Telltale's King's Quest license pulled by Activision
Paul Trowe of Replay says TTG no longer involved with KQ. Sorry for the long excerpt (hope that's ok), but thought everyone here should see this, especially the part at the end. Trowe certainly makes for a good interview subject, and he's definitely passionate about classic-style adventure games.
I would have actually been thrilled if Replay had acquired licenses from Activision. Replay's Leisure Suit Larry Reloaded is looking DAMN good, and at least you know the people over there are actually big fans of the classics!
Read whole thing here:
I would have actually been thrilled if Replay had acquired licenses from Activision. Replay's Leisure Suit Larry Reloaded is looking DAMN good, and at least you know the people over there are actually big fans of the classics!
Read whole thing here:
...Perk up, longtime Sierra fans. Company founders Ken and Roberta Williams have been doing some chatting with their former employee-turned-Larry crusader.
“I want to do a game with Roberta,” Trowe said matter-of-factly. “I emailed Ken and Roberta, [and] Roberta said that she will do another game depending on how the outcome of our first one goes. I will do my absolute fucking very best not only because I would anyway, but because I want Roberta to be proud of us and I want to work with her again.”
A new Roberta Williams game doesn’t automatically mean a new King’s Quest game, unfortunately. Trowe is unsure of Activision’s willingness to hand over the rights to the series. Reports from a couple of years back put those right in the hands of Telltale Games, the California-based studio behind 2012′s critically acclaimed The Walking Dead series. Now Telltale is preparing to turn its attention to a similar episodic treatment of Bill Willingham’s Fables. According to Trowe, Telltale is out of the King’s Quest picture.
“They had [the King's Quest rights], and we were going to license it from them to make the remakes. I wouldn’t do a King’s Quest without Roberta. [Telltale senior VP of publishing] Steve Allison told me that they have the rights but they don’t have the bandwidth.” Allison offered to look into sub-licensing King’s Quest out to Replay, but Trowe hit a dead end when he brought the conversation over to Activision. ”I talked to the guys at Activision and they were like, ‘No, we’re pulling it [from Telltale] because we’re going to do it ourselves.’”
This is the first public mention of Activision’s plans for King’s Quest since the Telltale connection was first revealed in early 2011. We’ve reached out to Activision for comment and will update accordingly when we hear back. Think about the possibilities though. More Leisure Suit Larry, post-release content updates, a planned F2P casino game, and the possibility of an entirely new game from Roberta Williams. It’s like 1987 all over again. Trowe is just as much excited gamer as he is industry professional, but wouldn’t you be too?
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Trowe has in the past proven himself to not be the most reliable of sources. He has exaggerated things, mentioned things about other companies he probably had no inside knowledge of (speculation), and in some cases knowingly tried to undermine other companies who posed possible competition with 'shared designers' (trying to make them look less credible). He has been called out on it in the past. See MixnMojo website.
So with that kinda past, I hold a bit of skepticsm and cynicism.
I just feel good knowing that there are still developers out there who love the classics and care about making actual adventure games.
Tell that to most politicians (republican or otherwise) who speaks up or says anything not politically correct, . Heh heh. Bring out the barbecue, and call for a resignation!
P.S. If there is a reason to call for a resignation, I don't care who or what party they they belong, treat all equally! None of that namby pamby, "but it's my guy, they can do better, we forgive them" stuff.
BTW. I probably won't buy the new Larry... At least not right away, maybe when it ends up in 60-70% off bargain discount... The series just doesn't interest me... They never did.
Actually I got most of the Larry games in my collection from old Sierra, buy 1 get one free deals, LOL. I bought a new game in some series, or some other collection, and had the choice to get a free product (and Larry collection box was one of the few I didn't have).
Seems like Paul is probably the original source of the similar comments made by Blackthorne? It's either that, or we have two different sources saying essentially the same thing... Josh Mandel's more "hinting" comments match with Paul's explanation of the situation. I think this is enough information to pretty much rule out a TT King's Quest game, unless they're all repeating each other.
How long ago Activision decided to do something different is a more interesting question -- it seems like quite awhile ago.... which could mean there's a Jane Jensen, Mystery Game X connection (however unlikely). Telltale could be not commenting and leaving the forum up to assist with misdirection. Who knows.
I think the Roberta stuff is surely noteworthy! That's the most anyone's gotten out of her in years, in terms of leaving the yacht, and making a new game. I think Paul's probably a bit optimistic sounding about it, but not making it up.
I agree with the separation of the Trowe stuff from the timeline.
Considering his public demeanor last spring, it seems hard to determine what kind of interaction he actually had with Telltale -- they could have just been trying to get rid of him
And it seems likely that Paul > Josh > Blackthorne is the probable sourcing for all of their comments -- which still leaves us with Paul, as a shaky source.
I don't think even Paul would dare to make a statement like "Roberta will work on a new game" if it wasn't true, but who knows.
First of all, why would Telltale announce a King's Quest game if they weren't sure that it would actually happen? We know they've done quite a few undiscussed projects that never fell through (and which they're still not willing to reveal anything about), so pulling the plug on something that was already announced seems...unlike them.
Also, Activision making a new game themselves is...scary. Can't wait for Call of King's Quest. :rolleyes:
Ya you may have a point with a circular fallacy (circular reasoning) going on. With everyone assuming they think they know what is going on.
There are some similarities with the 2012 account and 2013 account but they don't seem to match up on all details. Some discrepancies possible embellishments perhaps even unintentional. Ya some do sound a bit like a game of echo. Changes to the story become more fantastic as each person retells it.
The Mandel chat log is here:
"Assassin King's Creed"
I like a good well made action adventure... But it better be something more than KQ8 was. Maybe not the full level of violence of the AC games, obviously, LOL.
Yes I wouldn't mind seeing an action KQ like Roberta originally invisioned in her mind, but didn't have the technology to really implement. With all the modern bells and whistles, and story telling options.
But keep a balance between an adventure game puzzle solving. IE. Less action, and more puzzles. Maybe 1/2 puzzles, 1/4 action, and 1/4 story.
Maybe some Arx Fatalis/Deus Ex/System Shock style stat choices. Yes the ability to choose skills and abilities that will force you into more adventuring & conversation, than action. Give the game some replay options.
As far as I know Paul Trowe only contacted Activision about the Telltale stuff before April 2012 (if his original accounts are to be believed).
The April 2012 accounts, and 2013 account share roughly the same structure and story. I.E. Replay contacts Activision, learns Telltale has the license... Replay claims to get into discussion with Telltale (see post a few days later on the Kickstarter FAQ which offers slightly more detail), but apparently Replay is sent back to Activision. Activision says "no".
The April 2013 account "expands" on this. Basically repeats the same order of events, but claims that in addition to Activision saying, "No.", they also claim activision said "They had other plans for the Franchise", I paraphrase (ya this quote gets tossed around alot by others).
Now, as I show in the timeline, a month later (May 2012), Telltale posts the most 'substantial' post, and the last substantial post they ever posted on the issue. In which Dan Conners claims Grossman was starting to pull together the team to make the game (this doesn't mean they 'started or even had any prototype/concept work done), it just means that they were at that point ready to start something with it.
We hear nothing much after that, until this year, and the "we aren't ready to talk about it/we'll talk about it when we feel we are ready" bit.
But we are stuck with two things that beg questions...
1. Why does Trowe's current story sound almost exactly like the original story but with additional embellishments (almost directly quoting some of the speculation going on since we last heard anything major).
2. If Trowe's current story and original story are the same story, then why was Telltale pulling together a team one month after Activision is claimed to have pulled the license from Telltale, and that they were going to do it themselves.
It looks not only are they following up with questions to Activision to find out more, but that they have also had an extensive chat with Dan Connors (which will be released tomorrow). Did they pull a verfication out of him as well?
Maybe we'll have more to update by tomorrow.
So I'd think the May "putting together a team" from Telltale is a more substantial date.
Walking Dead episode 1 released on April 24, 2012 -- I wonder when TT knew that was going to be such a hit, bigger than the kickstarter nostalgia-wave, and started re-orienting their projects in that direction?
Hopefully some answers tomorrow! :P
(where do we meet up once they insta-delete this forum?)
Baggins, thank you so much for posting all these links and keeping up the timeline. I mean that sincerely. You are absolutely right to be skeptical. With me, I'm sometimes willing to just love anyone who tells me what I want to hear. So when I hear, "new Roberta game", I close my mind off to hearing other things that may or may not be plausible. Anyway, you're right, tomorrow sounds like it could bring more interesting revelations. One thing about Trowe is that the guy is sure good for spicing up situations.
Bottom line for me is that I love KQ and want to see it brought back the right way. I am confident it will happen.
The only games I could stomach remakes on right now would be perhaps HD remakes of KQ5 and KQ6 and that only if they had the original paintings asserts to scan in. I don't want to see complete redone or completely original artwork. I don't necessarily see the point for an extended experience with new puzzles.
I seriously Prefer seeing new story.
Ya I suppose it could be cool to see a more accurate remake of KQ2 and KQ3 that stays truer to the original series. But some might say another near exact remake of KQ1SCI may be a difficult sell. Ya people have been wanting a KQ4 remake.
I seriously would prefer seeing new story.
If only we'd known all these months that all we had to do was to get Paul Trowe talking... might have been easier
Exactly what I was thinking. Whether there's exaggeration or not, and in the interest of getting candid commentary, I'm glad Trowe doesn't self-filter.
Ok, I know nothing has been confirmed/denied yet, but I say let's go into it with an open mind. Let's see what they announce in time. I'm actually cautiously optimistic, more optimistic than I was with Telltale, actually, since Telltale already signaled a desire to move away from KQ-style adventure gaming. IF Activision has KQ plans, I doubt they wanted to announce them this way, but they just have to roll with it. I'm betting they will say something vague and then refuse further comment. I'm also happy to see all the attention Trowe's KQ comments are getting; a KQ revival remains a subject of interest. :-)
That's a slap at KQ. They keep doing that.
Common Telltale line: "Those games are the past. We are the future. We've evolved."
Same talking points.
This is exactly why I never warmed to Telltale doing the KQ game.
Read more:
Kind of vague, but the message is clear. King's Quest is either dead or extremely low on Telltale's priority list. As in after The Walking Dead 2 comes out we have a better chance of their next game being a completely new currently-unannounced project than King's Quest.
Take System Shock series for example. It took years for fans to negotiate with the law firms involves and get permission to republish it. Sometimes it's made worse as in case with that series that they had to get Electronic Arts permission to as they had rights to the name but not the game itself.
Actually seriousy I don't have much love for CEOs and they shouldn't be the talking heads of the company.
Even Ken Williams after Sierra grew too big for its britches went into the "we have evolved from classice IPS, and want to do more mainstream products", or "we no longer want to do adventure games, and put more productivity, action games, strategy, etc, more diverse lineup on the market".
It only got worse after he sold the company.
The only plus side was that at first at least Ken Williams was not the most demanding of CEOs, he allowed his people mostly full creative control. He only occasionally came in and offered a suggestion, and people usualy complied.
Should I even mention Activision's Bobby Kotick?
I've already discussed Paul Trowe, LOL... ...
Seriously its a shame that Dan Connors gets most of the interviews. No one seems to hit up Grossman anymore, or any of the the other classic developers working at Telltale, to get their opinions on the state of games they would like to be making. No need for specifics, but are they all in mindless sync with Connor's vision? Or is he proverbially talking out of his ass, or kinda forced to follow his lead? Do they have any grand ideas they would like to work on in the future? Do anyone care about adventure games anymore?
Also on related news... For a company that is supposed to be expanding in size, who did they hire more lawyers and marketing people? Because if developers, shouldn't they have enough bandwith for some to work on traditional gaming IPs, some to work on popular culture properties, etc?
Irishsmile, unless Activision can keep the budget low enough. There are not enough King's Quest fans to make the kind of net profit that Activision likes seeing from its triple-A titles. If they make the budget too high, they risk the chance of actually losing money. Not a risk a company is generally willing to make.
Kickstarters kinda removes that pressure from a company, since they get funding from alternative source, and don't have the same kind of pressure from shareholders. But they generally aren't going to give the kind of budget of a mainstream popular title. It is still an experiment in progress, time will tell if they are successful or not. Even with development funding will these games sell well enough to continue the trend, and push more game development?
King's Quest fans are really a rather small niche in the scheme of things. There are a few vocal fans like us on forums, and there are certainly other fans out there. But there isn't the kind of customer base (in numbers) of many of the modern games out there.
On a side note, if they could pull off a Skyrim or other kind of epic exploratory RPG set in the KQ universe, but could keep it fresh, offering new ideas and a mixture of what made past games good (give us plenty of puzzles, and plenty of alternative solutions), but with modern coat of paint and options. I'd give it a chance. If you read some of Roberta's over ambitious ideas for KQ8 that is kinda the hybrid she was originally hoping for. But alas at the time the technology just wasn't there.
As we all know everyone hates Telltale for those games.
Hey Puzzlebox, I know you're out there.
Guess that explains how they were able to jump into a second Walking Dead season so quickly.
Then I saw this thread
In a separate interview with the same website (that was mentioned at the bottom of the Paul Trowe interview), Telltale CEO Dan Connors didn't mention anything about Telltale losing the license when he was asked about King's Quest.
It could very well be true, but I wouldn't take it as fact until either Telltale or Activision confirms it.
Sounds like it's either bullshit or that we're not being given the whole picture here.
He also says TTG doesn't have the "mental bandwidth" to work on KQ right now. So 1) KQ is the past, and 2) they are too busy to bother.
Where did I hear that? Oh yeah, it was why LucasArts said they abandoned Sam & Max: Freelance Police, which I believe was a reason why many actually left LA to start working at Telltale.
Why I disagree with this stance.