he wants Clem , next morning his gone and the creep says his not Vernon which could be full of BS but remember that guy that Lee saw creeping on him when he was burying the boy ? he looked like the same guy in the family picture in the house , maybe thats the guy who took Clementine ? such a massive last episode to finish an amazing season ,
Yeah it sucks that Lee may die but I think most people knew something would probably be done to Lee or Clementine. Whenever a great relationship is being grown in the ZA thats a great indicator that one of the involved characters will be killed off for emotional impact. I'm just glad its not Clementine dying because I know all hell would break loose on these boards similar to the Carley craziness. Can't wait for the next episode and black ops 2 xD.
And I can't stop shaking, man, just can't believe Lee is gonna turn...
He was such a good character, I felt on that moment that it was myself who was bitten, it felt so deep but still, I had one mission to do:
Save Clementine.
She will be destroyed when she find out what happened to Lee, I can't imagine the scene. That reforces my theory, that Lee role on Season 1 is to shape Clementine and teach her what is right or wrong, how to act and what to cling on. It was a journey of acknowledge. And Clementine will carry with her every she learned with Lee forever, and remember all his sacrifices as her motive to continue living.
Great episode. Can't wait for this goddamn finale.
Managed to make everyone come with me to rescue Clementine.
Something tells me that it wont be anything like this though. Anyway, i'm sticking to every decision I make.
I mean, sure it sucks that Lee might be turning for the worst but the storyline for the final episode sure looks good! Lee is bitten, Clem is abducted by one crazy sounding man, zombies all over the place outside, and I managed to get everyone to help Lee to look for Clem. The only problem is that now, Lee and the followers are all stuck down at the morgue with zombies around every corner
Guess I have to wait 'till end of November/ early December to find out why :eek:
If you look at Molly's hand when she returns, it appears that she is now holding a picture. I believe she went to gather her things from her old home or storage space of her sister.
You mean, we can get her to spill her life story?!
Looks like another replay is in order.
Tell him Clem is your only family and he melts like butter.
Weird. When I first played I dropped Ben and after I showed my bite, Kenny told me I had always had his back and bitten or not ,he would go with me.(I was pro Kenny all ep.1, neutral ep. 2 until the meat locker where i sided with Lily, ep.3 I brought Lilly with us talked him down during the train and I shot Duck.)
Well I got curious so I copied my save, and rescued Ben. When I got to the group part Kenny said that he would doubt if I would have his back until I said Clem was my family and convinced him to deal with Ben. I was able to recruit everybody this time, but the Kenny thing still confused me.
It's just fucked right in the head. It was really hard doing the right thing or doing the best thing for the group.
What I miss is some more depth in the conversations. I felt like it was too much action and finding clues and too little background story and putting together the pieces of the puzzle about the other characters.
I knew there was gonna be something behind that cardboard box. Thought it would scare me and I'd have to QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQE and then I could go look for Clem. But fuck me. I love how they made that sorry little encounter with a trash can such a big thing.
I thought maybe I made some bad decisions in the past episodes but it looks like everyone got bit. I don't really see how this will end well for Lee. Fucking Lee, man. Bro. Man.