Not sure...Telltale has been great at surprising us. Who would've thought that Doug/Carley would've died in episode 3? And who would've thought that a child would die? Hell, who would've thought that Lee would get bitten?
Who would have thought that Telltale would have a scene where a black person is shooting a child?
But I think Telltale should stop with killing everybody in the game...ffs Lee and Clementine must live!
Lee has to die! I voted "Yes!" Sure, I don't want him to die. But if he doesn't it'll ruin the series.
He's not being ruined as a character in the series. On the contrary, I believe he's just been made an even more interesting and memorable character in TWD universe.
Next episode is going to be really intense. You'll be playing a character you love who you know is going to die. But, you don't know when (or how?) There will be suspense around every corner.
If he lives through his bite I think I'll feel pretty cheated and I'll be VERY disappointed.
No, it would be a waste of our time. It's kind of how I felt after reading all 7 of The Dark Tower books.
a bit out of topic but the tower created a time loop within rolands own time line. all those events did happen and will have always happened. though the consect of time is a bit annoying to comprehend when there is not much to go on.
anywho...i would like lee to live but hes going to die. along with clem. she will die in his arms tern just as lee dies. its poetic chaos.
Like many have said, I dont WANT him to die but now that he's been bit he has to. Its not like Telltale needs convincing though. Its very clear that theyve committed to killing him.
I don't WANT him to die personally,I really like him, but I'd like to see it happening for the sake of drama.
So I voted yes.
All y'all are just in denial :T
Do I want him to die? No, he's one of my favorite main characters out of any game. Must he die? Yes, otherwise it would contradict TWD canon. I'm just hoping now that his death is as suitably epic as he deserves.:cool:
What's tragic is the fact that this thread has more than 1000 views but only a bit more than 100 votes
Well..I, for example, don't know what to vote, because it doesn't matter to me if he dies or not.
I want Telltale to tell their story and I'll be fine with however it ends.
While I don't want Lee to die, it would be a total copout for anything else to happen to him. I didn't want Carley to die either. Or Mark. Or Duck and Katjaa. But they were killed, and while it made me sad, it's part of what makes the story so great, that you have an emotional attachment, and you feel something for these characters.
If you could save eveybody and nobody you liked died then the series would be alot worse, IMO.
I totally agree about what you said BUT up to all the others who died.I adamantly believe it's not good killing Lee.All the others ok,but not lee and clem!
Lee isn't going to die. :P Comon guys,that would be a lame and a very predictable ending. Telltale has a plan. :P It could be the cure,or maybe the bite just isn't strong enough.
I definitely don't want Lee to die but his death is pretty much certain. The last thing TT or anyone involved with TWD wants to do is deciding that some bites are more fatal than others. It always has to be: You get bit = You are f**ked.
It's a longshot that it could be scratches but it did very quickly. However it would be cheap for them to pull that.
Lee isn't going to die. :P Comon guys,that would be a lame and a very predictable ending. Telltale has a plan. :P It could be the cure,or maybe the bite just isn't strong enough.
Yeah, because microbiologists have been focusing in creating a cure during three 1/2 months rather than focusing on surviving with their families. Telltale probably has a plan to make us burst into tears, rather than Lee finding a cure. Lee will be focusing in finding Clementine in episode 5 (my guess, at least, because lee knows that there is "No time left" for him).
I think that scratch is ambiguous enough to not be carrying any infection. It looked setup though, the radio sitting right by the feet of a buried zombie.
I don't want him to die, but wanting him to die and if he will die (which he will, he was bitten) are two whole different things. Although I know people who are sick and fed up with Lee and were laughing when he got bitten which I got a little annoyed about because I really like my Lee character.
Lee isn't going to die. :P Comon guys,that would be a lame and a very predictable ending. Telltale has a plan. :P It could be the cure,or maybe the bite just isn't strong enough.
If there was a cure I would write this game off as a weak and poor ending game.
Wait a minute,why SHOULDN'T there be a cure?Why would it have to be a bleak and dark future for the people in the series or the game or the comics?And there can be lots of plot about the cure.It can be on experimental level,it can be in too small numbers,it can be something survivors have to search to get,it can be a lot of things.It doesn't necessarily have to be a "no cure,no future for earth" thing.
Wait a minute,why SHOULDN'T there be a cure?Why would it have to be a bleak and dark future for the people in the series or the game or the comics?And there can be lots of plot about the cure.It can be on experimental level,it can be in too small numbers,it can be something survivors have to search to get,it can be a lot of things.It doesn't necessarily have to be a "no cure,no future for earth" thing.
Wait a minute,why SHOULDN'T there be a cure?Why would it have to be a bleak and dark future for the people in the series or the game or the comics?And there can be lots of plot about the cure.It can be on experimental level,it can be in too small numbers,it can be something survivors have to search to get,it can be a lot of things.It doesn't necessarily have to be a "no cure,no future for earth" thing.
I don't know, but on the comics there's never ever been a single mention of a cure, and I don't think Kirkman plans on creating one. So I doubt TTG would ever go against the comics and do it. And well, being bleak and dark is just a base characteristic for The Walking Dead franchise. Personally, I don't need Lee to survive. As long as Clementine is fine, I'll consider it a 'happy' ending.
In so far as a "cure" goes.. along the timeline, arent these events taking place about the same time as Ricks crew arriving at the CDC? Wouldnt that mean there is no cure yet?
Wait a minute,why SHOULDN'T there be a cure?Why would it have to be a bleak and dark future for the people in the series or the game or the comics?And there can be lots of plot about the cure.It can be on experimental level,it can be in too small numbers,it can be something survivors have to search to get,it can be a lot of things.It doesn't necessarily have to be a "no cure,no future for earth" thing.
no cure doesn't mean no future, i would imagine even if they never cure it a civilisation could still continue, there would just be protocols for the sick and injured and a pragmatic approach to death and disposal of the dead
no cure doesn't mean no future, i would imagine even if they never cure it a civilisation could still continue, there would just be protocols for the sick and injured and a pragmatic approach to death and disposal of the dead
I can see your point there,that is a possibility too,yeah!
no cure doesn't mean no future, i would imagine even if they never cure it a civilisation could still continue, there would just be protocols for the sick and injured and a pragmatic approach to death and disposal of the dead
Exactly, life could still go on but rules would need to be followed to prevent the dead from rising.
This argument about TTG's being wrong for killing Lee off is so wrong. Again I stick to my other arguments in other threads that the writers made a story, and you cannot and should not be able to change it because you don't like it. I've said it before, if you want rainbows and candy, write your own book/game.
I truly believe Lee getting bit and dying adds to the story, yes I would have loved to end this game with Lee and Clem living happily ever after but like real life, shit happens and there isn't much you can do but move on and deal with it.
You gotta understand man,I saw so many other good characters that I liked die.Having Lee,one of the best characters in gaming the last few years die as well just like the others,is going a know,it's a bit too much.That's it,it's a bit too much.Because I got sad,frustrated or angry seeing other characters die just like that but I accepted it,I said hey that's the story,that's the game,that's the Walking Dead style.But not Lee man,just...come on,not Lee...
as far as I understand it bites give you an infection and probably a sepsis which without help is pretty much a death sentence, pluss in this universe the bacteriae that do get into you blood stream are incredibly dangerous. So at the least he will have an incredibly strong case of sepsis and if he survives that then I will feel cheated.
Also for those arguing he can chop it off, and that it isn't to late for that due to it taking a long time for others to get sick and dying from it let me tell you, a sepsis takes a while to build up while the bacteriae or other stuff slowly grows and makes you worse. Suddenly you have a bodily reaction and by that time it could already be to late you get an intense fever and die without medication.
So even if he cut his arm off at this point the bacteriae would still be in his bloodstream it would just not be in quantities that are deadly yet, this will change soon he will get a fever and start not being able to do shit.
So this is why I voted yes, now as for the character I do not wish death upon him just in this scenario I do. Also I will be incredibly disapointed if those who chose to go alone manage to do shit when the sepsis breaks out, no matter your will power you can't go on like that I am sorry to say I hope those who went alone will feel how weak they actually are lol.
Who would have thought that Telltale would have a scene where a black person is shooting a child?
But I think Telltale should stop with killing everybody in the game...ffs Lee and Clementine must live!
I really like the character, but if they find a cure they will ruin th entire IP.
He's not being ruined as a character in the series. On the contrary, I believe he's just been made an even more interesting and memorable character in TWD universe.
Next episode is going to be really intense. You'll be playing a character you love who you know is going to die. But, you don't know when (or how?) There will be suspense around every corner.
If he lives through his bite I think I'll feel pretty cheated and I'll be VERY disappointed.
Lee must die. The cycle must be complete...
a bit out of topic but the tower created a time loop within rolands own time line. all those events did happen and will have always happened. though the consect of time is a bit annoying to comprehend when there is not much to go on.
anywho...i would like lee to live but hes going to die. along with clem. she will die in his arms tern just as lee dies. its poetic chaos.
that's cute really!
but lee is gonna die then... poor clem
I don't want Lee to die. But at this point, no matter what anyone says or does, Lee is going to die. It sucks. This is too depressing.
IF he was bit, and he thinks he was bit, and it looks like a bite.
Otherwise it betrays the setting.
So I voted yes.
All y'all are just in denial :T
Well..I, for example, don't know what to vote, because it doesn't matter to me if he dies or not.
I want Telltale to tell their story and I'll be fine with however it ends.
If you could save eveybody and nobody you liked died then the series would be alot worse, IMO.
It's a longshot that it could be scratches but it did very quickly. However it would be cheap for them to pull that.
Yeah, because microbiologists have been focusing in creating a cure during three 1/2 months rather than focusing on surviving with their families. Telltale probably has a plan to make us burst into tears, rather than Lee finding a cure. Lee will be focusing in finding Clementine in episode 5 (my guess, at least, because lee knows that there is "No time left" for him).
Lol that's the spirit! :P
If there was a cure I would write this game off as a weak and poor ending game.
I like your thinking
I don't know, but on the comics there's never ever been a single mention of a cure, and I don't think Kirkman plans on creating one. So I doubt TTG would ever go against the comics and do it. And well, being bleak and dark is just a base characteristic for The Walking Dead franchise. Personally, I don't need Lee to survive. As long as Clementine is fine, I'll consider it a 'happy' ending.
Lol thanx man! :P
I dont want Lee to die, but if he isnt still asleep in the study having a bad dream, he has to.
no cure doesn't mean no future, i would imagine even if they never cure it a civilisation could still continue, there would just be protocols for the sick and injured and a pragmatic approach to death and disposal of the dead
Because you'll be buying it from Telltale directly or on one of the consoles?
And that's it exactly. I'll vote "Yes" just to make sure.
I can see your point there,that is a possibility too,yeah!
Exactly, life could still go on but rules would need to be followed to prevent the dead from rising.
This argument about TTG's being wrong for killing Lee off is so wrong. Again I stick to my other arguments in other threads that the writers made a story, and you cannot and should not be able to change it because you don't like it. I've said it before, if you want rainbows and candy, write your own book/game.
I truly believe Lee getting bit and dying adds to the story, yes I would have loved to end this game with Lee and Clem living happily ever after but like real life, shit happens and there isn't much you can do but move on and deal with it.
Also for those arguing he can chop it off, and that it isn't to late for that due to it taking a long time for others to get sick and dying from it let me tell you, a sepsis takes a while to build up while the bacteriae or other stuff slowly grows and makes you worse. Suddenly you have a bodily reaction and by that time it could already be to late you get an intense fever and die without medication.
So even if he cut his arm off at this point the bacteriae would still be in his bloodstream it would just not be in quantities that are deadly yet, this will change soon he will get a fever and start not being able to do shit.
So this is why I voted yes, now as for the character I do not wish death upon him just in this scenario I do. Also I will be incredibly disapointed if those who chose to go alone manage to do shit when the sepsis breaks out, no matter your will power you can't go on like that I am sorry to say I hope those who went alone will feel how weak they actually are lol.