Yes, those are the childhood memories I'll be throwing in, just to help give you guys an idea of WHY the kids have so much anger towards one another.
And thank you. Hate how blurry some of them came out but what can you do.
I left Walter in Swineheart's care, I needed to see what was going on down stairs. When I got to the bottom of the steps heard a conversation between Redd and the Man.
"You see my son, your mother and your siblings weren't actually your real family. You were adopted. Your real parent are...missing."
"Do you hear yourself? You are acting like you actually cared about them. Adopted family or not, THEY were my family and you took them from me!"
"I'm not finished, Daniel."
Yes that is your real name. You are named after your real father, who was a Black ghost dog as well, you inherited most of his abilities. Your real mother was a Banshee. They both worked for me..."
"What happened to them?!"
"They disobeyed their orders, so I had to take drastic measures."
"What did you do! WHAT DID YOU DO TO THEM?"
They are missing Daniel, as I said before. I found you and took you in as my own."
"You STILL haven't explained why you killed our family."
"You need to understand Daniel, this was severely importa--"
I watched the whole thing, I watched Redd kill the man with his bare hands then tossed him down the witching well. Dman.... He then takes a deep breath and says "It all over. But there's still one more thing left."
Redd walks over to Bigby and Snow and demands that the have all of Crooked Mans riches. They reject and tell him that all of it has been distributed to the Fabletown government. He doesn't seem to care, he's not leaving with out it, and if he don't he's going to destroy this place..
Redd transforms into his Black ghost dog form and begin to destroy everything in his path, I need to stop him before it's too late but my left leg is still in pain and I only have one arrow left what can i do? Wait...hold on...the fable killing artifact that Redd stole from the museum. I think i have an idea.
While Redd is distracted from his rampage, i take a piece a string from the artifact, and tie it to the tip of the arrow and lite it on fire. I aim carefully for this is my last arrow, I have to make it count. I'm sorry Redd for the rough times that you been through, but this must end NOW.
I fire the last arrow directly at his chest, it pierces him. He stops then falls to the ground and reverts back into his human form.
I walk over towards Redd, he's still alive but doesn't looks so good.
"Looks like you can't kill this fable so easily... regardless how many mundies believe in me. "
"Redd... it didn't have to end like this.."
"Oh Robby, it's not over... they are still out there somewhere... I need to find them."
"You need to forget about the Crooked Man Redd, he is gone. You got your revenge."
"Yeah... i guess I did.. Maybe trying to take all of his fortune was a bit selfish... I should get out of here... I need to find them......"
Redd turns to Snow and Bigby and looks them in the eyes. He becomes shadowly mist then vanishes instantly. He was gone, it was finally over.
1 month later
School was about to start back. Walter injuries healed and me being an agent of Fabletown, accepting assignments whenever I can. Things are looking well for now. But there's something missing...
When I bgein to leave my house I am stopped by 2 large men, they are Mafia.. Apparently they caught up with me like Walter said. They demanded that I come with them, I ignored them and went on with my business. One place their hand on my shoulder and told them that thier boss wants what I stole from him back.
Sigh, this shouldn't take long..
The two men are knocked out cold and I then hop on my bike. I might go check out that new museum exhibit in Manhattan, I heard they have a replica of Excalibur or something....
Chapter 14 Conclusion Part 2
I left Walter in Swineheart's care, I needed to see what was going on down stairs. When I got to the bottom … moreof the steps heard a conversation between Redd and the Man.
"You see my son, your mother and your siblings weren't actually your real family. You were adopted. Your real parent are...missing."
"Do you hear yourself? You are acting like you actually cared about them. Adopted family or not, THEY were my family and you took them from me!"
"I'm not finished, Daniel."
Yes that is your real name. You are named after your real father, who was a Black ghost dog as well, you inherited most of his abilities. Your real mother was a Banshee. They both worked for me..."
"What happened to them?!"
"They disobeyed their orders, so I had to take drastic measures."
"What did you do! WHAT DID YOU DO TO THEM?"
They are missing Daniel, as I said before. I found you and took you in as my ow… [view original content]
Yeah, fanfiction that's truly unbelievable often isn't entertaining to read (hopefully mine don't fall into this category). That's frustrating! I guess like the sisters themselves we'll never truly find out.
Haha, thanks. I hate when I read fanfictions that are absolutely in no way possible to ever happen, so I like to keep mine as believable as … morepossible. When I read those issues of Fairest, the whole time I was like,"She's gonna find out that Snow and Rose are her daughters, I call it!" But it ended with her memory being wiped by a spell of ever having twins. I was like,"Goddammit. Now we'll never know."
So many threads to this tale! It's like a wooly jumper - in a good way. And like a cat entertained by discovering these threads and pulling them loose, so am I enthralled as to what will happen.
Chapter 3
'Mirror, mirror...'
This was fun writing. Sorry if it seems so short. TRYING not to make them too long, either. XD If you ar… moree confused about ANYTHING, leave me them wonderful comments down below and I will anser as quickly as possible.
'Dad, how come people in town say you used to be a bad man?'
'Daddy did some things he is not proud of, Junior.'
'Like what?'
'Oh, nothing for you to concern yourself with. It happened long before you were even born.'
'How come, when one of us sings the song, you get angry?'
'Daddy just...would rather you kids NOT sing that song....'
'How come?'
'It takes daddy to a terrible place....'
Peter and my father were inseperable the rest of the night; Penny avoided both of them like the plague. Eventually, she left early. Thank the lord. Love my sister but there are times, I wonder if she even THINKS before she acts. Mom looks devestated once more; fuck, ma… [view original content]
Chapter 14 Conclusion Part 2
I left Walter in Swineheart's care, I needed to see what was going on down stairs. When I got to the bottom … moreof the steps heard a conversation between Redd and the Man.
"You see my son, your mother and your siblings weren't actually your real family. You were adopted. Your real parent are...missing."
"Do you hear yourself? You are acting like you actually cared about them. Adopted family or not, THEY were my family and you took them from me!"
"I'm not finished, Daniel."
Yes that is your real name. You are named after your real father, who was a Black ghost dog as well, you inherited most of his abilities. Your real mother was a Banshee. They both worked for me..."
"What happened to them?!"
"They disobeyed their orders, so I had to take drastic measures."
"What did you do! WHAT DID YOU DO TO THEM?"
They are missing Daniel, as I said before. I found you and took you in as my ow… [view original content]
"He huffed and he puffed and he blew down the tree house we were playing in and now her jacket got stuck on a tree branch and she needs help!"
I left mom and dad's place no sooner had Junior left; Ethan took both Peter and Emily home, while Penelope refused to answer my phone calls. She was incensed from what took place earlier that evening but that was her own damn fault. It didn't help Emily running her mouth and stirred the pot of chaos; the damn thing bubbled over and like always, we were the ones to clean up the mess.
Peter didn't speak to either of us the rest of the night. Emily was so out of it, I have a very strong feeling she may have forgotten where the hell she even was. Mom and dad each gave me a warm, loving embrace as I thanked them for dinner and walked home; my ride seemed to have forgotten she took me there in the first place but I was not in the mood to argue.
I finally arrived to my apartment, took a quick shower and instantly drifted off to dream land. Finally. Some peace and quiet. I must have been more exhausted than I thought; my phone went off twice early that morning and it didn't seem to bother my slumber. They were messages from Tim. He was probably calling to either check up on me or talk about the test. Right now, I didn't want to discuss either of these.
After eating a small breakfast of toast, brushed my teeth and took yet another shower, I headed out the door and towards the Lucky Pawn. I crossed King street, worked my way down 7th and 9th and with a Mocha Latte in my hands, I reached my final destination. The second I turned the corner, I could already detect the heavy smoke and cheap cologne.
"That you, Katherine?"
"Yup. It's me, Jersey. I...I brought you a Blueberry muffin. Stopped on the way to get me this and figured you might like this."
He smiled, as he reached over and grabbed the tasty breakfast treat. "Thank you, Rabbit. Haven't had one of these things in a long fuckin' time. Should probably avoid these tempations, considering I've packed on a few more pounds then I had hoped for."
He chuckled, took a bit and began fiddling with his keys. But as soon as he did, he sprayed around us again. Really? Fuck... "So, have a fun time last night?"
"Same as usual. You KNOW how that goes..."
"Yeah. Your dad always knew how to throw the most extravagant get togethers Fabletown has ever seen!"
I tried to hold back my urge to laugh at his sarcastic remark but failed miserably, when a good half of my coffee escaped my nasal passages. Jersey joined in, as he opened the door and walked inside. He reached behind the counter and pulled out a tissue. I quickly wiped my nose, as he flipped on the lights.
"But on a serious note, how was it?"
"Again, the usual-Emily high as fuck, Ethan a nervous wreck. Penelope flapping her gums, Peter as the lone wolf and Junior sitting back in the bleachers, waiting for his chance to play in the game. That 'bout cover it?"
"Besides the 'usual' bullshit that takes place surrounding your folks, how are they? Haven't seen or talked to your father in months. He look, uh-alright?"
"He...he seemed alright to me yesterday. He had SOME color comes and goes, Jersey."
I heard him sigh, as he walked to the back and returned to the front with an old rag and window cleaner. "Fuckin' Jack forgot to wipe down the windows INSIDE yesterday. Swear, if that guy spent less time TRYIN' to get some booty, MAYBE my shop wouldn't look like fuckin' shit!"
"Look, Rabbit. I'm...I'm sorry 'bout your ol' man. I hope he get's better soon. I sincerly mean that. You know I do..."
He gave me a slight smile and began spraying the windows. "Penny...I guess she saw us-"
"Last night-when we were, the back office..."
He paused for a second, turned to face me and erupted in a laughing fit. I didn't know how to react; should I join or pray for my life? "That's what she gets for not going by the directions! I swear you fuckin' kids these days-READ DIRECTIONS!"
Before I could answer back, I noticed a velvet purple envelope sitting by the register. I picked it up and examined it; this was the third one this week sent to the shop. The return address simply stated 'W.C' and the stamp had a paw print. In the back, the seal was also a red paw print.
"Jersey, what is this?"
"What is what, Katherine? A bit preoccupied at the moment..."
"This envelope. I noticed you had a couple more in the back. Is this like a customer or what?"
Jersey startled me when he snatched the envelope out of my hand and began shredding it to nothing but confetti bits. He tossed them into the air and soon, the floor was a carpet of shredded papers.
"The fuck, Jersey?! Now look at this mess! I just asked a question-"
"Don't worry about that shit, Katie. Its not for you to be concerned about! Let ME deal with them-"
"Them? Who is THEM?! Are you in trouble?"
"Just...just forget about it, Rabbit! I can't believe they found you. I won't let you become one of them-"
"WHO?! Jersey-"
I grabbed my purse, frantically searched and found what I was looking for. I clutched the item in my hands and tossed it against his head. He turned to face me, looked down and picked up the item-the relic he gave me years ago.
"It's the only way to get your attention! Now, what is going on-WHO are you talking about? I'm tired of secrets!"
"Enough, Rabbit! I don't need you geetin' involved with these fuckers and I will NOT let this be your fate!"
Someone once told me that fate was how your life would start and end in a particular way; my mom told me you CAN change it for the better but in some cases, make it a lot worse then the prior plan. My mother changed my father's fate; perhaps, he did the same and neither of them noticed this until years later. I'm not so blind when it comes to these things. Now, here was the man I've known since I was in diapers, telling me about fate and how 'he won't let them take me.'
Without warning and despite all I mentally told myself, I changed. The pain layered itself all along my arms, legs and back, as I went from woman to beast. I let out an ear piercing howl, as I bared my fangs towards Jersey. The growls grew louder with each step I took. The relic in his hand began to glow a bright yellow.
I refused to let him speak, as I threw my paw back and send Jersey flying against the back wall. The relic landed at my paws, as the back glowed green and Jersey emerged as his unglamoured self. His empty eye sockets watched me, as he jumped on the counter and hissed.
I took a giant leap at him; he hurdled himself in my direction and soon, we began to fight on the floor. He buried his teeth into my shoulder, as I reached around, grabbed him by the antlers and tossed him against the glass. A spear haning on the wall came tubling down; Jersey grabbed it and rammed the point into my leg. I let out a painful yelp, as he hopped onto my back and began clawing at my flesh. The burn was unbareable, as I tried to grab his foot with my jaw.
Jersey continued to hiss, as his clws dug deeper into my flesh. "ENOUGH, Katie! I Will not let you go with them!" The relic continued to glow darker and darker, the angrier I became. I could smell blood in the air and bits of hair. The sudden urge to eradicate Jersey grew with each swipe he took at me; I reached around once more, grabbed his arm and swung him against the floor. As he laid stunned by my reaction, I placed my paw against his rib cage and pressed down; the bones began to crack and the flesh became soft against the weight. Jersey bellowed out and tried to nip my paw.
I quickly looked down and noticed what I was doing. I took my paw off, shaked my head and slowly became human again. Jersey remain unglamoured, as I ran back to help him.
"Oh God, Jersey! I'm-I'm sorry...I-I don't know what came over me! Are you-"
"Huh. So, it does work..."
"What?" He reached over, grabbed the relic and placed it around my neck. It no longer was glowing yellow. I threw myself against him and wrapped my arms around his neck. "Jersey-"
"Do not worry about this, Katie. Just a scratch. Man. Your wolf ability has grown stronger as you've aged."
"I....I try not to change that often."
"Well, you should be proud of this. You took ME down!"
"Hm. From what I hear, you are not THAT hard to be taken down. As I recall, the Sheriff TWICE-"
"Uh, no, no, no, no! He HAD help-I had him like this but HE needed help just to defeat me, so-"
I rolled my eyes, as I helped in up. Just as I did, Jack walked into the shop. He stopped to look around; there was still blood, broken glass and an unglamoured Jersey stanind in the middle.
"Uh-did I miss something here?"
"Just the best damn show this side of Fabletown has ever seen. These Porgies-they sure know how to throw extravagant parties."
I'd ask about those letters again on a later time. Right now, my head was throbbing, coffee is getting cold and Jack's confused face was making thus all worth while.
"Peter! What did you do?"
"Penny made fun of me again!"
"No I didn't! All I said was you couldn't play with us-"
"You called me a loser and said mom and dad should put me down-"
"PENELOPE!! You march in that house right now and your father and I will deal with this inside! Apologies to him right now!"
"Sorry 'bout the treehouse, Katie. You mad?"
"Nah. Papa needed to rebuild it anyways. You okay?"
"I...I think so. Didn't know I could DO that! That was cool! Hey...thank you."
Oh! Now I'm curious about those envelopes! What could they be about...hmmm....
Anyways, loved this chapter! Can't wait to read more! I have a feeling Jersey is TRYING to protect Katie from someone or something-which is WHY he gave her the relic but that's just a theory.
Chapter 4
'Wolf in the devil's lair'
"KATIE! Katie! Get mom!"
"Why, Emily? Why are you running-"
"Peter! He...Penny made him mad… more and-"
"What, Emily!? I'm busy playing Barbies and-"
"He huffed and he puffed and he blew down the tree house we were playing in and now her jacket got stuck on a tree branch and she needs help!"
I left mom and dad's place no sooner had Junior left; Ethan took both Peter and Emily home, while Penelope refused to answer my phone calls. She was incensed from what took place earlier that evening but that was her own damn fault. It didn't help Emily running her mouth and stirred the pot of chaos; the damn thing bubbled over and like always, we were the ones to clean up the mess.
Peter didn't speak to either of us the rest of the night. Emily was so out of it, I have a very strong feeling she may have forgotten where the hell she even was. Mom and dad each gave me a warm, loving embrace as I thanke… [view original content]
"Right. That's what these suckers are basically for. Contacting the outside world and playing Angry Birds."
"Alright. Is there anything else I need to know?"
"I think you're all set. If you need me, all you do is tap my name right here," Mary demonstrates and soon enough, her phone starts to ring.
"Awesome. I'll make sure to call you next time I need you!"
"Don't call too often though. You don't have an unlimited plan."
Mary pulls out her mirror,"I'll text you later. I want to go shopping some day, buy a crib maybe. You can help me set it up when I do."
"Okay," I smile. She jumps through and I'm alone again. I pick up her mirror and place it on the couch where she likes to sleep sometimes.
My phone buzzes:
**Just checking to see if you can get texts. If you can see this, reply >:))))**
I tap on the tiny keyboard with my pointer finger. It takes about five minutes, but I say:
**Got it.**
I watch the time change on my phone. I've got 20 minutes to get ready for work. First, a shower. The only person who knows I sing in the shower is Mary, who constantly makes fun of my song preferences.
"Everybody was kung-fu fighting! Dananana!"
I pull out my work uniform, a red t-shirt and black pants. I look in the mirror a second. I sigh, sticking my messy wet hair into a pony tail.
Just as I reach the door, the bell rings. I pull it open and smile when Tim emerges on the otherside.
"Going somewhere?" He asks.
"What do you think?"
"I think that you're coming with me."
"I can't just skip work, I have to-"
"I spoke with your boss. He was fine with letting you off for the day as a birthday present."
"Another birthday present? What this time?"
"How about two movie tickets and a fancy dinner afterwards?"
"Hmm, I don't know. What movie?"
"Sharknado 2!"
"Really?" I say.
"Nah. I'm gonna let you choose."
"What movies are there playing at the theater?"
"Did I also mention we aren't going to an actual movie theater?"
"Where are we going then?"
"Somewhere better. Lets go, while the night's young."
"I need to get changed first. 5 minutes, okay?"
"Just hurry!"
I enter my bedroom and pull out a light blue flowery dress that ends above the knees. I pair it with black flats and I pull the ponytail out of my hair, simultaneously brushing it out and blow drying it with my crimson red blow dryer. I walk out give or take 10 minutes later.
"Done, finally?" He asks.
Tim leads me to the elevator. We walk hand in hand out of the lobby and he shows me to a car parked on the side of the street.
"When did you get a car?" I ask.
"When I decided walking and asking for rides all the time was more tedious than paying for gas."
He opens my door and I sit inside in a most lady-like manners. Snow was the one who taught me how to be polite, so I make sure to practice what I learned.
We drive for a while and end up at one of the private beaches.
"You rented a beach for me? What?!" I squeeled.
"We're watching a movie on the beach and having dinner together. All alone," He smiles.
I reach over and kiss his cheek lightly,"Please, stop spoiling me."
"I couldn't if I tried. Lets go," He gets out, opens my door, then hobbles to the trunk.
"I picked out a few movies. I know you hate horror movies and chick flicks, so I made sure to get anything but that. Personally, I would like to watch this..." He pulls out a DVD case labeled The Lego Movie.
"Oh my god. It's perfect. Let's watch it."
He tosses the movie in a picnic basket that was also in the trunk,"This is our dinner. Lets get on the beach before it goes cold."
On the beach, there's a white projector screen. Two beach chairs are set up facing it, along with a table in between and a small projector sitting on top of it. He pulls out his laptop from the picnic basket and plugs the projector into it. Then he puts in the movie. I look in and notice two dishes on top of a plastic container that presumably has our dinner.
"I made spaghetti and meatballs, I hope you like it."
"It's my favorite."
"That's what I was going for," He says, laughing. He takes a larger fork and dishes some out on each plate. We start eating as the opening of the movie starts.
The dinner is delicious, and we watch the movie holding hands the whole time. The moon rises ever so slowly, casting dull moon rays across the ocean. Every now and again, a boat passes. It's a lovely sight. So romantic.
Once the movie ends, we go crazy talking about it, changing the topic more than we can count.
"Haha, that was a good one. Are you thirsty? I brought some wine, and-"
"Shh. Just pour me a glass," I say, giggling.
He pulls out two wine glasses and I watch the bubbles pop before taking a small sip. It feels like poprocks almost, going down my throat in into my stomach.
"It tastes amazing."
"That's good. I wasn't sure you would like it, but it's good that you do."
For a while, we sit there doing nothing, just holding hands and sipping wine. The moon is directly over top of us.
" long did you rent the beach for?" I ask.
"Hmm...until morning. Why?"
"Well..." I place my wine glass on the table and stand up.
"I was thinking that...maybe we could get a little closer? It's chilly."
"Yeah, yeah. We can lay down and look at the stars."
"I've got a few blankets in here. Thought of everything," He laughs.
We lay on one of the blankets and stare up at the sky for a long time. Soon enough, we're kissing softly. It gets a little more passionate.
"I love you," I whisper in his ear, running my hand down his arm and kissing his neck some.
"I love you too." He whispers back. He sits up, but that doesn't stop us from making out. Sweat starts to bead down his forehead. I hadn't even noticed how hot it was getting between us. He pulls his shirt off and I press my hands against his chest. Another kiss lands on my neck when...
"My's uh...ringing? Right?"
"Right..." Tim sighs.
I grab it from the chair behind me. Mary's name flashes across the top. I answer.
"Hello? What's up?"
"Harmony? Harm, are you there?" She sounds frantic, possibly even crying.
"What's wrong? Mary?"
"Harmony, I need help. I need you here! It's- the baby, I just- Tell Jack to come."
"What's going on, Mary? Mary?"
"I'm on my way to Swineheart's. Just, hurry. Please. Bring Jack with you."
"Mary what's-"
She hung up.
Frowny face. I wonder what's wrong with Mary? You'll find out next chapter. That was going so well, something had to go wrong. It was a must. It was sweet while it lasted. I hope you enjoyed.
To anyone that was actually reading this story, SO sorry for being away so long, school work kept dragging me down. But I can finally think straight and get back to this. Thanks for your patience.
Chapter 4: Thought Provocations
The bright neon of the Pudding & Pie half-blinded me as I walked outside into the dark, cold night. I reached into my pocket to grab a cigarette, only to realize I was burnt out. I chuckled to myself at the accidental pun I had made to myself, and began to walk back down the street towards The Woodlands. I wondered whether I should tell T anymore about this. She already came close to morphing into hell, I didn't want a repeat of that. But she deserves to know, has every right to know, in fact. Her and the others who worked for Georgie were as close as close could get, that close circle should be the first to know.
Oh crap, the others... I'd completely forgotten about them. I was never really close to any of them, except for Faith of course. I didn't really bother with what they did together. Every now and then, Faith would offer I come with them for a cigarette or two, but I'd always decline. It was always something I put before them instead; a beating from the Sheriff, a teasing from T, nothing really important. Looking back, maybe I should've payed more attention, spent more time with them, her more specifically, probably would've payed off a lot more in the long run. For both of us.
Before I could dedicate any time to decide what to do next, the dawn of sun interrupted my thoughts, and the fact of the passage of time came back to me. T was waiting for me, I better get back to her. My steady pace increased slightly, almost to a jog, but still seemingly walking. Thinking about T, she probably didn't care I was gone so long. T's a tough one, despite her smartass exterior. Back in the homelands, she was more the one punishing smartassery, not the one dishing it out. That's why she didn't get many visitors. She was more the 'live in the dankest corners of the land' kinda gal. I guess she eventually got sick of that life style, because ever since that piece of paper was signed forgiving everything us Fables had done back at the Homelands, she changed completely. The other Fables were also surprisingly welcome to her change in personality, which is more than I can ever say for Bigby Wolf. Suddenly, my now speedy walk was halted by another person. Ah, speak of the devil.
"Oh. It's you." Bigby spoke. He was obviously not very happy to see me.
"Yeah, well fuck you too, Mr. Sheriff." I hit back. He's always like this, thinking he can push me about just because he broke a rib cage the last time we met. Bigby fell silent. For a moment he was observant, noticing the way I'd came. He looked down the street behind me, and managed to get a glimpse of the P&P neon shutting down. He was onto me in a flash.
"What were you doing back there?" Bigby asked, with a clear threat in his voice trying to assert a dominance in the conversation. I couldn't tell what had happened, I may not be afraid of him, but I know that if he shuts me down, it's over.
"Oh, y'know... getting a lil' bit of pleasure from the ladies back there..." I uttered out, in an attempt to turn Bigby the other way. I never wanted to say that. Ever. I was never interested in being in that club. Never have been, never will be. But unfortunately for me, I wasn't the only one aware of that fact.
"Don't bullshit me, Hope. I've beaten off that face of yours enough to know that that kind of building is the last place you'd want to spend the night. Now try again, and be straight with me this time, or I'll straighten you up myself." Bigby let out, clearly agitated by my lie to his face. As much as I'd love to put him in his place, the last thing I need right now is a beating from the Sheriff.
"Okay, okay! You got me, Sherlock, I was...ur..." Shit, shit shit. Think of a lie, and fast. And something that's believable this time, maybe? "I was checking on Toad. I heard a bit of a ruckus while I was taking a walk and thought I should make sure he was okay, that's all." Bigby looked at me skeptically, but he seemed to believe me. After a long pause, he finally opened his trap.
"Yeah... that's where I'm headed now. He called me about it." Gee, talk about good timing! I really dodged a bullet there.
"Yep, yep, yep, that's I was there! I mean, that 'shitey, whitey' old Toad can never be trusted, eh?" I said, trying to solidify this glorious coincidence of fact. Bigby clearly looked unamused, but somehow still believed me.
"Well, have a good one, Hope." Bigby finished, in the most non-genuine way possible.
"You too, Wolfy." I responded, no emotion in my voice. That was way too close. Time to get back to-
"Oh, by the way, Hope. If T stayed at your's last night, she's not there anymore. Seems to have gone off on her own investigation. I'll deal with her later, believe me." Bigby shouted to me, still walking, not turning his head.
Before I could shout "You don't lay a finger on her, fucker!" on instinct, what he just told me hit me like a brick. T was on the loose, trying to find answers. She was gonna get herself in deep water if I didn't pull her out. Her past in this town may catch up to her again if she pokes her nose where she shouldn't.
She may end up in the hands of the Crooked Man again.
Welcome back! I hope that you'll have the time to continue to type a majority of your story like some of my other contributors often have. I even listed a few awards for your tale for last month's F.S.A.!
To anyone that was actually reading this story, SO sorry for being away so long, school work kept dragging me down. But I can finally think … morestraight and get back to this. Thanks for your patience.
Chapter 4: Thought Provocations
The bright neon of the Pudding & Pie half-blinded me as I walked outside into the dark, cold night. I reached into my pocket to grab a cigarette, only to realize I was burnt out. I chuckled to myself at the accidental pun I had made to myself, and began to walk back down the street towards The Woodlands. I wondered whether I should tell T anymore about this. She already came close to morphing into hell, I didn't want a repeat of that. But she deserves to know, has every right to know, in fact. Her and the others who worked for Georgie were as close as close could get, that close circle should be the first to know.
Oh crap, the others... I'd completely forgotten about them. I was never really close to any… [view original content]
"So....I can play games? Right?"
"Right. That's what these suckers are basically for. Contacting the outside world and playing Angry Bird… mores."
"Alright. Is there anything else I need to know?"
"I think you're all set. If you need me, all you do is tap my name right here," Mary demonstrates and soon enough, her phone starts to ring.
"Awesome. I'll make sure to call you next time I need you!"
"Don't call too often though. You don't have an unlimited plan."
Mary pulls out her mirror,"I'll text you later. I want to go shopping some day, buy a crib maybe. You can help me set it up when I do."
"Okay," I smile. She jumps through and I'm alone again. I pick up her mirror and place it on the couch where she likes to sleep sometimes.
My phone buzzes:
**Just checking to see if you can get texts. If you can see this, reply >:))))**
I tap on the tiny keyboard with my pointer finger. It takes about five minutes,… [view original content]
Glad to see you've got the chance to come back! I like how your story is in tandem with the game, yet from a completely different perspective; you're writing is very good, too!
To anyone that was actually reading this story, SO sorry for being away so long, school work kept dragging me down. But I can finally think … morestraight and get back to this. Thanks for your patience.
Chapter 4: Thought Provocations
The bright neon of the Pudding & Pie half-blinded me as I walked outside into the dark, cold night. I reached into my pocket to grab a cigarette, only to realize I was burnt out. I chuckled to myself at the accidental pun I had made to myself, and began to walk back down the street towards The Woodlands. I wondered whether I should tell T anymore about this. She already came close to morphing into hell, I didn't want a repeat of that. But she deserves to know, has every right to know, in fact. Her and the others who worked for Georgie were as close as close could get, that close circle should be the first to know.
Oh crap, the others... I'd completely forgotten about them. I was never really close to any… [view original content]
"So....I can play games? Right?"
"Right. That's what these suckers are basically for. Contacting the outside world and playing Angry Bird… mores."
"Alright. Is there anything else I need to know?"
"I think you're all set. If you need me, all you do is tap my name right here," Mary demonstrates and soon enough, her phone starts to ring.
"Awesome. I'll make sure to call you next time I need you!"
"Don't call too often though. You don't have an unlimited plan."
Mary pulls out her mirror,"I'll text you later. I want to go shopping some day, buy a crib maybe. You can help me set it up when I do."
"Okay," I smile. She jumps through and I'm alone again. I pick up her mirror and place it on the couch where she likes to sleep sometimes.
My phone buzzes:
**Just checking to see if you can get texts. If you can see this, reply >:))))**
I tap on the tiny keyboard with my pointer finger. It takes about five minutes,… [view original content]
I know, it's adorable :333 Mary's having some troubles, the next chapter will focus on her more. She seems to always be the thing that stops Harm and Tim for enjoying themselves, lol.
Tim and Harm are too freakin' cute, I'm getting Diabetes just picking these two! XD Haha...Sharknado. Nice.
Great chapter like always. Can't wait to see what's going down with Mary.
"Don't think so, Bigby. I'm going to die here...we both know that...."
"No. You're not."
"What the fuck are you talking about? LOOK at what you've done to me!"
"Hello, Georgie."
" is not a good time. So, whatever you and Bigby have planned, just get it over with..."
"The Crooked Man is dead, Georgie."
"Well, good for you. Looks like you did SOMETHING right and-UGH! Fuck....fuck....what do you want, John? Come to help your ol' buddy and take turns rippin' me to bits?"
"No. I'm here to save you and allow you to have a second chance."
"Because the fate of my unborn daughter lies in YOUR miserable hands...."
The Carpentar's 'Top of the World' played faintly, as Swineheart carefully stitched and and mended Georgie's wounds. Vivian's body was long gone and collected by Bigby; she was headed to the Business Office, where Snow would be taking care of the preperations. I watched, as Georgie continued to focus his attention on me.
"Almost finished, Georgie. Well, Bigby-you almost had this boy knocking on heaven's doors."
"He's lucky I DIDN'T kill him myself..."
"Fuck you, wolf! You fuckin' piece of-"
Bigby lifted his shoe up and pressed down on Georgie's hands. He yelled in extreme pain, as I grabbed my friend's arm and pulled him back.
"FUCK, Bigby! Fuck, no more, please-stop!"
Swineheart turned to face Bigby. His glare did not seem too ammused, as he continued to finish upthe final touches. Bigby took out a cigarette, lit it and exhaled deeply. I too grabbed one and smoked beside him. My nerves were all over the place and the thought of Bigby and I pratically rescuing Georgie Porgie was clouding my very sanity. What if the witches were wrong? What if it wasn't him?
"You alright, John."
"I've been better, Bigby. This...this all makes no fucking sense."
"Hm. Nothing has REALLY made sense these past few days. I'm just glad we got all that taken care of and, we have THIS to deal with."
We both glared at Georgie, who with the help from Swineheart, was leaning against the bar. I carefully grabbed him and with some guidance, walked him over to a chair.
"Now, he's going to need to be very careful for awhile. Do you boys think you can handle this or am I going to need to get Miss White involved?"
"She'll put her two cents in no matter what. For now, we got this. Thank you, Swineheart."
"Anytime, Johnathan. Tell Nancy I said hi and congratulations on your newest edition. I'm sure Gina and Mary are estatic about their baby sister."
Swineheart shoke my hand, thanked Bigby and left the Pudding & Pie. My main focus now was the pimp moaning in agony. I took a seat beside him and watched him craddle his wound.
"Bigby. Get him a change of clothes, will ya? His shirt is covered in blood-"
"Don't you touch my things, Wolf! You have done enough and-UGH, FUCK! Erg, God fuckin'-"
"Shut up and let us do this. Go ahead, Bigby." While the Sheriff went searching for a new shirt, I took this opportunity to speak with Georgie. He refused to look directly into my eyes. "So, I'm sure you have questions for me-"
"The fuck are you talkin' bout, your daughter? Your newest one?"
"I said UNBORN, Georgie. My wife and I went to a witch and what we wasn't good, Georgie."
"Why should I care-"
Bigby returned and I forcefully ripped off his old shirt and helped dress him. The entire time he complained. Bigy took ot another cigarette and lit it; he did the same to another ans stuck it in Georgie's mouth. I noticed Bigby holding a gold box in his right hand.
"What is that?"
"Not sure. It was moving for a bit. Georgie-you know what this is?"
"I told ya' not to fuckin' touch my things! Put him back and-"
"Him, huh? You wanna take a look, John?"
We ignored Georgie's pleas, as the Sheriff carefully opened the top and the entire room suddenly glow a light blue. We tried to sheild our eyes, as the light grew and in seconds, disappeard. We saw him there, floating in mid air. His focus was on Georgie; he had a very gall look on his face, as he floated to his side.
"Well, well, well-look at yourself, Georgie Porgie. What have you done?"
"Fuck you, Nick-"
"Nah, uh, uh! Don't go blaming me, Georgie! I TOLD you, even WAY back at the Homelands, not to mess with Vivian! She manipulated you into buying this club and getting you BOTH so caught up in a world you had no business getting involved with!"
"I had no choice-"
"I TOLD YOU, Georgie! Look at you....I hope it hurts!"
The floating black orb with eyes and a blue glow turned to see two very confused wolves. "Uhhhh...."
"Hello. I'm Nick. You must be sheriff Bigby-remember you back in the day, too. I THINK I know who you are-you are from the Council, no? Like, the main guy or something like that? Hm. Strange seeing one of you on our turf...."
"Well, I'm here BECAUSE of Georgie-"
"What did he do now?"
"Its what he will do...I needed him alive because of my unborn daughter and-"
"So, its are the one that will set him free...."
"Excuse me?"
Nick floated to the top and looked down at the mess created all around him. The music continued to play in the background.
'Everything I want the world to be
Is now comin' true especially for me
And the reason is clear, it's because you are here
You're the nearest thing to Heaven that I've seen.'
"I like this song..." He continued to look around the club and shake his head. He seemed disappointed and confused. "How, did you get so bad, when you were trying to make a difference? How did it end up like this?"
"I lost my way, Nick. I had no choice! No one would help me-no one gave two shits about me, so I did what I had to! I got so caught up in a world that didn't exist, I had forgotten about the one just outside these walls..."
Nick sighed and began floating beside Georgie. "So, you know then..."
"My wife...we went to a witch. We were curious about our children's futures. They said we could see some parts...they told us we would have a fourth and she was going to change this town and we were curious and when we saw him..."
I had to take a minute; I cleared my throat and continued. "I saw Georgie Porgie, holding my daughter. You and my daughter connect at a young age. She loves love her. You think you knew love, you THINK what you had with Vivian was love-but that was nothing compared to what we saw."
Georgie had to take a minute. Like the rest of us, he had to absorb all this new information that didn't seem to make sense at first.
"You are given a second chance to not only prove to us you have changed but also prove to yourself that there is wonder to everything you see. You'll be surprised what you see, when you take the chance and take that leap of faith..."
" this...this what you-"
"This IS your second chance. The Sheriff has saved your very life and we are telling you, that your life will drastically change. Only you two can make this happen. You'll know when that time comes...neither of us know how, when or where this all will take place."
Georgie simply sat back and stared into the stage. He was quiet and we figured he was taking this time to take all this in. I didn't want it to be the truth but the witches assured me its clear and will happen. He would save him, she save him-two lost souls looking for ananswer. I didn't like knowing my daughter would be a 'lost soul' but we would take this one day at a time.
For now, our main focus was sitting in the chair, continuing to look out into nothing.
"What now, John?"
"What do you mean, Bigby?"
"A lot of the people in Fabletown will want an explanation as to WHY Georgie Porgie is being spared..."
"Send him to the Farm to do hard labor for a year. I'm sure they will understand-"
You're taking a huge risk right now, John."
"Hm. Maybe that's what life is about, Bigby. Taking chances."
"You might be right, John....maybe Georgie was onto something."
'I'm on the top of the world lookin' down on creation,
And the only explanation I can find.
Is the love that I've found, ever since you've been around,
Your loves put me at the top of the world.'
Chapter 5
'So long ago'
"Get up, Georgie!"
"Don't think so, Bigby. I'm going to die here...we both know that...."
"No. You're no… moret."
"What the fuck are you talking about? LOOK at what you've done to me!"
"Hello, Georgie."
" is not a good time. So, whatever you and Bigby have planned, just get it over with..."
"The Crooked Man is dead, Georgie."
"Well, good for you. Looks like you did SOMETHING right and-UGH! Fuck....fuck....what do you want, John? Come to help your ol' buddy and take turns rippin' me to bits?"
"No. I'm here to save you and allow you to have a second chance."
"Because the fate of my unborn daughter lies in YOUR miserable hands...."
The Carpentar's 'Top of the World' played faintly, as Swineheart carefully stitched and and mended Georgie's wounds. Vivian's body was long gone and collected by Bigby; she was headed to the Business Office, where Snow would be taking care of th… [view original content]
Chapter 5
'So long ago'
"Get up, Georgie!"
"Don't think so, Bigby. I'm going to die here...we both know that...."
"No. You're no… moret."
"What the fuck are you talking about? LOOK at what you've done to me!"
"Hello, Georgie."
" is not a good time. So, whatever you and Bigby have planned, just get it over with..."
"The Crooked Man is dead, Georgie."
"Well, good for you. Looks like you did SOMETHING right and-UGH! Fuck....fuck....what do you want, John? Come to help your ol' buddy and take turns rippin' me to bits?"
"No. I'm here to save you and allow you to have a second chance."
"Because the fate of my unborn daughter lies in YOUR miserable hands...."
The Carpentar's 'Top of the World' played faintly, as Swineheart carefully stitched and and mended Georgie's wounds. Vivian's body was long gone and collected by Bigby; she was headed to the Business Office, where Snow would be taking care of th… [view original content]
Here's a continuation of Mr Weasel's origins story! I'm going to bring it to an end soon, and maybe try and think of someone else to write about
Anyway, here's a very brief summary of what's happened so far:
After a conversation with a Huff & Puff smoking, wine sipping manor owner regarding who he, Mister Weasel, is, the quest to discover this truth becomes all he can think about. A month later he's fallen on hard times, and decides on a desperate plan to understand his origins: break into the Business Office. This goes surprisingly well, until it's discovered by him - and Bufkin - that he's been mysteriously erased from the records! Confused, he runs into the stormy night, gets lost, and finds himself shot. And the next chapter? Why, that goes to around 400 years in the past, of course! Because that makes complete sense. Anyway, we found out that the newly establish Fabletown was in need of someone to take care of the dead Fables returning from the Homelands - they couldn't survive because of the way Mundies were thinking of other things and forgetting them - so Snow White send gaffer Wolf to ask Jeremiah Hound - the Rag-and-Bone-Man - if he would be so kind as to do the task. Less of an ask, more of an order, Mr Hound accepts, and that's as far as the whole thing got. So now, back in the present, we're on to:
The Final Chapter: Part One
The sun's light stabs the darkness from between the bamboo-blind slats, painting a row of black lines onto the hard stone floor. Dust particles float, pushed about according to the droughts they lie on, and clog the air. A wretched coughing proceeded by a rasping gasp issues from below the window, alerting the room's owner to the awakening of his guest.
The owner, a somewhat large figure, waits a moment, sat in his tatty corduroy chair, wishing to feign disinterest as to the condition of his guest. Twenty seconds pass- an amount of time that apparently accords to only a trivial interest at best - before the man rises and steps forward into the light.
Grey and greasy hair issues from irregular patches on his wrinkled scalp, lying flatly over sunken eyes framed with black rims. The once hazel pigments have faded to a dark hue, making those recessed eyes hermits who've shunned the sun and lurk in a cave. In fact, this man's whole face would seem to have an aversion to that life-giving light, and is disturbing. Cheekbones rise as ridges out of a desolate land; the top lip is thin and shrivelled, yet the lower oddly protuberant and full; the nose juts out in a statuesque manner, as if representing a once favored king or queen that ruled over a bountiful land, before something terrible came which left it as a monument to the past. It isn't a face one would wish to wake up to.
Peculiarly, while the face is thin the neck is bulbous; what once made his cheeks jovial and round has sunk to the neck, and now cushions the broad and bony chin. It is a similar case with the rest of his body, where the mass has travelled south to leave famine in its place. The blubber is held by a belt that always fastens under protest at having to hold up such an amount; while the other faded apparel - surely suited to a time of far more historical grandeur - persevere everyday to keep it's ripping parts together.
It is this unwholesome-looking creature that now positions itself in front of the window, attempts something of a scornful narrow-eyed stare out of it, and then focuses it's attention on the panting animal in the cage below.
Bending so as to be on a level with the cage, the man speaks in a voice that breaks irregularly with heavy breathing and which pervades with a low and uncomfortable resonance that crawls up one's spine.
"I-", he inhales heavily, -"seem to have caught a weasel."
The animal, indeed a weasel, lies on the newspaper floor and struggles with his reply for want of water. "Who are you? Where am I?"
"I'd be more preoccupied with that bandage on my head, if I were you," comes the unhelpful answer. "The thought of my brains falling out onto the floor - simply ghastly."
The weasel feels at his head with a clumsy paw, catching himself directly where the wound gapes behind his left ear, under blood-encrusted wrappings. An intense pain cracks through the animal's head, making him wretch; the wound starts bleeding anew.
Not failing to notice the effect of this - for the weasel's eyes have begun to glaze over - the watching man reaches for a plastic bottle that has been motionless in the sunlight for some hours, and splashes some into the animal's face. It achieves the desired aim of keeping the animal conscious.
"Come now, Mister Weasel: this is the first time you've been awake in just over two weeks. It'd be impolite of you to fall asleep once more while in my company."
Mr Weasel is confused. "Two weeks? What's going on?!" He winces after becoming much too emotional, as the closing of his jaw spikes the pain.
At first there is no answer: the man looks over his shoulder with a nervous eye. There is nothing in the small room except them, however. He quickly turns back and carries on talking, as if nothing had happened.
"You should feel honored to be in my presence, Mister Weasel," he says, with emphasis on the addressed name. "Only a handful of others could say they too have been over the last few centuries. They're still alive, you see." Adding, nonchalantly, "many I've met aren't."
"I guess I'm fortunate, then," remarks Mr Weasel, despite not entirely believing it.
"Yes, Mister Weasel-" again with the emphasis, "- you are. I only appear to most when their time is up, when they become flotsam and jetsam, and in fact many don't see me coming. Not if I get them from behind." A wizened corner of his mouth twitches, briefly, into a grin; the movement is amplified by the sagging skin, which wrinkles at this movement and takes a few seconds to reform.
Despite the hole in is head - admittedly, not a very big hole - Mr Weasel is not so damaged as to be unable to infer what this might mean. "You're a murderer?"
"Murder?" Responds the man, face coming to a red boil. "Murder?! I do not murder!" He sits, the anger clearly being too heavy for his knees to support. "Murder implies killing something which is alive; I simply remove that which is half-dead. One cannot murder something that is already dead or half-dead; ergo, I do not murder!" Evidently, Mr Weasel has touched a nerve, though he himself himself sums it up in a more pithy manner: the man's mad. In spite of this realization, Weasel continues.
"You grinned just now when you said about getting people from behind. That's seems like something a murderer would do."
"Clearly, you haven't spent much time around many murderers." The man had Mr Weasel there. "A psychopath may take pleasure in the kill, yet a murderer would most likely not. At least, not in the actual act of doing it." The man turns his head to the left, looking for something which isn't there. "Anyway, this is semantics: I'm neither a murderer or a psychopath," his head swivels back round, gelatinous eyes bloodshot and fit to burst. "I, Mister Weasel, am simply a humble - though skilled - worker of Fabletown."
The man smiles - or at least contorts his mouth into what one might call an attempt at a smile - before standing up and walking to a table opposite the cage, against a wall.
"My job," he explains while fumbling with something Mr Weasel cannot see, "is to tidy up the detritus. To remove that which is of no more use in it's current form, and put it to a more appropriate application."
"And just what application would that be?"
"Oh," the man looks over at Weasel, "wouldn't you like to know." After a response that deserves anyone's indignation, the man collects the item of interest from the desk and holds it up to the light for inspection, even though he is already intimate with the design.
Mr Weasel is alarmed by the object. "Is that a gun?"
"To be precise, it is a flintlock pistol; rifled, with a breech load." The qualities of the weapon yield an undisguised pleasure from the person holding it, his grip tight around the smooth wooden handle, eyes moving along the gold plating along the barrel. One look would inform anyone that this is a weapon from many years ago.
Weasel, however, has very little interest in such things. These devices cause far too much damage with far too much ease, in his opinion. The man notices the disinterested acknowledgement of the weapon and comments, as he secures it inside his jacket, that he's surprised Mister Weasel isn't more interested in the weapon that almost killed him.
And yet, contemplates Weasel, he says he does not kill. Surely, this is madness.
The man begins to laugh at what he perceives to be petulant silence, until a sight out of the corner of his eye grabs his attention.
"Dammit!" He yells, throwing a large hammer from the table into a dark corner. Then he stands, breathing heavily, waiting to see if he's hit his mark. Nothing is there. "Third time today," he mumbles. "Anyway-" he regains himself "- I think it's time I left. That bastard dog will be here soon."
A well of hope springs in Mr Weasel's chest, who had assuredly been unaware what his fate might be. "You mean Bigby?"
"Yes, I mean Bigby," the man spits back. "After dealing with that parasitic Crooked Man, Snow White and he are on some sort of crusade against any individual they take a dislike towards. Unfortunately, I, a servant of the regime, have attracted their focus; we shall see if the wolf can catch the hound, though."
Growing fed up of the dramatics, Weasel directly asks: "What's your name?"
The man smiles once more and bends down once more to face the other Fable; close enough for the detail on his wax-like skin to show and the discoloration of his teeth to be very apparent.
"No one can remember my name, because I do the things they would rather forget, and so I, too, am forgotten."
Suddenly, Mr Weasel realizes a sad truth. "I've been forgotten - apart from Bigby - haven't I?" He quietly asks.
"Hm, I wish," is the terse reply. "You are very close to being forgotten, which is why I had to come and get you. There are people actively thinking about you, however, probably writing about you, talking about you, doing all they can to keep your memory alive."
Weasel is pleased to learn this, possibly even happy, and who wouldn't be? It must show on his face, though, for the ugly man decides on some harsh words to say.
"Do not flatter yourself, you imbecile! The reason this pistol -", he opens his jacket and points at the very article, "- didn't kill you is because they -", he points vaguely behind him "- in that office are worried about their empire crumbling. They don't actually care about you."
These words sting Mr Weasel, and distract him as the man stands and walks over to a dark corner - not without a satisfied smirk about his features - and opens a door. No light comes in - it is the creaking that gives the opening away.
"See you soon," is all the figure says before he walks out, and shuts the door behind him.
Not a great deal of excitement, though hopefully it's not too long. It might be quite obvious who 'the man' is, however if it's not there is a fairly direct clue in there. I do hope you all enjoyed it!
Here's a continuation of Mr Weasel's origins story! I'm going to bring it to an end soon, and maybe try and think of someone else to write a… morebout
Anyway, here's a very brief summary of what's happened so far:
After a conversation with a Huff & Puff smoking, wine sipping manor owner regarding who he, Mister Weasel, is, the quest to discover this truth becomes all he can think about. A month later he's fallen on hard times, and decides on a desperate plan to understand his origins: break into the Business Office. This goes surprisingly well, until it's discovered by him - and Bufkin - that he's been mysteriously erased from the records! Confused, he runs into the stormy night, gets lost, and finds himself shot. And the next chapter? Why, that goes to around 400 years in the past, of course! Because that makes complete sense. Anyway, we found out that the newly establish Fabletown was in need of someone to take care of the dead Fables … [view original content]
Glad you think so! I have definitely said it on multiple occaisions :P anyway, the next part already has a cereals reference in it, so hopefully you can look forward to that ^_^
Glad you think so! I have definitely said it on multiple occaisions :P anyway, the next part already has a cereals reference in it, so hopefully you can look forward to that ^_^
I love when people go back and give us an idea of WHO that person is and where they camer from. Your story was brilliant and answered a lot. Great work!
Here's a continuation of Mr Weasel's origins story! I'm going to bring it to an end soon, and maybe try and think of someone else to write a… morebout
Anyway, here's a very brief summary of what's happened so far:
After a conversation with a Huff & Puff smoking, wine sipping manor owner regarding who he, Mister Weasel, is, the quest to discover this truth becomes all he can think about. A month later he's fallen on hard times, and decides on a desperate plan to understand his origins: break into the Business Office. This goes surprisingly well, until it's discovered by him - and Bufkin - that he's been mysteriously erased from the records! Confused, he runs into the stormy night, gets lost, and finds himself shot. And the next chapter? Why, that goes to around 400 years in the past, of course! Because that makes complete sense. Anyway, we found out that the newly establish Fabletown was in need of someone to take care of the dead Fables … [view original content]
This will be my last story for a while, so I'm going to go all out this time!
Character Name: Daren (West African for born at night)
Age: 32(As glamoured) His actual age is 225
Specie: Werecat
Siblings: Some reside in Africa while the rest traveled all over the globe and took residence wherever.
Hobby: Enjoy spending time with his 2 children Omar and Tisha. He moved to Fabletown to make a living and take his his family. He currently works in downtown Manhattan at a major clothing enterprise.
Likes: Fried fish, animals, family,sports, the wilderness.
Dislikes: Liars, people who terrorize other,swimming,and mayonnaise.
Back story:
He lived with his family in Africa, who originated from the fable home world. Daren came to Fabletown to start anew and to provide for his family. He is very protective of his 2 children Omar and Tisha. They both are in their teenage years. They are all he have left in his life, he cannot lose them like he lost his wife.
Being a werecat is much easier in his older years than it was in his younger years. He has control over it now and also like any other shape shifter his powers are at its peak at the full moon. His life seems to be easy for now, but little do he know, things are going to get worse.
We got to the hospital as soon as possible. Our romantic evening was officially over for the night, but I honestly didn't care because Mary could be hurt, or worse: The baby could be having complications. We left the chairs and most of the other stuff on the beach. I helped Tim up and we got to the car, driving straight for the hospital. I was surprised Swineheart was still there, considering it's 1 A.M. Must have had other patients he had to keep an eye on.
We burst through the elevator doors and I rocked back and forth on my heels. I looked at my phone.
"Shit! We forgot to get Jack!" I slap my hand on my forehead a few times.
"Oh, yeah. Okay, uh, I'll leave you here and then I'll go get him. Keep Mary company. Text me if there's anything serious or something."
"Alright." The elevator doors open and I step out. I blow him a kiss before jogging down the hall. The text Mary sent me a little after the call says that she's in room 110. The door to her room is ajar, and I can hear Swineheart's voice muffled.
"So you're experiencing pain in your lower abdomen, bleeding, discomfort. Anything else?"
"I just want to know that my baby is still alive. Please, tell me there's nothing wrong Swineheart."
"Hey! I got here as soon as possible- Tim, he's getting Jack right now," I say, sitting on a stool next to Mary. We're in an examination room with bright lights.
"At least you're here. That's good enough."
Swineheart walks to the counter and marks things down on a clip board,"I'm going to do an ultra sound. We can look at the baby and see what's wrong with the two of you."
Mary and I nod simultaneously, and he walks out for a few minutes. I grab her hand, rubbing my thumb over her knuckles.
"You'll be okay, Mary. So will the baby."
"Are you sure? What if-"
"Shhh...Just lay back. Deep breaths."
"It fucking hurts, Harm. My entire abdomen. It feels like my insides are being ripped to shreds."
"I know, I know. Just....relax as best as you can."
Swineheart walks back in,"Just like before, we'll put this jelly on your stomach, then we'll find the baby's heart beat."
He sits on a taller stool and leans over Mary, spreading the gel. Mary winces at each touch.
"Okay," Swineheart turns the machine on,"Hmm, you're just about 20 weeks now. We can also find out the gender, probably."
"As long as the baby is okay, I don't care what gender it is," Mary mutters.
Swineheart takes a deep breath, his mouth a flat line,"That's what I was afraid of.."
"What? What were you afraid of?!" Mary bursts.
He sighs,"Your child was born with your powers, Mary. Y'know, when you're covered in those glass shards. It's cutting you up on the inside. I wonder what triggered him to turn like that."
"Him?" She says.
"Yeah. You've got a little boy on the way," Swineheart smiles.
Mary sighs with relief,"He's got my powers? I didn't even know that was possible."
"Well, to put it into perspective...Snow White had a litter of babies, because of Bigby's wolf nature. They inherited a wide arrange of wolf qualities, even though he assumes his human form most of the time. I was kind of surprised when the first baby came out perfectly human looking. Ahem, your mother, Harmony."
"My mother was the only human looking one of them all?" I ask.
"Yes. Now, lets get back to our main focus. What do you think triggered the change in form, Mary?"
"It could have been me travelling through the mirrors. I haven't done it too often, but I started feeling some pain when I left Harmony's apartment at 8."
"So was the pain gradually increasing?"
"No, it went away for a long while, but then I got up to use the bathroom and my entire body felt like it was going to collapse on me. I went and saw blood in the toilet. I thought I lost him..."
Just then, Jack bursts into the room, followed by an out of breath Tim.
"What's wrong? What happened, Mary?"
She sighs,"There's nothing wrong with the baby, Jack."
"Oh. Okay. Can I...uhm, go back home and sleep now?"
"For fuck's sake, don't you care if there's something wrong with me?"
"Oh, yeah. Of course, babe! What's wrong with you?"
Mary is about to sit up, but winces at the pain,"The baby has my power to transform the same as me."
"Really? That's fuckin' cool. And fuckin' creepy. So...?"
"It's digging into my abdomen, making me bleed like crazy. And I'm in immense pain. What did you think was going to happen?"
"I dunno. I thought maybe you were, uhm, used to bleeding?"
"I fucking hate you. You wanna know something else? It's a boy. I'm having a fucking boy. I hope you're happy."
"A boy!" Jack smiles excitedly,"I have a son and not a daughter! I'm so happy."
"I figured you would be, you prick."
Not wanting to further listen to this conversation, I say,"I'm gonna go get something from the vending machine with Tim. We'll be back in a few."
Me and Tim walk out of the room, relieved to be out of the room with those two. I feel sorry for Swineheart. He has to figure out what to do with those two bickering back and forth. We stop at the end of the hall, standing in front of a brightly lit Coca-Cola machine and a less decorated snack machine.
I press my forehead on the snack machine's glass,"I'm sorry about tonight," I whisper. I feel Tim's arms wrap around me, his head on my shoulder.
"It's okay. It wasn't ruined."
I lean my head back,"Are you sure? You didn't seem pleased when I answered the phone."
"Harmony, yes, I was annoyed that you answered the phone. But believe me when I tell you, as soon as I found out something was wrong, I wasn't annoyed any more."
I turned around and we held each other in a quiet embrace. He kissed me lightly a few times, but we otherwise stayed they unmoving.
"....You'll want to avoid travelling by mirror. That tablet I gave you should help the baby change back. I only have a few of them from the witches. They're mighty expensive. Next time, you'll have to pay for one."
"Okay, doctor. Thanks, again."
"It's no problem, It's my job. Goodnight."
Mary and Jack walk several feet apart toward us,"Let's go, lovebirds. I need a ride to my apartment. So does this Jackass. No pun intended."
"You know, that hurts, Mary."
"That's why I said it, Jack."
Tim drives them to their apartments and takes me home. We enter the elevator, suddenly super tired and ready to sleep. He gets off with me, showing me into my apartment. I open the door and stand in the doorway, facing him.
"Goodnight, Harmony. I'll see you-"
"Shhh, Tim," I stick my finger over his mouth, then I whisper,"Sleep with me."
This will be my last story for a while, so I'm going to go all out this time!
Character Name: Daren (West African for born at night)
A… morege: 32(As glamoured) His actual age is 225
Specie: Werecat
Siblings: Some reside in Africa while the rest traveled all over the globe and took residence wherever.
Hobby: Enjoy spending time with his 2 children Omar and Tisha. He moved to Fabletown to make a living and take his his family. He currently works in downtown Manhattan at a major clothing enterprise.
Likes: Fried fish, animals, family,sports, the wilderness.
Dislikes: Liars, people who terrorize other,swimming,and mayonnaise.
Back story:
He lived with his family in Africa, who originated from the fable home world. Daren came to Fabletown to start anew and to provide for his family. He is very protective of his 2 children Omar and Tisha. They both are in their teenage years. They are all he have left in his life, he cannot lo… [view original content]
We got to the hospital as soon as possible. Our romantic evening was officially over for the night, but I honestly didn't care because Mary … morecould be hurt, or worse: The baby could be having complications. We left the chairs and most of the other stuff on the beach. I helped Tim up and we got to the car, driving straight for the hospital. I was surprised Swineheart was still there, considering it's 1 A.M. Must have had other patients he had to keep an eye on.
We burst through the elevator doors and I rocked back and forth on my heels. I looked at my phone.
"Shit! We forgot to get Jack!" I slap my hand on my forehead a few times.
"Oh, yeah. Okay, uh, I'll leave you here and then I'll go get him. Keep Mary company. Text me if there's anything serious or something."
"Alright." The elevator doors open and I step out. I blow him a kiss before jogging down the hall. The text Mary sent me a little after the call says that she's in room 11… [view original content]
We got to the hospital as soon as possible. Our romantic evening was officially over for the night, but I honestly didn't care because Mary … morecould be hurt, or worse: The baby could be having complications. We left the chairs and most of the other stuff on the beach. I helped Tim up and we got to the car, driving straight for the hospital. I was surprised Swineheart was still there, considering it's 1 A.M. Must have had other patients he had to keep an eye on.
We burst through the elevator doors and I rocked back and forth on my heels. I looked at my phone.
"Shit! We forgot to get Jack!" I slap my hand on my forehead a few times.
"Oh, yeah. Okay, uh, I'll leave you here and then I'll go get him. Keep Mary company. Text me if there's anything serious or something."
"Alright." The elevator doors open and I step out. I blow him a kiss before jogging down the hall. The text Mary sent me a little after the call says that she's in room 11… [view original content]
"Yeah. They got married a little after we were born. That's what Nana said at least..."
"They look so happy!"
"Well, duh! Wonder how they met?"
"I love this photo of them..."
"Yeah. I can't remember the last time your dad smiled like that and ACTUALLY meant it."
Nick floated above my head, as we both focused on the wedding picture of my parents. I kept this by my side, ever since mom gave it to me years ago. The radio played softly behind me, as I reached over and grabbed the bottle of Asprin. This headache of mine. Fuck.
"You feel better, Emily?"
"Does it look like I feel better? Feel like a damn bus ran me over twice, followed by a truck, followed by a group of Grendels." I chuckled; all I could picture was my cousins and uncle, each taking their turn swinging my body around.
"Well, consider taking the time OFF to rest today. The club can stay closed for the night-"
"Nick. You know I fuckin' can't do that. I have customers. Besides, its 'Dance Dry, Sleep Wet' night and you KNOW who goes on tonight..."
"You think he is ready? You haven't REALLY observed his dancing ability-"
"What I saw the first time is enough. Not like its a complicated routine-Twirl, shake, kick, lift, peek-a-boo-repeat. See. Not that hard."
Nick sighed. "Whatever you say, Emily."
I carefully lifted myself up, rubbed my lower back and grabbed my pack of smokes. As I lit one up, there was a faint knock at my door. I expected it to either be Hans Junior or Ethan; instead, it was Felicia.
"Daddy, you okay in there?" The door squeaked as it swung open. I should really have that looked at. "Daddy! You're awake-"
"Yes, Felicia. I'm up. Is there breakfast ready?"
"Hans Junior is finishing up on the scrambled eggs, sir. I will bring you a plate when its finished. You like your bacon extra crispy, right?"
"Perfect! I'll bring you some coffee with your meal and then, we can have you workout before the club opens up and-"
"Felicia, sweetie-just fuckin' relax and go take care of breakfast first."
"You okay today, daddy? You seemed iritated-"
"I'm fine. My head just hurts."
"Hm. Well, you'll get a bigger one later on after you see Malcom on stage. I think he's not ready, daddy and I didn't appreciate him doing that-"
"Felicia, please. Don't start with me-"
"But daddy-"
"FELICIA! Enough! Let ME handle the dancers; you handle the fuckin' rest. You open your fuckin' mouth to me and give me an attitude one more time and you'll be the one to be punished. Got it?"
"Yes...yes, sir..."
Nick's eyes watched her, as she walked out and slammed the door shut; the windows rattled as several objects on my desk fell to the floor. I rolled my eyes and exhaled a puff of smoke.
"She's a fire cracker that one, eh Emily?"
"Felicia has always done whatever the fuck she wants...."
I quickly got dressed and headed down the stairs. Nick followed behind; I noticed Ethan and Hans Junior sitting at the bar and drinking soda. Junior stood up the second he noticed me.
"Relax, blondie. I'm not gonna fuckin' say nothin'..."
"Gees, Emily. I'm sorry. Habit, I guess...." Kick to the balls, this kid was to me sometimes. I adored my cousin but he was not the sharpest tool in the shed. Blamed my uncle Hans. God love that man. "Sorry..."
"Forget it, Junior. Hey Ethan."
"Morning, sunshine. Do you even remember last night?"
"Eh. Off and on. Remember Peter and the Sheriff gettin' into it."
Without a word being said, Felicia walked around the corner with a plate of food. Both my eggs and hasbrowns were drowning in ketchup; my dad does this and it must be a Porgie thing.
"Here is your breakfast, daddy. I hope you like it..."
I sat down, took the plate and inhaled the food before me. The taste was heavenly, as bits flew out of my mouth and acattered on the bar. The boys were silent, as I quickly destroyed the meal before me. Felicia grinned, as I wiped my mouth and finished off my coffee.
"Thank you, love. Good job, Junior."
She took the plate, I burped loudly and walked over to the stage. I found Malcom sitting in silence; he smiled when he watched me enter the dancing area. I pulled out a cigarette and offered him one but he turned it down.
"No thank you, boss. I've been off the stuff for two years now. Not as young as I used to be." He chuckled. "I've seen the posters. They look spectacular."
"Yeah, well-gotta make money. Draw them in like a Moth to a flame; they see a half naked buff wolf on the front and they will be throwin' their fuckin' money all over my carpet and down your fuckin' g-string."
"Are we going to practice today?"
"You will be fine, Malcom. you did wonders on your audition; just take today off and get preperations for tonight. You fuckin' need anything? glitter, oil...a costume...."
"No. I've, uhh-have my costume for tonight. Maybe a bottle of wine to help calm my nerves..."
"You seem like a Merlot guy. Will send one later in your dressing room."
"Thanks, Emily."
Malcom grabbed me and hugged me tightly. From the corner of my eye, I noticed Felicia hidding in the shadows; she had her arms folded and the most livid look upon her face. I gave him a pat on the shoulder; fuck, this guy was a tank. Maybe after he shows the crowd what he has to offer, perhaps the boss can have a turn at him.
"No problem, Malcom. Now, uh..."
"Oh! Yeah...right..."
As he released me, Felicia stormed off. Oh for fuck's sake. I grabbed my smokes and walked out back. The sun's rays were warm against my skin, as I lit another cigarette. The noise surrounded me, as I looked down at my phone. I'd call Junior later; guess Mary is going to Swineheart for an ultra sound. God. That kid should REALLY invest in a pack of condoms. Ethan soon joined me, followed by Nick and Junior.
"Mind if I bum one off of ya, sis?"
"Be my guest,, how is Peter. You know. After last night-"
"Fuck if I know. He won't answer. think Nick and I will go visit him. He's so upset..."
"Yeah. Still waiting on Junior's call."
"That guy should really invest in some condoms. There are enough Marys and Porgies in Fabletown."
I punched him in the arm, as we shared a laugh. God help me tonight.
"Nana, how did mommy and daddy meet?"
"What do you mean, Emily?"
"Well, did they meet by friends? At a movie...on the street."
"Your daddy has known mommy for a long time..."
"How long is that?"
"Since she was a baby, Emily..."
"WOW! That IS a long time!"
"Just remember this, Emily. Your mommy and daddy loved eachother enough to have you and your siblings. Everything you want in this world can come true."
This will be my last story for a while, so I'm going to go all out this time!
Character Name: Daren (West African for born at night)
A… morege: 32(As glamoured) His actual age is 225
Specie: Werecat
Siblings: Some reside in Africa while the rest traveled all over the globe and took residence wherever.
Hobby: Enjoy spending time with his 2 children Omar and Tisha. He moved to Fabletown to make a living and take his his family. He currently works in downtown Manhattan at a major clothing enterprise.
Likes: Fried fish, animals, family,sports, the wilderness.
Dislikes: Liars, people who terrorize other,swimming,and mayonnaise.
Back story:
He lived with his family in Africa, who originated from the fable home world. Daren came to Fabletown to start anew and to provide for his family. He is very protective of his 2 children Omar and Tisha. They both are in their teenage years. They are all he have left in his life, he cannot lo… [view original content]
Chapter 6
"The way its always been"
"Is that mom and dad?"
"Yeah. They got married a little after we were born. That's what Nan… morea said at least..."
"They look so happy!"
"Well, duh! Wonder how they met?"
"I love this photo of them..."
"Yeah. I can't remember the last time your dad smiled like that and ACTUALLY meant it."
Nick floated above my head, as we both focused on the wedding picture of my parents. I kept this by my side, ever since mom gave it to me years ago. The radio played softly behind me, as I reached over and grabbed the bottle of Asprin. This headache of mine. Fuck.
"You feel better, Emily?"
"Does it look like I feel better? Feel like a damn bus ran me over twice, followed by a truck, followed by a group of Grendels." I chuckled; all I could picture was my cousins and uncle, each taking their turn swinging my body around.
"Well, consider taking the time OFF to rest today. The club can stay cl… [view original content]
I was debating for a long time whether I preferred a boy or a girl, and decided that since I wanted a girl more, that I would make it a boy. If that makes sense XD I've also been trying to build Harm's and Tim's relationship stronger since before the last few chapters, it still felt almost like childish love, and I think comparing Harmony now with what she was in the very first chapter, there's been an extreme amount of maturity gained, as well as confidence and intelligence.
Yeah, I try my best >.< Lol. Jack knows exactly what not to say. I figure I'll write another chapter tomorrow morning. I've gotta say, this is another chapter I really enjoyed writing above most of the others. I've got some more plans coming up, don't worry
(sigh) The ending was so romantic... it's like I'm watching a Disney film again, keep on going when you can!
Plus, Jack's dialogue was hilarious in this one. XD
Yeah, I try my best >.< Lol. Jack knows exactly what not to say. I figure I'll write another chapter tomorrow morning. I've gotta say,… more this is another chapter I really enjoyed writing above most of the others. I've got some more plans coming up, don't worry
Chapter 6
"The way its always been"
"Is that mom and dad?"
"Yeah. They got married a little after we were born. That's what Nan… morea said at least..."
"They look so happy!"
"Well, duh! Wonder how they met?"
"I love this photo of them..."
"Yeah. I can't remember the last time your dad smiled like that and ACTUALLY meant it."
Nick floated above my head, as we both focused on the wedding picture of my parents. I kept this by my side, ever since mom gave it to me years ago. The radio played softly behind me, as I reached over and grabbed the bottle of Asprin. This headache of mine. Fuck.
"You feel better, Emily?"
"Does it look like I feel better? Feel like a damn bus ran me over twice, followed by a truck, followed by a group of Grendels." I chuckled; all I could picture was my cousins and uncle, each taking their turn swinging my body around.
"Well, consider taking the time OFF to rest today. The club can stay cl… [view original content]
Thank you. Been struck by cupid and I wanted to show Georgie's good side; that even after all this time, he has finally learned to love and her name is Lyla Jane Smith.
A great addition, obviously you are doing well with it!
I don't mind the quality, truth be told, my eyes see them perfectly clear. At least, what I consider to be perfectly clear. :P
Oh Mary, she is seductive...
Chapter 14 Conclusion Part 2
I left Walter in Swineheart's care, I needed to see what was going on down stairs. When I got to the bottom of the steps heard a conversation between Redd and the Man.
"You see my son, your mother and your siblings weren't actually your real family. You were adopted. Your real parent are...missing."
"Do you hear yourself? You are acting like you actually cared about them. Adopted family or not, THEY were my family and you took them from me!"
"I'm not finished, Daniel."
Yes that is your real name. You are named after your real father, who was a Black ghost dog as well, you inherited most of his abilities. Your real mother was a Banshee. They both worked for me..."
"What happened to them?!"
"They disobeyed their orders, so I had to take drastic measures."
"What did you do! WHAT DID YOU DO TO THEM?"
They are missing Daniel, as I said before. I found you and took you in as my own."
"You STILL haven't explained why you killed our family."
"You need to understand Daniel, this was severely importa--"
I watched the whole thing, I watched Redd kill the man with his bare hands then tossed him down the witching well. Dman.... He then takes a deep breath and says "It all over. But there's still one more thing left."
Redd walks over to Bigby and Snow and demands that the have all of Crooked Mans riches. They reject and tell him that all of it has been distributed to the Fabletown government. He doesn't seem to care, he's not leaving with out it, and if he don't he's going to destroy this place..
Redd transforms into his Black ghost dog form and begin to destroy everything in his path, I need to stop him before it's too late but my left leg is still in pain and I only have one arrow left what can i do? Wait...hold on...the fable killing artifact that Redd stole from the museum. I think i have an idea.
While Redd is distracted from his rampage, i take a piece a string from the artifact, and tie it to the tip of the arrow and lite it on fire. I aim carefully for this is my last arrow, I have to make it count. I'm sorry Redd for the rough times that you been through, but this must end NOW.
I fire the last arrow directly at his chest, it pierces him. He stops then falls to the ground and reverts back into his human form.
I walk over towards Redd, he's still alive but doesn't looks so good.
"Looks like you can't kill this fable so easily... regardless how many mundies believe in me. "
"Redd... it didn't have to end like this.."
"Oh Robby, it's not over... they are still out there somewhere... I need to find them."
"You need to forget about the Crooked Man Redd, he is gone. You got your revenge."
"Yeah... i guess I did.. Maybe trying to take all of his fortune was a bit selfish... I should get out of here... I need to find them......"
Redd turns to Snow and Bigby and looks them in the eyes. He becomes shadowly mist then vanishes instantly. He was gone, it was finally over.
1 month later
School was about to start back. Walter injuries healed and me being an agent of Fabletown, accepting assignments whenever I can. Things are looking well for now. But there's something missing...
When I bgein to leave my house I am stopped by 2 large men, they are Mafia.. Apparently they caught up with me like Walter said. They demanded that I come with them, I ignored them and went on with my business. One place their hand on my shoulder and told them that thier boss wants what I stole from him back.
Sigh, this shouldn't take long..
The two men are knocked out cold and I then hop on my bike. I might go check out that new museum exhibit in Manhattan, I heard they have a replica of Excalibur or something....
End of Robby's story. Hope you all enjoyed.
I did enjoy Robby's story! Oh hamburgers-the Mafia! I loved this tale and hopefully, you have yet another on your mind.
Yeah, fanfiction that's truly unbelievable often isn't entertaining to read (hopefully mine don't fall into this category). That's frustrating! I guess like the sisters themselves we'll never truly find out.
So many threads to this tale! It's like a wooly jumper - in a good way. And like a cat entertained by discovering these threads and pulling them loose, so am I enthralled as to what will happen.
The Crooked Man just gets even more Crooked. Anyway, congratulations on finishing another tale! It's been an entertaining read
Thanks, I plan on doing 1 more story, then I need to catch up on walking dead
Chapter 4
'Wolf in the devil's lair'
"KATIE! Katie! Get mom!"
"Why, Emily? Why are you running-"
"Peter! He...Penny made him mad and-"
"What, Emily!? I'm busy playing Barbies and-"
"He huffed and he puffed and he blew down the tree house we were playing in and now her jacket got stuck on a tree branch and she needs help!"
I left mom and dad's place no sooner had Junior left; Ethan took both Peter and Emily home, while Penelope refused to answer my phone calls. She was incensed from what took place earlier that evening but that was her own damn fault. It didn't help Emily running her mouth and stirred the pot of chaos; the damn thing bubbled over and like always, we were the ones to clean up the mess.
Peter didn't speak to either of us the rest of the night. Emily was so out of it, I have a very strong feeling she may have forgotten where the hell she even was. Mom and dad each gave me a warm, loving embrace as I thanked them for dinner and walked home; my ride seemed to have forgotten she took me there in the first place but I was not in the mood to argue.
I finally arrived to my apartment, took a quick shower and instantly drifted off to dream land. Finally. Some peace and quiet. I must have been more exhausted than I thought; my phone went off twice early that morning and it didn't seem to bother my slumber. They were messages from Tim. He was probably calling to either check up on me or talk about the test. Right now, I didn't want to discuss either of these.
After eating a small breakfast of toast, brushed my teeth and took yet another shower, I headed out the door and towards the Lucky Pawn. I crossed King street, worked my way down 7th and 9th and with a Mocha Latte in my hands, I reached my final destination. The second I turned the corner, I could already detect the heavy smoke and cheap cologne.
"That you, Katherine?"
"Yup. It's me, Jersey. I...I brought you a Blueberry muffin. Stopped on the way to get me this and figured you might like this."
He smiled, as he reached over and grabbed the tasty breakfast treat. "Thank you, Rabbit. Haven't had one of these things in a long fuckin' time. Should probably avoid these tempations, considering I've packed on a few more pounds then I had hoped for."
He chuckled, took a bit and began fiddling with his keys. But as soon as he did, he sprayed around us again. Really? Fuck... "So, have a fun time last night?"
"Same as usual. You KNOW how that goes..."
"Yeah. Your dad always knew how to throw the most extravagant get togethers Fabletown has ever seen!"
I tried to hold back my urge to laugh at his sarcastic remark but failed miserably, when a good half of my coffee escaped my nasal passages. Jersey joined in, as he opened the door and walked inside. He reached behind the counter and pulled out a tissue. I quickly wiped my nose, as he flipped on the lights.
"But on a serious note, how was it?"
"Again, the usual-Emily high as fuck, Ethan a nervous wreck. Penelope flapping her gums, Peter as the lone wolf and Junior sitting back in the bleachers, waiting for his chance to play in the game. That 'bout cover it?"
"Besides the 'usual' bullshit that takes place surrounding your folks, how are they? Haven't seen or talked to your father in months. He look, uh-alright?"
"He...he seemed alright to me yesterday. He had SOME color comes and goes, Jersey."
I heard him sigh, as he walked to the back and returned to the front with an old rag and window cleaner. "Fuckin' Jack forgot to wipe down the windows INSIDE yesterday. Swear, if that guy spent less time TRYIN' to get some booty, MAYBE my shop wouldn't look like fuckin' shit!"
"Look, Rabbit. I'm...I'm sorry 'bout your ol' man. I hope he get's better soon. I sincerly mean that. You know I do..."
He gave me a slight smile and began spraying the windows. "Penny...I guess she saw us-"
"Last night-when we were, the back office..."
He paused for a second, turned to face me and erupted in a laughing fit. I didn't know how to react; should I join or pray for my life? "That's what she gets for not going by the directions! I swear you fuckin' kids these days-READ DIRECTIONS!"
Before I could answer back, I noticed a velvet purple envelope sitting by the register. I picked it up and examined it; this was the third one this week sent to the shop. The return address simply stated 'W.C' and the stamp had a paw print. In the back, the seal was also a red paw print.
"Jersey, what is this?"
"What is what, Katherine? A bit preoccupied at the moment..."
"This envelope. I noticed you had a couple more in the back. Is this like a customer or what?"
Jersey startled me when he snatched the envelope out of my hand and began shredding it to nothing but confetti bits. He tossed them into the air and soon, the floor was a carpet of shredded papers.
"The fuck, Jersey?! Now look at this mess! I just asked a question-"
"Don't worry about that shit, Katie. Its not for you to be concerned about! Let ME deal with them-"
"Them? Who is THEM?! Are you in trouble?"
"Just...just forget about it, Rabbit! I can't believe they found you. I won't let you become one of them-"
"WHO?! Jersey-"
I grabbed my purse, frantically searched and found what I was looking for. I clutched the item in my hands and tossed it against his head. He turned to face me, looked down and picked up the item-the relic he gave me years ago.
"It's the only way to get your attention! Now, what is going on-WHO are you talking about? I'm tired of secrets!"
"Enough, Rabbit! I don't need you geetin' involved with these fuckers and I will NOT let this be your fate!"
Someone once told me that fate was how your life would start and end in a particular way; my mom told me you CAN change it for the better but in some cases, make it a lot worse then the prior plan. My mother changed my father's fate; perhaps, he did the same and neither of them noticed this until years later. I'm not so blind when it comes to these things. Now, here was the man I've known since I was in diapers, telling me about fate and how 'he won't let them take me.'
Without warning and despite all I mentally told myself, I changed. The pain layered itself all along my arms, legs and back, as I went from woman to beast. I let out an ear piercing howl, as I bared my fangs towards Jersey. The growls grew louder with each step I took. The relic in his hand began to glow a bright yellow.
I refused to let him speak, as I threw my paw back and send Jersey flying against the back wall. The relic landed at my paws, as the back glowed green and Jersey emerged as his unglamoured self. His empty eye sockets watched me, as he jumped on the counter and hissed.
I took a giant leap at him; he hurdled himself in my direction and soon, we began to fight on the floor. He buried his teeth into my shoulder, as I reached around, grabbed him by the antlers and tossed him against the glass. A spear haning on the wall came tubling down; Jersey grabbed it and rammed the point into my leg. I let out a painful yelp, as he hopped onto my back and began clawing at my flesh. The burn was unbareable, as I tried to grab his foot with my jaw.
Jersey continued to hiss, as his clws dug deeper into my flesh. "ENOUGH, Katie! I Will not let you go with them!" The relic continued to glow darker and darker, the angrier I became. I could smell blood in the air and bits of hair. The sudden urge to eradicate Jersey grew with each swipe he took at me; I reached around once more, grabbed his arm and swung him against the floor. As he laid stunned by my reaction, I placed my paw against his rib cage and pressed down; the bones began to crack and the flesh became soft against the weight. Jersey bellowed out and tried to nip my paw.
"Rabbit...okay! Okay, please, Katie-don't-UGH!! OH FUCK! STOP! KATIE-"
I quickly looked down and noticed what I was doing. I took my paw off, shaked my head and slowly became human again. Jersey remain unglamoured, as I ran back to help him.
"Oh God, Jersey! I'm-I'm sorry...I-I don't know what came over me! Are you-"
"Huh. So, it does work..."
"What?" He reached over, grabbed the relic and placed it around my neck. It no longer was glowing yellow. I threw myself against him and wrapped my arms around his neck. "Jersey-"
"Do not worry about this, Katie. Just a scratch. Man. Your wolf ability has grown stronger as you've aged."
"I....I try not to change that often."
"Well, you should be proud of this. You took ME down!"
"Hm. From what I hear, you are not THAT hard to be taken down. As I recall, the Sheriff TWICE-"
"Uh, no, no, no, no! He HAD help-I had him like this but HE needed help just to defeat me, so-"
I rolled my eyes, as I helped in up. Just as I did, Jack walked into the shop. He stopped to look around; there was still blood, broken glass and an unglamoured Jersey stanind in the middle.
"Uh-did I miss something here?"
"Just the best damn show this side of Fabletown has ever seen. These Porgies-they sure know how to throw extravagant parties."
I'd ask about those letters again on a later time. Right now, my head was throbbing, coffee is getting cold and Jack's confused face was making thus all worth while.
"Peter! What did you do?"
"Penny made fun of me again!"
"No I didn't! All I said was you couldn't play with us-"
"You called me a loser and said mom and dad should put me down-"
"PENELOPE!! You march in that house right now and your father and I will deal with this inside! Apologies to him right now!"
"Sorry 'bout the treehouse, Katie. You mad?"
"Nah. Papa needed to rebuild it anyways. You okay?"
"I...I think so. Didn't know I could DO that! That was cool! Hey...thank you."
"What are big sisters for...."
Chapter 5 up next
Oh! Now I'm curious about those envelopes! What could they be about...hmmm....
Anyways, loved this chapter! Can't wait to read more! I have a feeling Jersey is TRYING to protect Katie from someone or something-which is WHY he gave her the relic but that's just a theory.
"So....I can play games? Right?"
"Right. That's what these suckers are basically for. Contacting the outside world and playing Angry Birds."
"Alright. Is there anything else I need to know?"
"I think you're all set. If you need me, all you do is tap my name right here," Mary demonstrates and soon enough, her phone starts to ring.
"Awesome. I'll make sure to call you next time I need you!"
"Don't call too often though. You don't have an unlimited plan."
Mary pulls out her mirror,"I'll text you later. I want to go shopping some day, buy a crib maybe. You can help me set it up when I do."
"Okay," I smile. She jumps through and I'm alone again. I pick up her mirror and place it on the couch where she likes to sleep sometimes.
My phone buzzes:
I tap on the tiny keyboard with my pointer finger. It takes about five minutes, but I say:
I watch the time change on my phone. I've got 20 minutes to get ready for work. First, a shower. The only person who knows I sing in the shower is Mary, who constantly makes fun of my song preferences.
"Everybody was kung-fu fighting! Dananana!"
I pull out my work uniform, a red t-shirt and black pants. I look in the mirror a second. I sigh, sticking my messy wet hair into a pony tail.
Just as I reach the door, the bell rings. I pull it open and smile when Tim emerges on the otherside.
"Going somewhere?" He asks.
"What do you think?"
"I think that you're coming with me."
"I can't just skip work, I have to-"
"I spoke with your boss. He was fine with letting you off for the day as a birthday present."
"Another birthday present? What this time?"
"How about two movie tickets and a fancy dinner afterwards?"
"Hmm, I don't know. What movie?"
"Sharknado 2!"
"Really?" I say.
"Nah. I'm gonna let you choose."
"What movies are there playing at the theater?"
"Did I also mention we aren't going to an actual movie theater?"
"Where are we going then?"
"Somewhere better. Lets go, while the night's young."
"I need to get changed first. 5 minutes, okay?"
"Just hurry!"
I enter my bedroom and pull out a light blue flowery dress that ends above the knees. I pair it with black flats and I pull the ponytail out of my hair, simultaneously brushing it out and blow drying it with my crimson red blow dryer. I walk out give or take 10 minutes later.
"Done, finally?" He asks.
Tim leads me to the elevator. We walk hand in hand out of the lobby and he shows me to a car parked on the side of the street.
"When did you get a car?" I ask.
"When I decided walking and asking for rides all the time was more tedious than paying for gas."
He opens my door and I sit inside in a most lady-like manners. Snow was the one who taught me how to be polite, so I make sure to practice what I learned.
We drive for a while and end up at one of the private beaches.
"You rented a beach for me? What?!" I squeeled.
"We're watching a movie on the beach and having dinner together. All alone," He smiles.
I reach over and kiss his cheek lightly,"Please, stop spoiling me."
"I couldn't if I tried. Lets go," He gets out, opens my door, then hobbles to the trunk.
"I picked out a few movies. I know you hate horror movies and chick flicks, so I made sure to get anything but that. Personally, I would like to watch this..." He pulls out a DVD case labeled The Lego Movie.
"Oh my god. It's perfect. Let's watch it."
He tosses the movie in a picnic basket that was also in the trunk,"This is our dinner. Lets get on the beach before it goes cold."
On the beach, there's a white projector screen. Two beach chairs are set up facing it, along with a table in between and a small projector sitting on top of it. He pulls out his laptop from the picnic basket and plugs the projector into it. Then he puts in the movie. I look in and notice two dishes on top of a plastic container that presumably has our dinner.
"I made spaghetti and meatballs, I hope you like it."
"It's my favorite."
"That's what I was going for," He says, laughing. He takes a larger fork and dishes some out on each plate. We start eating as the opening of the movie starts.
The dinner is delicious, and we watch the movie holding hands the whole time. The moon rises ever so slowly, casting dull moon rays across the ocean. Every now and again, a boat passes. It's a lovely sight. So romantic.
Once the movie ends, we go crazy talking about it, changing the topic more than we can count.
"Haha, that was a good one. Are you thirsty? I brought some wine, and-"
"Shh. Just pour me a glass," I say, giggling.
He pulls out two wine glasses and I watch the bubbles pop before taking a small sip. It feels like poprocks almost, going down my throat in into my stomach.
"It tastes amazing."
"That's good. I wasn't sure you would like it, but it's good that you do."
For a while, we sit there doing nothing, just holding hands and sipping wine. The moon is directly over top of us.
" long did you rent the beach for?" I ask.
"Hmm...until morning. Why?"
"Well..." I place my wine glass on the table and stand up.
"I was thinking that...maybe we could get a little closer? It's chilly."
"Yeah, yeah. We can lay down and look at the stars."
"I've got a few blankets in here. Thought of everything," He laughs.
We lay on one of the blankets and stare up at the sky for a long time. Soon enough, we're kissing softly. It gets a little more passionate.
"I love you," I whisper in his ear, running my hand down his arm and kissing his neck some.
"I love you too." He whispers back. He sits up, but that doesn't stop us from making out. Sweat starts to bead down his forehead. I hadn't even noticed how hot it was getting between us. He pulls his shirt off and I press my hands against his chest. Another kiss lands on my neck when...
"My's uh...ringing? Right?"
"Right..." Tim sighs.
I grab it from the chair behind me. Mary's name flashes across the top. I answer.
"Hello? What's up?"
"Harmony? Harm, are you there?" She sounds frantic, possibly even crying.
"What's wrong? Mary?"
"Harmony, I need help. I need you here! It's- the baby, I just- Tell Jack to come."
"What's going on, Mary? Mary?"
"I'm on my way to Swineheart's. Just, hurry. Please. Bring Jack with you."
"Mary what's-"
She hung up.
Frowny face. I wonder what's wrong with Mary? You'll find out next chapter. That was going so well, something had to go wrong. It was a must. It was sweet while it lasted. I hope you enjoyed.
To anyone that was actually reading this story, SO sorry for being away so long, school work kept dragging me down. But I can finally think straight and get back to this. Thanks for your patience.
Chapter 4: Thought Provocations
The bright neon of the Pudding & Pie half-blinded me as I walked outside into the dark, cold night. I reached into my pocket to grab a cigarette, only to realize I was burnt out. I chuckled to myself at the accidental pun I had made to myself, and began to walk back down the street towards The Woodlands. I wondered whether I should tell T anymore about this. She already came close to morphing into hell, I didn't want a repeat of that. But she deserves to know, has every right to know, in fact. Her and the others who worked for Georgie were as close as close could get, that close circle should be the first to know.
Oh crap, the others... I'd completely forgotten about them. I was never really close to any of them, except for Faith of course. I didn't really bother with what they did together. Every now and then, Faith would offer I come with them for a cigarette or two, but I'd always decline. It was always something I put before them instead; a beating from the Sheriff, a teasing from T, nothing really important. Looking back, maybe I should've payed more attention, spent more time with them, her more specifically, probably would've payed off a lot more in the long run. For both of us.
Before I could dedicate any time to decide what to do next, the dawn of sun interrupted my thoughts, and the fact of the passage of time came back to me. T was waiting for me, I better get back to her. My steady pace increased slightly, almost to a jog, but still seemingly walking. Thinking about T, she probably didn't care I was gone so long. T's a tough one, despite her smartass exterior. Back in the homelands, she was more the one punishing smartassery, not the one dishing it out. That's why she didn't get many visitors. She was more the 'live in the dankest corners of the land' kinda gal. I guess she eventually got sick of that life style, because ever since that piece of paper was signed forgiving everything us Fables had done back at the Homelands, she changed completely. The other Fables were also surprisingly welcome to her change in personality, which is more than I can ever say for Bigby Wolf. Suddenly, my now speedy walk was halted by another person. Ah, speak of the devil.
"Oh. It's you." Bigby spoke. He was obviously not very happy to see me.
"Yeah, well fuck you too, Mr. Sheriff." I hit back. He's always like this, thinking he can push me about just because he broke a rib cage the last time we met. Bigby fell silent. For a moment he was observant, noticing the way I'd came. He looked down the street behind me, and managed to get a glimpse of the P&P neon shutting down. He was onto me in a flash.
"What were you doing back there?" Bigby asked, with a clear threat in his voice trying to assert a dominance in the conversation. I couldn't tell what had happened, I may not be afraid of him, but I know that if he shuts me down, it's over.
"Oh, y'know... getting a lil' bit of pleasure from the ladies back there..." I uttered out, in an attempt to turn Bigby the other way. I never wanted to say that. Ever. I was never interested in being in that club. Never have been, never will be. But unfortunately for me, I wasn't the only one aware of that fact.
"Don't bullshit me, Hope. I've beaten off that face of yours enough to know that that kind of building is the last place you'd want to spend the night. Now try again, and be straight with me this time, or I'll straighten you up myself." Bigby let out, clearly agitated by my lie to his face. As much as I'd love to put him in his place, the last thing I need right now is a beating from the Sheriff.
"Okay, okay! You got me, Sherlock, I was...ur..." Shit, shit shit. Think of a lie, and fast. And something that's believable this time, maybe? "I was checking on Toad. I heard a bit of a ruckus while I was taking a walk and thought I should make sure he was okay, that's all." Bigby looked at me skeptically, but he seemed to believe me. After a long pause, he finally opened his trap.
"Yeah... that's where I'm headed now. He called me about it." Gee, talk about good timing! I really dodged a bullet there.
"Yep, yep, yep, that's I was there! I mean, that 'shitey, whitey' old Toad can never be trusted, eh?" I said, trying to solidify this glorious coincidence of fact. Bigby clearly looked unamused, but somehow still believed me.
"Well, have a good one, Hope." Bigby finished, in the most non-genuine way possible.
"You too, Wolfy." I responded, no emotion in my voice. That was way too close. Time to get back to-
"Oh, by the way, Hope. If T stayed at your's last night, she's not there anymore. Seems to have gone off on her own investigation. I'll deal with her later, believe me." Bigby shouted to me, still walking, not turning his head.
Before I could shout "You don't lay a finger on her, fucker!" on instinct, what he just told me hit me like a brick. T was on the loose, trying to find answers. She was gonna get herself in deep water if I didn't pull her out. Her past in this town may catch up to her again if she pokes her nose where she shouldn't.
She may end up in the hands of the Crooked Man again.
Welcome back! I hope that you'll have the time to continue to type a majority of your story like some of my other contributors often have. I even listed a few awards for your tale for last month's F.S.A.!
Lego Fables! They should seriously do a series of minifigures :P anyway, another good read!
Glad to see you've got the chance to come back! I like how your story is in tandem with the game, yet from a completely different perspective; you're writing is very good, too!
Haha, yeah. That would be awesome!
Tim and Harm are too freakin' cute, I'm getting Diabetes just picking these two! XD Haha...Sharknado. Nice.
Great chapter like always. Can't wait to see what's going down with Mary.
I know, it's adorable :333 Mary's having some troubles, the next chapter will focus on her more. She seems to always be the thing that stops Harm and Tim for enjoying themselves, lol.
Chapter 5
'So long ago'
"Get up, Georgie!"
"Don't think so, Bigby. I'm going to die here...we both know that...."
"No. You're not."
"What the fuck are you talking about? LOOK at what you've done to me!"
"Hello, Georgie."
" is not a good time. So, whatever you and Bigby have planned, just get it over with..."
"The Crooked Man is dead, Georgie."
"Well, good for you. Looks like you did SOMETHING right and-UGH! Fuck....fuck....what do you want, John? Come to help your ol' buddy and take turns rippin' me to bits?"
"No. I'm here to save you and allow you to have a second chance."
"Because the fate of my unborn daughter lies in YOUR miserable hands...."
The Carpentar's 'Top of the World' played faintly, as Swineheart carefully stitched and and mended Georgie's wounds. Vivian's body was long gone and collected by Bigby; she was headed to the Business Office, where Snow would be taking care of the preperations. I watched, as Georgie continued to focus his attention on me.
"Almost finished, Georgie. Well, Bigby-you almost had this boy knocking on heaven's doors."
"He's lucky I DIDN'T kill him myself..."
"Fuck you, wolf! You fuckin' piece of-"
Bigby lifted his shoe up and pressed down on Georgie's hands. He yelled in extreme pain, as I grabbed my friend's arm and pulled him back.
"FUCK, Bigby! Fuck, no more, please-stop!"
Swineheart turned to face Bigby. His glare did not seem too ammused, as he continued to finish upthe final touches. Bigby took out a cigarette, lit it and exhaled deeply. I too grabbed one and smoked beside him. My nerves were all over the place and the thought of Bigby and I pratically rescuing Georgie Porgie was clouding my very sanity. What if the witches were wrong? What if it wasn't him?
"You alright, John."
"I've been better, Bigby. This...this all makes no fucking sense."
"Hm. Nothing has REALLY made sense these past few days. I'm just glad we got all that taken care of and, we have THIS to deal with."
We both glared at Georgie, who with the help from Swineheart, was leaning against the bar. I carefully grabbed him and with some guidance, walked him over to a chair.
"Now, he's going to need to be very careful for awhile. Do you boys think you can handle this or am I going to need to get Miss White involved?"
"She'll put her two cents in no matter what. For now, we got this. Thank you, Swineheart."
"Anytime, Johnathan. Tell Nancy I said hi and congratulations on your newest edition. I'm sure Gina and Mary are estatic about their baby sister."
Swineheart shoke my hand, thanked Bigby and left the Pudding & Pie. My main focus now was the pimp moaning in agony. I took a seat beside him and watched him craddle his wound.
"Bigby. Get him a change of clothes, will ya? His shirt is covered in blood-"
"Don't you touch my things, Wolf! You have done enough and-UGH, FUCK! Erg, God fuckin'-"
"Shut up and let us do this. Go ahead, Bigby." While the Sheriff went searching for a new shirt, I took this opportunity to speak with Georgie. He refused to look directly into my eyes. "So, I'm sure you have questions for me-"
"The fuck are you talkin' bout, your daughter? Your newest one?"
"I said UNBORN, Georgie. My wife and I went to a witch and what we wasn't good, Georgie."
"Why should I care-"
Bigby returned and I forcefully ripped off his old shirt and helped dress him. The entire time he complained. Bigy took ot another cigarette and lit it; he did the same to another ans stuck it in Georgie's mouth. I noticed Bigby holding a gold box in his right hand.
"What is that?"
"Not sure. It was moving for a bit. Georgie-you know what this is?"
"I told ya' not to fuckin' touch my things! Put him back and-"
"Him, huh? You wanna take a look, John?"
We ignored Georgie's pleas, as the Sheriff carefully opened the top and the entire room suddenly glow a light blue. We tried to sheild our eyes, as the light grew and in seconds, disappeard. We saw him there, floating in mid air. His focus was on Georgie; he had a very gall look on his face, as he floated to his side.
"Well, well, well-look at yourself, Georgie Porgie. What have you done?"
"Fuck you, Nick-"
"Nah, uh, uh! Don't go blaming me, Georgie! I TOLD you, even WAY back at the Homelands, not to mess with Vivian! She manipulated you into buying this club and getting you BOTH so caught up in a world you had no business getting involved with!"
"I had no choice-"
"I TOLD YOU, Georgie! Look at you....I hope it hurts!"
The floating black orb with eyes and a blue glow turned to see two very confused wolves. "Uhhhh...."
"Hello. I'm Nick. You must be sheriff Bigby-remember you back in the day, too. I THINK I know who you are-you are from the Council, no? Like, the main guy or something like that? Hm. Strange seeing one of you on our turf...."
"Well, I'm here BECAUSE of Georgie-"
"What did he do now?"
"Its what he will do...I needed him alive because of my unborn daughter and-"
"So, its are the one that will set him free...."
"Excuse me?"
Nick floated to the top and looked down at the mess created all around him. The music continued to play in the background.
'Everything I want the world to be
Is now comin' true especially for me
And the reason is clear, it's because you are here
You're the nearest thing to Heaven that I've seen.'
"I like this song..." He continued to look around the club and shake his head. He seemed disappointed and confused. "How, did you get so bad, when you were trying to make a difference? How did it end up like this?"
"I lost my way, Nick. I had no choice! No one would help me-no one gave two shits about me, so I did what I had to! I got so caught up in a world that didn't exist, I had forgotten about the one just outside these walls..."
Nick sighed and began floating beside Georgie. "So, you know then..."
"My wife...we went to a witch. We were curious about our children's futures. They said we could see some parts...they told us we would have a fourth and she was going to change this town and we were curious and when we saw him..."
I had to take a minute; I cleared my throat and continued. "I saw Georgie Porgie, holding my daughter. You and my daughter connect at a young age. She loves love her. You think you knew love, you THINK what you had with Vivian was love-but that was nothing compared to what we saw."
Georgie had to take a minute. Like the rest of us, he had to absorb all this new information that didn't seem to make sense at first.
"You are given a second chance to not only prove to us you have changed but also prove to yourself that there is wonder to everything you see. You'll be surprised what you see, when you take the chance and take that leap of faith..."
" this...this what you-"
"This IS your second chance. The Sheriff has saved your very life and we are telling you, that your life will drastically change. Only you two can make this happen. You'll know when that time comes...neither of us know how, when or where this all will take place."
Georgie simply sat back and stared into the stage. He was quiet and we figured he was taking this time to take all this in. I didn't want it to be the truth but the witches assured me its clear and will happen. He would save him, she save him-two lost souls looking for ananswer. I didn't like knowing my daughter would be a 'lost soul' but we would take this one day at a time.
For now, our main focus was sitting in the chair, continuing to look out into nothing.
"What now, John?"
"What do you mean, Bigby?"
"A lot of the people in Fabletown will want an explanation as to WHY Georgie Porgie is being spared..."
"Send him to the Farm to do hard labor for a year. I'm sure they will understand-"
You're taking a huge risk right now, John."
"Hm. Maybe that's what life is about, Bigby. Taking chances."
"You might be right, John....maybe Georgie was onto something."
'I'm on the top of the world lookin' down on creation,
And the only explanation I can find.
Is the love that I've found, ever since you've been around,
Your loves put me at the top of the world.'
Chapter 6 soon.
I'm glad you are going back to the past and the present. It will help explain HOW he came to be and what follows after that.
Can't wait for the next one, pie! Good work like always!
BTW, love that song too, Nick. This IS Georgie and Lyla's song. 
'your love has put me on top of the world.'
This chapter sure does explain a lot. Quick question:is this about 40 years before where Lyla and Georgies' children are now at?
Here's a continuation of Mr Weasel's origins story! I'm going to bring it to an end soon, and maybe try and think of someone else to write about
Anyway, here's a very brief summary of what's happened so far:
After a conversation with a Huff & Puff smoking, wine sipping manor owner regarding who he, Mister Weasel, is, the quest to discover this truth becomes all he can think about. A month later he's fallen on hard times, and decides on a desperate plan to understand his origins: break into the Business Office. This goes surprisingly well, until it's discovered by him - and Bufkin - that he's been mysteriously erased from the records! Confused, he runs into the stormy night, gets lost, and finds himself shot. And the next chapter? Why, that goes to around 400 years in the past, of course! Because that makes complete sense. Anyway, we found out that the newly establish Fabletown was in need of someone to take care of the dead Fables returning from the Homelands - they couldn't survive because of the way Mundies were thinking of other things and forgetting them - so Snow White send gaffer Wolf to ask Jeremiah Hound - the Rag-and-Bone-Man - if he would be so kind as to do the task. Less of an ask, more of an order, Mr Hound accepts, and that's as far as the whole thing got. So now, back in the present, we're on to:
The Final Chapter: Part One
The sun's light stabs the darkness from between the bamboo-blind slats, painting a row of black lines onto the hard stone floor. Dust particles float, pushed about according to the droughts they lie on, and clog the air. A wretched coughing proceeded by a rasping gasp issues from below the window, alerting the room's owner to the awakening of his guest.
The owner, a somewhat large figure, waits a moment, sat in his tatty corduroy chair, wishing to feign disinterest as to the condition of his guest. Twenty seconds pass- an amount of time that apparently accords to only a trivial interest at best - before the man rises and steps forward into the light.
Grey and greasy hair issues from irregular patches on his wrinkled scalp, lying flatly over sunken eyes framed with black rims. The once hazel pigments have faded to a dark hue, making those recessed eyes hermits who've shunned the sun and lurk in a cave. In fact, this man's whole face would seem to have an aversion to that life-giving light, and is disturbing. Cheekbones rise as ridges out of a desolate land; the top lip is thin and shrivelled, yet the lower oddly protuberant and full; the nose juts out in a statuesque manner, as if representing a once favored king or queen that ruled over a bountiful land, before something terrible came which left it as a monument to the past. It isn't a face one would wish to wake up to.
Peculiarly, while the face is thin the neck is bulbous; what once made his cheeks jovial and round has sunk to the neck, and now cushions the broad and bony chin. It is a similar case with the rest of his body, where the mass has travelled south to leave famine in its place. The blubber is held by a belt that always fastens under protest at having to hold up such an amount; while the other faded apparel - surely suited to a time of far more historical grandeur - persevere everyday to keep it's ripping parts together.
It is this unwholesome-looking creature that now positions itself in front of the window, attempts something of a scornful narrow-eyed stare out of it, and then focuses it's attention on the panting animal in the cage below.
Bending so as to be on a level with the cage, the man speaks in a voice that breaks irregularly with heavy breathing and which pervades with a low and uncomfortable resonance that crawls up one's spine.
"I-", he inhales heavily, -"seem to have caught a weasel."
The animal, indeed a weasel, lies on the newspaper floor and struggles with his reply for want of water. "Who are you? Where am I?"
"I'd be more preoccupied with that bandage on my head, if I were you," comes the unhelpful answer. "The thought of my brains falling out onto the floor - simply ghastly."
The weasel feels at his head with a clumsy paw, catching himself directly where the wound gapes behind his left ear, under blood-encrusted wrappings. An intense pain cracks through the animal's head, making him wretch; the wound starts bleeding anew.
Not failing to notice the effect of this - for the weasel's eyes have begun to glaze over - the watching man reaches for a plastic bottle that has been motionless in the sunlight for some hours, and splashes some into the animal's face. It achieves the desired aim of keeping the animal conscious.
"Come now, Mister Weasel: this is the first time you've been awake in just over two weeks. It'd be impolite of you to fall asleep once more while in my company."
Mr Weasel is confused. "Two weeks? What's going on?!" He winces after becoming much too emotional, as the closing of his jaw spikes the pain.
At first there is no answer: the man looks over his shoulder with a nervous eye. There is nothing in the small room except them, however. He quickly turns back and carries on talking, as if nothing had happened.
"You should feel honored to be in my presence, Mister Weasel," he says, with emphasis on the addressed name. "Only a handful of others could say they too have been over the last few centuries. They're still alive, you see." Adding, nonchalantly, "many I've met aren't."
"I guess I'm fortunate, then," remarks Mr Weasel, despite not entirely believing it.
"Yes, Mister Weasel-" again with the emphasis, "- you are. I only appear to most when their time is up, when they become flotsam and jetsam, and in fact many don't see me coming. Not if I get them from behind." A wizened corner of his mouth twitches, briefly, into a grin; the movement is amplified by the sagging skin, which wrinkles at this movement and takes a few seconds to reform.
Despite the hole in is head - admittedly, not a very big hole - Mr Weasel is not so damaged as to be unable to infer what this might mean. "You're a murderer?"
"Murder?" Responds the man, face coming to a red boil. "Murder?! I do not murder!" He sits, the anger clearly being too heavy for his knees to support. "Murder implies killing something which is alive; I simply remove that which is half-dead. One cannot murder something that is already dead or half-dead; ergo, I do not murder!" Evidently, Mr Weasel has touched a nerve, though he himself himself sums it up in a more pithy manner: the man's mad. In spite of this realization, Weasel continues.
"You grinned just now when you said about getting people from behind. That's seems like something a murderer would do."
"Clearly, you haven't spent much time around many murderers." The man had Mr Weasel there. "A psychopath may take pleasure in the kill, yet a murderer would most likely not. At least, not in the actual act of doing it." The man turns his head to the left, looking for something which isn't there. "Anyway, this is semantics: I'm neither a murderer or a psychopath," his head swivels back round, gelatinous eyes bloodshot and fit to burst. "I, Mister Weasel, am simply a humble - though skilled - worker of Fabletown."
The man smiles - or at least contorts his mouth into what one might call an attempt at a smile - before standing up and walking to a table opposite the cage, against a wall.
"My job," he explains while fumbling with something Mr Weasel cannot see, "is to tidy up the detritus. To remove that which is of no more use in it's current form, and put it to a more appropriate application."
"And just what application would that be?"
"Oh," the man looks over at Weasel, "wouldn't you like to know." After a response that deserves anyone's indignation, the man collects the item of interest from the desk and holds it up to the light for inspection, even though he is already intimate with the design.
Mr Weasel is alarmed by the object. "Is that a gun?"
"To be precise, it is a flintlock pistol; rifled, with a breech load." The qualities of the weapon yield an undisguised pleasure from the person holding it, his grip tight around the smooth wooden handle, eyes moving along the gold plating along the barrel. One look would inform anyone that this is a weapon from many years ago.
Weasel, however, has very little interest in such things. These devices cause far too much damage with far too much ease, in his opinion. The man notices the disinterested acknowledgement of the weapon and comments, as he secures it inside his jacket, that he's surprised Mister Weasel isn't more interested in the weapon that almost killed him.
And yet, contemplates Weasel, he says he does not kill. Surely, this is madness.
The man begins to laugh at what he perceives to be petulant silence, until a sight out of the corner of his eye grabs his attention.
"Dammit!" He yells, throwing a large hammer from the table into a dark corner. Then he stands, breathing heavily, waiting to see if he's hit his mark. Nothing is there. "Third time today," he mumbles. "Anyway-" he regains himself "- I think it's time I left. That bastard dog will be here soon."
A well of hope springs in Mr Weasel's chest, who had assuredly been unaware what his fate might be. "You mean Bigby?"
"Yes, I mean Bigby," the man spits back. "After dealing with that parasitic Crooked Man, Snow White and he are on some sort of crusade against any individual they take a dislike towards. Unfortunately, I, a servant of the regime, have attracted their focus; we shall see if the wolf can catch the hound, though."
Growing fed up of the dramatics, Weasel directly asks: "What's your name?"
The man smiles once more and bends down once more to face the other Fable; close enough for the detail on his wax-like skin to show and the discoloration of his teeth to be very apparent.
"No one can remember my name, because I do the things they would rather forget, and so I, too, am forgotten."
Suddenly, Mr Weasel realizes a sad truth. "I've been forgotten - apart from Bigby - haven't I?" He quietly asks.
"Hm, I wish," is the terse reply. "You are very close to being forgotten, which is why I had to come and get you. There are people actively thinking about you, however, probably writing about you, talking about you, doing all they can to keep your memory alive."
Weasel is pleased to learn this, possibly even happy, and who wouldn't be? It must show on his face, though, for the ugly man decides on some harsh words to say.
"Do not flatter yourself, you imbecile! The reason this pistol -", he opens his jacket and points at the very article, "- didn't kill you is because they -", he points vaguely behind him "- in that office are worried about their empire crumbling. They don't actually care about you."
These words sting Mr Weasel, and distract him as the man stands and walks over to a dark corner - not without a satisfied smirk about his features - and opens a door. No light comes in - it is the creaking that gives the opening away.
"See you soon," is all the figure says before he walks out, and shuts the door behind him.
Not a great deal of excitement, though hopefully it's not too long. It might be quite obvious who 'the man' is, however if it's not there is a fairly direct clue in there. I do hope you all enjoyed it!
A gripping read! As you would sometimes say to the others.
Glad you think so! I have definitely said it on multiple occaisions :P anyway, the next part already has a cereals reference in it, so hopefully you can look forward to that ^_^
I can't wait! And you can look forward to the F.S.A. being posted today as well! (just an fyi!)
I'll be doing this every so often. Going back in the past to help explain some things. Yes that is correct!
I love when people go back and give us an idea of WHO that person is and where they camer from. Your story was brilliant and answered a lot. Great work!
This will be my last story for a while, so I'm going to go all out this time!
Character Name: Daren (West African for born at night)
Age: 32(As glamoured) His actual age is 225
Specie: Werecat
Siblings: Some reside in Africa while the rest traveled all over the globe and took residence wherever.
Hobby: Enjoy spending time with his 2 children Omar and Tisha. He moved to Fabletown to make a living and take his his family. He currently works in downtown Manhattan at a major clothing enterprise.
Likes: Fried fish, animals, family,sports, the wilderness.
Dislikes: Liars, people who terrorize other,swimming,and mayonnaise.
Back story:
He lived with his family in Africa, who originated from the fable home world. Daren came to Fabletown to start anew and to provide for his family. He is very protective of his 2 children Omar and Tisha. They both are in their teenage years. They are all he have left in his life, he cannot lose them like he lost his wife.
Being a werecat is much easier in his older years than it was in his younger years. He has control over it now and also like any other shape shifter his powers are at its peak at the full moon. His life seems to be easy for now, but little do he know, things are going to get worse.
Picture of Daren and his 2 children:
We got to the hospital as soon as possible. Our romantic evening was officially over for the night, but I honestly didn't care because Mary could be hurt, or worse: The baby could be having complications. We left the chairs and most of the other stuff on the beach. I helped Tim up and we got to the car, driving straight for the hospital. I was surprised Swineheart was still there, considering it's 1 A.M. Must have had other patients he had to keep an eye on.
We burst through the elevator doors and I rocked back and forth on my heels. I looked at my phone.
"Shit! We forgot to get Jack!" I slap my hand on my forehead a few times.
"Oh, yeah. Okay, uh, I'll leave you here and then I'll go get him. Keep Mary company. Text me if there's anything serious or something."
"Alright." The elevator doors open and I step out. I blow him a kiss before jogging down the hall. The text Mary sent me a little after the call says that she's in room 110. The door to her room is ajar, and I can hear Swineheart's voice muffled.
"So you're experiencing pain in your lower abdomen, bleeding, discomfort. Anything else?"
"I just want to know that my baby is still alive. Please, tell me there's nothing wrong Swineheart."
"Hey! I got here as soon as possible- Tim, he's getting Jack right now," I say, sitting on a stool next to Mary. We're in an examination room with bright lights.
"At least you're here. That's good enough."
Swineheart walks to the counter and marks things down on a clip board,"I'm going to do an ultra sound. We can look at the baby and see what's wrong with the two of you."
Mary and I nod simultaneously, and he walks out for a few minutes. I grab her hand, rubbing my thumb over her knuckles.
"You'll be okay, Mary. So will the baby."
"Are you sure? What if-"
"Shhh...Just lay back. Deep breaths."
"It fucking hurts, Harm. My entire abdomen. It feels like my insides are being ripped to shreds."
"I know, I know. Just....relax as best as you can."
Swineheart walks back in,"Just like before, we'll put this jelly on your stomach, then we'll find the baby's heart beat."
He sits on a taller stool and leans over Mary, spreading the gel. Mary winces at each touch.
"Okay," Swineheart turns the machine on,"Hmm, you're just about 20 weeks now. We can also find out the gender, probably."
"As long as the baby is okay, I don't care what gender it is," Mary mutters.
Swineheart takes a deep breath, his mouth a flat line,"That's what I was afraid of.."
"What? What were you afraid of?!" Mary bursts.
He sighs,"Your child was born with your powers, Mary. Y'know, when you're covered in those glass shards. It's cutting you up on the inside. I wonder what triggered him to turn like that."
"Him?" She says.
"Yeah. You've got a little boy on the way," Swineheart smiles.
Mary sighs with relief,"He's got my powers? I didn't even know that was possible."
"Well, to put it into perspective...Snow White had a litter of babies, because of Bigby's wolf nature. They inherited a wide arrange of wolf qualities, even though he assumes his human form most of the time. I was kind of surprised when the first baby came out perfectly human looking. Ahem, your mother, Harmony."
"My mother was the only human looking one of them all?" I ask.
"Yes. Now, lets get back to our main focus. What do you think triggered the change in form, Mary?"
"It could have been me travelling through the mirrors. I haven't done it too often, but I started feeling some pain when I left Harmony's apartment at 8."
"So was the pain gradually increasing?"
"No, it went away for a long while, but then I got up to use the bathroom and my entire body felt like it was going to collapse on me. I went and saw blood in the toilet. I thought I lost him..."
Just then, Jack bursts into the room, followed by an out of breath Tim.
"What's wrong? What happened, Mary?"
She sighs,"There's nothing wrong with the baby, Jack."
"Oh. Okay. Can I...uhm, go back home and sleep now?"
"For fuck's sake, don't you care if there's something wrong with me?"
"Oh, yeah. Of course, babe! What's wrong with you?"
Mary is about to sit up, but winces at the pain,"The baby has my power to transform the same as me."
"Really? That's fuckin' cool. And fuckin' creepy. So...?"
"It's digging into my abdomen, making me bleed like crazy. And I'm in immense pain. What did you think was going to happen?"
"I dunno. I thought maybe you were, uhm, used to bleeding?"
"I fucking hate you. You wanna know something else? It's a boy. I'm having a fucking boy. I hope you're happy."
"A boy!" Jack smiles excitedly,"I have a son and not a daughter! I'm so happy."
"I figured you would be, you prick."
Not wanting to further listen to this conversation, I say,"I'm gonna go get something from the vending machine with Tim. We'll be back in a few."
Me and Tim walk out of the room, relieved to be out of the room with those two. I feel sorry for Swineheart. He has to figure out what to do with those two bickering back and forth. We stop at the end of the hall, standing in front of a brightly lit Coca-Cola machine and a less decorated snack machine.
I press my forehead on the snack machine's glass,"I'm sorry about tonight," I whisper. I feel Tim's arms wrap around me, his head on my shoulder.
"It's okay. It wasn't ruined."
I lean my head back,"Are you sure? You didn't seem pleased when I answered the phone."
"Harmony, yes, I was annoyed that you answered the phone. But believe me when I tell you, as soon as I found out something was wrong, I wasn't annoyed any more."
I turned around and we held each other in a quiet embrace. He kissed me lightly a few times, but we otherwise stayed they unmoving.
"....You'll want to avoid travelling by mirror. That tablet I gave you should help the baby change back. I only have a few of them from the witches. They're mighty expensive. Next time, you'll have to pay for one."
"Okay, doctor. Thanks, again."
"It's no problem, It's my job. Goodnight."
Mary and Jack walk several feet apart toward us,"Let's go, lovebirds. I need a ride to my apartment. So does this Jackass. No pun intended."
"You know, that hurts, Mary."
"That's why I said it, Jack."
Tim drives them to their apartments and takes me home. We enter the elevator, suddenly super tired and ready to sleep. He gets off with me, showing me into my apartment. I open the door and stand in the doorway, facing him.
"Goodnight, Harmony. I'll see you-"
"Shhh, Tim," I stick my finger over his mouth, then I whisper,"Sleep with me."
I pull him in and shut the door behind him.
That's all I have to say about that.
Very intriguing like always, I welcome this new character.
(sigh) The ending was so romantic... it's like I'm watching a Disney film again, keep on going when you can!
Plus, Jack's dialogue was hilarious in this one. XD
The feelings!
Awww a boy! Part of me was hoping he'd have a girl! XD
Can't wait to see where this goes! Great as always!
Chapter 6
"The way its always been"
"Is that mom and dad?"
"Yeah. They got married a little after we were born. That's what Nana said at least..."
"They look so happy!"
"Well, duh! Wonder how they met?"
"I love this photo of them..."
"Yeah. I can't remember the last time your dad smiled like that and ACTUALLY meant it."
Nick floated above my head, as we both focused on the wedding picture of my parents. I kept this by my side, ever since mom gave it to me years ago. The radio played softly behind me, as I reached over and grabbed the bottle of Asprin. This headache of mine. Fuck.
"You feel better, Emily?"
"Does it look like I feel better? Feel like a damn bus ran me over twice, followed by a truck, followed by a group of Grendels." I chuckled; all I could picture was my cousins and uncle, each taking their turn swinging my body around.
"Well, consider taking the time OFF to rest today. The club can stay closed for the night-"
"Nick. You know I fuckin' can't do that. I have customers. Besides, its 'Dance Dry, Sleep Wet' night and you KNOW who goes on tonight..."
"You think he is ready? You haven't REALLY observed his dancing ability-"
"What I saw the first time is enough. Not like its a complicated routine-Twirl, shake, kick, lift, peek-a-boo-repeat. See. Not that hard."
Nick sighed. "Whatever you say, Emily."
I carefully lifted myself up, rubbed my lower back and grabbed my pack of smokes. As I lit one up, there was a faint knock at my door. I expected it to either be Hans Junior or Ethan; instead, it was Felicia.
"Daddy, you okay in there?" The door squeaked as it swung open. I should really have that looked at. "Daddy! You're awake-"
"Yes, Felicia. I'm up. Is there breakfast ready?"
"Hans Junior is finishing up on the scrambled eggs, sir. I will bring you a plate when its finished. You like your bacon extra crispy, right?"
"Perfect! I'll bring you some coffee with your meal and then, we can have you workout before the club opens up and-"
"Felicia, sweetie-just fuckin' relax and go take care of breakfast first."
"You okay today, daddy? You seemed iritated-"
"I'm fine. My head just hurts."
"Hm. Well, you'll get a bigger one later on after you see Malcom on stage. I think he's not ready, daddy and I didn't appreciate him doing that-"
"Felicia, please. Don't start with me-"
"But daddy-"
"FELICIA! Enough! Let ME handle the dancers; you handle the fuckin' rest. You open your fuckin' mouth to me and give me an attitude one more time and you'll be the one to be punished. Got it?"
"Yes...yes, sir..."
Nick's eyes watched her, as she walked out and slammed the door shut; the windows rattled as several objects on my desk fell to the floor. I rolled my eyes and exhaled a puff of smoke.
"She's a fire cracker that one, eh Emily?"
"Felicia has always done whatever the fuck she wants...."
I quickly got dressed and headed down the stairs. Nick followed behind; I noticed Ethan and Hans Junior sitting at the bar and drinking soda. Junior stood up the second he noticed me.
"Relax, blondie. I'm not gonna fuckin' say nothin'..."
"Gees, Emily. I'm sorry. Habit, I guess...." Kick to the balls, this kid was to me sometimes. I adored my cousin but he was not the sharpest tool in the shed. Blamed my uncle Hans. God love that man. "Sorry..."
"Forget it, Junior. Hey Ethan."
"Morning, sunshine. Do you even remember last night?"
"Eh. Off and on. Remember Peter and the Sheriff gettin' into it."
Without a word being said, Felicia walked around the corner with a plate of food. Both my eggs and hasbrowns were drowning in ketchup; my dad does this and it must be a Porgie thing.
"Here is your breakfast, daddy. I hope you like it..."
I sat down, took the plate and inhaled the food before me. The taste was heavenly, as bits flew out of my mouth and acattered on the bar. The boys were silent, as I quickly destroyed the meal before me. Felicia grinned, as I wiped my mouth and finished off my coffee.
"Thank you, love. Good job, Junior."
She took the plate, I burped loudly and walked over to the stage. I found Malcom sitting in silence; he smiled when he watched me enter the dancing area. I pulled out a cigarette and offered him one but he turned it down.
"No thank you, boss. I've been off the stuff for two years now. Not as young as I used to be." He chuckled. "I've seen the posters. They look spectacular."
"Yeah, well-gotta make money. Draw them in like a Moth to a flame; they see a half naked buff wolf on the front and they will be throwin' their fuckin' money all over my carpet and down your fuckin' g-string."
"Are we going to practice today?"
"You will be fine, Malcom. you did wonders on your audition; just take today off and get preperations for tonight. You fuckin' need anything? glitter, oil...a costume...."
"No. I've, uhh-have my costume for tonight. Maybe a bottle of wine to help calm my nerves..."
"You seem like a Merlot guy. Will send one later in your dressing room."
"Thanks, Emily."
Malcom grabbed me and hugged me tightly. From the corner of my eye, I noticed Felicia hidding in the shadows; she had her arms folded and the most livid look upon her face. I gave him a pat on the shoulder; fuck, this guy was a tank. Maybe after he shows the crowd what he has to offer, perhaps the boss can have a turn at him.
"No problem, Malcom. Now, uh..."
"Oh! Yeah...right..."
As he released me, Felicia stormed off. Oh for fuck's sake. I grabbed my smokes and walked out back. The sun's rays were warm against my skin, as I lit another cigarette. The noise surrounded me, as I looked down at my phone. I'd call Junior later; guess Mary is going to Swineheart for an ultra sound. God. That kid should REALLY invest in a pack of condoms. Ethan soon joined me, followed by Nick and Junior.
"Mind if I bum one off of ya, sis?"
"Be my guest,, how is Peter. You know. After last night-"
"Fuck if I know. He won't answer. think Nick and I will go visit him. He's so upset..."
"Yeah. Still waiting on Junior's call."
"That guy should really invest in some condoms. There are enough Marys and Porgies in Fabletown."
I punched him in the arm, as we shared a laugh. God help me tonight.
"Nana, how did mommy and daddy meet?"
"What do you mean, Emily?"
"Well, did they meet by friends? At a movie...on the street."
"Your daddy has known mommy for a long time..."
"How long is that?"
"Since she was a baby, Emily..."
"WOW! That IS a long time!"
"Just remember this, Emily. Your mommy and daddy loved eachother enough to have you and your siblings. Everything you want in this world can come true."
"Why is that, Nana?"
"Because two people fell in love..."
Chapter 7 soon.
Oh! lookin' forward to your next tale! Very interesting BG.
LOVE that picture! Perfect timing, too! XD
These are getting better and better! Something tells me something is about to go down, though!
Good work, dude!! MORE!!!
I was debating for a long time whether I preferred a boy or a girl, and decided that since I wanted a girl more, that I would make it a boy. If that makes sense XD I've also been trying to build Harm's and Tim's relationship stronger since before the last few chapters, it still felt almost like childish love, and I think comparing Harmony now with what she was in the very first chapter, there's been an extreme amount of maturity gained, as well as confidence and intelligence.
Yeah, I try my best >.< Lol. Jack knows exactly what not to say. I figure I'll write another chapter tomorrow morning. I've gotta say, this is another chapter I really enjoyed writing above most of the others. I've got some more plans coming up, don't worry
As usual, I can't wait! You're getting to be on pudding_pie's romance level of storytelling, Em! ^_^
Oh gee, that picture, I think I got butterflies in my stomach.
Thank you.
Been struck by cupid and I wanted to show Georgie's good side; that even after all this time, he has finally learned to love and her name is Lyla Jane Smith.