What Comes After(A Walking Dead Fan-Fic)



  • I'm pretty sure you can register a character anytime.

    Legendary12 posted: »

    Is it too late to join this far in?

  • Ivy

    Huff... huff... huff...

    Ivy wasn't able to find Daniel, but kept running. She was having trouble breathing... so she stopped. She decided to hide in a bush as close to the road as safe - hopefully the RV would find her before... them.

    Just to be safe, she got her gun ready with a clear view out of the bush.

    Note: I'd like permission for Ivy to kill one of the bandits, presumably one of the minor ones. She wont go down without a fight, even if she is kinda shy.

  • No, go ahead.

    Legendary12 posted: »

    Is it too late to join this far in?

  • There probably will be a few more the level the playing field, but they'd mostly be cannon fodder, just gunned down randomly in a shootout or something.

    Yeah its on pg.71 Oh and I was wondering are there anymore additional bandit at the Motel. Or is the 7 or so bandits it.

  • Sure, but that would make it worse for her when they get back...

    Ivy Huff... huff... huff... Ivy wasn't able to find Daniel, but kept running. She was having trouble breathing... so she stopped. She

  • Paul

    After a while, they still hadn't found any sign of them. At one point, he thought he'd heard one of them, but it turned out to be a walker. It was getting darker now. "Let's head back to the road," he said. "That's probably where they'd be closer to, waiting on their friends to find them."

  • She's not thinking ahead, she'll be scared. If you don't mind, i'll decide when the moment comes.

    Zyphon posted: »

    Sure, but that would make it worse for her when they get back...

  • edited April 2014

    Ignore this, please.

  • Wait if your attacking the group Paul took with him to find Daniel and Ivy only Zeke went.

    Ignore this, please.

  • What section of the bandits are we going to attack? The RV ones or Paul & Zeke?

  • We're not attacking the bandits, not yet anyway. Sorry, but I want this battle to be the finale, and I want it to be a bit more... Calculated.

  • edited April 2014

    Umm... Please change this, I kind of wanted the bandits to make it back. You'd have never caught up with the, they had a much larger head start, and they are in faster vehicles.

    So... The attack won't happen until both sides are organized a bit. They won't just go head in, and they won't meet them in the road. Sorry.

    Ignore this, please.

  • edited April 2014

    (I'll ignore Cultist's post I guess)

    "Guy's we need to pick up the pace, they had faster vehicles, I saw in the trees. We gotta a plan, sorta. Now...one of you lot mentioned something about bandits attacking you back the the Motel. I take it these are the same bandits. So maybe we should check the Motel? It's a possibility atleast? Also it wouldn't hurt to check" I say, I figure it's the same bandits, it'd make sense.

  • Oh. It's alright. I understand your reasoning behind this. I just got impatient with the lack of posts and all.

    Zyphon posted: »

    Umm... Please change this, I kind of wanted the bandits to make it back. You'd have never caught up with the, they had a much larger head st

  • Yeah, hopefully this will get more active once the weekend comes, and we'll make some progress with the bandits. Then we can do a short time skip to them finding Daniel, and then on to Macon.

    Oh. It's alright. I understand your reasoning behind this. I just got impatient with the lack of posts and all.

  • edited April 2014

    ~At the Motor Inn~ Bandits playing BS

    "Surprised Paul and Zeke aint' back yet. Perhaps carrottop and the mini she-devil are more trouble then they seemed to be.
    Especially that little one." Bart said as he put down an ace of spades in the center

    "I heard she broke one of Paul's fingers even before she shot Issac and the man she was with had punched Paul in the kisser. Well they had fire I'll give you that. They just don't understand what type of man "Paul" is. What his motto again, Sam?" Jaime asked

    "The bullet is a mercy." Sam groaned weakly rearranging himself into a more comfortable position on his bed, feeling the bandage covering his arrow wound from earlier.

    "Yep and he says that ever time someone double crosses him. Remember the brothers Chris and Ronald. They were tortured for a whole week before Paul forced them to play Russian roulette. Man that was entertaining!" Jaime chuckled reminiscing Ronald reaction when his brother finally ate the bullet. Good times.

    "You know guys I actually admire this girl. Sure she most likely going die and suffer by Paul's hand but you know what she's feisty little charmer." Ryan said as he shuffled his cards to look for a Queen.

    "What about the dude, Ryan?" Sam quizzed

    "Eh he was on the sidelines, he didn't start no escape. Heck I wouldn't be surprised if she was the leader." Ryan smirked placing his Queen on the table.

  • (?) Ivy will remember you respected her.

    ~At the Motor Inn~ Bandits playing BS "Surprised Paul and Zeke aint' back yet. Perhaps carrottop and the mini she-devil are more trouble

  • Hey Martin. I see you've been very active on this thread! I was just wondering, why aren't you writing for our thread anymore?

    (?) Ivy will remember you respected her.

  • Because I don't know how to continue the story. This thread is a lot easier to continue upon for me, and I don't really know how to continue. I still read it, and i'll write if I know how to.

    That_1_Guy posted: »

    Hey Martin. I see you've been very active on this thread! I was just wondering, why aren't you writing for our thread anymore?

  • edited April 2014

    Good to hear you're at least still reading. Hope you have fun writing in this thread, at least until you know what to write in the old thread! : )

    Because I don't know how to continue the story. This thread is a lot easier to continue upon for me, and I don't really know how to continue. I still read it, and i'll write if I know how to.

  • Also the reason why I'm not posting on the other thread. No clue how to continue. I prefered the old thread when people didn't write like 5 paragraphs in 1 post.

    That_1_Guy posted: »

    Good to hear you're at least still reading. Hope you have fun writing in this thread, at least until you know what to write in the old thread! : )

  • Alright then. Sad to see that you don't like our way of working, I guess it isn't for everybody. : /

    Also the reason why I'm not posting on the other thread. No clue how to continue. I prefered the old thread when people didn't write like 5 paragraphs in 1 post.

  • Just so you know Martin, you can use Paul and Zeke to continue the story.

  • Han

    "Why speed things up? Just so we can move faster into death? You idiots are falling for a trap, if these guys are the very same who kicked you out of the motel, than you guys are fighting very smart people and most of us are not even in a stable state of mind."

  • edited April 2014


    "We have to speed things up. What if they......er...take Ivy? We know what bandits do to ALL females. They'll probably execute Daniel! For all we know Ivy could be locked up now and Daniel could be dead. That's why we have to speed things up. We can't just abandon Ivy and Daniel" I say, no man left behind.

    edited April 2014

    Hi everyone, sorry for not being active for the last 2 weeks, I have school, babysitting and semi-finals, so I'll be less active in this period, but I'll write nonetheless. I will have more time to write in the next 2 weeks, since it's Passover vacation here.


    "Kieran's right, Who is in a stable state of mind? Not me! I don't think anyone is. We're smarter, we have a plan, and we have a clear target. We need to stick together.. When we attack them, we stay close and we'll watch each other's backs".

    NOTE: With your permission, I'd like to take over one of the vacant bandits, so give me a green light if you're up to it.

  • edited April 2014

    Anyone can write the bandits, they are largely unimportant with the exception of Paul.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    Hi everyone, sorry for not being active for the last 2 weeks, I have school, babysitting and semi-finals, so I'll be less active in this per

  • Nope. I refuse to write anything for the bandits, it's too tempting to make them commit suicide. Poor Ivy :(

    Zyphon posted: »

    Just so you know Martin, you can use Paul and Zeke to continue the story.

  • edited April 2014


    "I dunno 'bout you, Han, but I'd rather get shot saving a kid from... rape than let her die. We gotta hurry, with or without you." Elisha sighed as he took his copy of Dune out. "Good ol' Dune," he murmured.

    [If mason's already been taken, I'll edit this out.]
    ~Mason Erich~

    "Shit," Mason said as he began scratching a particularly annoying mole, "I'm getting tired of waiting here." Jake looked at him and agreed, "We're wasting our damn time here, man." Mason sighed. He disliked Jake, mostly because he was a useless klutz. But Mason wasn't willing to start any shit, especially when there was supposed to be a group after the bandits.

  • edited April 2014

    Just a another character that I have came with. (Note: I am just writing this now so I dont forget my ideas, but I will use him in the next episode.)

    Terrence Jones is a 16 year old put in Juvy for Trafficking. Before the apocalypse, he was a manipulative person who sold drugs to survive, because his family was killed in a fire. Eventually he became adapted to this lifestyle and joined a gang. He is the type of person who only trusts his gang and no one else, he is calm when he is with his people, but agressive and manipulative when he needs to be.

    Appearance:Black dreadlocks, Scars on back, leg and across the eye, he has a sleeve(tatoo) on both arms leading up to the neck. He wears a orange jumpsuit.

    Life in the apocalypse:
    By the time the apocalypse started, Terrence was already in Juvy and had made his fair share of friends and enemies, the cops decided to secure the area as well as they can, eventually resorting to training the juveniles to guard the area. This method became successful because that way more cops would be alive. The cops were very brutal in their way of lifestyle in Juvy. the cops would have the juveniles scavenge for food, any bad behaviour would result to brutal beatdowns, thrown out of Juvy, killed, Raped and no food or drinks for a certain amount of time.

    Terrence is currently still in Juvy (will appear in the next episode.)

    Edit: Some more information on the new location(Juvie): The structure is pretty much the same as a prison, with places like a gym,Cafetaria, entertainment rooms, Basketball court, track and field and more that might be mentioned later. The place is heavily guard with juveniles and cops guarding the fences and perimeters with guard towers.

    Rules: The Juvie doesnt accept no people, the people who were there before the apocalypse are the same who will be staying. The people there are Juveniles, Janitors, Cops and Lunch servants.

    Cops: The cops boss everyone around and make sure people are getting out of trouble and doing there jobs, Cops are able to punish, Juveniles,Janitors and Lunch servants. Gets a specialised cell block.

    Janitors:Clean up any mess left over from food. Cleans up blood and gets there own cell block.

    Lunch servants: Prepare food for everyone. Treated like crap and gets a small portion of a cell block.

    Juveniles: (aged 12-18) Bossed around by everyone, has to follow orders and maintain curfew, go out for searches and risks there life protecting the place. Gets there own cell block but is monitored by cops.

    James Monte: The leader of the Juvenile Hall. Ex military lieutenant He is feared by everyone, he gets others to do his dirty work. He is cruel and heartless but never raises his voice when he demands something. He determines the punishments for everyone, including the cops.

  • Ok, so I'll take over Jamie.

    Zyphon posted: »

    Anyone can write the bandits, they are largely unimportant with the exception of Paul.

  • Only Zeke and Paul are in the woods looking for Ivy.

    ~Elisha~ "I dunno 'bout you, Han, but I'd rather get shot saving a kid from... rape than let her die. We gotta hurry, with or without you

  • Accepted, I'll add him to the character list now so I don't get behind again.

    Just a another character that I have came with. (Note: I am just writing this now so I dont forget my ideas, but I will use him in the next

  • Paul

    The made it back to the road. It was getting darker, and they still hadn't found her. "I'm gonna look around near the side of the road, just a little ways in. You go tell Issac what's going on," He said to Zeke, losing hope that they'd find her. Zeke nodded and went to do as he was told, and Paul began walking along the side of the road, looking into the brush for any signs of either of them. A walker started coming towards him from out of the woods, Paul got his gun out, but it didn't seem to actually be heading towards him. It hadn't noticed him yet, and was walking to something in the brush. Something, or someone.

  • Okay, that clears some of it up. I'll edit this bit.

    Sorry I'm getting everything wrong! :(

    Zyphon posted: »

    Only Zeke and Paul are in the woods looking for Ivy.

  • edited April 2014


    "I never said that I didnt want to be a part of things, I just want to make it clear that if we speed things up, things will get worse. You guys dont know exactly where they are located, or how much people they got...how armed, things like that. You need someone to scout the area first, check all these things out. I understand that people will die in this upcoming battle, but atleast we can be prepared to die."

  • Ivy

    Ivy saw the walker coming towards her, and she saw the bandit. The lone bandit.

    She shot the walker in the face, and before the bandit had time to react, she pointed her gun at him. "Don't move." She stared at the bandit, and he stared back. "You're not taking me back."

  • @Martin_The_Brit Holy cow Ivy must be superhuman to hear that conversation.

    (?) Ivy will remember you respected her.

  • edited April 2014


    Elisha looked up from his book. "Okay, I understand. So, I reckon we'll need a place to hunker down, maybe at one of these farmhouses 'round here, better guns and weapons, with bullets, and some medical stuff? We'll get somebody agile and quick to scout around. Anything I'm missing?"

    [Just a brief question, who is driving?]

  • I think it's Theo.

    Elisha Elisha looked up from his book. "Okay, I understand. So, I reckon we'll need a place to hunker down, maybe at one of these farmhou

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