The Walking Dead Meme and Fun Thread (Mobile warning)



  • edited July 2014

    This episode came out in 2011,which means before season 1.He looks just like him too!Damn,maybe telltale saw this guy while deciding to keep Kenny alive?

    I took a screenshot of it!

  • lol 2:48 Look like Sarah got slapped for not keeping up with Clems sick moves. #TooSwag

    Jewfreeus posted: »

    this is pretty much my lazy type of video but there isn't really much to work with when it comes to model swapping in episode 3 so yea just have to wait until episode 4 comes out I guess

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    Melissa Hutchison attempts to do Clementine's voice in a Boston accent at Walker Stalker Con Boston at 0:49

  • This is Christa's reaction to seeing Clem p0rn.



  • He died on my birthday. -_-

    Green613 posted: »

    in memory of uncle pete R.I.P. 3/4/14

  • How do you know it's not like a Ken doll down there?

    Jewfreeus posted: »

    yea I liked it it gave a scary vibe when she was sneaking around the room and I would assume that bigby would be naked after changing back to human form but I don't think telltale actually made the model with him naked

  • Such a shame, that. It totally would have been contextually appropriate and everything.

    Bigby was naked, they showed a shot of his clothes on the ground. Damn, I really wish we got to see his model naked. I mean, what.

  • Why thank you :)

    Hbh128 posted: »

    Very nice. You should contact the Youtube Fecal Standards and Measurements, you might very well have the biggest youtube crap on your...hands.

  • God she did that so well haha XD Melissa has mastered Clementines voice as well as different ones with it too.

    OzzyUK posted: »

    Melissa Hutchison attempts to do Clementine's voice in a Boston accent at Walker Stalker Con Boston at 0:49

  • Dat Mario Kart doe

    My newest episode in the 400 Years YouTube Poop Special

  • Just beat my high score of 200,000 meters, one eyed and I only spent one gem while I have 2,600 gems that I got for free.

    Hbh128 posted: »

    Just cover one half of the screen with something and minimize the game window to a space that fits the other side. You black-eyed asshole!

  • Walking Dead 400 years? WE'RE STAYING RIGHT HERE!

  • Pillows? Good luck smothering them to death.

    Krypton posted: »

  • Yeah, who knew so much time would pass between then and now haha.

    Lolzkittiez posted: »

    Walking Dead 400 years?

  • Lee: That's not really what i have in mind...

    Start's shooting zombies with his pillows.

    Lolzkittiez posted: »

    Pillows? Good luck smothering them to death.

  • LOL that was a good one, both of you

    Lee: That's not really what i have in mind... Start's shooting zombies with his pillows.

  • edited July 2014

    You take a dink of water, you risk your life.

    You breath, you risk your life.

    You eat a burger around Otis, you risk your life.

    Hbh128 posted: »

    I googled(I didn't actually use google) and found this today. Has anyone posted this yet?

  • Any super smash bros fans? Ill just leave this here for future use.

    super Smash bros gif

  • edited July 2014

    Lol, Carver beating Kenny now looks like a harmless pillow fight. :3

    And Matthew...

    Alt text

    Let me just take a picture before I die...

    Krypton posted: »

  • That takes brass. I don't think I coulda done it. Even with two eyes.

    Just beat my high score of 200,000 meters, one eyed and I only spent one gem while I have 2,600 gems that I got for free.

  • I can save lives. That's reason enough to risk mine. nom

    You take a dink of water, you risk your life. You breath, you risk your life. You eat a burger around Otis, you risk your life.

  • Clementine: "Yo I'm a real gangster. I'll shoot you day or night. Shoot at anything in sight. I'm going to shoot you with a camera, a camera not a gun. It's a really good pun."

    (I did not make up these lyrics credit goes to YouTuber Julian Smith)

    Krypton posted: »

  • Coming soon! In the next episode!

    Alt text

  • I loved it. :)

    That_1_Guy posted: »

    I was genuinely terrified by the way she looked. Those shards! Jesus! : O

  • Alt text


    edited July 2014


    _Juice_Box_ posted: »



  • Everything makes sense now! o_0

    AWESOMEO posted: »


  • Clementine did justice when she glared away from Becca

    _Juice_Box_ posted: »


  • :D

    _Juice_Box_ posted: »


  • This has gotta be the most mature comment I've ever seen from you, juice. AMAZING.

    _Juice_Box_ posted: »


  • I no rite?

    This has gotta be the most mature comment I've ever seen from you, juice. AMAZING.

  • Save some space for Sarita

  • Unfortunately, Sarita is confirmed dead :(

    Krypton posted: »

    Save some space for Sarita

  • edited July 2014

    Kennys got da cake!!!!

    _Juice_Box_ posted: »

    I don't know why... KennysBooty

  • Kenny Twerk DLC, come on telltale! That's what fans really want!!

    Kennys got da cake!!!!

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