Coolest Quotes in the Game?



  • edited January 2013
    Lee: "No "I'm sorry to hear your loved one was eaten by the living dead" cards."
  • edited January 2013
    "I'd like to fucking ring their bell." -Kenny
  • edited January 2013
    "Want Some Candy?"

    - LeChuck
  • edited January 2013
    Dreamjbk wrote: »
    Clementine: He's just always blaming me for stuff
    Lee: Did you do it?
    Clem: Yes .... TrollFace! :D

    It Was Funny.
  • edited January 2013
    Lee to Clem: look... I know i'm not your dad, but if there's anything i can do for you, I'm your guy ok?
    Clem: same.
    Lee: you're my *Guy*?
    Clem: n-no... you know what i mean.

    not the exact words but that was funny.
  • edited January 2013
    Kenny seemed to have the best lines. Two that stand out for me:

    "Well, when I find them, I'll ring their motherfucking bell." - Kennys response to Lee wondering who is ringing the bells...

    "Fuck, fuck, fuck!!!" - This one is purely because it made me laugh so hard everytime I heard it...when Kenny finds a walker pinned under the RV. I kept playing the scene over trying to save Carley...
  • edited January 2013
    Lee: IT'S OVER!
    Andy: Heh, as soon as Danny and Mama get out here, you're all fucked!
    Lee: I killed them.
    Andy: You what? What did you DO?!?
    Andy: Leeee. Leeeee!


    *kisses on cheek* Don't call me small.

    Certainly that Carley one stands out for being heartwarming the first time and tragically painful to remember.
  • edited January 2013
    >Larry: I've got charm comin' out of my ass!

    Holy shit, this is the best quote ever in the game! xD
  • edited January 2013
    Vladisimo wrote: »
    >Larry: I've got charm comin' out of my ass!

    Holy shit, this is the best quote ever in the game! xD

    Agreed :D
  • edited January 2013
    On a sadder note, Lee and Clem's final lines are the very first things ever to actually make me tear up...
    "I'll miss you"
    "Me too..."
  • edited April 2013
    (just found this out and just joined)

    Larry: I got charm comin' out of my ass!
    Lilly: Yeah, that's... real charming, Dad. that actually made me laugh so hard

    Lee: Do you know anything about this flashlight?
    Carley: It's broken!
    Lee: I know it's broken!
    Carley: And the batteries might be in backwards.
    Lee: It uses just one.
    Carley: Everything should... What was the question?

    and of course if you have doug:

    Lee: Do you know anything about this flashlight?
    Doug: (starts to say something)
    Lee: (interrupts) W-wait, I know you know everything about this flashlight. I mean if you know anything about how it got broken.
    Doug: Oh. No.

    and of course what clementine says

    Lee: You didn't accidentally break a flashlight, did you?
    Clementine: No. Did Duck say I did?
    Lee: No. Did Duck break the flashlight?
    Clementine: I don't think so. He's just always blaming me for stuff.
    Lee: Like what?
    Clementine: Putting a bug on his pillow.
    Lee: Did you do that?
    Clementine:(smile) Yes.

    Also, whatever omid says makes me laugh uncontrollably.
  • edited April 2013
    Omid: "At least it doesn't look like a death trap!"
    *Sign rumbles**Christa gives look of death*
    Omid: "...Who's going first?"

    Lee: "No, you don't TOUCH that boy. I've got a little girl in here too. You wanna get violent you old fuck? Well COME ON, but you better have a plan to kill me though, cause' its ME, before anyone else in here!!!"

    Molly: "I just wanted it, okay?"
    Lee: I don't care about your life-story, Molly."
    Molly: "...Then maybe you shouldn't have asked..."

    Lee: "This woman is fucking insane!!!"
    Brenda: "Lee, that's not a nice thing to imply."
    *Duck eats away.*

    Lee: "You weren't involved, were you Duck?"
    Duck: "No... my parents never let me touch any of their stuff, Lilly neither..."
    Lee: *Wide eye look* "That's probably for the best..."

    Carley: "I've been thinking a lot... about you."
    Lee: "I think about you too."
    Carley: "You're a convicted killer."
    Lee: "Carley, JESUS." EPIC BURN

    And of course, my signature!

    P.S. I've posted others I like, and there are some already here.
  • edited April 2013
    Lee: "I'm so fucked."
  • edited April 2013
    Lee: I wanted to tell you that before all of this i killed...
    Kenny: Umm.. You were with me in that meat locker right?
    Lee: Yea.
    Kenny: And you saw me smash that guys head with a salt lick?

    Or the alternate version

    Lee: I was sent to prison 3 months ago...
    Kenny: No shit?
    Lee: No shit...
    Kenny: ... It wasn't for touching kids was it?
    Lee: Gah, Come on, man...
  • edited April 2013
    Omid: "Oh, just fucking peachy."
  • edited April 2013
    Lee: "I can think of one more person I'm gonna hurt, motherfucker. I'm gonna hurt YOU." - Lee to Campman
  • edited July 2013

    Before I elaborate any more on this topic, let me just say...The facts that I remember may night be 100% spot on as I'm just going by what I remember (and my memory isn't always trustworthy to rely on :p )

    And with that, I remember Lee talking to someone (I believe it was Doug) about a recent tragedy that occurred in the game. Doug (or who ever it was) was being really down about the situation, saying how they could and should have responded different than how they did.
    Lee responds to this by saying something along the lines of, "It's easy to look back and point out all the things we did wrong, but in the moment, it's what seemed right to do."

    Since I don't know for sure where it took place, when it took place in the game, or what tragedy was being talked about (and there's a lot), I could go back and replay the game or watch a Let's Play, but either way would be a very time consuming process....If anyone has any tips in finding this quote or what exactly the quote is, it would be appreciated.
  • edited July 2013
    I think you are talking about that part with Kenny in Episode 1 when talking about Shawn.
  • edited July 2013
    Here's a youtube link, starting right at the conversation. :)
  • edited July 2013
    Dildor wrote: »
    Here's a youtube link, starting right at the conversation. :)
    Yes! Thank you so much! :D Since I heard him say that, every time someone I know says something like, "Why did I do that?" I think of this quote haha. I've always known the quote to be true but I guess it's how the writers put it into words that I enjoyed so much.
  • edited July 2013
    I think you are talking about that part with Kenny in Episode 1 when talking about Shawn.
    It was that part so thank you!
  • edited July 2013
    Your welcome, it's funny, I can't remember math equations, but I can remember almost ever line in the Walking Dead.
  • edited July 2013
    "Die Physco Bitch" -Lee
  • edited July 2013
    "Put the gun down, bitch!!"- Lee to Brenda
  • edited July 2013
    I could put some Burbon in those cups.
  • edited July 2013
    I think the real quote was "I wish I could fill one of those tea cups with some burbon if I could."
  • edited July 2013
    "That little girl's in my care. We've been through more together then you could imagine. Anyone who tries to get between me and her - anyone! is gonna wind up dead.You hear me?!"
  • edited July 2013
    That was such a good line, to bad you have to be a dick to say it but still.
  • edited July 2013
    "OH SHIT!"
    -Lee, The Walking Dead
  • edited July 2013
    Best quote of all time is when Lee looks at the rubble in ep3 and says.....

  • edited July 2013
    I thought you were going to mention the greatest line ever said, "Humm, pointy."
  • edited July 2013
    "Bitch." - Bonnie to Dee.

    Short, aggressive, and to the point.
  • edited July 2013
    I thought you were going to mention the greatest line ever said, "Humm, pointy."

    Lol when did he say that? I thought I clicked on everything by now
  • edited July 2013
    "You got this, you got this motherfucker."
    -Lee, The Walking Dead
  • edited July 2013
    Pell3t wrote: »
    Lol when did he say that? I thought I clicked on everything by now

    The fence in Episode 2, and I know what you mean, I think I have clicked everything and then some LP finds something I did not.
  • edited July 2013
    Kenny: It wasn't for touching kids was it?
    Your... Urban
    Come on Lee you have always had my back before
    You don't end it cause it's hard you stick it out and help the people you care about so let's get out there and get that little girl.
    Go get that girl

    - Kenny one of my favourite video game characters, a guy who I will depend on and...... I can't remember anyone else's lines apart from his :rolleyes:
  • edited July 2013
    While in Vernon's hideout in Episode 5:

    Lee: We're lucky there's no axe holding that door closed, huh?
    Ben: Oh, shut up.
  • edited July 2013
    SchafterM wrote: »
    While in Vernon's hideout in Episode 5:

    Lee: We're lucky there's no axe holding that door closed, huh?
    Ben: Oh, shut up.

    That happened? I thought it was Kenny who said that if you brought Kenny and Ben. I don't really know.
  • edited July 2013
    It was Kenny, you walk toward them and Kenny with a smile on his face just says " we're lucky there's no axe holding that door closed, huh?
  • edited July 2013
    Nah, guys. It's Lee who says it. Check the video below.

    (If the video starts from zero, jump to 5:07)
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