I wanted to cry, dammit! :mad: I called in sick to work, I loaded up on soda pop, chips and nearly nonexistent Twinkies and settled in for the long haul. I usually don't "junk food" unless I know it's going to be good. There's nothing like a tearjerker to tie your stomach up in knots and make you want to hurl.
The closest I got to that was vomiting with rage. I was actually kind of angry with the finale of the series. It seemed REALLY lackluster and rushed, in my opinion. The only reason I would have to cry, was for the above mentioned robbery of my emotionally sentimental moment.
Thanks, TTG. The rest of the episodes were great, though.
I wanted to cry, dammit! :mad: I called in sick to work, I loaded up on soda pop, chips and nearly nonexistent Twinkies and settled in for the long haul. I usually don't "junk food" unless I know it's going to be good. There's nothing like a tearjerker to tie your stomach up in knots and make you want to hurl.
The closest I got to that was vomiting with rage. I was actually kind of angry with the finale of the series. It seemed REALLY lackluster and rushed, in my opinion. The only reason I would have to cry, was for the above mentioned robbery of my emotionally sentimental moment.
Thanks, TTG. The rest of the episodes were great, though.
I'll admit it, Two scenes utterly made me cry. It was when i discovered Ben was impaled and Kenny sacrifices himself to spare Ben from his biggest fear, and also the whole ending.
I just staired at the screen. "Aw no, don't give me quick decisions at a time like this!" I could feel my heart beating faster, & finally just sat there, as I watched Clem point her gun at me, expressionless. I took a moment before reading through my decisions & just let myself drift off into the song... The after credits scene was hard to put into words. Ok, good, she's alive & in a beutiful field, away from the zombies. Ok, where's Omid & Christa?... Did I give them bad directions? Oh, two people in the distance. I guess that's them... Ok, why's she looking scared?... Oh, black screen, great... Is she going to die now? AAAAAH!!!!
Yeah the episode was short..but I believe it was meant to be short. There was needed sense of urgency and obviously time was running out.
How could you not shed tears as Lee requested Clem to kill him..and his final few words as he departed.
I'm not really sure why you consider it lackluster either.
I'm not really questioning your emotions, but if that doesn't make you feel than I don't know what would.
That's fair enough. Everyone is entitled to their opinions, and I'm certainly not bashing TTG. I plan on checking out the second season.
The scene, at the end, didn't seem that well thought through, from my point of view. When Clemmy shot him, I think most of it had to do with the fact that we KNEW she would (Although the "Walking away" scene, where she doesn't shoot him, was equally lackluster). I would have thought that the conversation the two shared would have been more emotional. Even though we taught her these things, she just seemed too accepting of it. I just felt there should have been more emotion behind it.
My emotions, like everyone elses', are different than one can expect. I went through a traumatic experience, almost like this one, save for the walking dead and the gun shot to the head... and the roles were switched. I had braced myself for nearly a year for it, and when it happened, I completely broke down. I consider myself fairly tough, and I've been through a lot of crap, but after that I was done. I couldn't bring myself to move for hours. The ending just seemed... so.... quick, I guess. I just didn't feel anything on it.
It's The Walking Dead, you're lucky that many people lived. I was a little surprised that they didn't all die, actually.
I think that is one of the problems with TTG with the The Walking Dead. They tell such a great story, and make such great characters, it sucks when they kill them all off.
I didn't cry, just because of the shock of all that happened in the episode and I just couldn't believe I was losing Lee.. RIP Lee,Kenny,Chuck,Carley,Doug,Mark,Duck,Katjaa,Ben and all others we lost throughout this great game... Even you Larry.
no didnt cry almost toward the end an kennys death. i felt it was rushed and it seemed sequal hungry,and the lee arm cut really had no point. There was just one big twist i didnt see coming. still great ep.
Surprisingly,I didn't shed one tear through the whole episode.That makes me sound heartless I know.lol It was sad but I didn't cry.
Heartless? Nah. I'm in the same boat. :P Sometimes I think people are overly sensitive toward situations, don't get out much, or haven't been exposed to the plethora of novels, shows and games out there. Especially for crying over this. Of course, no offense to anyone that did cry.
I youtube'd the whole episode, not being a PS3 owner and (usually) not minding spoilers, I have to admit I'm a little disappointed by the ending. Don't get me wrong, this game is great. It's possibly my GOTY, but the whole thing was very predictable at the end.
The main character dying, the fact that Lee was never gonna survive the somewhat inreconcilable dual plot threads of cutting his hand off or going along with the bite (at the very least it was obvious that we were never gonna play as Lee again), the tearjerker of Clementine having to shoot Lee (or let him turn) which, kinda everybody had already predicted -- the bittersweet ending with Clementine walking off into the sunset by the countryside alone? The only thing that was missing from this was "Fifteen years later. Camera zooms in at a bunch of walkers. Their heads explode. Camera moves to face Clementine, now 24, holding a shotgun. She had become the leader of a new group of survivors, and was faithfully carrying on the legacy of the Everett."
That would have been bad, in my opinion.
Clementine is a good supporting character, but I hope she doesn't become the focus of the entire 'Season Two' like she did in Episode 5.
In spite of this, it was still a powerful conclusion to the series. And I am eager to see Season Two.
I was disappointed also. Killing off the main character was kind of cheesy. I won't be buying Season 2. I'll proudly watch it on Youtube (like you) for free Still a great game, but the ending was something everybody on this forum kinda came up with already :rolleyes:
I was disappointed also. Killing off the main character was kind of cheesy. I won't be buying Season 2. I'll proudly watch it on Youtube (like you) for free Still a great game, but the ending was something everybody on this forum kinda came up with already :rolleyes:
I already bought the game on PC, in case that wasn't clear. The season pass or what's-it-called.
I was more responding to the, "I won't be buying season 2, rather i'll just watch it on youtube" comment.
You guys don't understand that every copy sold helps. It might seem meaningless, oh what will 1 sale mean in the long run?
But what is an ocean but composed of multitude of meaningless droplets?
More people buy walking dead, the bigger tell tale can grow as a company and hopefully create better games with higher production values in the future.
I wanted to cry so bad. The tears were right there, ready to flow, but they didn't. I don't know why. Maybe it's because my senses were so overwhelmed. I was devastated the entire time during the period with Ben and Kenny (you know what I'm talking about). I choked up during the part where Clem was helping Lee walk and how she was telling him he could lean on her. It was just so beautiful and sad... Kudos to TTG. One of the best stories I've ever had the honor of experiencing.
After Clem shot me, i really felt like i was Lee Everett. I was shot.
I was dead. She was safe. I tried not to cry, but after the statistics i was about to. The ending song did me in.
I have never felt something as powerful as this, not in the TV show and not in the comic book. Bravo TTG! You lived up, hell, even surpassed our expectations!
I generally don't cry except in incredibly rare circumstances. I've had to be strong for my family a lot of the time and cryin' just don't much help when shit goes down.
And I didn't physically cry during the finale.
But I teared up. And in my soul, I was crying like a little girl with no hope, and I'm not ashamed of that
It was a good ending. I'm sad that it had to end the way it did. But the goal was Clementine, so...
Ugh. I will be crying in my soul for a while yet for this story. I was sad at Jurassic Park, but, TTG: you dun' good with Walking Dead. Lords of Kobol.
I stopped the game for a second there during the end to sob, honestly.
I had this melancholy bittersweet feeling as the end credits music played. I just kept repeating 'Taught her everything she could.' and smiled at the after-credits scene.
kenny and ben die
The closest I got to that was vomiting with rage. I was actually kind of angry with the finale of the series. It seemed REALLY lackluster and rushed, in my opinion. The only reason I would have to cry, was for the above mentioned robbery of my emotionally sentimental moment.
Thanks, TTG. The rest of the episodes were great, though.
Not sure if serious gif.
Dead serious. No pun intended. :P
Yeah the episode was short..but I believe it was meant to be short. There was needed sense of urgency and obviously time was running out.
How could you not shed tears as Lee requested Clem to kill him..and his final few words as he departed.
I'm not really sure why you consider it lackluster either.
I'm not really questioning your emotions, but if that doesn't make you feel than I don't know what would.
That's fair enough. Everyone is entitled to their opinions, and I'm certainly not bashing TTG. I plan on checking out the second season.
The scene, at the end, didn't seem that well thought through, from my point of view. When Clemmy shot him, I think most of it had to do with the fact that we KNEW she would (Although the "Walking away" scene, where she doesn't shoot him, was equally lackluster). I would have thought that the conversation the two shared would have been more emotional. Even though we taught her these things, she just seemed too accepting of it. I just felt there should have been more emotion behind it.
My emotions, like everyone elses', are different than one can expect. I went through a traumatic experience, almost like this one, save for the walking dead and the gun shot to the head... and the roles were switched. I had braced myself for nearly a year for it, and when it happened, I completely broke down. I consider myself fairly tough, and I've been through a lot of crap, but after that I was done. I couldn't bring myself to move for hours. The ending just seemed... so.... quick, I guess. I just didn't feel anything on it.
I am still crying as I am typing this
It's The Walking Dead, you're lucky that many people lived. I was a little surprised that they didn't all die, actually.
I think that is one of the problems with TTG with the The Walking Dead. They tell such a great story, and make such great characters, it sucks when they kill them all off.
Heartless? Nah.
I was disappointed also. Killing off the main character was kind of cheesy. I won't be buying Season 2. I'll proudly watch it on Youtube (like you) for free
Way to support telltale guys! :rolleyes:
I was more responding to the, "I won't be buying season 2, rather i'll just watch it on youtube" comment.
You guys don't understand that every copy sold helps. It might seem meaningless, oh what will 1 sale mean in the long run?
But what is an ocean but composed of multitude of meaningless droplets?
More people buy walking dead, the bigger tell tale can grow as a company and hopefully create better games with higher production values in the future.
I just finished it though and I'm completely empty in my head. I feel depressed.
I was dead. She was safe. I tried not to cry, but after the statistics i was about to. The ending song did me in.
I have never felt something as powerful as this, not in the TV show and not in the comic book. Bravo TTG! You lived up, hell, even surpassed our expectations!
And now we wait.
For Season 2.
And I didn't physically cry during the finale.
But I teared up. And in my soul, I was crying like a little girl with no hope, and I'm not ashamed of that
It was a good ending. I'm sad that it had to end the way it did. But the goal was Clementine, so...
Ugh. I will be crying in my soul for a while yet for this story. I was sad at Jurassic Park, but, TTG: you dun' good with Walking Dead. Lords of Kobol.
I had this melancholy bittersweet feeling as the end credits music played. I just kept repeating 'Taught her everything she could.' and smiled at the after-credits scene.
Don't let it depress you, man. The guy did his job and more. And Clem... well, Clem is Clem. She'll find a way.