Play as Lily in the upcoming interquel?



  • edited March 2013
    CarScar wrote: »
    I really dislike that argument, that hating someone who killed an innocent person over an insult is not justified. I'm sorry but if anything Lilly deserves more hate. At least Kenny killed Larry for a good cause, Lilly killed Carley because she was defending a kid that's nearly pissed his pants from fear.

    And don't even say losing Larry justifies what she did. It's a zombie apocalypse, keeping your shit together is necessary. Especially if said person wants to play leader.

    Honestly, that has a lot more to do with me hating Lilly than anything else. Her murdering someone in cold blood was just the zenith of her godawful tenure as "leader". I didn't really notice it until episode three, but crazy or not, Lilly was a horrid excuse for a leader. And I'm not talking about her shooting Doug/Carley, just wanting to stay at the Motor Inn seemed crazy to me.

    All her talk about "protecting everyone" are just bald-faced lies, it's especially obvious when she says it after murdering someone. She couldn't deal with change, ever, and never took responsibility for anything, but complained about how hard it was to be in charge. She was a fucking coward who used her role as "leader" to justify sending other people to take all the risks she was afraid to take. Anyone ever take a tally of how many walkers Lilly kills on-screen? It's zero. Probably because most of the game she's hold up somewhere relatively safe while other people take all the risks.

    Right from the beginning her plan seemed to be stay in the pharmacy until it magically opens and gives her pills for her precious daddy. She bitches up a storm when Carley and Glenn save five people, saying it was an unnecessary risk, then immediately begs the same people she was just fine with leaving to die to go take an unnecessary risk to find the pharmacy keys to save the sickly older man that wanted to kill Kenny's son without even bothering to see if there was a reason for it.

    After that, Kenny takes charges, has Doug and Carley stand watch and assures Lilly they'll find a way to save the same man who wanted to kill Duck. Glenn elects to go out and find enough gas to get everyone out of Macon, Lee gives him a radio, Lilly shoots Carley... a dirty look for offhandedly referring to Kenny as "boss".


    After that she proceeds to do jack shit until Lee gets the keys for the pharmacy. Then, because it's so important to get pills right now for the asshole with a heart condition who insists on yelling at the top of his lungs about things that don't matter, the pharmacy alarms goes off and causes a flood of dead to attack. So while Kenny is hastily working out a battle plan, Lilly whines about her dad and isn't seen again until after this is over, even though another able bodied adult would have been really useful for defending the drug store. So in a sense I blame her for killing Carley AND Doug.

    She's no better in the following episodes. She treats people as tools. Her first response to Kenny, Lee and Mark returning, the people who are actually out risking their lives trying to solve the food problem, is to yell her ass off about bringing people back. Doesn't ask if they're okay or what happened, just complains about more mouths to feed. (Who the fuck said we were going to feed them?) Then she tells Mark, one of the three people who risks his life to hunt for food while she sits on her ass safe and sound, that the only reason he's there is he had food, like she was going to kick him out now that the food was gone.

    Lilly blasts Kenny for wanting to leave the Motor Inn (ignoring the fact it was Kenny's idea to stay there in the first place) but has zero ideas on how to solve the food problem. Just that we'll "find some". (WHERE?!) She says what they have now is working, but won't shut up about there not being enough food. Does she even listen to herself? And she says the R.V. Kenny was trying to fix was a waste of time. Yeah, a working vehicle big enough to carry the whole group. COMPLETE WASTE OF TIME! Why? Because using it means Queen Lilly would have to leave the safety of her throne and put herself at risk in some way. Heavens forbid! :eek:

    Lilly's Immediate Safety > Her Father's Safety >>>>>>>> Everything Else In The World. She only goes to the St. Johns because she thought it was safer than the Motor Inn and immediately wanted to leave when she saw Mark hurt because it means she could get her hurt. Of course leaving the St. Johns was one of her only good ideas but since dear ol'daddy didn't want to offend the Georgia Chainsaw Massacre family, she completely folds and refuses to ever bring it up again. If she disagreed with daddy, he might not love her as much! Best not assert herself in the meat locker either when the elderly man with the heart condition is screaming his ass off and pounding on a door with all his might. Just tell him to "please" stop. What's the worse that can happen?


    Whoops, well there was nothing anyone could have done to prevent that I guess. Not like there was a family member present who could have talked Larry down if said family member had ever said anything in a tone greater than a stern suggestion. It’s not like Lilly knew Larry could give himself a heart attack if he didn’t shut up. It’s not like she had seen that EXACT SAME THING happen before in the previous episode. And it certainly isn’t easy to stand up to people who imitate you and tell them off. You’d need balls of steel to do something like that…


    Oh fuck you Lilly, you pitiful worm. If the fucking spineless band geek can work up the nerve to tell off Kenny, the guy whose family he got killed, then why couldn’t you man up long enough to tell your old man to shut the fuck up and sit down? Especially to save his own life? Whatever, even if you “side” with her she lags behind and let’s Lee take all the risks. Even after she takes a damn rifle she refuses to leave the barn until the St. Johns are mostly dealt with. Fucking Doug takes a greater risk armed with nothing but a damn laser pointer, probably because he actually cares about people. Lilly probably figured she could just let everyone kill each other and shoot any St. Johns that survive when they head back to the barn.

    Her cowardice finally peaks in episode three. She puts Ben on watch, probably because there’s now people shooting back at the group and Lilly going on watch means she might actually get hurt now. She insists on staying at the motor inn despite the fact it’s falling apart, under siege by murderous bandits and whose only supplies are coming from a distant pharmacy that is now, more or less, completely empty and requires Lee and Kenny having to risk getting eaten a few dozen times per trip to even reach.

    But hey, Lilly’s fine in her room! Why leave? She even keeps that sniper rifle Lee hands her. After all, it’s more important she’s armed then someone who’d actually risk going outside long enough to defend the motor-inn. And Kenny’s just making shit up to annoy her. It’s not like he’s pointing out the shit ton of problems that staying at the Motor-Inn presents. Doesn’t she deserve a week of peace after all her hard work, a week she’d presumably spend masturbating to tear stained pictures of her father?

    Seriously, Lilly was a shitty person from the start. Her murdering Doug or Carley is just the cherry on top. And if you’re dumb enough to let her back in the R.V. (Like I was on my first playthrough) she gives you a final fuck you by stealing the R.V., even if you’ve bent over backwards for her and her dumb ass father.

    And it had nothing to do with her originally be slated to be a character from the comic. Telltale could have easily contrived things where you could talk Lilly down from stealing the R.V. if you had sided with her. Then when Kenny got the train working he’d probably elect to leave Lilly behind with the R.V. since he couldn’t take it with him and things would have worked out the same continuity wise. But they didn’t do that, because that’s not the kind of person Lilly was. She was the kind of selfish bitch who’d let people commit bloody murder, just so long it didn’t threaten her safety. Any wonder she was suppose to wind up in Woodbury eventually?
    blanchett wrote: »
    None of the characters in the Walking Dead that we dealt with were entirely irredeemable. It's part of the reason why it was such a good story.

    I'm pretty sure the St. Johns were irredeemable. The bandits, least the ones we saw the most of, were likely written to be irredeemable. And from a gameplay perspective, Lilly was irredeemable. Nothing you say or do can convince her to be a better person. And as I just suggested, there was certainly a way it could have been done that wouldn't have disrupted the comic's canon or radically changed her character. But they didn't do that, because she was written as an antagonist.

    You can argue she was a tragic villain, almost Shakespearean in a sense. Or you can say they did a great job showing her descent into darkness. I'd fully agree she's a well written character and that her presence in the game made the story much more interesting. But at the end of the day she's a villain in my book, a very interesting one that adds a lot of weight to narrative, but ultimately still a villain. And like a lot of well written villains, I can appreciate the depth of their character, while still hating their guts. :p
  • edited March 2013
    Mornai wrote: »
    It seems even more likely that she didn't care about the supplies by this little line of hers: "You can tell me it was Carley, and everything will be right as rain." Does this mean she was willing to forgive Ben even if she suspected him if he agreed to accuse Carley? It seems like she didn't really care who was the true culprit, as long as someone took the blame, and whoever did that would receive the bullet.

    And that really pissed me off.
  • edited March 2013


    And his epitaph would be.....

    Ben finally grew a pair.... and then died. L.O.L.
  • edited March 2013
    Alright, we've got extreme hatred for Lilly, Larry, Omid, Christa & Kenny. Halfway there, folks! :p
  • edited March 2013
    Honestly, that has a lot more to do with me hating Lilly than anything else. Her murdering someone in cold blood was just the zenith of her godawful tenure as "leader". I didn't really notice it until episode three, but crazy or not, Lilly was a horrid excuse for a leader. And I'm not talking about her shooting Doug/Carley, just wanting to stay at the Motor Inn seemed crazy to me.

    All her talk about "protecting everyone" are just bald-faced lies, it's especially obvious when she says it after murdering someone. She couldn't deal with change, ever, and never took responsibility for anything, but complained about how hard it was to be in charge. She was a fucking coward who used her role as "leader" to justify sending other people to take all the risks she was afraid to take. Anyone ever take a tally of how many walkers Lilly kills on-screen? It's zero. Probably because most of the game she's hold up somewhere relatively safe while other people take all the risks.

    Right from the beginning her plan seemed to be stay in the pharmacy until it magically opens and gives her pills for her precious daddy. She bitches up a storm when Carley and Glenn save five people, saying it was an unnecessary risk, then immediately begs the same people she was just fine with leaving to die to go take an unnecessary risk to find the pharmacy keys to save the sickly older man that wanted to kill Kenny's son without even bothering to see if there was a reason for it.

    After that, Kenny takes charges, has Doug and Carley stand watch and assures Lilly they'll find a way to save the same man who wanted to kill Duck. Glenn elects to go out and find enough gas to get everyone out of Macon, Lee gives him a radio, Lilly shoots Carley... a dirty look for offhandedly referring to Kenny as "boss".


    After that she proceeds to do jack shit until Lee gets the keys for the pharmacy. Then, because it's so important to get pills right now for the asshole with a heart condition who insists on yelling at the top of his lungs about things that don't matter, the pharmacy alarms goes off and causes a flood of dead to attack. So while Kenny is hastily working out a battle plan, Lilly whines about her dad and isn't seen again until after this is over, even though another able bodied adult would have been really useful for defending the drug store. So in a sense I blame her for killing Carley AND Doug.

    She's no better in the following episodes. She treats people as tools. Her first response to Kenny, Lee and Mark returning, the people who are actually out risking their lives trying to solve the food problem, is to yell her ass off about bringing people back. Doesn't ask if they're okay or what happened, just complains about more mouths to feed. (Who the fuck said we were going to feed them?) Then she tells Mark, one of the three people who risks his life to hunt for food while she sits on her ass safe and sound, that the only reason he's there is he had food, like she was going to kick him out now that the food was gone.

    Lilly blasts Kenny for wanting to leave the Motor Inn (ignoring the fact it was Kenny's idea to stay there in the first place) but has zero ideas on how to solve the food problem. Just that we'll "find some". (WHERE?!) She says what they have now is working, but won't shut up about there not being enough food. Does she even listen to herself? And she says the R.V. Kenny was trying to fix was a waste of time. Yeah, a working vehicle big enough to carry the whole group. COMPLETE WASTE OF TIME! Why? Because using it means Queen Lilly would have to leave the safety of her throne and put herself at risk in some way. Heavens forbid! :eek:

    Lilly's Immediate Safety > Her Father's Safety >>>>>>>> Everything Else In The World. She only goes to the St. Johns because she thought it was safer than the Motor Inn and immediately wanted to leave when she saw Mark hurt because it means she could get her hurt. Of course leaving the St. Johns was one of her only good ideas but since dear ol'daddy didn't want to offend the Georgia Chainsaw Massacre family, she completely folds and refuses to ever bring it up again. If she disagreed with daddy, he might not love her as much! Best not assert herself in the meat locker either when the elderly man with the heart condition is screaming his ass off and pounding on a door with all his might. Just tell him to "please" stop. What's the worse that can happen?


    Whoops, well there was nothing anyone could have done to prevent that I guess. Not like there was a family member present who could have talked Larry down if said family member had ever said anything in a tone greater than a stern suggestion. It’s not like Lilly knew Larry could give himself a heart attack if he didn’t shut up. It’s not like she had seen that EXACT SAME THING happen before in the previous episode. And it certainly isn’t easy to stand up to people who imitate you and tell them off. You’d need balls of steel to do something like that…


    Oh fuck you Lilly, you pitiful worm. If the fucking spineless band geek can work up the nerve to tell off Kenny, the guy whose family he got killed, then why couldn’t you man up long enough to tell your old man to shut the fuck up and sit down? Especially to save his own life? Whatever, even if you “side” with her she lags behind and let’s Lee take all the risks. Even after she takes a damn rifle she refuses to leave the barn until the St. Johns are mostly dealt with. Fucking Doug takes a greater risk armed with nothing but a damn laser pointer, probably because he actually cares about people. Lilly probably figured she could just let everyone kill each other and shoot any St. Johns that survive when they head back to the barn.

    Her cowardice finally peaks in episode three. She puts Ben on watch, probably because there’s now people shooting back at the group and Lilly going on watch means she might actually get hurt now. She insists on staying at the motor inn despite the fact it’s falling apart, under siege by murderous bandits and whose only supplies are coming from a distant pharmacy that is now, more or less, completely empty and requires Lee and Kenny having to risk getting eaten a few dozen times per trip to even reach.

    But hey, Lilly’s fine in her room! Why leave? She even keeps that sniper rifle Lee hands her. After all, it’s more important she’s armed then someone who’d actually risk going outside long enough to defend the motor-inn. And Kenny’s just making shit up to annoy her. It’s not like he’s pointing out the shit ton of problems that staying at the Motor-Inn presents. Doesn’t she deserve a week of peace after all her hard work, a week she’d presumably spend masturbating to tear stained pictures of her father?

    Seriously, Lilly was a shitty person from the start. Her murdering Doug or Carley is just the cherry on top. And if you’re dumb enough to let her back in the R.V. (Like I was on my first playthrough) she gives you a final fuck you by stealing the R.V., even if you’ve bent over backwards for her and her dumb ass father.

    And it had nothing to do with her originally be slated to be a character from the comic. Telltale could have easily contrived things where you could talk Lilly down from stealing the R.V. if you had sided with her. Then when Kenny got the train working he’d probably elect to leave Lilly behind with the R.V. since he couldn’t take it with him and things would have worked out the same continuity wise. But they didn’t do that, because that’s not the kind of person Lilly was. She was the kind of selfish bitch who’d let people commit bloody murder, just so long it didn’t threaten her safety. Any wonder she was suppose to wind up in Woodbury eventually?

    I'm pretty sure the St. Johns were irredeemable. The bandits, least the ones we saw the most of, were likely written to be irredeemable. And from a gameplay perspective, Lilly was irredeemable. Nothing you say or do can convince her to be a better person. And as I just suggested, there was certainly a way it could have been done that wouldn't have disrupted the comic's canon or radically changed her character. But they didn't do that, because she was written as an antagonist.

    You can argue she was a tragic villain, almost Shakespearean in a sense. Or you can say they did a great job showing her descent into darkness. I'd fully agree she's a well written character and that her presence in the game made the story much more interesting. But at the end of the day she's a villain in my book, a very interesting one that adds a lot of weight to narrative, but ultimately still a villain. And like a lot of well written villains, I can appreciate the depth of their character, while still hating their guts. :p

    THANK YOU! And I doubt that's even all of it, considering you missed how like Mornai says, went against Carley and bribed Ben that everything would be okay if he admitted she was guilty. Also that she complains about you arguing with her father when he can't shut the hell up, and constantly threatens everyone he comes into contact with. Also, she gives you a 'pissed off' look for signaling her to stay away while talking to Glenn. Also, when she sits there with a rifle in her hands that easily could have come in handy to kill Andy and/or St. John, and will fucking sit there and watch you struggling with Andy. No matter what you decide, she'll flip out on you like a bitch. I agree she is a coward, and even shoots Carley when HER BACK WAS TURNED! I understand how those who kiss up to her don't mind her too much, but Jesus Christ I can't see how people defend her in general.

    Jaded, I completely agree with you, and I'm glad you wrote all this, because maybe some people will understand why Lilly is such a disliked person. I'm sure they'll find excuses though.

    One more thing: Larry who was unable to walk comes back and punches you in the face? Where was Lilly guys? "I have to get my dad out of here!" Well... he's fine now... why aren't you helping? One more hand inside the store could have saved a life. Two hands would have been even better. Lilly haters :P
  • edited March 2013
    Mornai wrote: »
    Alright, we've got extreme hatred for Lilly, Larry, Omid, Christa & Kenny. Halfway there, folks! :p

    What'd Omid and Christa do? I thought they were decent. And Kenny's my bro... :/
  • edited March 2013
    DreadMagus wrote: »
    And his epitaph would be.....

    Ben finally grew a pair.... and then died. L.O.L.

    I always preferred a perversion of that famous line from the Grinch Who Stole Christmas.

    "And it was said that Ben's balls grew three sizes that day!"

    But I draw the line at seeing a graphic of an X-Ray machine displaying that. :p
  • edited March 2013
    Honestly, that has a lot more to do with me hating Lilly than anything else. Her murdering someone in cold blood was just the zenith of her godawful tenure as "leader". I didn't really notice it until episode three, but crazy or not, Lilly was a horrid excuse for a leader. And I'm not talking about her shooting Doug/Carley, just wanting to stay at the Motor Inn seemed crazy to me.


    You can argue she was a tragic villain, almost Shakespearean in a sense. Or you can say they did a great job showing her descent into darkness. I'd fully agree she's a well written character and that her presence in the game made the story much more interesting. But at the end of the day she's a villain in my book, a very interesting one that adds a lot of weight to narrative, but ultimately still a villain. And like a lot of well written villains, I can appreciate the depth of their character, while still hating their guts. :p

    Mmmmmm... That's some mighty fine jade gold right there. 56785 karat. 100% pure. Perfectly shaped to look like the face of one Lilly Caul with a fist indentation squarely on the nose. No other beauty exists in the world. You are a fine craftsman, my friend.
  • edited March 2013
    Lilly blasts Kenny for wanting to leave the Motor Inn (ignoring the fact it was Kenny's idea to stay there in the first place) but has zero ideas on how to solve the food problem. Just that we'll "find some". (WHERE?!) She says what they have now is working, but won't shut up about there not being enough food. Does she even listen to herself?
    This is valid for the most part.
    I'm pretty sure the St. Johns were irredeemable. The bandits, least the ones we saw the most of, were likely written to be irredeemable. And from a gameplay perspective, Lilly was irredeemable. Nothing you say or do can convince her to be a better person. And as I just suggested, there was certainly a way it could have been done that wouldn't have disrupted the comic's canon or radically changed her character. But they didn't do that, because she was written as an antagonist.
    Good points. I had forgotten about the St. Johns. I still don't think Lilly is irredeemable but your right she certainly isn't redeemable from a gameplay point of view, at least this season.
    You can argue she was a tragic villain, almost Shakespearean in a sense. Or you can say they did a great job showing her descent into darkness. I'd fully agree she's a well written character and that her presence in the game made the story much more interesting. But at the end of the day she's a villain in my book, a very interesting one that adds a lot of weight to narrative, but ultimately still a villain. And like a lot of well written villains, I can appreciate the depth of their character, while still hating their guts. :p
    Sure she was a great character. I do see why you view her as a villain but I don't think it's a fair assumption. In the same way that I don't think it's fair to view Kenny as a villain. Both characters were designed to test you and potentially push you into making choices that weren't ethical. Again most interesting scenario for me would be that it's somehow Lilly and Kenny on that hill. I know a lot of people think that's too unrealistic but at this point putting those characters back together again now that they've both lost everything, when a bit of time has past is the most interesting way to start off season 2.
  • edited March 2013
    Mark$man wrote: »
    What'd Omid and Christa do? I thought they were decent. And Kenny's my bro... :/

    I don't know, but GREYxDUZxKRUSH really hates them. I liked Kenny too, but I've seen people who were really pissed at him at times.
  • edited March 2013
    blanchett wrote: »
    Sure she was a great character. I do see why you view her as a villain but I don't think it's a fair assumption. In the same way that I don't think it's fair to view Kenny as a villain. Both characters were designed to test you and potentially push you into making choices that weren't ethical. Again most interesting scenario for me would be that it's somehow Lilly and Kenny on that hill. I know a lot of people think that's too unrealistic but at this point putting those characters back together again now that they've both lost everything, when a bit of time has past is the most interesting way to start off season 2.

    But that's thing, if you take the high road with Lilly, treat her with respect, try to save her father and do the ethical thing by not leaving her to die on the side of the road, she stills steals the R.V. without any really any sign of remorse other than a very insincere "I'm sorry" before shoving Lee the fuck out the door. Even if you agree to come with her she leaves you.

    For me, Lilly actually challenged me to question my own actions, and made me wonder if what I was doing was actually ethical or not. On my first playthrough, after arriving at the train, before anything, I immediately went back in the R.V. to talk to Lilly. Maybe it was just morbid curiosity or maybe I thought I could talk some sense into her, but that was foremost on my mind.

    But all she does is whine about being tied up while everyone decides what to do with her, even though that's exactly what would have happened if she killed someone in a setting that wasn't a zombie apocalypse. And any repeat attempts to talk to her just causes her to ignore Lee.

    So I go grab the pencil from the front seat because, this is a point and click and you're suppose to steal anything not nailed down and I come back to her being loose and saying she's going. So I told her to go, she doesn't want to be here and I don't want her to be here, fine. But then she says she's going to take the R.V. and that's where I just lose it.

    Since I hadn't even looked at the train or anything else yet, watching Lilly drive off in the R.V. felt like I had just fucked over the whole group because I had to do what I thought was "right". Because it was so important for me to not be the "bad guy" I brought her along and that was a terrible decision in retrospect that could have gotten everyone killed if that train wasn't working.

    And for me, the message to take away from all that was not everyone can be saved. Some people, if not beyond redemption, simply don't want it. It's in stark contrast to a lot of other games with dialogue trees where there's almost always that option to talk someone down or get them to realize what they were doing was wrong. But not the case with Lilly, and unlike the St. Johns or the Bandits, it felt like you were meant to believe there was, even though there really wasn't.

    After several playthroughs it became obvious to me that Lilly really was a selfish and scared person at heart, and it was largely her choice to remain that way. She never asks for forgiveness, she never even fully acknowledges what she did was wrong. Larry probably beat it into her that those are signs of weakness and even after he's gone, no amount of kindness changes that about her because she doesn't want to change.

    As for Lilly and Kenny being the people on the hill, pretty ungodamn likely. Ignoring that Lilly thought the coast was a dumb idea and if you leave her she has no transportation, she and Kenny pretty much hated each other from the start. They both hold grudges like a motherfucker and they both have pretty big damn reasons to continue to do so at that point. Them meeting again in the second season would certainly be interesting, but I don't seem them traveling together outside of either gunpoint or some really ridiculous outside circumstances.
  • edited March 2013
    Mornai wrote: »
    Agreed. I think playing as Lilly would have worse repercussions than playing as Kenny, since Lilly directly murders someone we care for, with no just cause. I would never be able to forgive her, no matter what actions she takes.

    For me, there is a line that, once crossed cannot be tread upon again. Lilly stomped on this line and is miles beyond it.

    I am very forgiving, and will almost always save a life no matter what they have done, but Lilly's actions were unforgivable, even for me.

    Exactly. Hear hear.

    I was more on Lilly's side than Kenny's, particularly when it came to the incident in the meat locker. But the moment she murdered Carley in cold blood she was dead to me. I can't even imagine allowing her in the trailer after that. She was beyond redemption at that point. Not to mention a major threat to the well being of everyone in the group.

    And relating that to Lee's past is totally unfair. From what I gathered Lee was in a physical fight with the guy and it went too far. That's not comparable to killing someone in cold blood because they made a remark that hit too close to home.
  • edited March 2013
    I don't think Lilly is irredeemable. She has A LOT to do before she does, but she can do it. Much like Lee couldn't directly make things right for his wife or the senator's family, Lilly needs to find her redemption somewhere else. And she should not be the leader. She is a horrible leader, unable to make tough choices when they need to be made. She prioritizes her father and herself far too much to be an effective leader, with the same being able to be said for Kenny as well (until his family dies, of course. I actually thought he wasn't all that bad as a leader after Kat and Duck checked out). At least he had a plan, even if it was a bit of a pipe dream, beyond sitting on the group's collective asses and waiting to be killed by walkers/bandits/cannibals/hunger/exposure.

    I don't like Lilly (as a person). She was a great character and I'm glad she was in the game, she made it really interesting, but I'll be damned if I ever let her give me orders again. She's got a Long Road Ahead of her until she deserves forgiveness for what she did, but in my mind if Kenny can do it, so can she.
  • edited March 2013
    blanchett wrote: »
    I really find the Lily hate disturbing. We see her losing her mind under extreme trauma. There was nothing planned with her killing Carly. I don't even think it personal she just lashed out and she happened to be holding a gun. Look at the clip it's all over her face she's shocked at what she's done. Why is it acceptable for Lee to murder someone in cold blood under far less extreme circumstances and be redeemable? How is it okay for Kenny to allow a poor girl to be slaughtered by walkers as a diversion, crush an elderly man's skull in and abandon a young woman on the side of a road?

    It seems so hypocritical to me to allow the male characters all of these moral lapses but crucify the only female character when she snaps because she kills off the only female character you might have been "virtually" been able to have sex with.

    Ugh .....

    You're the one that's making gender the central issue here. No one else.

    Plus I played Lee as a fucking saint. He was so damn heroic, and I always tried to do the right thing. Just because both Lee and Lilly have committed murder does not make them the same ... that's actually where the similarities end.
  • edited March 2013
    Mornai wrote: »
    I don't know, but GREYxDUZxKRUSH really hates them. I liked Kenny too, but I've seen people who were really pissed at him at times.

    True Christa thinks shes got everything figured out and lees dumbass is lucky to have found her. Reality says oppsite she needs them. Questioning lee about clem and everything he does. When he is has gotten clem thus far. Truth be told shes pregnant and in a few months she knows omids worthless ass isnt gonna cut it. Omid is small uncordinated and tells jokes to lighten the tone when were about to die which is fuckin stupid. Hell clem had to protect him..Omid is a helpless lii bitch. They are heavy burden on an already strained group my group lees group. Im sorry if no one sees it that way. Just my opinion. I liked kenny too. Death to Lily/Omid/Christa
  • edited March 2013
    You can't say he is hopeless. He happened to have some bad luck, and got injured. Considering he's survived longer than most the original group, and yet he takes some risks, I'd say he is better than most.
  • edited March 2013
    blanchett wrote: »
    Because Mornai's point to me is not valid unless Lilly was operating with her full faculties. She was not. She was losing her mind and the expectation that she should have been more rational doesn't hold up me to at all. Maybe she didn't like Carley but shooting her, planning it out because she hated her. That's just bullshit. Lilly at the point was just not capable of being that calculated if she ever was. She was shocked at what she did. Some people might not think she felt guilt, I don't believe that but fair enough if you it but shock was all over her face after she shot. There was nothing planned.

    You seem very focused on the element of premeditation, even though it was something I didn't accuse Lilly of. In fact, my statement that Lilly switched targets should make clear that I wasn't accusing Lilly of planning it out beforehand.

    Just because Lilly didn't premeditate her murder doesn't make it any less malicious. As I've already described, there's good indication that Lilly believed Ben was the guilty party but instead shot the one person who challenged her witch hunt. That makes it a malicious act whether Lilly planned it or not. Someone else pissed her off more than Ben, and she pointed her pistol that way instead.

    It's also a malicious act because Lilly had intent to kill the moment she seized the opportunity when others weren't paying attention to draw the pistol, indicating a mind that knew what it was doing. It may have only taken moments, but Lilly clearly knew what she wanted to do and decided to act on it.

    Are you seriously suggesting that Lilly's action had NOTHING to do with her dislike of Carley? And you do realize malicious means having the intent to do harm which doesn't necessarily require premeditation? When that pistol came out, malice was there.
  • edited March 2013
    Play as Lilly? hell no! and this is from someone who doesnt hate her.Too much baggage and a fix personality to allow the player to mess with.

    A cameo with Lilly(and other survivors) in season 2?yes,please.

    It could be complicated but I hope Telltale can somehow use your save file to determine what her fate has turned out to be.
    I'd be disappointed if she only appeared as a raving serial killing lunatic as I'm sure others would be if she had joined a camp full of poor orphans that she was single handedly caring for :p

    It would be great if they could have some variation to her progress since leaving the group.Why not have saves with a redemptive Lilly who is an asset to the group she has joined while also having a madder and badder Lilly in others and thus the new protagonist can tell her to F**k Off! or even give certain players the satisfaction of finally putting her down.I suspect this might be too hard to accomplish but it would give the game variation and make choices matter.

    I would think Molly would be the more appropriate.She only appeared in one episode and seems more of a character that could be shaped and expanded by player choices.
    I suspect the "DLC" episode will be about the three month gap in season one or what happened to Clem at the end.This will allow Telltale to start fresh with totally new characters,and with that I'm off until something new is released.
  • edited March 2013
    Rock114 wrote: »
    I don't like Lilly (as a person). She was a great character and I'm glad she was in the game, she made it really interesting, but I'll be damned if I ever let her give me orders again.

    This is how I feel about Lilly too. Good character. Fit the story. Was happy she was in it. But leaving her at the side of the road was the obvious choice, IMO. What she did was WAY across the the line, and I wouldn't ever trust her again in any way, shape, or form.

    On the other side of it, I feel Omid and Christa were fine as people, but boring characters that didn't add much to the story, and they weren't as well acted or as interesting as any of the other main characters. And Omid is just obnoxious with his stupid jokes and smug facial expressions.
  • edited March 2013
    Mornai wrote: »
    Alright, we've got extreme hatred for Lilly, Larry, Omid, Christa & Kenny. Halfway there, folks! :p

    Heheh, To be fair, none of the group is liked universally, but at least everyone's liked by somebody.

    When we're civil that doesn't have to be bad. With the bleak morally gray setting people are going to have different perspectives and ways of doing things, so it's understandable that different characters would feel more sympathetic or realistic to different people.

    Problem is that some fans can be a bit... eh.. passionate?
  • edited March 2013
    Mikejames wrote: »
    Well, plenty of people defend Kenny after killing Larry, and then potentially leaving Lee for dead despite what he could have done for his family prior.

    I don't condone what Lilly did, she had obviously lost it at that point, and I don't think that Larry's death justified it, it just helps explain her deteriorating mental state.
    I don't see how Kenny has anything to do with my post but whatever. At least he killed Larry with the intention to save the group.
  • edited March 2013
    CarScar wrote: »
    I don't see how Kenny has anything to do with my post but whatever. At least he killed Larry with the intention to save the group.
    I was just pointing out how a lot of people here were attacking Lilly's actions while still defending Kenny's. At that point his motivation wasn't for anyone in the group but his family, while Lilly lost it believing she was finding the groups' traitor.

    Either way, both killed at a point where it wasn't necessary.
  • edited March 2013
    Mikejames wrote: »
    I was just pointing out how a lot of people here were attacking Lilly's actions while still defending Kenny's. At that point his motivation wasn't for anyone in the group but his family, while Lilly lost it believing she was finding the groups' traitor.

    Either way, both killed at a point where it wasn't necessary.

    Kenny's was, whether a mercy kill or just to kill him. Larry couldn't come back, even long term. He would die, and being revived would only put him through more pain. My father has had multiple heart attacks, and living from it has suffered major pain. Larry would be suffering until he died again without his pills and no immediate medical attention. If he turned, the group would suffer greatly, having the person trying to revive him get torn to shreads. And trying to save him at all would waste valuable time, for another couple minutes and Danny would have returned to kill off the group. I can't say I didn't hate Larry, but I didn't wish for him to die like I do Larry. The first time I tried to save him, to no effect. There is no way to save him, and Kenny, to a sense, does the right thing.

    Lilly, even at her mental state, still shot an importanty member of the group that she despised even though she did nothing against Lilly and Lilly had no proof. And later it was turned out she was innocent. She was even a hypocrite, saying to take a vote as to who to kick out or if they should be. Then she becomes an executioner on a victim. Same with Doug. She had no evidence on Ben, even though he was guilty. And he didn't deserve to die. Lilly's victim was not a justified kill.
  • edited March 2013
    Mark$man wrote: »
    NOOOOOOOOO. N.O. I hated her even more than I do Larry. And no, I can't understand where she came from, because she is a pretty terrible person. She tried to get people killed inside the group, she wanted to leave Ben and whoever else that you brought with you to die out in the world, she will go against you no matter what you did at certain parts. She kills a person in cold blood, and will steal an RV and leave you all in a wreck with no transportation if you foolishly trust her and let her back in the RV. She is equally as responsible for the deaths of Duck and Katjaa, and sole culprit in Carley/Doug's death. She wanted to lead the group, and yet she couldn't do it properly, and constantly put them at risk.

    I really hope she isn't the one on the hill(one of them). Definitely not the main character.

    IMO, I would get her killed on purpose in season 2 if that's the case, because I'd rather have someone like Ben.
    She didn't have a full story? No. Her character was built to be Lilly Caul of the comics, and although she is now an original character of Telltale, she was still mean't to be her, and that would be the type of person she is.

    :spoil-o::spoil-o::spoil-o: Do NOT read if you do NOT know of her role in the comics!

    She kills Llilly and Judith in the comics.

    :spoil-o::spoil-o::spoil-o: End

    She kills Lori not herself.
  • edited March 2013
    Pickles312 wrote: »
    She kills Lori not herself.

    Mean't to write Lori
  • edited March 2013
    Lily the Lunatic TWD S2. Follow Lily as she meets a new group. Watch Lily take over leadership by throwing tantrums, ignoring everybodies comments that disagree, or straight up cold blooded murder. Decide what group member Lily kills first. Choose Lily's hatefull reactions to the group for saving children. Help Lily in figure out how to deceive and leave the new group in dire straights to save her own ass and ensure their deaths. Lily the Lunatic coming this fall.
  • edited March 2013
    Sandt wrote: »
    Telltale stated that they would release something to help tide us over until season 2 is released. If that something is a game, then I think Lily should be the main character.

    Like her or hate her, Lily was a pretty interesting character with both assets and flaws to her personality, which make her complex, which make her easy to relate to. Even if you hated her actions, we all can understand where she was coming from when she did it. it would be a true shame for Telltale to let this character fall to the wayside when her story is practically begging to be told.

    The interquel could began where Lily's story ended in season 1. This could lead to her being one of the two characters Clementine see's in the distance at the end of season 1.

    Although I miss Lilly and wish I could have gone with her in the RV, I see this "interquel" as a clever way for TTG to test the waters for introducing some new characters without any fan backlash for not picking up where season 1 ended.

    TTG could introduce an new group that maybe saw the train roll on by and pick up their story from there. A short episode with this group and then when season 2 is released, we begin episode 1 with familiar and liked characters that meet Clem maybe as soon as the end of episode 1.

    Since TTG never planned for a season 2 and killed off Lee this may be a way for them to get out of the corner they have painted themselves into.
  • edited March 2013
    Sandt wrote: »
    Telltale stated that they would release something to help tide us over until season 2 is released. If that something is a game, then I think Lily should be the main character.

    Like her or hate her, Lily was a pretty interesting character with both assets and flaws to her personality, which make her complex, which make her easy to relate to. Even if you hated her actions, we all can understand where she was coming from when she did it. it would be a true shame for Telltale to let this character fall to the wayside when her story is practically begging to be told.

    The interquel could began where Lily's story ended in season 1. This could lead to her being one of the two characters Clementine see's in the distance at the end of season 1.

    I did not like Lilly at all... But she was an interesting character that would be cool to see again. She would definitely not be the PC tho, she has too complex of personality already, if the PC played her she would change dramatically.

    However i would like the PC to run into her either in the episode to hold us off or in season 2. I posted a while back a fanfic that in season 2 she becomes the New PC's "right hand man" like kenny was in this season. If lilly was on your side she could be a huge asset.
  • edited March 2013
    Well lets put it this way, she started to become a little off the charts when her father was murdered. Also she realized somebody from the camp was stealing supplies even after her father being murdered. Id say she is a good asset to the team. BUT.........When she shot Carley I lost all respect. I DO HOWEVER think we need to see her again, she was good for the game as she brought some drama.
  • edited March 2013
    I think the next TWD character will be female
  • edited March 2013
    What is this "intrequel" you speak of? Do you mean Season 2?
  • edited March 2013
    crispy01 wrote: »
    What is this "intrequel" you speak of? Do you mean Season 2?

    Telltale has stated there may be more Walking Dead content before the release of Season 2. Not much information other than that is available yet.
  • edited April 2013
    I though the interquel would show how what happened to Clementine before season 2 (unless it starts right where we left off) or it would let us play the new protagonist at the start of the zombie apocalypse. (if they went down that road)
  • edited April 2013
    I'm pretty sure we're gonna see Lily again, she was important in the story and indeed a good character. It would be weird if TWD makers just were like "Mehhh let her just kill someone and that's the end of her story" I don't think so.
  • edited April 2013
    Inconsu. wrote: »
    I'm pretty sure we're gonna see Lily again, she was important in the story and indeed a good character. It would be weird if TWD makers just were like "Mehhh let her just kill someone and that's the end of her story" I don't think so.

    They originally planned for her to be the same character from the comic, and in that scenario her exit makes more sense(and she probably would never return). But they had to change it after the comic character had a separate backstory, so now maybe she will make another appearance.
  • edited April 2013
    I loved Lilly and other than Clementine, she is my favorite female character in TWD universe. She was complex, she had flaws, yet she was emotional, developed and come on- It's obvious by the end of Episode 2 she loves Lee.
  • edited April 2013
    HarjKS wrote: »
    I loved Lilly and other than Clementine, she is my favorite female character in TWD universe. She was complex, she had flaws, yet she was emotional, developed and come on- It's obvious by the end of Episode 2 she loves Lee.

    I held her back while my best friend dropped a brick of salt on her father's head while he watched. I'll have to take your word for it.
  • edited April 2013
    I would love to see Lily return at some point, although I really wouldn't want to play as her. My preference would be to either play as Clem or a new character. I hate Lily so much that I would probably keep trying to let her get killed all the time. Being able to empathize with the main character is key in a game like this, and after Episode 3 that would be impossible with Lily, at least for me.
  • edited April 2013
    Rock114 wrote: »
    I held her back while my best friend dropped a brick of salt on her father's head while he watched. I'll have to take your word for it.

This discussion has been closed.