Hey, Um, What About Us?
While the games on gog are drm-free knows anyone if Telltale maybe will also make the games drm-free here? Last time I searched the forum for this topic I had the feeling that there wasn't any plans nor some large demand for such a move.
I know that some or maybe all the free cd-versions are drm-free, but to avoid the shipping costs I would really prefer the same for the digital versions.
I know that some or maybe all the free cd-versions are drm-free, but to avoid the shipping costs I would really prefer the same for the digital versions.
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True, BUT, the Wallace and Gromit DVD requires you to activate it through the Telltale servers, since it's just the installers on a disc.
SecuRom-powered CD Check
Sam and Max Season One
Sam and Max Season Two
Strong Bad's Cool Game for Attractive People
Installers on the Disc(aka Worthless Garbage)
Wallace and Gromit's Grand Adventures
Tales of Monkey Island(DEFINITELY is DRM-free, no disc check, have checked myself)
Sam and Max: The Devil's Playhouse
Back to the Future(haven't ordered my DVD for some reason, presumed DRM-free)
Jurassic Park(don't own, presumed DRM-free)
Walking Dead(disc isn't EVER coming out)
Bone(don't own, probably disc check a la Sam and Max)
It certainly would be a nice gesture for those who bought complete episodes for full prices.
Good research, but strike that one. There's no free Po&Pa-only game DVD for Telltale store customers (:(
I think Telltale should follow CDProjekt's and GOG.COM footsteps and do this
instead of banning people and removing all the death to DRM discussions
Too bad they have no CD-Keys to track such a thing.
It's somewhat feasible, since all the games up to and including Poker Night have activation keys.
I'd post that disorientation picture again, but it gets old fast.
Asking for DRM free products has never ever gotten anyone a ban or a deleted thread here. It's just the pirates themselves and the pro piracy people that fly out of here in a heartbeat.
In Walking Dead being connected to the net at least makes things interesting, what with getting the stats on global player choices at the end. I can deal with DRM if it can do something fun and/or useful.
Shouldn't have wasted it on me then.
It was a kindness; you were desperately in need.
Okay, I'm serious this time. Why aren't they going to have a TWD disc?
They are. Just console exclusive and isn't free for buyers... yeah.
When did they say there wouldn't be a disc?
Telltale's main area of distribution is digital downloads. I guess the additional boxed DVDs have always been somewhat of a pain in the ass for them. The additional production costs; the schedule between the last episode and the printing; the storage costs for discs which aren't collected; the additional staff for sending the discs out; the rather complicated store programming which seems to lend itself to stupid exploits in that area.
TWD is a full blown Telltale Season sold at 25$ (or less) - a full ten bucks less than those previous games which had an extra disc, especially including the glorious Tales and Devil's Playhouse. It's a fair price, it really_is_fair.
But I do weep for the transition to an all digital PC publisher. Big fat tears. With Steam's all encompassing sudden price drops (which_are_NOT_fair_for_the_developers), normally faster episode deliveries and less download hassle concerning these last problem ridden TWD episodes, the Telltale Store desperately lacks unique selling propositions. And that disc, it definitely was THE thing on your mind whatever you had to endure as a PC customer. You always thought "Yeah, whatever, 'cause I'm getting the DVD at the end and you Steam user/console player don't".
I REALLY wish they got back to the practice for Fables, but I don't see it coming.
Lord, the slipcases they could be doing...
That is VERY likely. Less because of Telltale's popularity, but definitely because of the TV series' popularity. A sad cause with a joyous result. :rolleyes:
What motivation should anyone have to buy directly from their store, then? If you buy from Steam, you get automatic patch updates and achievements. If you buy from GOG, you get digital extras. If you buy from TTG, you get a free disc with extras and maybe also feelies if you get the deluxe edition.
The reason why people might not be buying physical stuff from TTG, in my opinion, is because their Deluxe Edition stuff has been cheaply made. (...Seriously, printing cardboard cut-out dolls on a DVD slipcase, and using white restaurant napkins to print maps on with an inch of blank border between the map image and the edge of the fabric??)
It's like when the only reason I ate at a certain restaurant was because their 5-Cheese Macaroni dish was fantastic, but then they change the noodles to from little spirals to big fat ones, and the seemingly fresh-made cheese sauce to obviously powdered cheese with water added... which is why I never went back.
But I don't watch The Walking Dead and have very limited interest in the survival horror genre, or adventure games that are not primarily comedy. That's fine, I can pass on a series and still applaud your work. But your blog and front page, guys, has left nothing of any interest for those not into Walking Dead. Pretty much since last November when Jurassic Park came out. Delays with games are acceptable, but that's just longer that we haven't heard any information about other projects. Come on guys, you have a new freaking King's Quest in the works. You were supposed to be the transparent administration that would save us from hearing about nothing but a hundred Star Wars games from the Lucasarts home page.
Now there is a WD sequel announced and not a word about your next game, originally slated for last quarter, as I recall. I know Walking Dead is a huge deal and clearly where your bread is buttered right now, but is it so much to ask for a blog post or a teaser of something not Walking Dead on the homepage? I'm beginning to forget you exist for extended periods of time while more indie and homegrown developers are focusing on fan service. This isn't you; opaque and obtuse just doesn't suit you very well.
You want more stuff that suits you better. I get it, so do I. But Fables will be coming. NEXT. And it won't be survival horror. Heck, it might even be somewhat of an adventure game... without QTEs even.
Please. Stop dreaming.
ToMI 2: the FPS Game. Make it happen.
Yeah and next we can make a second Wallace & Gromit game with dancing.
In terms of Fables, it seems like something I could get into more than WD, but I've heard nothing but the original announcement and the wikipedia page saying it would come out by the (now passed) 3rd quarter of this year. Some early-stage concept art would hit the spot for either that or KQ. QTE or not, I'm just interested in hearing about an IP that isn't WD. I'm sure they have a reason for hiring marketing and press people even though the blog goes for weeks at a time without the tiniest update, but I haven't for the lfe of me been able to figure it out.
Yup, they're hiring marketing/press people. What some of you might not have seen is that some of old press people have left during the last months. The new guys will need a while to fill that vacuum.
But I'm on your side in many respects here. It was the most disappointing Halloween blog entry for Telltale since time memorial. Remember how they posted their costumes some years ago? Remember the Halloween contests, announced WEEKS before the fact, year after year? Remember the Halloween store discounts, sometimes calendars full of them? And this is not "due to TWD" - I can not imagine an IP more suited for a massive Halloween blog promotion. Which was just missing.
Whatever franchise is next or after, I'd want the informative and fun nature of the blog restored, and most of all, the tarnished honor of the Telltale store revived.
You're needlessly going nightmare here. Telltale is looking for new NARRATIVE horizons, so the direction naturally wouldn't be RTS or FPS. But who says Telltale won't just make a straight up Action Adventure or Roleplaying Game? Think about it.
I agree that it is somewhat forgotten (including merchandise, soundtracks, etc.). I think less in terms of the 'now broader demographic' and more about what I'd personally like. Yup, it's less personal. That's what making the big bucks means. But Fables hardly has the huge following TWD has. I can see Fables being more personal again, but hopefully successful also...
They did a boxed SE set for Jurassic Park. That was less than a year ago... I wouldn't rule out that the times of physical goods and DVDs are not ENTIRELY over for Telltale yet.