Disney Buys Lucasfilm (and other stories)



  • edited October 2012
    The Avengers had an appearance on Phineas and Ferb, Ultimate Spider-Man is awful, and there is a Marvel cartoon where the Punisher talks about how gross Broccoli is.
  • edited October 2012
    and there is a Marvel cartoon where the Punisher talks about how gross Broccoli is.

  • edited October 2012
  • edited October 2012
    Sorry, it was apparently how gross brussels sprouts are.

    Wow I knew what was coming and still wasn't prepared for that.
  • edited October 2012
    A new Star Wars movie definitely does not need to happen. The franchise should be laid to rest to make room for new, original ideas. Unfortunately, that will never happen as long as people keep throwing their money at it.
  • edited October 2012

    DAISHI wrote: »


    Episode VII: The Phantom Blot Menace

    EDIT: I just imagined Vader talking with Mickey's voice ... now that was sick.
  • edited October 2012
    The Avengers had an appearance on Phineas and Ferb, Ultimate Spider-Man is awful, and there is a Marvel cartoon where the Punisher talks about how gross Broccoli is.

    Well nevermind then, let me rephrase.

    What Disney does to star wars cannot be worse than what the prequal movies did and it cannot be worse than what Disney has done...

    Can it?
  • edited October 2012
    How can I only be hearing of this now? Also, I love the wording in the BBC article. They mention a trilogy and then "A new film every two to three years" I can't wait until episode XII! In hologram-vision.

    Who knows, maybe now Disney will realise a monkey island movie is an awesome idea, and finally make it happen. I also quite like the idea of a sequel trilogy of star wars. After all, The empire is still in place after Return of the Jedi. The country wouldn't collapse if you killed Nick Clegg and David Cameron (Deputy PM and PM respectively, or in this case, Darth Vader and emperor palpatine), so there is still room for more to be told. However, it will probably be quite dull, as there are no sith left, so no lightsabre battles. Hmm...

    Also, monkey island area in disneyland needs to happen. Big whoop amusement park anyone?

    Also, I thought they already owned or at least had a large stake in lucas arts. Afterall, there's a star wars and an indianna jones ride in disneyland Paris.
  • edited October 2012
    The Avengers had an appearance on Phineas and Ferb

    Wrong, they WILL HAVE an appearance. It has not yet happened. Also, Phineas and Ferb is actually pretty cool.
  • edited October 2012
    Friar wrote: »
    . The country wouldn't collapse if you killed Nick Clegg and David Cameron

    Lets put that to the test. :D
  • edited October 2012
    Gman5852 wrote: »
    Well nevermind then, let me rephrase.

    What Disney does to star wars cannot be worse than what the prequal movies did and it cannot be worse than what Disney has done...

    Can it?
    What they do to Star Wars is inconsequential. The major effects that this deal has are much farther-reaching than "maybe they'll make some bad Star Wars stuff".

    They now own ILM, which means ILM and Pixar can both work together to worsen artist conditions without it being collusion. The artistic labor market has taken a major blow.

    They have invested $4.05 billion into legacy IP. They will then invest on top of that by producing content within that IP to recoup costs. Since Marvel's valuation is roughly equivalent, we're looking at a major loss of potential cultural capital.

    This money could have been used to make:

    -20 movies with the budget of Toy Story 3
    -25 movies with the budget of Tarzan
    -36 movies with the budget of The Lion King
    -59 movies with the budget of The Little Mermaid
    -97 movies with the budget of Aladdin
    -122 movies with the budget of Fantasia
    -187 movies with the budget of Snow White

    Budgets adjusted for inflation.

    On top of paying $4.05 billion dollars just to own the license, they're going to be occupying top filmmaking talent and an extra ~$200 million per film rehashing an older franchise and turning a blind eye to new creators because they have a $4 billion investment to make pay off for them.

    The farther-reaching industry effect of Disney purchasing Marvel and LucasFilm is that the largest focus of one of the handful of companies that determine what we get in terms of cultural capital is in recycling things that have been successful in the past. That's harmful. By comparison, I really don't care if Darth Vader is re-imagined as a teenage boy who tries desperately to win over Padme through making it big as a teen pop sensation, and ultimately uses the Force to pull off rad dance moves in an inspirational finale. I just don't.
  • edited October 2012
    What they do to Star Wars is inconsequential. The major effects that this deal has are much farther-reaching than "maybe they'll make some bad Star Wars stuff".

    They now own ILM, which means ILM and Pixar can both work together to worsen artist conditions without it being collusion. The artistic labor market has taken a major blow.

    They have invested $4.05 billion into legacy IP. They will then invest on top of that by producing content within that IP to recoup costs. Since Marvel's valuation is roughly equivalent, we're looking at a major loss of potential cultural capital.

    This money could have been used to make:

    -20 movies with the budget of Toy Story 3
    -25 movies with the budget of Tarzan
    -36 movies with the budget of The Lion King
    -59 movies with the budget of The Little Mermaid1
    -97 movies with the budget of Aladdin
    -122 movies with the budget of Fantasia
    -187 movies with the budget of Snow White

    Budgets adjusted for inflation.

    On top of paying $4.05 billion dollars just to own the license, they're going to be occupying top filmmaking talent and an extra ~$200 million per film rehashing an older franchise and turning a blind eye to new creators because they have a $4 billion investment to make pay off for them.

    The farther-reaching industry effect of Disney purchasing Marvel and LucasFilm is that the largest focus of one of the handful of companies that determine what we get in terms of cultural capital is in recycling things that have been successful in the past. That's harmful. By comparison, I really don't care if Darth Vader is re-imagined as a teenage boy who tries desperately to win over Padme through making it big as a teen pop sensation, and ultimately uses the Force to pull off rad dance moves in an inspirational finale. I just don't.

    Methinks the Dashing doth protest too much! ;)
  • edited October 2012
    What they do to Star Wars is inconsequential. The major effects that this deal has are much farther-reaching than "maybe they'll make some bad Star Wars stuff".

    They now own ILM, which means ILM and Pixar can both work together to worsen artist conditions without it being collusion. The artistic labor market has taken a major blow.

    They have invested $4.05 billion into legacy IP. They will then invest on top of that by producing content within that IP to recoup costs. Since Marvel's valuation is roughly equivalent, we're looking at a major loss of potential cultural capital.

    This money could have been used to make:

    -20 movies with the budget of Toy Story 3
    -25 movies with the budget of Tarzan
    -36 movies with the budget of The Lion King
    -59 movies with the budget of The Little Mermaid1
    -97 movies with the budget of Aladdin
    -122 movies with the budget of Fantasia
    -187 movies with the budget of Snow White

    Budgets adjusted for inflation.

    On top of paying $4.05 billion dollars just to own the license, they're going to be occupying top filmmaking talent and an extra ~$200 million per film rehashing an older franchise and turning a blind eye to new creators because they have a $4 billion investment to make pay off for them.

    The farther-reaching industry effect of Disney purchasing Marvel and LucasFilm is that the largest focus of one of the handful of companies that determine what we get in terms of cultural capital is in recycling things that have been successful in the past. That's harmful. By comparison, I really don't care if Darth Vader is re-imagined as a teenage boy who tries desperately to win over Padme through making it big as a teen pop sensation, and ultimately uses the Force to pull off rad dance moves in an inspirational finale. I just don't.

    You definitely know your research, I'll give you that.
  • edited November 2012
    By comparison, I really don't care if Darth Vader is re-imagined as a teenage boy who tries desperately to win over Padme through making it big as a teen pop sensation, and ultimately uses the Force to pull off rad dance moves in an inspirational finale.

    Actually, that sounds like an awesome idea. Someone should pitch that.
  • edited November 2012
    I'm not so concerned about it.

    The truth is that Lucasfilm only cared about milking Star Wars and Indiana Jones, and the only other movie of note that Lucas has done recently is Red Tails, which is a complete rip-off of The Tuskeegee Airmen--complete with having Cuba Gooding Jr. as a star in both films--which further shows his complete lack of originality.

    LucasArts has also been in a similar mode for ages, wherein they almost entirely only care about making Star Wars and Indiana Jones games, such that their other IPs like Monkey Island or Maniac Mansion are lucky if they ever see the light of day (which Maniac Mansion has not).

    The worst that can happen with this is that LA's IPs lay dormant forever, while Star Wars is further ruined and milked for all it's worth. Wait, what? That was already happening without Disney.

    The best that can happen is that Disney makes, or licenses others to make, new games based on LA's old IPs and allows Steam and GOG to sell the old LA games we love. Whether said new games are good or bad isn't really the point, since the only reasons why no such games were being made by LA has nothing to do with whether someone thought a given franchise warranted a sequel and all about LA execs sitting on their thumbs for reasons unknown.

    yes, CGI animators might suffer for ILM and Pixar being under the same umbrella now, but in my opinion CGI is waaay overused in movies these days anyway.

    tl;dr: for Disney to take LA/LF in any direction, it's at least better than no direction at all, which is what we've had.
  • edited November 2012
    There's one thing i don't understand about Lucasarts and it's this. They refuse to give Telltale any of their games so Telltale can make a new Monkey Island game or Maniac Mansion game but they won't make the games themselves (No instead we have to get Darth Vader dancing because we all know that's what everyone wanted right?)

    But if they sold the game rights to Telltale then Lucasarts would get money. Even if they didn't sell it and just allowed Telltale to make another Monkey Island then wouldn't Lucasarts get some of the money from the sales. I mean i just wonder why they just don't sell the game rights to Telltale so then everyone will be happy. Also maybe Ron Gilbert could make Monkey Island 3a :D.

    But since unless we get extremely lucky it seems that it will be a very long while before we see the wanna-be pirate in another adventure...So can we have Sam & Max season 4 after King's Quest & Fables? :D
  • edited November 2012
    You're forgetting that LucasArts is run by idiots. I suppose it technically still is, but here's hoping the new idiots will be less idiotic than the old idiots, who were stupidly idiotic.
  • edited November 2012
    You're forgetting that LucasArts is run by idiots. I suppose it technically still is, but here's hoping the new idiots will be less idiotic than the old idiots, who were stupidly idiotic.

    Maybe in Kingdom Hearts 3, we can go to Melee Island :D, Also Darth since your a huge Stars Wars fan, tell me what was your reaction to seeing Darth Vader, Han, The Emperor dancing around in Star Wars Kinect?

    Edit:Being fair i trust Disney more that Lucasarts when it comes to games. Lucasarts gave us Star Wars Kinect, Disney (& Square Enix for Kingdom Hearts) gives us Kingdom Hearts & Epic Mickey.
  • edited November 2012
    I'd hardly call myself a 'huge' Star Wars fan. But my reaction was to shrug and declare that the fanbase deserves what it gets. The dancing Leia is amazingly hot though, so all was instantly forgiven.

    When it comes to games, Disney tends to outsource a lot more, so yeah, I'd call that better. Then again, Star Wars games tended to be outsourced a lot as well in the old days, so I guess that's one thing they have in common.
  • edited November 2012
    Well now that Disney has Lucasfilm & Lucasarts, i think there could be more hope for Monkey Island and other Lucasarts adventure games.
  • edited November 2012
    Kotaku wrote:
    In a conference call this afternoon, Disney’s Bob Iger said they will be focusing on social and mobile games and will likely license their IPs for console gaming—meaning you’ll see other studios making Star Wars games (as has happened a few times already, like with BioWare’s MMORPG The Old Republic).
    I see no reason why this shouldn't apply to other LucasArts properties as well, though somehow I doubt they'll see it that way. Really though, what have they to lose by letting other developers make the games?
  • edited November 2012
    A surprisingly great deal if you look at it through Executive Logic.
  • edited November 2012
    Personally, I think this means we might actually see them sell off properties they just don't want.
  • edited November 2012
    Personally, I think this means we might actually see them sell off properties they just don't want.

    Disney isnt short of cash that they need to sell anything.
  • edited November 2012
    Haha! Disney letting go of IP rights! That's a good one! Man, I gotta write that one down.
  • edited November 2012
    They make godawful sequels movies just to keep the IP's.
  • edited November 2012
    I'm glad Lucas sold out. Hopefully Disney will not let George Lucas anywhere near a script for movies 7, 8, 9.

    And maybe TellTale should be reaching out to Disney about some IPs, as soon as possible. heh.

    George was desperate to sell apparently. He sold for 4 Billion, that is way undervalued for what Disney is getting.

    I don't really get all the hate on Disney. Yeah, they are run by idiots, but somebody looks out for them with movies like Finding Nemo and Pirates of the Carribean
  • edited November 2012
    Lucas is giving a large amount of that $4 Billion to charity. So clearly he's not in this for the money.
  • edited November 2012
    $4 Million
    You're off by about four billion forty-six million dollars.
  • edited November 2012
    4 million for all Lucas property would be a steal.
  • edited November 2012
    Lucas is giving a large amount of that $4 Million to charity. So clearly he's not in this for the money.

    So, wait, Lucas is giving the better part of 4 Billion Dollars to Charity, and he runs an educational foundation for children... When did George Lucas become Mr. Philanthropy?
  • edited November 2012
    So, wait, Lucas is giving the better part of 4 Billion Dollars to Charity, and he runs an educational foundation for children... When did George Lucas become Mr. Philanthropy?

    He's always said that he puts most of the money back into the company... now that he doesn't have the company, that money's gotta go somewhere else. Good on him to put it toward education
  • edited November 2012
    So, wait, Lucas is giving the better part of 4 Billion Dollars to Charity, and he runs an educational foundation for children... When did George Lucas become Mr. Philanthropy?

    He's always been an incredibly philanthropic man. But nerds don't care because STARE BORES!
  • edited November 2012
    LuigiHann wrote: »
    He's always said that he puts most of the money back into the company... now that he doesn't have the company, that money's gotta go somewhere else. Good on him to put it toward education

    Agreed. To be perfectly honest, that makes me feel much, much better about this whole thing.

    And you know, this comic sums up my feelings pretty well upon reflection.
  • edited November 2012
    And you know, this comic sums up my feelings pretty well upon reflection.

  • edited November 2012
    Dorkly made this for the announcement of Star Wars Ep 7.

  • edited November 2012
    Actually, both Mark and Carrie were told about the next Star Wars a while back.

    Hamill talked about it with Entertainment Weekly.
  • edited November 2012
    Man, George Lucas is seriously getting himself ready to go die. It's depressing.
  • edited November 2012
    I wrote my own plot for the next movie:

    The secret of Star Wars: Chewy got high and dreamed all this crazy shit and suddenly wakes up in a post-apocalyptic Wookie world where he has to fight robots from the future to return the sun. Which is missing for some reason. Maybe there's a back-up somewhere that they have to reboot by shooting it a lot.

    That's all I have for now, but stay tuned! I still haven't figured out how to work in the Gungan master race.
  • edited November 2012
    Look, just get Shia LeBeouf in Episode VII and I'm all for it. It's not like he's a stranger to Disney.

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