I'd say I was just a shy short of CinnamonToastKen's reaction to this. I had then started to wonder whether I could somehow ratchet up the misery a few steps more, so I went ahead with some musical alterations to the scene. Even if pushing it a little, given our sensibilities, it will certainly pass muster with someone from over here. However, I can only guess how one outside that native background might take to it (likely a deal over the top for some), so consider it at the least a cultural experiment.
Holy Crap, not only did i Cry, i broke down in front of my family. This was insane. I felt a little sad about katjaa, ;ess about the other deaths, but holy crap was the ending heartbreaking.
Not since the last episode of Battlestar Galactica with Adama and Roselyn did i cry so much.
I literally cried on Lee's last moments, when Clem shot Lee I was sad.
At the end of the credits might have been christa and omid at the distance so she might be safe
*Slowly raises a hand* ...And I'm a girl.. (Not that matters, cry your eyes out men!)
But seriously, I get a bit hurt by comments like "If you didn't cry at the end, YOU'RE NOT HUMAN >:C". So what am I? An alien? Seriously, I just knew it was just a game, not real. If it was real I would cry untill I died from dehydration. But really, I don't tend to do that a lot in games.
It's okay to cry, but it's also okay when you don't cry.. Right? XD
P.S. Excuse me for my English, it's not my mother tongue c:.
Well if im honest i did feel like crying, and the reason was is because the characters are not just some cheesy made up on the spot people who are like mindless idiots, I actually adapted to the characters (im a guy by the way) And when kenny died...I felt destroyed, I loved him, I loved the whole series. Can't wait for the next 5!
I didn't cry (I've never cried at a video game) and didn't even feel like crying. That being said, it was a very good episode and I felt like I'd been punched in the gut when that thing that happened to Kenny happened.
I was more "no...I haven't got Clem back to Omid and Christa" Not now,a little bit more. *keep bashing the button, trying to make Lee get up* Then mixture of feelings, which stopped me from crying.
Well if im honest i did feel like crying, and the reason was is because the characters are not just some cheesy made up on the spot people who are like mindless idiots, I actually adapted to the characters (im a guy by the way) And when kenny died...I felt destroyed, I loved him, I loved the whole series. Can't wait for the next 5!
That's true and I respect that.
Cheesy or not, it was still just a game for me.
Of course I was a bit sad.
A question for OP and the people who didn't cry. Nothing wrong with that btw.
How recently did you pick the game up? Have you been playing the episodes as they released from the very beginning? I feel like I cried so much because I just got too attached to the characters over all those months. I can see how somebody who bought the game last week and played through it wouldn't experience the same emotions I did, maybe wouldn't cry.
I didn't cry, and to answer the other question, I got each episode on the release day. I did feel emotional, but it takes a fair bit to make me cry. I think the last time I cried from a media source was when
I can see how somebody who bought the game last week and played through it wouldn't experience the same emotions I did, maybe wouldn't cry.
I don't know about that. I played it over the course of a day and a half and shed more than a few.
Emotions are weird. I laugh sometimes, especially at jump scares in video games/movies/etc. Not a normal reaction, mind you. For instance, I laughed when Katjaa was trying to help that guy in episode 2 and... well... you know.
I don't know about that. I played it over the course of a day and a half and shed more than a few.
Emotions are weird. I laugh sometimes, especially at jump scares in video games/movies/etc. Not a normal reaction, mind you. For instance, I laughed when Katjaa was trying to help that guy in episode 2 and... well... you know.
Glad to hear it.
I'm not saying this game won't make people who just picked it up cry, just saying they probably won't feel the same attachment as the guy who's had them on his mind for the last 8 months or whatever.
I'm not saying this game won't make people who just picked it up cry, just saying they probably won't feel the same attachment as the guy who's had them on his mind for the last 8 months or whatever.
I'm sure a lot of us will find out what it feels like when S2 is released.
I'm trying to imagine playing through an episode, getting to the cliffhanger ending and then having to wait for the next installment. Pretty sure I would pull my hair out.
The little boy in the attic made me cry for like an hour but the most that happened for the ending was my eyes misted up a bit. I just was really disappointed with the ending so I was unable to feel all this emotion that other people felt. I guess if you're satisfied with something, you can truly be engrossed in it? The attic boy and Ben and Kenny dying (either separate or together) really...man...really got to me.
Seriously, I just knew it was just a game, not real.
Thats why some girls should not play videogames. True gamers always compares themselves with an main hero, its like another life behind the monitor's screen.
Thats why some girls should not play videogames. True gamers always compares themselves with an main hero, its like another life behind the monitor's screen.
wat. I have the same outlook, but I'm a guy. Does that mean I shouldn't play video games either? I just... wat.
@ OP: I didn't cry either. It was sad, no doubt, but it was pretty cool knowing that you've given her (Clem) the tools to survive in that world. Kind of like a weird sense of pride, haha.
wat. I have the same outlook, but I'm a guy. Does that mean I shouldn't play video games either? I just... wat.
If you think "screw all, thats not real, I just tap buttons and then puppet on the screen obeys my orders" - probably, yes. //upd I mean you had a different reasons to not cry, not like OP.
*Slowly raises a hand* ...And I'm a girl.. (Not that matters, cry your eyes out men!)
But seriously, I get a bit hurt by comments like "If you didn't cry at the end, YOU'RE NOT HUMAN >:C". So what am I? An alien? Seriously, I just knew it was just a game, not real. If it was real I would cry untill I died from dehydration. But really, I don't tend to do that a lot in games.
It's okay to cry, but it's also okay when you don't cry.. Right? XD
P.S. Excuse me for my English, it's not my mother tongue c:.
I'm a girl and no crying here. I really felt for Lee and i hated that he had to leave Clem alone. But no tears here.
Thats why some girls should not play videogames. True gamers always compares themselves with an main hero, its like another life behind the monitor's screen.
Thats why some girls should not play videogames. True gamers always compares themselves with an main hero, its like another life behind the monitor's screen.
That's not a fair statement. People are more likely to identify with a protagonist of the same gender. Problem is most female protagonists in the gaming industry aren't crafted with the female audience in mind. Generally both male and female protagonists are crafted by young white America males, for young white America males.
Thats why some girls should not play videogames. True gamers always compares themselves with an main hero, its like another life behind the monitor's screen.
??!????!??? Because girls are so known to not immerse themselves and feel with fictional characters ??!????!??
Thats why some girls should not play videogames. True gamers always compares themselves with an main hero, its like another life behind the monitor's screen.
I just didn't cry because I knew it was a game and I had enough messed up shit in real life to care. Of course I had emotions, but not strong enough to shed tears xD.
Not because I'm not a 'true gamer' bro.
A question for OP and the people who didn't cry. Nothing wrong with that btw.
How recently did you pick the game up? Have you been playing the episodes as they released from the very beginning? I feel like I cried so much because I just got too attached to the characters over all those months. I can see how somebody who bought the game last week and played through it wouldn't experience the same emotions I did, maybe wouldn't cry.
I've been playing from the start and I got my hands on the last episode as soon as it came out.. But I just knew that Lee was going to die at the end.. It was a bit predictable.. So maybe I was prepared for it?
I've been playing from the start and I got my hands on the last episode as soon as it came out.. But I just knew that Lee was going to die at the end.. It was a bit predictable.. So maybe I was prepared for it?
have you ever seen a kid cry and you start feeling sad; that's why I cried
A question for OP and the people who didn't cry. Nothing wrong with that btw.
How recently did you pick the game up? Have you been playing the episodes as they released from the very beginning? I feel like I cried so much because I just got too attached to the characters over all those months. I can see how somebody who bought the game last week and played through it wouldn't experience the same emotions I did, maybe wouldn't cry.
I went through the games as they were released and waited for all of them to come out. I'm beginning to suspect that I'm a robot, because I never cry at things that makes everyone else cry.
i cried because i knew Clementine wouldn't be safe before Lee died and because Clementine was so sad.
Of course this is because i was able to be in the moment and ignore the part of my brain that says "they aren't real people" so i was able to empathise with Lee and Clementine
I, like a lot of people cried. Never thought a video game would make me emotional, but this one did. I think it was because I can understand what a child of that age might be thinking and going through. My daughter is the same age and the last episode was tough to get through. It was very easy to put myself in Lee's shoes and think what I thought was best for Clem.
Thanks to the writers and all of the people who had anything to do with this game. Very well done. Looking forward to season 2.
I went through the games as they were released and waited for all of them to come out. I'm beginning to suspect that I'm a robot, because I never cry at things that makes everyone else cry.
I can kind of relate to this because well... I don't cry at video games either. I cried at the stage performance of Les Miserables that I watched on Broadway, but not at this. I think its because despite how well done the comic feel is in the games, it is still only pixels and the crying looked fake to me. With Les Mis, it was the song when Jean Valjean pleads to god to take him instead of his daughter that got me in the feels.
First time in my short 3 years of gaming experiences that I have cried, most games make me upset but I've not really ever cried because they haven't designed the end of the game properly, but TTG did it just right and I'm not ashamed to say I cried, in fact I was still upset a couple of days after. I think that when Clem was begging Lee to get up because the door was just there and he was too weak and little Clemmy was begging and begging I thought it was going to be cheesy but it did make me cry and I'm not ashamed to say it.
I was sad and depressed but I couldn't cry. It's really hard for me to cry, considering this is possibly one of ( if not the ) the games I've been most connected with.
Yes, I did.
But honestly, I felt worse when Lee covered Clem with that -stuff- than the ending itself. We all knew that the ending will come by one way or another but that scene at the marsh House was a sad moment to me that I can never forget. Knowing Clem will be broken when she finds out the fact about Lee's bite was a heavy burden and while doing that stinky job, I was emotionally wrecked. Because that little girl was still in some kind of hope as they will both be together and they'll continue trying to survive.
I started crying and it was so sad...
I was really sad when I buried the kid and through most of episode 3 (after the suicide), but I didn't cry during any part of the game. It pretty much takes John Lasseter to get tears out of me.
Not since the last episode of Battlestar Galactica with Adama and Roselyn did i cry so much.
At the end of the credits might have been christa and omid at the distance so she might be safe
But seriously, I get a bit hurt by comments like "If you didn't cry at the end, YOU'RE NOT HUMAN >:C". So what am I? An alien? Seriously, I just knew it was just a game, not real. If it was real I would cry untill I died from dehydration. But really, I don't tend to do that a lot in games.
It's okay to cry, but it's also okay when you don't cry.. Right? XD
P.S. Excuse me for my English, it's not my mother tongue c:.
That's true and I respect that.
Cheesy or not, it was still just a game for me.
Of course I was a bit sad.
You gonna cry?
How recently did you pick the game up? Have you been playing the episodes as they released from the very beginning? I feel like I cried so much because I just got too attached to the characters over all those months. I can see how somebody who bought the game last week and played through it wouldn't experience the same emotions I did, maybe wouldn't cry.
I don't know about that. I played it over the course of a day and a half and shed more than a few.
Emotions are weird. I laugh sometimes, especially at jump scares in video games/movies/etc. Not a normal reaction, mind you. For instance, I laughed when Katjaa was trying to help that guy in episode 2 and... well... you know.
Glad to hear it.
I'm not saying this game won't make people who just picked it up cry, just saying they probably won't feel the same attachment as the guy who's had them on his mind for the last 8 months or whatever.
I'm sure a lot of us will find out what it feels like when S2 is released.
I'm trying to imagine playing through an episode, getting to the cliffhanger ending and then having to wait for the next installment. Pretty sure I would pull my hair out.
wat. I have the same outlook, but I'm a guy. Does that mean I shouldn't play video games either? I just... wat.
@ OP: I didn't cry either. It was sad, no doubt, but it was pretty cool knowing that you've given her (Clem) the tools to survive in that world. Kind of like a weird sense of pride, haha.
I'm a girl and no crying here. I really felt for Lee and i hated that he had to leave Clem alone. But no tears here.
The ability to empathize is not gender specific.
That's not a fair statement. People are more likely to identify with a protagonist of the same gender. Problem is most female protagonists in the gaming industry aren't crafted with the female audience in mind. Generally both male and female protagonists are crafted by young white America males, for young white America males.
??!????!??? Because girls are so known to not immerse themselves and feel with fictional characters ??!????!??
I just didn't cry because I knew it was a game and I had enough messed up shit in real life to care. Of course I had emotions, but not strong enough to shed tears xD.
Not because I'm not a 'true gamer' bro.
Are you living in 1900 or something like that?
I've been playing from the start and I got my hands on the last episode as soon as it came out.. But I just knew that Lee was going to die at the end.. It was a bit predictable.. So maybe I was prepared for it?
have you ever seen a kid cry and you start feeling sad; that's why I cried
exactly. Lee's death wasn't sad in the least bit because it was obvious since the middle of the espisode that he was going to die.
but seeing Clem break down like that...the feels
I went through the games as they were released and waited for all of them to come out. I'm beginning to suspect that I'm a robot, because I never cry at things that makes everyone else cry.
Of course this is because i was able to be in the moment and ignore the part of my brain that says "they aren't real people" so i was able to empathise with Lee and Clementine
Thanks to the writers and all of the people who had anything to do with this game. Very well done. Looking forward to season 2.
I can kind of relate to this because well... I don't cry at video games either. I cried at the stage performance of Les Miserables that I watched on Broadway, but not at this. I think its because despite how well done the comic feel is in the games, it is still only pixels and the crying looked fake to me. With Les Mis, it was the song when Jean Valjean pleads to god to take him instead of his daughter that got me in the feels.
But honestly, I felt worse when Lee covered Clem with that -stuff- than the ending itself. We all knew that the ending will come by one way or another but that scene at the marsh House was a sad moment to me that I can never forget. Knowing Clem will be broken when she finds out the fact about Lee's bite was a heavy burden and while doing that stinky job, I was emotionally wrecked. Because that little girl was still in some kind of hope as they will both be together and they'll continue trying to survive.
I started crying and it was so sad...
Oh, well at least I have the moral authority of a person named strangely close to a pokemon to guide me.