How ? Are you going to say that she is the She Hulk and all you have to do is call Kenny and he will insult her by calling her a bitch , a slut etc and than he will say that her mom is stupid and her dad is a homo and than she will get angry and turn into She-Hulk Lilly and than she will bend the bars and get the blowtorch ?
How ? Are you going to say that she is the She Hulk and all you have to do is call Kenny and he will insult her by calling her a bitch , a slut etc and than he will say that her mom is stupid and her dad is a homo and than she will get angry and turn into She-Hulk Lilly and than she will bend the bars and get the blowtorch ?
Lee lift her she is only like 120lbs and we do not have to worry about saving Clementine.
Ehkay if you were a hacker , I think you would replace Clementine's character model with Lilly and thus making Clementine shoot Doug/Carley and leave her on the road and than you would be with your precious Lilly for episode 3-5 .
And Kenny did you just say go out for coffee with Ehkay????????????????
Ehkay seems like a nice guy I just wanted to give him a chance, what he says doesn't phase me anymore, I thought differently before. I'm totally not drunk.
Ehkay seems like a nice guy I just wanted to give him a chance, what he says doesn't phase me anymore, I thought differently before. I'm totally not drunk.
Who are you and what have you done with TeamKennyAlways ?
Maybe you out of popcorn?
I can turn Super Saiyan 10 if I want .
Yeah there is no point in arguing with him lol.
nope. I'm actually Enjoying this.
also. Ehkay, if Lily waited 2 seconds, she would've had a Clear Shot at Ben without a Doug in the way. Food for thought.
Why we all friends here
No I've got enough. Nice to know you care. Is this some frienemy relationship between you and me Ekhay?
How ? Are you going to say that she is the She Hulk and all you have to do is call Kenny and he will insult her by calling her a bitch , a slut etc and than he will say that her mom is stupid and her dad is a homo and than she will get angry and turn into She-Hulk Lilly and than she will bend the bars and get the blowtorch ?
No. She will just recreate life.
Well so far you have no problem with my opinions yet.
Want to go out for coffee some time?
Lee lift her she is only like 120lbs and we do not have to worry about saving Clementine.
I don't drink coffee I like beer.
Because Clementine said it "I get hungry a lot" so she was the one that got most of the food probably.
How about Parsecs Whiskey then? If not we can go out for beer sometime. I don't like coffee either.
Screw Logic, We have Ehkay!
Why are you surprised?
And Lee's death scene .
Ehkay seems like a nice guy I just wanted to give him a chance, what he says doesn't phase me anymore, I thought differently before. I'm totally not drunk.
I like milk.
Who are you and what have you done with TeamKennyAlways ?
First Few bits: oh
Doug's Death just put me in shock for a few minutes.
Finds out Ducks bit: *still recoering from Doug*
Katjaa: oh.
Duck: oh.
Christa and Omid: oh.
Sudden Walker in the Building: oh.
Walkie Talkie: that's nice.
The force is strong with this one.
He has joined the dark side.
And the Dark Side is strong with you and Lilly Ehkay .
I'll be alright in the morning.
Its okay I forgive you.
I'm right here man.