What Comes After(A Walking Dead Fan-Fic)



  • Phoenix

    "Well- Wait! I'm sorry... Just wait up!" Phoenix yells as he catches up to the man.

    "I'm sorry... You should have told me more about them... More stuff like that..."

    There was a silence while walkers were being killed as Phoenix begins to speak one more time. "And why do you keep calling me old? I'm 30 years old... You're probably older.."

  • Theodore

    " I don't fuckin' know! It was that asshole Paul." Theo shouts back at Kieran. "Almost got shot like 5 Motherfucking times. Killing those dipshits next time."

  • I almost forgot that half of my characters are with the RV Group...

    Kinda hoping that the RV group do something cause I'm waiting as Kieran just asked what happened.

  • Elizabeth

    Elizabeth heard Theo call one of them by his name, Paul. "Wait, do you know those guys? They're the ones that attacked us, they drove us out from the Motel. How do you know them?"

  • edited March 2014


    "Sorry for losing my shit like that, man," Elisha replied as he continued killing more of the walkers. "It's... a touchy subject for me." After a few more minutes, there was only one walker remaining. Of course, it lasted for a few more seconds before Elisha bashed its brains in. Huffing and puffing for a second, Elisha said, "I'm, like, 24. As for 'old man', you kinda remind me of someone who I used to call old man." Elisha extended his hand. "Name's Elisha."

  • Kieran

    "Actually, yeah how do you know these guys" I ask.

  • Is this getting accepted or no?

    UPDATED ADDITIONAL PAU'LS GOONS LIST Ryan Henderson- A con man who behind all his charm and smug looks is guile and violent nature Mas

  • Phoenix

    "Hi Elisha, I'm Phoenix." They both exchange a look before Phoenix begins talking again. "So you think there close? The bandits I mean."

  • Ivy

    Ivy wasn't lying, it was just good timing. If he wasn't going to stop, then... "Fine."

    Ivy began to piss on Paul, and seeing the disgusted look on his face made her satisfied. "I told you I needed to pee. I can carry on if you don't stop."

  • ...

    Ivy Ivy wasn't lying, it was just good timing. If he wasn't going to stop, then... "Fine." Ivy began to piss on Paul, and seeing the disgusted look on his face made her satisfied. "I told you I needed to pee. I can carry on if you don't stop."

  • Paul

    "You're only making it worse for yourself. Trust me, you're going to fucking regret that later," Paul said angrily. He saw the bearded man smiling, but just ignored him. Instead, he turned to Zeke. "How much farther do you think?"

  • What in God's name... ???

    Ivy Ivy wasn't lying, it was just good timing. If he wasn't going to stop, then... "Fine." Ivy began to piss on Paul, and seeing the disgusted look on his face made her satisfied. "I told you I needed to pee. I can carry on if you don't stop."

  • Elisha

    "The shots are... Let's see... Coming from over there." Elisha explained, pointing over his shoulder. "So I think so. Anyway, I recommend we get moving before shit hits the fan."

  • Phoenix

    "Alright." The two continue running towards the area where the gunshots had came from.

    While they were running, Phoenix immediately stops. Elisha looks back at him. "Wait a second, there's how many of them? They obviously have guns. What chance do we have? You should never bring a bat to a gun fight."

  • edited March 2014


    "Ah, good point, Phoenix," Elisha said as he checked his ammo. 20 Kalashnikov, 31 1911 bullets, he thought. "If I remember correctly, there're about a dozen or so. They should be armed with crossbows and pistols, maybe some with rifles and shit like that. If things are worse... well, we go from what we know." Taking in a quick view of the surroundings, Elisha calculated scenarios in his head before he cleared his mind for reality. "C'mon, we'll find out for sure when we see 'em for ourselves."

  • Han

    Han knew that he couldnt come out of his hiding spot, he would get everyone killed. He decided to quickly run away from the tree and back towards the inn that Elisha and Phoenix were. He thought that maybe they had ammo and together they could take out the bandits.

  • We nee some humour, okay?

    Zyphon posted: »


  • Ivy is a dangerous girl.

    What in God's name... ???

  • edited March 2014


    Ivy decided not to urinate on the man again. "I need to pee! Please stop!"

    The bandit looked at the other man in the front seat, and Ivy saw her chance. She carefully took a clip of ammo out of the bandits pocket and put it into hers. Of course, she couldn't load it yet, but she had ammunition now.

    (Is this using Paul too much? if it is i'll change it)

  • I'm not sure that pissing on a bandit would be considered dangerous.

    Ivy is a dangerous girl.

  • Not at all.

    Ivy Ivy decided not to urinate on the man again. "I need to pee! Please stop!" The bandit looked at the other man in the front seat, a

  • She might give him cooties.

    Zyphon posted: »

    I'm not sure that pissing on a bandit would be considered dangerous.

  • (So wait, Han is right with us now? I'll pretend he isn't for now since we left the inn, and we're gone now, but if you want me to change it I will.)


    "So Elisha, here's the plan. I'll wait outside, and hide while you go do what you're going to do, I don't have a weapon.... If I here shit going down, I'l be in there in a heartbeat. Got it?

  • Nah, Han just left he hasnt crossed paths with Elisha/Phoenix yet.

    (So wait, Han is right with us now? I'll pretend he isn't for now since we left the inn, and we're gone now, but if you want me to change it

  • Well....that escalated quickly. The logic in that is so...wow. 9 year old girl pisses on abnormally horny bandit leader.

    She might give him cooties.

  • edited March 2014


    "Okay, Phoenix, that's a plan," Elisha said as he walked off. He checked for walkers, but found none. He continued forward till he found a rocky outcropping overlooking two semi's on a highway. The bandits weren't there. "AH, FUCK THIS BULLSHIT!" Elisha shouted angrily. Suddenly, he heard movement from behind. Elisha turned and saw a walker. "Shit!" He hissed as he grabbed his Bowie knife...

  • Han

    Elisha heard movement again coming from the same direction, out came Han who stumbled out of the bushes and was out of breath. "I saw you two from a distance, I wanted to call your names out loud..but those sick fucks would come out and kill us all. But I am glad we are reunited. SO listen carefully, most of the group are trapped, as you can see, these people are bad people. And there are more of them, I saw two jeep loads of them scurry off, they are loaded. We have no chance with just us three, besides im out of ammo."

  • edited March 2014

    [I'm just going to assume that the walker is killed]


    Thinking for a second, Elisha took out his Molotovs along with a lighter. "I know those people. How many are in your group down there?"

  • edited March 2014

    Replied by accident, ignore this,

    [I'm just going to assume that the walker is killed] Elisha Thinking for a second, Elisha took out his Molotovs along with a lighter. "I know those people. How many are in your group down there?"

  • Han

    "There are around, 7, 7 bandits. they had a kid and some other guy that I could barely make out his name but I think it was Danny. But like I said some of the bandits took off. But I am sure they have plenty more at their base.". Han throws his bag down and drinks the last bit of water that he has. He shuffles through his bag and sees that he has a cigarette laying around, he snatches the lighter and lights up his cigarette.

  • Elisha

    "Alright. Hey, can you hand me that lighter when you're finished?" Elisha picked up a Molotov and swished the gasoline around for a second before smiling evilly. Hell would take its wrath upon Paul Harvey.

  • Phoenix

    "So we gonna do this shit then?!" Phoenix says enthusiastically. "Then let's go!!!" He says as they slowly run.

  • Less "abnormally horny", more pedophile.

    Well....that escalated quickly. The logic in that is so...wow. 9 year old girl pisses on abnormally horny bandit leader.

  • They've left the semis and are traveling on the road back to Macon.

    Elisha "Okay, Phoenix, that's a plan," Elisha said as he walked off. He checked for walkers, but found none. He continued forward till he

  • Wasn't Han with the group for a while? Daniel was kind of their leader, how would he not know his name?

    Han "There are around, 7, 7 bandits. they had a kid and some other guy that I could barely make out his name but I think it was Danny. Bu

  • Guys, they left. They're long gone. They're on their way back to Macon.

  • Ah, thanks for telling me. Phew, Imma have to edit a shitload.

    Zyphon posted: »

    They've left the semis and are traveling on the road back to Macon.

  • we were never introduced, I was back at the Cabins with Phoenix and Molly, than I came back to see the whole Aaron thing and than the RV, we never did interact.

    Zyphon posted: »

    Wasn't Han with the group for a while? Daniel was kind of their leader, how would he not know his name?

  • Is that a post? I'm confused...

    Zyphon posted: »

    Guys, they left. They're long gone. They're on their way back to Macon.

  • No, I'm just informing you that the bandits left. You are about to attack characters that aren't there anymore.

    Is that a post? I'm confused...

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