Every single one of your 'reasons' are accidents. you kill people for accidents? what kind of vindictive person are you?
Besides, if you were listening he wanted you to drop him and save everyone else, so that last bit of text is just pointless and incorrect.
In all seriousness, thanks for giving him what he wanted, but I wasn't going to let another person die for any of those stupid reasons.
Making mistakes like his in the real world are all fine and good, but he needs to use his brain in a world like this. Stupid mistake can get you, and everyone else, killed. He has had an influence in many deaths in the game so far, and that is unforgivable.
And as for my last bit of text, he didn't really want to die. Just like he said "Just let me out of the car, ill go" in episode 3. He's acting like a boy. He never really wanted to go, he even admitted he wouldn't know what to do, the group is the only thing keeping him alive. By him saying "Just let me go!" is him being stupid trying to use reverse psychology. That is how I saw it anyway. Even if you save him everyone gets away, so him sacrificing himself goes in vain anyway- so its not so noble is it? It all comes down if he should pay for his crimes or not.
Like Chuck said in episode 3. "You gotta consider her a living person. That's it. You're either living or you're not. You ain't little, you ain't a girl, you ain't a boy, you ain't strong or smart. You're alive."
I saw a lot of talk and not a lot of action. "EH DOODE I GOTTA KILL BEN MAN FIRST CHANCE I GET!11!!1!"
Episode 4 is released.
I'm kinda glad it turned out that way.
I was fighting for Ben, While I found him to be clumsy stupid and a coward
I couldn't just let him die and I never truly hated him. I knew he was just a kid trying to do what he thought was best.
I was fighting for Ben, While I found him to be clumsy stupid and a coward
I couldn't just let him die and I never truly hated him. I knew he was just a kid trying to do what he thought was best.
Exactly. I also found myself defending Ben everytime people started going at him. It was so awesome at the end when I picked "It's up to you" in response to whether or not he should come with me, and he said he would help ...
Pulled him up because I wasnt about to let him die because he made some stupid mistakes. He's having a hard time dealing with the world as it is now but if I showed him some trust, maybe he would start to step up and be an asset and in the end, he was eager to help me for Clem and Lee's sake. Letting him die felt too much like taking advantage of a guilt-ridden kid to get revenge.
I was fighting for Ben, While I found him to be clumsy stupid and a coward
I couldn't just let him die and I never truly hated him. I knew he was just a kid trying to do what he thought was best.
This is how I felt. I know he has screwed up but I still couldn't kill him.
You know what? I was really surprised when I saw the choices the other players made at the end of the episode... A majority of them I think 75% saved him also I was surprised by how many revealed the bite. * I did and thought I would be one of the few doing that.*
Dropped him at first, but then I went back and saved him, not because I like the character especially but because I feel the game cheats: it presents his death as a necessary heroic sacrifice and seems to whisper in you ear that you should let him go, but really you're just dropping a kid to his death. When you look at the path in which you save him, you pull him up in about 3 seconds - actually a shorter time than it takes to deliberate whether you should try to save him or not. If that was actually an option, because apparently somehow Lee is strong enough to do that and that quickly, then Ben's death serves zero purpose. (Though ultimately he may end up doing something stupid in chapter 5 and get someone killed. And I doubt Ben will survive to the end.) To make this a valid dilemma, the game should have followed through with some kind of negative consequence for saving him straight away, rather than misrepresent the options. Letting someone die because you don't like them is different than letting someone die because it will save others.
Letting someone die because you don't like them is different than letting someone die because it will save others.
I saved Ben and will only go back and drop him MAYBE after they release all of the episodes, and I'm going to tell you why most people will tell you they dropped him, and why Ben wanted you to drop him, because Ben has to deal with 4 deaths Including Carley, on his conscious, and if you notice, the reason he told Kenny what happened is because he liked Kenny, and thought he was a good man which made the guilt grow even worse.
People dropped Ben because they saw him as dead weight, and a liability to the groups safety, very vindictive and unfair, but hey most of them were Pro-Kenny backers, and Kenny is vindictive and unfair!
I Saved Ben because I want him to survive to the end, I wouldn't be disappointed if in my game everyone including clementine dies, But if Ben dies first, I will be disappointed, infact if this is how my game ends I am going to be laughing hysterically at the irony of it.
Also he doesn't even know about Chuckles, which would add to his conscience if he found out.
I will surely kill an asshole like Larry but I won't deliberately kill idiot and impotent guy like Ben.
Larry was just looking out for lilly, and in my opinion was a asset I really wish he made it to episode 4... maybe then chuckles duck and katjaa would still be with us, and also I believe Larry, behind that angry disposition and demeanor wasn't actually that much of a asshole.
To make this a valid dilemma, the game should have followed through with some kind of negative consequence for saving him straight away, rather than misrepresent the options. Letting someone die because you don't like them is different than letting someone die because it will save others.
He fucked up a lot. A super lot. I definitely contemplated offing him if it ever came to him or Kenny... then when it came to it... I thought... Lee was a murderer and he redeemed himself. Ben is only a kid... he can also redeem himself.
I saved him because I would rather have him die than have Lee kill him also him and Kenny need to dish it out for Kenny's sake. and who knows he might redeem himself and end up taking care of Clementine when lee is gone.
I dropped him for all reasons listed above.
I already had my mind made up at teh end of Ep. 3 sorta.
When Kenny said something about the weight limit. He was my first choice.
But actually those few shot he took (I think it was him)
Clearing a few walkers on the stairway.
That really made me question my decision.
I actually was planning to shoot him instead of the zombie.
Woulda been cool if there was that option.
But really felt kinda bad after I let him drop.
After the talk with Clem.
I pulled him up. I don't know how TT does it. They can make Larry a complete asshole and make me try to save him in the meat locker. They can make Duck annoying and make me like him because of one scene. When I had the option to kill Ben, I couldn't do it. I'd like to see what goes on between him and Kenny later.
I told Clem said she could vote on whether or not to throw out Ben, she didnt want to throw him out and then Christa changed her mind
I wasnt so easily convinced, I still told him were hes not getting on the boat
But, I still saved him because I could, I still wouldnt let him on the boat with us though
I pulled him up. I don't know how TT does it. They can make Larry a complete asshole and make me try to save him in the meat locker. They can make Duck annoying and make me like him because of one scene. When I had the option to kill Ben, I couldn't do it. I'd like to see what goes on between him and Kenny later.
They don't do it for me. I found Larry an arse and immediately helped kill him, I found Duck annoying and immediately offered to shoot him myself, and I found Ben an imbecile and dropped him without further ado.
Did you drop Ben? Why or why not did you drop him?
I personally dropped him for multiple reasons.
1. He did give food to the bandits and forced us out of the camp.
2. Didn't fess up and got Carley/Doug killed
3. Because of this Duck got bit and caused Katjaa and Duck to both die.
4. Left Clem to die.
5. Let Clem leave the house when he should of been watching her!!!!
6. Clem gets back to house, you would think he would watch her right? "Uhh shes in the backyard playing" FUCKING REALLY?!
7. Took the hatchet from the door that was blocking the walkers.
8. Had to tell Kenny right than and there about everything. Time we could have used to all escape.
If it wasn't for the group he would have been walker food a loooong time ago. I was done with him when he let Clem get out of the house on her own to follow Lee. HE HAS ONE JOB! To watch a child. To make sure the child didn't get away. There was no way I was going to let him put anyone else in danger to save his skin. Dropped him. Save yourself this time idiot.
I agree with all of the above and was ready to drop but then Kenny gave his seal of approval so I pulled him up
I saved Ben. I just couldn't bring myself to allow him to knowingly drop to his death, even if it did end up being that he'd be killed by Kenny later on in the same episode anyway.
The only reason why I contemplated dropping him was because of that damn boat that was one seat short. Dropping him would have solved that problem. But the whole story about the boat seemed too implausible to me anyway.
I'm going to be honest, he wanted me to drop him and I had been looking for the moment to leave him behind. I was never going to let him on the boat if I had to choose. I was going to vote him off but Clementine liked him. So then all reason failed me and I went with the spoiling Clem option as usual. But then when he asked me to drop him I figured I could just pretend he got killed off. And he did ask me to drop him, I figured that was the first time he actually took responsibility for screwing up.
Unfortunately Kenny then decided to rat me out and Clem found out regardless. Without the game giving me the option to hide this truth from Clem I just reloaded and saved him. It's the first time I went back on my choice in the entire game, but the part with Kenny just made no sense. Vernon then saying he saw me drop the boy even though he was already on his way down even less.
Did you drop Ben? Why or why not did you drop him?
I personally dropped him for multiple reasons.
1. He did give food to the bandits and forced us out of the camp.
2. Didn't fess up and got Carley/Doug killed
3. Because of this Duck got bit and caused Katjaa and Duck to both die.
4. Left Clem to die.
5. Let Clem leave the house when he should of been watching her!!!!
6. Clem gets back to house, you would think he would watch her right? "Uhh shes in the backyard playing" FUCKING REALLY?!
7. Took the hatchet from the door that was blocking the walkers.
8. Had to tell Kenny right than and there about everything. Time we could have used to all escape.
If it wasn't for the group he would have been walker food a loooong time ago. I was done with him when he let Clem get out of the house on her own to follow Lee. HE HAS ONE JOB! To watch a child. To make sure the child didn't get away. There was no way I was going to let him put anyone else in danger to save his skin. Dropped him. Save yourself this time idiot.
All this, even after me trying to tell him to toughen up and suck it up.
but i have to say what finally tipped the balance was Ben GIVING UP. Im going out of my way to save him and he just lets his hand slip and wants to die....again putting me at further risk cause time is running out.
So many good people desperately wanting to live yet being snuffed out, and this kid just "gives up". cracks yet again!
This was all too much for me and i dropped him.
Later i felt a little remorse cause i could see it From Bens perspective. He is a bit of a tragic figure. A coward and a tool, but full of regret and self-loathing, trying to help. But i dont do rewinds of my decision and besides, I still think its best for the group.
But i have to say, Kenny nodding to drop him almost made me pull him back up despite everything. I really loathe Kenny's hypocritical ass in my playthrough.
I left him to die. I feel bad now and not because i let him die, but because of Clem and i will end up replaying this episode just to save his sorry ass.
I left him to die. I feel bad now and not because i let him die, but because of Clem and i will end up replaying this episode just to save his sorry ass.
That's what I did.
Useless as he is, it felt better to have every available person with me at the end of the episode.
At first i dropped him! I thought "well if i save him he will die anyways since there's no room on the boat, at least here he can die like a hero (Since he asked me to drop him)"
Then i found out that he can be rescued and that he will be on the boat (Probably) since Molly is leaving (Pretty sure that she'll be back) and i saved him for one simple reason.
He never wanted bad things to happen! He is a good guy even if he caused ALOT of things to go bad and horrible he still didn't mean any of it. The only reason you will get killed in my book is if you want to cause bad things.
At first i dropped him! I thought "well if i save him he will die anyways since there's no room on the boat, at least here he can die like a hero (Since he asked me to drop him)"
Then i found out that he can be rescued and that he will be on the boat (Probably) since Molly is leaving (Pretty sure that she'll be back) and i saved him for one simple reason.
He never wanted bad things to happen! He is a good guy even if he caused ALOT of things to go bad and horrible he still didn't mean any of it. The only reason you will get killed in my book is if you want to cause bad things.
Well the group was one over *IF* you cut Molly loose.
I didn't trust the kid. It's not because he is a jerk, it's because he's an idiot, and he's proven his cowardice on several occasions (especially when he ran away from Clem on the street, IRL if you put my kid in danger you are dead the second I get a chance to wrap my hands around your neck).
For those reasons, I dropped him. I didn't feel spectacular about it, like I did with Lenny (no seriously, screw that guy).
Dropped. He asked plus it solved a bunch of problems. I didn't hate him or anything but of all of them, he seemed the most expendable....that is in addition to all the other reasons already listed. I didn't do it happily, it was a necessity imho. I WAS pissed that he let Clem out of the house though.
I like the way, for almost the entirety of the episode, TT was assassinating Ben's character and deeds, then took us to a place where people exactly like him were executed and impaled on spikes as a warning to others, and then make him confess to everything he's caused at quite literally the worst possible moment he could. Then at the top of the tower, everyone, even Ben, says "Let go...c'mon, you know you want to...". And I still felt terrible for doing it.
I like the way, for almost the entirety of the episode, TT was assassinating Ben's character and deeds, then took us to a place where people exactly like him were executed and impaled on spikes as a warning to others, and then make him confess to everything he's caused at quite literally the worst possible moment he could. Then at the top of the tower, everyone, even Ben, says "Let go...c'mon, you know you want to...". And I still felt terrible for doing it.
Because its a cowardly clumsy teenager...but he still means well and feels remorse.
i think these things should be a tough decision else your bordering on the Kenny sociapath side
Dropped him at first, but then I went back and saved him, not because I like the character especially but because I feel the game cheats: it presents his death as a necessary heroic sacrifice and seems to whisper in you ear that you should let him go, but really you're just dropping a kid to his death. When you look at the path in which you save him, you pull him up in about 3 seconds - actually a shorter time than it takes to deliberate whether you should try to save him or not. If that was actually an option, because apparently somehow Lee is strong enough to do that and that quickly, then Ben's death serves zero purpose. (Though ultimately he may end up doing something stupid in chapter 5 and get someone killed. And I doubt Ben will survive to the end.) To make this a valid dilemma, the game should have followed through with some kind of negative consequence for saving him straight away, rather than misrepresent the options. Letting someone die because you don't like them is different than letting someone die because it will save others.
This is what I did, and my exact thought process, as well.
Making mistakes like his in the real world are all fine and good, but he needs to use his brain in a world like this. Stupid mistake can get you, and everyone else, killed. He has had an influence in many deaths in the game so far, and that is unforgivable.
And as for my last bit of text, he didn't really want to die. Just like he said "Just let me out of the car, ill go" in episode 3. He's acting like a boy. He never really wanted to go, he even admitted he wouldn't know what to do, the group is the only thing keeping him alive. By him saying "Just let me go!" is him being stupid trying to use reverse psychology. That is how I saw it anyway. Even if you save him everyone gets away, so him sacrificing himself goes in vain anyway- so its not so noble is it? It all comes down if he should pay for his crimes or not.
Like Chuck said in episode 3. "You gotta consider her a living person. That's it. You're either living or you're not. You ain't little, you ain't a girl, you ain't a boy, you ain't strong or smart. You're alive."
Ben is a boy.
Plus I figured if he doesn't want to live and I save his live, I own him from that point on. His soul is mine. XD
Episode 4 is released.
I'm kinda glad it turned out that way.
I was fighting for Ben, While I found him to be clumsy stupid and a coward
I couldn't just let him die and I never truly hated him. I knew he was just a kid trying to do what he thought was best.
Same as Larry and Duck. lol
People killed Duck but cried afterwards.
Exactly. I also found myself defending Ben everytime people started going at him. It was so awesome at the end when I picked "It's up to you" in response to whether or not he should come with me, and he said he would help
I think if I took Clem I may of saved him tbh. I can't do bad things in front of my girl.
This is how I felt. I know he has screwed up but I still couldn't kill him.
You know what? I was really surprised when I saw the choices the other players made at the end of the episode... A majority of them I think 75% saved him also I was surprised by how many revealed the bite. * I did and thought I would be one of the few doing that.*
I will surely kill an asshole like Larry but I won't deliberately kill idiot and impotent guy like Ben.
I saved Ben and will only go back and drop him MAYBE after they release all of the episodes, and I'm going to tell you why most people will tell you they dropped him, and why Ben wanted you to drop him, because Ben has to deal with 4 deaths Including Carley, on his conscious, and if you notice, the reason he told Kenny what happened is because he liked Kenny, and thought he was a good man which made the guilt grow even worse.
People dropped Ben because they saw him as dead weight, and a liability to the groups safety, very vindictive and unfair, but hey most of them were Pro-Kenny backers, and Kenny is vindictive and unfair!
I Saved Ben because I want him to survive to the end, I wouldn't be disappointed if in my game everyone including clementine dies, But if Ben dies first, I will be disappointed, infact if this is how my game ends I am going to be laughing hysterically at the irony of it.
Also he doesn't even know about Chuckles, which would add to his conscience if he found out.
Larry was just looking out for lilly, and in my opinion was a asset
Kenny obviously hate it.
Not enough of a reason to let someone die. If he wants to kill Ben he can do it himself.
I already had my mind made up at teh end of Ep. 3 sorta.
When Kenny said something about the weight limit. He was my first choice.
But actually those few shot he took (I think it was him)
Clearing a few walkers on the stairway.
That really made me question my decision.
I actually was planning to shoot him instead of the zombie.
Woulda been cool if there was that option.
But really felt kinda bad after I let him drop.
After the talk with Clem.
I wasnt so easily convinced, I still told him were hes not getting on the boat
But, I still saved him because I could, I still wouldnt let him on the boat with us though
They don't do it for me. I found Larry an arse and immediately helped kill him, I found Duck annoying and immediately offered to shoot him myself, and I found Ben an imbecile and dropped him without further ado.
I agree with all of the above and was ready to drop but then Kenny gave his seal of approval so I pulled him up
Kinda regretting it though, I'll probably go back and change it. My Lee isnt that much of an ass in this playthrough.
He is a little slow, but not a bad person.
The only reason why I contemplated dropping him was because of that damn boat that was one seat short. Dropping him would have solved that problem. But the whole story about the boat seemed too implausible to me anyway.
Unfortunately Kenny then decided to rat me out and Clem found out regardless. Without the game giving me the option to hide this truth from Clem I just reloaded and saved him. It's the first time I went back on my choice in the entire game, but the part with Kenny just made no sense. Vernon then saying he saw me drop the boy even though he was already on his way down even less.
All this, even after me trying to tell him to toughen up and suck it up.
but i have to say what finally tipped the balance was Ben GIVING UP. Im going out of my way to save him and he just lets his hand slip and wants to die....again putting me at further risk cause time is running out.
So many good people desperately wanting to live yet being snuffed out, and this kid just "gives up". cracks yet again!
This was all too much for me and i dropped him.
Later i felt a little remorse cause i could see it From Bens perspective. He is a bit of a tragic figure. A coward and a tool, but full of regret and self-loathing, trying to help. But i dont do rewinds of my decision and besides, I still think its best for the group.
but I have no say about it... there's a countdown, he's fate is not in my hand...
That's what I did.
Useless as he is, it felt better to have every available person with me at the end of the episode.
Then i found out that he can be rescued and that he will be on the boat (Probably) since Molly is leaving (Pretty sure that she'll be back) and i saved him for one simple reason.
He never wanted bad things to happen! He is a good guy even if he caused ALOT of things to go bad and horrible he still didn't mean any of it. The only reason you will get killed in my book is if you want to cause bad things.
Well the group was one over *IF* you cut Molly loose.
For those reasons, I dropped him. I didn't feel spectacular about it, like I did with Lenny (no seriously, screw that guy).
Because its a cowardly clumsy teenager...but he still means well and feels remorse.
i think these things should be a tough decision else your bordering on the Kenny sociapath side
This is what I did, and my exact thought process, as well.