I adore Liam and he's finally coming into his own. The Elves are going to teach him, Sera and Gren. They are indeed trustworthy and willing to aide in this battle.
I LOVE Erica and Michelle. They have a special place in my heart and I'm glad you still trust Ethan; I assure you he has not changed and will not become a horrible man.
Thanks man! We leave this morning and I'm looking forward to it!
I finally got to read this and it was so awesome!
Go Liam! I knew he had it in him! :DI was a bit worried about the wood elves but they … moreseem trustworthy enough.
Erica is seriously the most adorable thing ever See I knew we could trust new even more awesome than he already was ethan!
Awesome stuff man! Have an awesome time in San Francisco
Pudding_pie and JJWolf are heading to San Fran today and we'll be back Sunday night. Mrs. Emily Grendel has the right idea here: getting a drink and heading to the beach.
See ya' guys on the flip side and have a wonderful weekend!
Oh man! Everything is finally coming together! Mirah is one cold, hearless bitch but that's why I love her son! She's so deliciously evil, you can't help but be trapped into her own little slice of hell! >:D I love her plan; not in a sense that I'm rooting for her but the IDEA behind it all. Why get your hands dirty when there is another that will clearly do it for you?
Also, the second half with Char, Toby and Franklin; my theories from the past are finally coming together as well and I THINK I see what the kids are doing here. They are at the SAME place Belinda arrived in London. I will not go deeper into my theory, for not to spoil anything or give the answer away on accident. I do enjoy the 2 connections and where this story is heading. Great work as always!
Glad to hear you've been busy! It gets hectic, yes but well worth it! Sounds like you had a blast and since your friends won the gift card, maybe you can coax them into purchasing you a little something just because you're that sweet. XD Been having a wonderful week. Heading to San Fran with JJ and my two lovely ladies today.
She watched as her last link to the Homelands melted across some sort of melting hotplate. Too stricken with exhaustion to cry out or spit i… morensults, she let her body relax in it's new bindings. Belinda felt it was safe to say she may die today.
She watched as Mirah rounded the melting pot, her face lit up by the fire that cooked under the metal. The light of the flames seemed to bounce on her face, as if they were afraid to touch her for more than a few seconds. Her skin was so pale that veins were visible at her temples, and they were a discolored grey as opposed to the bluish tint they had on living human beings.
"You were foolish to think it was that easy," Mirah spoke after a moment. "You can't escape me. I'm notorious for my ability to capture and kill."
"So why haven't you offed me yet?" Belinda was able to say after one grueling moment.
Mirah looked up at Belinda with a menacing smile, and the flames seemed to flicker in th… [view original content]
Oh snap! OH snappers! I feel so bad for Kieron and all that has taken place. I'm wondering if his mother, however, was Red riding hood; The Big Bad Wolf was mentioned and she WAS weraing a red cloak. Hm...I wonder why he was crying, too. That bit with Alice in in the 'wrong' mind has me worried at the moment; she's so unstable as it is, these doctors and what not will do anything they can. I'm curious to see where that leads her...
And Hans. I want to trust this mysterious man that is speaking to him but I'm still unsure of it. I'm thinking since Alice might be in the 'wrong' mind, they are going to use Hans to enter her world and possibly bring her back; Nyx and the others will slowly make their way inside as well and try to stop this madness but those are theories again. ^.^
I'm enjoying this story and can't wait to see where it goes. Great way to start my morning before leaving to San Fran!
Where's your goddess now!? Part: One
Kieron and his group of friends began to walk the plains of wonderland. It's once blue skies were be… moreginning to become crimson red, there were no clouds in the sky and the sun stopped rising, the only thing in the sky was the moon and it was becoming more and more morbid. Kieron began to wonder who Nick was, why he suddenly had shown up...perhaps it was just fate for them to cross paths. Kieron looked at Azaria. She smiled at him and kissed his cheek, he felt happy but then he began having thoughts of staying here. He didn't know what would happen when they took down the king, he began to think that he'd never see his friends again, that they'd be separated from one another and would never see each other again. This was his true nightmare. Og began to grab Kierons attention. When he turned around he noticed that Alice was gone but her shadow still lingered.
"Alice?" Kieron spoke
There was no answer… [view original content]
XD OMG! I'm so freaking excited, dude!!!!!! I'll text you here in a bit. I should be there around nine. OH I can't wait!!!!!Damn, Emily! You're ready for the sun and waves, baby girl! Can't wait to pick my room and hang with you three!!!
Yep! I'm trying to wrap it up; Dragon's challenge is far too tempting to start, but I think I'm gonna wait until May to do it, because I want to write about something else after this is done with. Mirah IS deliciously evil; I hate her with all my heart but at the same time, there's so much to her! Her plan is masterful, I agree. Little does she know, it's about to backfire on her ass...
I FINALLY got to add them to the mix, lol. I wanted to show how they were connected to the whole thing, and also explain a little more about the range of power Charlotte and Toby have. I also plan on revealing Toby's true parents (dun dun dun) to the world soon. So stay tuned! If you want to tell me the theory, you can PM me and I'll tell you how close you are XD
So busy, you don't even know! I haven't even had the time to comment on ANYTHING the past week, I just posted those pics and responded to those comments. I've been skimming over everyone else's stuff, at least getting general ideas of what's going on. I know that Michelle is the daughter of Mr. Dark as well, and had some weird tendencies. If I'm right, Joey is her daughter's father? That was a twist I didn't see coming. And Erica she seems to be improving tenfold, talking so much more in the last couple posts or so, she loves Ethan, and she's a wolf (right? I hope I'm right.) It's all really good. And Emily is pregnant WOO! Can't wait for the final two to be born and see how the older siblings like it XD AND I saw the part where one of the girls asked if they were getting a puppy and Emily was like "Well, if she comes out lookin' like ya' sister, then technically, yeah!" XD It was great.
Have fun at the beach man! I saw the other post you made, great pic by the way! Get baby Ems in a little cute bathing suit and a swimmie, and have fun sticking her little feetsies in the water Make sure JJ doesn't irritate you too much XD Jk, but have fun! Love you all!
Oh man! Everything is finally coming together! Mirah is one cold, hearless bitch but that's why I love her son! She's so deliciously evil, y… moreou can't help but be trapped into her own little slice of hell! >:D I love her plan; not in a sense that I'm rooting for her but the IDEA behind it all. Why get your hands dirty when there is another that will clearly do it for you?
Also, the second half with Char, Toby and Franklin; my theories from the past are finally coming together as well and I THINK I see what the kids are doing here. They are at the SAME place Belinda arrived in London. I will not go deeper into my theory, for not to spoil anything or give the answer away on accident. I do enjoy the 2 connections and where this story is heading. Great work as always!
Glad to hear you've been busy! It gets hectic, yes but well worth it! Sounds like you had a blast and since your friends won the gift card, maybe you can coax them into pur… [view original content]
I'm probably going to start that around May or June myself. After the move and settling down, I'll get started on the challenge. I'm notorious for going to the 'dark' side but you can't help but shuffle your feet over there every now and then. You've created a villian we all love to hate. I'm sure Johnathan, despite his struggles with the curse, is stronger then Mirah thinks....
I've noticed everyone is getting more and more busy but that's also a good thing, too. Well, in a weird way. Not the 'I'm going to yank my hair out' busy but just enough to keep ya' on your toes. I'd love to cach you up: Michelle is indeed Mr. Dark's daughter and Noah was actually the father to Erica. Ethan recently 'took care' of Noah because of a little inccident he did with Erica and Michelle. This has brought out HIS curse as well....Erica loves Ethan. To her, THAT is daddy. And Erica is not a Wolf; I can see were the confusion was because in the last chapter, she was howling but she was 'challenging' Peter and wanted to be a Wolfy, too. And yes, my Emily Grendel is pregnant. Have their names picked out and all. Liam is having a hard time with it but he'll come around. Oh yes! That was fun to write about. Kids, am I right?
Thanks Ems! I'm looking forward to getting all this taken care of, have a little fun and get this move rolling! Emily is too much like her old man and loves the beach. Likes eating the sand, too....XD XD And JJ....'nuff said. lol Right back at ya', Ems! -virtual hug-
Yep! I'm trying to wrap it up; Dragon's challenge is far too tempting to start, but I think I'm gonna wait until May to do it, because I wan… moret to write about something else after this is done with. Mirah IS deliciously evil; I hate her with all my heart but at the same time, there's so much to her! Her plan is masterful, I agree. Little does she know, it's about to backfire on her ass...
I FINALLY got to add them to the mix, lol. I wanted to show how they were connected to the whole thing, and also explain a little more about the range of power Charlotte and Toby have. I also plan on revealing Toby's true parents (dun dun dun) to the world soon. So stay tuned! If you want to tell me the theory, you can PM me and I'll tell you how close you are XD
So busy, you don't even know! I haven't even had the time to comment on ANYTHING the past week, I just posted those pics and responded to those comments. I've been skimming over everyone else's … [view original content]
Awesome! While you guys are doing that, I'll be exploring a fantasy world from my computer room (lol). Either way, have fun and make sure to put lots of sunscreen on. Wouldn't want to have your skin being all gross and stuff when you get back. ;P
Gren crawled closer to his Emily, she was silent, wasn’t saying a word when he saw. Emily have this dead look in her eyes like she was possessed. Gren continued to yell her name and yet she was still unresponsive. “EMILY, EMILY EMILY!” It didn’t work, she began to aim her bow and shot Gren in the left thigh and this didn’t stop him from going after his love.Fenrir, sitting on a rock brushed himself and laugh at Gren’s attempt to reason with her. After watching the misery, he got up and returned to the castle leaving the two to, catch up with each other.
“You two play nice now!”
Fenrir returned inside, is is attacked by Kieron. He grabs his weapon with his bare hand and pushes Kieron back.
“You fool, no matter how much blood or magic you can muster, you will never defeated me. I’ve already wasted enough time. Minion, destroy him.”
He sends his ghostly minions unto Kieron he destroys every single one, slash by slash. They just keep coming at him. As Fenrir watches Kieron fight for his life, he nearly forgot about the only thing he came here for his Wrath. He turns away, and see’s Etan pinned down by his arms by his father and uncle. Thier jaws are wrapped around his arms as the hold them until he arrives to claim his power. He approaches-
“My deluded grandson, always getting caught into the most mischievous situations and running around with a foolish werecat. You have been trained by my creator and yet this is how you’ve been using my power? I’m disappointed Etan.”
“You’re both idiots, I defeat him and I shall defeat you Fenrir.”
“No, Etan you will not. All the victories, all the battles you won because of me. Your power is mine, you are my Wrath, and I will take it back! EVERY SINGLE INCH!”
Fenrir took his hand right into Etan’s chest, blue light began to burst from his body. He scream in agony as all the power that made him the demon wolf is ripped away every second going by. Hati and Skoll have no choice but to watch as their father destroys Etan. In a minute later, he was no longer a wolf, only a mere human, almost a Mundy.
“Ahh, only one more left, and then I can return to Asgard. Now grandson, where is the Will?”
“Go to hell”
“Been there, quite lovely in the winter. Now I’ll ask you again before I cut out your tongue. Who. Has. My. Will?”
Fenrir is then struck by a fireball in the back, it doesn’t hurt him but catches him off guard he turns and sees Tezoth in his dragon form with a pouch around his neck.
“Hi..” The dragon said.
Fenrir order Hati to Skoll to attack Tezoth, they release Etan and use the power of the moon and sun to take down the dragon. The pouch containing the dust drops to the ground and a tiny sparkle from the dust flies into the air. It goes into Fenrir’s noes and he begins to sneeze violently.
“What the hell.. Where did you find that? That dust… you think can kill me with mountain ash?! You people are desperate aren’t you.”
He grabs Etan and vanishes from sight. Hati and Skoll then follows leaving Tez, the ghostly minions Kieron was combating are gone too, and Emily leaving Gren with arrows in his body and an uncomfortable place leaves along with them.
Their leader is gone, so now the second in command, Kieron is left to take over. After cleaning up after the bloodshed, burying the fallen and tending to the wounded, he calls over everyone for a meeting in combating Fenrir.
“Listen, we’ve just went to shit. Our leader is gone, our enemy has our, and now our enemy is on his way to become something more powerful. I don’t think my blood magic can combat this guy head on, and attacking him head on will get us killed. I want to hear your inputs on this.”
Everyone in the room looks around and remind in silent. They are still shaken up from the grisly encounter with Fenrir, all except for Dixa who makes an interesting suggestion.
“Why don’t we race Fenrir to his Will? Get to them before he does?” Dixa said.
Kieron would agree but there was one problem, they didn’t know who and where the Will was. The only person who could know who they were is Etan, who is in enemies custody. He begins to face the wall, thinking heavily until suddenly he noticed strange markings on the wall from where Etan have been.
“Those looked like claw marks..”
Kieron observed the markings closes, they spelled out something. AS-H-L-YN. The markins spelled out Ashlyn, this could be the name of the Will, he thought. Kieron then rallied everyone together on his discover.
“The Will of Fenrir has been discovered, we need to return to the Mundy world as soon as possible. I will be taken a team with me there to find her, while the remainder wait here and hold down the fortress. Tez, Dixa, Gren were going right away, this end tonight”
“Yes sir.”
As the four ready themselves for departure, Nick casually enters the room. Helping himself to a glass of scotch. “Nice place you got here..” he said sipping on the Scotch while observing the weaponry on the wall. Kieron asked Nick how he found this place only to get the answer of “I have my ways.” He takes a seat in the big red chair by the magic pot and puts his feet up on the desk and whistles casually.
“I’m guessing you want to come along Nick?” Kieron ask.
“Uh, well as of now I’m kinda bored. This Fenrir guy, seems like a real deal, I could use the challenge..”
“Fine we’re leaving now, it’s gonna be a one way trip so I hope your ready..”
With that settled, the Fable Avengers set out to the Mundy world, in a race against Fenrir to find the vessel of his Will. There is no telling what will go down next but this team of Fables are ready for anything. Let us hope they aren’t too late.
After going through torture from Fenrir, the bloodied and badly beaten Etan still refuses to reveal the location of the Will. It is a sore sight for Hati to watch, but he can’t step out of place, the spell his father put on him prevented it. There were several times when Hati wanted to shred Fenrir each time he laid a hand on Etan, it was killing him.
Fenrir grabbed Etan again asking one last time “Where is my Will” over and over. The only response he got from him was “Fuck you..” Fed up with his insolence, he showed Etan a vision of Darren and his family.
“You see that dear Etan? Picture your werecat brother on the ground, without a throat. This will happen if you keep testing my patience.. Where is MY WILL?”
He looked at the vision the looked at Fenrir and was left with a choice.
Thanks my good man!
I adore Liam and he's finally coming into his own. The Elves are going to teach him, Sera and Gren. They are indeed… more trustworthy and willing to aide in this battle.
I LOVE Erica and Michelle. They have a special place in my heart and I'm glad you still trust Ethan; I assure you he has not changed and will not become a horrible man.
Thanks man! We leave this morning and I'm looking forward to it!
Damn I love Mirah with a hateful passion! That Vampire is sexy and pure-evil all at once. I can't wait to portray her myself, and see what becomes of her in this tale
As for the flashback with Franklin, Toby and Charlotte; I have no idea what is going on so you're gonna have to explain it to me, please? :P
She watched as her last link to the Homelands melted across some sort of melting hotplate. Too stricken with exhaustion to cry out or spit i… morensults, she let her body relax in it's new bindings. Belinda felt it was safe to say she may die today.
She watched as Mirah rounded the melting pot, her face lit up by the fire that cooked under the metal. The light of the flames seemed to bounce on her face, as if they were afraid to touch her for more than a few seconds. Her skin was so pale that veins were visible at her temples, and they were a discolored grey as opposed to the bluish tint they had on living human beings.
"You were foolish to think it was that easy," Mirah spoke after a moment. "You can't escape me. I'm notorious for my ability to capture and kill."
"So why haven't you offed me yet?" Belinda was able to say after one grueling moment.
Mirah looked up at Belinda with a menacing smile, and the flames seemed to flicker in th… [view original content]
Kieron began to wonder who Nick was, why he suddenly had shown up...
Who is Nick? That detail ain't important, and Nick just likes to show up and mess things around for people you know? XP
I'm gonna label Red Riding Hood as Kieron's Mother! Simpy cuz that description matches her Fables counterpart (though I think her eyes are green in Fables )
And Hans, don't trust that doctor! Trust him like you would trust a grain of salt to make your bland meal that little bit more enjoyable
Where's your goddess now!? Part: One
Kieron and his group of friends began to walk the plains of wonderland. It's once blue skies were be… moreginning to become crimson red, there were no clouds in the sky and the sun stopped rising, the only thing in the sky was the moon and it was becoming more and more morbid. Kieron began to wonder who Nick was, why he suddenly had shown up...perhaps it was just fate for them to cross paths. Kieron looked at Azaria. She smiled at him and kissed his cheek, he felt happy but then he began having thoughts of staying here. He didn't know what would happen when they took down the king, he began to think that he'd never see his friends again, that they'd be separated from one another and would never see each other again. This was his true nightmare. Og began to grab Kierons attention. When he turned around he noticed that Alice was gone but her shadow still lingered.
"Alice?" Kieron spoke
There was no answer… [view original content]
Wrath of Fenrir, part two
[Something's not right..]
Gren crawled closer to his Emily, she was silent, wasn’t saying a word when he saw… more. Emily have this dead look in her eyes like she was possessed. Gren continued to yell her name and yet she was still unresponsive. “EMILY, EMILY EMILY!” It didn’t work, she began to aim her bow and shot Gren in the left thigh and this didn’t stop him from going after his love.Fenrir, sitting on a rock brushed himself and laugh at Gren’s attempt to reason with her. After watching the misery, he got up and returned to the castle leaving the two to, catch up with each other.
“You two play nice now!”
Fenrir returned inside, is is attacked by Kieron. He grabs his weapon with his bare hand and pushes Kieron back.
“You fool, no matter how much blood or magic you can muster, you will never defeated me. I’ve already wasted enough time. Minion, destroy him.”
He sends his ghostly minions unto Kieron he … [view original content]
Oh man this was a good chapter!
Gren with arrows in his body and an uncomfortable place
Ooohhh, ouch
So, Ashlyn holds the… more key to Fenrir's completion eh? Well the race is on and I hope the Fable Avengers get there before the others do!
And Nick?! I wasn't expecting that to happen at all! :O
Although, this little segment:
Helping himself to a glass of scotch. “Nice place you got here..” he said sipping on the Scotch
You forgot the salt... but it's cool :P
I await more dude! XD
Oh, and Etan can tell Fenrir to "Fuck Off" XP
Kierons Case is really sad I can confirm that Kierons mother is Red Riding Hood since she's not that big to the plot, however she will only be mentioned as Kierons mother since he himself has no idea who she is . Alices mind is slowly but surely slipping away causing Wonderland, the one place where she could escape and be happy due to her control over it, is slowly slipping away and these doctors have no qualms with sending this girl into comeplete madness if they have to.
Hans for the time being may have been saved, but this could possibly set him up for absolute terror. The scientist seems to feel bad for what his coworkers are doing and wants to try and help. Nyx and the others will try and help as much as they can but sometimes things are out of our control
Always glad to hear you are enjoying the story man! Glad I could boost your morning as well!
Oh snap! OH snappers! I feel so bad for Kieron and all that has taken place. I'm wondering if his mother, however, was Red riding hood; The … moreBig Bad Wolf was mentioned and she WAS weraing a red cloak. Hm...I wonder why he was crying, too. That bit with Alice in in the 'wrong' mind has me worried at the moment; she's so unstable as it is, these doctors and what not will do anything they can. I'm curious to see where that leads her...
And Hans. I want to trust this mysterious man that is speaking to him but I'm still unsure of it. I'm thinking since Alice might be in the 'wrong' mind, they are going to use Hans to enter her world and possibly bring her back; Nyx and the others will slowly make their way inside as well and try to stop this madness but those are theories again. ^.^
I'm enjoying this story and can't wait to see where it goes. Great way to start my morning before leaving to San Fran!
Kieron began to wonder who Nick was, why he suddenly had shown up...
Who is Nick? That detail ain't important, and Ni… moreck just likes to show up and mess things around for people you know? XP
I'm gonna label Red Riding Hood as Kieron's Mother! Simpy cuz that description matches her Fables counterpart (though I think her eyes are green in Fables )
And Hans, don't trust that doctor! Trust him like you would trust a grain of salt to make your bland meal that little bit more enjoyable
I look forward to more dude! XD
I knew it! Although poor Gren for thinking that it was his Emily
Go Kieron! You are doing a phenomenal job with him Stone! His leadership and fighting abilities are great! Although I am sort of surprised that Nick is tagging along with a group as I know he's more of a do it alone kind of guy. We need to find Ashlyn and then head straight to Etan so we can help him out as well.
This is a hard choice as Etan doesn't have a lot of strength at the moment. I want to say tell him for the fact that maybe Fenrir won't kill Darren and his family anyway, but at the same time Fuck off sounds like a fantastic thing to say to this ass hat right now XD so I say Fuck Off Fenrir! >:D
Wrath of Fenrir, part two
[Something's not right..]
Gren crawled closer to his Emily, she was silent, wasn’t saying a word when he saw… more. Emily have this dead look in her eyes like she was possessed. Gren continued to yell her name and yet she was still unresponsive. “EMILY, EMILY EMILY!” It didn’t work, she began to aim her bow and shot Gren in the left thigh and this didn’t stop him from going after his love.Fenrir, sitting on a rock brushed himself and laugh at Gren’s attempt to reason with her. After watching the misery, he got up and returned to the castle leaving the two to, catch up with each other.
“You two play nice now!”
Fenrir returned inside, is is attacked by Kieron. He grabs his weapon with his bare hand and pushes Kieron back.
“You fool, no matter how much blood or magic you can muster, you will never defeated me. I’ve already wasted enough time. Minion, destroy him.”
He sends his ghostly minions unto Kieron he … [view original content]
Nick really is a jack of all trades XD
You may label her as so! They may be, the picture I saw looked more blue so if this is the case I… more will change it to fit accordingly
Ah the good doctor at times like these one is never sure who your allies are
Glad to hear it man!
I'm going with the Fuck off option, because that's all Fenrir needs to do. As usual, the Fable Avengers will kick ass, save Etan, and save the day once more. Then we'll all have a party at the end! It's like tradition, lol.
Wrath of Fenrir, part two
[Something's not right..]
Gren crawled closer to his Emily, she was silent, wasn’t saying a word when he saw… more. Emily have this dead look in her eyes like she was possessed. Gren continued to yell her name and yet she was still unresponsive. “EMILY, EMILY EMILY!” It didn’t work, she began to aim her bow and shot Gren in the left thigh and this didn’t stop him from going after his love.Fenrir, sitting on a rock brushed himself and laugh at Gren’s attempt to reason with her. After watching the misery, he got up and returned to the castle leaving the two to, catch up with each other.
“You two play nice now!”
Fenrir returned inside, is is attacked by Kieron. He grabs his weapon with his bare hand and pushes Kieron back.
“You fool, no matter how much blood or magic you can muster, you will never defeated me. I’ve already wasted enough time. Minion, destroy him.”
He sends his ghostly minions unto Kieron he … [view original content]
Well, you and Haz were certainly excited in your comments about this chapter. XD
I would have never expected Nick would actually be in Kieron's body, so that's why he was serious and ruthless the entire time he was in Wonderland, right?
The Horsemen Rode Finale
Nick had accounted for the army but he hadn't noticed his brother Galen on the sidelines waiting to enact his pl… morean. Galen stood as he watched The Kings army launch a surprise attack on the resistance. He also saw Nick charge in and started killing their men. The next thing he heard was the resistance base alarms go off. He began to prepared to launch a plan of his own.
In the resistance base...
Kieron and Azaria got up and got prepared. Nyx, Og, and Alice waited for them in the equipment room. Alice wasn't doing too well. Against Kierons better judgement he needed to get prepared as fast as he could as everyone could die right here. Kieron told Nyx to stay by Azaria as he was now her weapon since she broke her bow. Alarms rang, the commander of the resistance shouted that there were two commanders on the field. All Kieron thought of was how bad this could go. He was the first to be prepared and began to run o… [view original content]
The way you've been doing Rose's dialogues in the past few parts have been making me grin so hard. It really fits well with some of her sassiness, too. XD
A nice drive away would do my dragon thief some good, though. I'm surprised Cindy didn't have any alcohol yet, I guess she'd rather prefer wine over booze - come to think of it.
Tez and Robert had a secret bet brewing between them but it ended fairly quicly before either had a chance to bring their wallets out and ad… mored to the beating pool. Georgie, wiping the blood from his lips, walks over the limp body of Gren. Georgie grabs a coke, pops the to and sits beside Catherine and Mikhail. The tiny Dragon glances up at the fuming British man covered in cuts and bruises. Catherine points to her own mouth.
Mikhail swallows, grabs Georgie's shirt and pulls.
"Uh, Georgie....sir..." Mikhail cowers into his foam Cheese wedge. "You, uh, missed a spot. Right....there..."
Georgie takes his index finger and wipes along his bottom lip. "Huh-so I fookin' did, huh? Look at that, love..."
Lyla covers her face just as Emily runs to her fallen husband's side and collects him in her arms. He groans, moving with Emily's body and slumping himself into her lap.
"Fa fook sakes dad! Ya' need ta' learn how ta' control ya' bloody t… [view original content]
I just simply adore your flirtatiously-sassy Mirah. I can't wait what you'll have in store for her when I have the vampire challenge available - if you're including her, that is.
She watched as her last link to the Homelands melted across some sort of melting hotplate. Too stricken with exhaustion to cry out or spit i… morensults, she let her body relax in it's new bindings. Belinda felt it was safe to say she may die today.
She watched as Mirah rounded the melting pot, her face lit up by the fire that cooked under the metal. The light of the flames seemed to bounce on her face, as if they were afraid to touch her for more than a few seconds. Her skin was so pale that veins were visible at her temples, and they were a discolored grey as opposed to the bluish tint they had on living human beings.
"You were foolish to think it was that easy," Mirah spoke after a moment. "You can't escape me. I'm notorious for my ability to capture and kill."
"So why haven't you offed me yet?" Belinda was able to say after one grueling moment.
Mirah looked up at Belinda with a menacing smile, and the flames seemed to flicker in th… [view original content]
It's interesting to see Kieron having Red for a mother, because I can just see Flycatcher finding out in the future and be like, "WHAT? You had a child this whole time!?"
Where's your goddess now!? Part: One
Kieron and his group of friends began to walk the plains of wonderland. It's once blue skies were be… moreginning to become crimson red, there were no clouds in the sky and the sun stopped rising, the only thing in the sky was the moon and it was becoming more and more morbid. Kieron began to wonder who Nick was, why he suddenly had shown up...perhaps it was just fate for them to cross paths. Kieron looked at Azaria. She smiled at him and kissed his cheek, he felt happy but then he began having thoughts of staying here. He didn't know what would happen when they took down the king, he began to think that he'd never see his friends again, that they'd be separated from one another and would never see each other again. This was his true nightmare. Og began to grab Kierons attention. When he turned around he noticed that Alice was gone but her shadow still lingered.
"Alice?" Kieron spoke
There was no answer… [view original content]
Well this is the first time I've used another person's OC so I was glad it went well XD
He didn't do it willingly his brother practically grabbed both their souls pulled them from their bodies and swapped them. Oh Kieron becomes this way in the future, at the end of the story it will explain why he is so cold and emotionless when it comes to anyone which will help with the summer challenge as well!
Well, you and Haz were certainly excited in your comments about this chapter. XD
I would have never expected Nick would actually be in Kieron's body, so that's why he was serious and ruthless the entire time he was in Wonderland, right?
Well this is the first time I've used another person's OC so I was glad it went well XD
He didn't do it willingly his brother practically… more grabbed both their souls pulled them from their bodies and swapped them. Oh Kieron becomes this way in the future, at the end of the story it will explain why he is so cold and emotionless when it comes to anyone which will help with the summer challenge as well!
It's interesting to see Kieron having Red for a mother, because I can just see Flycatcher finding out in the future and be like, "WHAT? You had a child this whole time!?"
Otherwise, a great read.
Makes sense, oh Galen that deceitful bastard! He was always screamed trouble to me when I read about him in Haz's story.
Are you planning on making Kieron a vampire for the challenge?
Makes sense, oh Galen that deceitful bastard! He was always screamed trouble to me when I read about him in Haz's story.
Are you planning on making Kieron a vampire for the challenge?
Tetra, you portrayed Galen very well; he is a slimy bastard, and an intelligent one at that, he doesn't always go hands on, but when he does he is a force to feared just like Nick
Dragon, you have every right to not trust Galen with... well, ANYTHING! XD
Fair enough, gives me more time to flesh out the OC's. Are we allowed to use existing OC's, but make them into Vampires?
My Vampire OC is a typical Victorian one inspired by Alucard from the Hellsing series (but nowhere near that OP!) and my Vampire Hunter is a Daywalker...
@Tetra @DragonButter
Tetra, you portrayed Galen very well; he is a slimy bastard, and an intelligent one at that, he doesn't always go ha… morends on, but when he does he is a force to feared just like Nick
Dragon, you have every right to not trust Galen with... well, ANYTHING! XD
Fair enough, gives me more time to flesh out the OC's. Are we allowed to use existing OC's, but make them into Vampires?
My Vampire OC is… more a typical Victorian one inspired by Alucard from the Hellsing series (but nowhere near that OP!) and my Vampire Hunter is a Daywalker...
Nick. You are about to become a shit-sucking Vampire, wait until I tell Death! XD
I have 3 Werewolf OC's from TDAU that I haven't yet implemented into that particular story (then again I have neglected it for a while...) So I will use them as well :P
Sorry if I'm boring you or rambling, but I'm kinda excited...
Thanks my good man!
I adore Liam and he's finally coming into his own. The Elves are going to teach him, Sera and Gren.
They are indeed trustworthy and willing to aide in this battle.
I LOVE Erica and Michelle. They have a special place in my heart and I'm glad you still trust Ethan; I assure you he has not changed and will not become a horrible man.
Thanks man! We leave this morning and I'm looking forward to it!
Pudding_pie and JJWolf are heading to San Fran today and we'll be back Sunday night.
Mrs. Emily Grendel has the right idea here: getting a drink and heading to the beach. 
See ya' guys on the flip side and have a wonderful weekend!
Oh man! Everything is finally coming together! Mirah is one cold, hearless bitch but that's why I love her son! She's so deliciously evil, you can't help but be trapped into her own little slice of hell! >:D I love her plan; not in a sense that I'm rooting for her but the IDEA behind it all. Why get your hands dirty when there is another that will clearly do it for you?
Also, the second half with Char, Toby and Franklin; my theories from the past are finally coming together as well and I THINK I see what the kids are doing here. They are at the SAME place Belinda arrived in London. I will not go deeper into my theory, for not to spoil anything or give the answer away on accident.
I do enjoy the 2 connections and where this story is heading. Great work as always!
Glad to hear you've been busy! It gets hectic, yes but well worth it! Sounds like you had a blast and since your friends won the gift card, maybe you can coax them into purchasing you a little something just because you're that sweet. XD Been having a wonderful week. Heading to San Fran with JJ and my two lovely ladies today.
Oh snap! OH snappers! I feel so bad for Kieron and all that has taken place. I'm wondering if his mother, however, was Red riding hood; The Big Bad Wolf was mentioned and she WAS weraing a red cloak. Hm...I wonder why he was crying, too. That bit with Alice in in the 'wrong' mind has me worried at the moment; she's so unstable as it is, these doctors and what not will do anything they can. I'm curious to see where that leads her...
And Hans. I want to trust this mysterious man that is speaking to him but I'm still unsure of it. I'm thinking since Alice might be in the 'wrong' mind, they are going to use Hans to enter her world and possibly bring her back; Nyx and the others will slowly make their way inside as well and try to stop this madness but those are theories again. ^.^
I'm enjoying this story and can't wait to see where it goes. Great way to start my morning before leaving to San Fran!
Gren seeing this picture
'Damn...that booty....'
XD OMG! I'm so freaking excited, dude!!!!!!
I'll text you here in a bit. I should be there around nine. OH I can't wait!!!!!Damn, Emily! You're ready for the sun and waves, baby girl!
Can't wait to pick my room and hang with you three!!!
Yep! I'm trying to wrap it up; Dragon's challenge is far too tempting to start, but I think I'm gonna wait until May to do it, because I want to write about something else after this is done with. Mirah IS deliciously evil; I hate her with all my heart but at the same time, there's so much to her! Her plan is masterful, I agree. Little does she know, it's about to backfire on her ass...
I FINALLY got to add them to the mix, lol. I wanted to show how they were connected to the whole thing, and also explain a little more about the range of power Charlotte and Toby have. I also plan on revealing Toby's true parents (dun dun dun) to the world soon. So stay tuned! If you want to tell me the theory, you can PM me and I'll tell you how close you are XD
So busy, you don't even know! I haven't even had the time to comment on ANYTHING the past week, I just posted those pics and responded to those comments. I've been skimming over everyone else's stuff, at least getting general ideas of what's going on. I know that Michelle is the daughter of Mr. Dark as well, and had some weird tendencies. If I'm right, Joey is her daughter's father? That was a twist I didn't see coming. And Erica
she seems to be improving tenfold, talking so much more in the last couple posts or so, she loves Ethan, and she's a wolf (right? I hope I'm right.) It's all really good. And Emily is pregnant WOO! Can't wait for the final two to be born and see how the older siblings like it XD AND I saw the part where one of the girls asked if they were getting a puppy and Emily was like "Well, if she comes out lookin' like ya' sister, then technically, yeah!" XD It was great.
Have fun at the beach man! I saw the other post you made, great pic by the way! Get baby Ems in a little cute bathing suit and a swimmie, and have fun sticking her little feetsies in the water
Make sure JJ doesn't irritate you too much XD Jk, but have fun! Love you all!
I'm probably going to start that around May or June myself. After the move and settling down, I'll get started on the challenge.
I'm notorious for going to the 'dark' side but you can't help but shuffle your feet over there every now and then. You've created a villian we all love to hate.
I'm sure Johnathan, despite his struggles with the curse, is stronger then Mirah thinks....
I've noticed everyone is getting more and more busy but that's also a good thing, too. Well, in a weird way. Not the 'I'm going to yank my hair out' busy but just enough to keep ya' on your toes.
I'd love to cach you up: Michelle is indeed Mr. Dark's daughter and Noah was actually the father to Erica. Ethan recently 'took care' of Noah because of a little inccident he did with Erica and Michelle. This has brought out HIS curse as well....Erica loves Ethan. To her, THAT is daddy.
And Erica is not a Wolf; I can see were the confusion was because in the last chapter, she was howling but she was 'challenging' Peter and wanted to be a Wolfy, too.
And yes, my Emily Grendel is pregnant. Have their names picked out and all. Liam is having a hard time with it but he'll come around. Oh yes! That was fun to write about. Kids, am I right?
Thanks Ems! I'm looking forward to getting all this taken care of, have a little fun and get this move rolling! Emily is too much like her old man and loves the beach. Likes eating the sand, too....XD XD And JJ....'nuff said. lol Right back at ya', Ems! -virtual hug-
Have fun!
Awesome! While you guys are doing that, I'll be exploring a fantasy world from my computer room (lol). Either way, have fun and make sure to put lots of sunscreen on. Wouldn't want to have your skin being all gross and stuff when you get back. ;P
Wrath of Fenrir, part two
[Something's not right..]
Gren crawled closer to his Emily, she was silent, wasn’t saying a word when he saw. Emily have this dead look in her eyes like she was possessed. Gren continued to yell her name and yet she was still unresponsive. “EMILY, EMILY EMILY!” It didn’t work, she began to aim her bow and shot Gren in the left thigh and this didn’t stop him from going after his love.Fenrir, sitting on a rock brushed himself and laugh at Gren’s attempt to reason with her. After watching the misery, he got up and returned to the castle leaving the two to, catch up with each other.
“You two play nice now!”
Fenrir returned inside, is is attacked by Kieron. He grabs his weapon with his bare hand and pushes Kieron back.
“You fool, no matter how much blood or magic you can muster, you will never defeated me. I’ve already wasted enough time. Minion, destroy him.”
He sends his ghostly minions unto Kieron he destroys every single one, slash by slash. They just keep coming at him. As Fenrir watches Kieron fight for his life, he nearly forgot about the only thing he came here for his Wrath. He turns away, and see’s Etan pinned down by his arms by his father and uncle. Thier jaws are wrapped around his arms as the hold them until he arrives to claim his power. He approaches-
“My deluded grandson, always getting caught into the most mischievous situations and running around with a foolish werecat. You have been trained by my creator and yet this is how you’ve been using my power? I’m disappointed Etan.”
“You’re both idiots, I defeat him and I shall defeat you Fenrir.”
“No, Etan you will not. All the victories, all the battles you won because of me. Your power is mine, you are my Wrath, and I will take it back! EVERY SINGLE INCH!”
Fenrir took his hand right into Etan’s chest, blue light began to burst from his body. He scream in agony as all the power that made him the demon wolf is ripped away every second going by. Hati and Skoll have no choice but to watch as their father destroys Etan. In a minute later, he was no longer a wolf, only a mere human, almost a Mundy.
“Ahh, only one more left, and then I can return to Asgard. Now grandson, where is the Will?”
“Go to hell”
“Been there, quite lovely in the winter. Now I’ll ask you again before I cut out your tongue. Who. Has. My. Will?”
Fenrir is then struck by a fireball in the back, it doesn’t hurt him but catches him off guard he turns and sees Tezoth in his dragon form with a pouch around his neck.
“Hi..” The dragon said.
Fenrir order Hati to Skoll to attack Tezoth, they release Etan and use the power of the moon and sun to take down the dragon. The pouch containing the dust drops to the ground and a tiny sparkle from the dust flies into the air. It goes into Fenrir’s noes and he begins to sneeze violently.
“What the hell.. Where did you find that? That dust… you think can kill me with mountain ash?! You people are desperate aren’t you.”
He grabs Etan and vanishes from sight. Hati and Skoll then follows leaving Tez, the ghostly minions Kieron was combating are gone too, and Emily leaving Gren with arrows in his body and an uncomfortable place leaves along with them.
Their leader is gone, so now the second in command, Kieron is left to take over. After cleaning up after the bloodshed, burying the fallen and tending to the wounded, he calls over everyone for a meeting in combating Fenrir.
“Listen, we’ve just went to shit. Our leader is gone, our enemy has our, and now our enemy is on his way to become something more powerful. I don’t think my blood magic can combat this guy head on, and attacking him head on will get us killed. I want to hear your inputs on this.”
Everyone in the room looks around and remind in silent. They are still shaken up from the grisly encounter with Fenrir, all except for Dixa who makes an interesting suggestion.
“Why don’t we race Fenrir to his Will? Get to them before he does?” Dixa said.
Kieron would agree but there was one problem, they didn’t know who and where the Will was. The only person who could know who they were is Etan, who is in enemies custody. He begins to face the wall, thinking heavily until suddenly he noticed strange markings on the wall from where Etan have been.
“Those looked like claw marks..”
Kieron observed the markings closes, they spelled out something. AS-H-L-YN. The markins spelled out Ashlyn, this could be the name of the Will, he thought. Kieron then rallied everyone together on his discover.
“The Will of Fenrir has been discovered, we need to return to the Mundy world as soon as possible. I will be taken a team with me there to find her, while the remainder wait here and hold down the fortress. Tez, Dixa, Gren were going right away, this end tonight”
“Yes sir.”
As the four ready themselves for departure, Nick casually enters the room. Helping himself to a glass of scotch. “Nice place you got here..” he said sipping on the Scotch while observing the weaponry on the wall. Kieron asked Nick how he found this place only to get the answer of “I have my ways.” He takes a seat in the big red chair by the magic pot and puts his feet up on the desk and whistles casually.
“I’m guessing you want to come along Nick?” Kieron ask.
“Uh, well as of now I’m kinda bored. This Fenrir guy, seems like a real deal, I could use the challenge..”
“Fine we’re leaving now, it’s gonna be a one way trip so I hope your ready..”
With that settled, the Fable Avengers set out to the Mundy world, in a race against Fenrir to find the vessel of his Will. There is no telling what will go down next but this team of Fables are ready for anything. Let us hope they aren’t too late.
After going through torture from Fenrir, the bloodied and badly beaten Etan still refuses to reveal the location of the Will. It is a sore sight for Hati to watch, but he can’t step out of place, the spell his father put on him prevented it. There were several times when Hati wanted to shred Fenrir each time he laid a hand on Etan, it was killing him.
Fenrir grabbed Etan again asking one last time “Where is my Will” over and over. The only response he got from him was “Fuck you..” Fed up with his insolence, he showed Etan a vision of Darren and his family.
“You see that dear Etan? Picture your werecat brother on the ground, without a throat. This will happen if you keep testing my patience.. Where is MY WILL?”
He looked at the vision the looked at Fenrir and was left with a choice.
[Tell Fenrir]
[Fuck off]
Wolf whistles Looking mighty fine there Emily!!! XP
Hope you guys have a great time there!!!! XD XD
Liam is going to be hardcore along with Sera and gren
They all fit together nicely!
I knew Ethan wasn't going to be a bad man 
Make sure to have lots of fun!
Damn I love Mirah with a hateful passion! That Vampire is sexy and pure-evil all at once. I can't wait to portray her myself, and see what becomes of her in this tale
As for the flashback with Franklin, Toby and Charlotte; I have no idea what is going on so you're gonna have to explain it to me, please? :P
Aside from that, I look forward to more! XD
Who is Nick? That detail ain't important, and Nick just likes to show up and mess things around for people you know? XP
I'm gonna label Red Riding Hood as Kieron's Mother! Simpy cuz that description matches her Fables counterpart (though I think her eyes are green in Fables
And Hans, don't trust that doctor! Trust him like you would trust a grain of salt to make your bland meal that little bit more enjoyable
I look forward to more dude! XD
Oh man this was a good chapter!
Ooohhh, ouch
So, Ashlyn holds the key to Fenrir's completion eh? Well the race is on and I hope the Fable Avengers get there before the others do!
And Nick?! I wasn't expecting that to happen at all! :O
Although, this little segment:
You forgot the salt... but it's cool :P
I await more dude! XD
Oh, and Etan can tell Fenrir to "Fuck Off" XP
Oh damn, let's just say there was a salt shaker laying around lol.
Kierons Case is really sad
I can confirm that Kierons mother is Red Riding Hood since she's not that big to the plot, however she will only be mentioned as Kierons mother since he himself has no idea who she is
. Alices mind is slowly but surely slipping away causing Wonderland, the one place where she could escape and be happy due to her control over it, is slowly slipping away and these doctors have no qualms with sending this girl into comeplete madness if they have to.
Hans for the time being may have been saved, but this could possibly set him up for absolute terror. The scientist seems to feel bad for what his coworkers are doing and wants to try and help. Nyx and the others will try and help as much as they can but sometimes things are out of our control
Always glad to hear you are enjoying the story man!
Glad I could boost your morning as well! 
Nick really is a jack of all trades XD
You may label her as so!
They may be, the picture I saw looked more blue so if this is the case I will change it to fit accordingly 
Ah the good doctor at times like these one is never sure who your allies are
Glad to hear it man!
I knew it! Although poor Gren for thinking that it was his Emily
Go Kieron! You are doing a phenomenal job with him Stone! His leadership and fighting abilities are great! Although I am sort of surprised that Nick is tagging along with a group as I know he's more of a do it alone kind of guy. We need to find Ashlyn and then head straight to Etan so we can help him out as well.
This is a hard choice as Etan doesn't have a lot of strength at the moment. I want to say tell him for the fact that maybe Fenrir won't kill Darren and his family anyway, but at the same time Fuck off sounds like a fantastic thing to say to this ass hat right now XD so I say Fuck Off Fenrir! >:D
Awesome as always man!
AT LAST! I am glad to have 'that' put behind me. Now, I can continue writing!
Expect another chapter within the next two days (or at least what stands as two days here XD).
I think her eyes were green, I'll double check and get back to you if you don't first
Well the Doctors are all scum in Alice: Madness Returns :P I have no reason to ever trust them in a story unless they're obviously good
Fair enough :P
I'm going with the Fuck off option, because that's all Fenrir needs to do. As usual, the Fable Avengers will kick ass, save Etan, and save the day once more. Then we'll all have a party at the end! It's like tradition, lol.
Well, you and Haz were certainly excited in your comments about this chapter. XD
I would have never expected Nick would actually be in Kieron's body, so that's why he was serious and ruthless the entire time he was in Wonderland, right?
The way you've been doing Rose's dialogues in the past few parts have been making me grin so hard.
It really fits well with some of her sassiness, too. XD
A nice drive away would do my dragon thief some good, though. I'm surprised Cindy didn't have any alcohol yet, I guess she'd rather prefer wine over booze - come to think of it.
I just simply adore your flirtatiously-sassy Mirah. I can't wait what you'll have in store for her when I have the vampire challenge available - if you're including her, that is.
It's interesting to see Kieron having Red for a mother, because I can just see Flycatcher finding out in the future and be like, "WHAT? You had a child this whole time!?"
Otherwise, a great read.
Well this is the first time I've used another person's OC so I was glad it went well XD
He didn't do it willingly his brother practically grabbed both their souls pulled them from their bodies and swapped them. Oh Kieron becomes this way in the future, at the end of the story it will explain why he is so cold and emotionless when it comes to anyone which will help with the summer challenge as well!
Makes sense, oh Galen that deceitful bastard! He was always screamed trouble to me when I read about him in Haz's story.
Are you planning on making Kieron a vampire for the challenge?
That reminds me that her and Fly do get together in Fables XD He'd be a child that doesn't remember his own mother XD
Thanks Dragon
It would honestly fit the situation because Fly kept a good amount of secrets hidden away from other Fables himself. XP
He's an intelligent one that one XD
Yes he needs to, to gain the vampires trust for plot and to expand Kierons character
When're we gonna hear more on the Vampire challenge? I'm creating 2 OC's specifically for it: A Vampire and a Vampire Hunter.
@Tetra @DragonButter
Tetra, you portrayed Galen very well; he is a slimy bastard, and an intelligent one at that, he doesn't always go hands on, but when he does he is a force to feared just like Nick
Dragon, you have every right to not trust Galen with... well, ANYTHING! XD
Should be sometime next week, maybe Wednesday. I could post something about it right now but I like making you guys wait in anticipation.
Fair enough, gives me more time to flesh out the OC's. Are we allowed to use existing OC's, but make them into Vampires?
My Vampire OC is a typical Victorian one inspired by Alucard from the Hellsing series (but nowhere near that OP!) and my Vampire Hunter is a Daywalker...
Someone give Galen cleaning duty in a McDonald's bathroom! That'll show him. XD
Oh if only I could draw... That image is perfect! XP
The poor guy is just tired of living in Nick's shadow all the time... He's still a prick though
Pie asked me a similar question and yeah - you can 'infect' previous OC's with vampirism if you'd like!
Nice, nice, they sound awesome already!
Nick. You are about to become a shit-sucking Vampire, wait until I tell Death! XD
I have 3 Werewolf OC's from TDAU that I haven't yet implemented into that particular story (then again I have neglected it for a while...) So I will use them as well :P
Sorry if I'm boring you or rambling, but I'm kinda excited...