I greatly appreciate you informing us this tell tale. If the release date was so far off. Why did they even suggest it might be out late this month or early next month. What we're waiting on now, is not the actual release of the game. But the release date. So when we know release date. Would it be fair to say, it would at least a week after that.
A week from now would still be early october and I think it's just about distribution now.It should efinitly come next week or the week after. My bet is next. :P
I greatly appreciate you informing us this tell tale. If the release date was so far off. Why did they even suggest it might be out late this … moremonth or early next month. What we're waiting on now, is not the actual release of the game. But the release date. So when we know release date. Would it be fair to say, it would at least a week after that.
I suppose its my own fault. After playing the walking dead, becoming somewhat drawn to these games. (In a healthy way) I been overly focused on playing the next one. You can imagine my excitement and patience. It's only because I love these games so very much. No matter if its the walking dead or the wolf among us.
As long as its an interactive gaming experience where you can decide choices on what to do in the game. I LOVE those type of games. Dragon Age, Witcher 2. I don't mean to become frustrated. I just really, really want to play the game. A feeling I'm sure my friends on the forum share.
A week from now would still be early october and I think it's just about distribution now.It should efinitly come next week or the week after. My bet is next. :P
We're still working with our partners to finalise release dates for the season premiere. I'll let you know right here as soon as I know them myself! Thanks for your patience, guys... we're not far off now.
It looks like the official release date is here reading a post from a mod. It's sometime early October. Since we're in the 2nd day of October and projected release date was late last month, early this month. It's good to know its confirmed..sometime..soon. I don't mean to become frustrated. Yet I wonder, if it was pushed back this late. Why make an assumption, it could be released late last month.
I'm going estimate it's not going to be this week but by next week it will be release. Otherwise, it would be near middle of month and no longer early...
Telltale loves to tease, and with that being said I'm no longer anticipating this game. i probably won't even buy it right away like I planned. I'll just watch the game play on you tube. sadly I'll just play Lego marvel and batman with my son when those games release. I really wanted something for my own entertainment.
It's an episodic game with four, possibly even five of the most brutal cliffhangers they could ever devise...
... yes of COURSE Telltale loves to tease!
That has nothing to do with the release date or announcement thereof though. They'd love you to know ASAP. Alas, it's impossible. It seems that at the time, it's in Sony's and Microsoft's hands again when episode 1 will see the light of day.
But dammit, at least the PC/Mac pre orders could really go live now.
Telltale loves to tease, and with that being said I'm no longer anticipating this game. i probably won't even buy it right away like I planne… mored. I'll just watch the game play on you tube. sadly I'll just play Lego marvel and batman with my son when those games release. I really wanted something for my own entertainment.
Are you being totally serious right now. You're telling me. That right at this moment. I could be playing the game. But I have to wait for Sony and Microsoft to code it. As someone who's been checking this site, daily for news about this. I just have to ask why does Tell Tale want to punish PC users.
Why can't it go live right now on the PC. Then when the other company's get around to it. Go live on their systems. Why must it be released on all the same systems at the exact same time. I half wished you wouldn't have told me that. Now I'm glad I know. it's good to know the PC users are getting slammed over the head with a shovel.
For the sake of profits. I think most would agree, we have been patient. Loyal, active on the forums. The fact we have to drag our heels in the sand because two other company's cannot get their stuff straight. Is so discouraging. I cannot even find words in the English language to describe it.
I suppose Tell Tale company IS changing for sake of profits. Would you be kind enough to know when xbox and sony get their act with each other. I would really really, love to play the game right now. Have been since the projected release date. I suppose this war on PC gamers was bond to happen.
It's an episodic game with four, possibly even five of the most brutal cliffhangers they could ever devise...
... yes of COURSE Telltale lo… moreves to tease!
That has nothing to do with the release date or announcement thereof though. They'd love you to know ASAP. Alas, it's impossible. It seems that at the time, it's in Sony's and Microsoft's hands again when episode 1 will see the light of day.
But dammit, at least the PC/Mac pre orders could really go live now.
No, you could not play the game right now. Because the PC version is probably not yet finished, as it naturally has to be finished last before a release. They concentrate on finishing the console versions, pack up the final build, deliver it to S&MS for certification and in the ca. two weeks this takes, they do the PC version so it's ready for release day.
The consoles and the simultaneous releases are not holding the PC version up. You'll get an episode every 4 to 6 weeks as soon as the game goes live, exactly like in the olden golden days. The only thing that has changed is that they were able to give release dates one or two weeks in advance when it was only the PC, and now it's mere days before release that they can announce a fixed date.
That's it, fusedmass, there's really not much more difference and no particularly new moneygrabbing scheme. And, we're close, we're REALLY close.
Whoa, Whoa.
Are you being totally serious right now. You're telling me. That right at this moment. I could be playing the game. But I have … moreto wait for Sony and Microsoft to code it. As someone who's been checking this site, daily for news about this. I just have to ask why does Tell Tale want to punish PC users.
Why can't it go live right now on the PC. Then when the other company's get around to it. Go live on their systems. Why must it be released on all the same systems at the exact same time. I half wished you wouldn't have told me that. Now I'm glad I know. it's good to know the PC users are getting slammed over the head with a shovel.
For the sake of profits. I think most would agree, we have been patient. Loyal, active on the forums. The fact we have to drag our heels in the sand because two other company's cannot get their stuff straight. Is so discouraging. I cannot even find words in the English language to describe it.
I su… [view original content]
I sense you edited your post, and your tone. In the event that you might do such a thing. I did the added benefit of taking a screen shot of what you said before it was..modified. In your original statement. You claim that it was READY for PC, right now. Then you reserve and say its likely not finished on the PC. I am sincerely confused.
Why can't it go live right now on the PC.
...groundhog day.
No, you could not play the game right now. Because the PC version is p… morerobably not yet finished, as it naturally has to be finished last before a release. They concentrate on finishing the console versions, pack up the final build, deliver it to S&MS for certification and in the ca. two weeks this takes, they do the PC version so it's ready for release day.
The consoles and the simultaneous releases are not holding the PC version up. You'll get an episode every 4 to 6 weeks as soon as the game goes live, exactly like in the olden golden days. The only thing that has changed is that they were able to give release dates one or two weeks in advance when it was only the PC, and now it's mere days before release that they can announce a fixed date.
That's it, fusedmass, there's really not much more difference and no particularly new moneygrabbing scheme. And, we're close, we're REALLY close.
No offence @fusedmass but you seem to be spoiling for an argument with most of the posts you make. Just chill man, and stop worrying about release dates.
It may seem that way but I'm not. The mod wrote that "Its ready for PC". Then that was edited out, in the next post. He stated it wasn't ready for PC. When I provided the Screen Shot showing the mistake and you can look back and see that post was edited. I don't like people misguiding me. That's a separate issue from the release date.
It seems like person A, said one thing, then edited it out, then put it back in when Screen shot was provided. I'm the bad guy for pointing that out. You need not worry. CorruptBiggins. I'm going take a break from this site. I can see why all the other community members are frustrated with Tell Tale Games.
When I first arrived. I thought they were a tad hostile. I had no idea what they have been experiencing. Now that I have too. I can agree with them to a certain extent. So I leave you to discuss the game. Be well.
No offence @fusedmass but you seem to be spoiling for an argument with most of the posts you make. Just chill man, and stop worrying about release dates.
It's an episodic game with four, possibly even five of the most brutal cliffhangers they could ever devise...
... yes of COURSE Telltale lo… moreves to tease!
That has nothing to do with the release date or announcement thereof though. They'd love you to know ASAP. Alas, it's impossible. It seems that at the time, it's in Sony's and Microsoft's hands again when episode 1 will see the light of day.
But dammit, at least the PC/Mac pre orders could really go live now.
@fusedmass wrote: It looks like it was edited back. Perhaps I'm being a tad paranoid. If you look at your comment. It does say edited in the post you wrote before mine.
What in the whole wide world are you talking about? Oh fusedmass... we really should call you confusedmass.
Yes, I edited my post. I do that very often for spelling, orthography and the like. I seldom do it because I feel I misrepresented something, but that does happen as well. In this case, it was one edit in the less than 60 seconds after making the post in the first place. Your screenshot obviously dates from after the edit. I could dig out what I've edited from the change log, do I REALLY have to, or do you believe that I actually mean what I say and do not change my opinion in 30 seconds? Once more with feeling, I believe that the PC version is not finished, that's what probably and it seems means. I don't actually know, I have no inside information! You really need to stop making up those weird conspiracy theories out of thin air, it's just not nice. Seriously, trust your mods a bit more.
@MissDRJ wrote: how long have Sony/Microsoft had the codes? that is if you know.
Indeed, I haven't got the slightest idea.
I can make a guess, as can everyone who reads puzzlebox' constant confirmations that they're still targetting early October for the release.
@fusedmass: Telltale can't win in this situation. In the past we've seen that the community gets up in arms if one platform is released before another, so Telltale have taken the approach of trying to release on all major platforms simultaneously. Because this means getting the game through both Sony and Microsoft's respective QA, they obviously can't commit to a release date until they're sure that the build that they've released will actually be approved. Were Sony or Microsoft to find a major game-breaking bug (or decide that some aspect of the game doesn't meet their standards) and they'd already announced a release date, there would be a major backlash if they had to change the release date, or if they were to only release it on PC at that point.
As Vainamoinen and others have repeatedly pointed out over many iterations of this conversation, there is a benefit to the PC user in that Telltale continue to work on improving the game -- which presumably means optimising and bugfixing -- during the Sony/Microsoft approval process. This means that the PC game should be more stable than the console version at launch-time.
Rest assured that Telltale want your money, so will want to get the game into your hands as soon as possible! But there are aspects that are outside their control, so we all (including the developers!) will have to be a patient for a little while longer. The wait for TWAU has been a long one since its announcement a couple of years ago, so another week or two isn't a long time in the grand scheme of things. :-)
I understand your trying be being polite. If you believe. I misinterpreted something, you should simply point that out. Calling a person confusedmass, then claiming they're making up conspiracy theories isn't really nice at all. When I described what you did. I didn't insult you or play word games with you name. I am just asking you to share me the same respect.
On a new note. I'm no longer going to be "expecting" a release date. I suppose it will come out, when it does. The only reason I actually did expect one. I'm new to the site. I figured when a date was projected, it would be released around that time period. I don't know if Tell Tale announces a release date, then releases a week after or same day. I honestly figured, we'd have more information then we do now.
@fusedmass wrote: It looks like it was edited back. Perhaps I'm being a tad paranoid. If you look at your comment. It does say edited in the p… moreost you wrote before mine.
What in the whole wide world are you talking about? Oh fusedmass... we really should call you confusedmass.
Yes, I edited my post. I do that very often for spelling, orthography and the like. I seldom do it because I feel I misrepresented something, but that does happen as well. In this case, it was one edit in the less than 60 seconds after making the post in the first place. Your screenshot obviously dates from after the edit. I could dig out what I've edited from the change log, do I REALLY have to, or do you believe that I actually mean what I say and do not change my opinion in 30 seconds? Once more with feeling, I believe that the PC version is not finished, that's what probably and it seems means. I don't actually know, I have no inside information! You really n… [view original content]
Moderators aren't staff. Don't take anything we say as official word from Telltale, because as it says in our profiles, anything we say is solely our opinions, and not those of Telltale Games. We're just volunteers who give up a little bit of our free time to help around the forums. We're not given any inside information about release dates, so as Vainamoinen said, like every other user here, we can only make a guess based on official statements by Telltale employees we read on the forums or in interviews on websites or in magazines.
The only people posting on these forums who you should take as speaking officially for Telltale are those marked as Staff.
Thank you Jennifer for that polite and kind reply. You clearly explained the situation without added comments or jokes on my expensive. I sincerely appreciate your direct to the point and very helpful information. Now I understand.
@fusedmass wrote:
The mod wrote that "Its ready for PC"
Moderators aren't staff. Don't take anything we say as off… moreicial word from Telltale, because as it says in our profiles, anything we say is solely our opinions, and not those of Telltale Games. We're just volunteers who give up a little bit of our free time to help around the forums. We're not given any inside information about release dates, so as Vainamoinen said, like every other user here, we can only make a guess based on official statements by Telltale employees we read on the forums or in interviews on websites or in magazines.
The only people posting on these forums who you should take as speaking officially for Telltale are those marked as Staff.
All right, fused, now you're getting ME seriously confused.
You knew all that stuff for at least a week!
@fusedmass wrote: To my understanding. Mods are not paid employees of tell tale games. They are volunteer mods, meaning without pay doing it out of the kindness of their hearts. I'm not sure why they should or need to be informed about these choices before hand. Tell Tale is a corporation, like any other they make choices. Good or bad, its up for the community to decide.
Thank you Jennifer for that polite and kind reply. You clearly explained the situation without added comments or jokes on my expensive. I sincerely appreciate your direct to the point and very helpful information. Now I understand.
It's a bit odd one of the other posters corruptbiggs says I'm the one spoiling for an argument...
I understand what I said before. I don't deny it. I never actually did deny I said that. However what me seriously confused. You said the game was ready to go on the PC right now/released right now. The company was simply waiting on Mircosoft and Sony. Which to my understanding takes two weeks to code it.
You said and I quote
*"That has nothing to do with the release date or announcement thereof though. They'd love you to know ASAP. Alas, it's impossible. It seems that at the time, it's in** Sony's and Microsoft's hands again when episode 1 will see the light of day.***
But dammit, at least the PC/Mac pre orders could really go live now."
I was assuming from that statement. You already knew that the PC orders could go live right now. Because that's exactly what was said. Unless I misinterpreted that. What seriously confused me. Then you later on say.
****" I believe** that the PC version is not finished, that's what probably and it seems means. I don't actually know, I have no inside information! You really need to stop making up those weird conspiracy theories out of thin air, it's just not nice. Seriously, trust your mods a bit more."
Either when you said "At least PC orders could go live right now. I assumed you had information that they could go live based on that quote. Which is why I was seriously confused when you said "I believe PC version is not finished"**
All right, fused, now you're getting ME seriously confused.
You knew all that stuff for at least a week!
@fusedmass wrote: To my und… moreerstanding. Mods are not paid employees of tell tale games. They are volunteer mods, meaning without pay doing it out of the kindness of their hearts. I'm not sure why they should or need to be informed about these choices before hand. Tell Tale is a corporation, like any other they make choices. Good or bad, its up for the community to decide.
I'm sure Vainamoinen will be along to comment soon, but I think the misunderstanding here is that "pre orders" is not the same as "orders". Telltale have previously opened pre-orders on the PC version of their games (i.e. you can pay for the game now, and get at some point in the future when it's ready). This would have additional benefits such as access to special forums with behind-the-scenes info. When Telltale were a smaller company than they are now, opening pre-orders would be beneficial to them in that they would have a number of guaranteed sales (and thus some confidence in their ability to stay afloat). With the success of TWD the company is presumably in a much better position financially so a pre-order forum doesn't make as much sense, other than as a nice thing for the community.
It's a bit odd one of the other posters corruptbiggs says I'm the one spoiling for an argument...
I understand what I said before. I don't … moredeny it. I never actually did deny I said that. However what me seriously confused. You said the game was ready to go on the PC right now/released right now. The company was simply waiting on Mircosoft and Sony. Which to my understanding takes two weeks to code it.
You said and I quote
*"That has nothing to do with the release date or announcement thereof though. They'd love you to know ASAP. Alas, it's impossible. It seems that at the time, it's in** Sony's and Microsoft's hands again when episode 1 will see the light of day.***
But dammit, at least the PC/Mac pre orders could really go live now."
I was assuming from that statement. You already knew that the PC orders could go live right now. Because that's exactly what was said. Unless I misinterpreted that. What seriously confused me. Then yo… [view original content]
*"That has nothing to do with the release date or announcement thereof though. They'd love you to know ASAP. Alas, it's impossible. It seems that at the time, it's in Sony's and Microsoft's hands again when episode 1 will see the light of day.*****
Doesn't that imply the PC one is finished. As he explained "its in Sony's and Microsoft's hands" then later he explains.
I believe that the PC version is not finished**
My question would be, why would it be in their hands of the release date. If he wasn't even aware if the game was finished. I know it generally takes two weeks after PC one is finished for them to code for other consoles.
and this would be the last one. I am no offense to anyone. Getting a tiny bit frustrated at focusing on this. Rather then actual topic of the thread. Yes. I know. I'm the one who pointed it out. I also dropped it last night ready to move on. On advice Of a fellow poster. The topic was brought back up by a mod, quoting something that I said days ago.
I was simply responding. I'm not here trying or wanting to argue.
I'm sure Vainamoinen will be along to comment soon, but I think the misunderstanding here is that "pre orders" is not the same as "orders". Te… morelltale have previously opened pre-orders on the PC version of their games (i.e. you can pay for the game now, and get at some point in the future when it's ready). This would have additional benefits such as access to special forums with behind-the-scenes info. When Telltale were a smaller company than they are now, opening pre-orders would be beneficial to them in that they would have a number of guaranteed sales (and thus some confidence in their ability to stay afloat). With the success of TWD the company is presumably in a much better position financially so a pre-order forum doesn't make as much sense, other than as a nice thing for the community.
But dammit, at least the PC/Mac pre orders could really go live now."
I was assuming from that statement. You already knew that the PC orders could go live right now. Because that's exactly what was said. Unless I misinterpreted that. What seriously confused me. Then you later on say.
He was talking about Telltale putting up pre-orders in their store (meaning, putting the game up for sale for early purchasers before it's released).
Telltale usually puts up their PC and Mac pre-orders a week or two before release, so it would seem like it would indeed be the right time for pre-orders to go live. But, of course, this is going by the old Telltale store, and no one knows what the time frame for such things will be in their new store.
It's a bit odd one of the other posters corruptbiggs says I'm the one spoiling for an argument...
I understand what I said before. I don't … moredeny it. I never actually did deny I said that. However what me seriously confused. You said the game was ready to go on the PC right now/released right now. The company was simply waiting on Mircosoft and Sony. Which to my understanding takes two weeks to code it.
You said and I quote
*"That has nothing to do with the release date or announcement thereof though. They'd love you to know ASAP. Alas, it's impossible. It seems that at the time, it's in** Sony's and Microsoft's hands again when episode 1 will see the light of day.***
But dammit, at least the PC/Mac pre orders could really go live now."
I was assuming from that statement. You already knew that the PC orders could go live right now. Because that's exactly what was said. Unless I misinterpreted that. What seriously confused me. Then yo… [view original content]
Fused take a break, leave Vain alone and stop trying to play victim in every post. I don't know what you hope to gain from this argument.. None of this will make the game release faster, or make future releases any better.
Vain is the one who quoted me, searching through my posts and posed a question. Not me. I simply replied to his comment about him being "seriously confused" I'm the bad guy for replying. How dare I respond when someone poses a question to me. The nerve of me for responding.
I even said in my earlier post above yours. "No offense to anyone. I'm getting a tiny bit frustrated focusing this(this being my misunderstand or misinterpretation of what he said) I admitted I'm the one who started it. I also dropped it last night. You are serious misrepresenting what my posts have been reflecting.
As far as trying to play victim. I have no idea what you are talking about. It sounds like you have a personal hostile grudge or attitude towards me. Which is fine, please don't bring your emotions into it.
As to respond to Jennifer. She quite clearly explained, what I was misunderstanding. That was the type of reply I was looking for. Something to make clear. I admit already. I misinterpreted what he wrote. That doesn't give you the right to jump down my throat and try to play hero when much what you say is the other way around.
If we could please switch topics to the release date or you can further ranting about me dildor.
Fused take a break, leave Vain alone and stop trying to play victim in every post. I don't know what you hope to gain from this argument.. None of this will make the game release faster, or make future releases any better.
My question would be, why would it be in their hands of the release date. If he wasn't even aware if the game was finished. I know it generally takes two weeks after PC one is finished for them to code for other consoles.
The console versions of the game are delivered to Microsoft and Sony, then they set the release date. However, the PC and Mac versions are being worked on to remove bugs and such right up until the day that it is released.
This actually benefits PC and Mac users, since there is more time for quality assurance in these versions. Also, releasing the games for each platform at around the same time (it's not perfect, since different distribution outlets release on different days, but Telltale does try to work with them to make the dates as close as possible) helps keep players from being spoiled by people who have already played the game.
Thank you Jennifer. You are one of the most kindest, nicest at least directly explaining to me mods on this site. Tell Tale is a better company for having someone of your character moding these sites. I don't mean that sarcastically. I say that with sincerity.
Now once more. Before that poster accuses me of playing the victim and attacking people for responding to comments. I think again its best to leave this dropped for now. I already admitted I misinterpreted what he said. The very reason I want drop it. The longer it goes on, the more it looks like (to that poster) I'm being augmentative.
@fusedmass wrote:
My question would be, why would it be in their hands of the release date. If he wasn't even aware if the … moregame was finished. I know it generally takes two weeks after PC one is finished for them to code for other consoles.
The console versions of the game are delivered to Microsoft and Sony, then they set the release date. However, the PC and Mac versions are being worked on to remove bugs and such right up until the day that it is released.
This actually benefits PC and Mac users, since there is more time for quality assurance in these versions. Also, releasing the games for each platform at around the same time (it's not perfect, since different distribution outlets release on different days, but Telltale does try to work with them to make the dates as close as possible) helps keep players from being spoiled by people who have already played the game.
As far as trying to play victim. I have no idea what you are talking about. It sounds like you have a personal hostile grudge or attitude towards me. Which is fine, please don't bring your emotions into it.
I agree, we can be really relaxed here. What Dildor might have wanted to attack was a stance you've taken in this thread quite a lot of pages ago (i.e. PC should come first, only then should consoles be cared for). As Telltale has a very large following of console owners, that might have upset a few people, and they remember for a long time! But we can put that behind ourselves now, really.
I think what we have is a language barrier, and I will try to make my words a bit simpler so they can be understood more easily. If there are any questions remaining, don't hesitate to ask. I personally LIKE to answer questions in a humorous way, I'm not willing to do it any other way! But I never intend to insult anyone just for asking a question, OK?
Ok. I understand. That's just your personality. We agree we will try to fix there language barrier. This was over a simple misunderstanding. Now I have respect for you as a mod and this community. Personally. I'd like to shift the attention from my misunderstanding back to the topic of this thread. I admitted. I misunderstood. I'm not hiding.
Let's move on. Anyone want to project the release date.
As far as trying to play victim. I have no idea what you are talking about. It sounds like you have a personal hostile grudge or attitude towa… morerds me. Which is fine, please don't bring your emotions into it.
I agree, we can be really relaxed here. What Dildor might have wanted to attack was a stance you've taken in this thread quite a lot of pages ago (i.e. PC should come first, only then should consoles be cared for). As Telltale has a very large following of console owners, that might have upset a few people, and they remember for a long time! But we can put that behind ourselves now, really.
I think what we have is a language barrier, and I will try to make my words a bit simpler so they can be understood more easily. If there are any questions remaining, don't hesitate to ask. I personally LIKE to answer questions in a humorous way, I'm not willing to do it any other way! But I never intend to insult anyone just for asking a question, OK?
He doesn't exactly say if it's the PC version or a console version of episode 1, but if you need good news, how about this twitter from 10 minutes ago.
Thanks for that Vain. I was playing Game of Thrones just few hours ago. It's like I'm going through a withdrawal, when I'm not playing the game. I'll try to remain positive about the situation. I know my comments won't make them hurry it up any faster then the current pace. We've been hearing it will be released soon for quite some time.
Personally I'm projecting it's going to be at least a week. That way I can chill out and relax. Not overly focus on it. It's great that their giving us updates. I give them credit for that.
He doesn't exactly say if it's the PC version or a console version of episode 1, but if you need good news, how about this twitter from 10 minutes ago.
I'm thrilled to say that pre-orders for The Wolf Among Us are now LIVE on Steam and the Telltale online store!
As a special bonus for players who purchase directly from the Telltale store, we'll be offering a free end-of-season DVD. When the season has wrapped up and the DVD is ready, you just pay for shipping and handling if you want to have it sent you.
I'm thrilled to say that pre-orders for The Wolf Among Us are now LIVE on Steam and the Telltale online store!
As a special bonus for playe… morers who purchase directly from the Telltale store, we'll be offering a free end-of-season DVD. When the season has wrapped up and the DVD is ready, you just pay for shipping and handling if you want to have it sent you.
Any chance you may supply Steam keys to those who order directly?
I believe these can be obtained with no cost to you from Valve, and to be honest I would prefer to own the game on that service (because of the added functionalities), but on the other hand I would love to own the end-of-season DVD, since I own all the previous ones.
I'm thrilled to say that pre-orders for The Wolf Among Us are now LIVE on Steam and the Telltale online store!
As a special bonus for playe… morers who purchase directly from the Telltale store, we'll be offering a free end-of-season DVD. When the season has wrapped up and the DVD is ready, you just pay for shipping and handling if you want to have it sent you.
I believe Valve takes exactly the same lump sum per handed out key as they usually would with a purchase from their site, because they would not be business-minded if they'd just host these games without compensation.
No Steam keys for Telltale store purchasers! Such it has always been. SEASON DVD, thing to get.
Any chance you may supply Steam keys to those who order directly?
I believe these can be obtained with no cost to you from Valve, and to be… more honest I would prefer to own the game on that service (because of the added functionalities), but on the other hand I would love to own the end-of-season DVD, since I own all the previous ones.
It's great that they're bringing back dvd copies of the game for everyone that pre-orders. But now it makes me wish they had done it for TWD all the more. Now there's a gap! D=
Not sure if you've heard of Steam Greenlit or not..... A lot of people buy these games from other services such as Humble Bundles , Groupees , Indie Royale and etc and once they get greenlit free keys are given out onto Steam. Now tell me all these small time indie people who put their game up on Steam.....how exactly would they pay to give their THOUSANDS of original backers Steam keys?
I too would like to know if we would get Steam keys if we order directly from the site. I would love to get involved in that.
I believe Valve takes exactly the same lump sum per handed out key as they usually would with a purchase from their site, because they would n… moreot be business-minded if they'd just host these games without compensation.
No Steam keys for Telltale store purchasers! Such it has always been. SEASON DVD, thing to get.
I greatly appreciate you informing us this tell tale. If the release date was so far off. Why did they even suggest it might be out late this month or early next month. What we're waiting on now, is not the actual release of the game. But the release date. So when we know release date. Would it be fair to say, it would at least a week after that.
A week from now would still be early october and I think it's just about distribution now.It should efinitly come next week or the week after. My bet is next. :P
I suppose its my own fault. After playing the walking dead, becoming somewhat drawn to these games. (In a healthy way) I been overly focused on playing the next one. You can imagine my excitement and patience. It's only because I love these games so very much. No matter if its the walking dead or the wolf among us.
As long as its an interactive gaming experience where you can decide choices on what to do in the game. I LOVE those type of games. Dragon Age, Witcher 2. I don't mean to become frustrated. I just really, really want to play the game. A feeling I'm sure my friends on the forum share.
Why do people give this post a thumbs down? Makes no sence :S
It looks like the official release date is here reading a post from a mod. It's sometime early October. Since we're in the 2nd day of October and projected release date was late last month, early this month. It's good to know its confirmed..sometime..soon. I don't mean to become frustrated. Yet I wonder, if it was pushed back this late. Why make an assumption, it could be released late last month.
I'm going estimate it's not going to be this week but by next week it will be release. Otherwise, it would be near middle of month and no longer early...
Telltale loves to tease, and with that being said I'm no longer anticipating this game. i probably won't even buy it right away like I planned. I'll just watch the game play on you tube. sadly I'll just play Lego marvel and batman with my son when those games release. I really wanted something for my own entertainment.
It's an episodic game with four, possibly even five of the most brutal cliffhangers they could ever devise...
... yes of COURSE Telltale loves to tease!
That has nothing to do with the release date or announcement thereof though. They'd love you to know ASAP. Alas, it's impossible. It seems that at the time, it's in Sony's and Microsoft's hands again when episode 1 will see the light of day.
But dammit, at least the PC/Mac pre orders could really go live now.
Whoa, Whoa.
Are you being totally serious right now. You're telling me. That right at this moment. I could be playing the game. But I have to wait for Sony and Microsoft to code it. As someone who's been checking this site, daily for news about this. I just have to ask why does Tell Tale want to punish PC users.
Why can't it go live right now on the PC. Then when the other company's get around to it. Go live on their systems. Why must it be released on all the same systems at the exact same time. I half wished you wouldn't have told me that. Now I'm glad I know. it's good to know the PC users are getting slammed over the head with a shovel.
For the sake of profits. I think most would agree, we have been patient. Loyal, active on the forums. The fact we have to drag our heels in the sand because two other company's cannot get their stuff straight. Is so discouraging. I cannot even find words in the English language to describe it.
I suppose Tell Tale company IS changing for sake of profits. Would you be kind enough to know when xbox and sony get their act with each other. I would really really, love to play the game right now. Have been since the projected release date. I suppose this war on PC gamers was bond to happen.
...groundhog day.
No, you could not play the game right now. Because the PC version is probably not yet finished, as it naturally has to be finished last before a release. They concentrate on finishing the console versions, pack up the final build, deliver it to S&MS for certification and in the ca. two weeks this takes, they do the PC version so it's ready for release day.
The consoles and the simultaneous releases are not holding the PC version up. You'll get an episode every 4 to 6 weeks as soon as the game goes live, exactly like in the olden golden days. The only thing that has changed is that they were able to give release dates one or two weeks in advance when it was only the PC, and now it's mere days before release that they can announce a fixed date.
That's it, fusedmass, there's really not much more difference and no particularly new moneygrabbing scheme. And, we're close, we're REALLY close.
I sense you edited your post, and your tone. In the event that you might do such a thing. I did the added benefit of taking a screen shot of what you said before it was..modified. In your original statement. You claim that it was READY for PC, right now. Then you reserve and say its likely not finished on the PC. I am sincerely confused.
Which is it?
It looks like it was edited back. Perhaps I'm being a tad paranoid. If you look at your comment. It does say edited in the post you wrote before mine.
No offence @fusedmass but you seem to be spoiling for an argument with most of the posts you make. Just chill man, and stop worrying about release dates.
It may seem that way but I'm not. The mod wrote that "Its ready for PC". Then that was edited out, in the next post. He stated it wasn't ready for PC. When I provided the Screen Shot showing the mistake and you can look back and see that post was edited. I don't like people misguiding me. That's a separate issue from the release date.
It seems like person A, said one thing, then edited it out, then put it back in when Screen shot was provided. I'm the bad guy for pointing that out. You need not worry. CorruptBiggins. I'm going take a break from this site. I can see why all the other community members are frustrated with Tell Tale Games.
When I first arrived. I thought they were a tad hostile. I had no idea what they have been experiencing. Now that I have too. I can agree with them to a certain extent. So I leave you to discuss the game. Be well.
how long have Sony/Microsoft had the codes? that is if you know.
What in the whole wide world are you talking about? Oh fusedmass... we really should call you confusedmass.
Yes, I edited my post. I do that very often for spelling, orthography and the like. I seldom do it because I feel I misrepresented something, but that does happen as well. In this case, it was one edit in the less than 60 seconds after making the post in the first place. Your screenshot obviously dates from after the edit. I could dig out what I've edited from the change log, do I REALLY have to, or do you believe that I actually mean what I say and do not change my opinion in 30 seconds? Once more with feeling, I believe that the PC version is not finished, that's what probably and it seems means. I don't actually know, I have no inside information! You really need to stop making up those weird conspiracy theories out of thin air, it's just not nice. Seriously, trust your mods a bit more.
Indeed, I haven't got the slightest idea.
I can make a guess, as can everyone who reads puzzlebox' constant confirmations that they're still targetting early October for the release.
@fusedmass: Telltale can't win in this situation. In the past we've seen that the community gets up in arms if one platform is released before another, so Telltale have taken the approach of trying to release on all major platforms simultaneously. Because this means getting the game through both Sony and Microsoft's respective QA, they obviously can't commit to a release date until they're sure that the build that they've released will actually be approved. Were Sony or Microsoft to find a major game-breaking bug (or decide that some aspect of the game doesn't meet their standards) and they'd already announced a release date, there would be a major backlash if they had to change the release date, or if they were to only release it on PC at that point.
As Vainamoinen and others have repeatedly pointed out over many iterations of this conversation, there is a benefit to the PC user in that Telltale continue to work on improving the game -- which presumably means optimising and bugfixing -- during the Sony/Microsoft approval process. This means that the PC game should be more stable than the console version at launch-time.
Rest assured that Telltale want your money, so will want to get the game into your hands as soon as possible! But there are aspects that are outside their control, so we all (including the developers!) will have to be a patient for a little while longer. The wait for TWAU has been a long one since its announcement a couple of years ago, so another week or two isn't a long time in the grand scheme of things. :-)
I understand your trying be being polite. If you believe. I misinterpreted something, you should simply point that out. Calling a person confusedmass, then claiming they're making up conspiracy theories isn't really nice at all. When I described what you did. I didn't insult you or play word games with you name. I am just asking you to share me the same respect.
On a new note. I'm no longer going to be "expecting" a release date. I suppose it will come out, when it does. The only reason I actually did expect one. I'm new to the site. I figured when a date was projected, it would be released around that time period. I don't know if Tell Tale announces a release date, then releases a week after or same day. I honestly figured, we'd have more information then we do now.
I'll just patiently wait.
Moderators aren't staff. Don't take anything we say as official word from Telltale, because as it says in our profiles, anything we say is solely our opinions, and not those of Telltale Games. We're just volunteers who give up a little bit of our free time to help around the forums. We're not given any inside information about release dates, so as Vainamoinen said, like every other user here, we can only make a guess based on official statements by Telltale employees we read on the forums or in interviews on websites or in magazines.
The only people posting on these forums who you should take as speaking officially for Telltale are those marked as Staff.
Thank you Jennifer for that polite and kind reply. You clearly explained the situation without added comments or jokes on my expensive. I sincerely appreciate your direct to the point and very helpful information. Now I understand.
All right, fused, now you're getting ME seriously confused.
You knew all that stuff for at least a week!
It's a bit odd one of the other posters corruptbiggs says I'm the one spoiling for an argument...
I understand what I said before. I don't deny it. I never actually did deny I said that. However what me seriously confused. You said the game was ready to go on the PC right now/released right now. The company was simply waiting on Mircosoft and Sony. Which to my understanding takes two weeks to code it.
You said and I quote
*"That has nothing to do with the release date or announcement thereof though. They'd love you to know ASAP. Alas, it's impossible. It seems that at the time, it's in** Sony's and Microsoft's hands again when episode 1 will see the light of day.***
But dammit, at least the PC/Mac pre orders could really go live now."
I was assuming from that statement. You already knew that the PC orders could go live right now. Because that's exactly what was said. Unless I misinterpreted that. What seriously confused me. Then you later on say.
****" I believe** that the PC version is not finished, that's what probably and it seems means. I don't actually know, I have no inside information! You really need to stop making up those weird conspiracy theories out of thin air, it's just not nice. Seriously, trust your mods a bit more."
Either when you said "At least PC orders could go live right now. I assumed you had information that they could go live based on that quote. Which is why I was seriously confused when you said "I believe PC version is not finished"**
Do you understand where I'm coming from.
I'm sure Vainamoinen will be along to comment soon, but I think the misunderstanding here is that "pre orders" is not the same as "orders". Telltale have previously opened pre-orders on the PC version of their games (i.e. you can pay for the game now, and get at some point in the future when it's ready). This would have additional benefits such as access to special forums with behind-the-scenes info. When Telltale were a smaller company than they are now, opening pre-orders would be beneficial to them in that they would have a number of guaranteed sales (and thus some confidence in their ability to stay afloat). With the success of TWD the company is presumably in a much better position financially so a pre-order forum doesn't make as much sense, other than as a nice thing for the community.
The point that was made. That he said
*"That has nothing to do with the release date or announcement thereof though. They'd love you to know ASAP. Alas, it's impossible. It seems that at the time, it's in Sony's and Microsoft's hands again when episode 1 will see the light of day.*****
Doesn't that imply the PC one is finished. As he explained "its in Sony's and Microsoft's hands" then later he explains.
I believe that the PC version is not finished**
My question would be, why would it be in their hands of the release date. If he wasn't even aware if the game was finished. I know it generally takes two weeks after PC one is finished for them to code for other consoles.
and this would be the last one. I am no offense to anyone. Getting a tiny bit frustrated at focusing on this. Rather then actual topic of the thread. Yes. I know. I'm the one who pointed it out. I also dropped it last night ready to move on. On advice Of a fellow poster. The topic was brought back up by a mod, quoting something that I said days ago.
I was simply responding. I'm not here trying or wanting to argue.
He was talking about Telltale putting up pre-orders in their store (meaning, putting the game up for sale for early purchasers before it's released).
Telltale usually puts up their PC and Mac pre-orders a week or two before release, so it would seem like it would indeed be the right time for pre-orders to go live. But, of course, this is going by the old Telltale store, and no one knows what the time frame for such things will be in their new store.
Fused take a break, leave Vain alone and stop trying to play victim in every post. I don't know what you hope to gain from this argument.. None of this will make the game release faster, or make future releases any better.
No offense or disrespect to you.
I dropped this argument last night.
Vain is the one who quoted me, searching through my posts and posed a question. Not me. I simply replied to his comment about him being "seriously confused" I'm the bad guy for replying. How dare I respond when someone poses a question to me. The nerve of me for responding.
I even said in my earlier post above yours. "No offense to anyone. I'm getting a tiny bit frustrated focusing this(this being my misunderstand or misinterpretation of what he said) I admitted I'm the one who started it. I also dropped it last night. You are serious misrepresenting what my posts have been reflecting.
As far as trying to play victim. I have no idea what you are talking about. It sounds like you have a personal hostile grudge or attitude towards me. Which is fine, please don't bring your emotions into it.
As to respond to Jennifer. She quite clearly explained, what I was misunderstanding. That was the type of reply I was looking for. Something to make clear. I admit already. I misinterpreted what he wrote. That doesn't give you the right to jump down my throat and try to play hero when much what you say is the other way around.
If we could please switch topics to the release date or you can further ranting about me dildor.
The console versions of the game are delivered to Microsoft and Sony, then they set the release date. However, the PC and Mac versions are being worked on to remove bugs and such right up until the day that it is released.
This actually benefits PC and Mac users, since there is more time for quality assurance in these versions. Also, releasing the games for each platform at around the same time (it's not perfect, since different distribution outlets release on different days, but Telltale does try to work with them to make the dates as close as possible) helps keep players from being spoiled by people who have already played the game.
Thank you Jennifer. You are one of the most kindest, nicest at least directly explaining to me mods on this site. Tell Tale is a better company for having someone of your character moding these sites. I don't mean that sarcastically. I say that with sincerity.
Now once more. Before that poster accuses me of playing the victim and attacking people for responding to comments. I think again its best to leave this dropped for now. I already admitted I misinterpreted what he said. The very reason I want drop it. The longer it goes on, the more it looks like (to that poster) I'm being augmentative.
I just misunderstood.
I agree, we can be really relaxed here. What Dildor might have wanted to attack was a stance you've taken in this thread quite a lot of pages ago (i.e. PC should come first, only then should consoles be cared for). As Telltale has a very large following of console owners, that might have upset a few people, and they remember for a long time! But we can put that behind ourselves now, really.
I think what we have is a language barrier, and I will try to make my words a bit simpler so they can be understood more easily. If there are any questions remaining, don't hesitate to ask. I personally LIKE to answer questions in a humorous way, I'm not willing to do it any other way! But I never intend to insult anyone just for asking a question, OK?
Ok. I understand. That's just your personality. We agree we will try to fix there language barrier. This was over a simple misunderstanding. Now I have respect for you as a mod and this community. Personally. I'd like to shift the attention from my misunderstanding back to the topic of this thread. I admitted. I misunderstood. I'm not hiding.
Let's move on. Anyone want to project the release date.
He doesn't exactly say if it's the PC version or a console version of episode 1, but if you need good news, how about this twitter from 10 minutes ago.
That's exciting. Can't wait to hopefully get some news really soon!
Thanks for that Vain. I was playing Game of Thrones just few hours ago. It's like I'm going through a withdrawal, when I'm not playing the game. I'll try to remain positive about the situation. I know my comments won't make them hurry it up any faster then the current pace. We've been hearing it will be released soon for quite some time.
Personally I'm projecting it's going to be at least a week. That way I can chill out and relax. Not overly focus on it. It's great that their giving us updates. I give them credit for that.
I'm thrilled to say that pre-orders for The Wolf Among Us are now LIVE on Steam and the Telltale online store!
As a special bonus for players who purchase directly from the Telltale store, we'll be offering a free end-of-season DVD. When the season has wrapped up and the DVD is ready, you just pay for shipping and handling if you want to have it sent you.
Any chance you may supply Steam keys to those who order directly?
I believe these can be obtained with no cost to you from Valve, and to be honest I would prefer to own the game on that service (because of the added functionalities), but on the other hand I would love to own the end-of-season DVD, since I own all the previous ones.
I believe Valve takes exactly the same lump sum per handed out key as they usually would with a purchase from their site, because they would not be business-minded if they'd just host these games without compensation.
No Steam keys for Telltale store purchasers! Such it has always been. SEASON DVD, thing to get.
Pre-ordered it DIRECTYL!
It's great that they're bringing back dvd copies of the game for everyone that pre-orders. But now it makes me wish they had done it for TWD all the more. Now there's a gap! D=
Don't know if IGN "up at noon" actually is up at noon, but should that be the case, it's just 20 minutes until they'll upload a Wolf among Us episode.
Not sure if you've heard of Steam Greenlit or not..... A lot of people buy these games from other services such as Humble Bundles , Groupees , Indie Royale and etc and once they get greenlit free keys are given out onto Steam. Now tell me all these small time indie people who put their game up on Steam.....how exactly would they pay to give their THOUSANDS of original backers Steam keys?
I too would like to know if we would get Steam keys if we order directly from the site. I would love to get involved in that.