Release date discussion!



  • edited July 2008
    Emily wrote: »
    What IGN said is true - we have submitted the game to Nintendo, and as soon as we get approval from them, it will be released quickly after that. We really are in the home stretch. :D We've been waiting to announce a release date until we have that approval, though, because until that happens, well, anything can happen!

    Sounds like the game is finished, is there anything preventing a release of the PC version right now, does it really matter if it comes out before the Wiiware launch?

    Maybe Emily or one of the TTG guys can shed some light on this...
  • edited July 2008
    :eek: Woah, they combined like 15 different threads to this one mega-thread. The sheer size of this thing scares me...
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited July 2008
    azza29 wrote: »
    Sounds like the game is finished, is there anything preventing a release of the PC version right now, does it really matter if it comes out before the Wiiware launch?

    Maybe Emily or one of the TTG guys can shed some light on this...

    The PC release has been receiving its final spit-shine clean-up pass at the same time as the Wii release. As Emily said, there have been some last minute niggling bugs we've been stomping out, and that pertains to both versions of the game.

    Fortunately, as the programmers close down episode one, episodes two, three, and four are also coming along swimmingly (making it) on their own. Getting all the pieces of the crazy SBCG4AP started up and moving was a little more intense than we expected, but I think we're over the hill at this point, which means we can't do much but hang on as we go barreling down out of control into the unsuspecting town below. Or something.
  • edited July 2008
    It's tomorrow. :D
  • edited July 2008
    Emily said it's definitely *not* tomorrow, Ninja. They were wrong. Again. As Jake said, just up there right above you, it took a lot more to get things started up than they thought. And that delayed it a couple months, which is definitely disappointing, but they're apparently "in the home stretch".

    So...a monday or two away? =o
  • edited July 2008
    Emily said it's definitely *not* tomorrow, Ninja. They were wrong. Again. As Jake said, just up there right above you, it took a lot more to get things started up than they thought. And that delayed it a couple months, which is definitely disappointing, but they're apparently "in the home stretch".

    So...a monday or two away? =o

    How is it not tomorrow? It says July as the release date for awhile. Since Monday is when all dl Wii games release, it has to be tomorrow, as it is the last monday of the month.

    If it has changed, then why hasn't telltale told us? It should be everywhere, not just known on these forums.
  • edited July 2008
  • edited July 2008
    well, if you've waited your whole life for this day, whats a little bit more waiting? It isn't really that big a deal.
  • edited July 2008
    Or is it?
  • edited July 2008
    bigdondoo wrote: »
    Thanks Emily,

    I propose a closure to this thread. All in favor?

    We really do need to close this we can all get cracking making a "Delayed until August :(" thread that is bigger and better! :p
  • edited July 2008
    Ninja wrote: »
    If it has changed, then why hasn't telltale told us? It should be everywhere, not just known on these forums.

    Look back a couple of pages, Emily just told us that we won't be seeing it today. That means we'll get it next week or later. Not good for me, since it'll probably be released when I'm on holiday if it's after the 8th.
  • edited July 2008
    It no longer says coming this July, but now 'this summer'.
  • edited July 2008
    Oh, good. They can keep that up until, what, September 23rd? =p
  • edited July 2008
    At least it gets August in the release date. Now for a thread to say when in august now.
  • edited July 2008
    Well... I have some cardboard boxes covered in mayo. If by next week, I still don't have Strong Bad, I'm putting them in a certain game office, then wait 30 minutes to clean it up, vacuum and spray air freshener. 30 whole minutes!
  • edited July 2008
    I hope it's released not on the 4th, because I'm going on vacation from this Saturday to the Saturday after that. I don't want to miss anything!

    Psst, Telltale. I'll give you like, $300 if you release it on the 11th.
  • edited July 2008
    Yes, I do hope the game conforms to YOUR schedule.

    Come on now, 16 Bit "Not Sonic the Hedgehog". If it comes out on the 4th, it'd be here when you got back. The game wouldn't be GOING anywhere. It's not an EVENT that STOPS HAPPENING after the day of release.
  • edited July 2008
    I'm aware of that. I meant "I don't want to be late in getting it".
  • edited July 2008
    I'm aware of that. I meant "I don't want to be late in getting it".
    Simply cancel your vacation, then... that should fix it.

    np: Love Kittens - What Goes On (Orbital Mix 2) (Auntie Aubrey's Excursions Beyond The Call Of Duty (Disc 2))
  • edited July 2008
    Leak wrote: »
    Simply cancel your vacation, then... that should fix it.

    Absolutely not.
  • edited July 2008
    Ah the folks at Kotaku feel my pain. :)

    Here's hoping for something of a release date(PC version at least?) or at least a price point for Strong Bad along with the Wallace and Gromit info that should be hitting today.
  • *hits head on keyboard*

    Come on, Nintendo, hurry up with the submission process...

    Well, I guess I can wait. (says British Jinx as he suspiciously puts Bomb Chargers around Nintendo of America HQ)

  • edited July 2008
    I'm geussing it'll come out about noontime meal! I'm going to the mall today to get a wii points card and a slushie, seeya round!
  • edited July 2008
    guys, everything will be fine...okay, before tabacco gets the "jump to conclusions"-picture...everything might be fine.
  • edited July 2008
    THIS IS TORTURE!!! I keep refreshing the page every five minutes to see if there's and update. needless to say I'm starting to lose it.......jitter jitter jitters...
  • edited July 2008
    Ooze33 wrote: »
    I doubt the wait is going to be that long. Emily said they were in the "home stretch" so the game will probably be released in 2-3 weeks.

    IT'S TOO LATE!!!!!I'VE ALREADY GONE OFF DRINKING VIRTUAL WHISKEY BY THE VIRTUAL BOTTLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!OH....little...brudd..brudde-er......SNORE...super.....super contra....
  • edited July 2008
    I knew it wasn't coming out today...
  • edited July 2008
    Okay, I'm back from my "accepting that SBCG4AP isn't coming out in July" class.Now back to business.Since we are in the nigh of SBCG4AP's release, I was wondering what people were hoping to see in the final build, and place their bets on when it's going to come out.

    My bet, next MONDAY!!!!!!!!

    I hope
  • edited July 2008
    ANOTHER release date thread...
  • edited July 2008
    *hits head on keyboard*

    Come on, Nintendo, hurry up with the submission process...

    Well, I guess I can wait. (says British Jinx as he suspiciously puts Bomb Chargers around Nintendo of America HQ)


    Hey!I was gonna attack them in a hockey mask with a plastic machete from the dollar store!
  • edited July 2008
    Takin' on bets! Moved or locked? I got $20 on moved!
  • edited July 2008
    Well yeah. I'm personally really pissed off about this. I mean I know it's not telltale's complete fault but really they should have planned better. June? Well I can accept that push back since they were making the game better but not this one. I mean they can still release the PC version now but w/e. Poor planning.
  • edited July 2008
    Tandy 400 wrote: »
    Takin' on bets! Moved or locked? I got $20 on moved!

    Yeah how do I see moved threads?
  • edited July 2008
    Seriously, calm down. It's not technically finished. When it is, you'll be playing it.
  • edited July 2008
    Move it!move it! Move it!
  • edited July 2008
    Sweeney252 wrote: »
    Yeah how do I see moved threads?

    The thread title will remain with the prefix "Moved: " added to it. When you click on the thread, it will open where it was moved to. There are a few examples already if you scroll down in the Strong Bad General Discussion.
  • edited July 2008
    Hey!I was gonna attack them in a hockey mask with a plastic machete from the dollar store!

    WOO! Homebrew Jason!
  • edited July 2008
    Move it!move it! Move it!

    *collects someguyfromazoo's money and forwards it to Jake and tobacco to move the thread*

    Huh? what? You see nothing.
  • edited July 2008
    im literally crying of this im the biggest homestar runner fan and ive been very dissapointed in you guys i cant belive it. it better come out this next week or i kill myself im sooooooo pissed
  • edited July 2008
    you guys are too dramatic!! I myself am waiting for SBCG4AP, but I'm trying to wait patiently. killing yourself over a game?! you outta be on the next mostly true: urban legends revealed; Kid kills self for unreleased game
This discussion has been closed.