i think you are missing the point, killing larry had nothing to do with the fact the he was an asshole (that was just a bonus), it was the fact that if you don't kill him he would kill you as a zombie, when i replayed that episode and chose not to kill larry i expected a zombie fighting sequence so i was totally shocked that kenny killed him anyway, but he made the right choice
I think kenny deep down felt guilty about his choice to kill Larry since he kept what he did from his wife. She had to find out what he did in meat locker from me and that is probably what broke her heart and spirit, thinking what this new world has turned her husband into. I don't think he was a hero in her eyes.
The fact that telltale put an easter egg in that sequence where Larry can begin to wake up after the 4th chest compression I don't think killing Larry before he showed signs of reanimating was the right choice. I think it was done on impulse, out of fear of not being able to save his family if Larry was to change. I say this because when Maggie hung herself in the comics she also stopped breathing. Abraham wanted to shoot her so she didn't turn and attack the group but Glen continued with his CPR. Rick stopped Abraham from shooting Maggie to give her a chance. Maggie didn't die, she was resuscitated successfully and lived on.
I think Kenny could have held the salt lick over his head just in case but I think he saw it as the easiest and quickest option to kill him in advance.
I though it was double standard since he didn't know for sure if Duck was bitten when Kat was wiping away the mud but he wanted time for the group to confirm he wasn't a threat. At that time they didn't know how quick reanimation took place. He took a risk and my Lee supported him instead of being rash. But when it was a non-family member his impatience and knee jerk reaction was just like Larry's was towards his son 3 months before.
Okay, I don't know why people don't see this. Kenny is a FAMILY MAN. If you don't help him kill Larry he sees it as not caring about his family. Obviously if they gave us different dialogue choices to make him understand why we were giving him CPR, but they don't and he sees it as you don't want to do what needs to be done to help his family. I think it's stupid you basically have to be his bitch to get the bro speech but that's just the guy he is. If you do anything that can be counted as going against or not protecting his family, he'll hold a grudge.
Holding a grudge is one thing but he purposely left me to die twice. He set me up by agreeing to take on Danny together, leading me into a false sense of security, then he waited and watched the guy put riffle in my face. When he looked at me afterwards he looked ashamed. He knew what he did.
Regardless of my issues with him I proceeded to save his wife and son. I didn't give him an answer when he asked my opinion about the fall out between him and Lilly because I didn't want to argue or give him ammunition to curse me. A week later he's giving me daggers/dirty looks and shaking his head,trying to start arguments. I'm not giving him the opportunity. I'm keeping things civil. He see's me struggling in the drug store and instead of saving me he watches in true tv show Shane fashion like i'm Otis. When I ask him what that was about he things i'm complaining about nothing because I saved myself anyway.
When I first saw Larry move, I thought for sure he was alive. But now, of course, other fans insist that it only meant he was about to turn. Kenny drops that salt licker no matter what you do. (Although I might have appreciated the option of kicking Kenny in the balls afterwards...:rolleyes:)
When I first saw Larry move, I thought for sure he was alive. But now, of course, other fans insist that it only meant he was about to turn. Kenny drops that salt licker no matter what you do. (Although I might have appreciated the option of kicking Kenny in the balls afterwards...:rolleyes:)
Fortunately their counter argument is invalid, because we have the game technology on our side, for better or worse. Larry's face was not horribly decayed during the mouth movement, therefore he did not turn.
Fortunately their counter argument is invalid, because we have the game technology on our side, for better or worse. Larry's face was not horribly decayed during the mouth movement, therefore he did not turn.
I'd say that argument is not valid. Not all look dead. Check the webisodes, the girl that got hit by the car and turned. She turned a second after the woman came to her aid and killed her. So that argument isn't valid. However, I do agree he was still alive, for better or for worse :P. Either way, I respected Kenny's decision.
I'd say that argument is not valid. Not all look dead. Check the webisodes, the girl that got hit by the car and turned. She turned a second after the woman came to her aid and killed her. So that argument isn't valid. However, I do agree he was still alive, for better or for worse :P. Either way, I respected Kenny's decision.
Maybe in the webisodes, but this is the game version. Look at David Parker and Travis when they turn(which is supposedly mere minutes after their death) their faces already look as if they've been decaying for months.
Also my post was meant as a sort of joke, because the decay was probably just to add to the atmosphere of the battle.
Fortunately their counter argument is invalid, because we have the game technology on our side, for better or worse. Larry's face was not horribly decayed during the mouth movement, therefore he did not turn.
In addition to that, despite Telltale's attempt at ambiguity, there's the fact that Larry's mouth only moves if you do CPR.
I gave my opinion on Lilly, and here I'll give my opinion on Kenny:
Let's start at the beginning, we meet him at Hershel's farm, then his "special" son hits Shawn with a tracktor... of course he saves his son first, seriously anyone would have done that, but then, he ran away with Duck and let Shawn to die. I get it, he was overwhelmed with the situation, still, it is his fault, that Shawn died.
Okay, so much for the farm, now we're in the drugstore, we don't know any of the new guys, but we can count on Kenny, when Larry knocked us down, no matter what we did - Kenny would help us up - every time, he's not the type of guy to kill someone just because the person was dick to him. (we get to the supply run later...)
In the motor inn he seems to have more of a plan than Lilly, sure the motor-inn is okay, but that's about it, without food, they will have to move on eventually, might as well move on right away, and if it wasn't for Kenny fixing the RV, the group would be most likely dead anyways.
Meat locker: He "killed" Larry, alright if you tried to do cpr on Larry, he opened his mouth, fine, but how could Kenny know we could revive a guy, who stopped breathing, seriously - how are the odds? We were in a locked room, no way to escape, and using salt licks as blunt weapons is way too risky too, because they're heavy and before you even raise them to reach back you're bitten already. No way to escape either, the room was locked we couldn't know that just moments later we would have a way out, Kenny just did what he had to do to protect Lee, Clementine, Lilly and himself, and thus his family. And I am grateful for that, I played the hero in front of Clem while he bashed Larry's head in, that's a bro, and I would have done the same thing if it was Duck in there and Clem out there.
Station wagon: He was being realistic, we needed that stuff, we were starving and it was cold - can anyone blame him for that?
- epic scene by the way...
After his family died he was a mess, okay both Lilly and Kenny were pretty much shitty leaders after they lost their families, but Kenny really tried to go on for the group, he tried to get his shit together - Lilly didn't.
"You don't just end it cause it's hard. You stick it out, and you help the folks you care about."
He was a dick towards Ben, after he found out what Ben did, okay... he didn't even try to be discrete about wishing him dead, okay I can fully understand that as I wished Ben dead too when he left Clem to die.
But both Kenny and I forgave Ben, after his epic speech in the backyard.
Whether his death was suicide or a sacrifice... I can't tell, that's debatable, I think a bit of both.
Oh and he was funny, seriously his jokes are hillarious and they cheered me up each time I played this game.
Okay - he left me to die on the supply run - fine, but I forgave him, he made up for it by supporting me when I was bit.
Conclusion: Kenny was a good bro to me, and in my opinion he is a better leader than Lilly, though not a very good one either, as his "boat-plan" wasn't that great, he's a good guy.
-Team Kenny 4 life :rolleyes:
Kenny was a good man, but if it was Duck who was passed out in that meat locker(and was bitten) i guarantee he'd murder every single person in that room before anyone laid a finger on him.
There would be no discussion, no matter what argument you try to use.
It's just as Lee can say in ep 5. "What if it was you, and it was Duck out there? I bet you'd rather stay focused on the problem, and not have people turn on you."
It's a double standard when it comes to his family, sadly.
Kenny was a good man, but if it was Duck who was passed out in that meat locker(and was bitten) i guarantee he'd murder every single person in that room before anyone laid a finger on him.
There would be no discussion, no matter what argument you try to use.
It's just as Lee can say in ep 5. "What if it was you, and it was Duck out there? I bet you'd rather stay focused on the problem, and not have people turn on you."
It's a double standard when it comes to his family, sadly.
And if it were Clementine bitten in the meat locker we'd probably do something similar as Lee. I'd argue most everyone has double standards when it comes to THEIR family. Not saying that makes it right, but it was hardly exclusive to Kenny.
Kenny was a good man, but if it was Duck who was passed out in that meat locker(and was bitten) i guarantee he'd murder every single person in that room before anyone laid a finger on him.
There would be no discussion, no matter what argument you try to use.
It's just as Lee can say in ep 5. "What if it was you, and it was Duck out there? I bet you'd rather stay focused on the problem, and not have people turn on you."
It's a double standard when it comes to his family, sadly.
If it was for Clem I would've done the same, doesn't make it right, but most people would do the same.
But if it's a kid-zombie they could probably handle it, zombie or not, the body is weak, Larry though... no one could hold that guy down, once he'd be up on his legs. And no one could get him off off someone if he jumped someone.
And if it were Clementine bitten in the meat locker we'd probably do something similar as Lee. I'd argue most everyone has double standards when it comes to THEIR family. Not saying that makes it right, but it was hardly exclusive to Kenny.
And if it were Clementine bitten in the meat locker we'd probably do something similar as Lee. I'd argue most everyone has double standards when it comes to THEIR family. Not saying that makes it right, but it was hardly exclusive to Kenny.
I think it only applies to someone if they're willing to kill a person to prevent their reanimation but refuse to allow anyone else to do the same if it's their family(like Kenny). I wouldn't kill them no matter who they were, family or not, so there's no nepotism there.
If it was for Clem I would've done the same, doesn't make it right, but most people would do the same.
But if it's a kid-zombie they could probably handle it, zombie or not, the body is weak, Larry though... no one could hold that guy down, once he'd be up on his legs. And no one could get him off off someone if he jumped someone.
That's what I'm saying, Kenny wouldn't listen to reasoning like that even if it's true. Just like when Duck is bitten, you have to talk(or beat) some sense into him so he'll even accept that he's been bitten in the first place.
If it was for Clem I would've done the same, doesn't make it right, but most people would do the same.
But if it's a kid-zombie they could probably handle it, zombie or not, the body is weak, Larry though... no one could hold that guy down, once he'd be up on his legs. And no one could get him off off someone if he jumped someone.
Yup - that's the way it is.
Yeah as you said Clem and duck weigh probably 60-80 pounds. You could probably hold them down with no problem. Larry on the other hand is what 300 or more pounds, not only that, but he is shown to be the strongest (Physical wise) member of the group. And also It seem to me zombie is stronger than a normal person because they don't tire out like a living person is. As well sure holding the salt lick over Larry might have worked, but you have to remember what's the first thing both people we've seen turn do after they turn, that is lung at whoever is closet to them. Larry is he turned probably would've done that the same and in his own words, "Then there would be two of them." Not saying what Kenny did was the morally right decision, but it was probably the smartest one. Also on the whole thing that Larry's face didn't show him looking like a walker, well the game makers probably did that on purpose. Same reason they used two random models for the ending scene where Clem sees the two people on the hill... to leave ambiquity
I think it only applies to someone if they're willing to kill a person to prevent their reanimation but refuse to allow anyone else to do the same if it's their family(like Kenny). I wouldn't kill them no matter who they were, family or not, so there's no nepotism there.
Okay fine, not EVERYONE has that double standard. But I stand by my point it's hardly exclusive to Kenny. Lilly/Larry are for throwing Duck out right away but Lilly insists Larry must still be alive even though she said in the first episode Larry's heart attacks are bad enough to hospitalize him. Christa gets pissed if Kenny suggests leaving Omid and if you talk to her in Crawford she's in denial of even the possibility of him dying, but she votes to throw Ben out because he jeopardized her getting back to the Omid.
People acting irrational because their family is in danger or dying was pretty consistent throughout the game, it was the main reason I told Clem to shoot Lee. I was afraid she'd be in another situation like the one she was in now and if she didn't confront what was happening to Lee then she'd be at a loss to deal with it if something similar happens again.
My opinion on Kenny: he's just not grateful enough toward you. You can literally do everything for him, and he'll still be all like "I've had your back, but have you had mine?" at the start of the last episode. He's completely oblivious to others' problems over his own, which, granted, are pretty bad, but the fact that Ben even needed to drill some sense into his head shows that his critical thinking has something to be desired.
He's also racist. And he's givin' us Floridians a bad name, too!
If it was my kid, or anyone whom I'd come to see as my own, you better bet I'd kill any sick fucker that laid a hand on them, bitten or not bitten. When the time comes and they pass, then kill them. But while they see you do it, or I have to let you? Sorry, but I stand firm with Kenny. He wasn't a bad man. Hell, he wasn't the best friend, but he had your back when you needed it, and he helped you more than almost anyone(excluding Doug/Carley, Clem). His thoughts and actions were justified, some morally wrong, but justified. He was the perfect example of a man with his family during the zombie apocalypse; I could see many people like that.
Hell, he wasn't the best friend, but he had your back when you needed it, and he helped you more than almost anyone(excluding Doug/Carley, Clem).
He could disagree to Lee, hate him sometimes, but as long as you will help his family, he won't let yours down. From a moralic point of view his actions were debatable, but they never were "wrong" he didn't even enjoy bashing Larry's head in after the guy voted for tossing Kenny's son out to the walkers, his condolences were sincere.
Do you get a game over if you let the timer run out in the meat locker? If you don't, i assume it auto sides you with Lilly like it does earlier in the episode.
Do you get a game over if you let the timer run out in the meat locker? If you don't, i assume it auto sides you with Lilly like it does earlier in the episode.
No, you just sit there and stare, and Kenny acts on without you. Then both don't exactly like you very much xD
No, you just sit there and stare, and Kenny acts on without you. Then both don't exactly like you very much xD
Well that would give him less reason to be a jerk to you afterward. You don't directly go against him, you just stay out of it. He'd still be willing to leave you for dead? In the slightly modified words of Lee: Damn man, that's cold.
Well that would give him less reason to be a jerk to you afterward. You don't directly go against him, you just stay out of it. He'd still be willing to leave you for dead? In the slightly modified words of Lee: Damn man, that's cold.
No he'll think worse. He'll call you a coward, a weakling, useless, that you are a terrible friend, and that you couldn't do what was needed to be done.
Lilly will hate you for doing nothing because she needed your help and abandoned her.
So yeah, Kenny and Lilly won't like you, I forget what happens in the barn, but you'll have to fight Andy yourself.
Well, I don't know about anybody else, but the reason I do not like Kenny so much, is because he is so ungrateful for everything you do for him. You have saved his life, and his families multiple times, even volunteering to shoot Duck for him, so he doesn't have to do it, but he constantly makes it out like you're working against him, and has put your life in danger through cowardly actions, such as not helping when (well, if) Molly is about to smash your brains in with an ice pick, just staring from around the corner, not helping when Walkers trap you beneath a door in the Pharmacy, and of course, just sitting there, doing nothing as you struggle against Danny St.John. That and, of course, how he will constantly bring up any one moment you don't blindly follow him. That's just me anyway.
He's physically with the group. That doesn't equate to him always being there for you.
I didn't say he is always there for you. He never abandons you. Even if Lee disagrees with him on everything he is still helping you in the end to get Clem. Agree with Lily in every way and she still leaves Lee and Clem. Kenny could have left at anytime but didn't.
Even if Lee disagrees with him on everything he is still helping you in the end to get Clem.
Well, for me, I told Kenny to go fuck himself when he flat out refused to come help me find Clem after Lee was bit, and he threw a hissy fit and refused to come help. After that, he only came with me because of the walkers in the house making the only way out the same way I was going.
Well, for me, I told Kenny to go fuck himself when he flat out refused to come help me find Clem after Lee was bit, and he threw a hissy fit and refused to come help. After that, he only came with me because of the walkers in the house making the only way out the same way I was going.
Kenny did not have to go to the marsh house. He chose to. He could of easily left anytime like molly or he could of abandoned them like Lily but he didn't. He stayed and possibly gave his life for others.
Kenny did not have to go to the marsh house. He chose to. He could of easily left anytime like molly or he could of abandoned them like Lily but he didn't. He stayed and possibly gave his life for others.
Except the boat was there, not yet sea worthy and Vernon kicked his head in before he could.
Except the boat was there, not yet sea worthy and Vernon kicked his head in before he could.
The boat was sea worthy, and he was going to wait for you and whoever went with you until you all got back, or at least night fall. Kenny was awesome, don't care what you say. If you put his family at risk to save a bastard who wanted to kill you, then I'd understand why he'd hate you. It wasn't about saving Clem, but hating you that made him not want to come. And he didn't have to come, he would be putting his life at risk for a little girl who could be dead. Sounds familiar right? Daryl thought the same, as did Shane. Daryl still ends up searching for her, and so does Kenny. If you didn't always have his back, then why should he risk his life? You know how many people have died out there? If it was Ben or Christa and Omid not wanting to go, you wouldn't care so much.
Seriously, Kenny would go with you to save your little girl when a boat was sitting there that he could escape in right then and there? And even not going with you, he wasn't leaving you to die. He was going to get the boat ready and wait for you, which in my eyes was smarter in my first playthrough. Who knew what was going to happen? For all you knew, you could need to leave Savannah in a hurry. With Kenny waiting with the boat, you could make a quick escape. And once the boat is gone, he goes to help you.
He admits his wrongs and how it bad of him to hold a grudge. If you didn't side with him enough for Ben to not be able to saved, and you saved him, causing Ken not to go with you, isn't that kinda legit? How pissed would you be? He was a danger to the group right, and he killed Ken's entire family! He killed Carley/Doug! He caused Lilly to leave! He got Brie killed and nearly killed Clem! In no less then maybe a few days period!!! And on top of that he lied about stealing supplies! You WOULDN'T be pissed? He was one of the most realistic characters I've seen in a video game or movie. Note: I saved Ben every time.
If you saved Ben, he admits it was wrong of him to want Ben dead, and was glad he wasn't the one to have to choose. He even gave his life to make sure Ben didn't face his worst fear!
If you didn't, he sacrifices himself to save Christa, someone he didn't even really get along with!
If you always had his back, he always had yours. He always defended you, and he was a true friend. If you put his family in danger or went against him when he needed you, obviously he won't risk his life for you.
I don't claim what Ken at his worst is good, but he had good reasons. he was in the wrong, but so were some of those playing to be an outright dick to him. To those who weren't and only made a small error or did one thing against him, certain things mean more than getting Duck some water xD. And even then, if you treated his family well, you can get him to come.
I think Kenny is a great character, and can be a really great guy. If he returns in season 2, I hope he takes care of Clementine like a godfather for Lee. I respect those who have opinions against Kenny, but respect mine that I feel Kenny was a great character. Lee, Carley, Clem, and Kenny and his family were like a crazy family itself, and Lee and Kenny were always best bros.
Shit, even if Kenny doesn't like you, if only you and him go to find Clem at the end of Episode 4, he'll straight up give the boat to Christa, Omid, and Ben. A woman he always argues with, someone he wanted to leave behind at the beginning, and the killer of his family. He even says "If we're not back by nightfall, we're not coming back. Take the boat, and don't look back." I always love that part.
The boat was sea worthy, and he was going to wait for you and whoever went with you until you all got back, or at least night fall. Kenny was awesome, don't care what you say. If you put his family at risk to save a bastard who wanted to kill you, then I'd understand why he'd hate you.
That's a bit contradictory. I saved his kid's life, defended him at the bar, gave his family half the rations, and strived to act as a mediator between him and Lilly. Despite that, the moment I tried to give Larry the same benefit of the doubt that I gave Duck, he was willing to leave me for dead at least twice. That's not pragmatism at that point, he hated me because he was defining fair weather friend, and in the next episode he defined hypocrisy.
It wasn't about saving Clem, but hating you that made him not want to come.
So, his personal feelings about Lee make his potential willingness to not help Clementine OK?
I should reiterate that all in all I did think Kenny was an interesting character, but that doesn't mean I see reason to justify everything he was willing to do, even if he was looking out for his family. I went from trusting him, to hating him, to feeling genuine pity, to maintaining a wary ambivalence, and finally closing on a tragic note with a semblance of respect. Twas a love/hate relationship, one of which that made the story engaging.
The fact that telltale put an easter egg in that sequence where Larry can begin to wake up after the 4th chest compression I don't think killing Larry before he showed signs of reanimating was the right choice. I think it was done on impulse, out of fear of not being able to save his family if Larry was to change. I say this because when Maggie hung herself in the comics she also stopped breathing. Abraham wanted to shoot her so she didn't turn and attack the group but Glen continued with his CPR. Rick stopped Abraham from shooting Maggie to give her a chance. Maggie didn't die, she was resuscitated successfully and lived on.
I think Kenny could have held the salt lick over his head just in case but I think he saw it as the easiest and quickest option to kill him in advance.
I though it was double standard since he didn't know for sure if Duck was bitten when Kat was wiping away the mud but he wanted time for the group to confirm he wasn't a threat. At that time they didn't know how quick reanimation took place. He took a risk and my Lee supported him instead of being rash. But when it was a non-family member his impatience and knee jerk reaction was just like Larry's was towards his son 3 months before.
Regardless of my issues with him I proceeded to save his wife and son. I didn't give him an answer when he asked my opinion about the fall out between him and Lilly because I didn't want to argue or give him ammunition to curse me. A week later he's giving me daggers/dirty looks and shaking his head,trying to start arguments. I'm not giving him the opportunity. I'm keeping things civil. He see's me struggling in the drug store and instead of saving me he watches in true tv show Shane fashion like i'm Otis. When I ask him what that was about he things i'm complaining about nothing because I saved myself anyway.
Fortunately their counter argument is invalid, because we have the game technology on our side, for better or worse. Larry's face was not horribly decayed during the mouth movement, therefore he did not turn.
I'd say that argument is not valid. Not all look dead. Check the webisodes, the girl that got hit by the car and turned. She turned a second after the woman came to her aid and killed her. So that argument isn't valid. However, I do agree he was still alive, for better or for worse :P. Either way, I respected Kenny's decision.
Maybe in the webisodes, but this is the game version. Look at David Parker and Travis when they turn(which is supposedly mere minutes after their death) their faces already look as if they've been decaying for months.
Also my post was meant as a sort of joke, because the decay was probably just to add to the atmosphere of the battle.
In addition to that, despite Telltale's attempt at ambiguity, there's the fact that Larry's mouth only moves if you do CPR.
#TeamKenny ._.
Let's start at the beginning, we meet him at Hershel's farm, then his "special" son hits Shawn with a tracktor... of course he saves his son first, seriously anyone would have done that, but then, he ran away with Duck and let Shawn to die. I get it, he was overwhelmed with the situation, still, it is his fault, that Shawn died.
Okay, so much for the farm, now we're in the drugstore, we don't know any of the new guys, but we can count on Kenny, when Larry knocked us down, no matter what we did - Kenny would help us up - every time, he's not the type of guy to kill someone just because the person was dick to him. (we get to the supply run later...)
In the motor inn he seems to have more of a plan than Lilly, sure the motor-inn is okay, but that's about it, without food, they will have to move on eventually, might as well move on right away, and if it wasn't for Kenny fixing the RV, the group would be most likely dead anyways.
Meat locker: He "killed" Larry, alright if you tried to do cpr on Larry, he opened his mouth, fine, but how could Kenny know we could revive a guy, who stopped breathing, seriously - how are the odds? We were in a locked room, no way to escape, and using salt licks as blunt weapons is way too risky too, because they're heavy and before you even raise them to reach back you're bitten already. No way to escape either, the room was locked we couldn't know that just moments later we would have a way out, Kenny just did what he had to do to protect Lee, Clementine, Lilly and himself, and thus his family. And I am grateful for that, I played the hero in front of Clem
Station wagon: He was being realistic, we needed that stuff, we were starving and it was cold - can anyone blame him for that? - epic scene by the way...
After his family died he was a mess, okay both Lilly and Kenny were pretty much shitty leaders after they lost their families, but Kenny really tried to go on for the group, he tried to get his shit together - Lilly didn't. He was a dick towards Ben, after he found out what Ben did, okay... he didn't even try to be discrete about wishing him dead, okay I can fully understand that as I wished Ben dead too when he left Clem to die.
But both Kenny and I forgave Ben, after his epic speech in the backyard.
Whether his death was suicide or a sacrifice... I can't tell, that's debatable, I think a bit of both.
Oh and he was funny, seriously his jokes are hillarious and they cheered me up each time I played this game.
Okay - he left me to die on the supply run - fine, but I forgave him, he made up for it by supporting me when I was bit.
Conclusion: Kenny was a good bro to me, and in my opinion he is a better leader than Lilly, though not a very good one either, as his "boat-plan" wasn't that great, he's a good guy.
-Team Kenny 4 life
There would be no discussion, no matter what argument you try to use.
It's just as Lee can say in ep 5. "What if it was you, and it was Duck out there? I bet you'd rather stay focused on the problem, and not have people turn on you."
It's a double standard when it comes to his family, sadly.
And if it were Clementine bitten in the meat locker we'd probably do something similar as Lee. I'd argue most everyone has double standards when it comes to THEIR family. Not saying that makes it right, but it was hardly exclusive to Kenny.
If it was for Clem I would've done the same, doesn't make it right, but most people would do the same.
But if it's a kid-zombie they could probably handle it, zombie or not, the body is weak, Larry though... no one could hold that guy down, once he'd be up on his legs. And no one could get him off off someone if he jumped someone.
Yup - that's the way it is.
I think it only applies to someone if they're willing to kill a person to prevent their reanimation but refuse to allow anyone else to do the same if it's their family(like Kenny). I wouldn't kill them no matter who they were, family or not, so there's no nepotism there.
That's what I'm saying, Kenny wouldn't listen to reasoning like that even if it's true. Just like when Duck is bitten, you have to talk(or beat) some sense into him so he'll even accept that he's been bitten in the first place.
Yeah as you said Clem and duck weigh probably 60-80 pounds. You could probably hold them down with no problem. Larry on the other hand is what 300 or more pounds, not only that, but he is shown to be the strongest (Physical wise) member of the group. And also It seem to me zombie is stronger than a normal person because they don't tire out like a living person is. As well sure holding the salt lick over Larry might have worked, but you have to remember what's the first thing both people we've seen turn do after they turn, that is lung at whoever is closet to them. Larry is he turned probably would've done that the same and in his own words, "Then there would be two of them." Not saying what Kenny did was the morally right decision, but it was probably the smartest one. Also on the whole thing that Larry's face didn't show him looking like a walker, well the game makers probably did that on purpose. Same reason they used two random models for the ending scene where Clem sees the two people on the hill... to leave ambiquity
Okay fine, not EVERYONE has that double standard. But I stand by my point it's hardly exclusive to Kenny. Lilly/Larry are for throwing Duck out right away but Lilly insists Larry must still be alive even though she said in the first episode Larry's heart attacks are bad enough to hospitalize him. Christa gets pissed if Kenny suggests leaving Omid and if you talk to her in Crawford she's in denial of even the possibility of him dying, but she votes to throw Ben out because he jeopardized her getting back to the Omid.
People acting irrational because their family is in danger or dying was pretty consistent throughout the game, it was the main reason I told Clem to shoot Lee. I was afraid she'd be in another situation like the one she was in now and if she didn't confront what was happening to Lee then she'd be at a loss to deal with it if something similar happens again.
He's also racist. And he's givin' us Floridians a bad name, too!
He could disagree to Lee, hate him sometimes, but as long as you will help his family, he won't let yours down. From a moralic point of view his actions were debatable, but they never were "wrong" he didn't even enjoy bashing Larry's head in after the guy voted for tossing Kenny's son out to the walkers, his condolences were sincere.
No, you just sit there and stare, and Kenny acts on without you. Then both don't exactly like you very much xD
Well that would give him less reason to be a jerk to you afterward. You don't directly go against him, you just stay out of it. He'd still be willing to leave you for dead? In the slightly modified words of Lee: Damn man, that's cold.
No he'll think worse. He'll call you a coward, a weakling, useless, that you are a terrible friend, and that you couldn't do what was needed to be done.
Lilly will hate you for doing nothing because she needed your help and abandoned her.
So yeah, Kenny and Lilly won't like you, I forget what happens in the barn, but you'll have to fight Andy yourself.
Not only you, that's one thing about him that annoys me as well...
I didn't say he is always there for you. He never abandons you. Even if Lee disagrees with him on everything he is still helping you in the end to get Clem. Agree with Lily in every way and she still leaves Lee and Clem. Kenny could have left at anytime but didn't.
Well, for me, I told Kenny to go fuck himself when he flat out refused to come help me find Clem after Lee was bit, and he threw a hissy fit and refused to come help. After that, he only came with me because of the walkers in the house making the only way out the same way I was going.
Kenny did not have to go to the marsh house. He chose to. He could of easily left anytime like molly or he could of abandoned them like Lily but he didn't. He stayed and possibly gave his life for others.
Except the boat was there, not yet sea worthy and Vernon kicked his head in before he could.
The boat was sea worthy, and he was going to wait for you and whoever went with you until you all got back, or at least night fall. Kenny was awesome, don't care what you say. If you put his family at risk to save a bastard who wanted to kill you, then I'd understand why he'd hate you. It wasn't about saving Clem, but hating you that made him not want to come. And he didn't have to come, he would be putting his life at risk for a little girl who could be dead. Sounds familiar right? Daryl thought the same, as did Shane. Daryl still ends up searching for her, and so does Kenny. If you didn't always have his back, then why should he risk his life? You know how many people have died out there? If it was Ben or Christa and Omid not wanting to go, you wouldn't care so much.
Seriously, Kenny would go with you to save your little girl when a boat was sitting there that he could escape in right then and there? And even not going with you, he wasn't leaving you to die. He was going to get the boat ready and wait for you, which in my eyes was smarter in my first playthrough. Who knew what was going to happen? For all you knew, you could need to leave Savannah in a hurry. With Kenny waiting with the boat, you could make a quick escape. And once the boat is gone, he goes to help you.
He admits his wrongs and how it bad of him to hold a grudge. If you didn't side with him enough for Ben to not be able to saved, and you saved him, causing Ken not to go with you, isn't that kinda legit? How pissed would you be? He was a danger to the group right, and he killed Ken's entire family! He killed Carley/Doug! He caused Lilly to leave! He got Brie killed and nearly killed Clem! In no less then maybe a few days period!!! And on top of that he lied about stealing supplies! You WOULDN'T be pissed? He was one of the most realistic characters I've seen in a video game or movie. Note: I saved Ben every time.
If you saved Ben, he admits it was wrong of him to want Ben dead, and was glad he wasn't the one to have to choose. He even gave his life to make sure Ben didn't face his worst fear!
If you didn't, he sacrifices himself to save Christa, someone he didn't even really get along with!
If you always had his back, he always had yours. He always defended you, and he was a true friend. If you put his family in danger or went against him when he needed you, obviously he won't risk his life for you.
I don't claim what Ken at his worst is good, but he had good reasons. he was in the wrong, but so were some of those playing to be an outright dick to him. To those who weren't and only made a small error or did one thing against him, certain things mean more than getting Duck some water xD. And even then, if you treated his family well, you can get him to come.
I think Kenny is a great character, and can be a really great guy. If he returns in season 2, I hope he takes care of Clementine like a godfather for Lee. I respect those who have opinions against Kenny, but respect mine that I feel Kenny was a great character. Lee, Carley, Clem, and Kenny and his family were like a crazy family itself, and Lee and Kenny were always best bros.
I should reiterate that all in all I did think Kenny was an interesting character, but that doesn't mean I see reason to justify everything he was willing to do, even if he was looking out for his family. I went from trusting him, to hating him, to feeling genuine pity, to maintaining a wary ambivalence, and finally closing on a tragic note with a semblance of respect. Twas a love/hate relationship, one of which that made the story engaging.