sorry if i skip reading all comments, but :
TTG should come streight with a release date ! i was planing my holidays at the end of this mon… moreth ( two month ago ) just to realize, that everything is fucked up! just by not knowing if the release-date is, this can´t be too difficult. if we look @ TTG´s expierence in this kind of game. if there should be some difficulties, they should inform us about them. i mean,....even if they dissapoint "us", it we know whats going on. i dont like this "in Q4 2113" ( if we have end of november without any further notification ) thats nonsens. there are publisher out there who release games in 2 years and i know they will do so,........
just my 50 cent
One guess from them wouldnt matter as much as ur maken it seem....It gives ppl hope and somewhat of a release window even if it would be off by say a few days if they miss it, all in all it would give us more info to go by in a way.
It would destroy your save if you had a game over or quit in certain areas. It would do the same thing if you tried to rewind to those areas. They released a patch pretty quick, but it was a major glitch and the game shouldn't have been released in that condition. A lot of players didn't even notice it because you can easily finish the entire episode without a game over the first time you play it, and as long as you didn't rewind it your save was okay. You couldn't do anything but delete your save after after it happened though. It would start the game but would show a scene like Bigby and Faith just standing outside the apartments, but you weren't able move or interact with anything.
oh wow, that is pretty bad BUT like you said a patch was released pretty quickly so what harm is it really? IMO stick with the choices you made first round of the game and don't change them till the second round of it, or ya know, restart the game from the last save before ya made that choice as you normally are able to do... But again a patch was made, problem was fixed not so bad considering some games are just dang broken.
It would destroy your save if you had a game over or quit in certain areas. It would do the same thing if you tried to rewind to those areas. … moreThey released a patch pretty quick, but it was a major glitch and the game shouldn't have been released in that condition. A lot of players didn't even notice it because you can easily finish the entire episode without a game over the first time you play it, and as long as you didn't rewind it your save was okay. You couldn't do anything but delete your save after after it happened though. It would start the game but would show a scene like Bigby and Faith just standing outside the apartments, but you weren't able move or interact with anything.
It would be hopeless to try and guess the actual date.
I would much rather, they told us, when submision for certification had happend. Then we would know, that it was out of TTG's hands. And we could try to estimate the time ourselfs:)
One guess from them wouldnt matter as much as ur maken it seem....It gives ppl hope and somewhat of a release window even if it would be off by say a few days if they miss it, all in all it would give us more info to go by in a way.
Thats not really a defense for TTG. With alot of companies in the US scaling back human resource problems are common. Working on the episodes one at a time during its production run, (if that is really their process) is probably what creates the bugs, typos, and, oversights that have been common in their products in the first place. Its an inefficient way to work. Id be like a weekly tv show shooting and producing and entire episode during previous week, every week. In reality, most TV shows are nearly complete by the time their season opens. Cant see why TTG would work differently if that is within vein their present their games.
They should have had the product (in this case The Wolf Among Us) at least 90% complete before they even released the first episode. Then you spend your time refining it, instead of trying to produce it on the fly.
I feel the exact same frustration but in Telltale's defence, this is only their second episodic game with the choice model. Plus I think someo… morene said they're in the process of hiring. That always initially hogs resources, with training the new guys up. Maybe there were shitload more bugs than expected (or the more stubborn ones are proving to be right buggers to fix). Perhaps XBLM or PSN are giving them a headache. Who knows.
I'm New Here And If This Is The Wrong Place To Post And All I Aplogize But I Just Was Wondering Why Telltale Has Not Gave Us Any News On My Game TWAU Or The Second Season Of The Walking Dead Can Anyone Shine Some Light On This For Me So I Know Whats Up Again I Aplogize If This Is The Wrong Place And All But Thanks If U Can Help
Welcome to the Telltale Community.
You did quite right to post here. Telltale are in full swing, and are currently working with both The Walking Dead: Season Two, and The Wolf Among Us. Both games are anticipated to come before Christmas 2013. Telltale staff member puzzlebox posted the following in their blog on November 21:
"It's busy times indeed here at Telltale HQ as we prepare for the upcoming premiere of The Walking Dead: Season Two... more news on that in the coming weeks!"
Right now, Telltale use something they call radio silence, when they're finishing up the game, play-testing, awaiting for approval from their partners. They are basically waiting for the partners to return it and they'll be able to put a release date. We should not expect anything from them regarding The Walking Dead until there are only a few days left to the release day. However, puzzlebox also said that we will get teasers about The Walking Dead in the weeks to come before the release.
I'd definitely expect us to be teasing a little more before then.
@Mr_Bigby_Wolf wrote:
I'm New Here And If This Is The Wrong Place To Post And All I Aplogize But I Just Was Wondering Why Telltale Has … moreNot Gave Us Any News On My Game TWAU Or The Second Season Of The Walking Dead Can Anyone Shine Some Light On This For Me So I Know Whats Up Again I Aplogize If This Is The Wrong Place And All But Thanks If U Can Help
Welcome to the Telltale Community.
You did quite right to post here. Telltale are in full swing, and are currently working with both The Walking Dead: Season Two, and The Wolf Among Us. Both games are anticipated to come before Christmas 2013. Telltale staff member puzzlebox posted the following in their blog on November 21:
"It's busy times indeed here at Telltale HQ as we prepare for the upcoming premiere of The Walking Dead: Season Two... more news on that in the coming weeks!"
Right now, Telltale use something they call radio silence, when they're finishing up the g… [view original content]
Technically, Telltale only have about four weeks from tonight to release both games before Christmas. The odds are good for a release of any game in one or two weeks, and the next game one week later. I don't think Telltale want to release their games the week before Christmas as the game would hit the Christmas sales and discounts too early for them to make any good profit the first weeks.
We should get The Walking Dead before The Wolf Among Us as the release order for both series probably will be something like:
I Just Know I'm Ready For Both Of Em What Sucks Is Trying To Keep My Mind Busy Because I Really Wanna Play Em But It's Like I Check This Site Every Couple Of Hours Just To See If Anything New Is Going On But Failing Horriably I Keep Looking Thinking Is Today The Day Nope Damn It LOL Thank U Though For The Info Just A Waiting Game Now
Technically, Telltale only have about four weeks from tonight to release both games before Christmas. The odds are good for a release of any g… moreame in one or two weeks, and the next game one week later. I don't think Telltale want to release their games the week before Christmas as the game would hit the Christmas sales and discounts too early for them to make any good profit the first weeks.
We should get The Walking Dead before The Wolf Among Us as the release order for both series probably will be something like:
TWAU 1 - TWD 1 - TWAU 2 - TWD 2 etc.
You're not the only one mate. I always keep this forum open in the background when using the computer, refreshing with wide intervals. Try to get yourself occupied with another game meanwhile. I play Skyrim to kill hours. Other than that, we're all playing the waiting game. The Waiting Dead
I Just Know I'm Ready For Both Of Em What Sucks Is Trying To Keep My Mind Busy Because I Really Wanna Play Em But It's Like I Check This Site … moreEvery Couple Of Hours Just To See If Anything New Is Going On But Failing Horriably I Keep Looking Thinking Is Today The Day Nope Damn It LOL Thank U Though For The Info Just A Waiting Game Now
Yeah I Just Got Done With AC 4 Black Flag And I Loved The Story The Ending Pissed Me Off But Eh (Oh Sorry I Don't Know If We Are Aloud To Talk About Other Games Sorry) But Um Yeah The Game Glitched Cause I'm Somewhat Of A Trophy Hunter On My PS3 Like Not Bragging LOL Just Yeah Just Waiting Like The Dead I Guess
You're not the only one mate. I always keep this forum open in the background when using the computer, refreshing with wide intervals. Try to … moreget yourself occupied with another game meanwhile. I play Skyrim to kill hours. Other than that, we're all playing the waiting game. The Waiting Dead
i think episode two smoke and mirrors might not be out until the console wars die down with xbox one out today and the ps4 in Europe next week telltale don't want to push people back in the 7th gen gameing until the buzz has died down
i hope that episode two will be released this week, i played the entire first season of TWD when all the 5 episodes where already released so i am not used to have to wait to play an entire game. It´s kinda annoying to me, i hope i can get along well but the waiting is killing me
Yeah I Just Got Done With AC 4 Black Flag And I Loved The Story The Ending Pissed Me Off But Eh (Oh Sorry I Don't Know If We Are Aloud To Talk… more About Other Games Sorry) But Um Yeah The Game Glitched Cause I'm Somewhat Of A Trophy Hunter On My PS3 Like Not Bragging LOL Just Yeah Just Waiting Like The Dead I Guess
Um I Didn't Spoil Anything I Never Mentioned The Ending I Stated That I Can't Get Two Trophies Cause My Game Glitched A Few Things Out So I Would Have To Restart It So...
Geez I really HOPE thats not the reason, they should know one game hell not even a full game at that would stop people from buying what they are gonna buy, personally if that is the case infact than I am sorta sad and disappointed in TellTale for really thinking it would matter, who cares about console wars? Would never think a dev would none less a company whose games are not even out on said console.
i think episode two smoke and mirrors might not be out until the console wars die down with xbox one out today and the ps4 in Europe next week telltale don't want to push people back in the 7th gen gameing until the buzz has died down
This is gonna sound stupid but think on it, thought of this when outside looking at the moon haven a cig,
You all noticed how Bigby at the trailer for ep 2 was more in his werewolf type form than full on wolf form right? Well since he looks the typical werewolf, normally in lore werewolves turn under the full moon, so what if TellTale is going off of that and waiting till the full moon to release ep2?
Werewolf=Full Moon
Full Moon=Episode 2 due to how Bigby looks in trailer?
Profit= ????
I don´t think that´s the case, they will release the episode when it´s ready. But it´s kinda a funny theory . The next full moon i think it´s the 17th of December and i don´t want to wait that long either
This is gonna sound stupid but think on it, thought of this when outside looking at the moon haven a cig,
You all noticed how Bigby at the tr… moreailer for ep 2 was more in his werewolf type form than full on wolf form right? Well since he looks the typical werewolf, normally in lore werewolves turn under the full moon, so what if TellTale is going off of that and waiting till the full moon to release ep2?
Werewolf=Full Moon
Full Moon=Episode 2 due to how Bigby looks in trailer?
Profit= ????
lol that true wouldnt want to wait that long either XD
But who says it isn't ready? if they do plan to release it on a certain date they could just be holding it even tho its totally finished
I don´t think that´s the case, they will release the episode when it´s ready. But it´s kinda a funny theory . The next full moon i think it´s the 17th of December and i don´t want to wait that long either
This is gonna sound stupid but think on it, thought of this when outside looking at the moon haven a cig,
You all noticed how Bigby at the tr… moreailer for ep 2 was more in his werewolf type form than full on wolf form right? Well since he looks the typical werewolf, normally in lore werewolves turn under the full moon, so what if TellTale is going off of that and waiting till the full moon to release ep2?
Werewolf=Full Moon
Full Moon=Episode 2 due to how Bigby looks in trailer?
Profit= ????
XD oh god and hey offtopic but have not gotten any help but anyone know how to check the messsaging system on here? says i have now 3 discussions started on my profile but idk how to access them
Then how would they change the direction slightly to include/change/remove a few aspects according to feedback? Most companies take feedback into account for sequels but have to accept the canon they've created. I'm glad Telltale isn't like that.
Thats not really a defense for TTG. With alot of companies in the US scaling back human resource problems are common. Working on the episodes … moreone at a time during its production run, (if that is really their process) is probably what creates the bugs, typos, and, oversights that have been common in their products in the first place. Its an inefficient way to work. Id be like a weekly tv show shooting and producing and entire episode during previous week, every week. In reality, most TV shows are nearly complete by the time their season opens. Cant see why TTG would work differently if that is within vein their present their games.
They should have had the product (in this case The Wolf Among Us) at least 90% complete before they even released the first episode. Then you spend your time refining it, instead of trying to produce it on the fly.
They should have had the product (in this case The Wolf Among Us) at least 90% complete before they even released the first episode. Then you spend your time refining it, instead of trying to produce it on the fly.
That's the traditional release model, which works quite well for some companies. Telltale does it different, it's decidedly their way of doing things. You have all the right in the world not to like it or pass the ship as it starts sailing. And indeed many real fans of Telltale wait until a Season is finished before they buy. But when you've come aboard for the whole wild ride out of your own free will, complaining about every bump doesn't really make sense.
Thats not really a defense for TTG. With alot of companies in the US scaling back human resource problems are common. Working on the episodes … moreone at a time during its production run, (if that is really their process) is probably what creates the bugs, typos, and, oversights that have been common in their products in the first place. Its an inefficient way to work. Id be like a weekly tv show shooting and producing and entire episode during previous week, every week. In reality, most TV shows are nearly complete by the time their season opens. Cant see why TTG would work differently if that is within vein their present their games.
They should have had the product (in this case The Wolf Among Us) at least 90% complete before they even released the first episode. Then you spend your time refining it, instead of trying to produce it on the fly.
i hope that episode two will be released this week, i played the entire first season of TWD when all the 5 episodes where already released so … morei am not used to have to wait to play an entire game. It´s kinda annoying to me, i hope i can get along well but the waiting is killing me
It can be very difficult when they are known for having a lot of problems and serious glitches with their releases, including episode one of TWAU.
One guess from them wouldnt matter as much as ur maken it seem....It gives ppl hope and somewhat of a release window even if it would be off by say a few days if they miss it, all in all it would give us more info to go by in a way.
glitches? Maybe cuz I have it for PSN n they had time to test it by than but no glitches at all for me
It would destroy your save if you had a game over or quit in certain areas. It would do the same thing if you tried to rewind to those areas. They released a patch pretty quick, but it was a major glitch and the game shouldn't have been released in that condition. A lot of players didn't even notice it because you can easily finish the entire episode without a game over the first time you play it, and as long as you didn't rewind it your save was okay. You couldn't do anything but delete your save after after it happened though. It would start the game but would show a scene like Bigby and Faith just standing outside the apartments, but you weren't able move or interact with anything.
oh wow, that is pretty bad BUT like you said a patch was released pretty quickly so what harm is it really? IMO stick with the choices you made first round of the game and don't change them till the second round of it, or ya know, restart the game from the last save before ya made that choice as you normally are able to do... But again a patch was made, problem was fixed not so bad considering some games are just dang broken.
This forum needs people like you.
You should have more likes.
That's true. But then again, there IS no point in meteorologists.
Particularly nowadays when the press constantly confuses them with actual experts on climate change.
It would be hopeless to try and guess the actual date.
I would much rather, they told us, when submision for certification had happend. Then we would know, that it was out of TTG's hands. And we could try to estimate the time ourselfs:)
Thats not really a defense for TTG. With alot of companies in the US scaling back human resource problems are common. Working on the episodes one at a time during its production run, (if that is really their process) is probably what creates the bugs, typos, and, oversights that have been common in their products in the first place. Its an inefficient way to work. Id be like a weekly tv show shooting and producing and entire episode during previous week, every week. In reality, most TV shows are nearly complete by the time their season opens. Cant see why TTG would work differently if that is within vein their present their games.
They should have had the product (in this case The Wolf Among Us) at least 90% complete before they even released the first episode. Then you spend your time refining it, instead of trying to produce it on the fly.
I just wait for an email saying that there is a new episode
Welcome to the Telltale Community.
You did quite right to post here. Telltale are in full swing, and are currently working with both The Walking Dead: Season Two, and The Wolf Among Us. Both games are anticipated to come before Christmas 2013. Telltale staff member puzzlebox posted the following in their blog on November 21:
Right now, Telltale use something they call radio silence, when they're finishing up the game, play-testing, awaiting for approval from their partners. They are basically waiting for the partners to return it and they'll be able to put a release date. We should not expect anything from them regarding The Walking Dead until there are only a few days left to the release day. However, puzzlebox also said that we will get teasers about The Walking Dead in the weeks to come before the release.
So Would We Be Getting TWAU Episode 2 This Coming Week Of Thanksgiving? And Prolly Get TWD Season 2 Like Maybe With A Week Or Two Before Christmas?
Technically, Telltale only have about four weeks from tonight to release both games before Christmas. The odds are good for a release of any game in one or two weeks, and the next game one week later. I don't think Telltale want to release their games the week before Christmas as the game would hit the Christmas sales and discounts too early for them to make any good profit the first weeks.
We should get The Walking Dead before The Wolf Among Us as the release order for both series probably will be something like:
TWAU 1 - TWD 1 - TWAU 2 - TWD 2 etc.
I Just Know I'm Ready For Both Of Em What Sucks Is Trying To Keep My Mind Busy Because I Really Wanna Play Em But It's Like I Check This Site Every Couple Of Hours Just To See If Anything New Is Going On But Failing Horriably I Keep Looking Thinking Is Today The Day Nope Damn It LOL Thank U Though For The Info Just A Waiting Game Now
You're not the only one mate. I always keep this forum open in the background when using the computer, refreshing with wide intervals. Try to get yourself occupied with another game meanwhile. I play Skyrim to kill hours. Other than that, we're all playing the waiting game. The Waiting Dead
Yeah I Just Got Done With AC 4 Black Flag And I Loved The Story The Ending Pissed Me Off But Eh (Oh Sorry I Don't Know If We Are Aloud To Talk About Other Games Sorry) But Um Yeah The Game Glitched Cause I'm Somewhat Of A Trophy Hunter On My PS3 Like Not Bragging LOL Just Yeah Just Waiting Like The Dead I Guess
i think episode two smoke and mirrors might not be out until the console wars die down with xbox one out today and the ps4 in Europe next week telltale don't want to push people back in the 7th gen gameing until the buzz has died down
i hope that episode two will be released this week, i played the entire first season of TWD when all the 5 episodes where already released so i am not used to have to wait to play an entire game. It´s kinda annoying to me, i hope i can get along well but the waiting is killing me
thanks for spoiling about the ending of ac4
Um I Didn't Spoil Anything I Never Mentioned The Ending I Stated That I Can't Get Two Trophies Cause My Game Glitched A Few Things Out So I Would Have To Restart It So...
Geez I really HOPE thats not the reason, they should know one game hell not even a full game at that would stop people from buying what they are gonna buy, personally if that is the case infact than I am sorta sad and disappointed in TellTale for really thinking it would matter, who cares about console wars? Would never think a dev would none less a company whose games are not even out on said console.
This is gonna sound stupid but think on it, thought of this when outside looking at the moon haven a cig,
You all noticed how Bigby at the trailer for ep 2 was more in his werewolf type form than full on wolf form right? Well since he looks the typical werewolf, normally in lore werewolves turn under the full moon, so what if TellTale is going off of that and waiting till the full moon to release ep2?
Werewolf=Full Moon
Full Moon=Episode 2 due to how Bigby looks in trailer?
Profit= ????
I don´t think that´s the case, they will release the episode when it´s ready. But it´s kinda a funny theory
. The next full moon i think it´s the 17th of December and i don´t want to wait that long either
lol that true wouldnt want to wait that long either XD
But who says it isn't ready? if they do plan to release it on a certain date they could just be holding it even tho its totally finished
Episode 1 + Episode 2= 3 = Half Life 3 confirmed. xD
XD oh god and hey offtopic but have not gotten any help but anyone know how to check the messsaging system on here? says i have now 3 discussions started on my profile but idk how to access them
Then how would they change the direction slightly to include/change/remove a few aspects according to feedback? Most companies take feedback into account for sequels but have to accept the canon they've created. I'm glad Telltale isn't like that.
That's the traditional release model, which works quite well for some companies. Telltale does it different, it's decidedly their way of doing things. You have all the right in the world not to like it or pass the ship as it starts sailing. And indeed many real fans of Telltale wait until a Season is finished before they buy. But when you've come aboard for the whole wild ride out of your own free will, complaining about every bump doesn't really make sense.
oh alright i thought u sayed the ending was kinda meh
Stop writing Like That, it's really annoying.
So I Guess It's Wrong For Someone To Type How They Wanna Type You Know If U Don't Like The Way I Type U Don't Have To Come On My Post
Just Saying
Hello Kanaya
IGN says November 30th.
Can you really trust them though?
Same here.
Only says that because they have it being released in November so they just put the release date as the last day in November
Accidental double post
this photo would work better on hl3
I think TTG would tell their own fans before they told other companies first. It's probably not a reliable source.
Hey, at least it's something though.