Does everybody have a job on these forums?

edited February 2013 in General Chat
I'm probably the only one who doesn't. WHat about everyone else?


  • edited January 2013
    I do not have a job, on or off the forums. I am slightly confused about the context of your question.
  • edited January 2013
    I work a gamestore, and I do other things on side for an income.
  • edited January 2013
    I work a crappy supermarket job. Even more so now that I'm on a full time placement (which has been crap!), but for the same pay... -_-
  • edited January 2013
    I work at a job where I do stuff and things.
  • puzzleboxpuzzlebox Telltale Alumni
    edited January 2013
    The forums are part of my job! I'm Telltale's community person.
  • edited January 2013
    I get paid for having fun. Not even joking about this. I get to spend my time playing with cool machines and discovering shit that might one day cure horrible diseases or make it easier to go to space and I'll probably continue doing this until I keel over at my bench.
  • edited January 2013
    I'm Telltale's unofficial chief not-Moderator-forum-member.
  • edited January 2013
    no and it's kinda depressing
  • edited January 2013
    I'm basically a shelf stacker, and have been ever since I practically begged to be taken off tills.
  • JenniferJennifer Moderator
    edited January 2013
    I'm basically a shelf stacker, and have been ever since I practically begged to be taken off tills.
    You're lucky in that regard, all the retail jobs I ever had required you to do both.
  • edited January 2013
    Jennifer wrote: »
    You're lucky in that regard, all the retail jobs I ever had required you to do both.
    I do have to jump on when it gets busy, but I'm on there MUCH less now, so I'm relatively happy.
  • edited January 2013
    I'm a research assistant, and a consultant.
  • puzzleboxpuzzlebox Telltale Alumni
    edited January 2013
    I'm basically a shelf stacker, and have been ever since I practically begged to be taken off tills.

    I'm curious, what is so terrible about tills?
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited January 2013
    Been a shelf stacker m'self - all right, for six months only, five years ago - and I can see why it's way better than tills. Well, at least until they put you in frozen foods or spirituous beverages. That sucks. ;)

    I'm a research assistant, and a consultant.

    Ambassador 2014?!?
    Ribs wrote: »
    I'm Telltale's unofficial chief not-Moderator-forum-member.

    I sincerely hate to disappoint you, but that is and always will be TomPravetz.
    puzzlebox wrote: »
    The forums are part of my job! I'm Telltale's community person.

    "community person" sounds even less official than "chief not-Moderator-forum-member". Isn't there an official title like "Telltale Games Senior Manager PR & Community"?

    I'm a 'Senior Manager' now, actually. Gotta get rid of that.
  • edited January 2013
    puzzlebox wrote: »
    I'm curious, what is so terrible about tills?
    It's a long story.
    I've never liked tills, so when I first started working at the place-that-shall-not-be-named I asked not to be till trained and they didn't have a problem with that, so I spent the first six months stacking shelves. Then we got a new store manager, too many till staff left, and I basically ended up stuck on tills for two years despite repeated requests to be taken off. It all kind of came to a head when I got suspended for 'racial abuse' (complete misunderstanding) and I had a heavy bout of depression. Shortly after that though we got the old manager back, and he finally got me off tills, so that very much helped. It's not the best job in the world by any means - I keep getting shunted around different sections to replace people who suck, basically - but it's not tills and I'll bloody well take it.
  • edited January 2013

    Be getting up at 7.
    Leave the house at 9.
    Goin to work at the supermarket
    Has never been fiiinnee

    Oh! Be sitting on a chair all daaayyy!
    Screen starin at meehee
    Customers talkin on and on!
    But they just can't see

    Those checkout bluuuhuues!
    Oh Those checkout blues!
    Where the babies are cryin
    And somebody's diein
    And you had to work overtime!
    The checkout blues."
  • edited January 2013
    I alternate between being an office assistant and a freelance illustrator.
  • edited January 2013
    I've not had a job since January 2007. Granted for three of those years I was at university but that finished two and a half years ago and I've been unsuccessfully looking for work ever since. And the main reason I'm trying to find work now (well other than the obvious reasons like money and stuff) is so I have a better chance of getting back into university so I can try again at getting a degree which I failed at last time.

    A tad depressing all that when you think about it really. *sigh*
  • edited January 2013
    I am a student in IT-Technology.
  • edited January 2013
    I'm a waiter at an Indian restaurant. Other than that, a student I suppose.
  • edited January 2013
    I'm basically a legal assistant without the certification.

    My employer won't pay for me to get a certification, I don't need the certification to do my job, and frankly I'm not interested in taking the classes for it, so there we are.

    However, I'm not worried about ever needing one at all, as my job security for this firm is pretty much guaranteed.
  • edited January 2013
    I am currently a Service Assistant (read: general busy-body) at a DIY store. I know nothing about DIY, but have somehow managed a year there. I'm only there until August, and then I'm leaving for University to do Computer Science at Nottingham.

    The pay is lousy, but the staff are friendly. And given how tough the job market is these days, I'm just glad to have somewhere. Plus i get to wield a knife!
  • puzzleboxpuzzlebox Telltale Alumni
    edited January 2013
    Friar wrote: »
    the staff are friendly. [...] Plus i get to wield a knife!

    Well no wonder the staff are friendly! :p
  • edited January 2013
    I'm a software developer. Job security is not at all guaranteed, but they seem to have kept me around for a while, which has been good for this recession.

    I don't think they'd let us use knives. There'd be too many keyboard stabbings!
  • edited January 2013
    Instructor of History as my primary profession. Writer as my secondary. I also own a small business doing catering and event planning, as well as some nightlife promotions.
  • edited January 2013
    Ambassador 2014?!?

    Not going to get into the details here, but the reason why I got all quiet on the boards was because I passed the Foreign Service Exam... and properly got shunted down when Clinton stepped out of the Secretary position (which would explain why my contacts never got called). I'm actually earning quite a bit consulting ATM, and was asked to reapply for being a foreign service officer (read: diplomat, not ambassador- ambassador positions are appointed, not earned) next October.

    Sucks, but I can live.

    I'll be heading up to San Francisco the last full week of February to talk with NVidia and a few others for a more "standard" job, and I have a very intriguing offer in Portland for something a little different.

    I'm not going to tell anyone about any more job offers until I have a name-tag and fancy business cards, because with my luck they'll go bankrupt the day before I set foot in the door. >_<

    And, hey, puzzlebox, if Telltale is still hiring... But , in all seriousness, if you or any other TTers are free and want to grab some drinks while I'm up there, shoot me a PM.
  • edited January 2013
    I'm a line cook! I food for fun AND money!
  • edited January 2013
    FT Supermarket as well.
    "Customer Service Specialist - Dairy" is my official title. Basically, that means I run the Dairy and Frozen(I have a subordinate for this one) departments.
  • edited January 2013
    I'm paid by the government as a community support worker for people with intellectual disabilities.
  • edited January 2013
    I am a projectbased recruiter. Companies who have trouble finding employees hire us to find fitting personnel.
  • edited January 2013
    I work for a video game store, a comic store and direct a horror host TV show
  • edited January 2013
    I currently do not have a job but I'm focusing on my studies so I can get a better job and something I would be interested in (Speech-Language Pathology and hopefully doing voice acting on the side) but I'll say a little bit about my old job that I left not too long ago.

    I used to be a pizza maker and donut maker for a gas station. If we had food like Chicken tenders or French fries I was told how to make those too. I was one of the few that actually knew all the shifts and what to do on them, I wasn't the quickest but customers liked me and so did my boss and coworkers so it all worked out. If the kitchen wasn't busy I had to clean around the store, mess with pop/water/juice stock, and make sure the gas pumps and outside was clean (and clean an awful grease trap on Sunday nights if I had it). At first it was a very fun job to do but after 3-4 years of it I just didn't have the heart to continue doing it and thought it wouldn't be fair to myself to keep going to something I started to dread going to.

    Sorry that was longer than intended lol. But I still love some of the people there and my boss, they are very nice people and I would work for them again if it presents itself down the road.

    tl;dr No I don't have a job currently lol
  • edited January 2013
    I do not have a job. I got sick about 7 years ago, and despite more doctors and tests than I can count, have never been given a diagnosis. There are multiple issues involved with this, but the worst is the fatigue. On my worst days it is so bad I can barely stand in the shower, though thankfully those days have become fewer and fewer as time goes on. I don't know if I'll ever be able to work again, and I don't like not having the option. I used to work in property management, and if you want to see Americans at their worst, rent apartments to them.
    Thankfully, my husband's job provides for us just fine, and he is very supportive of me.
  • puzzleboxpuzzlebox Telltale Alumni
    edited January 2013
    dustpuffs wrote: »
    I used to work in property management, and if you want to see Americans at their worst, rent apartments to them.

    The lease agreement I just signed contains a clause specifying that all garbage in the apartment must be placed in some kind of receptacle (as distinct from, say, scattered about the floor, or piled up neatly in a corner). The fact that "PUT YOUR GARBAGE IN A GARBAGE CAN" apparently needs to be written into leases is somewhat disturbing.
  • edited January 2013
    puzzlebox wrote: »
    The lease agreement I just signed contains a clause specifying that all garbage in the apartment must be placed in some kind of receptacle (as distinct from, say, scattered about the floor, or piled up neatly in a corner). The fact that "PUT YOUR GARBAGE IN A GARBAGE CAN" apparently needs to be written into leases is somewhat disturbing.

    We had a guy sneak a German Sherpherd into a no-pets-allowed studio, and never let it out. For 3 weeks. He needed to sign a " pick up poop and flush it" clause, because he didn't do that once. Even in hazmat suits, the cleaning guys didn't want to touch that place.
  • edited January 2013
    I'm in your 401ks and IRAs, buying your mutual funds and whatnot.

    At least, if you have one of those. At my company. Obviously.
  • edited January 2013
    I have two jobs. One is being a mod for a forum dedicated to the works of Spumco(Ren and Stimpy) and the other is a part time job at Whole foods as a bagger.
  • JenniferJennifer Moderator
    edited January 2013
    puzzlebox wrote: »
    The lease agreement I just signed contains a clause specifying that all garbage in the apartment must be placed in some kind of receptacle (as distinct from, say, scattered about the floor, or piled up neatly in a corner). The fact that "PUT YOUR GARBAGE IN A GARBAGE CAN" apparently needs to be written into leases is somewhat disturbing.
    My mom and dad used to buy multiple houses to rent, and they have some real horror stories.

    I had to deal with one of them (since it was our old house after my dad passed away and I was 20 at the time). My dad had built two sheds in the yard (the one in the back yard was originally a club house for me and my sister when we were little, and was later converted to a shed, and the one behind the house was always a shed, which was used for gardening tools, storing the lawnmower, pool supplies, etc.). The tenant at the time never paid for garbage pick-up (the town didn't have garbage pick-up, so you had to choose a garbage company), and instead put all of the garbage bags (she was living there for over a year, so there was a lot of them) in the shed in the back yard. Once there was no room for any more garbage bags, she apparently stopped using them. When I went over there to clean, there were dirty diapers on the back porch, and some kind of rice mixed with a red liquid mess all between the tracks of the sliding glass doors.

    That's not even the worst of it though, my mom and dad have seen worse. This part is really horrible, so I'm warning about it's contents and including a spoiler tag:
    My dad had a tenant in the 1970's who's dog had apparently had a litter of puppies. The corpses of the puppies were just left there in the cellar (he didn't know if they killed them or just let them starve to death). He had to pick them all up with a shovel and throw them away (and told my mom to stay away from the cellar and only told her about it later), since there was nothing he could do since there were no animal cruelty laws where they lived at the time)

    They also once had a house with a cedar closet built in to one of the bedrooms. My mom always told my dad that she loved that closet and would love to move it out of the house and bring it home. Someone else apparently had the same idea, as they moved out of the house late at night (so they could sneak out without having to pay rent) and cut the closet out of the wall, as well as a big hole in the wall in the front of the house where the window used to be so they could get the closet out.

    They also once had a tenant who was emptying gunpowder from shotgun shells into an ashtray (I have no idea why) and then apparently forgot about it later and then ashed a lit cigarette into it, causing a fireball which sent him to the hospital.

    My parents were unlucky in that they never got a good tenant. I guess not having to actually own a house brings out the worst in people.
  • edited January 2013
    I ehh.. teach history and writing, and things like that.
  • edited January 2013
    Jennifer wrote: »
    My mom and dad used to buy multiple houses to rent, and they have some real horror stories.

    I had to deal with one of them (since it was our old house after my dad passed away and I was 20 at the time). My dad had built two sheds in the yard (the one in the back yard was originally a club house for me and my sister when we were little, and was later converted to a shed, and the one behind the house was always a shed, which was used for gardening tools, storing the lawnmower, pool supplies, etc.). The tenant at the time never paid for garbage pick-up (the town didn't have garbage pick-up, so you had to choose a garbage company), and instead put all of the garbage bags (she was living there for over a year, so there was a lot of them) in the shed in the back yard. Once there was no room for any more garbage bags, she apparently stopped using them. When I went over there to clean, there were dirty diapers on the back porch, and some kind of rice mixed with a red liquid mess all between the tracks of the sliding glass doors.

    That's not even the worst of it though, my mom and dad have seen worse. This part is really horrible, so I'm warning about it's contents and including a spoiler tag:
    My dad had a tenant in the 1970's who's dog had apparently had a litter of puppies. The corpses of the puppies were just left
    there in the cellar (he didn't know if they killed them or just let them starve to death). He had to pick them all up with a shovel and throw them away (and told my mom to stay away from the cellar and only told her about it later), since there was nothing he could do since there were no animal cruelty laws where they lived at the time)
    They also once had a house with a cedar closet built in to one of the bedrooms. My mom always told my dad that she loved that closet and would love to move it out of the house and bring it home. Someone else apparently
    had the same idea, as they moved out of the house late at night (so they could sneak out without having to pay rent) and cut the closet out of the wall, as well as a big hole in the wall in the front of the house where the window used to be so they could get the closet out.

    They also once had a tenant who was emptying gunpowder from shotgun shells into an ashtray (I have no idea why) and then apparently forgot about
    it later and then ashed a lit cigarette into it, causing a fireball which sent him to the hospital.

    My parents were unlucky in that they never got a good tenant. I guess not having to actually own a house brings out the worst in people.

    On another forum, it sounds like we could make an excellent " rental horror stories" thread.
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