Why the hell wouldn't you let Clementine shoot ****?

edited January 2013 in The Walking Dead
Letting her live with the thought that Lee turned into a walker because she didn't do anything is by far more disturbing than letting her kill him.


  • edited November 2012
    Chrizza wrote: »
    Letting her live with the thought that Lee turned into a walker because she didn't do anything is by far more disturbing than letting her kill him.

    I made Clem save the bullet, purely because I wanted to see Lee as a Zombie!
  • edited November 2012
    I didn't let her shoot me. For logic reasons.

    think about it...
    #1 I am handcuffed to the heater anyway, so I am no threat at all.
    #2 shooting me doesn't personally help me, I am dead either way.
    #3 Noise. Clem shooting makes noise. And as everyone knows noise attracts walkers - unnecessary danger for Clem
    #4 wasting bullets - ammo is rare these days. Why waste a bullet? Rather save it for a crucial situation.

    these were my reason to just leave me handcuffed to the heater.
    no reason to shoot me at all. there's the most logical explanation to "why the hell wouldn't you".
  • edited November 2012
    There are several reasons.

    The noise, save the bullet, handcuffed so I'm not going anywhere, and I'm not going to make her go through something like that. At least she can have some hope that maaaaybe Lee survived you know? It'll keep her going.
  • edited November 2012
    I had clementine kill lee with the gun. Even after the credits she got out alright with her being alive in a field and seeing assumed christa and omid. In the end i felt like it had to end the way i expected with clementine having to kill lee since he taught her how to shoot and survive on her own and she was ready to go alone after lee died.
  • edited November 2012
    That scene killed me.
  • edited November 2012
    That scene killed me.

    Same here, I couldn't bear to let Clem shoot Lee. No Way :(
  • edited November 2012
    Leaving her only other parental figure rotting away as a zombie, just like her real parents, is a horrid thing to do to her. But I was in tears the whole time, one of the most powerful scenes in any form of media I've seen.
  • edited November 2012
    i had her shoot me, it makes her a stronger person.
  • edited November 2012
    That scene killed me.

    in more ways than one...
  • edited November 2012
    I didn't let her shoot me because I just couldn't bear (bare?) the thought of making her go through with it. Like other people said, Lee is no longer a threat, it would waste a bullet, noise, etc... and I don't know which is worse. Making her kill her only parental figure right after seeing her parents as walkers or letting her live with the thought that he became a walker.

    I don't know, personally I'd rather have her live knowing Lee's a walker, because like he said: "It won't be me.".... but like every single choice in the game, this is arguable. Each person is gonna have his or her reason for doing it. Anyhow, I don't think Clem is gonna get attached to anyone else as much as she was to Lee, so I don't think her having to off someone she really really cares about is going to be an issue simply because I don't think it'll happen.
  • edited November 2012
    My thinking was exactly the opposite--why the hell would you let Clementine shoot Lee? My initial thought when Lee woke up and they were stuck in that room was that she was going to have to do it to keep her safe. But once Lee was handcuffed, there was no need for it any more. And really, hasn't the kid been through enough trauma? Do we really need to add on top of that forcing her to personally kill her last remaining parental figure just so Lee doesn't have to experience turning into a walker? Seemed pretty selfish to me.

    Plus, as others have pointed out, there are logical reasons for not having her shoot him like not taking the risk of attracting more walkers and saving ammunition for real threats.
  • edited November 2012
    Personally, I had her shoot Lee because I reasoned that Lee didn't want to become a walker any more than Clem wanted him to. Plus, I think that if I had the chance to put my father/guardian out of their misery before they turned, but I left them there to reanimate, I'd hate myself for not having the strength to make sure they didn't become a monster. Plus, Clem will never have to imagine Lee as a walker because she knows that she put him out of his misery,
  • edited November 2012
    The thing is that we are talking about Clementine here, a 9year old girl who Lee loves and don't want anything bad happen to her.

    If lets say Kenny was with us for example then yes, Shooting Lee would be the best option since he's a grown up adult who can go trough hard stuff like that, but Clementine can't. Making Clementine shoot him would change her drastically in a painful way, not to mention that she would be more Scared for the rest of her life then if she just left.

    Yes Lee would be forced to suffer like a zombie for the rest of his life but i think that Lee would be willing to make that sacrifice to save Clementine the pain.
  • edited November 2012
    I didn't let her shoot Lee. Far too emotional. Although it may make her stronger in the end, but her and Lee were BFF.

    Either way I cried.
  • edited November 2012
    Several reasons I told her to leave me. There are the logical ones, perhaps the least important to me. Noise is an issue. It's ammunition when she's probably not that loaded with bullets.

    More than that... this entire time, I've been trying to get Clem out of the crud alive this whole time, but also sane and as a 'good' person. I've never had her kill a living man, and I've tried not to kill them. As Lee says when you choose not to have her shoot you, you have to be careful with violence because it changes you. I don't want it to change her so much, only just so much as it has to for her to survive.

    This is the same reason that I was hoping Omid and Christa would take care of her. Between them, they seemed like they could survive and still stay 'decent' as people.

    Do I want Lee to become a walker? Hell no. But more than I don't want him to become a walker, I don't want Clem to become a monster in order to survive and I don't want her learning that she has to kill loved ones BEFORE they turn. So I see it as my last sacrifice as Lee, the final gift I can give even in that messed up, paralyzed state.

    Hopefully it kept her just a little less changed by violence.

    I never really even considered having her shoot me as an option. We call that 'strength' and in a zombie apocalypse it sort of is, but on a greater scale I call it horrifying, and it's in that greater scale that I hope she gets to live some day and that I prepare her for.
  • edited November 2012
    You have to realize that people have different opinions on this subject, hence giving you the option to pick either one.

    I just feel I would rather not have to shoot a loved one in the face. For me personally, I would probably be going the Michonne way of life. To add on top of my point, she's only a little girl, and it would attract a lot of walkers. It doesn't matter if she still got out, the point is that it's a risk/gamble doing it in the first place.

    That last scene with them both was some crazy shit and I was thoroughly compromised of my manhood. Real men cry! :P
  • edited November 2012
    Can you even imagine for how long Lee would be suffering there, being a walker and handcuffed to a pole in a locked building?
    He would stuck there like that for who knows how long!

    If anything I do think it would make it easier on Clem's conscience if she'd shot him.
    Fast forward , say, two years. Whenever she were to think of Lee she'd have to remember that she left him there to turn, and that he's probably still stuck there in the same position. I know MY conscience would be heavy if that were my situation.
  • edited November 2012
    Pride wrote: »
    Can you even imagine for how long Lee would be suffering there, being a walker and handcuffed to a pole in a locked building?
    He would stuck there like that for who knows how long!

    If anything I do think it would make it easier on Clem's conscience if she'd shot him.
    Fast forward , say, two years. Whenever she were to think of Lee she'd have to remember that she left him there to turn, and that he's probably still stuck there in the same position. I know MY conscience would be heavy if that were my situation.

    It doesn't really matter. When people turn into walkers, they are already dead. Whatever is left there is not Lee anymore.

    I didn't have Clementine shoot Lee, because shooting people all the time like that changes you. And nobody should have to shoot a "family" figure. Same logic applied when I got Lee to shoot Duck, Kenny shouldn't have to go through this.
  • edited November 2012
    Why waste the bullet? Why further traumatize the girl I'm sure shooting her father figure in the face would help her ability to reason when running around the horde. The entire place was infested with zombies. For all I know shooting that bullet could have brought the dead on her. Save the ammo for protecting herself and whoever else shes with. I doubt it will go to waste or anything. I also kept thinking to myself that I didn't let Kenny shoot Duck. I can't ask Clem to do a role reversal on that.
  • edited November 2012
    i had her shoot me, it makes her a stronger person.


    I felt it was a lesson she NEEDED to learn to survive.
  • edited November 2012
    I had Clem shoot her to give her the closure that Lee would never turn in to what her parents did and to teach her one last lesson in showing compassion and mercy for someone who doesn't want to turn in to a mindless monster.

    I don't know about Lee, but being a beast with no emotions or regard to who they're hurting is my second worst fear.
  • edited November 2012
    My Lee wasnt handcuffed so he was still a threat. But mostly, if I couldnt let Duck become a walker, I wasnt going to let Lee become one.
  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited November 2012
    In my game Lee was handcuffed, and I didn't want to put Clementine through the trauma of shooting someone she loved. Not asking her to shoot him was the last sacrifice Lee could make for her.
  • edited November 2012
    Rock114 wrote: »
    Personally, I had her shoot Lee because I reasoned that Lee didn't want to become a walker any more than Clem wanted him to. Plus, I think that if I had the chance to put my father/guardian out of their misery before they turned, but I left them there to reanimate, I'd hate myself for not having the strength to make sure they didn't become a monster. Plus, Clem will never have to imagine Lee as a walker because she knows that she put him out of his misery,
    Good post.

    I have the feeling people are being way too protective of her, which is sweet, but not realistic anymore. Clementine has seen some gruesome stuff already and this is simply something that's part of this world now. She is going to be miserable in a couple of months when she fully realizes what has become of Lee.

    And hey, how can we be sure that humans are not aware of themselves anymore when they turn into zombies? Maybe you're just trapped inside the body and don't have control over it anymore.

    Just look at Carl from the series, he put his mother out of her misery. Yes, she was dead already, but it's the same principle.
  • edited November 2012
    Am I the only one who got her to handcuff the zombie??? My lee was just chilling, quite the threat to leave behind, that's one reason. And also it was a good final lesson and completion of the circle, sometimes you are going to have to put people out of there misery, loved ones who ever, you have to be ready for that.
  • edited November 2012
    *shrugs* I don't mind being a zombie. Besides, I'd hate to think that Clem would die because she had wasted a bullet on me.
  • edited November 2012
    i got her to shoot me (i was never going to let zombie lee hurt Clementine or anybody else) also i wasn't restrained (a zombie hand was) so i couldn't know if Clementine would escape before i turned
  • edited November 2012
    First playthrough I got Clem to shoot me. From a story standpoint it was the most dramatic option and thats how I wanted my story to end.

    However on my second playthrough I chose not to let Clem kill me and seeing Lee just slumping against the radiator and dying actually upset me more.

    Great Game!
  • edited November 2012
    I made her shoot me (actually I wanted Lee to do it, but the game wouldn't let me).
    She understood what needed to be done and why. It is a harsh lesson, but hey, It's a zombie apocalypse.
    They were both able to say their goodbyes and she knows he is at piece now.

    I know that my 9 year old would do the same thing.
  • edited November 2012
    i had her shoot me, it makes her a stronger person.

    Exactly. Sooner or later (hopefully later) She will probably have to make this decision again unfortunately. So she needed to do it now so she will have a slightly less harder time doing it later.
  • edited November 2012
    After seeing how Clementine handled herself with the kidnapper and the zombie guard, I felt like she was quite capable of taking care of things. She is already smart and tough; she proved that by taking care of herself before we found her. She knew that she needed to shoot Lee if he was a threat, so he didn't need to teach her anything there. He was handcuffed, so he couldn't hurt anyone, which she also understood. As far as I knew, she was going to go out that door to hunt for Omid and Christa, and that one bullet she wasted on me could have made the difference in HER living or dying. So I'd rather she saw Lee just die, and not have to live with putting him down. Lee isn't suffering; the dead don't suffer. But maybe if he's lucky, Molly will come and pay him a visit with Hilda, and he won't just sit and rot.
  • edited November 2012
    It seems that most people used the cuffs on themselves... Then I can understand the "I wasn't able to harm her" speech.
    But I made her use it on the officer, so I could have starten eating her in a few minutes if something went wrong.. :(
  • edited November 2012
    I let her shoot me. She's already seen her parents as zombies, I think she can handle it.

    Besides, all that "it brings the dead on her, the noise, she might need it" stuff is nonsense. Lol, you think your choices matter. She makes it out alive anyway, regardless of the choice. It's not like letting her shoot you would be a fatal decision because God forbid TTG have to write in a sequence where your choices have lasting consequences.
  • edited November 2012
    My plan from the onset was to find Clem and make her safe at all costs, then promptly eat a bullet before the infection overcame me and I turned. That's what I wanted for myself, but in those final moments, seeing that I had one last opportunity to stack the odds of survival in her favour even as slightly as saving one extra bullet, teaching her one last lesson, I did it. I am zombie-Lee and I have no regrets.
  • edited November 2012
    I used the cuffs on the zombie, because doing that seemed like it would make getting closer to him easier, didn't realise his arm would just come off that easily though X) Also if for some reason we go through the store in season 2, I don't want to see a zombie Lee.
  • edited November 2012
    I let her shoot Lee to make her stronger,to show her that sometimes these things need to be done.
  • edited November 2012
    I had her shoot Lee because it fits with the other dialogue choices I picked. I picked words that focused on teaching her how strong and fast she is and how she can survive on her own now. Then I made Lee tell her he would miss her. Having her shoot Lee was a final lesson I wanted Lee to teach Clem. That she will HAVE to eventually put down the people she care about and she had to be strong enough to do it. She would possibly be on her own for a while and there was no room for coddling her anymore. So that was my reasons for having Clem shoot Lee.
  • edited November 2012
    DreadMagus wrote: »

    I felt it was a lesson she NEEDED to learn to survive.

    I was about to say the same. There will be a point in her life -if she doesn't die before- where she WILL have to kill somebody she is/was emotionally attached to. It's something she had to go through... anyway, about the noise, she was covered in walker guts; she already could drag Lee to a "safe" spot, why wouldn't she be able to walk thru the horde?

    Edit: Okay what the fuck is wrong with me posting stuff that has already been posted ._.
    Edit 2: Like, really, I should try reading some replies before posting myself lol. Anyway, what matters is that Clementine is still alive, right?
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited November 2012
    Chrizza wrote: »
    Letting her live with the thought that Lee turned into a walker because she didn't do anything is by far more disturbing than letting her kill him.

    Dead's dead.

    Would you rather have Clementine go outside and shoot her parents as well? :eek:
  • edited November 2012
    How about doing Lee the honor of not having to become one of those things?! The F-k is wrong with you people??

    Although, I didn't quite understand why he couldn't just shoot himself.
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