Then how would they change the direction slightly to include/change/remove a few aspects according to feedback? Most companies take feedback into account for sequels but have to accept the canon they've created. I'm glad Telltale isn't like that.
I didn't play any of the walking dead games until the season was complete, as well. I should have done the same with this game. But producing the games "one off" one after the other is really the way they work then i can see why their games tend to errors and bugs in them. Its a haphazard way to work, IMO.
They should have had the product (in this case The Wolf Among Us) at least 90% complete before they even released the first episode. Then you … morespend your time refining it, instead of trying to produce it on the fly.
That's the traditional release model, which works quite well for some companies. Telltale does it different, it's decidedly their way of doing things. You have all the right in the world not to like it or pass the ship as it starts sailing. And indeed many real fans of Telltale wait until a Season is finished before they buy. But when you've come aboard for the whole wild ride out of your own free will, complaining about every bump doesn't really make sense.
Regardless of what you think of the games that Telltale produces, it's hard to dispute that they really are not good when it comes to interacting with their customers. The majority of the angst on the boards would be addressed by a few simple status updates:
We're working on voiceovers at the moment; it usually takes around 3 weeks to complete an episode from here.
The episode is feature-complete and we're playtesting. It should be ready for submission to our content partners in a week or so.
Sorry guys, we found a couple of game-breaking bugs. We'll keep you posted.
We've submitted the game to our partners. It usually takes around a week for approval.
How hard would that be? It's understandable that there are delays in game production, and it's understandable that Telltale want to get the game just right before releasing it. I'd like to think that the majority of us here are mature enough to get that, and that we're happy to keep waiting as long as we know why we're waiting. If it's because Telltale think they'll get negative PR by admitting they have problems, then I would argue the opposite: the seemingly long delay for TWD S2 and episode 2 of TWAU has generated a lot of negative PR, but only because the customer base is getting frustrated by the lack of updates. I'd actually have much more respect for the company if they were to be up-front about what's going on.
Well, the point of the episodic format Telltale takes with their games is for the purpose of molding each episode based on feedback from the previous one. If they were going to have each episode totally completed before the next one was even released, that'd sort of defeat the purpose of having it be an episodic game. I get your frustration, but it's sort of the name of the game. You might have been better off waiting until all five episodes were released before playing.
Same here.
We may be just lazy customers/players who sit on our asses waiting for the games while Telltale works, but we're still human.
… more And I think it was easily foreseeable that once episode 1 would be released, a fanbase would emerge who would expect the second episode ASAP (within reasonable delay). Why was ep2 that incomplete (obviously) ? I think the TWAU team could have worked a little longer in anticipation on ep2 and have it nearly 100% done and ready to release before releasing ep1 at all, so ep2 could come smoothly the next month.
I don't know, I have no idea how it works, but I mean it was easier to wait after TWAU when we were not fans already.
Now that we're hooked to the game, delays are really frustrating.
Same here.
We may be just lazy customers/players who sit on our asses waiting for the games while Telltale works, but we're still human.
… more And I think it was easily foreseeable that once episode 1 would be released, a fanbase would emerge who would expect the second episode ASAP (within reasonable delay). Why was ep2 that incomplete (obviously) ? I think the TWAU team could have worked a little longer in anticipation on ep2 and have it nearly 100% done and ready to release before releasing ep1 at all, so ep2 could come smoothly the next month.
I don't know, I have no idea how it works, but I mean it was easier to wait after TWAU when we were not fans already.
Now that we're hooked to the game, delays are really frustrating.
This is pretty much it. I don't care so much about delays, per se; I'd certainly rather have a completed game a week or two from now than a buggy game today.
What bugs me is the lack of communication. I don't know why the game is delayed, or for how long, or if this is what we should expect in the future. All we've got is the same hazy 'coming soon!' we've had ever since the release of Episode 1, and now an unofficial confirmation that no, it won't be in November. I'd rather know something so I can manage my expectations one way or the other. I just don't like how frustratingly silent Telltale is in between releases.
Regardless of what you think of the games that Telltale produces, it's hard to dispute that they really are not good when it comes to interact… moreing with their customers. The majority of the angst on the boards would be addressed by a few simple status updates:
* We're working on voiceovers at the moment; it usually takes around 3 weeks to complete an episode from here.
* The episode is feature-complete and we're playtesting. It should be ready for submission to our content partners in a week or so.
* Sorry guys, we found a couple of game-breaking bugs. We'll keep you posted.
* We've submitted the game to our partners. It usually takes around a week for approval.
How hard would that be? It's understandable that there are delays in game production, and it's understandable that Telltale want to get the game just right before releasing it. I'd like to think that the majority of us here are mature enough to get that, and that we're happy to … [view original content]
We know that we're going to get an update on the games after Thanksgiving, I believe. At least some news anyway, according to a Facebook post. Hopefully it won't be too long because of that or we at least have a ballpark date.
Regardless, I get the angst about The Wolf Among Us. Especially considering the last we'd heard, they said they were working on episode 3 and 4 of the season. I'd taken that to mean episode 2 was practically done.
What I don't get though is the angst about The Walking Dead. They said they were going to release it before the beginning of next year. They've not gone past a date or anything.
I do get not wanting to give release dates etc. though. I'm a writer myself and I abandon too many projects, so I don't like talking about works in progress. Or I rework them so much. I know that I recently abandoned a project that I had 15,000 words completed for, in rough form, of which that was around the 8th attempt to get the story right. It's going to be interesting really, because I have plans to release a weekly, episodic story on my blog for free with a view to selling it later once it's complete.
So, I do get the reasons they don't like giving out info, especially if there really is a lot of work done on each episode right up until release (between installments). I know that I feel bad for people who like my writing too, what few they are as I'm an unknown, but I'd rather keep them in the dark than disappoint them, even if it potentially costs me readers, though they can at least contact me on various sites.
Anyway, don't know if my thoughts were of interest to anyone, but that's my perspective for what it's worth, from someone who gets why they might withhold info. Of course, withholding info also has its cons as people wonder what's happening. It's a double-edged sword really.
As much as I respect Telltale and enjoy their games,I sometimes feel like they hide behind the "coming soon" statement.For example,when they said that there were going to be some important news about TWD season 2 during October,they only posted it the very last day having us wait all month and all along we were being told that it was going to come soon.They always wait until the last moment to give us only a little info.As their customer,I would prefer them to give us a real date and stick to it instead of letting us in doubt and delaying it constantly.And I wish they would keep us updated on what is really going on.If the whole season is going to have its episodes delayed like that I'd rather wait until they're all released.And again,I know that it's just a game and that it's not the end of the world.We have other games to play and other things to do in our lives but I think we all would have prefered to have episode two this month and the other episodes released regularly.And I have nothing against Telltale ,but as customers,it is important I believe to let them know how we feel because if we don't,things are never going to change.
Regardless of what you think of the games that Telltale produces, it's hard to dispute that they really are not good when it comes to interact… moreing with their customers. The majority of the angst on the boards would be addressed by a few simple status updates:
* We're working on voiceovers at the moment; it usually takes around 3 weeks to complete an episode from here.
* The episode is feature-complete and we're playtesting. It should be ready for submission to our content partners in a week or so.
* Sorry guys, we found a couple of game-breaking bugs. We'll keep you posted.
* We've submitted the game to our partners. It usually takes around a week for approval.
How hard would that be? It's understandable that there are delays in game production, and it's understandable that Telltale want to get the game just right before releasing it. I'd like to think that the majority of us here are mature enough to get that, and that we're happy to … [view original content]
Don't understand why this comment got 3 thumbs down. It's all very fair and yes it is entirely the consumers choice as to whether they buy episodically, buy a season pass, or don't buy at all. Bit daft to complain at how Telltale do things when it IS plain to see I mean they don't lie to you n say 'we'll give you 5 episodes at once' do they? lol
They should have had the product (in this case The Wolf Among Us) at least 90% complete before they even released the first episode. Then you … morespend your time refining it, instead of trying to produce it on the fly.
That's the traditional release model, which works quite well for some companies. Telltale does it different, it's decidedly their way of doing things. You have all the right in the world not to like it or pass the ship as it starts sailing. And indeed many real fans of Telltale wait until a Season is finished before they buy. But when you've come aboard for the whole wild ride out of your own free will, complaining about every bump doesn't really make sense.
For example,when they said that there were going to be some important news about TWD season 2 during October,they only posted it the very last day having us wait all month
To actually be fair,
the announcement of the announcement was mid month, so technically, we didn't wait 'all month' for it.
the announcement was on October 29th; had they waited until 'the very last day', it would have been October 31st.
As their customer,I would prefer them to give us a real date and stick to it instead of letting us in doubt and delaying it constantly.
As was stated before, they can't give concrete dates, because they only know concrete dates some days before release. This is not your ordinary three years in development Electronic Arts game, where release dates are essentially set in stone when the owner of the DVD printing press sets the deadline.
As for delays, you really can't say 'constantly' here. TWD still has the same release window it had an entire year ago; and TWaU isn't even technically delayed - as the official FAQ speaks of a 'periodical' release. But I do agree that leaving customers in doubt over the time frame they have in mind even seven weeks after episode 1 of TWaU isn't nice, particularly not in light of the promise made more than a year ago that communication policies would undergo a massive change for the better after the two month radio silence between ep 1 and ep 2 of TWD Season 1.
As much as I respect Telltale and enjoy their games,I sometimes feel like they hide behind the "coming soon" statement.For example,when they s… moreaid that there were going to be some important news about TWD season 2 during October,they only posted it the very last day having us wait all month and all along we were being told that it was going to come soon.They always wait until the last moment to give us only a little info.As their customer,I would prefer them to give us a real date and stick to it instead of letting us in doubt and delaying it constantly.And I wish they would keep us updated on what is really going on.If the whole season is going to have its episodes delayed like that I'd rather wait until they're all released.And again,I know that it's just a game and that it's not the end of the world.We have other games to play and other things to do in our lives but I think we all would have prefered to have episode two this month and the other… [view original content]
For example,when they said that there were going to be some important news about TWD season 2 during October,they only posted it the very last… more day having us wait all month
To actually be fair,
* the announcement of the announcement was mid month, so technically, we didn't wait 'all month' for it.
* the announcement was on October 29th; had they waited until 'the very last day', it would have been October 31st.
As their customer,I would prefer them to give us a real date and stick to it instead of letting us in doubt and delaying it constantly.
As was stated before, they can't give concrete dates, because they only know concrete dates some days before release. This is not your ordinary three years in development Electronic Arts game, where release dates are essentially set in stone when the owner of the DVD printing press sets the deadline.
As for delays, you really can't say 'constantly' here. TWD still has the sam… [view original content]
But it says that they finished working on episode 2.
Some time ago.
The only reason I can see for the delay is waiting for TWD season 2 to be released.
I would expect to hear something in the next couple of days maybe even a release date. Leaving it till December for TWAU wouldn't have me throwing praise towards TTG.
I understand the massive amount of work they put into the story and the way the game plays out but it does feel like a long wait and not the sort "Oh it feels like the days are dragging because it was so good" just generally a long wait.
I've been keeping my cool and I still am. But if they do leave it this long I will be more disappointed than angry.
But that is if they release in December even if it is the last day of November I will still be on good terms with TTG. I'll still buy their damn games anyway.
But I will say this. With TWD being a new ball game for TTG they were ironing out kinks they had with development and release. They admitted they need to make work flow quicker so they could get the same quality and get the product out the door to customers but it seems they are still struggling with that.
I would hope that none of the above would affect TT's schedule. For the comic writer to say the game could easily be canon, he will have had to see most (if not all) of the script, which means the direction etc. has already been nailed down. If he left the scene for a month or two, I really don't think that would be a problem.
I do wonder three things...
The first of which is whether or not the delay is simply because they want to push the release date closer to C… morehristmas for marketing technical reasons - this would suck for those who already have the game, but it would make sense. Reason is that a lot of people simply just give small gifts to friends, and in the price range it is in, TWAU would be quite suitable for that.
The second thing I wonder is the thing we all wonder, I think: has the delay to do with the Walking Dead? Cause that would be, again understandable, but also I feel disrespectful towards TWAU fans. I liked TWD quite a bit, but TWAU was my first TTG game, and it has a special place in my heart
The third, and lets not forget this, is that the Fables writer has announced "retirement" to some degree, could this have anything to do with it? Personally I think he will actually focus more on stuff like this, rather than less as has been feared in … [view original content]
Good to know:) As a long time Bioshock fan, I have a hard time knowing, what I like most TTG games or Bioshock games. Bioshock has better quality gaming, and the gameplay are very fun. However TTG release more frekvently, and they deliver a story, there is just about as good as the Bioshock story. And the story is the most important part to me.
Conclusion TTG and Irrational should make a game together:)
Yeah, I noticed. Then again, I'm spending more than enough time playing games already, maybe it's not too bad that the industry preselects ga… moremes I get to play and some I do not. But I went through 3.5 hours of painfully streamed youtube videos and I'm giving away a Bioshock Infinite artbook for Christmas, so the impact of this game hasn't exactly escaped me.
Just don't get your hopes up that it'll be released this week/tomorrow. We've heard nothing from Telltale Games. And I'm not even sure why I'm posting it really, as it'll likely just serve to wile people up with, in my opinion, being false.
I would like to believe this but it's impossible because Telltale previously confirmed that no game will be released next week,we'll have to wait until December for both TWD and TWAU to come out.And I bet it will be mid-December or late December as they apparently still need to work a lot on episode 2 (because if it wasn't the case it would have already been released).But what could explain the fact that this site (and IGN as well) said it would come out this month is perhaps because it is what Telltale had initially planned but they must have had a problem of some sort and thus we got nothing.I'm sure those dates are going to be updated in the next few days.
I really doubt this is reliable, but as the other games are out now (I think) . . .
… more
Just don't get your hopes up that it'll be released this week/tomorrow. We've heard nothing from Telltale Games. And I'm not even sure why I'm posting it really, as it'll likely just serve to wile people up with, in my opinion, being false.
I would like to believe this but it's impossible because Telltale previously confirmed that no game will be released next week,we'll have to w… moreait until December for both TWD and TWAU to come out.And I bet it will be mid-December or late December as they apparently still need to work a lot on episode 2 (because if it wasn't the case it would have already been released).But what could explain the fact that this site (and IGN as well) said it would come out this month is perhaps because it is what Telltale had initially planned but they must have had a problem of some sort and thus we got nothing.I'm sure those dates are going to be updated in the next few days.
IGN makes the best guesses, hence I think early December release. They are more likely to work harder in later episodes rather than early ones. Scriptwriters are already on episodes 3&4. Episode 1 tends to be shorter than 2-last as far as I checked.
I would like to believe this but it's impossible because Telltale previously confirmed that no game will be released next week,we'll have to w… moreait until December for both TWD and TWAU to come out.And I bet it will be mid-December or late December as they apparently still need to work a lot on episode 2 (because if it wasn't the case it would have already been released).But what could explain the fact that this site (and IGN as well) said it would come out this month is perhaps because it is what Telltale had initially planned but they must have had a problem of some sort and thus we got nothing.I'm sure those dates are going to be updated in the next few days.
Doesn't make much sense since TTG isn't competing with consoles nor are they competing with other video game titles. The closest thing I could say they are competing against is Quantic Dream's Beyond Two Souls which was released ages ago and still they are very different games.
The popularity of consoles doesn't make any sense. I'm sure a guy who can afford a £350 or £400 console can surely spend another £17 on this game. So I don't think the PS4 or XBox One concerns TTG at all. Unless they plan to release their games on them.
My second statement was dependent on my first; I understand that only a finished episode goes out the door. I simply thought that the source said that they had finished work on episode 2, my mistake.
But it says that they finished working on episode 2.
Some writers did, yes. But that didn't mean that the episode is finished as well.… more
The only reason I can see for the delay is waiting for TWD season 2 to be released.
That doesn't make sense, sorry. If an episode is finished and approved, it goes out the release door immediately.
Just wait! After Thanksgiving we will get News. The Game will maybe come out on the first Week of December. Patience is all you need while waiting for a TellTale Game.
I hope you're wrong about TWAU, if episode 2 isn't released by the end of the first week of December I will be plain mad.
TWD I didn't expect soon so (as much as I want to play it) it could come out in January and I would be completely fine with it, but I've been waiting for TWAU episode 2 every day and counting since the 12th of November.
Some nights I check the forum every hour in hope of an announcement. The wait is more and more irritating.
I would like to believe this but it's impossible because Telltale previously confirmed that no game will be released next week,we'll have to w… moreait until December for both TWD and TWAU to come out.And I bet it will be mid-December or late December as they apparently still need to work a lot on episode 2 (because if it wasn't the case it would have already been released).But what could explain the fact that this site (and IGN as well) said it would come out this month is perhaps because it is what Telltale had initially planned but they must have had a problem of some sort and thus we got nothing.I'm sure those dates are going to be updated in the next few days.
Just wait! After Thanksgiving we will get News. The Game will maybe come out on the first Week of December. Patience is all you need while waiting for a TellTale Game.
Just wait! After Thanksgiving we will get News. The Game will maybe come out on the first Week of December. Patience is all you need while waiting for a TellTale Game.
They used to be really good about an episode a month then suddenly the release schedule got wrecked with Walking Dead. Looks like this series will be the same.
Doesn't make much sense since TTG isn't competing with consoles nor are they competing with other video game titles. The closest thing I could… more say they are competing against is Quantic Dream's Beyond Two Souls which was released ages ago and still they are very different games.
The popularity of consoles doesn't make any sense. I'm sure a guy who can afford a £350 or £400 console can surely spend another £17 on this game. So I don't think the PS4 or XBox One concerns TTG at all. Unless they plan to release their games on them.
that happened because of the choice mechanic they added to the game. add more things to the game, different reaction from what kind of choice you make, ext. when you add more things more bugs can be created so you have to debug all the new bugs. personally if it only lasts 2 to 4 weeks longer to debug all that new stuff they're doing good.
They used to be really good about an episode a month then suddenly the release schedule got wrecked with Walking Dead. Looks like this series will be the same.
@Skleepy wrote:
It is well known that remaining episodes will be realesed every 4 - 6 weeks. So, the first possible release date for Ep… moreisode 2 is this Friday 8th November (not happening bro´s) and 22th November is the last release date possible. I guess it might be right in between - 15th November which is only 9 days to go! It´s knocking on the door lads! (I guess TWD S2 E1 will be realesed min two weeks after - I don ť believe that TTG would release two games simultaneously)
It just hit me that TWAU came out quite a while ago! I didn't play it myself until October 20th or the 21st. I'm hearing faint knocking from episode 2, it'll facilitate the wait for TWD S2.
Telltale staff writers already said they are now working on episodes 3 and 4. Episode 2 script to be complete would need to be reviewed by the writer of Fables for canon check. First one doesn't make sense, second would make sense if there is a ton of content on episode 2 of TWAU which would be more of a good thing.
I do wonder three things...
The first of which is whether or not the delay is simply because they want to push the release date closer to C… morehristmas for marketing technical reasons - this would suck for those who already have the game, but it would make sense. Reason is that a lot of people simply just give small gifts to friends, and in the price range it is in, TWAU would be quite suitable for that.
The second thing I wonder is the thing we all wonder, I think: has the delay to do with the Walking Dead? Cause that would be, again understandable, but also I feel disrespectful towards TWAU fans. I liked TWD quite a bit, but TWAU was my first TTG game, and it has a special place in my heart
The third, and lets not forget this, is that the Fables writer has announced "retirement" to some degree, could this have anything to do with it? Personally I think he will actually focus more on stuff like this, rather than less as has been feared in … [view original content]
Let me tell you a story of the old days when the forum like the was Wild West and you sized a fella's post up based on what conspiracy theory he or she was throwing around. Lawless folks roamed the forums and posts were plentiful. It happened right after the walking dead episode 1 came out. Good common folks were waiting patiently for episode 2. You see telltalegames used to have a press release section and right there it stated a new episode every 4 weeks. Folks waited and waited and as the 4 weeks came and went it was like waiting for the school bus that never came. Feelings of neglect spilled through the forum. My oh my does the past come full circle. Another game and another episode 1 waiting for episode 2 and with the holiday season on the door step feeling the cold around the corner another week will go by with no news. Maybe next week will bring a update or the episode it's hard to tell for sure.
One thing is for certain though as I believe the upcoming weeks will define the public view on this indie company. Will they be able to deliver the next TWAU episode and TWDS2 as promised? Or will they have to pick one over the other? Maybe they miss on both?
Either way it will be fun to watch.
Also just a FYI TWDS2 was to be released by the end of fall 2013 what is December 20. The statement from TTG employees was not the end of December.
They are a proven company for delivering, although not always when we expect. There is no danger of dropping either. It's a shame you joined in at TWD S1. Before then, releases were mainly fine.
Let me tell you a story of the old days when the forum like the was Wild West and you sized a fella's post up based on what conspiracy theory … morehe or she was throwing around. Lawless folks roamed the forums and posts were plentiful. It happened right after the walking dead episode 1 came out. Good common folks were waiting patiently for episode 2. You see telltalegames used to have a press release section and right there it stated a new episode every 4 weeks. Folks waited and waited and as the 4 weeks came and went it was like waiting for the school bus that never came. Feelings of neglect spilled through the forum. My oh my does the past come full circle. Another game and another episode 1 waiting for episode 2 and with the holiday season on the door step feeling the cold around the corner another week will go by with no news. Maybe next week will bring a update or the episode it's hard to tell for sure.
One thing is for certain though as I bel… [view original content]
Now that I think about it,it's true that they said TWD was going to be released in fall 2013.So they can't release it at Christmas because it would be during winter.But given all the delays that they had,can we really still hope for an earlier release? It wouldn't surprise me if they changed the release date.But concerning TWAU episode 2,I didn't know that they said it was going to be released by the end of fall.I think the reason why they don't give us dates is because they are afraid of not being able to stick to it due to various issues that they could encouter with the development of the game.But I'd rather have a concrete release date than no information at all.Even if they changed the date,at least we would know why and when.If they had released TWAU episode 2 in November they could have release episode 3 in December and thus we would have one episode per month.I think it would be the best thing to do.And it would also be nice if the release date was always the same day.I believe that episode 1 was released on October 11 so they could have released the second episode in November 11.If they did that,we would know around what time we should expect an episode.
Let me tell you a story of the old days when the forum like the was Wild West and you sized a fella's post up based on what conspiracy theory … morehe or she was throwing around. Lawless folks roamed the forums and posts were plentiful. It happened right after the walking dead episode 1 came out. Good common folks were waiting patiently for episode 2. You see telltalegames used to have a press release section and right there it stated a new episode every 4 weeks. Folks waited and waited and as the 4 weeks came and went it was like waiting for the school bus that never came. Feelings of neglect spilled through the forum. My oh my does the past come full circle. Another game and another episode 1 waiting for episode 2 and with the holiday season on the door step feeling the cold around the corner another week will go by with no news. Maybe next week will bring a update or the episode it's hard to tell for sure.
One thing is for certain though as I bel… [view original content]
They obviously can't manage one episode per month right now. I guess cinematics and choices are harder to nail down than environments and puzzles. We're looking at one episode every two months at the moment. So it would go:
Now that I think about it,it's true that they said TWD was going to be released in fall 2013.So they can't release it at Christmas because it … morewould be during winter.But given all the delays that they had,can we really still hope for an earlier release? It wouldn't surprise me if they changed the release date.But concerning TWAU episode 2,I didn't know that they said it was going to be released by the end of fall.I think the reason why they don't give us dates is because they are afraid of not being able to stick to it due to various issues that they could encouter with the development of the game.But I'd rather have a concrete release date than no information at all.Even if they changed the date,at least we would know why and when.If they had released TWAU episode 2 in November they could have release episode 3 in December and thus we would have one episode per month.I think it would be the best thing to do.And it would also be nice if the releas… [view original content]
That's true!
Although I wish they'd update the FAQ and get rid of the '4-6 weeks' thing.
EDIT: I see now that it has been updated to 4-8 weeks.
Although this is week 7, so it's tight.
Thats not really a good way to work from a storyline POV. I could understand it from a gameplay POV.
I didn't play any of the walking dead games until the season was complete, as well. I should have done the same with this game. But producing the games "one off" one after the other is really the way they work then i can see why their games tend to errors and bugs in them. Its a haphazard way to work, IMO.
Regardless of what you think of the games that Telltale produces, it's hard to dispute that they really are not good when it comes to interacting with their customers. The majority of the angst on the boards would be addressed by a few simple status updates:
How hard would that be? It's understandable that there are delays in game production, and it's understandable that Telltale want to get the game just right before releasing it. I'd like to think that the majority of us here are mature enough to get that, and that we're happy to keep waiting as long as we know why we're waiting. If it's because Telltale think they'll get negative PR by admitting they have problems, then I would argue the opposite: the seemingly long delay for TWD S2 and episode 2 of TWAU has generated a lot of negative PR, but only because the customer base is getting frustrated by the lack of updates. I'd actually have much more respect for the company if they were to be up-front about what's going on.
Well, the point of the episodic format Telltale takes with their games is for the purpose of molding each episode based on feedback from the previous one. If they were going to have each episode totally completed before the next one was even released, that'd sort of defeat the purpose of having it be an episodic game. I get your frustration, but it's sort of the name of the game. You might have been better off waiting until all five episodes were released before playing.
that would defeat the purpose of the episodic model. They want to adapt to gamer feedback.
This is pretty much it. I don't care so much about delays, per se; I'd certainly rather have a completed game a week or two from now than a buggy game today.
What bugs me is the lack of communication. I don't know why the game is delayed, or for how long, or if this is what we should expect in the future. All we've got is the same hazy 'coming soon!' we've had ever since the release of Episode 1, and now an unofficial confirmation that no, it won't be in November. I'd rather know something so I can manage my expectations one way or the other. I just don't like how frustratingly silent Telltale is in between releases.
We know that we're going to get an update on the games after Thanksgiving, I believe. At least some news anyway, according to a Facebook post. Hopefully it won't be too long because of that or we at least have a ballpark date.
Regardless, I get the angst about The Wolf Among Us. Especially considering the last we'd heard, they said they were working on episode 3 and 4 of the season. I'd taken that to mean episode 2 was practically done.
What I don't get though is the angst about The Walking Dead. They said they were going to release it before the beginning of next year. They've not gone past a date or anything.
I do get not wanting to give release dates etc. though. I'm a writer myself and I abandon too many projects, so I don't like talking about works in progress. Or I rework them so much. I know that I recently abandoned a project that I had 15,000 words completed for, in rough form, of which that was around the 8th attempt to get the story right. It's going to be interesting really, because I have plans to release a weekly, episodic story on my blog for free with a view to selling it later once it's complete.
So, I do get the reasons they don't like giving out info, especially if there really is a lot of work done on each episode right up until release (between installments). I know that I feel bad for people who like my writing too, what few they are as I'm an unknown, but I'd rather keep them in the dark than disappoint them, even if it potentially costs me readers, though they can at least contact me on various sites.
Anyway, don't know if my thoughts were of interest to anyone, but that's my perspective for what it's worth, from someone who gets why they might withhold info. Of course, withholding info also has its cons as people wonder what's happening. It's a double-edged sword really.
As much as I respect Telltale and enjoy their games,I sometimes feel like they hide behind the "coming soon" statement.For example,when they said that there were going to be some important news about TWD season 2 during October,they only posted it the very last day having us wait all month and all along we were being told that it was going to come soon.They always wait until the last moment to give us only a little info.As their customer,I would prefer them to give us a real date and stick to it instead of letting us in doubt and delaying it constantly.And I wish they would keep us updated on what is really going on.If the whole season is going to have its episodes delayed like that I'd rather wait until they're all released.And again,I know that it's just a game and that it's not the end of the world.We have other games to play and other things to do in our lives but I think we all would have prefered to have episode two this month and the other episodes released regularly.And I have nothing against Telltale ,but as customers,it is important I believe to let them know how we feel because if we don't,things are never going to change.
Don't understand why this comment got 3 thumbs down. It's all very fair and yes it is entirely the consumers choice as to whether they buy episodically, buy a season pass, or don't buy at all. Bit daft to complain at how Telltale do things when it IS plain to see
I mean they don't lie to you n say 'we'll give you 5 episodes at once' do they? lol
To actually be fair,
As was stated before, they can't give concrete dates, because they only know concrete dates some days before release. This is not your ordinary three years in development Electronic Arts game, where release dates are essentially set in stone when the owner of the DVD printing press sets the deadline.
As for delays, you really can't say 'constantly' here. TWD still has the same release window it had an entire year ago; and TWaU isn't even technically delayed - as the official FAQ speaks of a 'periodical' release. But I do agree that leaving customers in doubt over the time frame they have in mind even seven weeks after episode 1 of TWaU isn't nice, particularly not in light of the promise made more than a year ago that communication policies would undergo a massive change for the better after the two month radio silence between ep 1 and ep 2 of TWD Season 1.
But it says that they finished working on episode 2.
Some time ago.
The only reason I can see for the delay is waiting for TWD season 2 to be released.
Some writers did, yes. But that didn't mean that the episode is finished as well.
That doesn't make sense, sorry. If an episode is finished and approved, it goes out the release door immediately.
I would expect to hear something in the next couple of days maybe even a release date. Leaving it till December for TWAU wouldn't have me throwing praise towards TTG.
I understand the massive amount of work they put into the story and the way the game plays out but it does feel like a long wait and not the sort "Oh it feels like the days are dragging because it was so good" just generally a long wait.
I've been keeping my cool and I still am. But if they do leave it this long I will be more disappointed than angry.
But that is if they release in December even if it is the last day of November I will still be on good terms with TTG. I'll still buy their damn games anyway.
But I will say this. With TWD being a new ball game for TTG they were ironing out kinks they had with development and release. They admitted they need to make work flow quicker so they could get the same quality and get the product out the door to customers but it seems they are still struggling with that.
I would hope that none of the above would affect TT's schedule. For the comic writer to say the game could easily be canon, he will have had to see most (if not all) of the script, which means the direction etc. has already been nailed down. If he left the scene for a month or two, I really don't think that would be a problem.
i think there waiting for the buzz to die down from the new consoles so in a week or so we should have episode 2
Good to know:) As a long time Bioshock fan, I have a hard time knowing, what I like most TTG games or Bioshock games. Bioshock has better quality gaming, and the gameplay are very fun. However TTG release more frekvently, and they deliver a story, there is just about as good as the Bioshock story. And the story is the most important part to me.
Conclusion TTG and Irrational should make a game together:)
I really doubt this is reliable, but as the other games are out now (I think) . . .
Just don't get your hopes up that it'll be released this week/tomorrow. We've heard nothing from Telltale Games. And I'm not even sure why I'm posting it really, as it'll likely just serve to wile people up with, in my opinion, being false.
I would like to believe this but it's impossible because Telltale previously confirmed that no game will be released next week,we'll have to wait until December for both TWD and TWAU to come out.And I bet it will be mid-December or late December as they apparently still need to work a lot on episode 2 (because if it wasn't the case it would have already been released).But what could explain the fact that this site (and IGN as well) said it would come out this month is perhaps because it is what Telltale had initially planned but they must have had a problem of some sort and thus we got nothing.I'm sure those dates are going to be updated in the next few days.
It's because those sites are just guessing/hoping as well, but the truth is that no one knows for sure.
IGN makes the best guesses, hence I think early December release. They are more likely to work harder in later episodes rather than early ones. Scriptwriters are already on episodes 3&4. Episode 1 tends to be shorter than 2-last as far as I checked.
Doesn't make much sense since TTG isn't competing with consoles nor are they competing with other video game titles. The closest thing I could say they are competing against is Quantic Dream's Beyond Two Souls which was released ages ago and still they are very different games.
The popularity of consoles doesn't make any sense. I'm sure a guy who can afford a £350 or £400 console can surely spend another £17 on this game. So I don't think the PS4 or XBox One concerns TTG at all. Unless they plan to release their games on them.
Week 7 and not a drop of news.
What is going on Telltale...
My second statement was dependent on my first; I understand that only a finished episode goes out the door. I simply thought that the source said that they had finished work on episode 2, my mistake.
Just wait! After Thanksgiving we will get News. The Game will maybe come out on the first Week of December. Patience is all you need while waiting for a TellTale Game.
I hope you're wrong about TWAU, if episode 2 isn't released by the end of the first week of December I will be plain mad.
TWD I didn't expect soon so (as much as I want to play it) it could come out in January and I would be completely fine with it, but I've been waiting for TWAU episode 2 every day and counting since the 12th of November.
Some nights I check the forum every hour in hope of an announcement. The wait is more and more irritating.
haha come on troll downvote me - we both know u want it
That's true!
Although I wish they'd update the FAQ and get rid of the '4-6 weeks' thing.
EDIT: I see now that it has been updated to 4-8 weeks.
Although this is week 7, so it's tight.
Why are people disliking every comment?
Didnt you hear about the legendary downvote - trolls who live among us in the shadows? They use glamour to look like mundys.
They used to be really good about an episode a month then suddenly the release schedule got wrecked with Walking Dead. Looks like this series will be the same.
That's comparing apples to oranges to be honest, the B2S and TWD/TWAU comparison that is.
Because they can. Anonymity breeds contempt.
that happened because of the choice mechanic they added to the game. add more things to the game, different reaction from what kind of choice you make, ext. when you add more things more bugs can be created so you have to debug all the new bugs. personally if it only lasts 2 to 4 weeks longer to debug all that new stuff they're doing good.
WOOP Another Doug!
Telltale staff writers already said they are now working on episodes 3 and 4. Episode 2 script to be complete would need to be reviewed by the writer of Fables for canon check. First one doesn't make sense, second would make sense if there is a ton of content on episode 2 of TWAU which would be more of a good thing.
Let me tell you a story of the old days when the forum like the was Wild West and you sized a fella's post up based on what conspiracy theory he or she was throwing around. Lawless folks roamed the forums and posts were plentiful. It happened right after the walking dead episode 1 came out. Good common folks were waiting patiently for episode 2. You see telltalegames used to have a press release section and right there it stated a new episode every 4 weeks. Folks waited and waited and as the 4 weeks came and went it was like waiting for the school bus that never came. Feelings of neglect spilled through the forum. My oh my does the past come full circle. Another game and another episode 1 waiting for episode 2 and with the holiday season on the door step feeling the cold around the corner another week will go by with no news. Maybe next week will bring a update or the episode it's hard to tell for sure.
One thing is for certain though as I believe the upcoming weeks will define the public view on this indie company. Will they be able to deliver the next TWAU episode and TWDS2 as promised? Or will they have to pick one over the other? Maybe they miss on both?
Either way it will be fun to watch.
Also just a FYI TWDS2 was to be released by the end of fall 2013 what is December 20. The statement from TTG employees was not the end of December.
They are a proven company for delivering, although not always when we expect. There is no danger of dropping either. It's a shame you joined in at TWD S1. Before then, releases were mainly fine.
Now that I think about it,it's true that they said TWD was going to be released in fall 2013.So they can't release it at Christmas because it would be during winter.But given all the delays that they had,can we really still hope for an earlier release? It wouldn't surprise me if they changed the release date.But concerning TWAU episode 2,I didn't know that they said it was going to be released by the end of fall.I think the reason why they don't give us dates is because they are afraid of not being able to stick to it due to various issues that they could encouter with the development of the game.But I'd rather have a concrete release date than no information at all.Even if they changed the date,at least we would know why and when.If they had released TWAU episode 2 in November they could have release episode 3 in December and thus we would have one episode per month.I think it would be the best thing to do.And it would also be nice if the release date was always the same day.I believe that episode 1 was released on October 11 so they could have released the second episode in November 11.If they did that,we would know around what time we should expect an episode.
They obviously can't manage one episode per month right now. I guess cinematics and choices are harder to nail down than environments and puzzles. We're looking at one episode every two months at the moment. So it would go:
Episode 1: Faith 11/10/2013
Episode 2: Smoke & Mirrors 11/12/2013
Episode 3: Crooked Mile 11/2/2014
Episode 4: In Sheep's Clothing 11/4/2014
Episode 5: Cry Wolf 11/6/2014
I don't like the wait either but I'd rather wait than play something rushed.
Remember... 'they' is Jennifer and me, your humble voluntary non-official forum moderators.
If the episodes don't come out in the time frame we expected, we update the FAQ. With bleeding hearts.