Adventure games have always been my favourite type of game.
Always played them since the days of the zx specrtum, and its good to see the adventure seen hasn,t died with games like Siberia and web games like Samorost 2.
Here is my Top Ten of all time.
10. Dreamweb. (Great sound music, Free download at Abadonware needs dos box)
9. Sanitarium. (They don,t make games like this anymore)
8. Indian Jones and the fate of atlantis. (Good enough to warrent a film)
7. Scratches ( A fairly new first person adventure that deserves its place here.
6. The secret of Monkey Island. (Something about that theme music reminds me of what games are all about) @Abondonware
5. Gabriel Knight sins of the father ( A Gem )
4. The Curse of Monkey Island ( 1 beautifully crafted game )
3. Day of the Tenticle ( plays like a cartoon )
2. Monkey Island 2 ( The best in the series)
1. Grim Fandango ( Created when the adventure game was loved by all )
I was reading through this thread for inspiration for titles to purchase and to see if I played or owned any that aren't mentioned.
Several people have played ecoquest, but not necessarily the second one.
I recently purchased the first game from amazon and have been playing it through dosbox, but can't get very far.
The second game; secret of the rainforest, was the second computer game and adventure game that my dad ever bought me (the first was legend of kyrandia which took me 10months to complete). As a bit of an adventurer/explorer who wanted to pick up litter and learn everything about ecosytems and the environment it was perfect.
I went looking for it recently but couldn't find it, if anyone has a copy, I would be very grateful.
Look at adandonware websites All the old adventure games are there.
I'm by no means a keen gamer. Graphic adventures make up well more than half of the games I've played. I haven't played the big titles that everyone has like Grand Theft Auto or Halo, for example. The remake of Secret of Monkey Island and the Tales of Monkey Island have recently rekindled my interest in the games I grew up with.
Lucasarts Complete Collection (Amiga) which consisted of:
- Maniac Mansion
- Zak McKracken and the Alien Mindbenders
- Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade
- Loom
- The Secret of Monkey Island
(What got me all into it. Sadly Lucasarts stopped making games for the Amiga after 1992)
Monkey Island Bounty Pack (PC CD-ROM) which had the CD version of SMI with non-midi music and a picture inventory, and the standard midi/pc speaker version of Monkey Island 2: Le Chuck's Revenge
- The Curse of Monkey Island (first game I bought as soon as I had a new PC)
- Escape from Monkey Island
- Loom (talky version)
- Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis
- Full Throttle
- Sam & Max Hit the Road
- The Dig
- Day of the Tentacle
- Grim Fandango
- The only Sierra (adventure) game I've played is King's Quest VI but I'm slowly watching through all the playthroughs of Space Quest and Police Quest on youtube
Broken Sword: Shadow of the Templars
Broken Sword: The Smoking Mirrror
Broken Sword: The Sleeping Dragon
The first Broken Sword game's music is among the best ever heard in an adventure game, certainly for its time. I haven't played The Angel of Darkness or the Wii remake of Shadow of the Templars which has more story than the original.
Telltale Games
- Sam and Max Save the World
- Sam and Max: Beyond Space and Time
- Strong Bad's Cool Games for Attractive People episode one (didn't appeal to me as much because I'm not really up on the HSR in-jokes and pre-story)
- Simon the Sorcerer
- Simon the Sorcerer 2
- Discworld (couldn't get the sound working so missed out on Eric Idle's voice acting)
- Flight of the Amazon Queen (both on Amiga and on Linux through ScummVM)
- Gilbert Goodmate and the Mushroom of Phungoria (I signed up as a playtester for this, but unfortunately couldn't get the disc to work at the time). Graphically very similar to the style of CMI
- The Longest Journey (Just completed this game yesterday as it was downloadable from Steam. What a brilliant game! A perfect mix between mundane reality and fantasy. I hope Ragnar Tornquist releases the LJ episodes before too long)
Not so adventurey games
- Little Big Adventure 2: Twinsen's Odyssey (another game that creates such atmosphere and nostalgia)
- Dune (does that count?)
That's about all I can remember.
PLay Gabriel Knight sins of the father (should be at abandonware sites. A forgoten Gem)
My Adventure Games (most of them at least) - my rating in parenthesis, na means I haven't finished them, which is usually beacuse I wasn't very impressed:
5 days a stranger (7)
6 days a sacrifice (7)
7 days a sceptic (8)
Alien Incident (6)
Amazon - Guardians of Eden (na)
Beneath A Steel Sky (9)
Big Red Adventure (6)
Bioforge (na)
Blade Runner (8)
Broken Sword (5)
Broken Sword II (na)
Callahan's Crosstime Saloon (7)
Companions of Xanth (na)
Countdown (8)
Curse of Enchantia (na)
Day of the tentacle (9)
Death Gate (8)
Discworld (na)
Double Trouble (5)
Dragonsphere (na)
Dreamweb (na)
Dune (na)
Eric the Unready (na)
Fable (6)
Flight of the Amazon Queen (6)
Full Throttle (na)
Gabriel Knight 1 (8)
Gene Machine, The (5)
Grim Fandango (9)
Indiana Jones and the Fate of atlantis (6)
Indiana Jones and the last crusade (5)
King's Quest 1 (6)
King's Quest 2 (na)
King's Quest 3 (na)
King's Quest 6 (7)
Legend of Kyrandia (6)
Legend of Kyrandia 2 (7)
Leisure Suit Larry 1 (7)
Leisure Suit Larry 2 (3)
Leisure Suit Larry 5 (6)
Leisure Suit Larry 6 (7)
Leisure Suit Larry 7 (7)
Maniac Mansion Deluxe (9)
Monkey Island 1 (8)
Monkey Island 2 (10)
Monkey Island 3 (10)
Monkey Island 4 (5)
Monkey Island, Tales of (8)
Psychonauts (9)
Quest For Glory 1 (8)
Quest For Glory 2 (8)
Quest For Glory 3 (6)
Quest For Glory 4 (na)
Riddle of Master Lu (6)
Sam n Max hit the road (6)
Sam n Max Season 1 (7)
Simon the Sorcerer 1 (na)
Simon the Sorcerer 2 (na)
The Dig (7)
The Longest Journey (8)
Trillby's Notes (9)
Zack McKracken and the alien mindbenders (8)
Grim Fandango
Full Throttle
The Secret of Monkey Island
The Secret of Monkey Island: Special Edition
Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge
Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge: Special Edition
The Curse of Monkey Island
Escape from Monkey Island
Tales of Monkey Island
Insecticide Part 1
Broken Sword 1 Broken Sword 2 (only just started) Broken Sword 3 (only played half) Runaway: A Road Adventure
Runaway 2: Dream of the Turtle The Dig (only played 20 mins of it. I'll definitely give it another shot later though) Loom (not played yet) Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (just started playing) Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis (not yet played) Indiana Jones and the Fountain of Youth (free fan game)(only just started) Jack Keane
Sam & Max: Hit the Road
Sam & Max Season 1
Sam & Max Season 2 Wallace & Gromit's Grand Adventures (not yet played) Secret Files: Tunguska (not yet played) Beneath a Steel Sky (not yet played) The Longest Journey (played half - love it!) Dreamfall: The Longest Journey (not yet played) Myst (sitting in the cupboard collecting dust - only played about 10 minutes of it and found it soulless and boring) The Whispered World (not yet played) King's Quest I: Quest for the Crown (Remake) King's Quest II: Romancing the Throne/Stones (Remake) King's Quest III: To Heir is Human (Remake)(only just started) King's Quest IV: The Perils of Rosella (not yet played) King's Quest V: Absence Makes the Heart Go Yonder! (not yet played) King's Quest VI: Heir Today, Gone Tomorrow (not yet played) King's Quest VII: The Princeless Bride (not yet played) King's Quest VIII: Mask of Eternity (not yet played) Puzzle Agent Jolly Rover
The Secret of Monkey Island (VGA with CD sound) -- on Monkey Island Madness CD from LucasArts Archives Vol. III box The Secret of Monkey Island:Special Edition -- bought via Steam, then dl'ed Steam-less copy via torrent bcuz I hate being forced to use it. Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge -- on Monkey Island Madness CD from LucasArts Archives Vol. III box The Curse of Monkey Island -- by LucasArts Escape from Monkey Island -- by LucasArts Tales of Monkey Island -- Telltale, you rock, I mean seriously.
(note: May it be known that I first played SMI on the diskette EGA version, after having borrowed the game from my cousin who wasn't into computer games, and that my favorite MI game has been Curse primarily because of Murray's character and the voice actors' skill, however Tales does tie if not gives it a run for it's money.)
King's Quest I: Quest for the Crown -- VGA Remake by AGD King's Quest II: Romancing the Stones -- VGA Remake by AGD King's Quest III: To Heir is Human -- VGA Remake by IA King's Quest V: Absence Makes the Heart Go Yonder -- CD version by Sierra On-Line King's Quest VI: Heir Today, Gone Tomorrow -- CD version by Sierra On-Line King's Quest VII: The Princeless Bride -- by Sierra On-Line
(note: My first adventure game ever was KQ4. My parents disliked adventure games after having to restart the game when they got stuck after giving the gem bag to the fisherman and not to the dwarf first. Also, thanks to extended family and friends, I have played the original versions of KQ1, 2 and 3, and diskette version of KQ6. However, I prefer the newest VGA versions, complete with voice acting. This being said, I do wish Magic Mirror Games would finish their remake of KQ4 soon.)
Sam & Max: Hit the Road -- CD by LucasArts Sam & Max: Save the World -- DVD by Telltale Games Sam & Max: Beyond Time and Space -- by Telltale Games
Strong Bad's Cool Game for Attractive People -- DVD by Telltale Games (gotta love Peasant's Quest - by Videlectrix (aka.
(note: I heard that Telltale was making TMI, so I planned on buying, but waited until the entire game was out to do so. In the interim, having found Telltale's website, I bought Sam & Max Season 1 to play while I waited. Since then I have not only bought TMI, but also Sam & Max Season 2, SBCG4AP, and am considering buying Wallace & Gromit. Not only do I buy these games because they're EXCELLENT, but also because I really want to support Telltale's success and continued production of great games. I love Monkey Island, and Sam and Max. Keep up the good work.)
Quest for Glory I: So You Want to Be a Hero -- CD by Sierra On-Line Quest for Glory II: Trial by Fire -- remake by AGD Quest for Glory III: Wages of War -- CD by Sierra On-Line Quest for Glory IV: Shadows of Darkness -- CD by Sierra On-Line
Legend of Kyrandia -- CD by Westwood Studios Legend of Kyrandia: Hand of Fate -- CD by Westwood Studios Legend of Kyrandia: Malcolm's Revenge -- CD by Westwood Studios
Star Trek TNG: A Final Unity -- by Spectrum HoloByte
Leisure Suit Larry VII: Love for Sail -- by Sierra On-Line
Maniac Mansion -- on Day of the Tentacle CD, by LucasArts Maniac Mansion Deluxe -- remake by LucasFan Games Day of the Tentacle -- CD by LucasArts
The Dig -- CD from LucasArts Archives Vol. III box Full Throttle -- CD from LucasArts Archives Vol. III box
(I also have once played Grim Fandango by LucasArts, and though it was a very good game, the plot never really stayed with me. Also, Torin's Passage by Sierra On-Line was a game that I have owned yet misplaced, but though it was fun to play and had an interesting plot, the ending is so anti-climactic and screams 'I need a sequel' so bad that I would never recommend it to anyone since there is none.)
All Chzo Mythos games (Really great)
Beneath A Steel Sky (Haven't finished it)
Broken Sword I and II (Of course)
Day of the tentacle (Of course)
Discworld (The one with the dragon slaying, I forgot)
Full Throttle (Of course)
Indiana Jones and the Fate of atlantis
All Leisure Suit Larry games except the 2nd and 3rd one.
All Monkey Island games (Including SMI:SE)
Grim Fandango (Of course)
Psychonauts (Of course)
All Sam and Max games (Of course)
The Dig (It was okay. Loved the graphics)
Dreamfall: The Longest Journey (Never played the first one)
Loom (Unfinished)
Space Quest 5 and 6 (5 is unfinished)
SBCG4AP (Of course)
The Neverhood (Of course)
All Ace Attorney games
Wallace And Gromit Grand Adventures (Of course)
The first CSI series (It was okay)
The Blackwell Convergence (Loved it)
Aand some assorted AGS stuff.
Well here's my list of adventure games in no order at all.
Sam & Max Hit the Road (LucasArts Classic CD)
Sam & Max season 1, 2 and 3
Tales of Monkey Island
Wallace and Gromit: Grand Adventures
Strong Bad's Cool Game for Attractive People
Bone (episode 1 & 2)
Journeyman Project 3: Legacy of Time (Lost and probably never will be found)
Kings Quest Collection
The AGDI remakes of Kings Quest 1 & 2
The AGDI remake of Quest for Glory 2
Gobliins 2
Goblins Quest 3
The Bizarre Adventures of Woodruff and the Schnibble
Secret of Monkey Island: Special Edition
Pink Panther Hocus Pocus Pink
The Hobbit
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney: Justice for All
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney: Trials and Tribulations
Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney
Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth
Hotel Dusk: Room 215
Another Code: Two Memories
Out of Order (Free Hungry Software Game)
Teen Agent (Thanks to GOG)
And that's probably all of them.
I'm surprised how many people have played Ecoquest I and not Ecoquest 2. I actually played the second one first and the first one only recently. I know I have the second one in a box around here somewhere, but I'm sure those looking for it can find it on the adandonware websites mentioned above.
Okay, so a list (off the top of my head):
The Secret of Monkey Island
Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge
Curse of Monkey Island
Escape from Monkey Island
Tales of Monkey Island
Legend of Kyrandia
Legend of Kyrandia: Hand of Fate
Legend of Kyrandia: Malcolm's Revenge
Laura Bow: The Colonel's Bequest
Laura Bow: The Dagger of Amon-Ra (oh how many problems I've had getting this game to work on various computers over the years)
Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis (all three paths)
Lost Files of Sherlock Holmes - The Case of the Serrated Scalpel
Ecoquest: The Search for Cetus (still can't get all the points for this)
Ecoquest II: Secret of the RainForest
The Lost Adventures of Legend CD compilation:
Companions of Xanth (I read the books, so I really liked this game)
Eric the Unready
Gateway II: Homeworld
Spellcasting 101
Spellcasting 201
Spellcasting 301
King's Quest I: Quest for the Crown (remake)
King's Quest II: Romancing the Throne (remake)
King's Quest III: To Heir Is Human (remake)
King's Quest IV: The Perils of Rosella (looking forward to the remake)
King's Quest V: Absence Makes the Heart Go Yonder!
King's Quest VI: Heir Today, Gone Tomorrow
King's Quest VII: The Princeless Bride
(I think I played the original King's Quest I on a really old Apple computer when I was maybe 3 years old. All I remember is that it was incredibly slow and my father told me not to play it. But I never forgot the couple of forest scenes I saw, they intrigued me so much. I only recently found these again so I guess I'm a little late to the KQ games)
...and the ones I haven't finished yet for various reasons:
A Vampyre Story
Fable (I lost it when I moved)
The Longest Journey (someone lent it to me recently)
Broken Sword: Shadow of the Templars (someone gave this to me as a DS game, I need to get the PC version and then play the second and third one)
Simon the Sorcerer (I can't seem to get into this one)
I'm sure there are others, if I think of them, I'll edit them in.
I have a very short list compared to everyone else:
Secret of Monkey Island
Monkey Island II: LeChuck's Revenge
Curse of Monkey Island
Escape from Monkey Island
Tales of Monkey Island
Sam and Max Hit the Road
Sam and Max Season 1
Sam and Max Season 2
Sam and Max Season 3 (sorta)
Wallace and Gromit:The Bogey Man
The Dig
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade
Indiana Jones: Fate of Atlantis
Maniac Mansion
Day of the Tentacle
Zak McKracken and the Alien Mindbenders
Full Throttle
Grim Fandango
I'm surprised how many people have played Ecoquest I and not Ecoquest 2.
I'd guess that the reason for that is that EcoQuest 2 suffered from the same problem as Space Quest V - namely never getting a CD version despite the previous game in the series getting one.
As to my adventure collection, I've listed it in other threads before.
I'd guess that the reason for that is that EcoQuest 2 suffered from the same problem as Space Quest V - namely never getting a CD version despite the previous game in the series getting one.
You're right! I thought it was on a CD, but I just found mine, and they are discs.
I can't afford to buy original games sadly, all are illegal copies/pirated versions. I think I will buy a MI t-shirt from Telltale to make up for it at least a little bit. =/ I feel guilty playing sometimes I can't even laugh.
That's interesting, because when you say "disque" in French, that's pretty much the only thing it does apply to
Well, that and hard drives, that are called "disques durs".
I list twelve of my best,if not the best, point&click adventures:
Broken Sword I
Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis
Grim Fandango
Full Throttle
Bone (yes TTG, you! :O)
A Vampyre Story
Sam&Max Hit the Road
The Secret of Monkey Island
The Blackwell Trilogy
Wow, I can't tell wether to be fascinated or horrified.
Yay for DVD and/or Blu-Ray!
(Makes me glad I never owned one in the same way I'm glad I only ever bough, like, 5 or so vinyl records - as opposed to several thousand CDs and DVDs... )
np: Jamie Lidell - Compass (Compass)
(Even bought that CD twice, mainly because I had totally forgotten about my preorder with the label when the CD hit my store here - not that I won't go return that extra copy to the store, mind you... )
DT=Deutsche Version (=german version)
WW= Worldwide Release (usually used this for downloadable stuff, like the Telltale games)
Most of the games are in their original Big Box, unless otherwise noted...
Titel System Version
(T)Raumschiff Surprise - Periode 1 PC DT
1 1/2 Ritter PC DT
15 Days PC DT
3 Skulls of the Toltecs PC DT
999 - Nine Hours Nine Persons Nine Doors Nintendo DS US
A New Beginning PC DT
A New Beginning PC UK
A New Beginning - Spiel des Jahres Edition PC DT
A Vampyre Story PC DT
A Vampyre Story PC UK
A Vampyre Story Collector's Edition PC DT
Ace Attorney Investigations Nintendo DS UK
Ace Ventura PC DT
Adventure Hall of Fame PC DT
Agatha Christie - And Then There Were None PC UK
Agatha Christie - Das Böse unter der Sonne PC DT
Agatha Christie - Murder on the Orient Express PC US
AGON Collector's Edition PC DT
Al Emmo and the Lost Dutchman's Mine PC US
Alchemia PC DT
Alfred Hitchcock - The Final Cut PC DT
Alien - A Comic Book Adventure PC DT
Alien Incident PC DT
Aliens - A Comic Book Adventure PC UK
Aliens - A Comic Book Adventure PC DT
Alpha Polaris PC DT
Alter Ego PC DT
Alternativa PC DT
Anacapri The Dream PC EU
Ankh PC DT
Ankh - Herz des Osiris PC DT
Ankh - Kampf der Götter PC DT
Ankh Trilogie PC DT
Another Code: R - A Journey intoLost Memories Wii UK
Apollo Justice - Ace Attorney Nintendo DS US
Ark of Time PC DT/FR
Armaeth - The Lost Kingdom PC DT
Art of Murder - FBI Confidential PC UK
Atlantis - The Lost Tales PC DT
Atlantis II PC DT
Atlantis III PC DT
Azrael's Tear (Cash & Carry Collection) PC DT
Bad Mojo Redux PC DT
Baphomets Fluch PC DT
Baphomets Fluch - Der schlafende Drache Xbox DT
Baphomets Fluch 3 - Der Schlafende Drache PC DT
Baphomets Fluch II - Der Spiegel der Finsternis PC DT
Barrow Hill PC DT
Barrow Hill PC UK
Barrow Hill PC UK
Belief & Betrayal PC DT
Belief & Betrayal PC UK
Beneath a Steel Sky PC DT
Beyond Zork PC US
Black Dahlia PC DT
Black Mirror Collection PC DT
Black Mirror I PC DT
Black Mirror I Special Edition PC DT
Black Mirror II PC DT
Black Mirror III PC DT
Black Sails - Das Geisterschiff PC DT
Blackwell Unbound PC US
Blade Runner PC DT
Blazing Dragons Psone DT
Blown Away PC DT
Blue Force PC US
Bone - Das große Kuhrennen PC DT
Bone - Flucht aus Boneville PC DT
Bone - Out from Boneville [Episode 1] PC US
Bone - The Great Cow Race [Episode 2] PC US
Bone Gold PC DT
Book of Unwritten Tales - Die Vieh Chroniken PC DT
Book of Unwritten Tales Collection PC DT
Bozuma - Das Geheimnis der Mumie PC DT
Broken Sword & Broken Sword II PC UK
Broken Sword (Broken Sword Trilogy) PC UK
Broken Sword (signed) PC UK
Broken Sword / Baphomet's Fluch Gameboy Advance EU
Broken Sword 2 (Broken Sword Trilogy) PC UK
Broken Sword 3 (Broken Sword Trilogy) PC UK
Broken Sword 4 - The Angel of Death PC UK
Broken Sword II PC UK
Bud Tucker in Double Trouble PC DT
Bureau 13 PC EU
Burn: Cycle PC DT
Byzantine - Tod in Instabul PC DT
Call of Cthulhu - Prisoner of Ice (DICE Budget Bigbox) PC EU
Call of Cthulhu - Shadow of the Comet PC DT
Callahan's Crosstime Saloon PC US
Carol Reed 1-5 Complete PC DT
Ceville PC DT
Chewy Esc from F5 PC DT
Chewy Esc from F5 PC DT
Chronomaster PC US/UK
City of Secrets PC/MAC DT
Cleopatra - Schicksal einer Königin PC DT
Cleopatra - Schicksal einer Königin PC DT
Clever & Smart - A Movie Adventure PC DT
Code-Name Iceman PC US
Companions of Xanth PC US
Conquests of Camelot - The Search for the Grail PC US
Conquests of the Longbow - The Legend of Robin Hood PC US
Conspiracies II - Lethal Networks PC UK/WW
Conspiracy (White Label) PC UK
Countdown PC US
Crime Time PC DT
Cruise for a Corpse (KIXX XL) PC DT
CSI - 3 Dimensions of Murder PC UK
CSI - Crime Scene Investigation (CSI Triple Pack) PC UK
CSI - Dark Motives (CSI Triple Pack) PC UK
CSI - Hard Evidence PC UK
CSI - Miami (CSI Triple Pack) PC UK
CSI: Deadly Intent PC UK
Culpa Innata PC US
Culpa Innata PC DT
Curse of Enchantia PC DT
Dark Fall 3 - Lost Souls PC UK
Darkness Within - In Pursuit of Loath Nolder PC UK
Darkness Within - In Pursuit of Loath Nolder PC DT
Darkseed PC US
Darkseed 2 PC DT
Darkstar PC US/WW
Das Eulemberg-Experiment PC DT
Das Geheimnis der Druiden (CDV Bestseller) PC DT
Das Geheimnis der Druiden Special Edition PC DT
Das Geheimnis des Berghotels PC DT
Das Rätsel des Master Lu PC DT
Das Stundenglas PC DT
Das Vermächtnis - Der Baum des Lebens PC DT
Das Vermächtnis - Testament of Sin PC DT
Day of the Tentacle PC UK
Day of the Tentacle PC DT
Day of the Tentacle (CD) PC DT
Days of Oblivion II - Frozen Eternity PC DT
Dead Reefs PC DT
Death Gate PC DT
Deja Vu I & II Gameboy Color DT
Deponia PC DT
Der Schatz im Silbersee (Karl May Edition) PC DT
Diabolik - The Original Sin Nintendo DS UK
Diamon Jones and the Amulet of the World PC DT
Diamonds in the Rough PC WW
Die 3 Wünsche des Dr. Khotabich PC DT
Die Affäre Morlov PC DT
Die Höhlenwelt Saga - Der Leuchtende Kristall PC DT
Die Kathedrale PC DT
Die Kunst des Mordens - Geheimakte FBI PC DT
Die Kunst des Mordens 2 - Der Marionettenspieler PC DT
Die Kunst des Mordens 3 - Karten des Schicksals PC DT
Die märchenhaften Abenteuer des Hans Christian Anderssen : Das verwunschene Königreich PC DT
Die Pandora Akte PC DT
Die Pandora Akte PC DT
Die Rückkehr zur Geheimnisvollen Insel PC DT
Die ungelösten Fälle von Sherlock Holmes - Das Geheimnis der tätowierten Rose PC DT
Discworld CD PC DT
Discworld II - Vermutlicht vermisst... PC DT
Discworld Noir PC DT
Dollar - Der interaktive Krimi PC DT
Down in the Dumps PC DT
Dracula 2 - Die letzte Zufluchtsstätte PC DT
Dracula 3 - Der Pfad des Drachen PC DT
Dracula II - Die letzte Zufluchtsstätte (Back to Games) PC DT
Dracula Origin PC DT
Dracula Origin PC UK
Dracula Resurrection PC DT
Dragonsphere (Book) PC EU
Dragonsphere Budget PC US?
Drawn - The Painted Tower (bigfish) PC US
Dreamfall - The Longest Journey (DVD-Case) PC DT
Dreamfall - The Longest Journey (LE UK incl. TLJ) PC UK
Dreamfall Limited Edition PC UK
Earthrise PC US
Eco Quest - The Search for Cetus PC US
Eco Quest II - Lost Secret of the Rainforest PC US
Edna & Harvey - The Breakout PC UK
Edna bricht aus PC DT
Edna bricht aus - Sammler Edition PC DT
Erben der Erde - Die große Suche PC DT
Eric the Unready PC US
Eric the Unready CD-ROM PC US
Escape from Monkey Island (CD-Hülle) PC US
Eternam PC DT/FR
Everlight - Elfen an die Macht PC DT
Evidence - Wer tötete Sarah Hopkins PC DT
Evil Days of Luckless John PC DT
Experience 112 PC DT
Fable PC DT
Flight of the Amazon Queen PC DT
Flight of the Amazon Queen PC US
Flower, Sun & Rain Nintendo DS UK
Floyd - Es gibt noch Helden PC DT
Flucht von Monkey Island PC DT
Forever Worlds - Reisen durch unbekannte Dimensionen PC DT
Frankenstein - Through the Eyes of the Monster PC DT
Freddy Pharkas - Frontier Pharmacist PC US
Freddy Pharkas - Frontier Pharmacist PC DT
Frederik Pohl's Gateway - The Animated Interstellar Adventure PC US
Full Pipe PC DT
Fünf Freunde - Gefährliche Entdeckung PC DT
Future Wars - Adventures in Time PC US
Gabriel Knight - The Beast Within PC DT
Gabriel Knight 3 - Blut der Verdammten, Blut der Heiligen PC DT
Gabriel Knight Mysteries Collector's Edition (GK 1+2) PC DT
Galador - Der Fluch des Prinzen PC DT
Geheimakte 2 - Puritas Cordis PC DT
Geheimakte Tunguska PC DT
Geisterjäger Delaware St. John - Das Haus der Toten PC DT
Geisterjäger Delaware St. John - Die Stadt der Toten PC DT
Gemini Rue PC WW
Gemini Rue PC DT
Gene Machine PC DT
Ghost Pirates of Vooju Island PC UK
Ghost Pirates of Vooju Island PC DT
Ghost Trick - Phantom Detective Nintendo DS UK
Gobliiins 4 PC DT
Gobliiins Trilogy [retro games] PC DT
Goin' Downtown PC DT
Gold Rush! PC US
Gooka - Das Geheimnis von Janatris PC DT
Granny - Die Oma im Schleudertrauma PC DT
Gray Matter PC UK
Gray Matter Collector's Edition PC DT
Gregory Horror Show Playstation2 DT
Grim Fandango PC DT
Grim Fandango (DVD-Hülle ReRelease) PC DT
Guilty PC UK
Gyakuten Saiban - Yomigaero Gyakuten (Phoenix Wright - Ace Attorney) Nintendo DS JP
Hamtaro - Ham-Hams Unite! Gameboy Color DT
Hamtaro Ham-Ham Heartbreak Gameboy Advance DT
Hamtaro Rainbow Rescue Gameboy Advance DT
Harveys Neue Augen PC DT
Haunted PC DT
Heart of China PC US
Heaven PC US
Heavy Rain Special Edition Playstation3 UK
Hell PC DT
Hero's Quest - So you want to be a Hero PC US
Hexuma - Das Auge des Kal PC DT
Hook PC EU
Hopkins FBI PC DT
Hotel (bigfish) PC US
Hotel Dusk - Room 215 Nintendo DS US
I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream PC UK
I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream PC DT
In 80 Tagen um die Welt PC DT
In Memoriam 2 - Das letzte Ritual PC DT
Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis PC DT
Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis (CD) PC UK
Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis (Diskettenversion auf CD) PC DT
Innocent Until Caught PC DT
Jack Keane PC DT
Jack Orlando - A Cinematic Adventure PC DT
Jack Orlando - A Cinematic Adventure - Director's Cut PC DT
Jack the Ripper PC DT
Jade Rousseau Episode 1 - Die Geheimen Evangelien PC DT
Jake Hunter Detective Chronicles Nintendo DS US
James Noir's Hollywood Crimes 3D Nintendo 3DS DT
Jolly Rover PC DT
Jolly Rover PC UK
Journey - The Quest Begins PC US
Journey to the Moon PC UK
Julia - Tödliches Verlangen PC DT
Kaptain Brave - A Brave New World PC DT
Keepsake PC DT
King's Quest Collection Series PC US
King's Quest I - Quest for the Crown (Enhanced) PC US
King's Quest II - Romancing the Throne PC US
King's Quest III - To Heir is Human PC US
King's Quest IV - The Perils of Rosella PC US
King's Quest V - Absence makes the Heart go Yonder PC US
King's Quest VI - Heir Today, Gone Tomorrow PC US
King's Quest VI CD - Heir Today, Gone Tomorrow PC US
King's Quest VII - The Princeless Bride MAC DT
King's Quest VII - The Princeless Bride PC US
King's Quest VII - The Princeless Bride PC DT
Koala Lumpur - Reise ins Chaos PC DT
Kriminologie Nintendo DS DT
Largo Winch Gamecube DT
Largo Winch Xbox DT
Largo Winch Playstation2 DT
Last Window - The Secret of Cape West Nintendo DS UK
Laura Bow in The Dagger of Amon Ra PC US
Law & Order - Criminal Intent PC US
Law & Order - Dead on the Money (L&O Collection) PC UK
Law & Order - Justice is Served (Ep. 3) PC UK
Law & Order 2 - Double or Nothing (L&O Collection) PC UK
Law & Order 3 - Justice is Served (L&O Collection) PC UK
Law & Order Ep. 2 - Double or Nothing PC UK
Leisure Suit Larry 1 - in the Land of the Lounge Lizards PC US
Leisure Suit Larry 1 - in the Land of the Lounge Lizards VGA PC US
Leisure Suit Larry 2 - goes looking for love in several wrong places Atari ST US
Leisure Suit Larry 3 - Passionate Patty in pursuit of the Pulsating Pectorals PC US
Leisure Suit Larry 5 - Passionate Patty does a little Undercover Work PC US
Leisure Suit Larry 6 - Shape up or Slip out PC DT/FR
Leisure Suit Larry 6 - Shape up, or slip out PC US
Leisure Suit Larry 7 - Yacht nach Liebe PC DT
Leisure Suit Larry 7 - Yacht nach Liebe (DICE/DVD-Hülle) PC DT
Leisure Suit Larry Collection (Bigbox) PC DT
Leisure Suit Larry Collection (Classic Collection) PC UK
Les Manley in Search for the King PC US
Lifesigns - Surgical Unit Nintendo DS US
Lighthouse PC US
Limbo of the Lost PC UK
Lost Horizon PC UK
Lost Horizon PC DT
Lost in Time Parts 1+2 PC DT
Lula 3D PC DT
Lure of the Temptress PC DT
Lure of the Temptress (Sold Out) PC DT
Lux-Pain Nintendo DS UK
Machinarium PC DT
Machinarium PC UK
Magnetic Scrolls Collection PC EU
Manhunter 2 - San Francisco PC US
Manhunter: New York PC US
Maniac Mansion (Kixx XL) PC UK
Martin Mystère - Operation Dorian Gray PC DT
Mata Hari PC DT
Memento Mori PC DT
Metropolis Crimes Nintendo DS DT
Miami Crisis Nintendo DS UK
Midnight Nowhere PC DT
Mixed Up Fairy Tales PC DT
Monkey Island 2 - Le Chuck's Revenge PC DT
Monkey Island 2 - Le Chucks Revenge (Topshots CD Bigbox) PC DT
Monkey Island Special PC DT
Monkey Island Special Edition Collection PC DT
Moorhuhn Adventure PC DT
Moorhuhn Adventure 1+2 PC DT
Moorhuhn Sammelbox Big Adventure PC DT
Myst 3 Exile Playstation2 DT
Myst 3 Exile Xbox DT
Nancy Drew - The White Wolf of Icicle Creek PC UK
Nautilus PC DT
Necronomicon PC DT
Necronomicon - Das Mysterium der Dämmerung PC DT
Ni-Bi-Ru - Der Bote der Götter (NiBiRu) PC DT
Ni-Bi-Ru - Der Bote der Götter (Special Edition) PC DT
Nightfall MAC DT
Nightlong - Union City Conspiracy PC DT
Nikopol PC US
Noctropolis PC DT
Normality PC UK
Normality PC DT
Nostradamus Special Edition PC DT
Odyssee PC DT
Of Light and Darkness - The Prophecy PC DT
Orion Burger PC DT
Outcry - Die Dämmerung PC DT
Overclocked - Eine Geschichte über Gewalt PC DT
Paradise PC DT
Pathologic PC DT
Penumbra - Black Plague PC DT
Penumbra Episode 1: Halbschatten PC DT
Perry Rhodan - The Adventure PC DT
Phantasmagoria PC UK
Phantasmagoria 2 - Labor des Grauens PC kplt. DT
Phantasmagoria 2 - Labor des Grauens PC DT
Phoenix Wright - Ace Attorney 3 - Trails and Tribulations Nintendo DS JP
Phoenix Wright - Ace Attourney 2 - Justice for All Nintendo DS JP
Plan 9 From Outer Space PC DT
Plan 9 from Outer Space Amiga DT
Police Quest - In Pursuit of the Death Angel PC US
Police Quest - In Pursuit of the Death Angel VGA PC US
Police Quest 2 - The Vengeance PC US
Police Quest 3 - The Kindred PC US
Police Quest 4 - Open Season PC US
Police Quest Collection PC UK
Post Mortem PC DT
Pro Sieben Mystery - Der Vergessene Gott PC DT
Professor Layton & the Curious Village Nintendo DS US
Professor Layton and Pandora's Box Nintendo DS UK
Professor Layton and the Last Specter Nintendo DS US
Professor Layton and the Lost Future Nintendo DS UK
Pupper, Perlen und Pistolen PC DT
Puzzle Bots PC WW
Puzzlebots PC WW
Quest for Glory Anthology PC US
Quest for Glory I - So you want to be a Hero VGA PC US
Quest for Glory II - Trial by Fire PC US
Quest for Glory III - Wages of War PC US
Quest for Glory IV - Shadows of Darkness PC US
Quest for the Timebird Amiga DT
Reprobates PC DT
Return to Mysterious Island PC UK
Return to Zork PC EU
Rex Nebular and the Cosmic Gender Bender PC DT
Rhiannon - Curse of the four Branches PC UK
Runaway - A Twist of Fate - Gina Forever PC DT
Runaway [DVD-Budget / CD-Case] PC DT
Runaway 2 - The Dream of the Turtle PC UK
Runaway 2 - The Dream of the Turtle PC DT
Runaway 3 - A Twist of Fate PC DT
Runaway Special Edition PC DT
Safecracker PC UK
Sam & Max - Hit the Road PC DT
Sam & Max - Hit the Road (Lucas Arts Classic) PC DT
Sam & Max - Hit the Road CD-Rom PC DT
Sam & Max - S01E01: Culture Shock PC US
Sam & Max - S01E02: Situation Comedy PC US
Sam & Max - S01E03: The Mole, the Mob, and the Meatball PC US
Sam & Max - S01E04: Abe Lincoln must die! PC US
Sam & Max - S01E05: Reality 2.0 PC US
Sam & Max - S01E06: Bright Side of the Moon PC US
Sam & Max - S02E01: Ice Station Santa PC US
Sam & Max - S02E02: Moai Better Blues PC US
Sam & Max - S02E03: Night of the Raving Dead PC US
Sam & Max - S02E04: Chariots of the Dogs PC US
Sam & Max - S02E05: What's New, Beelzebub PC US
Sam & Max - Season 1 Disc PC US
Sam & Max - Season 2 Disc PC US
Sam & Max - Season One PC DT
Sam & Max - The Devil's Playhouse Episode 01 - The Penal Zone PC WW
Sam & Max - The Devil's Playhouse Episode 02 - The Tomb of Sammun-Mak PC WW
Sam & Max - The Devil's Playhouse Episode 03 - They Stole Max's Brain PC WW
Sam & Max - The Devil's Playhouse Episode 04 - Beyond the Alley of Dolls PC WW
Sam & Max - The Devil's Playhouse Episode 05 - The City That Dares Not Sleep PC WW
Sam & Max - The Devil's Playhouse Season DVD PC WW
Sanitarium PC DT
Sanitorium PC DT
Santa Fe Mysteries - The Elk Moon Murder PC US
Schizm PC DT
Schizm - Mysterious Jouney PC UK
Schizm II - Trügerische Wahrheit PC DT
Scratches PC DT
Sentinel - Descendants in Time PC UK
Shadow of Memories Playstation2 UK
Shadows on the Vatican - Act 1: Greed PC DL EU
Shannara PC DT
Shenmue Dreamcast DT
Shenmue 2 Xbox DT
Shenmue 2 Dreamcast DT
Sherlock Holmes - Das Geheimnis des silbernen Ohrrings PC DT
Sherlock Holmes - Das Geheimnis des silbernen Ohrrings (Special Edition) PC DT
Sherlock Holmes - The Awakened PC UK
Sherlock Holmes - The Case of the Silver Earring PC UK
Sherlock Holmes vs. Jack the Ripper PC UK
Sherlock Holmes vs. Jack the Ripper Xbox 360 UK
Sherlock Holmes: Nemesis PC US
Shine PC DT
Shivers PC DT
Shivers (DVD-Hülle) PC DT
Shivers 2 - Harvest of Souls PC DT
Simon the Sorcerer Amiga 1200 DT
Simon the Sorcerer - Chaos ist das halbe Leben PC DT
Simon the Sorcerer - Wer will schon Kontakt? PC DT
Simon the Sorcerer II - Der Löwe, der Zauberer & der Schrank) PC DT
Sinking Island - Mord im Paradies PC DT
So Blonde PC UK
So Blonde PC DT
So Blonde - Zurück auf die Insel Wii DT
Space Quest Collection PC UK
Space Quest I - Roger Wilco in The Sarien Encounter VGA PC US
Space Quest I - The Sarien Encounter PC US
Space Quest II - Vohaul's Revenge PC UK
Space Quest III - The Pirates of Pestulon PC US
Space Quest IV - Roger Wilco and the Time Rippers PC US
Space Quest V - Roger Wilco: The Next Mutation PC US
Space Quest VI MAC DT
Spongebob Squarepants - Employee of the Month PC DT
Spooky Story Nintendo DS DT
Spy Fox in: Das Milchkartell PC DT
Star Trek 25th Anniversary (White Label) PC DT
Star Trek Deep Space Nine Harbinger PC DT
Star Trek Judgement Rites PC DT
Star Trek Judgement Rites Collector's Edition PC DT
Star Trek The Next Generation - A Final Unity PC DT
Star Trek The Next Generation - A Final Unity - Collector's Edition Series 1 PC US
Steve Meretzky's Spellcasting 301 - Spring Break PC US
Still Life PC US
Still Life (Special Edition) PC DT
Still Life 2 PC DT
Strong Bad's Cool Game For Attractive People PC DT
Strong Bad's Cool Game For Attractive People S01E01 - Homestar Ruiner PC US
Strong Bad's Cool Game For Attractive People S01E02 - Strong Badia the Free PC US
Strong Bad's Cool Game For Attractive People S01E03 - Baddest of the Bands PC US
Strong Bad's Cool Game For Attractive People S01E04 - Dangeresque 3 PC US
Strong Bad's Cool Game for Attractive People Season 1 Collectors Disc PC WW
Stupid Invaders PC DT
Sunrise PC DT
Superhero League of Hoboken PC US
Syberia PC DT
Syberia Playstation2 DT
Syberia 2 PC US
Syberia Deluxe PC DT
Tale of A Hero PC DT
Tales of Monkey Island Episode 1 - Launch of the Screaming Narwhal PC WW
Tales of Monkey Island Episode 2 - Siege of Spinner Cay PC WW
Tales of Monkey Island Episode 3 - Lair of the Leviathan PC WW
Tales of Monkey Island Episode 4 - The Trial and Execution of Guybrush Threepwood PC WW
Tales of Monkey Island Episode 5 - Rise of the Pirate God PC WW
Tales of Monkey Island Eurobox PC DT
Tales of Monkey Island Season DVD Deluxe Edition PC WW
Talisman PC DT
Tell PC DT
The 7th Guest PC US
The Abbey PC DT
The Adventures of Willy Beamish PC DT
The Black Cauldron PC US
The Blackwell Deception (Preorder Disc) PC WW
The Blackwell Legacy PC US
The Book of Unwritten Tales PC DT
The Colonel's Bequest PC US
The Curse of Monkey Island PC DT
The Curse of Monkey Island PC SKAND
The Dark Half PC US
The Dig PC US
The Dig PC DT
The Fish Files Gameboy Color EU
The Hound of Shadow PC EU
The Journeyman Project PC DT
The Last Dynasty PC DT
The Last Express PC DT
The Last Express [retro games] PC DT
The Legend of Crystal Valley PC DT
The Legend of Kyrandia - Fables & Fiends Book 1 PC US
The Legend of Kyrandia - Fables & Fiends Book 1 PC DT
The Legend of Kyrandia - Fables & Fiends Book 1 (CD-Hülle) PC EU/US
The Legend of Kyrandia - Fables & Fiends Book 3 PC DT
The Legend of Kyrandia 2 - Hand of Fate PC DT
The Legend of Kyrandia 2 - Hand of Fate PC DT
The Legend of Kyrandia 2 - Hand of Fate PC UK
The Longest Journey (LE Dreamfall) PC UK
The Longest Journey (Signed) PC DT
The Longest Journey Special Edition PC DT
The Lost Chronicles of Zerzura PC DT
The Lost Crown PC US
The Lost Files of Sherlock Holmes PC US
The Lost Files of Sherlock Holmes - Case of the Rose Tattoo (EA CD-Rom Classics) PC DT
The Lost Files of Sherlock Holmes - The Case of the Serrated Scalpel CD PC DT
The Lost Treasures of Infocom PC DT
The Moment of Silence PC DT
The Moment of Silence (Special Edition) PC DT
The Next BIG Thing Campaign Edition PC DT
The Omega Stone - Secrets of the Ancients PC UK
The Orion Conspiracy PC DT
The Rocking Dead PC DT
The Secret of Monk
The Indiana Jones games
The Monkey Island games
Full Throttle
Alone In The Dark
Batman Returns
Indiana Jones and the Infernal Machine
Indiana Jones and the Emperor's Tomb
Scooby-Doo! Mystery
The Lost Cases of Sherlock Holmes
they are really, really well written and have some neat oldschool graphics.
recommending "resonance" and the "blackwell bundle". AND of course "gemini rue".
oh, and im really looking forward to the new sherlock holmes adventure. (release 20th sept in europe)
Always played them since the days of the zx specrtum, and its good to see the adventure seen hasn,t died with games like Siberia and web games like Samorost 2.
Here is my Top Ten of all time.
10. Dreamweb. (Great sound music, Free download at Abadonware needs dos box)
9. Sanitarium. (They don,t make games like this anymore)
8. Indian Jones and the fate of atlantis. (Good enough to warrent a film)
7. Scratches ( A fairly new first person adventure that deserves its place here.
6. The secret of Monkey Island. (Something about that theme music reminds me of what games are all about) @Abondonware
5. Gabriel Knight sins of the father ( A Gem )
4. The Curse of Monkey Island ( 1 beautifully crafted game )
3. Day of the Tenticle ( plays like a cartoon )
2. Monkey Island 2 ( The best in the series)
1. Grim Fandango ( Created when the adventure game was loved by all )
PLay Gabriel Knight sins of the father (should be at abandonware sites. A forgoten Gem)
5 days a stranger (7)
6 days a sacrifice (7)
7 days a sceptic (8)
Alien Incident (6)
Amazon - Guardians of Eden (na)
Beneath A Steel Sky (9)
Big Red Adventure (6)
Bioforge (na)
Blade Runner (8)
Broken Sword (5)
Broken Sword II (na)
Callahan's Crosstime Saloon (7)
Companions of Xanth (na)
Countdown (8)
Curse of Enchantia (na)
Day of the tentacle (9)
Death Gate (8)
Discworld (na)
Double Trouble (5)
Dragonsphere (na)
Dreamweb (na)
Dune (na)
Eric the Unready (na)
Fable (6)
Flight of the Amazon Queen (6)
Full Throttle (na)
Gabriel Knight 1 (8)
Gene Machine, The (5)
Grim Fandango (9)
Indiana Jones and the Fate of atlantis (6)
Indiana Jones and the last crusade (5)
King's Quest 1 (6)
King's Quest 2 (na)
King's Quest 3 (na)
King's Quest 6 (7)
Legend of Kyrandia (6)
Legend of Kyrandia 2 (7)
Leisure Suit Larry 1 (7)
Leisure Suit Larry 2 (3)
Leisure Suit Larry 5 (6)
Leisure Suit Larry 6 (7)
Leisure Suit Larry 7 (7)
Maniac Mansion Deluxe (9)
Monkey Island 1 (8)
Monkey Island 2 (10)
Monkey Island 3 (10)
Monkey Island 4 (5)
Monkey Island, Tales of (8)
Psychonauts (9)
Quest For Glory 1 (8)
Quest For Glory 2 (8)
Quest For Glory 3 (6)
Quest For Glory 4 (na)
Riddle of Master Lu (6)
Sam n Max hit the road (6)
Sam n Max Season 1 (7)
Simon the Sorcerer 1 (na)
Simon the Sorcerer 2 (na)
The Dig (7)
The Longest Journey (8)
Trillby's Notes (9)
Zack McKracken and the alien mindbenders (8)
Full Throttle
The Secret of Monkey Island
The Secret of Monkey Island: Special Edition
Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge
Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge: Special Edition
The Curse of Monkey Island
Escape from Monkey Island
Tales of Monkey Island
Insecticide Part 1
Broken Sword 1
Broken Sword 2 (only just started)
Broken Sword 3 (only played half)
Runaway: A Road Adventure
Runaway 2: Dream of the Turtle
The Dig (only played 20 mins of it. I'll definitely give it another shot later though)
Loom (not played yet)
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (just started playing)
Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis (not yet played)
Indiana Jones and the Fountain of Youth (free fan game)(only just started)
Jack Keane
Sam & Max: Hit the Road
Sam & Max Season 1
Sam & Max Season 2
Wallace & Gromit's Grand Adventures (not yet played)
Secret Files: Tunguska (not yet played)
Beneath a Steel Sky (not yet played)
The Longest Journey (played half - love it!)
Dreamfall: The Longest Journey (not yet played)
Myst (sitting in the cupboard collecting dust - only played about 10 minutes of it and found it soulless and boring)
The Whispered World (not yet played)
King's Quest I: Quest for the Crown (Remake)
King's Quest II: Romancing the Throne/Stones (Remake)
King's Quest III: To Heir is Human (Remake)(only just started)
King's Quest IV: The Perils of Rosella (not yet played)
King's Quest V: Absence Makes the Heart Go Yonder! (not yet played)
King's Quest VI: Heir Today, Gone Tomorrow (not yet played)
King's Quest VII: The Princeless Bride (not yet played)
King's Quest VIII: Mask of Eternity (not yet played)
Puzzle Agent
Jolly Rover
The Secret of Monkey Island (VGA with CD sound) -- on Monkey Island Madness CD from LucasArts Archives Vol. III box
The Secret of Monkey Island:Special Edition -- bought via Steam, then dl'ed Steam-less copy via torrent bcuz I hate being forced to use it.
Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge -- on Monkey Island Madness CD from LucasArts Archives Vol. III box
The Curse of Monkey Island -- by LucasArts
Escape from Monkey Island -- by LucasArts
Tales of Monkey Island -- Telltale, you rock, I mean seriously.
(note: May it be known that I first played SMI on the diskette EGA version, after having borrowed the game from my cousin who wasn't into computer games, and that my favorite MI game has been Curse primarily because of Murray's character and the voice actors' skill, however Tales does tie if not gives it a run for it's money.)
King's Quest I: Quest for the Crown -- VGA Remake by AGD
King's Quest II: Romancing the Stones -- VGA Remake by AGD
King's Quest III: To Heir is Human -- VGA Remake by IA
King's Quest V: Absence Makes the Heart Go Yonder -- CD version by Sierra On-Line
King's Quest VI: Heir Today, Gone Tomorrow -- CD version by Sierra On-Line
King's Quest VII: The Princeless Bride -- by Sierra On-Line
(note: My first adventure game ever was KQ4. My parents disliked adventure games after having to restart the game when they got stuck after giving the gem bag to the fisherman and not to the dwarf first. Also, thanks to extended family and friends, I have played the original versions of KQ1, 2 and 3, and diskette version of KQ6. However, I prefer the newest VGA versions, complete with voice acting. This being said, I do wish Magic Mirror Games would finish their remake of KQ4 soon.)
Sam & Max: Hit the Road -- CD by LucasArts
Sam & Max: Save the World -- DVD by Telltale Games
Sam & Max: Beyond Time and Space -- by Telltale Games
Strong Bad's Cool Game for Attractive People -- DVD by Telltale Games (gotta love
Peasant's Quest - by Videlectrix (aka.
(note: I heard that Telltale was making TMI, so I planned on buying, but waited until the entire game was out to do so. In the interim, having found Telltale's website, I bought Sam & Max Season 1 to play while I waited. Since then I have not only bought TMI, but also Sam & Max Season 2, SBCG4AP, and am considering buying Wallace & Gromit. Not only do I buy these games because they're EXCELLENT, but also because I really want to support Telltale's success and continued production of great games. I love Monkey Island, and Sam and Max. Keep up the good work.)
Quest for Glory I: So You Want to Be a Hero -- CD by Sierra On-Line
Quest for Glory II: Trial by Fire -- remake by AGD
Quest for Glory III: Wages of War -- CD by Sierra On-Line
Quest for Glory IV: Shadows of Darkness -- CD by Sierra On-Line
Legend of Kyrandia -- CD by Westwood Studios
Legend of Kyrandia: Hand of Fate -- CD by Westwood Studios
Legend of Kyrandia: Malcolm's Revenge -- CD by Westwood Studios
Star Trek TNG: A Final Unity -- by Spectrum HoloByte
Leisure Suit Larry VII: Love for Sail -- by Sierra On-Line
Maniac Mansion -- on Day of the Tentacle CD, by LucasArts
Maniac Mansion Deluxe -- remake by LucasFan Games
Day of the Tentacle -- CD by LucasArts
The Dig -- CD from LucasArts Archives Vol. III box
Full Throttle -- CD from LucasArts Archives Vol. III box
(I also have once played Grim Fandango by LucasArts, and though it was a very good game, the plot never really stayed with me. Also, Torin's Passage by Sierra On-Line was a game that I have owned yet misplaced, but though it was fun to play and had an interesting plot, the ending is so anti-climactic and screams 'I need a sequel' so bad that I would never recommend it to anyone since there is none.)
The 7th Guest
The Neverhood
Myst 4
Aura Fate of the Ages
Space Quest 4 (CD Windows version)
Those are my retail ones, most of mine are from websites like GameTap, GOG, Steam, and of course Telltale.
But I will soon expand it with SoMI:SE and LR:SE
Beneath A Steel Sky (Haven't finished it)
Broken Sword I and II (Of course)
Day of the tentacle (Of course)
Discworld (The one with the dragon slaying, I forgot)
Full Throttle (Of course)
Indiana Jones and the Fate of atlantis
All Leisure Suit Larry games except the 2nd and 3rd one.
All Monkey Island games (Including SMI:SE)
Grim Fandango (Of course)
Psychonauts (Of course)
All Sam and Max games (Of course)
The Dig (It was okay. Loved the graphics)
Dreamfall: The Longest Journey (Never played the first one)
Loom (Unfinished)
Space Quest 5 and 6 (5 is unfinished)
SBCG4AP (Of course)
The Neverhood (Of course)
All Ace Attorney games
Wallace And Gromit Grand Adventures (Of course)
The first CSI series (It was okay)
The Blackwell Convergence (Loved it)
Aand some assorted AGS stuff.
Sam & Max Hit the Road (LucasArts Classic CD)
Sam & Max season 1, 2 and 3
Tales of Monkey Island
Wallace and Gromit: Grand Adventures
Strong Bad's Cool Game for Attractive People
Bone (episode 1 & 2)
Journeyman Project 3: Legacy of Time (Lost and probably never will be found)
Kings Quest Collection
The AGDI remakes of Kings Quest 1 & 2
The AGDI remake of Quest for Glory 2
Gobliins 2
Goblins Quest 3
The Bizarre Adventures of Woodruff and the Schnibble
Secret of Monkey Island: Special Edition
Pink Panther Hocus Pocus Pink
The Hobbit
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney: Justice for All
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney: Trials and Tribulations
Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney
Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth
Hotel Dusk: Room 215
Another Code: Two Memories
Out of Order (Free Hungry Software Game)
Teen Agent (Thanks to GOG)
And that's probably all of them.
Okay, so a list (off the top of my head):
The Secret of Monkey Island
Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge
Curse of Monkey Island
Escape from Monkey Island
Tales of Monkey Island
Legend of Kyrandia
Legend of Kyrandia: Hand of Fate
Legend of Kyrandia: Malcolm's Revenge
Laura Bow: The Colonel's Bequest
Laura Bow: The Dagger of Amon-Ra (oh how many problems I've had getting this game to work on various computers over the years)
Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis (all three paths)
Lost Files of Sherlock Holmes - The Case of the Serrated Scalpel
Ecoquest: The Search for Cetus (still can't get all the points for this)
Ecoquest II: Secret of the RainForest
The Lost Adventures of Legend CD compilation:
Companions of Xanth (I read the books, so I really liked this game)
Eric the Unready
Gateway II: Homeworld
Spellcasting 101
Spellcasting 201
Spellcasting 301
King's Quest I: Quest for the Crown (remake)
King's Quest II: Romancing the Throne (remake)
King's Quest III: To Heir Is Human (remake)
King's Quest IV: The Perils of Rosella (looking forward to the remake)
King's Quest V: Absence Makes the Heart Go Yonder!
King's Quest VI: Heir Today, Gone Tomorrow
King's Quest VII: The Princeless Bride
(I think I played the original King's Quest I on a really old Apple computer when I was maybe 3 years old. All I remember is that it was incredibly slow and my father told me not to play it. But I never forgot the couple of forest scenes I saw, they intrigued me so much. I only recently found these again so I guess I'm a little late to the KQ games)
...and the ones I haven't finished yet for various reasons:
A Vampyre Story
Fable (I lost it when I moved)
The Longest Journey (someone lent it to me recently)
Broken Sword: Shadow of the Templars (someone gave this to me as a DS game, I need to get the PC version and then play the second and third one)
Simon the Sorcerer (I can't seem to get into this one)
I'm sure there are others, if I think of them, I'll edit them in.
Secret of Monkey Island
Monkey Island II: LeChuck's Revenge
Curse of Monkey Island
Escape from Monkey Island
Tales of Monkey Island
Sam and Max Hit the Road
Sam and Max Season 1
Sam and Max Season 2
Sam and Max Season 3 (sorta)
Wallace and Gromit:The Bogey Man
The Dig
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade
Indiana Jones: Fate of Atlantis
Maniac Mansion
Day of the Tentacle
Zak McKracken and the Alien Mindbenders
Full Throttle
Grim Fandango
Yup. That's it!:D
Aye, but it's a quality one.
I'd guess that the reason for that is that EcoQuest 2 suffered from the same problem as Space Quest V - namely never getting a CD version despite the previous game in the series getting one.
As to my adventure collection, I've listed it in other threads before.
Well compared to mine, it's way bigger
You're right! I thought it was on a CD, but I just found mine, and they are discs.
This is a disc.
This is a disk.
Please mind your consonants.
I can't afford to buy original games sadly, all are illegal copies/pirated versions. I think I will buy a MI t-shirt from Telltale to make up for it at least a little bit. =/ I feel guilty playing sometimes I can't even laugh.
I call them records.
(I'm not sure if they were ever called any form of disc)
Well, that and hard drives, that are called "disques durs".
Broken Sword I
Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis
Grim Fandango
Full Throttle
Bone (yes TTG, you! :O)
A Vampyre Story
Sam&Max Hit the Road
The Secret of Monkey Island
The Blackwell Trilogy
Wow, I can't tell wether to be fascinated or horrified.
(Makes me glad I never owned one in the same way I'm glad I only ever bough, like, 5 or so vinyl records - as opposed to several thousand CDs and DVDs... )
np: Jamie Lidell - Compass (Compass)
(Even bought that CD twice, mainly because I had totally forgotten about my preorder with the label when the CD hit my store here - not that I won't go return that extra copy to the store, mind you... )
A laserdisc, ooh, a laserdisc!
Oh, The taumel's playing something on a laserdisc!
Whatever happened to the laserdisc, laserdisc?
DT=Deutsche Version (=german version)
WW= Worldwide Release (usually used this for downloadable stuff, like the Telltale games)
Most of the games are in their original Big Box, unless otherwise noted...
Titel System Version
(T)Raumschiff Surprise - Periode 1 PC DT
1 1/2 Ritter PC DT
15 Days PC DT
3 Skulls of the Toltecs PC DT
999 - Nine Hours Nine Persons Nine Doors Nintendo DS US
A New Beginning PC DT
A New Beginning PC UK
A New Beginning - Spiel des Jahres Edition PC DT
A Vampyre Story PC DT
A Vampyre Story PC UK
A Vampyre Story Collector's Edition PC DT
Ace Attorney Investigations Nintendo DS UK
Ace Ventura PC DT
Adventure Hall of Fame PC DT
Agatha Christie - And Then There Were None PC UK
Agatha Christie - Das Böse unter der Sonne PC DT
Agatha Christie - Murder on the Orient Express PC US
AGON Collector's Edition PC DT
Al Emmo and the Lost Dutchman's Mine PC US
Alchemia PC DT
Alfred Hitchcock - The Final Cut PC DT
Alien - A Comic Book Adventure PC DT
Alien Incident PC DT
Aliens - A Comic Book Adventure PC UK
Aliens - A Comic Book Adventure PC DT
Alpha Polaris PC DT
Alter Ego PC DT
Alternativa PC DT
Anacapri The Dream PC EU
Ankh PC DT
Ankh - Herz des Osiris PC DT
Ankh - Kampf der Götter PC DT
Ankh Trilogie PC DT
Another Code: R - A Journey intoLost Memories Wii UK
Apollo Justice - Ace Attorney Nintendo DS US
Ark of Time PC DT/FR
Armaeth - The Lost Kingdom PC DT
Art of Murder - FBI Confidential PC UK
Atlantis - The Lost Tales PC DT
Atlantis II PC DT
Atlantis III PC DT
Azrael's Tear (Cash & Carry Collection) PC DT
Bad Mojo Redux PC DT
Baphomets Fluch PC DT
Baphomets Fluch - Der schlafende Drache Xbox DT
Baphomets Fluch 3 - Der Schlafende Drache PC DT
Baphomets Fluch II - Der Spiegel der Finsternis PC DT
Barrow Hill PC DT
Barrow Hill PC UK
Barrow Hill PC UK
Belief & Betrayal PC DT
Belief & Betrayal PC UK
Beneath a Steel Sky PC DT
Beyond Zork PC US
Black Dahlia PC DT
Black Mirror Collection PC DT
Black Mirror I PC DT
Black Mirror I Special Edition PC DT
Black Mirror II PC DT
Black Mirror III PC DT
Black Sails - Das Geisterschiff PC DT
Blackwell Unbound PC US
Blade Runner PC DT
Blazing Dragons Psone DT
Blown Away PC DT
Blue Force PC US
Bone - Das große Kuhrennen PC DT
Bone - Flucht aus Boneville PC DT
Bone - Out from Boneville [Episode 1] PC US
Bone - The Great Cow Race [Episode 2] PC US
Bone Gold PC DT
Book of Unwritten Tales - Die Vieh Chroniken PC DT
Book of Unwritten Tales Collection PC DT
Bozuma - Das Geheimnis der Mumie PC DT
Broken Sword & Broken Sword II PC UK
Broken Sword (Broken Sword Trilogy) PC UK
Broken Sword (signed) PC UK
Broken Sword / Baphomet's Fluch Gameboy Advance EU
Broken Sword 2 (Broken Sword Trilogy) PC UK
Broken Sword 3 (Broken Sword Trilogy) PC UK
Broken Sword 4 - The Angel of Death PC UK
Broken Sword II PC UK
Bud Tucker in Double Trouble PC DT
Bureau 13 PC EU
Burn: Cycle PC DT
Byzantine - Tod in Instabul PC DT
Call of Cthulhu - Prisoner of Ice (DICE Budget Bigbox) PC EU
Call of Cthulhu - Shadow of the Comet PC DT
Callahan's Crosstime Saloon PC US
Carol Reed 1-5 Complete PC DT
Ceville PC DT
Chewy Esc from F5 PC DT
Chewy Esc from F5 PC DT
Chronomaster PC US/UK
City of Secrets PC/MAC DT
Cleopatra - Schicksal einer Königin PC DT
Cleopatra - Schicksal einer Königin PC DT
Clever & Smart - A Movie Adventure PC DT
Code-Name Iceman PC US
Companions of Xanth PC US
Conquests of Camelot - The Search for the Grail PC US
Conquests of the Longbow - The Legend of Robin Hood PC US
Conspiracies II - Lethal Networks PC UK/WW
Conspiracy (White Label) PC UK
Countdown PC US
Crime Time PC DT
Cruise for a Corpse (KIXX XL) PC DT
CSI - 3 Dimensions of Murder PC UK
CSI - Crime Scene Investigation (CSI Triple Pack) PC UK
CSI - Dark Motives (CSI Triple Pack) PC UK
CSI - Hard Evidence PC UK
CSI - Miami (CSI Triple Pack) PC UK
CSI: Deadly Intent PC UK
Culpa Innata PC US
Culpa Innata PC DT
Curse of Enchantia PC DT
Dark Fall 3 - Lost Souls PC UK
Darkness Within - In Pursuit of Loath Nolder PC UK
Darkness Within - In Pursuit of Loath Nolder PC DT
Darkseed PC US
Darkseed 2 PC DT
Darkstar PC US/WW
Das Eulemberg-Experiment PC DT
Das Geheimnis der Druiden (CDV Bestseller) PC DT
Das Geheimnis der Druiden Special Edition PC DT
Das Geheimnis des Berghotels PC DT
Das Rätsel des Master Lu PC DT
Das Stundenglas PC DT
Das Vermächtnis - Der Baum des Lebens PC DT
Das Vermächtnis - Testament of Sin PC DT
Day of the Tentacle PC UK
Day of the Tentacle PC DT
Day of the Tentacle (CD) PC DT
Days of Oblivion II - Frozen Eternity PC DT
Dead Reefs PC DT
Death Gate PC DT
Deja Vu I & II Gameboy Color DT
Deponia PC DT
Der Schatz im Silbersee (Karl May Edition) PC DT
Diabolik - The Original Sin Nintendo DS UK
Diamon Jones and the Amulet of the World PC DT
Diamonds in the Rough PC WW
Die 3 Wünsche des Dr. Khotabich PC DT
Die Affäre Morlov PC DT
Die Höhlenwelt Saga - Der Leuchtende Kristall PC DT
Die Kathedrale PC DT
Die Kunst des Mordens - Geheimakte FBI PC DT
Die Kunst des Mordens 2 - Der Marionettenspieler PC DT
Die Kunst des Mordens 3 - Karten des Schicksals PC DT
Die märchenhaften Abenteuer des Hans Christian Anderssen : Das verwunschene Königreich PC DT
Die Pandora Akte PC DT
Die Pandora Akte PC DT
Die Rückkehr zur Geheimnisvollen Insel PC DT
Die ungelösten Fälle von Sherlock Holmes - Das Geheimnis der tätowierten Rose PC DT
Discworld CD PC DT
Discworld II - Vermutlicht vermisst... PC DT
Discworld Noir PC DT
Dollar - Der interaktive Krimi PC DT
Down in the Dumps PC DT
Dracula 2 - Die letzte Zufluchtsstätte PC DT
Dracula 3 - Der Pfad des Drachen PC DT
Dracula II - Die letzte Zufluchtsstätte (Back to Games) PC DT
Dracula Origin PC DT
Dracula Origin PC UK
Dracula Resurrection PC DT
Dragonsphere (Book) PC EU
Dragonsphere Budget PC US?
Drawn - The Painted Tower (bigfish) PC US
Dreamfall - The Longest Journey (DVD-Case) PC DT
Dreamfall - The Longest Journey (LE UK incl. TLJ) PC UK
Dreamfall Limited Edition PC UK
Earthrise PC US
Eco Quest - The Search for Cetus PC US
Eco Quest II - Lost Secret of the Rainforest PC US
Edna & Harvey - The Breakout PC UK
Edna bricht aus PC DT
Edna bricht aus - Sammler Edition PC DT
Erben der Erde - Die große Suche PC DT
Eric the Unready PC US
Eric the Unready CD-ROM PC US
Escape from Monkey Island (CD-Hülle) PC US
Eternam PC DT/FR
Everlight - Elfen an die Macht PC DT
Evidence - Wer tötete Sarah Hopkins PC DT
Evil Days of Luckless John PC DT
Experience 112 PC DT
Fable PC DT
Flight of the Amazon Queen PC DT
Flight of the Amazon Queen PC US
Flower, Sun & Rain Nintendo DS UK
Floyd - Es gibt noch Helden PC DT
Flucht von Monkey Island PC DT
Forever Worlds - Reisen durch unbekannte Dimensionen PC DT
Frankenstein - Through the Eyes of the Monster PC DT
Freddy Pharkas - Frontier Pharmacist PC US
Freddy Pharkas - Frontier Pharmacist PC DT
Frederik Pohl's Gateway - The Animated Interstellar Adventure PC US
Full Pipe PC DT
Fünf Freunde - Gefährliche Entdeckung PC DT
Future Wars - Adventures in Time PC US
Gabriel Knight - The Beast Within PC DT
Gabriel Knight 3 - Blut der Verdammten, Blut der Heiligen PC DT
Gabriel Knight Mysteries Collector's Edition (GK 1+2) PC DT
Galador - Der Fluch des Prinzen PC DT
Geheimakte 2 - Puritas Cordis PC DT
Geheimakte Tunguska PC DT
Geisterjäger Delaware St. John - Das Haus der Toten PC DT
Geisterjäger Delaware St. John - Die Stadt der Toten PC DT
Gemini Rue PC WW
Gemini Rue PC DT
Gene Machine PC DT
Ghost Pirates of Vooju Island PC UK
Ghost Pirates of Vooju Island PC DT
Ghost Trick - Phantom Detective Nintendo DS UK
Gobliiins 4 PC DT
Gobliiins Trilogy [retro games] PC DT
Goin' Downtown PC DT
Gold Rush! PC US
Gooka - Das Geheimnis von Janatris PC DT
Granny - Die Oma im Schleudertrauma PC DT
Gray Matter PC UK
Gray Matter Collector's Edition PC DT
Gregory Horror Show Playstation2 DT
Grim Fandango PC DT
Grim Fandango (DVD-Hülle ReRelease) PC DT
Guilty PC UK
Gyakuten Saiban - Yomigaero Gyakuten (Phoenix Wright - Ace Attorney) Nintendo DS JP
Hamtaro - Ham-Hams Unite! Gameboy Color DT
Hamtaro Ham-Ham Heartbreak Gameboy Advance DT
Hamtaro Rainbow Rescue Gameboy Advance DT
Harveys Neue Augen PC DT
Haunted PC DT
Heart of China PC US
Heaven PC US
Heavy Rain Special Edition Playstation3 UK
Hell PC DT
Hero's Quest - So you want to be a Hero PC US
Hexuma - Das Auge des Kal PC DT
Hook PC EU
Hopkins FBI PC DT
Hotel (bigfish) PC US
Hotel Dusk - Room 215 Nintendo DS US
I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream PC UK
I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream PC DT
In 80 Tagen um die Welt PC DT
In Memoriam 2 - Das letzte Ritual PC DT
Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis PC DT
Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis (CD) PC UK
Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis (Diskettenversion auf CD) PC DT
Innocent Until Caught PC DT
Jack Keane PC DT
Jack Orlando - A Cinematic Adventure PC DT
Jack Orlando - A Cinematic Adventure - Director's Cut PC DT
Jack the Ripper PC DT
Jade Rousseau Episode 1 - Die Geheimen Evangelien PC DT
Jake Hunter Detective Chronicles Nintendo DS US
James Noir's Hollywood Crimes 3D Nintendo 3DS DT
Jolly Rover PC DT
Jolly Rover PC UK
Journey - The Quest Begins PC US
Journey to the Moon PC UK
Julia - Tödliches Verlangen PC DT
Kaptain Brave - A Brave New World PC DT
Keepsake PC DT
King's Quest Collection Series PC US
King's Quest I - Quest for the Crown (Enhanced) PC US
King's Quest II - Romancing the Throne PC US
King's Quest III - To Heir is Human PC US
King's Quest IV - The Perils of Rosella PC US
King's Quest V - Absence makes the Heart go Yonder PC US
King's Quest VI - Heir Today, Gone Tomorrow PC US
King's Quest VI CD - Heir Today, Gone Tomorrow PC US
King's Quest VII - The Princeless Bride MAC DT
King's Quest VII - The Princeless Bride PC US
King's Quest VII - The Princeless Bride PC DT
Koala Lumpur - Reise ins Chaos PC DT
Kriminologie Nintendo DS DT
Largo Winch Gamecube DT
Largo Winch Xbox DT
Largo Winch Playstation2 DT
Last Window - The Secret of Cape West Nintendo DS UK
Laura Bow in The Dagger of Amon Ra PC US
Law & Order - Criminal Intent PC US
Law & Order - Dead on the Money (L&O Collection) PC UK
Law & Order - Justice is Served (Ep. 3) PC UK
Law & Order 2 - Double or Nothing (L&O Collection) PC UK
Law & Order 3 - Justice is Served (L&O Collection) PC UK
Law & Order Ep. 2 - Double or Nothing PC UK
Leisure Suit Larry 1 - in the Land of the Lounge Lizards PC US
Leisure Suit Larry 1 - in the Land of the Lounge Lizards VGA PC US
Leisure Suit Larry 2 - goes looking for love in several wrong places Atari ST US
Leisure Suit Larry 3 - Passionate Patty in pursuit of the Pulsating Pectorals PC US
Leisure Suit Larry 5 - Passionate Patty does a little Undercover Work PC US
Leisure Suit Larry 6 - Shape up or Slip out PC DT/FR
Leisure Suit Larry 6 - Shape up, or slip out PC US
Leisure Suit Larry 7 - Yacht nach Liebe PC DT
Leisure Suit Larry 7 - Yacht nach Liebe (DICE/DVD-Hülle) PC DT
Leisure Suit Larry Collection (Bigbox) PC DT
Leisure Suit Larry Collection (Classic Collection) PC UK
Les Manley in Search for the King PC US
Lifesigns - Surgical Unit Nintendo DS US
Lighthouse PC US
Limbo of the Lost PC UK
Lost Horizon PC UK
Lost Horizon PC DT
Lost in Time Parts 1+2 PC DT
Lula 3D PC DT
Lure of the Temptress PC DT
Lure of the Temptress (Sold Out) PC DT
Lux-Pain Nintendo DS UK
Machinarium PC DT
Machinarium PC UK
Magnetic Scrolls Collection PC EU
Manhunter 2 - San Francisco PC US
Manhunter: New York PC US
Maniac Mansion (Kixx XL) PC UK
Martin Mystère - Operation Dorian Gray PC DT
Mata Hari PC DT
Memento Mori PC DT
Metropolis Crimes Nintendo DS DT
Miami Crisis Nintendo DS UK
Midnight Nowhere PC DT
Mixed Up Fairy Tales PC DT
Monkey Island 2 - Le Chuck's Revenge PC DT
Monkey Island 2 - Le Chucks Revenge (Topshots CD Bigbox) PC DT
Monkey Island Special PC DT
Monkey Island Special Edition Collection PC DT
Moorhuhn Adventure PC DT
Moorhuhn Adventure 1+2 PC DT
Moorhuhn Sammelbox Big Adventure PC DT
Myst 3 Exile Playstation2 DT
Myst 3 Exile Xbox DT
Nancy Drew - The White Wolf of Icicle Creek PC UK
Nautilus PC DT
Necronomicon PC DT
Necronomicon - Das Mysterium der Dämmerung PC DT
Ni-Bi-Ru - Der Bote der Götter (NiBiRu) PC DT
Ni-Bi-Ru - Der Bote der Götter (Special Edition) PC DT
Nightfall MAC DT
Nightlong - Union City Conspiracy PC DT
Nikopol PC US
Noctropolis PC DT
Normality PC UK
Normality PC DT
Nostradamus Special Edition PC DT
Odyssee PC DT
Of Light and Darkness - The Prophecy PC DT
Orion Burger PC DT
Outcry - Die Dämmerung PC DT
Overclocked - Eine Geschichte über Gewalt PC DT
Paradise PC DT
Pathologic PC DT
Penumbra - Black Plague PC DT
Penumbra Episode 1: Halbschatten PC DT
Perry Rhodan - The Adventure PC DT
Phantasmagoria PC UK
Phantasmagoria 2 - Labor des Grauens PC kplt. DT
Phantasmagoria 2 - Labor des Grauens PC DT
Phoenix Wright - Ace Attorney 3 - Trails and Tribulations Nintendo DS JP
Phoenix Wright - Ace Attourney 2 - Justice for All Nintendo DS JP
Plan 9 From Outer Space PC DT
Plan 9 from Outer Space Amiga DT
Police Quest - In Pursuit of the Death Angel PC US
Police Quest - In Pursuit of the Death Angel VGA PC US
Police Quest 2 - The Vengeance PC US
Police Quest 3 - The Kindred PC US
Police Quest 4 - Open Season PC US
Police Quest Collection PC UK
Post Mortem PC DT
Pro Sieben Mystery - Der Vergessene Gott PC DT
Professor Layton & the Curious Village Nintendo DS US
Professor Layton and Pandora's Box Nintendo DS UK
Professor Layton and the Last Specter Nintendo DS US
Professor Layton and the Lost Future Nintendo DS UK
Pupper, Perlen und Pistolen PC DT
Puzzle Bots PC WW
Puzzlebots PC WW
Quest for Glory Anthology PC US
Quest for Glory I - So you want to be a Hero VGA PC US
Quest for Glory II - Trial by Fire PC US
Quest for Glory III - Wages of War PC US
Quest for Glory IV - Shadows of Darkness PC US
Quest for the Timebird Amiga DT
Reprobates PC DT
Return to Mysterious Island PC UK
Return to Zork PC EU
Rex Nebular and the Cosmic Gender Bender PC DT
Rhiannon - Curse of the four Branches PC UK
Runaway - A Twist of Fate - Gina Forever PC DT
Runaway [DVD-Budget / CD-Case] PC DT
Runaway 2 - The Dream of the Turtle PC UK
Runaway 2 - The Dream of the Turtle PC DT
Runaway 3 - A Twist of Fate PC DT
Runaway Special Edition PC DT
Safecracker PC UK
Sam & Max - Hit the Road PC DT
Sam & Max - Hit the Road (Lucas Arts Classic) PC DT
Sam & Max - Hit the Road CD-Rom PC DT
Sam & Max - S01E01: Culture Shock PC US
Sam & Max - S01E02: Situation Comedy PC US
Sam & Max - S01E03: The Mole, the Mob, and the Meatball PC US
Sam & Max - S01E04: Abe Lincoln must die! PC US
Sam & Max - S01E05: Reality 2.0 PC US
Sam & Max - S01E06: Bright Side of the Moon PC US
Sam & Max - S02E01: Ice Station Santa PC US
Sam & Max - S02E02: Moai Better Blues PC US
Sam & Max - S02E03: Night of the Raving Dead PC US
Sam & Max - S02E04: Chariots of the Dogs PC US
Sam & Max - S02E05: What's New, Beelzebub PC US
Sam & Max - Season 1 Disc PC US
Sam & Max - Season 2 Disc PC US
Sam & Max - Season One PC DT
Sam & Max - The Devil's Playhouse Episode 01 - The Penal Zone PC WW
Sam & Max - The Devil's Playhouse Episode 02 - The Tomb of Sammun-Mak PC WW
Sam & Max - The Devil's Playhouse Episode 03 - They Stole Max's Brain PC WW
Sam & Max - The Devil's Playhouse Episode 04 - Beyond the Alley of Dolls PC WW
Sam & Max - The Devil's Playhouse Episode 05 - The City That Dares Not Sleep PC WW
Sam & Max - The Devil's Playhouse Season DVD PC WW
Sanitarium PC DT
Sanitorium PC DT
Santa Fe Mysteries - The Elk Moon Murder PC US
Schizm PC DT
Schizm - Mysterious Jouney PC UK
Schizm II - Trügerische Wahrheit PC DT
Scratches PC DT
Sentinel - Descendants in Time PC UK
Shadow of Memories Playstation2 UK
Shadows on the Vatican - Act 1: Greed PC DL EU
Shannara PC DT
Shenmue Dreamcast DT
Shenmue 2 Xbox DT
Shenmue 2 Dreamcast DT
Sherlock Holmes - Das Geheimnis des silbernen Ohrrings PC DT
Sherlock Holmes - Das Geheimnis des silbernen Ohrrings (Special Edition) PC DT
Sherlock Holmes - The Awakened PC UK
Sherlock Holmes - The Case of the Silver Earring PC UK
Sherlock Holmes vs. Jack the Ripper PC UK
Sherlock Holmes vs. Jack the Ripper Xbox 360 UK
Sherlock Holmes: Nemesis PC US
Shine PC DT
Shivers PC DT
Shivers (DVD-Hülle) PC DT
Shivers 2 - Harvest of Souls PC DT
Simon the Sorcerer Amiga 1200 DT
Simon the Sorcerer - Chaos ist das halbe Leben PC DT
Simon the Sorcerer - Wer will schon Kontakt? PC DT
Simon the Sorcerer II - Der Löwe, der Zauberer & der Schrank) PC DT
Sinking Island - Mord im Paradies PC DT
So Blonde PC UK
So Blonde PC DT
So Blonde - Zurück auf die Insel Wii DT
Space Quest Collection PC UK
Space Quest I - Roger Wilco in The Sarien Encounter VGA PC US
Space Quest I - The Sarien Encounter PC US
Space Quest II - Vohaul's Revenge PC UK
Space Quest III - The Pirates of Pestulon PC US
Space Quest IV - Roger Wilco and the Time Rippers PC US
Space Quest V - Roger Wilco: The Next Mutation PC US
Space Quest VI MAC DT
Spongebob Squarepants - Employee of the Month PC DT
Spooky Story Nintendo DS DT
Spy Fox in: Das Milchkartell PC DT
Star Trek 25th Anniversary (White Label) PC DT
Star Trek Deep Space Nine Harbinger PC DT
Star Trek Judgement Rites PC DT
Star Trek Judgement Rites Collector's Edition PC DT
Star Trek The Next Generation - A Final Unity PC DT
Star Trek The Next Generation - A Final Unity - Collector's Edition Series 1 PC US
Steve Meretzky's Spellcasting 301 - Spring Break PC US
Still Life PC US
Still Life (Special Edition) PC DT
Still Life 2 PC DT
Strong Bad's Cool Game For Attractive People PC DT
Strong Bad's Cool Game For Attractive People S01E01 - Homestar Ruiner PC US
Strong Bad's Cool Game For Attractive People S01E02 - Strong Badia the Free PC US
Strong Bad's Cool Game For Attractive People S01E03 - Baddest of the Bands PC US
Strong Bad's Cool Game For Attractive People S01E04 - Dangeresque 3 PC US
Strong Bad's Cool Game for Attractive People Season 1 Collectors Disc PC WW
Stupid Invaders PC DT
Sunrise PC DT
Superhero League of Hoboken PC US
Syberia PC DT
Syberia Playstation2 DT
Syberia 2 PC US
Syberia Deluxe PC DT
Tale of A Hero PC DT
Tales of Monkey Island Episode 1 - Launch of the Screaming Narwhal PC WW
Tales of Monkey Island Episode 2 - Siege of Spinner Cay PC WW
Tales of Monkey Island Episode 3 - Lair of the Leviathan PC WW
Tales of Monkey Island Episode 4 - The Trial and Execution of Guybrush Threepwood PC WW
Tales of Monkey Island Episode 5 - Rise of the Pirate God PC WW
Tales of Monkey Island Eurobox PC DT
Tales of Monkey Island Season DVD Deluxe Edition PC WW
Talisman PC DT
Tell PC DT
The 7th Guest PC US
The Abbey PC DT
The Adventures of Willy Beamish PC DT
The Black Cauldron PC US
The Blackwell Deception (Preorder Disc) PC WW
The Blackwell Legacy PC US
The Book of Unwritten Tales PC DT
The Colonel's Bequest PC US
The Curse of Monkey Island PC DT
The Curse of Monkey Island PC SKAND
The Dark Half PC US
The Dig PC US
The Dig PC DT
The Fish Files Gameboy Color EU
The Hound of Shadow PC EU
The Journeyman Project PC DT
The Last Dynasty PC DT
The Last Express PC DT
The Last Express [retro games] PC DT
The Legend of Crystal Valley PC DT
The Legend of Kyrandia - Fables & Fiends Book 1 PC US
The Legend of Kyrandia - Fables & Fiends Book 1 PC DT
The Legend of Kyrandia - Fables & Fiends Book 1 (CD-Hülle) PC EU/US
The Legend of Kyrandia - Fables & Fiends Book 3 PC DT
The Legend of Kyrandia 2 - Hand of Fate PC DT
The Legend of Kyrandia 2 - Hand of Fate PC DT
The Legend of Kyrandia 2 - Hand of Fate PC UK
The Longest Journey (LE Dreamfall) PC UK
The Longest Journey (Signed) PC DT
The Longest Journey Special Edition PC DT
The Lost Chronicles of Zerzura PC DT
The Lost Crown PC US
The Lost Files of Sherlock Holmes PC US
The Lost Files of Sherlock Holmes - Case of the Rose Tattoo (EA CD-Rom Classics) PC DT
The Lost Files of Sherlock Holmes - The Case of the Serrated Scalpel CD PC DT
The Lost Treasures of Infocom PC DT
The Moment of Silence PC DT
The Moment of Silence (Special Edition) PC DT
The Next BIG Thing Campaign Edition PC DT
The Omega Stone - Secrets of the Ancients PC UK
The Orion Conspiracy PC DT
The Rocking Dead PC DT
The Secret of Monk
Oh, and the difference between "disk" and "disc"? Yeah, it's not that real. (incomplete) list is floating around page 4, I believe. Might update it. Might not.
The Monkey Island games
Full Throttle
Alone In The Dark
Batman Returns
Indiana Jones and the Infernal Machine
Indiana Jones and the Emperor's Tomb
Scooby-Doo! Mystery
The Lost Cases of Sherlock Holmes
they are really, really well written and have some neat oldschool graphics.
recommending "resonance" and the "blackwell bundle". AND of course "gemini rue".
oh, and im really looking forward to the new sherlock holmes adventure. (release 20th sept in europe)