Further dialogue options you wish you had in the game
Here's a few examples. If you saved Carley instead of Doug:
"I just want to know...why didn't you pick him?"
- Well, I had to make a decision in a stressful kind of environment...
- He told me to hurry up when I was killing my brother. Dick.
- Let's just face it, Carley, you're hot and he wasn't.
If you dropped a salt licker on Larry, but didn't skewer Danny:
"You kill my dad but let this piece of shit live? Fucking asshole!"
- I couldn't murder him in front of Clem!
- Fine. YOU shoot him.
- Well, your dad was a piece of shit too, so...
When confronting the stranger:
"I'd be a better surrogate father than you."
- You've got your wife's head in a bag.
- You've got your wife's head in a bag.
"I just want to know...why didn't you pick him?"
- Well, I had to make a decision in a stressful kind of environment...
- He told me to hurry up when I was killing my brother. Dick.
- Let's just face it, Carley, you're hot and he wasn't.
If you dropped a salt licker on Larry, but didn't skewer Danny:
"You kill my dad but let this piece of shit live? Fucking asshole!"
- I couldn't murder him in front of Clem!
- Fine. YOU shoot him.
- Well, your dad was a piece of shit too, so...
When confronting the stranger:
"I'd be a better surrogate father than you."
- You've got your wife's head in a bag.
- You've got your wife's head in a bag.
This discussion has been closed.
- You've got your wife's head in a bag
- Your son AND daughter are dead, tell me about it!
- You look like a fucking psycho
Andrew st. John: "Wait until momma and Danny come out, then you're FUCKED!"
- Yeah... momma's being chewed by walkers and Danny's got a pitchfork stuck in his stomach so...
- Look around, see any of them?
And i would've told Clementine that I'm bit, back in the Marsh House...
and i wish there was a longer talk between the two of them in the end,
though I like the ending, but it was kinda short... the whole scene was just about 15-20 minutes :rolleyes:
"I trusted you in the meat locker, trust me on this one."
"Carley was the one who told me to start investigating the missing supplies."
"You're not thinking straight because of your grief."
Yeah, I wanted to point that out too. All though Lilly probably wouldn't care. "THAT DOESN'T PROVE ANYTHING!" she'd probably say. In retrospect I wish we could have accused her of stealing supplies, if for no reason other than to give her a taste of her own medicine.
I'd also liked to have some options when she says "I'll die out here!" Specifically I wanted Lee to say "Yeah, you will." Like, that's the point. We're leaving you to die.
Lee- "I get where you're coming from, Kenny, but let's not be hasty. I'll help Lilly try to revive him, while you be ready to act. Keep an eye on his skin tone and eye color. Those change a lot when a person turns."
When choosing to steal supplies from the car:
Lee- "We're starving here, but this likely belongs to someone. The lights are on and the door is open. Someone means to return here and is using this as a beacon."
Lee- "We just don't know the situation with the owners, but we know we're starving. How about we just take one box of food for now. We'll return tomorrow and see if it's still here. If it is, we take the rest."
When deciding to keep Lilly on the RV and you talk to her in the back:
Lilly- "I'm tied up like some animal while you decide what to do with me."
Lee- "Yeah. That's kinda how it works. You kill somebody, you get restrained until a proper punishment can be given. Trust me, I know from first-hand experience. It isn't fun, but it's necessary."
When Kenny has to be held back from attacking Ben in Crawford:
Kenny- "Like I'm supposed to give a shit about his good intentions?"
Lee- "Yes. You are. It was your "good intentions" that led you to kill Larry, and I stood up for you then. Don't you dare start getting pissed when the shoe's on the other foot!"
When talking with the stranger:
Stranger- "Blerpy dum goobagoo parp smaw beebo torpee zish!"
Lee- *angry glare*
I wanted the "..." option to be less Lee looking away and frowning, and more Lee staring at him as if to say "I'm not listening to a thing you say. Open that door. Let Clementine out. Stay out of our way.".
When Larry is trying to put Lee in his place after escaping the pharmacy:
Larry- "Step out of line even once and everyone here will know you were a killer before it became something you did to survive.
Lee- "*laughs* You may want to get rid of that trump card, you old fart. No one you tell, with the possible exception of Lilly, will take your side. Kenny? You tried to toss his boy out to the wolves, and I stopped you (thanks, by the way). Carley? She already knows and she doesn't care. Clementine, right? Wrong. She knows as well. So f*** you. You step out of line again, and everyone will know that you tried to kill a guy who risked his own life to save yours, and when that failed, you resorted to blackmail, and withheld information for your own personal gain.
Now this I wish I could've had Lee say to Larry.
Wow yeah, that :cool:
But from my own mind, there was only one change I really wanted.
Yes I'm guilty. I am a supporter of the controversial 'I love you' line that has a whole thread on here
Stranger: "You walked a little girl to a dairy farm full of sick people and let them get their hands on her."
Lee: "Well, you took advantage of a little girl by lying about having her parents with you so that you could get your hands on her. I don't see them anywhere in here, do you?"
Stranger: "You abandoned a defenseless grieving woman."
Lee: "You made Clementine abandon her hat, which was given to her by her father and the only thing that she has left of her parents."
Stranger: "The sweatshirt she's wearing was my boy's. You stole that from us."
Lee: "You left the keys in the ignition and the door wide open for anybody to steal from you."
Stranger: "And yet, you did!"
End of accusations
It would have been awesome for Lee to say "I love you" to Clem. Just like the ultimate goodbye with a hug and those words. Then the manly tears would have been much better used.
When Brenda goes talking about how we were all going to die anyway:
"Uh... you do realize you came to us for help? You know... gas? Help from bandits? Ring a bell lady?"
As Kenny tells you to how you weren't always there for him:
"I saved your boy at the farm, I stood up for him at the drugstore, I shot the walker attacking him at the motel, I got him water and crackers at the train, I covered your back when we went for supplies, I helped you smash Larry's brains in, I managed to convince you to say goodbye to your son before he died and i tried to keep Katjaa sane, I saved you when you got grabbed in Savannah, and I saved you when walkers were breaching the school, I even had your back whenever Lilly verbally attacked you. I shot your son for you, and then gave you the strength to shoot the boy in the attic. I was the one who took out Andy when you were shot, and I was the one who kept Molly from stabbing you through the head. I got the train started too, not you, and Clem and I found your goddamn boat for you when you gave up. I was always looking out for you, and I think of you as my best friend. I have saved your white ass many times, as well as your family. And now you don't want to help save my little girl? I am your friend, not your puppy-dog. I have a little girl to take care of. As far as I'm concerned, she IS my daughter. So I'm sorry I made moral choices when I didn't want to steal, when I didn't want to leave Omid or Ben, or when I tried to be peaceful to Molly, but it is MY LIFE. I've always had your back, haven't I? What have you done for me, Ken? Have you really helped me as much as I did for you? And you'll leave a little girl to die? Because of me? Even if you don't agree with all my actions? Well FUCK you."
With Stranger:
Him: "You abandoned a grieving, defenseless woman"
Lee: "She was screaming and was bitten with walkers all over her. I couldn't save her, and we couldn't attract them to us."
Him: "Okay... Well you took her to a farm and let sick people get their hands on her!"
Lee: "Actually... I didn't want to go because I didn't trust them, and I only agreed because Clem was hungry, and we were low on food."
Him: " You took her to the most dangerous part of the city where she could have died!"
Lee: " I couldn't leave her alone with Omid sick, and she proved her worth. She saved lives out there, using techniques I have taught her that you wouldn't."
Him: "You let an innocent boy die so you could save a pretty girl with a gun!"
Lee: "You just answered your own question. Girl. Pretty. Has gun. Easy decision..."
Him: "You are a monster, and a murderer, and a thief, and I'm going to hurt you so bad."
Lee: "I didn't steal, I only killed those who threatened Clem and my safety. I killed a man, and I may have been in the wrong, but I was also a victim. You stole my little girl, you lost her hat, you lied to her about her parents, you locked her up like an animal, and used her as a hostage to get to me. And I'm a murderer? You lost me my arm, got Kenny and Ben killed, and lost our only hope of survival. A monster? You got your family killed! You caused more crimes in a few days than I ever have. Look in the goddamn mirror. And you say you aren't out for vengeance, yet then why am I here?"
Him: "I bet you don't even know how old she is. Wrong, she is nine."
Lee: " I don't exactly keep track of date anymore, and she never told me when her birthday was. And all the crap we have gone through because of you. That didn't help."
Him: "She wouldn't be exposed to what she has been with you."
Lee: "She is alive. Where is your family?"
Him: "You're gonna like Clementine alot. She not Lizzy, but she's sweet. She wouldn't hurt a fly-" *Whack*
Lee: "*Laugh*, That's my girl."
When Lilly speaks of your past.
Lilly: "I am a murderer? You've had Lee with you this whole time!"
Lee: "I killed a man out of pure anger and frustration. You killed because you couldn't have your way. At least I didn't act like a spoiled brat."
When Clem finds her parents:
Lee: "Heh, told you Clem. Sorry though..."
In the meat locker
Larry: "You went out of your way to be an asshole to me tonight."
Lee: "Any different from you to everyone all the time?"
Lilly:"Lee killed someone before all of this even started"
Kenny: "I don't care what he did before!"
Lilly: You KNOW?!
Lee and Kenny: *bro fist*
Lee: "So in a zombie apocalypse, where everyone is starving and cold, you're gonna leave a car full of food and supplies by itself and not expect anyone to take from it? HMM?!" x)
Kenny: "I don't care what he did before!"
Lilly: You KNOW?!
Lee and Kenny: *bro fist*[/QUOTE]
ahahahahahaha ^LIKED
Lee: "You saved my life two times in the past couple of hours, I owed you."
Lilly: "Ben, you have until that walker is dealt with to tell me it was her and not you!
Carley: "Stop this. You're torturing him!"
Ben: "No..."
Lilly: "Ben!!"
Carley: "Stop!"
Lilly: "This is about trust and I've never trusted you!"
Lee: "Lilly, stop it! We have to look at this from a more rational perspective!"
Lilly: "But Lee-!"
Lee: "I get it, you lost someone. This is your way of venting your anger, but everyone has lost someone. Just because you lost Larry doesn't make you special and it sure as hell doesn't give you the right to act like this!"
Lee: "... Chuck, he uh... he didn't make it."
Christa: "Oh my god..."
Lee: "And also... I love you."
Clementine: "I love you too Lee."
Stranger: "Have you ever hurt someone you care about?"
Lee: "Yes. Of course."
Stranger: "Who?"
Lee: "Her name was Carley... After what happened with my wife I didn't think I'd get to be happy again, didn't think I deserved to. She made me happy, and in the end... I failed her."
"You want to know what i think? I think YOU did it, Lilly."
"Yeah, that's right. You seem so eager to pin this on someone else, as if you don't care who really did it, as long as someone takes the blame.
You start the investigation and lead it right where you want it to go, so you can get rid of someone you despise and make everyone think they were to blame. Of course no one would suspect you since you're the one who started it, right? It's the perfect crime."
Though it probably would have caused Lilly to shoot Lee, heh. Even though her being the culprit was unreasonable, in the heat of the moment it probably would have cast doubt on her from everyone else. She would have looked like a fool and maybe even backed off or calmed down, and a life would not have been lost.
Why, Lilly....why...
Stranger: You left a ten year old boy hanging. :mad:
Y) He was really fucking annoying.
X) ...so?
Kenny: Shit Lee, what do we do?
Kenny: Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah......<thud>
But I've noticed on some Let's Play Carley's name comes up, which I never get. Apparently you have to do something remotely hurtful to her for that to happen. Then on one play through Ben's name popped up and I'm like oh yeah, probably hurt him when I let him die in Crawford.
So I got to thinking, can you say you hurt Molly? It is possible to leave her behind at Crawford like Ben. And this can happen right after talking to her about her past. So I go through the whole game trying not to hurt Kenny or Ben and I left Carley behind in Macon so she wouldn't be considered an option.
So I get to Crawford, I'm nice to Molly about her sister, show that I care, then I shoot her, because, you know, I figured that was about as hurtful as Lee can get towards her (even if it is an accident). And for good measure, I lie to Clem about it when I get back.
I get to the Stranger, he asks me if I ever hurt anyone, I say Yes, and when he asks me who my options are Clementine, My Wife, and...Lilly.
Lilly?!?!? That psycho bitch? That doesn't even make sense since I never once did anything that suggested I cared about her on that playthrough. She get's a shout out in the I hurt people question, but not Molly if you leave her behind? What kind of shit is that?
Speaking of Lilly and the Stranger, if you say you've never hurt anyone you've cared about and sided with Kenny in the meat locker, he says "You didn't hurt that girl when you held her back while your friend smashed her father's head in?" To which I wanted to say. "Probably, BUT I DIDN'T CARE ABOUT HER. So try again."
Are you fucking kidding me Ken? I'm your FRIEND, not your fucking bitch. I defended your boy against Larry when I didn't even know if he was bitten or not. Just because I'm against killing innocent people does not make me your fucking enemy. We didn't know if Larry was a lost cause or not but dammit, we don't throw salt licks at people. You could've at least given Lilly the chance to say goodbye! I will NOT drop an innocent boy with good intentions just because he's an idiot. Now you won't come with me to find a little girl because you have a GRUDGE against me?? You're fucking immature. I really wish we could've told him off more, don't get me wrong, I love Kenny but god damn he can be a dick.
Kenny: We HAVE to take this food Lee.
Do you really want to be responsible for ruining these peoples lives? How 'bout we take a couple boxes now and then tomorrow we come back and if it's still here we take the rest.
Stranger: That asshole in the cap and his stupid fucking wife and kid.
Hey, shut the fuck up. He was my FRIEND. His wife killed herself after their son got bit, and he just sacrificed himself to help someone. Don't you dare insult him because I will not HESITATE to fucking end you.
Stranger: You left a poor, grieving woman in the road!
She FUCKING SHOT SOMEONE. She was not stable and I could not trust her to be near the kids anymore.
Stranger: I can be a father to her, we can start a family :other creepy shit:
You sound like a fucking pedophile. You have your wife's HEAD in a bowling bag. I will do ANYTHING to protect her, fuck, I'm sacrificing my life to see her one more time. I'm DYING.
I also wish we could've found out Clem's birthday earlier because it doesn't seem fair to be accused of being a bad guardian because she neglected to tell us her birthday. Also to tell Clem about the bite at the Marsh House.
Yeah. I like how you see things. I wouldn't want to 'tell Kenny off'. but I would want to defend myself. In a way that would make Kenny feel bad or maybe realize something.
When the Stranger criticized you bout not knowing how old Clem was, how the fuck did he find out first of all?
I'd like Lee to say "Hey asshole, it's a fucking apocalypse. Being a father is important, but if you can't protect who you care about, being a good father means shit. Your defense is that I didn't know how she was. Her birthday was 6 days ago? Pardon me that at that time our group was going through enough shit! And you kidnap her from me, lying you had her family. And you'd blame me for not knowing that?
- So?
- Wut?
- Bummer.
- LOLWTFn00b?
-Ever try restarts?
-Wow, you must suck at this game.
-Ha, at least my girl's alive.
-I did? I didn't lose your son. I didn't leave your car out in the middle of the road with the keys inside. I didn't let your wife and daughter walk off. I didn't get them killed. That was all you. And now you want to get mine killed too? Fuck you. Grow some goddamn balls. You already ruined your own family. Don't ruin someone else's. If you couldn't help them, what really makes you think you could do better with Clem? You can't. She has lasted this long because I've been by her side. And I plan to keep her that way. So let us go.
Carley: "FUCK evidence! Stop treating him like this!"
Lilly: "Shut up, Carley! UGH, I heard enough out of you!"
Lee: "I was about to say the exact same thing to you, Lilly."
Lilly: "What?"
Lee: "You heard me. You don't have anything that proves Ben or Carley had anything to do with what just happened. So, SHUT YOUR GODDAMN MOUTH!"
For Carley, from what I can see in the Let's Plays, you have to accuse her of stealing the supplies.
"You're a wife beater. You don't deserve to have a family."
Yeah, I always just stay on Kenny's side because there's no point in going against him if you can't really call him out on shit until episode 4. That birthday thing was pretty stupid. If TellTale wanted it to tailor to our choices they should've made a choice to actually get to know Clem more.
When the stranger is talking about that he's actually talking about Lilly not the bitten girl near the store.
I've seen more than one person make that mistake. I guess for some it seems crazy to suggest anyone might take issue with abandoning Lilly (other then Ol' Saltlick Larry). I always figured the "She deserved it." choice would tip people off, but then again "grieving defenseless woman" doesn't really paint a picture of Lilly without adding "who murdered your best friend in a paranoid fit of psychotic rage."
Meh, same thing really. Dangerous to the group, attracting walkers by the shot, and was being an asshole. Killed a group member. That good enough?
Also, she was hardly defenseless, in my opinion anyway. She worked at an air force base, had military training(she was the one who kept everyone on regular training schedules) and had been with us for three months. Thus she would have been somewhat more used to walkers and have a decent understanding of how they work, how to take them down, or how to avoid them.
I didn't perceive leaving her on the road anywhere near the same as killing someone, or being defenseless.
Ben: Why?
Lee: a) You're a screw-up Ben, but you're OUR screw-up!
b) Nobody else gets eaten today. (Looking at Kenny). Especially a good friend.
c) Goddamnit Ben, just run!
Option 1
Lee: Women and children first.
Carly: What!?
Lee: It's why I stood up for Kenny's boy too. Common decency still applies. Even today.
Carly: You chivalrous prick! I don't NEED your protection Lee!
Lee: Yeah? Look at what would have happened if I went for Doug instead.
Option 2
Lee: You saved me (or Clementine, depending on if you reacted on time with the bathroom zombie) back at the drugstore. I thought I'd return the favor.
Carly: That's it?
Lee: No. But it's part of it.
Larry: If anything happens to my daughter or that little girl you've got with you, you watch your ass.
Lee: You were gonna kill a kid without checking for a bite. Then Doug (or Carly) died because we tripped the alarms getting YOUR meds! You'd be dead if it wasn't for me, and I damned near died because of you. YOU watch your ass Larry! (pauses) It's a shame what happened to that senator. It could happen again.
Haha, hell yeah! I would have loved to see Lee say this to that old bastard!
Lee: TITS!
'Everyone back In the RV right Now! This is not time for your games Lilly. We are all Alive, We have not died, We may or may not have been betrayed but standing around in the wild with Walkers about just isn't smart, We will talk about this when we are safe.
Are you serious?
That's really good answers
All true.