[SPOILERS]The Walking Dead Episode 4 REVIEW Thread

Yup, this is it. Post your long and short, detailed or general, random or specific thoughts about "Around every Corner" right here.
No spoiler tags necessary, PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU'VE PLAYED THE EPISODE!!!
AND I'll add an open poll to this thread for you to rate the episode on a scale from one to ten. It's not a substitute for a constructive review... it's just because I like polls.
Please ignore the results if Gary Whitta votes a 10.
edit: I created the poll as an open poll so you could see who voted which number... but it seems like Jake had different plans. So now Gary can vote and you wouldn't even know.
No spoiler tags necessary, PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU'VE PLAYED THE EPISODE!!!
AND I'll add an open poll to this thread for you to rate the episode on a scale from one to ten. It's not a substitute for a constructive review... it's just because I like polls.
Please ignore the results if Gary Whitta votes a 10.

edit: I created the poll as an open poll so you could see who voted which number... but it seems like Jake had different plans. So now Gary can vote and you wouldn't even know.

This discussion has been closed.
But if I give it a 10, it's legit.
So when the group arrives in Savannah, they are swarmed by walkers. Ben ends up saving himself instead of helping Clem, but Chuck rescues Clem. Chuck tells everyone to go on and he will catch up with them. The group reaches a house and then Kenny and Lee decide to go look for a boat.
You don't find a boat, and the area with the barricade/dead walkers in the entrance to Crawford. Crawford is very dangerous where only the strong are allowed to live, elderly people/children are killed.
The ninja girl attacks you, her name is actually Molly and she is very very helpful and joins the group. You go into the sewers because you get separated from Kenny, Molly, and Clem, and in the sewers you find dead Chuck.
In the sewers you meet a man named Vernon and his group, Vernon is a doctor and the group are all cancer survivors who escaped Crawford. Vernon is the man that everyone thought walkie-talkie man was (it isn't him, we NEVER see walkie-talkie man, only hear from him at the beginning and the end).
Vernon comes to visit the group and they decide they need to break into Crawford to get supplies, because Clem finds a boat hidden in the shed. They need medicine, fuel, and a battery. You sneak into Crawford where EVERYONE has become a walker. You can choose to bring Clem with you or not, I brought her with me even though everyone told me not to (because the only other option is to leave her with Omid who is not doing well).
In Crawford, I guess there are multiple ways you could go but everyone splits up. I ended up going with Molly to find the battery. We got it and later you go into the nurse area where you watch videos of a doctor talking to this girl telling her she must have an abortion or leave Crawford. She stabs him and escapes (you can tell he wanted to sedate her to rape her). Ben also tells you he wants to tell Kenny the truth. I told him to tell Kenny, because I wanted Ben to die (for abandoning Clem and leading to Carley's death).
When the group is escaping by climbing out of Crawford (Ben is an IDIOT, he pulls the hatchet out of the door which was keeping it closed and then all the walkers get inside) Ben tells Kenny and Kenny SNAPS, you can choose whether you want to let Kenny go at back or hold him back. I held him back because walkers were getting in.
Then when they are finally climbing out, Ben falls back and Lee is holding on to him. I was going to save him but then he kept telling me to let him go. Clem was supporting Ben but I let Ben go because he wanted me to and Carley's death was his fault.
You get back to the house and Clem is very upset, I tried to make her calm (twice) but she ends up crying either way.
Whoever says your choices do not matter is an IDIOT - EVERY SINGLE CHOICE YOU MAKE FROM EP1 to NOW WILL MATTER!!!!
The Morning After, Lee wakes up, Clem is gone. Lee goes looking outside and is attacked by a walker, kills it easily but realizes he is bit. If you hide the bite from the group, Lee will go to look for Clem on his own. This is what I did the first time.
The episode ends and it shows the stats for who goes with you into the next chapter (you can go alone, have Christa and Omid go, go with just Kenny, go with just Ben, or go with everyone or some combination). I went alone (because I hid the bite) but then I did a rewind and showed the bite.
Christa and Omid agreed to come with me. Kenny said no. I asked him to again (I was pro-Lilly until Ep.3, then I was wishy washy with Kenny after) and Kenny said that he will not come with me because I never had his back and he leaves. EVERY decision you make matters, if you are pro-Kenny, Kenny will come with you.
Lee goes into the sewers and hears Clem on the walkie-talkie, the man tells you to choose what you say carefully. You can either cuss him, or plead with him, and I begged him not to hurt Clem.
Then it just says: "TO BE CONTINUED".
There is NO preview for the next episode.
Think about all your decisions very VERY carefully, because Clementine is in serious danger, Lee is bit, and this obviously means he is going to turn and die. The first time I didn't show the bite so I went alone, but then I realized if I find Clem I will turn and she will be in serious danger. So I decided to show the bite and get as many people to come -- Christa and Omid came. At least when I die in ep.5 Clementine will have someone..depending on what happens.
Clementine gets kidnapped, and... god.
I'm still shaking from the episode, and it SUCKS that Chuck died. When Lee got bit I yelped at the sudden walker.
Who went with you into the next episode?
I had Christa/Omid. I wish I could have Kenny too, I want to have as many people as I can because Lee is going to turn. I was pro-Lilly until she killed Carley, and I cussed Kenny every chance I got. After that I only took Kenny's side when I actually agreed with him. I let Ben go because I thought that would bring Kenny around again but obviously it didn't.
I CAN'T WAIT FOR EPISODE 5!! It's obvious the ending will be tragic though...
I went alone, but I saved Ben. I felt pity for him.
That could be plausible, but I did hear the sound of it's teeth digging into Lee's wrist. I doubt it was a dry bite.
I thought Christa asked "What's with all the blood?" when they found Lee after the bite. I'm pretty sure Lee said something to the affect of "It's mine" (in my playthrough at least). I'm not sure if I'm remembering things wrong though (everything happened so quickly).
Also there was blood on clems hat after the bite scene.
I was so angry at Ben when he said that Katjaa and Duck's deaths were his fault twice and never mentioned Carley (Doug if he's on your playthrough). I'll hope for a Carley or Doug reference in Episode 5. I got extremely mad at Ben in lots of instances. I think this episode really did great at fueling your anger for Ben to make the big decision near the end all the more powerful.
Honestly, this episode was fantastic. At first I didn't like the new girl, nor did I like her half way through the ep much, but by the end I thought she was pretty alright. I liked her, and liked the rest of the cast. This episode also made me like Christa a bit, and it's great that Omid stuck around and is better. I was so sad when I saw Chuck in the sewer though, my god. I knew he wasn't gonna make it. ):
Being pro-Kenny, he's going with me along with Christa and Omid to save Clementine. I didn't have his back a few times though, and even those choices mattered as he told me that sometimes I didn't have his back! Amazing.
I let Ben die because he's the reason Carley died, and I never felt any sympathy for him at all. However, when it came to the moment where I either saved him or let him die, I was actually shocked. I shocked myself, because I've always hated Ben SO much and always have gone about how much I wanted him to die in ep 4, and yet at that moment I panicked so much and didn't know whether I should let him stay or not. In the end though, I let him die. Because I'll always be upset about how my favorite character died because of him. But I made a separate copy in which I saved Ben just to see the differences, though he refused to go with me to save Clementine because I was always just the biggest ass to him, which is understandable.
I started crying when Lee got bitten. I just couldn't believe it, and I love Lee so much as a character. He's my favorite protagonist out of all of the games that I have played, and it was so fast and sudden. Now I can see why episode 5 is named "No Time Left". ):
My favorite episode is still episode 1, but episode 4 was really great! Even if the new TWD ep became your new favorite episode or not, no TWD episode disappoints!
Am I the only one who chose to save Ben? Sure he's well....Ben...but still, I'd rather have everyone I can have to Clementine.
And this makes me wonder....how difficult do you think it is to get everyone in the group? I hear a lot of people not getting everyone but it seems like Omid and Christie are the easiest to get if you show your bite.
So if you think about it, how difficult would it be to get everyone at once?
when I saw the body of Chuck, I was very sad.
Molly was an amazing character, I wanted her to to appear in EP5 but I think she will not appear.
Ben Fuck, Fuck YOU! I did not kill you because Carley died protecting you, she would hate me if I did that, and you're just stupid and cowardly, so Ben Fuck YOU!
Lee was bitten when I paused the game, and redid that part, I did not believe, then kicked my chair!
Episode INCREDIBLE! Note 9!
Telltale THANK YOU!
I think she was coerced out of the house probally told by that the person would lead her to her parents. then was snatched and thats when she dropped the hat. Then the radio was dropped by the guy so Lee would come for clem. This has a revenge plot written all over it. But how does he know Lee?
You have seen dawn of the dead right? 28 days later. Black guy, black girl survive.
This may have been the longest episode yet too.
But he was like aw man I doudt it was becuz clems hat got dirty, they probally haven't showered forever so not to worried about being filthy.
But these are just thoughts until episode 5
I also haven't played through the alternate way yet. So I didn't hide the bite this time.
I dunno Rick had a leather jacket on did he not? I can only remember him getting "bit" that one time. I hate how Lee got bit. It's really similar to how Dale got bit. Maybe they amputate his arm? This episode was crazy. I don't know how to feel. I want Lee to make it out alive but I know it's impossible. What did you guys say to Vernon about taking Clem? I said no but maybe that might be one of the best options.
and hopefully Lee amputate his arm,
I can't dieeee!:
I'm sorry.
Maybe if you side with Vernon than you can amputate.
(I'm sorry, I couldn't help but use a gif.)
Siiigh... now I guess I'll go find his body instead...
I wish there was a choice to save him instead of book it...