Play as Lily in the upcoming interquel?
Telltale stated that they would release something to help tide us over until season 2 is released. If that something is a game, then I think Lily should be the main character.
Like her or hate her, Lily was a pretty interesting character with both assets and flaws to her personality, which make her complex, which make her easy to relate to. Even if you hated her actions, we all can understand where she was coming from when she did it. it would be a true shame for Telltale to let this character fall to the wayside when her story is practically begging to be told.
The interquel could began where Lily's story ended in season 1. This could lead to her being one of the two characters Clementine see's in the distance at the end of season 1.
Like her or hate her, Lily was a pretty interesting character with both assets and flaws to her personality, which make her complex, which make her easy to relate to. Even if you hated her actions, we all can understand where she was coming from when she did it. it would be a true shame for Telltale to let this character fall to the wayside when her story is practically begging to be told.
The interquel could began where Lily's story ended in season 1. This could lead to her being one of the two characters Clementine see's in the distance at the end of season 1.
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True, she weally was rash and weak minded at times. But to be fair, she's now out there all by herself in the walking dead universe. So lets give her some more screen time in hopes of her overcoming her weaknesses in a world where weakness will get you killed. I think its an interesting idea that captures the spirit of the Walking Dead: Characters before horror.
Could be interesting if she shows up to save Kenny in episode 5, and then it's Kenny and Lily who Clementine see's in the distance at the end of season 1. I see a great deal of possibilities here.....
NOOOOOOOOO. N.O. I hated her even more than I do Larry. And no, I can't understand where she came from, because she is a pretty terrible person. She tried to get people killed inside the group, she wanted to leave Ben and whoever else that you brought with you to die out in the world, she will go against you no matter what you did at certain parts. She kills a person in cold blood, and will steal an RV and leave you all in a wreck with no transportation if you foolishly trust her and let her back in the RV. She is equally as responsible for the deaths of Duck and Katjaa, and sole culprit in Carley/Doug's death. She wanted to lead the group, and yet she couldn't do it properly, and constantly put them at risk.
I really hope she isn't the one on the hill(one of them). Definitely not the main character.
IMO, I would get her killed on purpose in season 2 if that's the case, because I'd rather have someone like Ben.
She didn't have a full story? No. Her character was built to be Lilly Caul of the comics, and although she is now an original character of Telltale, she was still mean't to be her, and that would be the type of person she is.
:spoil-o::spoil-o::spoil-o: Do NOT read if you do NOT know of her role in the comics!
:spoil-o::spoil-o::spoil-o: End
Eh, I believe in redemption. Besides as she is no longer the Lily from the comics, i see this as a chance to flesh out her character. Plus, i'd love to see how killing Doug/Carley is affecting her on an emotional level.
I believe in redemption, but only to a certain extent. You can't change how she is. Why did she kill Carley? Because she disliked her? She had no proof she was guilty, just as she had no proof Ben was. You don't kill to kill. Lee got his redemption because he killed out of anger, and possibly self-defense.
Kenny gets his redemption because he accepts how he was acting and saves Christa/makes a stand with Ben. Lilly never liked Carley, and so she killed her for pure hatred. If it hadn't been Carley, it would have been Ben. If no Ben, Kenny. Then Lee. She would have put the blame on the person she liked the least. She is beyond redemption. Telltale made her such a personality plainly because that is how Lilly of the comics is. Idk, I just despise the woman, just as many do Kenny.
So do I, which is why I let her back in the R.V. She repaid the favor by abandoning six people to die on the side of the road, the exact same fate I prevented from happening to her. As far as I'm concerned, you already can give Lilly her chance at redemption and she just uses it to commit one final act of selfish cowardice.
Lilly has already used up every fuck I had left to give on her. If don't care if she shows up in season two as a nun who's taking care of a dozen orphans, I'd still choke the life out of her if given the opportunity. Sorry kids, but Sister Lilly had it coming, and, knowing her, she was probably just fattening you up to function as bullet shields if something happened.
Seriously, the woman didn't care about anyone but herself and dear ol' daddy. She has zero empathy from the second you met her, where she's yelling at Carley and Glenn for not letting five people get eaten fifteen feet outside the store. If you have Doug in your group you can ask Lilly about general morale and she comes back with "have an ice cream social!" Literally, she says that in her typically bitchy manner. The closest thing to redemption Lilly could ever achieve at this point is hopefully getting eaten in a manner that serves as a distraction for someone else.
I hear that. Like I said in another post, I'd turn that episode into Lilly's own personal hell where I spend all my time trying to find every possible way for her to die. I also might enjoy the dialogue options. I could role play as Lilly and pick every stupid asshole comment that comes my way.
I really don't understand the hate towards the character for the murder of Carley/Doug. It was the heat of the moment she clearly just snapped. It was understandable. The PC, Lee also murdered someone in the heat in the moment in my opinion under far less extreme circumstances. Just seems very hypocritical to me the reaction towards Lilly. People can say well we saw Lee show remorse, we didn't actually get a chance to see any from Lilly. We also don't know what Lee was exactly like just after murdering the senator.
I want to see the character again.
My thoughts exactly! The most important part of your qoute would easily be "She snapped after months of sleep deprivation, malnutrition, the "murder of her father" and nearly getting killed herself." It's easy to overlook that with everything else that happened in season one. And she most likely expected the group to kill her soon, which is probably why she took the RV and bolted.
Yeah, she killed Carly/Doug, but I doubt she's okay with that afterwards. It's probably haunting her that she did that, if I had to guess.
Again, i see a great deal of potential to flesh out the character a bit. I'm not saying make her into this completely redeemed character who is forever forgiven of that one bad thing she did (Other then killing Carly/Doug, what did she do that was so bad?). I'm saying let her work towards redeeming that one horrible choice of hers. She's was a pretty interesting character, and whether it be with her as a playable character or just a quick cameo apperance, I'd like to see what became of her
Amen brutha
Wouldn't mind her appearing briefly for a spot of target practice though.
Yeah, forgive her. You know she bitches at you over your past and talks about how she can't trust you or Kenny after 'killing' her dad.
But that's okay, she's allowed to. Cause she is just a saint. Seriously, fuck her. No offense to the game, but I think she is sleeping just fine with her conscience.
YES. I think we are speaking the same language here xD
Hopefully now she's no longer the same Lilly from the comics she's allowed to die. Leaving her on the road wasn't enough to quench my thirst for vengeance.
YES. Definitely the same language. I hope my PC is less forgiving and can but a bullet through her head. Or better yet, keep her alive and get her killed later by walkers. And yeah, to just leave her on the road after what she did wasn't favorable. I mean, sure you could help kill Larry, but he was a dick to you, and tried to kill you before. You could call it unheroic justice. Her killing was just cold blooded murder. And she gets away with it. Considering the chance of the PC being a new person, it's a shame you can't use her past against her.
Impossible. Because we already know something about her, but we got all chances to see her in S2, I'd like it.
P.S. There is nothing easier than to hate someone, but trying to understanding, and forgiving her - it requires effort...
Agreed. I think playing as Lilly would have worse repercussions than playing as Kenny, since Lilly directly murders someone we care for, with no just cause. I would never be able to forgive her, no matter what actions she takes.
For me, there is a line that, once crossed cannot be tread upon again. Lilly stomped on this line and is miles beyond it.
I am very forgiving, and will almost always save a life no matter what they have done, but Lilly's actions were unforgivable, even for me.
It seems so hypocritical to me to allow the male characters all of these moral lapses but crucify the only female character when she snaps because she kills off the only female character you might have been "virtually" been able to have sex with.
Lilly is not shocked at killing Carley, only Doug. She says she did it to protect everyone, and that she could not be trusted, thus showing zero regret for murdering her. Every other situation, while still equally as bad, at least had a somewhat justifiable cause. Lilly's insanity is not an excuse for murder. I can't comment on Lee's situation because we do not know the full details(it could have been an accident).
I thought it was pretty clear that he walked in saw what happened and beat that guy to death. I will say look at that video again, I did today look at Lilly's reaction after she shoots. It's on her face, particularlythe eyes what she thinks not what she says. Everything she says after the fact is her tryng to rationalize her actions to herself and the then the others because she doesn't want to die. Watch it again. She was ill and deserves pity. Doesn't make her monster. It's not like she killed Carly for fun. She's not the governor. She's an ill woman who just broke after everything she went through.
I'd say it was pre-meditated. As a leader you do not cause hysteria to such a degree, and if she was so mental then she shouldn't be fucking carrying a firearm, especially Carley's -_-. And no, it wasn't that it was Carley. I ws pissed off when she killed Doug too, although it wasn't as bad as Carley's. She clearly threatens her, criticizes her, and is constantly a bitch to her and other characters. When they are all in the RV, she puts full blame on Carley who does nothing wrong. She threatens to throw her out as well as Ben. She speaks of how she NEVER TRUSTED HER. She even basically tempts Ben to say he was innocent, putting the fall on Carley. Then when Carley defends herself and actually mouths off to Lilly, she pulls out her own gun, slowly mind you, so it wasn't just spur of the moment(she seemed to think it over really well) and put a bullet in her head while her back was turned. If Doug is with you, she directly fires on Ben and Doug takes the bullet defending him. She would have purely murdered Ben, and for what? What proof did she have? Same with Carley. What proof? She either kills Lee's romantic interest or one of his best friends. Either way she did cold blooded murder. Lee's was spur of the moment, and probably actually was defending himself from the senator. With Larry, a guy who constantly threatens a guy and his son, and also Lee and tries to get them killed, and has a heart attack and could be a threat to the group if he turns, that was self-defense/fear/spur-of-the-moment/panic.
I'd think myself as very forgiving and fairly non-violent, but if someone threatens my safety or my friend's and family's? Especially in the way Lilly did? That is past forgiveness, and the only one she could ask forgiveness to is god(if you believe in him). You just don't kill someone you don't like. Lilly may of had mental problems, but she knew this. She knew she was coming unhinged, but she still directly engaged the bandits that resulted in the death of Duck and by extension Katjaa's and even Kenny's (if he's dead). Maybe even Lee's considering Katjaa's medical expertise could have saved him from the bite. Then she shoots Carley/Doug. She stepped way out of line.
She is also the cause of several deaths in the comics, whom I won't say.
For the few positives she had, there was much more negatives. Yes, I know she is now an original character and is not Lilly Caul of the comics. However, that is who her character was mean't to be.
So excuse some of us who do not take warmly to Lilly, just as others don't care for Kenny. But I feel she deserved to be left behind(and just in case you did, she steals the RV if you let her back in, leaving her own group to die), and deserved worse IMO. So yeah, sorry if I sound like a dick, but I wouldn't like to play as her in the mid-game. At least not if she makes it. I'll still play it, but I mean, I just don't like her.
I agree with you mostly. For Lee's position, it was an accident. He admitted to that, that it happened on the spur-of-the-moment. When I think of the fight with the senator, I think of the fight with the stranger, and the look on his face if he kills him. I like how you think though.
I also love how you can talk about sexism and being unfair to women then basically say the only reason anyone would care that Carley died is because they wanted to have "virtual sex", In a paragraph about hypocrisy.
Anyway what is the difference, Well with Kenny, Larry was a goner, even he had been revived, a coronary like that would have knocked him out for months, in a ZA, without a proper doctor, he was a dead man IMO. The girl on the street was also already bitten, so dead, that was about how she died, while leaving Lilly was simply justice. All examples of making a pragmatic choice, whether he's right or not is questionable, but unlike with Lilly i wouldn't call any of them murder
What Lee did was pretty bad, no doubt, he was going to get what he deserved in going to prison, but ultimately i think when the worlds gone to shit like that that the person you truly are stands out, what you are in the dark and all that. Kenny summed it up well when i told him, said something along the lines of "it doesn't matter, its everything this mess has got us doing now". In the end we're always going to care more about crimes where we knew and cared about the victim, unfair, but its human nature.
As for Lilly snapping, well fuck her sorry, Everyone's been through a lot, Its not an excuse. She's also the only one who killed someone who had done exactly nothing to them. What she did was unforgivable and there's no prisons or mental hospitals. The death penalty is the only option for justice available.
Wow, so brutality, do you want to vengeance for Vernon so much as you want retribution to Lilly? Bacause for me what Vernon did is too much worse then what Lilly did. I'm really ready to forgive Lilly, but Vernon goes too far.
I thought the point of the game was to try and retain your humanity leaving Lilly to die on the side of the road is inhuman. You can of course argue she did that to the survivors but it was clear she thought they were going to be kill her. It was kill or be killed in her mind even if it wasn't the reality. Again she was crazy.
I don't want to play as Lilly. Or Kenny. Or Christa/Omid. I'd prefer to see something where we play as Lee again, between Episodes 1 and 2. The only way Lilly could get back on my good side (or slightly closer) is if she somehow, miraculously shows up and saves Kenny in Episode 5, afterward escaping the city with him and promising to defend Christa, Omid, their unborn child, and Clementine with her life for the rest of her days.
Okay. When she first meets Lee and co., she backlashed Carley and Glenn for saving them. She also thought such of Ben and whom you saved.
And before the apocalypse? What exactly does that matter now? Lee killed a man before, noone really cares. He wasn't a bad man, and he lives up to it.
Kenny 'killed' Larry, but it was to save his family and everyone else.
"The Walking Dead destroyed her". Whom hasn't the apocalypse destroyed?
It allows no excuse.
You say she shows guilt. Does she? Or does she show shock she did it and was upset because she knew what was coming next. Did you see Carley's face? Doug's? Ben's, Kenny's, and especially Lee's? She wasn't feeling guilty, she was scared because of what'd she'd done. It wasn't okay about Lee's past, which she will reveal in everyone's faces no matter how you acted to her. Even if you defended her. She leaves them all to die in the middle of nowhere without a mode of transportation. lol She really feels guilty huh?
And again, as I've said multiple times, if she was indeed crazy which she knew she was losing it, why was she still leading the group? Why was she handling a firearm? When you are in distress, you sit back and get your act together. Yes, it is an apocalypse; I know there will be little time to rest and relax, but it had to be done.
She didn't care about the motel, she only stayed there for safety and the drug store for her father's medicine. She admitted to leaving eventually. The bandit attack simply influenced it.
It was pre-meditated. She never trusted CARLEY, same as Ben. She always seems to have a grudge against her in particular when she makes the moral decisions. And what reason did she have for firing upon a group member? Especially after a group vote would have kept both of them in the group? Obviously there was a traitor, but they had no clue who. She goes after Ben and Carley on no proof and definitely no reason. And Carley deserved to get shot because she defended herself? And even if she was the culprit, or with Ben's case being the culprit, was THAT the moral choice? That would be inhuman. Letting a little boy get his 'head smashed in' was not a moral choice. Leaving five people to the fate of the walkers was not a moral choice. As for it being pre-meditated, it means you must think about the deed before proceeding with it. She doesn't just outright pull the gun out and shoot the person like the bandit did to his friend. She waited for Carley/Ben to turn their back before shooting/attempting to shoot them. You say she didn't mean to, she wanted Carley thrown out. She tried to get Ben to say he wasn't the traitor, and automatically make Carley guilty. Even if he had admitted being guilty, Lilly was still convinced Carley was involved, and still would have found a chance to shoot her.
It's inhuman to leave her? That's true. They should have shot her. A 'death penalty'. To let her simply leave after killing someone wouldn't be fair would it?
You can't send her to a mental institution, nor can you take her to a prison. You can't just tie her up and drag her with you. But letting her go could cause problems later on. What if she became a danger to the group? What if she became a walker and got another person killed? So leaving her would be considered a service to Lilly. Lee was allowed to have a second chance, but it wasn't with his family nor his wife. Same with Lilly, she must find her own way. Consider me inhumane or bloodthirsty, but I consider it right. There is a certain line for redemption, which she crossed by far.
And saying she wouldn't go around killing people is a ridiculous statement as pertaining to before the apocalypse. She was in the Air Force. You don't know her past, and her future was set to kill even more innocent people. She was linked to the comics(not anymore) and killed a mother and child. Her father was an Army Commander, and undoubtedly killed many people. Lilly carries the same characteristics of her father, moreso his temper.
We have our opinions of characters, well mine of Lilly is she really just nonredeemable.
I agree to your statements, and yeah, maybe if she could pull that off, I'd forgive her. Would I like her? No. But I'd put my grudge aside and give her a chance. But if she got Clem or Kenny killed it'd be off a building with her xD
Even Omid and Christa(and child). She better watch her ass LOL
^This. I keep hearing people say Lily was unredeemable, or deserves to die right after her biggest mistake. If Lily deserves to die for killing Carly/Doug, then Lee should have died instantly after killing the senator.
Are you serious? That describes the bulk of gamers world round.......
Rational, strong-minded master race here :cool: