Favourite TWD Let's Player and opinions?



  • edited November 2013

    I subscribed to Radbrad & Centerstrain01 long after TWD :(

    I watched MaximusBlack (funny), Haluable (nice new utuber) iamchiib (emotional :) ) & husky (all bad choices fun)
    and auric180 (silent treatment)

  • I used to enjoy Pewdiepie but it seems as I get older, he becomes more and more annoying. His reactions are very dramatic and forced. I prefer LPers who become more emotionally invested and aren't screaming idiots, and sadly, these people tend to not have a very large following.

    My favourites are Toegoff, ReclusiarchLP, gamermd83 and angelarts. Love these guys.

  • I like Nova really much.

    I didn't watch other Let's plays, but PewDie really annoys me most of the times.

  • The first person I watched play the game on Youtube was Ken. I remember feeling really disinterested (he was playing 400 Days) but it was just because at the TIME I really didn't have feelings for 400 Days. After going back though, I do enjoy his whole playtrough. I do however enjoy him as a let's player, as my girlfriend introduced him to me before we got into twdg, and we watched a lot of his indie horror stuff. From what I've been reading, people didn't like him for his choices and that he didn't talk about them? I dunno about that, at the end of the episodes he'd briefly talk about it and that's more than I needed. He played realistically, didn't try to be the good guy, and honestly thought through his decisions and it was particularly serious for him.

    I didn't watch all of Pewdiepie's, but I'm going to talk about him a little bit because he's someone I watch regularly on Youtube, and seeing the comments here..well, I feel like I should clarify just a bit. I'm not going to say I love him or hate him, but I have a lot of issues with his fanbase. He goes through bouts of being pretty fake and or exaggerated, but generally he's pretty genuine. And he was pretty terrible for a while, but he's formally apologized for these things and stopped doing them. I think his 'idiocy' can be excused by how well he handles his own fans and how much he genuinely loves them, despite the ones on youtube being a little unsavory. I'm going to say he's one of my favorite all around let's players, aside from twdg, just because he's gotten me through some of my worst days. Fake or not, that means a lot to me.

    TheMrKravin (whose changed his channel since) did the best Silent playthrough I've seen. He's pretty funny, and though I was a little offended by his 400 Days run I still found myself enjoying it. (Especially his silent Wyatt? ) He also did a lot of "The opposite of you know who" (Pewdiepie) and it was really fun for seeing all the possible things that could happen.

    Force Strategy Gaming was really nice too. I don't know if I went and watched the rest of his playthrough but I remember thoroughly enjoying how happy he was and how much he loved the characters. That's something I surprisingly don't see.

    I don't think I can pick a favorite, but there are my opinions.

  • edited November 2013

    @Virgil_Caine That Edit is exactly why I watched it.

    This is hilarious ! Shit, I have to watch his whole playthrough now EDIT : Hm, no. I checked his choices when it came to bad decisions, he'

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