Although I wanted TWD and TTG to win everything they were nominated for, I can understand why Handsome Jack won the award for best performance by a human male.
I just hope that tonight's awards help Telltale grow more as a company, build up their publicity, and help motivate them to continue to make extraordinary games. They are a truly gifted group of individuals.
Congrats the game and its story was amazing but i disagree with studio of the year.
You have done nothing to help your fans who still cant beat the game due to glitches. I only beat it because i am fortunate enough to own two xboxs and could download it all over to my second xbox.
The fact that it was so buggy for every episode after the first is pathetic. No more downloads from telltale. I'll wait for hopefully finished retail versions. I hope sincerely hope you dont screw over the people that are buying the disc becuase i do want you to get more fans and business so please do your fans right with the disc.
Yeah! Well deserved win! Fabulous game, one of the best. But for season 2..... mayyyyyybe an option to invert Y-axis and skip some dialog? Died many times because of not being able to invert y
Dave Fenoy a great job, but Dameon Clarke did pretty well to. The only problem I had with it is that they gave the award out during the PRE-SHOW... I mean, what the fuck?
Lets take a moment to think about how an adventure game.. a genre the industry would tell you is dead.. From a small company, put out episodes in a small window of development went against HUGE companies in the industry, against franchises like Halo, Mass Effect, and Call of Duty... and WON!!
I have to believe that even the wonderfully charming ladies and gentlemen at Telltale are pinching themselves... People are going to start asking Travelers tales when the next adventure game is coming out... NOW GO MAKE ANOTHER GAME!!! (cracks whip)
Dave Fenoy a great job, but Dameon Clarke did pretty well to. The only problem I had with it is that they gave the award out during the PRE-SHOW... I mean, what the fuck?
Also good job TTG on your GOTY!
Yeah, I meant Dave xD
They gave it out during the pre-show? That's why I kept on waiting for them to show the nominees and all I saw was bunch of commercials and world premieres =.=
I just had to congratulate and make an account, i've had the game for a while and i was always saying to people and myself that this is best game i've played this year. I'm so happy for you guys, It quite honestly brought a tear to my eye and i stood up and clapped. Cause you deserved it. Hope the best for the future seasons. Thank you telltale.
TWD and it's crew deserved every award they got and even the one they didn't, it's a close call between Handsome Jack and Lee but Dave Fennoy gets that one from me every time.
I still can't believe it! That's awesome! Congratulations Telltale! You truly deserve it, one of the best games I played in my life. I'm glad there're still games that aren't shooters or "kill everything you see" kind of games.
So glad that it turned out this way, and absolutely agree with all the awards. I've never been so emotionally touched by any story than I was with The Walking Dead Game, and being that my dream is to become a game designer and tell such stories to people, it is so inspiring to see Telltale earn the recognition it deserves with all the awards it won tonight. Congratulations to everyone at Telltale Games, you guys inspire me with everything you do!
In spite of the game-erasing bugs on Xbox (which have still yet to be fixed, BTW), the game really did deserve GOTY. No other game engaged me in the story like TWD did. Well done.
I also award Jake the award for the best speech.
I just hope that tonight's awards help Telltale grow more as a company, build up their publicity, and help motivate them to continue to make extraordinary games. They are a truly gifted group of individuals.
You have done nothing to help your fans who still cant beat the game due to glitches. I only beat it because i am fortunate enough to own two xboxs and could download it all over to my second xbox.
The fact that it was so buggy for every episode after the first is pathetic. No more downloads from telltale. I'll wait for hopefully finished retail versions. I hope sincerely hope you dont screw over the people that are buying the disc becuase i do want you to get more fans and business so please do your fans right with the disc.
Dave Fenoy a great job, but Dameon Clarke did pretty well to. The only problem I had with it is that they gave the award out during the PRE-SHOW... I mean, what the fuck?
Also good job TTG on your GOTY!
I have to believe that even the wonderfully charming ladies and gentlemen at Telltale are pinching themselves... People are going to start asking Travelers tales when the next adventure game is coming out... NOW GO MAKE ANOTHER GAME!!!
Edit: Hopefully this will push Telltale to go further when making Season 2, improve things from Season 1 and hopefully make another Game of the Year.
he won for the team
Yeah, I meant Dave xD
They gave it out during the pre-show? That's why I kept on waiting for them to show the nominees and all I saw was bunch of commercials and world premieres =.=
Kind regards
Hooray!! :guybrush:
TWD and it's crew deserved every award they got and even the one they didn't, it's a close call between Handsome Jack and Lee but Dave Fennoy gets that one from me every time.
A hearty congratulations guys.
Yes she did indeed
Melissa Hutchison certainly did and rightfully so.
They also won:
Amazing game.
eh no.
Kudos to Melissa Hutchinson for winning best female voice!
For the life of me I can't find that video of Guybrush dancing anymore. Edit: Found it!
Of course you know this means we expect you to outdo yourselves for season 2.
#ForClementine #UppingTheAnte