She was looking through tear filled eyes but they were open, anyways a monkey could make that shot with their eyes closed it was from point blank range! Let the man RIP
Sorry but I'm not pouring out my 40 until I know he's gone.
Those who played Episode 5 will know how this is possible for those who don't look at it this way.
Threw out Episodes 1-5 you make different choice respond differently and it is stated at the start of each episode the choices you make determine the outcome of the game.
During Episodes 1-4 there maybe choices and responses that may change the outcome of Episode 5. It has not yet been discovered as of the time of this post what choices, actions and responses need to be made and if there are multiple endings to this game. It is automatically assumed that there are only two endings at Episode 5.
However there maybe more endings that have not been found or discovered and of course these could change the events in Episode 5. At the end lee is handcuffed to a radiator or would this event happen if there are multiple endings to the game and the story changes varying your choices made?????
Also what happens if Lee is found and still alive and then given an injection that would counter the infection or reverse some of the damage. Its a long shot but still is possible since he could be found by anyone else. This does seem a long way of but it is possible for this game to have multiple endings and for Lee to survive.
There is one and only one ending, Lee dies. How you get their on the journey may be slightly diifferent but the destination is always the same, RIP Lee
I love how all the people who are so sure Lee's dead flock to the thread claiming he isn't.
Cause we're on a forum to talk and debate about the game? I'm pretty sure you'd like this thread to be just "OMG YOU'RE SO RIGHT ", but sorry, that's not how it works... Yeah, sometimes people can think others can be wrong.
TWD is just like this. I'm not talkign about the show, I'm talking about the comics. There's no happy twist except in the first album, that's all we're saying.
Now, I think that's kinda cool, being stubborn with this idea, it just proves that TTG had created a wonderful character!
Wow. I see some of us are stuck in the stages of dealing with grief and loss.
Stage 1: Denial
In the Walking Dead universe, if you are bitten you die. The bite is 100% fatal and always leads to death, unless immediate amputation occurs.
Lee took too long to cut his arm off (if he does it at all). By the time he decides (or doesn't decide) to cut it off, he has already passed out once. This means the infection is already affecting him; it has spread too far to be stopped.
Even if Clementine missed (if she was told to shoot him), and given how good a shot she is now, I find that highly impossible, Lee is still infected. He can't survive a bite.
Even if Kenny or some magical rescue team arrived on the scene, there is nothing that can be done for Lee. This game follows comic book canon, and as Kirkman himself as said, there is no cure, there is nothing that can prevent a zombie bite from killing someone except for immediate amputation. And that didn't happen.
Face it. Lee is dead.
Enjoy stages 2-5.
Bargaining: "Please Telltale, I'll buy every game you've ever made if you just let Lee live into season 2. I'll do anything. Please."
Depression and Acceptance: Most of us are here, waiting for you to catch up.
wow. I see some of us are stuck in the stages of dealing with grief and loss.
stage 1: Denial
in the walking dead universe, if you are bitten you die. The bite is 100% fatal and always leads to death, unless immediate amputation occurs.
Lee took too long to cut his arm off (if he does it at all). By the time he decides (or doesn't decide) to cut it off, he has already passed out once. This means the infection is already affecting him; it has spread too far to be stopped.
Even if clementine missed (if she was told to shoot him), and given how good a shot she is now, i find that highly impossible, lee is still infected. He can't survive a bite.
Even if kenny or some magical rescue team arrived on the scene, there is nothing that can be done for lee. This game follows comic book canon, and as kirkman himself as said, there is no cure, there is nothing that can prevent a zombie bite from killing someone except for immediate amputation. And that didn't happen.
Face it. lee is dead.
enjoy stages 2-5.
Anger: "why telltale did you have to kill lee i hate you i will never buy another game from you you are monsters garble garble rage rage death threats" etc.
Bargaining: "please telltale, i'll buy every game you've ever made if you just let lee live into season 2. I'll do anything. Please."
depression and acceptance: Most of us are here, waiting for you to catch up.
There is one and only one ending, Lee dies. How you get their on the journey may be slightly diifferent but the destination is always the same, RIP Lee
Oh... didn't realize you were the one that wrote the story. Funny thing is I never saw Crixus as a writer in the credits. (because you are not)
But IMO. There is more chance for Lee to live than there is for him to die.
Ok. Let's say Clem just didn't shoot him in the head.
She opens her eyes, shaking her hands cause she thinks she just killed the guy who has been taking care of her for months.
But he's not dead, she missed her shot.
What happens next? Lee was dying anyway.
Lee looks at her, and just gives his final breathe. He dies and turns. That's all. She runs away or just kill walker Lee.
Cause "You're dumb, Lee's not dead, Clem close her eyes"
He's a masterful one?
Never said "Lee's alive" supporters were any better. Both sides are pretty rude. I just find it hilarious how people who say Lee's dead come to forums expressing new theories on his survival. It's like saying a room's empty, but checking it everytime someone says something's in there.
I know others would think it would be awesome to see zombified Lee, but hopefully they won't. I don't want Clem to see him turn into a walker, it's much better to end his misery :c
Lee's totally alive! He gets saved by Carley, who's feeling much better after having a relaxing nap in the road and has been tracking him all this time. Not only that, but the zombie plague has been cured! The first chapter of Season 2 is all about Lee and Carley's wedding, and everybody comes, including a lot of other people who turned out to have survived, such as Kenny, Ben, Duck, Katjaa, Chuck, Doug, Larry (who had a change of heart and became nice), Mark (whose legs grew back) and Lee's parents and brother. Daryl even make a special guest appearance to give them a big wedding cake he made out of squirrels. Then the RV drives up, loaded with wedding presents, and Lilly gets out and apologizes to Carley and they become best friends. DJ Doug rigs up an awesome sound system and everyone has a huge dance party. Afterwards Lee and Carley adopt Clem, even though Clem's parents are still alive, too, and then they have seven more babies, which all become best friends with Omid and Christa's baby. Then Guybrush Threepwood shows up and reveals that he was the one who cured the plague by using La Esponja Grande.
Seriously, that's exactly how it's going to go down, just wait and see.
Blind, false hope. I'm as cut up about it as anybody... but he's dead as. Clem has already proved she can shoot straight on several occasions now, so I doubt she'd miss from 3 feet away. And if Lee were alive, Clementine wouldn't leave his side (reference her somehow dragging his unconcious body to garage when they were surrounded with zombies)... so the mini-epilogue wouldn't happen. If Lee were there, why would she be alone? Why would she have the pistol? Why would she look so uncertain and scared at the sight of the two figures on the hill?
Like I said... I wish Lee survived as much as anyone... but it just isn't the case.
Never said "Lee's alive" supporters were any better. Both sides are pretty rude. I just find it hilarious how people who say Lee's dead come to forums expressing new theories on his survival. It's like saying a room's empty, but checking it everytime someone says something's in there.
Reasons why Lee is dead
1. He was shot at point blank range.
2. If he wasn't shot, he was still bitten, there is no cure for that.
3. In a more meta bit, It would be bad writing for TellTale to keep him alive
4. Okay, let's say that he survived: It doesn't matter. There is no chance that he'll track down Clementine again. We might get to play as him in season 2, but no one would like that.
5. Almost everyone had Lee handcuffed, and, he wasn't able to move right before Clem either took the shot, or left him, so why should he after she's gone? If he survived he would be stuck in that one building until he died of blood loss, thirst, or walkers.
Reasons why Lee is dead
1. He was shot at point blank range.
2. If he wasn't shot, he was still bitten, there is no cure for that.
3. In a more meta bit, It would be bad writing for TellTale to keep him alive
4. Okay, let's say that he survived: It doesn't matter. There is no chance that he'll track down Clementine again. We might get to play as him in season 2, but no one would like that.
5. Almost everyone had Lee handcuffed, and, he wasn't able to move right before Clem either took the shot, or left him, so why should he after she's gone? If he survived he would be stuck in that one building until he died of blood loss, thirst, or walkers.
Reasons Lee is alive
(actually just conjecture to your reasons for him to be dead)
1. With her eyes closed, Clem could have missed.
2. His arm and the bite was, or will be, amputated, prior to the infection doing the worst of its damage... that plus a possible blood transfusion could be enough to save Lee (only the next season will tell for sure)
3. It would be more bad writing for TellTale not to leave the season with nothing to talk about. And as bad writing goes... Killing of the only main character, is real bad writing... no book that has ever tried it, does well.
4. As already stated before... The writers can just as simply put Kenny, or someone else for that matter, in that room minutes after Clem walks out and see that Lee needs help. They could either cut the handcuffs or use the key since Clem no longer needs them, she might not have taken the keys with her.
You see, since the next season has yet to come... you guys don't see the chance, but it's there.
(additionally I wasn't one of the ones that thought Carley was alive when they showed her shot in the head)
Reasons Lee is alive
(actually just conjecture to your reasons for him to be dead)
1. With her eyes closed, Clem could have missed.
2. His arm and the bite was, or will be, amputated, prior to the infection doing the worst of its damage... that plus a possible blood transfusion could be enough to save Lee (only the next season will tell for sure)
3. It would be more bad writing for TellTale not to leave the season with nothing to talk about.
4. As already stated before... The writers can just as simply put Kenny in that room minutes after Clem walks out and see that Lee needs help. He could either cut the handcuffs or use the key since Clem no longer needs them, she might not have taken them with her.
You see, since the next season has yet to come... you guys don't see the chance, but it's there.
(additionally I wasn't one of the ones that thought Carley was alive when they showed her shot in the head)
I thinks it's funny you have nothing productive to say....except to lie about being the writer of episode 5.... since that's the case, nothing you have to say even counts. Which is why you cant.... you just cant.
i dont understand how people can be so obtuse
why do people think Lee fainted in the first place?
what, he just got tired of opening the elevator and took a nap on the floor?
at that point you know its already too late
cutting his arm off may have slowed it down, but you already know its spread too far at that point
I thinks it's funny you have nothing productive to say....except to lie about being the writer of episode 5.... since that's the case, nothing you have to say even counts. Which is why you cant.... you just cant.
I cant believe you actually checked to see if the writer was called crixus. I was kidding.
Seriously though i can't tell you what to believe,if you want to keep up the hope that he is still alive you can,im just trying to spare you the dissapointment you'll feel when he isnt in season 2,alive at least
Reasons Lee is alive
(actually just conjecture to your reasons for him to be dead)
1. With her eyes closed, Clem could have missed.
2. His arm and the bite was, or will be, amputated, prior to the infection doing the worst of its damage... that plus a possible blood transfusion could be enough to save Lee (only the next season will tell for sure)
3. It would be more bad writing for TellTale not to leave the season with nothing to talk about. And as bad writing goes... Killing of the only main character, is real bad writing... no book that has ever tried it, does well.
4. As already stated before... The writers can just as simply put Kenny, or someone else for that matter, in that room minutes after Clem walks out and see that Lee needs help. They could either cut the handcuffs or use the key since Clem no longer needs them, she might not have taken the keys with her.
You see, since the next season has yet to come... you guys don't see the chance, but it's there.
(additionally I wasn't one of the ones that thought Carley was alive when they showed her shot in the head)
1) Presumably, she would open her eyes after shooting Lee and see the damage she did. We don't see that because the screen goes dark.
2) I don't know how help could reach Lee. The city their in is pretty empty (zombies don't count as people with medical training), and I doubt a random van of trained medical professionals could just happen upon Lee in the building he is in and magically have the tools to save him. Lee would be too weak to shout for help anyways if he did somehow survive the gunshot, or if he was really just fainting due to lack of blood.
3) Shakespeare. Tragic heroes. Would tell you an example of a main character dying off in a certain recent Rockstar video game, but I suppose that'd spoil it for some people. Clem was Lee's redemption after the crimes he committed (his flaw). Tragic heroes have flaws...And they die at the end of their plays/storylines).
Plus there is a lot of things to speculate about for season 2. Main characters? Is Kenny alright? How's Molly? I could go on...
4) I doubt Kenny or anyone would know they were in the building. Considering it was hard to get into and surrounded by zombies.
I appreciate your enthusiasm trying to prove your point though. :P But I think Lee coming back to life and suddenly being okay for another season would be an example of bad writing.
1) Presumably, she would open her eyes after shooting Lee and see the damage she did. We don't see that because the screen goes dark.
2) I don't know how help could reach Lee. The city their in is pretty empty (zombies don't count as people with medical training), and I doubt a random van of trained medical professionals could just happen upon Lee in the building he is in and magically have the tools to save him. Lee would be too weak to shout for help anyways if he did somehow survive the gunshot, or if he was really just fainting due to lack of blood.
3) Shakespeare. Tragic heroes. Would tell you an example of a main character dying off in a certain recent Rockstar video game, but I suppose that'd spoil it for some people. Clem was Lee's redemption after the crimes he committed (his flaw). Tragic heroes have flaws...And they die at the end of their plays/storylines).
4) I doubt Kenny or anyone would know they were in the building. Considering it was hard to get into and surrounded by zombies.
I appreciate your enthusiasm trying to prove your point though. :P But I think Lee coming back to life and suddenly being okay for another season would be an example of bad writing.
1) As you said the screen went black so we will never know if she looked back. So why you chose no number this one, I have to clue.
2) Help could just walk through the door in the form of Kenny who was also looking to hook back up with the group looking for Clem ... Or, even as slim as the possibility is, there 'could' be someone with medical training walking by as the gun shot is fired. (now you know how help could reach him) There was a gun shot to alert people outside the door to someone living being in the building. (now you know how they were alerted without Lee having to shout)
3) Tragedies are not continual series.... they end because they are tragedies.
4) As I said before, the gun shot could have been heard... And since Lee was trying to open the door in his weakened state with a little girl, it's possible that the door can be opened with more effort from someone else. Or they could come in through the now unlocked door that Clem just exited from. Which would play even better for that being where they find the keys for the handcuffs.
I'm sorry to tell you folks... but there is a ton of reasons and easy ways to write the story with Lee being alive in Season 2. And there is more reason for Lee to be left for dead but survive that there is for the writers to suddenly have to re-create a new character from which you would have to play.
Nunyabiznes, please address my previous post, from page 3. I clearly lay out all the reasons that Lee cannot survive this.
In case you're too lazy or stubborn to, I'll help you out:
-Bites are 100$ fatal unless immediate amputation occurs. Was Lee's amputation immediate? No. He was already feeling the effects of the bite before he cut off his arm.
-Even if Clementine missed him, she would open her eyes afterwards and see that she had missed. Then she'd shoot him again or leave him (in which case, the bite, which cannot be stopped, would kill him).
Additional arguments:
-Where would help come from? Everyone Lee knows is long gone.
-Even if someone found him, it'd probably be too late.
-Even if it wasn't too late, and he was still alive, what are the chances this person has something on them that they can amputate with (but as I mentioned above, it doesn't matter any more), or that they have medical supplies (let alone something capable of performing a blood transfusion)? Slim chances.
Putting someone in that room the minute Clem leaves would be bad writing. Terrible writing.
As mentioned by FlyingMouse, read Shakespeare. Ever heard of Romeo and Juliet? Hamlet? Macbeth? I'm guessing not.
This.......... mark my words.
Sorry but I'm not pouring out my 40 until I know he's gone.
There is one and only one ending, Lee dies. How you get their on the journey may be slightly diifferent but the destination is always the same, RIP Lee
lol its worse then believing carley had survived, we even seen her get shot in the head, some people are just in denial i guess!
Cause we're on a forum to talk and debate about the game? I'm pretty sure you'd like this thread to be just "OMG YOU'RE SO RIGHT
TWD is just like this. I'm not talkign about the show, I'm talking about the comics. There's no happy twist except in the first album, that's all we're saying.
Now, I think that's kinda cool, being stubborn with this idea, it just proves that TTG had created a wonderful character!
You're right, saying "Lee's dead. Get over it" is masterful discussion and debating.
Stage 1: Denial
In the Walking Dead universe, if you are bitten you die. The bite is 100% fatal and always leads to death, unless immediate amputation occurs.
Lee took too long to cut his arm off (if he does it at all). By the time he decides (or doesn't decide) to cut it off, he has already passed out once. This means the infection is already affecting him; it has spread too far to be stopped.
Even if Clementine missed (if she was told to shoot him), and given how good a shot she is now, I find that highly impossible, Lee is still infected. He can't survive a bite.
Even if Kenny or some magical rescue team arrived on the scene, there is nothing that can be done for Lee. This game follows comic book canon, and as Kirkman himself as said, there is no cure, there is nothing that can prevent a zombie bite from killing someone except for immediate amputation. And that didn't happen.
Face it. Lee is dead.
Enjoy stages 2-5.
Bargaining: "Please Telltale, I'll buy every game you've ever made if you just let Lee live into season 2. I'll do anything. Please."
Depression and Acceptance: Most of us are here, waiting for you to catch up.
Lee is gone.
Cause "You're dumb, Lee's not dead, Clem close her eyes"
He's a masterful one?
^^^^^^^^^ this
Oh... didn't realize you were the one that wrote the story. Funny thing is I never saw Crixus as a writer in the credits. (because you are not)
But IMO. There is more chance for Lee to live than there is for him to die.
Ummm since there was dark before light.... Day follows night. not the other way around.
ohh and Lee is alive.
She opens her eyes, shaking her hands cause she thinks she just killed the guy who has been taking care of her for months.
But he's not dead, she missed her shot.
What happens next? Lee was dying anyway.
Lee looks at her, and just gives his final breathe. He dies and turns. That's all. She runs away or just kill walker Lee.
Dude I am in the credits, pause at 0.10!
Never said "Lee's alive" supporters were any better. Both sides are pretty rude. I just find it hilarious how people who say Lee's dead come to forums expressing new theories on his survival. It's like saying a room's empty, but checking it everytime someone says something's in there.
Seriously, that's exactly how it's going to go down, just wait and see.
Like I said... I wish Lee survived as much as anyone... but it just isn't the case.
Dude, that's the point with internet.
1. He was shot at point blank range.
2. If he wasn't shot, he was still bitten, there is no cure for that.
3. In a more meta bit, It would be bad writing for TellTale to keep him alive
4. Okay, let's say that he survived: It doesn't matter. There is no chance that he'll track down Clementine again. We might get to play as him in season 2, but no one would like that.
5. Almost everyone had Lee handcuffed, and, he wasn't able to move right before Clem either took the shot, or left him, so why should he after she's gone? If he survived he would be stuck in that one building until he died of blood loss, thirst, or walkers.
I know, I know. Still silly to me, though.
It's very possible we could play as Lee again in season 2!
But I can't imagine playing as a walker or a corpse would be that fun.
My reaction to this thread
Reasons Lee is alive
(actually just conjecture to your reasons for him to be dead)
1. With her eyes closed, Clem could have missed.
2. His arm and the bite was, or will be, amputated, prior to the infection doing the worst of its damage... that plus a possible blood transfusion could be enough to save Lee (only the next season will tell for sure)
3. It would be more bad writing for TellTale not to leave the season with nothing to talk about. And as bad writing goes... Killing of the only main character, is real bad writing... no book that has ever tried it, does well.
4. As already stated before... The writers can just as simply put Kenny, or someone else for that matter, in that room minutes after Clem walks out and see that Lee needs help. They could either cut the handcuffs or use the key since Clem no longer needs them, she might not have taken the keys with her.
You see, since the next season has yet to come... you guys don't see the chance, but it's there.
(additionally I wasn't one of the ones that thought Carley was alive when they showed her shot in the head)
I..I Just..I can't, I can't even.....
I thinks it's funny you have nothing productive to say....except to lie about being the writer of episode 5.... since that's the case, nothing you have to say even counts. Which is why you cant.... you just cant.
i dont understand how people can be so obtuse
why do people think Lee fainted in the first place?
what, he just got tired of opening the elevator and took a nap on the floor?
at that point you know its already too late
cutting his arm off may have slowed it down, but you already know its spread too far at that point
Seriously though i can't tell you what to believe,if you want to keep up the hope that he is still alive you can,im just trying to spare you the dissapointment you'll feel when he isnt in season 2,alive at least
1) Presumably, she would open her eyes after shooting Lee and see the damage she did. We don't see that because the screen goes dark.
2) I don't know how help could reach Lee. The city their in is pretty empty (zombies don't count as people with medical training), and I doubt a random van of trained medical professionals could just happen upon Lee in the building he is in and magically have the tools to save him. Lee would be too weak to shout for help anyways if he did somehow survive the gunshot, or if he was really just fainting due to lack of blood.
3) Shakespeare. Tragic heroes. Would tell you an example of a main character dying off in a certain recent Rockstar video game, but I suppose that'd spoil it for some people. Clem was Lee's redemption after the crimes he committed (his flaw). Tragic heroes have flaws...And they die at the end of their plays/storylines).
Plus there is a lot of things to speculate about for season 2. Main characters? Is Kenny alright? How's Molly? I could go on...
4) I doubt Kenny or anyone would know they were in the building. Considering it was hard to get into and surrounded by zombies.
I appreciate your enthusiasm trying to prove your point though. :P But I think Lee coming back to life and suddenly being okay for another season would be an example of bad writing.
No one has to check to know you are not the writer.
Except you then?
1) As you said the screen went black so we will never know if she looked back. So why you chose no number this one, I have to clue.
2) Help could just walk through the door in the form of Kenny who was also looking to hook back up with the group looking for Clem ... Or, even as slim as the possibility is, there 'could' be someone with medical training walking by as the gun shot is fired. (now you know how help could reach him) There was a gun shot to alert people outside the door to someone living being in the building. (now you know how they were alerted without Lee having to shout)
3) Tragedies are not continual series.... they end because they are tragedies.
4) As I said before, the gun shot could have been heard... And since Lee was trying to open the door in his weakened state with a little girl, it's possible that the door can be opened with more effort from someone else. Or they could come in through the now unlocked door that Clem just exited from. Which would play even better for that being where they find the keys for the handcuffs.
I'm sorry to tell you folks... but there is a ton of reasons and easy ways to write the story with Lee being alive in Season 2. And there is more reason for Lee to be left for dead but survive that there is for the writers to suddenly have to re-create a new character from which you would have to play.
In case you're too lazy or stubborn to, I'll help you out:
-Bites are 100$ fatal unless immediate amputation occurs. Was Lee's amputation immediate? No. He was already feeling the effects of the bite before he cut off his arm.
-Even if Clementine missed him, she would open her eyes afterwards and see that she had missed. Then she'd shoot him again or leave him (in which case, the bite, which cannot be stopped, would kill him).
Additional arguments:
-Where would help come from? Everyone Lee knows is long gone.
-Even if someone found him, it'd probably be too late.
-Even if it wasn't too late, and he was still alive, what are the chances this person has something on them that they can amputate with (but as I mentioned above, it doesn't matter any more), or that they have medical supplies (let alone something capable of performing a blood transfusion)? Slim chances.
Putting someone in that room the minute Clem leaves would be bad writing. Terrible writing.
As mentioned by FlyingMouse, read Shakespeare. Ever heard of Romeo and Juliet? Hamlet? Macbeth? I'm guessing not.
Hmmm but he's not shown as dead. So how do you know he's dead?
You can't see the wind yet its there. People seen carrley get shot in the head and they still tried to say she was alive