I managed to have Kenny, Ben, Omid and Krista with me in the end. I was shocked about Kenny... We've had a rocky go of it, ever since he dropped the salt lick on Larry's head. But somehow, I managed to get him to come with me -- he even mentioned that he didn't know if I would put my life on the line for him. Not sure what affected his decision -- I told him that Clem was my family, and that seemed to win him over I guess. I think things are only going to get worse in Episode 5, since he seemed pretty pissed when I insisted Ben come with us.
Edit: Oh, and Molly is awesome. The scene where she fends off the zombies in the school was amazing. I only wish she'd come with me.
Honestly I don't think Lee will die or else they have given up on having a season 2 with the same characters. Perhaps they will do a less than 3 days later thing next time, OH! Maybe Season 2 is that you play through the infection meeting your door step or the news!
Am I the only one that chose to hide the bite and then tell the others I would look for Clementine alone? I just figured that seeing as Lee was already a dead man it'd be easier this way. It doesn't matter if Lee dies but if I bring along the rest of the group then there's the possibility that they'll slow me down or that more of them will die as well.
First off, I'm surprised people had problems shooting the zombie off of Molly. I did it on my first go and didn't think much of it. I guess all that time playing Modern Warfare has finally paid off.....
EXCEPT that it didn't work when I tried to save Chuck. I shot the zombie in the head FOUR TIMES and nothing happened, due to it being a scripted event. Thumbs down on that, Telltale.
In fact, that first experience of the episode left a really bad taste in my mouth and made me start disliking the episode. However, by the end, I thought it was great.
I was always nice to Ben since the start; I didn't think he was all that bad. I didn't even blame him or have a problem with him giving supplies to the bandits -- I think the bandits would have attacked sooner if he hadn't. Plus, I don't blame him for Carley's death. I blame Lilly for that. And yet I ended up dropping Ben. He acted liked a stooge for the entire episode and unlike the deaths of Carley or Duck or anyone, I DID hold him responsible for getting that cancer survivor woman killed. However, I had a really hard time when it came to letting him go. I had to press escape to pause it, and I was just like, "Oh Telltale. Oh, you mighty bastards. Damn you. Damn you for this." But I let Ben fall to his death. When I found out he could have possibly joined you at the end to help search for Clementine, I felt a moment of regret. But then I realized his "efforts" would probably amount to him falling down and shitting himself during the search, so to hell with it.
It's a good thing the episode ended so strongly, because I had a few problems with it. The episode didn't seem as fleshed out as the ones before; I felt like I was just walking around bland environments, doing boring puzzles. The sewer is the epitome of what I'm talking about. My most favorite puzzle in the entire series is still that first part at the motel, where you have to kill all the zombies quietly. I loved that part.
Also, some of the quick time events felt frustrating to work with, which I only felt once before in this series of games. The foot stuck through the wooden floorboard is maybe the worst one in the episode.
However, the counterpoint to that is I like that Telltale put more action and more zombie-killing in this episode. I appreciated that. Yes, I know the Walking Dead series has always been very focused around human interaction, but too much of that and it can start feeling less like a zombie apocalypse and more like the 80's soap opera "Dallas." That scene where Lee hacks through all those zombies in the armory, that was amazingly bad-ass. I got a thrill from playing that part. That's the kind of stuff I like to see.
I thought Kenny was fine in Episode 1, but he started getting more and more on my nerves as time went on. By this episode, I see him as just a dumb and insane hillbilly, and I only want him around for the boat. I asked for his help to find Clementine, and he said no -- not a big surprise. Maybe I could get him to help if I told him I thought of Clemetine as family, instead of the Lee begging him response, but to hell with him.
So, in the end, it's Lee, Omid, and Christa. I did show them the bite. No point in hiding it if it's gonna happen.
I was trying to think of the best possible scenario, where I would like Clem to end up now that Lee is a dead man walking. I think she might be best off with Molly. Probably Christa too, but Christa isn't a ninja.
Oh, and my final comment: I REALLY wish Telltale would have given you the option to, you know, help Clem find her family. The thing that she's been pushing for since the beginning. The thing that I thought Lee might be interested from the beginning as well. Hell, we could have at least checked the hotel that Clem's parents called from, their last known destination.
Anyways, I ended up giving the episode a 7/10. On the one hand, the episode had some real pivotal moments and some cool scenes. Plus, I like Molly. A lot. On the other hand, it felt very railroady, maybe more so than any previous episode. There were some parts that felt like boring filler (the sewer). It's a tie between the first and third episode as my most favorite.
I hope Telltale makes more games in this genre. I guess more Walking Dead.
Edit: Well, hell. I didn't know they had confirmed a season 2. Yaaay, I think. Hopefully they'll have a solid story and characters as good as Lee and Clem.
I chose to bring everyone with me because someone needs to be with Clementine when Lee dies. Besides, if no one comes, I believe Clementine will have to kill Lee when he turns and I don't want that.
When I saw Lee's arm bite, all I could think was "My god, Lee is gonna die, what will happen to Clementine?". When Christa (I believe it was her) asked what happened I knew Lee's time was short and I started to wonder what he would leave for Clementine.
Kenny is thrustworthy and won't abandon Lee or Clementine. Ben messed up pretty bad, but he is well intentioned. I hope he redeems himself in episode two. Christa and Omid seem to like Clementine very much and I believe they would be good foster parents.
I can't wait for the final episode. Maybe the next season will be about Clementine growing up in the new world.
This was a great Episode, I checked the Review of it on IGN a day before it came out for PC and it got a 7.9 so my expectations were a lot lower than the others but after I beat it I wondered why they gave it such a low score (By Walking Dead Standards) this episode was A LOT better than the previous one and it just goes to show that your Decisions DO matter. Since it was announced that there would be a Season 2 , whats going to happen to Lee? And whats going to happen to Clem if Lee dies this Episode?
I think Molly is Clementines Mother, That's why she went on her own after the old man said he wanted to take her. Maybe Clementine knew that she was going that's why she started crying and started to ask questions about getting their parents back and cried afterwards. Notice at the very end The man on the phone says "choose your words very carefully" (Could be the Father) using the walkie talkie to use lee to help clementine get to them safely.
Then you had to answer the question about clementine and then the episode ends. she also looks a lot like her too I think there may be a big twist to the whole situation. and If i was lee I would cut my arm off just to survive or you could get that bastard Ben to suck the zombie germs of the wound lol
I think Molly is Clementines Mother, That's why she went on her own after the old man said he wanted to take her. Maybe Clementine knew that she was going that's why she started crying and started to ask questions about getting their parents back and cried afterwards. Notice at the very end The man on the phone says "choose your words very carefully" (Could be the Father) using the walkie talkie to use lee to help clementine get to them safely.
Then you had to answer the question about clementine and then the episode ends. she also looks a lot like her too I think there may be a big twist to the whole situation. and If i was lee I would cut my arm off just to survive or you could get that bastard Ben to suck the zombie germs of the wound lol
Molly doesn't look anything like Clementine's mother. Don't you remember the family portrait in Episode One?
I think it was an excelent episode, much better than the previous one. In the end Kenny left the group, but all of the others came with me. I find that cheap however how they get rid of Chuck in the first 5 minutes. And the new people are sort of hit and miss for me. Molly was awesome as hell I hope we'll see here in EP5, Vernon was...there, I didn't really cared about him or the others from his group. At least some of your choices here probably will have an effect on EP5, mainly saving Ben, and telling the gruop you were bitten. I can't wait for EP5, I hope it will be released in early-mid November.
I think Molly is Clementines Mother [...] she also looks a lot like her too
Clems mom is called Diana, is an african American, around 30 has brown hair and brown eyes
Molly is around 20, Caucasian and blond hair and blue eyes... they couldn't be any more different.
As for the review I'll keep it short:
This is the best Episode so far in my opinion. I really liked how it played out. Molly was a neat character. Also the gameplay was a bit nicer. Like the timing in the sewers, the new aiming system without simply clicking on circles, freeing your leg etc.. felt more fun and interactive. I loved the environments much more this time. Loved the big house, the sewers and the School. Compared to all the boring locations that I hated like the farm or the train.. overall great episode and I hope for an epic showdown in ep5.
I think Molly is Clementines Mother, That's why she went on her own after the old man said he wanted to take her. Maybe Clementine knew that she was going that's why she started crying and started to ask questions about getting their parents back and cried afterwards. Notice at the very end The man on the phone says "choose your words very carefully" (Could be the Father) using the walkie talkie to use lee to help clementine get to them safely.
Then you had to answer the question about clementine and then the episode ends. she also looks a lot like her too I think there may be a big twist to the whole situation. and If i was lee I would cut my arm off just to survive or you could get that bastard Ben to suck the zombie germs of the wound lol
Don't you think Clem would recognise her mother and the other way around lol?
Telltale sure does know how to make a hell of an emotional game. I actually teared up a few times in this episode. The conversations between Lee and Clem were so moving. Felt bad every time it said something like "Clem feels hurt" or "Clem got nervous." Good job on this, TT. Let's hope things turn for the better in episode 5.
I saved Ben, and then when I asked Kenny, he said I didn't always have my back for him (which I did throughout the episodes, besides Ben) but he said he would go only if Ben stays behind. So I'm going with Christa, Omid, and Kenny.
at first i though the episode wasn't as good as 2 and 3, but the more it went, i started enjoying the character of Molly, whom i hope we may see in episode 5 maybe.
and then the ending... the ending itself made it for me, Lee getting bit, gathering the folks who will want to follow me (everyone but Ben, that guy couldn't help an old man to cross a street) and i'm gonna go kill whomever took Clementine... then i guess she'll shoot me and go off with the rest, hopefully they do a better job watching her than they're currently doing though...
anyhow i digress, i really love the episode and i can NOT wait for the finale one.
great episode i think it is my favorite,i really hope lee doesn't die maybe when the walker bit him clams hat was in the way and he didn't really bite him and i want molly to stay in the group but i guess we will see in episode 5 maybe she will come back anyway this is the best episode great work Gary whitta you did an awesome job cant wait for episode 5
This will probably drown in the flood of responses, but after all the praise about the choices I wanted to point out some negative things of the implementation I noticed, mainly in the school.
There seems to be no apparant entry point for the walkers in front of the room with the medical supplies, they seem to just come out of nowhere after you closed the main entrance with the hatchet.
The first time you make it back from the garage only with the help of Molly. When you go back there to get the tape from the Doc suddenly this doesn't matter, there's a just a loading screen and you are back in the school.
After watching the second video Lee tells Christa and Vernon he'd watch the third one while they go ahead. But the game puts you in front of the two old videos. I ended up watching both old tapes again because I couldn't be sure which one was the third one now. It would have been so much better if the next screen would have been Lee at the camcorder with just the third tape as option there. THEN he could have put this third tape next to the others on the desk in case the player wants to watch one of them again.
Two more things I forgot:
When walking past the main entrance with the horde of walkers trying to get in, the stereo mix seems weird: there are many walker noises coming from the left and some coming from the right, while obviously there are only walkers on the left side of the screen.
When entering the school, in the first room (where Ben will try to open the Armory) you can take your time to read the Crawford papers and the map. When you are done reading, you just click again to close the view. But when you leave the room and go in the hallway, this isn't the case anymore with the big banner about the Crawford rules. Instead, when trying to read them, this view will disappear after a few seconds. As a non native speaker I had to click the banner at least three times to read all the rules.
All right, my thoughts. I've always had a rule to myself that Telltale's fourth episode is always the best, and so far it looks like the same rule is with The Walking Dead. I'm really impressed by how they always seem to make each new episode more depressing than the last. Even though I had Lee being bitten spoiled for me in advance, I still ended up shocked when it happened.
Also, now that we're closer to the end and it's easier to pull off branching paths...choices that actually matter! Part of why I was one of the few people to save Ben was because I thought "Whatever, the outcome will be the same either way." Needless to say, I was pretty surprised when I found out you can actually kill him. I also find the fact that you can have six different parties for the finale pretty interesting. I wonder how different the end will be depending on who's with you. I somehow ended up with everybody, but I bet the episode will be a lot more somber if it's just Lee and Kenny, or even worse, Lee alone.
I do have a few complaints, though. First of all, Chuck got killed off way too fast. It seems that, like Mark, he existed solely to pad the body count. You could argue Telltale's trying to make some kind of point here (especially with Vernon's lines about death becoming routine), but it still feels kind of...eh to me.
In fact, it seems like the game in general is moving too fast. Of the huge cast we met in Episode 1, Clem and Kenny are the only characters left. (Maybe not even Kenny, if you kicked him out of the group.) Those early episodes feel like ancient history now. Granted, this was probably the point. Part of The Walking Dead's charm is the huge timeframe it takes place over, and how things always change (but never for the better). Telltale has to convey that same feeling but in a much smaller space, so I guess the story has to be fast as a consequence.
Also, the FPS segments are a pain in the ass. There's no crosshair or cursor, so it's hard to tell exactly where you're aiming, which is especially infuriating since you have to shoot the walkers in the head. It's strangely satisfying when you do them right, though. Now I wonder if the Telltale Tool could handle a full FPS game...
Anyway, overall, great episode. Eagerly looking forward to the finale.
Is anyone else depressed now? When I found out Lee was bitten, I felt kind of numb. I dont know if I was emotionally drained or what. Now that it's settled in, I just feel so down. Chuck dead, Clem kidnapped, Lee bitten and dying, Ben suicidal, Kenny continuing to be an a-hole to me. Ive never enjoyed a game so much that made me feel so bad, lol.
Also, just wanted to say something that I was just thinking about. I've always hated Lilly so much, but I feel like a small part of me liked her. I actually miss her a lot. Missing a character that you've always loathed? Or that you thought you did? None other than TTG has done this for me before.
I miss Lilly, Katjaa and Duck so much. And don't even get me started on Carley. ): I miss the original cast so much, yet having this new cast just makes me remember and treasure the old cast even more, and makes me realize that even if I hated some characters, I actually have a part of me that liked them. Anyone else feeling like this as well? I can't say I dislike any character aside from Ben, whom I did feel sympathy for when he begged me to let go.
No other game has done this for me. Terrific job. I've bought the Season Pass, but I definitely will buy the disc when it comes out because I just love it so much.
how can you MISS a computer game character... seriously.. some people just are over reacting on this... i know this game is good and the story too, probably the best i've played so far.. but please.. don't say miss game characters..
also chuck... nice guy, i guess ... but some people react so emotionally.. he's just been there maybe 2 hours in the game to find out he's dead.. we didn't get the chance to know him because he hardly talks about anything..
how can you MISS a computer game character... seriously.. some people just are over reacting on this... i know this game is good and the story too, probably the best i've played so far.. but please.. don't say miss game characters..
also chuck... nice guy, i guess ... but some people react so emotionally.. he's just been there maybe 2 hours in the game to find out he's dead.. we didn't get the chance to know him because he hardly talks about anything..
If you can miss TV characters or book characters or movie characters, you can miss game characters. What's the difference?
why lee was bitten !? this doesn't make sense, he have a child to take care and she is like a daughter to him!!
I don't know if I have more interest in playing the rest of the game.
I really have to say that I am very much in the middle about Lee getting bit and not in a good way. Maybe it's the emotions talking or maybe I am just this jaded horror fan. But when it was revealed he was bit my thoughts went between "oh fuck" and "well this is such a horror/zombie cliche".
It does its job that it got me thinking so of course it manages to do something but I am not sure that "Oh Lee is gonna die, I saw that coming from the moment he met clem in episode 1" is the right outcome of that.
I wasn't hoping for a fairytale Disney ending where everyone would survive (although I think a game with an option to save everyone, but you would have to go to great lengths to do it and maybe lose yourself in that pursuit would be pretty interesting), but I think I was hoping for Telltale to surprise me in this regard.
Sure they can probably still write a way that saves Lee and Clem in the end (without them being a team of walkers), but at that moment I felt it was a bit cheap and cliche.
Plus should Lee finally sacrifice himself in the next episode it would feel cheap to me. He's got nothing to lose because he's gonna turn unless they write in an escape so his death won't be as heroic to me.
People are probably gonna hate me for this but it really is something I am feeling, more disappointed that they went for the cliche than disappointed that Lee got bit.
Especially after a great episode full of surprises. It was a kick in the emotional balls but also an even harder kick in the "oh not this cliche again" balls. It just made me feel meh and not only because I feel bad about Lee.
I have a gut feeling that he is the one who kidnapped Clem. He is acting weird in the game and hardly talk. He alone was on the game screen for more than 3 seconds.
I have a gut feeling that he is the one who kidnapped Clem. He is acting weird in the game and hardly talk. He alone was on the game screen for more than 3 seconds.
Oh, you are NOT saying what I think you're saying.
I really have to say that I am very much in the middle about Lee getting bit and not in a good way. Maybe it's the emotions talking or maybe I am just this jaded horror fan. But when it was revealed he was bit my thoughts went between "oh fuck" and "well this is such a horror/zombie cliche".
It does its job that it got me thinking so of course it manages to do something but I am not sure that "Oh Lee is gonna die, I saw that coming from the moment he met clem in episode 1" is the right outcome of that.
I wasn't hoping for a fairytale Disney ending where everyone would survive (although I think a game with an option to save everyone, but you would have to go to great lengths to do it and maybe lose yourself in that pursuit would be pretty interesting), but I think I was hoping for Telltale to surprise me in this regard.
Sure they can probably still write a way that saves Lee and Clem in the end (without them being a team of walkers), but at that moment I felt it was a bit cheap and cliche.
Plus should Lee finally sacrifice himself in the next episode it would feel cheap to me. He's got nothing to lose because he's gonna turn unless they write in an escape so his death won't be as heroic to me.
People are probably gonna hate me for this but it really is something I am feeling, more disappointed that they went for the cliche than disappointed that Lee got bit.
Especially after a great episode full of surprises. It was a kick in the emotional balls but also an even harder kick in the "oh not this cliche again" balls. It just made me feel meh and not only because I feel bad about Lee.
lol it's your emotions talking, but thats the beauty of this game. It truly moves you and makes you care about the characters and situations. Telltale is doing great in my opinion.
I lost my save data again, so I just started episode 4 allowing all my choices before that to just be made for me. For the most part it looks like the choices I made from the last episode were the same aside from Kenny and Lee fighting, and Kenny killing Duck instead of Lee.
I was so upset when I saw that Lee was bitten. I kept hoping it was just a dream and he would wake up. I really hate the way they are taking the story. I mean I get it, it makes sense, but I just don't see why they have to do it that way. I don't want the story to end with Lee turning into a walker, or anything bad happening to Clem, and it just makes me so mad that with every episode it's like they are getting closer and closer to just killing everyone and saying "Well that's it folks." I realize the likelihood of them outliving this thing is slim, but still.
With every episode, I try my hardest to maintain Lee's humanity, I've never allowed anyone to die if I thought for even a moment I could save them. The whole thing with Ben was hard for me, just like the thing with Duck in episode 3. No matter how much I hate them and want them to die, when it's up to me to decide their fate, I just can't allow myself to be responsible. I wanted Duck to die from the beginning, and it surprised me how much I was upset by his passing. It was kinda like that with Ben. Even though everything that happened was his fault, even though Carley, Katjaa, and Duck all died because of him, when I was faced with the choice to let him die, I couldn't do it. No matter how much I hated him for what he did, I couldn't be the one to kill him.
Oh, you are NOT saying what I think you're saying.
The gut feeling that he is the one with Walkie talkie. The guy who spoke on Walkie talkie sound so different than Vernon.
He didn't talk on the game. Maybe he doesn't want anyone to figure out that he's the one on the Walkie talkie.
Maybe he even have the Walkie talkie in the brown bag
Edit: Oh, and Molly is awesome. The scene where she fends off the zombies in the school was amazing. I only wish she'd come with me.
Meh I'm going back and changing my decision.
First off, I'm surprised people had problems shooting the zombie off of Molly. I did it on my first go and didn't think much of it. I guess all that time playing Modern Warfare has finally paid off.....
EXCEPT that it didn't work when I tried to save Chuck. I shot the zombie in the head FOUR TIMES and nothing happened, due to it being a scripted event. Thumbs down on that, Telltale.
In fact, that first experience of the episode left a really bad taste in my mouth and made me start disliking the episode. However, by the end, I thought it was great.
I was always nice to Ben since the start; I didn't think he was all that bad. I didn't even blame him or have a problem with him giving supplies to the bandits -- I think the bandits would have attacked sooner if he hadn't. Plus, I don't blame him for Carley's death. I blame Lilly for that. And yet I ended up dropping Ben. He acted liked a stooge for the entire episode and unlike the deaths of Carley or Duck or anyone, I DID hold him responsible for getting that cancer survivor woman killed. However, I had a really hard time when it came to letting him go. I had to press escape to pause it, and I was just like, "Oh Telltale. Oh, you mighty bastards. Damn you. Damn you for this." But I let Ben fall to his death. When I found out he could have possibly joined you at the end to help search for Clementine, I felt a moment of regret. But then I realized his "efforts" would probably amount to him falling down and shitting himself during the search, so to hell with it.
It's a good thing the episode ended so strongly, because I had a few problems with it. The episode didn't seem as fleshed out as the ones before; I felt like I was just walking around bland environments, doing boring puzzles. The sewer is the epitome of what I'm talking about. My most favorite puzzle in the entire series is still that first part at the motel, where you have to kill all the zombies quietly. I loved that part.
Also, some of the quick time events felt frustrating to work with, which I only felt once before in this series of games. The foot stuck through the wooden floorboard is maybe the worst one in the episode.
However, the counterpoint to that is I like that Telltale put more action and more zombie-killing in this episode. I appreciated that. Yes, I know the Walking Dead series has always been very focused around human interaction, but too much of that and it can start feeling less like a zombie apocalypse and more like the 80's soap opera "Dallas." That scene where Lee hacks through all those zombies in the armory, that was amazingly bad-ass. I got a thrill from playing that part. That's the kind of stuff I like to see.
I thought Kenny was fine in Episode 1, but he started getting more and more on my nerves as time went on. By this episode, I see him as just a dumb and insane hillbilly, and I only want him around for the boat. I asked for his help to find Clementine, and he said no -- not a big surprise. Maybe I could get him to help if I told him I thought of Clemetine as family, instead of the Lee begging him response, but to hell with him.
So, in the end, it's Lee, Omid, and Christa. I did show them the bite. No point in hiding it if it's gonna happen.
I was trying to think of the best possible scenario, where I would like Clem to end up now that Lee is a dead man walking. I think she might be best off with Molly. Probably Christa too, but Christa isn't a ninja.
Oh, and my final comment: I REALLY wish Telltale would have given you the option to, you know, help Clem find her family. The thing that she's been pushing for since the beginning. The thing that I thought Lee might be interested from the beginning as well. Hell, we could have at least checked the hotel that Clem's parents called from, their last known destination.
Anyways, I ended up giving the episode a 7/10. On the one hand, the episode had some real pivotal moments and some cool scenes. Plus, I like Molly. A lot.
I hope Telltale makes more games in this genre. I guess more Walking Dead.
Edit: Well, hell. I didn't know they had confirmed a season 2. Yaaay, I think. Hopefully they'll have a solid story and characters as good as Lee and Clem.
When I saw Lee's arm bite, all I could think was "My god, Lee is gonna die, what will happen to Clementine?". When Christa (I believe it was her) asked what happened I knew Lee's time was short and I started to wonder what he would leave for Clementine.
Kenny is thrustworthy and won't abandon Lee or Clementine. Ben messed up pretty bad, but he is well intentioned. I hope he redeems himself in episode two. Christa and Omid seem to like Clementine very much and I believe they would be good foster parents.
I can't wait for the final episode. Maybe the next season will be about Clementine growing up in the new world.
Then you had to answer the question about clementine and then the episode ends. she also looks a lot like her too I think there may be a big twist to the whole situation. and If i was lee I would cut my arm off just to survive or you could get that bastard Ben to suck the zombie germs of the wound lol
Clems mom is called Diana, is an african American, around 30 has brown hair and brown eyes
Molly is around 20, Caucasian and blond hair and blue eyes... they couldn't be any more different.
As for the review I'll keep it short:
This is the best Episode so far in my opinion. I really liked how it played out. Molly was a neat character. Also the gameplay was a bit nicer. Like the timing in the sewers, the new aiming system without simply clicking on circles, freeing your leg etc.. felt more fun and interactive. I loved the environments much more this time. Loved the big house, the sewers and the School. Compared to all the boring locations that I hated like the farm or the train.. overall great episode and I hope for an epic showdown in ep5.
Ugh, man, my heart hurts after this episode.
Therefore there has to be SOME sort of way that Lee doesn't die.
and then the ending... the ending itself made it for me, Lee getting bit, gathering the folks who will want to follow me (everyone but Ben, that guy couldn't help an old man to cross a street) and i'm gonna go kill whomever took Clementine... then i guess she'll shoot me and go off with the rest, hopefully they do a better job watching her than they're currently doing though...
anyhow i digress, i really love the episode and i can NOT wait for the finale one.
Two more things I forgot:
When walking past the main entrance with the horde of walkers trying to get in, the stereo mix seems weird: there are many walker noises coming from the left and some coming from the right, while obviously there are only walkers on the left side of the screen.
When entering the school, in the first room (where Ben will try to open the Armory) you can take your time to read the Crawford papers and the map. When you are done reading, you just click again to close the view. But when you leave the room and go in the hallway, this isn't the case anymore with the big banner about the Crawford rules. Instead, when trying to read them, this view will disappear after a few seconds. As a non native speaker I had to click the banner at least three times to read all the rules.
Also, now that we're closer to the end and it's easier to pull off branching paths...choices that actually matter! Part of why I was one of the few people to save Ben was because I thought "Whatever, the outcome will be the same either way." Needless to say, I was pretty surprised when I found out you can actually kill him. I also find the fact that you can have six different parties for the finale pretty interesting. I wonder how different the end will be depending on who's with you. I somehow ended up with everybody, but I bet the episode will be a lot more somber if it's just Lee and Kenny, or even worse, Lee alone.
I do have a few complaints, though. First of all, Chuck got killed off way too fast. It seems that, like Mark, he existed solely to pad the body count. You could argue Telltale's trying to make some kind of point here (especially with Vernon's lines about death becoming routine), but it still feels kind of...eh to me.
In fact, it seems like the game in general is moving too fast. Of the huge cast we met in Episode 1, Clem and Kenny are the only characters left. (Maybe not even Kenny, if you kicked him out of the group.) Those early episodes feel like ancient history now. Granted, this was probably the point. Part of The Walking Dead's charm is the huge timeframe it takes place over, and how things always change (but never for the better). Telltale has to convey that same feeling but in a much smaller space, so I guess the story has to be fast as a consequence.
Also, the FPS segments are a pain in the ass. There's no crosshair or cursor, so it's hard to tell exactly where you're aiming, which is especially infuriating since you have to shoot the walkers in the head. It's strangely satisfying when you do them right, though. Now I wonder if the Telltale Tool could handle a full FPS game...
Anyway, overall, great episode. Eagerly looking forward to the finale.
how can you MISS a computer game character... seriously.. some people just are over reacting on this... i know this game is good and the story too, probably the best i've played so far.. but please.. don't say miss game characters..
also chuck... nice guy, i guess ... but some people react so emotionally.. he's just been there maybe 2 hours in the game to find out he's dead.. we didn't get the chance to know him because he hardly talks about anything..
If you can miss TV characters or book characters or movie characters, you can miss game characters. What's the difference?
I don't know if I have more interest in playing the rest of the game.
Mass Effect tried doing the same thing but Reaper Boy revelation just made people mad at the ending. don't think TTG will be making the same blunder..
btw, I really like the "suicide mission" vibe from the episode cliffhanger! it sure made me replay back the part to bring Ben along lol
It does its job that it got me thinking so of course it manages to do something but I am not sure that "Oh Lee is gonna die, I saw that coming from the moment he met clem in episode 1" is the right outcome of that.
I wasn't hoping for a fairytale Disney ending where everyone would survive (although I think a game with an option to save everyone, but you would have to go to great lengths to do it and maybe lose yourself in that pursuit would be pretty interesting), but I think I was hoping for Telltale to surprise me in this regard.
Sure they can probably still write a way that saves Lee and Clem in the end (without them being a team of walkers), but at that moment I felt it was a bit cheap and cliche.
Plus should Lee finally sacrifice himself in the next episode it would feel cheap to me. He's got nothing to lose because he's gonna turn unless they write in an escape so his death won't be as heroic to me.
People are probably gonna hate me for this but it really is something I am feeling, more disappointed that they went for the cliche than disappointed that Lee got bit.
Especially after a great episode full of surprises. It was a kick in the emotional balls but also an even harder kick in the "oh not this cliche again" balls. It just made me feel meh and not only because I feel bad about Lee.
I have a gut feeling that he is the one who kidnapped Clem. He is acting weird in the game and hardly talk. He alone was on the game screen for more than 3 seconds.
if you too fast than clamentime shoot walker 555 let try
Oh, you are NOT saying what I think you're saying.
lol it's your emotions talking, but thats the beauty of this game. It truly moves you and makes you care about the characters and situations. Telltale is doing great in my opinion.
I was so upset when I saw that Lee was bitten. I kept hoping it was just a dream and he would wake up. I really hate the way they are taking the story. I mean I get it, it makes sense, but I just don't see why they have to do it that way. I don't want the story to end with Lee turning into a walker, or anything bad happening to Clem, and it just makes me so mad that with every episode it's like they are getting closer and closer to just killing everyone and saying "Well that's it folks." I realize the likelihood of them outliving this thing is slim, but still.
With every episode, I try my hardest to maintain Lee's humanity, I've never allowed anyone to die if I thought for even a moment I could save them. The whole thing with Ben was hard for me, just like the thing with Duck in episode 3. No matter how much I hate them and want them to die, when it's up to me to decide their fate, I just can't allow myself to be responsible. I wanted Duck to die from the beginning, and it surprised me how much I was upset by his passing. It was kinda like that with Ben. Even though everything that happened was his fault, even though Carley, Katjaa, and Duck all died because of him, when I was faced with the choice to let him die, I couldn't do it. No matter how much I hated him for what he did, I couldn't be the one to kill him.
The gut feeling that he is the one with Walkie talkie. The guy who spoke on Walkie talkie sound so different than Vernon.
He didn't talk on the game. Maybe he doesn't want anyone to figure out that he's the one on the Walkie talkie.
Maybe he even have the Walkie talkie in the brown bag