Happy Birthday Darth Marsden!

edited August 2013 in General Chat
So, it's Darth Marsden's birthday today, and given he's been feeling a little down lately, I think it's appropriate that we show him how much we appreciate him. Have a good one!


Also, happy birthday to anyone else who was born today, or an exact number of years from today.


  • edited August 2013
    Happy Birthday Darth Marsden!
    (You're the coolest Mod on the forums but don't tell the others)
  • edited August 2013
    Happy birthday Chris.
  • edited August 2013
    Happy Birthday what did you get?
  • edited August 2013
    Happy Birthday, Darth! Thanks for all the Steam Daily Deals/Other Sales Updates. You saved me some dough.
  • edited August 2013
    Happy Birthday, Darth! I couldn't afford a stripper, but...

  • edited August 2013
    Damn I'm late again please don't ban me
  • edited August 2013
    Happy birthmas, Darth.
  • edited August 2013
    Have a very happy birthday, Darth! :D
  • edited August 2013
    Happy Birthday Darth :)
  • edited August 2013
    Happy Birthday, if you need anything from me I help, it's the least you can do for getting me my avatar pic.
  • edited August 2013
    You guys are awesome. Thanks.

    (Not sure what I've got yet - I'm the first one up :p)

    EDIT: Figured I might as well keep count of this, since it was so uneven last year.

    Automatic E-Mails : 2
    Actual Birthday Cards: 0
  • edited August 2013
    Well Happy Birthday.

    Here is a picture of the cake TellTale sent your way*:

    *cake was not actually sent your way. They couldn't resist the baby and ate it themselves.
  • JenniferJennifer Moderator
    edited August 2013
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited August 2013
    Happy, happy birthday!!
  • edited August 2013
    Automated emails - 3
    Actual cards - 1

    Got some jeans, a cool Doctor Who T-Shirt (picture later after work), some sweets (yes, more), a book on the Highway Code and some driving lessons.

    Feels bad to say it, but I can't help feeling a tad let down. I always do though, so it's nothing new.

    Thanks again guys, little surprised (pleasantly though!) at how many people are popping up here. It's much appreciated.
  • edited August 2013
    Happy bogday Darth! :D
  • edited August 2013
    Feels bad to say it, but I can't help feeling a tad let down. I always do though, so it's nothing new.

    Why do you feel let down? Is it specifically about the presents? Or getting a year older?
  • edited August 2013
    Happy Birthday! I'm late and it's my birthday soon *cough 25th August *cough
  • edited August 2013
    Happy birthday.
  • edited August 2013
    MtnPeak wrote: »
    Why do you feel let down? Is it specifically about the presents? Or getting a year older?

    The further away you get from childhood, the less sensational birthdays become.

    Yet I still remember to schedule my eye doctor appointments based on the month I was born in.
  • edited August 2013
    MtnPeak wrote: »
    Why do you feel let down? Is it specifically about the presents? Or getting a year older?
    I dunno. If I had to pick, I'd say the presents, but hey ho.

    Had kind of a 'meh' day at work and really wasn't feeling all that great, then they sung Happy Birthday to me and I cheered up considerably. Funny how that works.

    Automated Emails - 3
    Actual cards - 2 (thanks Nan!)
  • edited August 2013

    Happy birthday, Kerh-ressssssss.
  • edited August 2013
    I dunno. If I had to pick, I'd say the presents, but hey ho.

    It really does make a difference compared to childhood.
    I can really relate.
    (I originally had a long post that just came off as a self-indulgent, poor me reply, which I didn't intend. lol Damn it, it's your birthday. *shakes you* Be happy you fucker)
  • edited August 2013
    Happy Birthday, Darth.

    Have a great one!
  • edited August 2013
    Wait, who are you again? Eh, whatever... Happy Birthday or something.
  • edited August 2013
    Card to automated e-mail ratio currently at 1:1 (3 each). Awesome.
    Checked my spam filter - automated e-mails lead 4 to 3.

    My sister gave me the T-Shirt I really, really wanted. Picture!

    OK, so you guys may not know this, but I cannot hold my alcohol. Like, at all. So when I say I've had two and half drinks, that pretty much means I'm lucid as all hell (AND KEEP HITTING THE cAPS lOCK BUTTON INSTEAD OF sHIFT). But yeah, it's been a good evening. Had dinner down at the pub with my family, had a yummy steak... it's been nice.

    Back to boring reality tomorrow, but hey ho, nothing new there.

    I know I've said this before, but I really do appreciate everyone chipping in for this thread. As Friar mentioned in the first post, I've not been at my best lately but this thing has really helped cheer me up, so yeah. Thanks again, everyone. You're all awesome (except RyanNumber1Gamer. You suck.)

    Double special thanks to flesk for the awesome present. I promise to actually play it at some point. :)

    (I'm just kidding, Ryan. You're... well, you don't suck. Much. :p)
  • edited August 2013
    Wait, who are you again? Eh, whatever... Happy Birthday or something.

    Doomed to forever live his life in the shadow of his cool cousin Peter.

    But yeah, happy birthday, Darth! I'm glad you had a pleasant evening with your family. :)
  • edited August 2013
    Hang on - I never showed you a picture of my shirt(s).

    Here's the one my parents got me:


    And the one I fell in love with and will no doubt wear any time I do anything Doctor Who related:


    Seriously, fucking love this shirt. LOVE IT.
  • edited August 2013
    I know I've said this before, but I really do appreciate everyone chipping in for this thread. As Friar mentioned in the first post, I've not been at my best lately but this thing has really helped cheer me up, so yeah. Thanks again, everyone. You're all awesome (except RyanNumber1Gamer. You suck.)

    Double special thanks to flesk for the awesome present. I promise to actually play it at some point. :)

    (I'm just kidding, Ryan. You're... well, you don't suck. Much. :p)
    Well, I know how much I appreciated my thread (which only got half as many comments. Just saying. :p ). It really made my day.

    Glad to hear you had a good day anyway.
  • edited August 2013
    Aww I am late :(

    Well better late than never as they say right?

    Happy Birthday Darth! :D
  • edited August 2013
    Friar wrote: »
    I know how much I appreciated my thread (which only got half as many comments. Just saying. :p ).
    What can I say? People just love me more. :D
  • edited August 2013
    Happy Birthday! (though I'm late)

    Yes, we don't get as many gifts as we got when we were little. But it also always helps to remember how lucky we are to just be healthy and safe, especially when you consider children in the middle of violence in Sudan who are happy just when they are able to remain with their parents and families. Whenever I am in a bad mood in the morning when I'm tired and grumpy I just think of how wonderful I have it compared to others. I was also recently reading about Vlad the Impaler and what he did to innocent men, women and children... and recalling what they went through makes me feel like I should try to avoid pouting or feeling sorry for myself and instead should feel thankful.
  • edited August 2013
    Derpy derp day, Darth Marsden!

  • edited August 2013
    MtnPeak wrote: »
    Happy Birthday! (though I'm late)

    Yes, we don't get as many gifts as we got when we were little. But it also always helps to remember how lucky we are to just be healthy and safe, especially when you consider children in the middle of violence in Sudan who are happy just when they are able to remain with their parents and families. Whenever I am in a bad mood in the morning when I'm tired and grumpy I just think of how wonderful I have it compared to others. I was also recently reading about Vlad the Impaler and what he did to innocent men, women and children... and recalling what they went through makes me feel like I should try to avoid pouting or feeling sorry for myself and instead should feel thankful.
    Jeez, are you trying to make me depressed again? Gah!
  • JenniferJennifer Moderator
    edited August 2013
    Put on one of your Doctor Who shirts. That should cheer you up. :)

    Or better yet, wear the blue one with your Clementine hat. :D

    Then post the picture and let people figure out how that crossover would work. ;)
  • edited August 2013
    MtnPeak wrote: »
    Happy Birthday! (though I'm late)

    Yes, we don't get as many gifts as we got when we were little. But it also always helps to remember how lucky we are to just be healthy and safe, especially when you consider children in the middle of violence in Sudan who are happy just when they are able to remain with their parents and families. Whenever I am in a bad mood in the morning when I'm tired and grumpy I just think of how wonderful I have it compared to others. I was also recently reading about Vlad the Impaler and what he did to innocent men, women and children... and recalling what they went through makes me feel like I should try to avoid pouting or feeling sorry for myself and instead should feel thankful.

    See, that would just make me even more depressed. If I'm sad and grumpy, thinking about people who have it worse makes me feel terrible for not just giving everything I have to them right now. And then I feel guilty for having an abnormally large carbon footprint and a calorie intake above sustainable level. And for eating meat, which takes up far more land than growing crops, for a smaller output. And for throwing away things that aren't completely useless when someone else could probably use them and instead I'm just dumping it in a hole where it won't degrade and will only serve to pollute the ground water and use up landfill space. Which makes me think of all the other stuff that I inadvertently waste in a given day every drop of water, every bit of food that spoils before I can eat it...

    How do we even live like this? How can we do this day after day and not assume full culpability? I mean, for everything we use, we waste so much more. The world could support so many more people at a higher quality of life if we didn't spend so much time throwing perfectly good things out.


    Now, I need to drink... or punch something... or I dunno...

    Happy Birthday, Marsden.
  • edited August 2013
    Until my fiance came along, I didn't get to have birthdays. Because they were "evil and prideful in the eyes of God" or whatever thanks Mom and Dad love you.
  • edited August 2013
    I had no shoes, and I was depressed.

    Then I met a man who had no feet.

    So I took his shoes.
  • edited August 2013
    Did this man have no feet because a certin someone ate them? *cough me *cough
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