PSEu tweeted "The PS Store update will be online between 3.00pm and 5.00pm GMT." Only few hours... This is a happy-sad day, last episode.
Same here.
We are not as lucky as NA people. I am really much curious than I've been before as reading people just says "WOW!", "I'm sepeecless" "Oh my", etc...
We'll see.
I didn't surprise it'll be available 3.00pm and 5.00pm GMT, besides earlier episodes were about the same time schedule.
Waiting here...
Same here.
We are not as lucky as NA people. I am really much curious than I've been before as reading people just says "WOW!", "I'm sepeecless" "Oh my", etc...
We'll see.
I didn't surprise it'll be available 3.00pm and 5.00pm GMT, besides earlier episodes were about the same time schedule.
Waiting here...
100% Agree. I saw MANY reviews ( just the final vote, to avoid spoilers) and are all 9+, can't wait to experience this episode, but this is the end, it's soooooo sad... But surely season 2 will be great too!
EU Store is quite a mess because of the regions. They upload the content on a country, than another, so on. Sometimes I've downloaded stuff at noon, other times no updates till 7pm... I can wait but it's hard to keep the excitement! #ForClementine
Releasing EP 5 While I'm at work....but have taken a half a day to finish cleaning the house for Thanksgiving.
I don't think the family will understand if I tell them my house smells like wet dog because I was busy saving a little girl from the zombie apocalypse.
okay, so...I refrained from posting this yesterday because when I was going to post it, the episode went up on the Playstation store here in the US...and I figured downloading the game was more important than sitting here arguing. that it's the next day, I feel like I need to come back to the point I intended to make yesterday.
I sat here and saw A LOT of posts talking about PS3 owners being whiny and spoiled etc. etc. just because they voiced their displeasure with how long it took for the episode to go up on the Playstation store. Look what happened today,'s barely 7:00 AM Pacific time and people in Europe (PS3) and people getting the game on Steam are already able to download and enjoy it (can't comment on Xbox since I haven't seen anyone post about that system yet). Had the same thing happened in the US Playstation store yesterday, you wouldn't have seen people voicing their displeasure. So, next time you tell US Playstation users to "be thankful" or consider ourselves "lucky" that we get the game "a day earlier" just remember that we didn't get the game until almost 4:00 PM Pacific time while others got it early-as-hell the next day I have no doubt that if European PS3 users, PC users and Xbox users had to wait until almost 4:00 PM Pacific time today, there would be plenty of bitching coming from those parties as well.
We all know that PS3 users get screwed a lot...lots of content for new games comes out on Xbox first, and we all know about the whole Skyrim debacle...PS3 users STILL haven't gotten any DLC for that game, despite Dawnguard having come out on the Xbox in, what, June? I'm not saying that ALL platforms haven't gotten the shaft before. But it just really irritates me (being a PS3 owner) when I see people using other consoles talk crap. Let's not forget that I believe on episode 2 of the Walking Dead, Xbox got it on Wednesday while others had to wait until Friday.
Bottom line is, we've all been on the losing end of game releases, if you see people complaining about how long it takes for a game to go up for their platform of choice, let 'em complain...sheesh.
Anyway! Hope everyone who gets the game today enjoys it! I'm not gonna eyes were tearing up at the end thank you, Telltale, for putting out such a great game. Hopefully season 2 will be just as enjoyable! I'll see you all around here whenever season 2 starts up!
What happened here. I was used to wait till late at night to get my game here in germany. I did'nt plan to play this evening...I am so confused that the episode is already out. Damn you, telltale for not keeping us waiting...oh wait....I meant thank you
Thanks Telltale, thanks alot. You made a grown man cry... Jerks.:D . But, an awesome ending to a epic game. I hope the ending is setting up what's to come in season 2.
Wow, I turned on my p.c. and jokingly clicked on the Walking Dead game. Boy was I shocked when it said "get" so early in the morning! Downloading smoothly now. Thanks Telltale!
Fair enough, I thought you had a PS3 and didn't play it because of trophies.:D
I thought the psn updated every morning, so whats going wrong this time?</3
It's a message about what's up with the psn.. again.
I'd also love to know this.
Fuck, and it actually is 3:30 AM in California. Whoever the uploader is... GO TO BED MAN!!
Same here.
We are not as lucky as NA people. I am really much curious than I've been before as reading people just says "WOW!", "I'm sepeecless" "Oh my", etc...
We'll see.
I didn't surprise it'll be available 3.00pm and 5.00pm GMT, besides earlier episodes were about the same time schedule.
Waiting here...
100% Agree. I saw MANY reviews ( just the final vote, to avoid spoilers) and are all 9+, can't wait to experience this episode, but this is the end, it's soooooo sad... But surely season 2 will be great too!
EU Store is quite a mess because of the regions. They upload the content on a country, than another, so on. Sometimes I've downloaded stuff at noon, other times no updates till 7pm... I can wait but it's hard to keep the excitement! #ForClementine
pretty fast dl too
Never mind. It updated without telling me.
Such a heart breaking story...
And dinosaurs.
I think I want pizza tonight. But money's kinda tight (more my self imposed budget than an actual shortage though). AND I'm getting fat.
I don't think the family will understand if I tell them my house smells like wet dog because I was busy saving a little girl from the zombie apocalypse.
hey vain if you use those same digits for qte's, your in trouble...
I sat here and saw A LOT of posts talking about PS3 owners being whiny and spoiled etc. etc. just because they voiced their displeasure with how long it took for the episode to go up on the Playstation store. Look what happened today,'s barely 7:00 AM Pacific time and people in Europe (PS3) and people getting the game on Steam are already able to download and enjoy it (can't comment on Xbox since I haven't seen anyone post about that system yet). Had the same thing happened in the US Playstation store yesterday, you wouldn't have seen people voicing their displeasure. So, next time you tell US Playstation users to "be thankful" or consider ourselves "lucky" that we get the game "a day earlier" just remember that we didn't get the game until almost 4:00 PM Pacific time while others got it early-as-hell the next day
We all know that PS3 users get screwed a lot...lots of content for new games comes out on Xbox first, and we all know about the whole Skyrim debacle...PS3 users STILL haven't gotten any DLC for that game, despite Dawnguard having come out on the Xbox in, what, June? I'm not saying that ALL platforms haven't gotten the shaft before. But it just really irritates me (being a PS3 owner) when I see people using other consoles talk crap. Let's not forget that I believe on episode 2 of the Walking Dead, Xbox got it on Wednesday while others had to wait until Friday.
Bottom line is, we've all been on the losing end of game releases, if you see people complaining about how long it takes for a game to go up for their platform of choice, let 'em complain...sheesh.
Anyway! Hope everyone who gets the game today enjoys it! I'm not gonna eyes were tearing up at the end
The pizza was for Telltale staff- I can't exactly mail one to Germany.
I can't wait for season 2:)