Thank you. Been struck by cupid and I wanted to show Georgie's good side; that even after all this time, he has finally learned to love and her name is Lyla Jane Smith.
Aww, I wouldn't say that, he's so much better than me, lol. It felt like it needed another romantic dip. I'm not sure what I'm gonna do exactly for the next chapter, but hopefully it will be good. I've got plans for down the road, I just need plans for the current stand point >.<
Instead of me explaining the details about a story challenge in a separate discussion, I figured that it would be best if I include monthly or holiday challenges in the original post up above from here on out.
So, in other words, I recently added the August challenge. You can view it under the Fable Storyteller Award Listings if any of you want to tackle it.
Pudding_pie, I may message you soon concerning the challenge as well.
Here is my sister's oc of Fables/ The Wolf Among Us
The fables know him better as Mr.Fox. He is a haute couture, meaning he creates specific clothes for individuals. He owns a shop where he does this job/hobby and he has the helping hand of both mundies and fables. He is bisexual, and he very charming man, but he usually uses his charm (mostly on females) to get what he wants. According to him, he and Bigby are old friends. His roommate is a fable cat named Piper (A picture will be posted). She is sometimes seen as an ordinary cat, and sometimes a glamoured woman. She and Fox are not in a romantic relationship.
Here is my sister's oc of Fables/ The Wolf Among Us
The fables know him better as Mr.Fox. He is a haute couture, meaning he creates … morespecific clothes for individuals. He owns a shop where he does this job/hobby and he has the helping hand of both mundies and fables. He is bisexual, and he very charming man, but he usually uses his charm (mostly on females) to get what he wants. According to him, he and Bigby are old friends. His roommate is a fable cat named Piper (A picture will be posted). She is sometimes seen as an ordinary cat, and sometimes a glamoured woman. She and Fox are not in a romantic relationship.
Here is my sister's oc of Fables/ The Wolf Among Us
The fables know him better as Mr.Fox. He is a haute couture, meaning he creates … morespecific clothes for individuals. He owns a shop where he does this job/hobby and he has the helping hand of both mundies and fables. He is bisexual, and he very charming man, but he usually uses his charm (mostly on females) to get what he wants. According to him, he and Bigby are old friends. His roommate is a fable cat named Piper (A picture will be posted). She is sometimes seen as an ordinary cat, and sometimes a glamoured woman. She and Fox are not in a romantic relationship.
Oh! Sounds exciting! Need to check this out for myself!
EDIT: Oh man-am I in trouble! lol I'll just pick ONE of the kids to draw; wouldn't be fair if I did them all. Think I'll focus on Junior. Not sure yet.
Instead of me explaining the details about a story challenge in a separate discussion, I figured that it would be best if I include monthly … moreor holiday challenges in the original post up above from here on out.
So, in other words, I recently added the August challenge. You can view it under the Fable Storyteller Award Listings if any of you want to tackle it.
Pudding_pie, I may message you soon concerning the challenge as well.
Instead of me explaining the details about a story challenge in a separate discussion, I figured that it would be best if I include monthly … moreor holiday challenges in the original post up above from here on out.
So, in other words, I recently added the August challenge. You can view it under the Fable Storyteller Award Listings if any of you want to tackle it.
Pudding_pie, I may message you soon concerning the challenge as well.
Echoing footfalls sounded through the business office as a well-dressed men walked towards the mayor’s desk. The man wore a large hat with a single feather that stood erect like a mast and had a handsome face, completed with a suiting moustache. He moved with a cane which suited his attire and apparent status of nobility with ties to the navy. Everything about him seemed perfect save for one feature. His left hand which held his cane with normal but his right was wrapped in a black glove and seemed rather rigid.
The mayor, another handsome looking man, wearily looked up from his books and gave a wicked smile when he saw his visitor.
“James, long time no see.” The mayor said with a smirk.” Or should I call you Captain?”
“Call me what you like, Charming.” James replied as he took his seat across of the mayor’s desk and placed his cane aside.” You are fortunate I left my hook at home or else your tenure as mayor of Fabletown would’ve been a very short one.”
“Ten seconds and already with the death threats, Hook I am shocked you are resorting to those already.”
“You killed Bluebeard and if it weren’t for the general amnesty I would’ve honoured the pirate’s code and challenged you to a duel right now.”
“To avenge your friend?” Charming cocked his head to the side.
“A colleague. You aren’t a proper gentlemen if you don’t respect your peers. Not that you would understand of course…” James said with venom.” But that is not why you called me, is it?”
Charming kept his smile up.” Indeed, I’ve a proposition for you.”
“Are you going to give me ship back?”
“Yes, the Jolly Roger will be yours to command again once more.” Charming said.
“And what is the cost?” James frowned.
The mayor leaned forward. “A mission for the good of Fabletown. Last year when the Adversary attacked our town many of our friends died and our homes were destroyed.”
“I was there Charming, I remember vividly.” James frowned.” Get to the bloody snake in the grass already.”
“Oh please my good Captain, indulge with me for just a moment longer.” Charming continued.” For the past year I have been preparing a war. We are going to take the fight to the Adversary and reclaim the Homelands.”
James raised his brow at that.” You want to reclaim the Homelands?”
“Our sanctuary has been found, my good captain. It will be only a matter of time before the Adversary sends in another legion of wooden dolls. Next time he might send Ogres or Trolls or even Dragons. And you don’t need me to remind you the good people of New York will not take kindly or stay calm in face of such a war.” Charming lend back on his chair.” I have been in talks with the Arabian Homelands and we are forging a alliance.”
“Miss White and Bigby will appreciate that I’m sure…” James said.
“What happened two centuries ago between my former wife and the Sultan is not of this day and age. The Adversary is knocking on the doorstep of the Arabian Homelands and the time to strike is now. However we need time to prepare for such a war and this is where you and your ship come in.”
The Captain folded his hands together.” Go on.”
“Your reputation as a Pirate is on par with Blackbeard’s and Long John Silver. You attacked and raided many merchant ships before you started chasing little boys in Neverland-“
“Careful, Charming.” James warned.
“I meant no disrespect, my good captain.” Charming apologized.” You saved those children from Peter Pan of course, the mundies of course have a different version where you are the villain.”
“Don’t remind me.” James said.” So you want me to go harass the Adversary for you?”
Charming clapped his hands and pointed at the Captain.” Yes, my good sir. James, wars are won or lost not just with men or weapons or tactics but also with who has the most cold, hard cash.”
Mayor Charming picked up a small bell and rang it. A moment later a green winged ape flew in and landed on the desk.” Yes, sir?”
“Buffkin, show Captain Hook the information Boy Blue gave us please.”
“Certainly sir.” Buffkin replied and flew off. A moment later he returned and dropped a book in front of them where Charming immediately began skimming through.
“Our enemy strength and weakness is the vast scale of his Empire. His goblins and trolls may not work for coin but his warlocks, men at arms and dragons do. Your job is to go here-“ Charming pointed to a map of the Homelands, to one nation in specific.” To Toscane. My little bluebird told me that all of the Empire’s tax money goes to three separate banks.”
James nodded.” I get it, rob the banks and steal all the goods inside-“
“Cripple the economy.” Both agreed.
“That way when we do invade we’ll face a weakened Empire and the heat will be off the Arabian homelands, a little present for them.” Charming smiled again.
James’ eyes darted across the page.” There is no information on the banks.” He noticed.
“No there isn’t. Boy Blue’s mission was to gather as much information on the Empire and if possible slay the Adversary. He did not have much time when he arrived at the capitol and save for those three banks he found little else.”
James rubbed his chin as he pondered.” You are asking me to go in alone and blind. I would do this for you…for what reason? Giving me back the Jolly Roger only gets you that much.”
“You can have fourty percent of the money you get from this operation. Which should be about fourteen dragon hoard’s worth of plunder. Not anywhere near Bluebeard’s fortune of course but close.”
“Sixty.” James folded his arms.” Especially if I’m going to have to look for a crew for this kind of operation.”
“I didn’t say you were going in alone.” Charming said as he opened a drawer from his desk an took out a folder.” In this folder I have names of five Fables who will help you with this heist. Most will need a little convincing but I think you can do just that.” The mayor threw the folder on the table on top of the book. James turned it around and opened it. The first page showed a small bearded man in a mechanic’s overall as he is fixing a car. A picture of a warhammer was added to it.
“Hadgar Dainson, the last of the Seven Dwarves and only wielder of the Foehammer. He owns a car repair shop here in Bullfinch Street. He has two adopted Mundie grandchildren from his deceased wife who have are gifted in magic, Good and Evil each. So far the Vizier and Tinkerbelle are teaching them well but I’m told the tuition fees are high and he has a score to settle with the adversary for taking over his mountain and killing the brothers Snow White didn’t get around to. He’s a expert miner and craftsmen. Always handy to have around, especially with that hammer of his.”
“Foehammer?” James raised his brow at Charming.
“It’s a miniature Mjolnir of legend. Since it’s a heirloom of his line it’s not in our armoury.”
James nodded and skipped another page. This time it was of a human sized Toad wearing a bowler hat and a coat as he watches a smaller toad like creature swimming in a river at a picturesque farm. “Mr Toad, he was a resident of Fabletown until Snow White threw him out due to repeated glamour offenses. He made his living as a cabbie here and is a expert driver. He should work well as a getaway driver.”
“Let me guess, he can come back here?” The captain asked.
“Among other things. And with his share of the coin he is halfway to building himself a 2nd Toad Hall. I hope your hatred towards reptiles don’t extend to toads?”
“Toads are amphibious, Prince Charming.” James replied.” And I dealt with that issue a long time ago.” He flipped another page.
The next picture was of a small and impish looking man in well off clothing who was polishing a old looking vase in a antique shop.
“Rumpelstiltskin, the current curator of ‘The Lucky Pawn’ after that Crooked Man business a few years ago. He is a lot harder to get a beat on but I’ve been told you and him have a history together?”
“He owes me a favour, aye. I know his skill set as well, it’s good to have some magic on our side.”
“And one who knows the goblin mindset.” Charming agreed. “His daughter is getting married next year so he would try to give her a large dowry.”
James nodded and moved another page.
“Queen Odette aka the Swan Queen.” James looked up to Charming.” One of yours?”
“No, I did not have the pleasure.” Charming frowned this time, ever so slightly, which made James smirk.” Her curse of being turned into a swan at nightfall saved the lives of her and her family when the Adversary came. She and her kin fled to our world and in time the 13th floor managed to make it so that she can shift from human to swan form at will although at every full moon she will transform into a swan. It would take a lot of money to get that curse removed…”
“Aerial reconnaissance...” James nodded and flipped over to the final member of the group.
James’ eyes went wide and immediately slammed the folder shut.” No! Not him!”
“You will need native support in the Homelands and from what I have been told the Indian tribe is still there fighting the good fight. He might persuade them to-“ But Hook didn't want to hear any of it.
“No! I will not bring him along! I’ve spend centuries away from Fabletown for a reason.”
“If you don’t bring him along you will be in the Homelands with no support or hiding place. With the gates closed down the Jolly Roger always has to go via Neverland before it can go to the other Homelands.”
“I know how my bloody ship works, Charming!” James shouted. He took a moment to compose himself and took deep breathes.
“You alright?” Charming asked.
“Peachy.” James replied.” One condition. I want guns. Lots of them. AK-47’s. Missile launchers, C4. The works.”
“Deal-“ Charming began but was interrupted.
“Also the price went up to seventy percent my way AND I get to pick the rest of my crew.”
“As is your given right.” Charming smiled and offered his hand.” Do we have a gentlemen’s agreement, Captain Hook?”
James stared the hand down before he grumbled and shook it.” Deal.”
“Good, when do you think you will be setting off?”
“Tomorrow evening.” James turned around and took up his cane.” Drop the ship and supplies off at the docks by noon. Two PM sharp.”
Charming stood up.” James, I know I shouldn’t have to say this but this operation is very much Top Secret. Can I trust you to keep your mouth shut?”
James turned around and gave a wicked grin before he left the office. He passed a janitor who wore a frog’s cap. The man said something but James merely nodded and went downstairs.
In the hallway he saw a portly man with a bulbous nose and red cheeks in a limo driver’s attire read a magazine.”Mr Smee!” James shouted. The portly man immediately stood up and saluted at no-one in particular.” A-aye aye sir?!”
“We’re leaving.” James said and went outside to his limousine. Smee ran past him and opened the door for him and closed it after him before he got into the driver’s seat.
“Where to sir?” Smee looked into the rearguard mirror.
“Take us to Tapster’s Mr Smee.”
“Of course sir.” Smee replied and drove the car.
“When you dropped me off there call the crew together and tell them to be at the docks tomorrow afternoon, quarter to two.”
Smee looked back.” You mea-“
“EYES ON THE ROAD, MR SMEE!” James shouted.
“Oh, sorry sir!” Smee said as he darted the car around thebusy New York road.” My apologies, but what you said perplexed me.”
“I’ll fill you in all in good time Mr Smee.” James grinned.” It’s a pirate’s life for us again after all.”
"I wish I could wake up like this every morning," I whisper, shifting under Tim's arms. He groans and stretches his arms, standing up and walking toward the bathroom.
"What time is it?" He calls from the other room. I sit up in the bed and stare at the clock. It's 9:30.
"It's time for me to get ready for work. The boss won't like it if I'm late."
"Yeah, I figured. I'll get out when I'm done peeing and you can shower and stuff."
"Why didn't you shut the door if you're using the bathroom?"
"I forgot to. Oh well."
"Uhuh. I need to get ready..."
"Don't let me stop you."
I stand up and pull clothes from my drawers. Tim and I pass each other in the bathroom doorway and he snags a kiss before returning to the comfort of my bed. I stand there for a second, recollecting last night's pleasures. I wish I could just lay with him forever, but I've got responsibilities.
The shower was ice cold for the first few minutes, but after a moment it was steaming hot. I started to sing, like normal.
"Everything is awesome!" I practically yell.
"Everything is cool when you're part of a team!" Tim yells from the other room.
I wash the soap out of my hair, laughing,"You have it stuck in your head too?"
"Nah, but since you brought it up, it is now!"
I get out, drying off. My work clothes sit folded on the sink and I get dressed, no matter how much I'd rather not leave the apartment today. Tim is in the kitchen now, wearing his boxers and frying some eggs. He hands me a plate and I gulp down some orange juice. An ideal breakfast, if I do say so myself.
Off to work I go.
Relatively simple chapter, extremely short. Just a wee bit of what I'm trying to get to. Meh.
ALSO, in regards to the art challenge.......I have a question. Could the character I create be created in other means? Like...sims? Because I'm damn good at making them. I could try doing the sims 3 (Although it likes to crash often for me.), but I can also do the sims 2. I have the sims 4 demo, but I wouldn't be able to make them do anything other than smile. Maybe I'll do all three (That should be interesting..) If of course, I'm allowed to use those as my creative outlet.
“Here it is kid, the docks.” The cabbie turned around to see his customer. The kid looked about seven- or eighteen but he still had a wild look in his eyes. He wore a green shirt with a sleeveless red jacket with a leaf motive and some ruined jeans. His green cap was turned around. ”You work around here?”
“Something like that.” The kid replied and paid the cabbie before he got out. He took out his skateboard with him and slammed the door shut. The cabbie rolled down his window. “Say kid, aren’t you a bit to old for skateboards?”
“Aren’t you a bit to talkative, old man?” the boy retorted.
The man laughed.” Guess so. Sorry you remind me of my boy when he was your age. Scrappy jeans, weird t-shirts and a rebel attitude.”
“What happened to him?” the boy asked but already expected the answer.
“He grew up. Got a job, got married and has a mortgage to pay.” The cabbie smiled.” Just like me. Speaking off I need to find myself another customer. You take care of yourself, alright?”
The boy merely looked at him and did not feign a reply.
The cab driver shut his window and drove off as the boy made his way to the docks. For a moment he wondered if he came to the right place when he saw a car drive in and park in the special parking building. It was a sports car, bright red with a golden statue on the hood and golden rims. The driver was a well-dressed, if small and ugly looking, business man. He closed the door and put on his tophat and sported a cane, with golden overlays of course. The boy had to cough so the man would notice him.
“Ah, Peter! Good to see you here my boy.” The impish man said as he walked over.” I see you were convinced to come here.”
“Anything to just fly around for a bit.” Peter replied.” Even if it means going to the occupied Homelands.”
“And the money is also a good incentive I’m sure.” The imp smirked.” Come, this way.” He motioned his cane forward and that is where the two went. “ So how did you get here, you didn’t use that contraption I’m sure.” The imp motioned to Peter’s skateboard.
“No, I paid for a cab. He compared me to his son, think that is why I had to pay less than usual.”
“Must be tiring.” Peter turned to see the imp.” The boy who never grows up.”
“Immortality didn’t seem to much of a bother…until I came to this place.” Peter glared.” Not all of us can make gold out of wool, Rumplestiltskin.”
“You have gifts as well Mr Pan.” Rumple replied.” You have flight, you have a shadow you can control, you are nigh immortal and play a wicked flute. Like most of the other Fables you seek to blame others for ruining your own potential….tell me, how many days are you clean right now?”
“None of your business.” Peter gave him a glare and walked past him. Soon enough the sound of Rumple’s cane hitting the pavement drowned out as the sounds of dockworkers, seagulls and the ocean came closer. Peter could not help but run to the edge and take a deep breath of the salty air. He closed his eyes as he stretched his arms in the air and cheered on the top of his lungs. The dockworkers looked at him oddly before they shook their heads and kept working. Blockheads, Peter thought to himself.
As he neared the wharfs he sensed magic in the air. He looked to his shadow who immediately pointed at the direction where it sensed it was coming from. Peter moved to that direction and saw a abandoned half broken down building with no ship anchored. He looked around to see if others on the docks saw him before he stepped forward. The half broken down building was still there but where there were no people before, it was swarming now. Dozens of men and women were working. Trucks came in carrying large boxes. Inside were food, water and even guns. A crane seemed to lower a even larger container on the ship. Peter could not help but stare at the large brig he had feared, hated and loved for so many years.
“The Jolly Roger….” He said with a smile.
“I’m surprised she can still float let alone fly, myself.” A friendly voice spoke. Peter turned to his left and saw a friendly man walk to him.” Smee, long time no see.” Peter replied with a smile. Smee nodded.” Likewise, Pan. Likewise.”
“Is Hooky here already?” Peter folded his arms.
“No, he had a delay with convincing the last of our group to join this expidtion.” Smee motioned for Peter to walk with him, which the boy did.” He is on his way now.”
“Is he still as tall and smelly as before?” Peter grinned.
“Ironic coming from the boy who hasn’t discovered dry cleaning yet.”
Peter turned around and saw Rumplestiltskin had walked through the barrier as well.
“Ah Mr Rumplestiltskin.” Smee smiled.” I-I had hoped you would be here. The Captain said-“
“I heard what you said Mr Smee.” Rumple walked past as his cane kept tapping the pavement.
“Let me guess, you created the barrier?” Peter asked the impish magician.
“A well educated guess Mr Pan. I helped to summon the wards around the Farm with the others of the 13th floor. To summon a temporary barrier for this endeavor was a piece of cake.”
“Y-your cabin is ready for you, sir.” Smee bowed to the Imp.
“Splendid.” Rumple said with a grin on his lips.
The imp still talked to Smee when Peter noticed someone nearby. He saw a large toad with a bowler hat and a hand me down coat and trousers talking. Peter had seen strange creatures before such as Mermaids, large crocodiles and dragons so talking toads did not scare him as much. But the person he was talking to brought his blood to a boil. He was half the size of a human and had a long black beard that covered his belly. He wore similar clothing as the toad and had a hammer slung on his back. The boy charged forward and his fist flew to the man’s jaw. The dwarf stepped back and shook his head. “What the fuck?!” the toad shouted in surprise as he leaped aside.
“YOU!” Peter glared at the dwarf.
“What the fuck is wrong with yer, kid?!” the dwarf retorted and rubbed his jaw.” Who in ta name of Hella ere yer supposed ta be?!”
“You know who I am!” Peter’s rage grew.” Your grandson stole Tink! He stole her from me!”
The dwarf blinked at the boy as recognition set in.
“You know this gobshite, Hadgar?” the Toad asked.
“Aye ah do, dis kid ‘ere is Peter fookin’ Pan.” The dwarf replied.
“Wait, you are telling me a kid in tights nearly decked you just there?” the Toad laughed.
“Oh go fook yourself, Toad.” Hadgar retorted to his friend before he turned to Peter.” Look kid, ah aint getting’ inta any fights between you and ma grandson. If yer got grieve you go take it out with him. If he’s fooking yer girl it aint my fa-” another fist to the face stopped him mid-sentence. Much like anything in the Mundie world, his expectation of having floored the dwarf was met by reality. The dwarf still stood and he looked pissed. Peter immediately send his shadow to attack him from the flank. Hadgar had his hammer drawn and slammed it on the ground hard. Peter felt his shadow in pain and called it back. He jumped into the air and hovered there. A small smile appeared on his face, it had been way to long since he last flew AND was in a fight.
“YER CALLED DOWN THA THUNDER, YER LITTLE SHIT!” Hadgar shouted and was ready to swing his hammer.” I’LL HIT YA LIKE A FOOKIN’ HOMERUN!”
“Bring it, old man!” Peter shouted in return and flew backward before he charged forward at full.
A gunshot rang as both parties stopped their fight to see where it came from. The smoking gun was held by a man in a captain’s outfit who handed it to Smee.” Why am I not surprised…” Hook began as he walked forward.” I had hoped you would’ve been in rehab by now, Pan.”
“I life to disappoint you, Hook.” Peter replied.
“So it seems.” Hook stepped closer.” I will say this now so there are no illusions. You don’t like me and I sure as hell don’t like you, Pan. I’m not sure why you are in this and who convinced you but let me make this perfectly clear.” The captain held up his hook hand and held it inches from Peter’s face.” If you do this shit one more time on my ship, I will kick you off my ship.”
“General amnesty, Hooky.” Peter grinned.” You can’t hurt me.”
“Oh I won’t hurt you…” Hook grinned.” But the Adversary might. Or the hard fall when you fall exhausted into the ocean. We do this job and then we each go our separate ways. Do you understand me?”
“Crystal.” Peter replied.
“Good…” Hook replied as he turned to go to his ship.” And oh word to the wise, if you treated your fairy with more respect she wouldn’t have gone off with the first Mundie that came along. No offense Dainson.”
“None taken…” Hadgar muttered in his beard.
The group split off as each went to do their own thing. Peter walked over to the edge of the docks and sat down as he watched the ocean in front of him. The sun began to set but the air pollution as always covered all the stars. Even at the docks New York smothered it’s skies.
He took out a packet of cigarettes from his jacket and lit one up. He heard someone walking up to him but did not turn around. His shadow said it was a woman with long white hair, a blue dress with a swam embroided on her chest and wore a purse in the shape of a swan.
“This seat taken?” she asked to which Peter shook his head. The woman nodded her thanks and sat down. She looked at the boy and frowned a little.
“What?” Peter did not look at her.
“Are you smoking….Huff and puffs?” she raised her brow.
“Yeah, only brand I can afford. What’s it to you?”
She smiled and rooted through her purse. She took out a packet of cigarettes and opened it. She grabbed his cigarette and threw it in the ocean. He was about to say something when he saw her fully. She was stunning. Her eyes were sky blue and her mouth had the most beautiful smile. Her hair seemed to absorb the last of the sun’s dying lights and seemed to shine the brighter. She placed another cigarette and lit it for him.
“Marlboro, the Cadilac of smokes.” She smirked. Peter inhaled the sweet tasting smoke before he exhaled.” I cant stand by when anyone who smokes that crap brand.”
Peter nodded and took the cigarette away from his mouth.” Thanks…”
“Don’t mention it.” The woman smiled.” Name’s Odette.”
No it’s Wendy he wanted to argue. “Peter.” He replied.
“I know, I saw you and that dwarf fight.” She took a cigarette for herself and lit it.” His grandson took away your girlfriend or something?”
“She isn’t my girlfriend.” Peter said.” Just a friend…a friend who has stopped…hanging with me.”
“Sorry to hear that.” She said.” I know how that feels like.”
“You do?” Peter asked to which she nodded.
“You needed something to vent on, Hadgar was the next best thing. Not a solution mind you.”
“Felt good though.” He smirked.
“I think your fists felt the pain more than the dwarf did.” She smirked.” No offense but if Snow White, poisoned apples and the Adversary’s monsters can’t kill him I don’t think a few punches will phase him.”
“Says you.” Peter sat up and puffed his chest up.” I had him up at the ropes.”
“Suuuuure you did.” Odette smiled.
“ALL ABOAAAAAARD!” Smee shouted on the top of his lungs as the last of the containers were brought in. Peter saw Toad shouting at the crane man as he lowered a vintage looking care onto the cargo hold of the ship.
“Well that’s us.” Odette got up.” You coming?”
“Came to far now not to.” Peter replied and walked with her.” At least I’m glad not everyone hates me on that boat.”
“Well you haven’t punched me yet for no reason.” She chuckled.
“The night is young.” Peter teased but only got a smirk in return.
“RAISE ANCHOR!” Hook shouted as the call was echoed by Smee and several other sailors. The anchor was raised and already Peter felt the ship was rising from the waters.
“HOAST THE MAIN SAILS!” The sails came down as a heavy wind blew them forward…and upward. Peter saw Hook smile and even heard him laugh as he took out his binocular. The ship began to fly higher and highever as the sea gulls flew with them. Peter saw Rumplestiltskin hold his cane in the air, his eyes closed, as he probably cloaked the whole ship from sight. The light pollution died away as the ship burst through the clouds…into a star filled sky.
“Where to, Captain?!” Smee shouted as the helmsman held his place at the wheel. Hook turned around.” Second star till, and straight on till morning!!”
Oh! Sounds exciting! Need to check this out for myself!
EDIT: Oh man-am I in trouble! lol I'll just pick ONE of the kids to draw; wouldn't be fair if I did them all. Think I'll focus on Junior. Not sure yet.
The morning was blissfully peaceful.
"I wish I could wake up like this every morning," I whisper, shifting under Tim's arms. He groans an… mored stretches his arms, standing up and walking toward the bathroom.
"What time is it?" He calls from the other room. I sit up in the bed and stare at the clock. It's 9:30.
"It's time for me to get ready for work. The boss won't like it if I'm late."
"Yeah, I figured. I'll get out when I'm done peeing and you can shower and stuff."
"Why didn't you shut the door if you're using the bathroom?"
"I forgot to. Oh well."
"Uhuh. I need to get ready..."
"Don't let me stop you."
I stand up and pull clothes from my drawers. Tim and I pass each other in the bathroom doorway and he snags a kiss before returning to the comfort of my bed. I stand there for a second, recollecting last night's pleasures. I wish I could just lay with him forever, but I've got responsibilities.
The shower was ice c… [view original content]
Chapter 1: Second star to the right...
“Here it is kid, the docks.” The cabbie turned around to see his customer. The kid lo… moreoked about seven- or eighteen but he still had a wild look in his eyes. He wore a green shirt with a sleeveless red jacket with a leaf motive and some ruined jeans. His green cap was turned around. ”You work around here?”
“Something like that.” The kid replied and paid the cabbie before he got out. He took out his skateboard with him and slammed the door shut. The cabbie rolled down his window. “Say kid, aren’t you a bit to old for skateboards?”
“Aren’t you a bit to talkative, old man?” the boy retorted.
The man laughed.” Guess so. Sorry you remind me of my boy when he was your age. Scrappy jeans, weird t-shirts and a rebel attitude.”
“What happened to him?” the boy asked but already expected the answer.
“He grew up. Got a job, got married and has a mortgage to pay.” The cabbie smiled.” Just like … [view original content]
I love when people go back and give us an idea of WHO that person is and where they camer from. Your story was brilliant and answered a lot. Great work!
This will be my last story for a while, so I'm going to go all out this time!
Character Name: Daren (West African for born at night)
A… morege: 32(As glamoured) His actual age is 225
Specie: Werecat
Siblings: Some reside in Africa while the rest traveled all over the globe and took residence wherever.
Hobby: Enjoy spending time with his 2 children Omar and Tisha. He moved to Fabletown to make a living and take his his family. He currently works in downtown Manhattan at a major clothing enterprise.
Likes: Fried fish, animals, family,sports, the wilderness.
Dislikes: Liars, people who terrorize other,swimming,and mayonnaise.
Back story:
He lived with his family in Africa, who originated from the fable home world. Daren came to Fabletown to start anew and to provide for his family. He is very protective of his 2 children Omar and Tisha. They both are in their teenage years. They are all he have left in his life, he cannot lo… [view original content]
We got to the hospital as soon as possible. Our romantic evening was officially over for the night, but I honestly didn't care because Mary … morecould be hurt, or worse: The baby could be having complications. We left the chairs and most of the other stuff on the beach. I helped Tim up and we got to the car, driving straight for the hospital. I was surprised Swineheart was still there, considering it's 1 A.M. Must have had other patients he had to keep an eye on.
We burst through the elevator doors and I rocked back and forth on my heels. I looked at my phone.
"Shit! We forgot to get Jack!" I slap my hand on my forehead a few times.
"Oh, yeah. Okay, uh, I'll leave you here and then I'll go get him. Keep Mary company. Text me if there's anything serious or something."
"Alright." The elevator doors open and I step out. I blow him a kiss before jogging down the hall. The text Mary sent me a little after the call says that she's in room 11… [view original content]
Chapter 6
"The way its always been"
"Is that mom and dad?"
"Yeah. They got married a little after we were born. That's what Nan… morea said at least..."
"They look so happy!"
"Well, duh! Wonder how they met?"
"I love this photo of them..."
"Yeah. I can't remember the last time your dad smiled like that and ACTUALLY meant it."
Nick floated above my head, as we both focused on the wedding picture of my parents. I kept this by my side, ever since mom gave it to me years ago. The radio played softly behind me, as I reached over and grabbed the bottle of Asprin. This headache of mine. Fuck.
"You feel better, Emily?"
"Does it look like I feel better? Feel like a damn bus ran me over twice, followed by a truck, followed by a group of Grendels." I chuckled; all I could picture was my cousins and uncle, each taking their turn swinging my body around.
"Well, consider taking the time OFF to rest today. The club can stay cl… [view original content]
Instead of me explaining the details about a story challenge in a separate discussion, I figured that it would be best if I include monthly … moreor holiday challenges in the original post up above from here on out.
So, in other words, I recently added the August challenge. You can view it under the Fable Storyteller Award Listings if any of you want to tackle it.
Pudding_pie, I may message you soon concerning the challenge as well.
Here is my sister's oc of Fables/ The Wolf Among Us
The fables know him better as Mr.Fox. He is a haute couture, meaning he creates … morespecific clothes for individuals. He owns a shop where he does this job/hobby and he has the helping hand of both mundies and fables. He is bisexual, and he very charming man, but he usually uses his charm (mostly on females) to get what he wants. According to him, he and Bigby are old friends. His roommate is a fable cat named Piper (A picture will be posted). She is sometimes seen as an ordinary cat, and sometimes a glamoured woman. She and Fox are not in a romantic relationship.
Chapter 1: Second star to the right...
“Here it is kid, the docks.” The cabbie turned around to see his customer. The kid lo… moreoked about seven- or eighteen but he still had a wild look in his eyes. He wore a green shirt with a sleeveless red jacket with a leaf motive and some ruined jeans. His green cap was turned around. ”You work around here?”
“Something like that.” The kid replied and paid the cabbie before he got out. He took out his skateboard with him and slammed the door shut. The cabbie rolled down his window. “Say kid, aren’t you a bit to old for skateboards?”
“Aren’t you a bit to talkative, old man?” the boy retorted.
The man laughed.” Guess so. Sorry you remind me of my boy when he was your age. Scrappy jeans, weird t-shirts and a rebel attitude.”
“What happened to him?” the boy asked but already expected the answer.
“He grew up. Got a job, got married and has a mortgage to pay.” The cabbie smiled.” Just like … [view original content]
Thanks dude/dudette! I'm glad you lot like Odette, trust me I got cool things planned for her. Swan Queening it up!
Also I'll try to clean up my two chapters. Juuuust noticed copypasting this from word was a BAD idea...
Okay heads up, due to me sucking so hard with this forum's interface i'll add a link to my page at the end of each chapter so you wont have to tear your eyes out!
Thanks dude/dudette! I'm glad you lot like Odette, trust me I got cool things planned for her. Swan Queening it up!
Also I'll try to clean up my two chapters. Juuuust noticed copypasting this from word was a BAD idea...
I'm in a wonderful, family drawing kind of mood because I just found out I'm going to be a daddy! I apologies now if that's ALL you will see for awhile! Of course, all the gore and adventure will be included as well in my stories XD! So, the real life Georgie and Lyla are expecting a little mini version of myself in April.
"I dare you, Junior!"
"No, Gren Junior! Why do I have to do it?!"
"Because, dude! You got dared! Unless you're a big baby and still wears diapers-"
"Shutup! I'm not a baby! Its just...I'm not...this is stupid! She does not exist!"
"Then, prove it-I DARE you to call Bloody Mary into the bathroom!"
When I woke up the next mornng, she was already gone. I could smell the coffee brewing in the kitchen, so her suddenly vanishing couldn't have been that long ago. I sighed, pulled myself up and headed into the shower. For once, I'd like to wakeup and find her still asleep beside me. But this was Bloody Mary we were talking about; she wasn't exactly the cuddle and wake up with a smile kind of gal.
As I turned the knob for the hot water, I heard the pitter patter of little feet against the wooden floor. The second I turned around, there was George. He was all smiles, as he dragged his teddy bear into the bathroom.
"Well, good morning, little man. Mommy take you out of your crib or did you escape again?"
"Mommy...mommy took out. She go bye bye, daddy!"
I kissed George on the cheek, as I placed his squirming self back down. "Ok, go watch cartoons for a bit until daddy get's out of the shower." George nodded, as he grabbed his teddy and ran into the living room. "Don't wake your sister up!"
I wasn't in there for very long; I found George sitting on the couch watching some talking Frog and a dancing Kangaroo. Man, the things they come up with now. As I made George some Oatmeal, Sheila let out a bellowing shriek. As George ate, I fished her from the crib and took her into the kitchen.
"There is my little mirror terror. Hi, sweetie. You hungry?" Sheila just stared into my eyes and cracked a smile. God. You look at me like your mother does-annoyed, like I SHOULD know the answer. "Okay, let's get you a bottle..."
As I began heating up the milk, my phone rang. I looked at the screen and noticed Penny's name. She and my parents were coming to the Doctor's office with me today to view the Ultra sound.
"Hey sis. What's going on?"
"Just checking in to make sure the appointment it still nine o' clock."
"You KNOW it is. Mary hates changing her schedule up."
"You picking up mom and dad?"
"Nah. I offered but mom said she will drive down there with dad. See you in a bit?"
"Okay. See you in a bit, turd." Really?
As I hung up the phone, I noticed the bathroom mirror glowing a bright red; Sheila reached her arms out and began babbling. George looked up from the bowl and smiled.
"Mommy is coming!"
Sure enough, her she came, walking down the hall. George pratically leapt from his seat, as she scooped him in her arms and held him close. She gathered Sheila in her free arm and rocked both kids gently. As she did this, her eyes focused on me. There was that familiar twinkle in her eyes, as she grinned from ear to ear.
"Hello, daddy. Well, look at you all dressed up."
"Mary. What, uh. What time did you leave this morning?"
"The sun was barley rising when I finally managed to get up and-"
"You know I hate when you just leave like that! I'd like it if you told me-"
"Relax, Porgie. I don't see why you have to get your undies in a bunch. I come back everytime. You have me 'trained' not to wonder off too far..." She chuckled, as she kissed both the kids. "And besides, I'd see you no matter what. Ready to head over to Swinheart and see what kind of damage you have created."
I ignored her remarks, as I grabbed the keys and diaper bag. As I locked the apartment door, Mary continued to laugh.
"I wonder if this baby will have your big head. George did."
"Hm. Maybe they'll jump from mirror to mirror like you and Sheila."
"THEY?! Easy there, Tiger. I'm only asking for one. Don't need a litter like your poor mother!"
There was a pleasing sense of happiness, as we buckled up the kids and dropped them off at my Aunt and Uncle's house. Rosie met us outside; she was too busy playing with the babies to notice we were in a hurry.
"Thanks for watching them, Rosie. Sure you don't mind?"
"No, Junior! I love watching them for you and Mary. Besides, my mom keeps bitching that she never get's a chance to see them very often, so this gives her a chance to make that dream come true."
"Thanks again. We will be at the doctors. Please call if ANYTHING happens..." I took a minute to gather my thoughts, as I handed Rosie the diaper bag. "And I mean ANYTHING!" Sheila laughed as I said this. Yeah. I'm talking about YOU.
"Junior-shutup! You're just going to the doctor's office, not Mexico. Besides, they are always well-behaved with me. Huh, kids?"
I kissed them each goodbye. As she waved to us, I peeled out of the driveway and back onto the road. The radio softly played, as I reached my hand over and grabbed Mary's; her fingers laced around mine, as she sat silently looking out the window.
"You okay, Mary? You seem distracted."
"Junior. Is this how you pictured your life?"
"What do you mean?"
"I mean, c'mon, kid-Bloody fucking Mary?! You are a very handsome young man-you could have had ANYONE in this fucked up town, yet you choose the bitch that skins mundies for a hobby and hides in mirrors. Why?"
"Same question I should be asking you, I guess. Centuries on this planet and you pick the son of the notorious Georgie Porgie."
"Hm, well-who could say no to this chubby face." She reaches her free hand over and pinches my right cheek. "I never pictured myself with ANYONE, let alone mothering three kids. Fuck. I hate kids...."
I tried not to giggle at her remark. "Oh, c'mon. You LOVE our three little monsters."
"Fuck you, Porgie! Those little leeches! Yeah...I do..."
We pulled up to Swinehart's place, just as Penny and my folks did. As mom embraced me, I watched dad hold a conversation with Mary. He was enjoying a cigarette, as he leaned against the building.
"Hello, Georgie. Well, don't you look nice."
The five of us walked inside, found the room and waitied patiently for Swinheart. It was not even five minutes later, when he finally showed up.
"Ah, yes. The Porgies. Good morning, everyone. I see we are here to examine Mary and see if we are indeed, pregnant."
"Don't fuck around, doc-I already know this guy's swimmers went upstream!"
Swineheart began the preperations of the machine, as Mary laid on the table and looked in my direction. He took the time to check her belly, until we saw it-the tiny baby, no bigger than a peanut. We could see it slightly moving but not by much.
"Hm. It appears you are about nine or ten weeks, Mary. Congratulations, you two. There he or she is."
"Can you tell if the baby is like me or Mary?"
"Hmm...let me take a better look." Mom got up and leaned in closer; her face was just inches from the screen, as she looked at my little peanut.
"Oh, Georgie-isn't it beautiful? Oh-my boy is going to be a daddy again." There were tears coming from both their eyes; dad had to take a second, as he gave me a loving pat on the back.
"Congrats, my boy..." Then, Swineheart spoke once more.
"Well, it appears to be like you, Junior. But-that can change. We didn't detect Katie's wolf abilities until your mother was cloe to her due date. Just get plenty of rest, drink lots of water and TRY to eat more Dairy products, Mary. And the smoking-no more smoking, okay?"
Mary began to mumble, as she snatched the ultrasound picture and headed to the car. Swineheart gave me an appointment card and after few minutes talking to my folks and Penny, we exchanged goodbyes and went out seperate ways. I looked at the time; it was barley nine thirty, as I glanced over at Mary and flashed her a smile.
"What, Porgie?"
"You hungry? Its early and I figured we can take this opportunity to grab some breakfast and have some alone time."
"Hm. Our alone time is how we GOT to this point."
"I'll take that as a yes, then."
We both joined in a laugh, as she leaned in to kiss my cheek. As we drove down to the Eggman Diner, I laced my fingers once more around her's and continued driving down the street.
"Gren Junior-hello? Okay, guys! This isn't funny anymore! Let me out of the bathroom!"
"No, Junior! you have to stay in there with just ONE candle and call her name five times!"
"Fuck you, Gren Junior. Fine! Okay! But if I die, I'm coming back to haunt your ass. we go...Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary...."
Anything, dude?"
"Hm. No, I don't see-HOLY FUCK!! STAY BACK! I'm was a prank and-"
Doing as much as I can because in two weeks, start school up again. -.- Gotta love college life, though!
"Daddy, how come I have powers?"
"When a Fable makes babies with someone outside the Fable books, the children have a higher chance of developing powers."
"Katie didn't. Emily didn't."
"It doesn't happen ALL the time, sweetie. You and Junior just got lucky."
"Mommy said the stone you carry sometimes give you powers."
"Yeah. Sometimes. But daddy does not like using them..."
"How come, daddy?"
"Because mine come from a dark and scary place, Penny..."
I came home just in time to see the chaos brewing in the lounge; Oliver had come down from his 'high' but was suffering some severe paranoia. In his hand, he held a broken bottle and several firecrackers. Dice and Chad circled him, each slowly trying to grab his hands.
"Okay, Oliver. Give us the firecrackers and bottle and let's sit down to talk..."
"Fuck you, Dice! I know what you are going to do!"
"Oh, yeah?"
"YES! you are fookin' gonna take me away and lock me up forever! I know your plans!"
Chad tried to grab him while Oliver was distracted but it was no use; Oliver had a sixth sense about him and as soon as he could, turned and sliced Chad's palm open. The shreds of skin dangled from his open wound, as blood poured out and coated his fingers. I rushed over and placed pressure on the wound.
"Damnit, you guys! I leave for thirty fucking minutes and come back thos this shit!"
I grabbed the first aid kit under the skink, took out some wipes and cleaned the area. Swear, he have more kits lying around this place than anything else. I watched as Dice managed to tackle Oliver to the ground and hold him under his torso. Like a child, Oliver began kicking his legs up and pursuing to bite Dice.
"Fuck, boss! You sure know how to put up a fight!"
"He comin' down from the drugs?"
"That or he managed to take more. I doubt that, though-Chad and I have been watching him like a hawk!"
"You guys didn't have to do this. Know this isn't how you want to spend your Saturday mornings."
"Well, I-"
Before Dice could finish, Oliver managed to slide his hand under Dice and with every ounce of strength, push him off. Dice nearly flew into the wall, as he grabbed the bottle and held it up. Chad backed up, as I slowly walked towards Oliver. He was like a caged animal and out of fear and anguish, was prepared to attack. I could see the fire burning in his eyes; the bewilderment cornering the dark circles.
"Oliver. Please. Put the bottle down and relax. We only want to help you..."
"Fuck you, Penny! You have no right to talk! Hypocrite is what you are! You ALL are!"
"That's nice, Oliver. Now, hand me the bottle-"
"Fuck off, Porgie! I should have known you'd leave me behind to fend for myself! You bitch about them, when you are fookin' no better!"
I was severly confused. Just what in the fuck was he talking about? "Oliver, what are you-"
"Then, you tell me that I'm on my fookin' own and you have better things to worry about! What about me, Georgie, huh!? The fook am I gonna do now, you stupid twat!"
Without warning, Oliver lunged at me and managed to plunge the glass into my arm. Like daggers, the sharp ends sunk into my skin and instantly drew blood. There was a slight feeling of pain, as I pulled him off and tossed the pimp into the bar. I ripped out the bottle and tossed it to the side. I could feel my hands warming up; my eyes closing and the air thickening up around me.
"Penny, what are you doing?"
I ignored Dice's remarks, as I opened my eyes and heard the boys gasp, for I knew what they were surprised to see. My eyes had turned a solid black and my palms now had clouds of Magenta forming around the tips of my fingers. Oliver stood up and wiped his mouth. I somehow managed to make his back tooth fall out.
"Oliver. I told you-you need to calm down! Don't make me use force to restrain you-"
"Fook you, Porgie! Come at you, you bastrad!"
"Oliver, I'm not my father! Its me, Penny!"
"What's the fooking difference, you son of a bitch?"
As he ran in my direction, the world around me came to a slow motion pace. I noticed Dice leaping out towards him, chad trying to reach across and grab something to stop him. OIiver's face was contorted, as his eyes focused on me. He was lost, confused and vexed, as he continued to fling himself at me. I lifted both plams up, closed my eyes and circled his body with a cloud of Magenta. I lifted his body into the air, held it there for awhile then tossed it to the side like he was nothing.
The world returned to its normal pace, as Dice and Chad looked at me with confusion. I threw my arms back, then tossed him again. For several seconds, I managed to do this until he frantically waved his arms.
"Enough! Just...just stop, Penny! Please!" I noticed the cuts and blood coating his body. "Just...stop!"
It had been a long time since I used my powers. It felt good to use them again. Don't think either Chad or Dice knew I could do that; as I left the room, they both continued to watch me, like they had just witnessed a miracle or something. I walked to the back, took out a cogarette and lit it.
"Uh, the fuck was that?"
I handed Dice one of my cigarettes; Chad soon followed but lit a Cigar instead.
"Don't WHAT me, Porgie! That shit don't work with us! You carried the boss around, with fuckin' pink clouds of pain or something-"
"They don't bring pain, just a point."
"I, like Junior, were born with these gifts. My power derives from love, whil his from anguish. My parents say its the two sides to my father; one good, one bad. My dad said Fables that breed outside the books tend to develop powers like this."
"But, if your power comes from 'good', then why did you use it against Oliver like that?"
"It comes from a variety of good things, Dice-love being one of them."
The room stood still for a moment; that was the first time I openly admitted my love for Oliver. Chad didn't seem too shocked; think the bastrad already knew. I flicked my cigarette butt over the balcony and walked back into my room. I closed the door, turned on the radio and headed to my desk. I placed my Disturbed cd into my stereo and found the song 'Indistructable.'
As I checked my Facebook, there was a faint knock at the door.
"Penny, you in here?" Oliver. "Penny...sweetie-"
I opened the door and sat back down; I refused to say a word, as he took a seat on my bed.
"I'm...I'm sorry, Penelope. I'm sorry you-"
"I'm way beyond controlling you, Oliver. My ability to stop you has its limits and I'm tired of coming to your fuckin' rescue EVERY Goddamn time you fuck up! I'm tired of coming back from whatever and finding people fight you off! you could have hurt them, Oliver!"
"Dice can handle it-"
"Yeah but Chad can't and you KNOW that! YOU can't handle this shit!" I slammed my laptop shut, as I threw my chair into the desk. "I....I don't know what i'm going to do, Oliver! I will not be like 'THEM!'
"My parents! I will not be my mother and save you every fucking time you mess up! You made this for yourself; do not bring my into the darkness with you, Oliver!"
"Whoa, whoa-your mother?! I made my own choices and so have you! no one is making you stay here, Penelope! I never once said you HAD to stay! There is the fucking door-use it!"
"Fuck you, Oliver! All you ever do is nag, nag nag and then when push comes to shove, there you are again acting up! do you think I wanted to use my powers on you?"
"You didn't have to do that, Penelope!"
"And what-have you hurt the boys or worse? You are so much stronger than ALL OF US when you are strung out, Oliver!"
Without warning, Oliver grabs me and pins me to the wall. There is a loud thud, as our eyes meet. The urge to scream for help is nowhere to be found; my mouth refuses to produce these words, as he holds my arms up.
"I dare you, Oliver. go on-hit me! that's what you wanna do, ain't it?! Go ahead, you fucking British piece of shit! Hit me!"
Suddenly, my phone rings. We both stand in silence, as he hangs his head and releases my hands. I push him to the side, as I notice the unkown number. At first, I refused to answer it; if it was important, they would leave a message. The ringing stopped but seconds later, it started up again.
"Who the fuck...hello?"
"Penelope Porgie?"
"Yes. May I ask who is calling?"
"I'm not sure if you remember me, dear but this is Marcus Billings from the Wolf council. Your grandfather used to work with us-we know your family VERY well..."
"Yeah. I know who you are..."
My grandfather had not come into contact with the Council in years; my mother refused to speak to them OR about them. For years, we had no idea they existed on this Earth until we came across some old books my Nana left lying around. Since then, that side of the tracks were off limits, especially after we found out what they put us through, especially my aunt and uncle. My uncle Gren almost died one night because of these parasites.
"Great, my dear. Now, I need to know if your sister Katherine is in town still?"
"Well, we have been sending her letters for weeks and we still have not heard from her."
"What letters?"
"Never mind you, Penelope, for those are meant for Katherine."
I could feel the anger brewing within my body; the Council was nothing but trouble and no matter how they managed to word it, we were not considered 'one of them,' so why did they want my sister now? The Council was full of greed and hate, things my sister was not.
"Why do you want my sister, Marcus? I will not tell her your message, unless you give me an answer!"
"Hm. Just like your mother. Pity your mother and aunts didn't just stick to what they knew, for we knew the potential they had, despite the mundy blood they shared within. Only sensible one is your aunt Mary..."
"Answer me, Marcus!"
"Just tell her this-we have sent out her invitation and would love to hear back. Make sure she keeps her 'pet' in the kennel when she DOES answer back, okay? After the last inccident with the Jersey Devil, we can not take that chance. Took us months just to clean up the mess...."
Marcus soon hung up, the dial tone echoing in my ears. My heart sank, as I grabbed my car keys and frantically ran down the stairs; Oliver was following behind.
"Penny, wait-stop! Who was that? What is going on?"
"Call my father-something terrible is going on! I need to find Katie and tell her what is going on!"
"Just fucking do it, Oliver! I don't have time! My family might be in danger!"
I didn't allow him the chance to speak, for I was heading to the Lucky Pawn.
"Please...please be there, Katie. For fuck's sake, be there!"
"Do I get a stone, daddy?"
"No, just me and moomy."
"Well, you have something special, too! Just make sure to use it for good and not evil, sweetie."
"I know, daddy! Why would I use it for bad, though?"
'Just...promise daddy you won't and make sure to watch your brother, too."
"There are mean people in this world that would love to use your powers for bad. Just...promise daddy..."
Congrats, dude! That is wonderful news! You will be a great dad! I love the pictures, too! The 2nd one is too cute-George's face!
I loved this chapter for various reasons. You see not only the connection Junior and Mary have but despite her ways and the growing need to ignore these emotions, she still cares and loves her growing family. The throwback was a nice touch; Gren Junior is a dick to Georgie Junior! XD
Chapter 7
"My little demon peanut"
I'm in a wonderful, family drawing kind of mood because I just found out I'm going to be a … moredaddy! I apologies now if that's ALL you will see for awhile! Of course, all the gore and adventure will be included as well in my stories XD! So, the real life Georgie and Lyla are expecting a little mini version of myself in April.
"I dare you, Junior!"
"No, Gren Junior! Why do I have to do it?!"
"Because, dude! You got dared! Unless you're a big baby and still wears diapers-"
"Shutup! I'm not a baby! Its just...I'm not...this is stupid! She does not exist!"
"Then, prove it-I DARE you to call Bloody Mary into the bathroom!"
When I woke up the next mornng, she was already gone. I could smell the coffee brewing in the kitchen, so her suddenly vanishing couldn't have been that long ago. I sighed, pulled myself up and headed into the shower. For once, I'd like to wakeup and fin… [view original content]
Oh, shit! Excuse me but....its those letters Jersey has been getting! I told you something was going to go down!! I wonder what the Wolf Council wants with Katie. She is a Halfer in their books, no? Also, think Penny loves Oliver a little too much.
Another great chapter! Can't wait to read more and yes....the joys of college! XD
Chapter 8
"Down with the sickness"
Doing as much as I can because in two weeks, start school up again. -.- Gotta love college life, th… moreough!
"Daddy, how come I have powers?"
"When a Fable makes babies with someone outside the Fable books, the children have a higher chance of developing powers."
"Katie didn't. Emily didn't."
"It doesn't happen ALL the time, sweetie. You and Junior just got lucky."
"Mommy said the stone you carry sometimes give you powers."
"Yeah. Sometimes. But daddy does not like using them..."
"How come, daddy?"
"Because mine come from a dark and scary place, Penny..."
I came home just in time to see the chaos brewing in the lounge; Oliver had come down from his 'high' but was suffering some severe paranoia. In his hand, he held a broken bottle and several firecrackers. Dice and Chad circled him, each slowly trying to grab his hands.
"Okay, Oliver. Give us the firecrackers and bo… [view original content]
Here's a drawing of Omar in his werecat form sitting on moss stone. I messed up his eye but, oh well :P
It was a long day at work for Daren, but the day is finally home he can go home to his family now. He puts his things into the care and drives home and on the way he see's a pair of eyes in the alley watching him. He thought he hallucinating, so he ignored it.
Daren pulled up to his house and exited the car, he opens the door and enters. His son Omar is sitting on the couch watching TV. Daren tells his son that it's a full moon tonight and ask him that if he's prepared. He continues to watch TV and Daren shakes his head and goes upstairs.
"Tisha? Are you there? Tisha?"
He knocks on her door and with no answer he enters. Her window is wide open and her in no sight. He rushes down stairs and ask Omar where his sister went. Omar tells his father, "She went to some kids party. He was going to go but it was a full so..."
"She didn't listen dad..."
"Where is this kids house and what is his name?"
"Arnez , his pad is right down the street"
Daren rushes out of the house in search of his daughter, the moon is full. He pics up Tisha's scent and transform into his werecat form and make his way down the street undetected. He arrives at the house where the party is being held. He approaches and two teenagers are blocking his path.
"Get out of my way, I'm here for my daughter."
"She's having fun, let her be. Go home and read the paper old man."
"Old man??"
Daren picks up the two teens and throws them into the bushes. Daren then enters the house and looks around for Tisha. He see's her and Arnez making out, this infuriates him.
"The hell?"
Daren makes his way past all the teenagers towards Tisha. He calls her name and startles her.
"Who the hell are you?"
"I'm her father and I believe everyone here is a bit young to be drinking?"
"Thats none of your business holmes"
"Your right, it's not. But my business here is to take my daughter home, so we are leaving now. Bye."
"Daddy wait.."
"Tisha enough, you are in serious trouble ."
Arnez grabs Daren arm and his eyes glow yellow and he says to Daren, "If she wants to stay, it's her choice!" Daren turns around and smiles at him.
"Son if you don't take your hands off me im going to rip out your lungs then feed them to you in your doggy bowl.. I don't care who see's me really I'll just get a new glamour."
Arnez let's him go and backs off. Daren and Tisha leaves the house.
"Daddy what was that all about?"
"YOU have a curfew at this time of the night. Weekend or Not."
"No buts, and hold on... you didn't turn yet?"
"I did, earlier.... I learned how to control it."
"That is amazing Tisha, I am proud of you. Now we only have to teach your borther the same--"
"Oh no..."
Daren and Tisha arrive back home only to notice the front door is wide open and claw marks over it. Omar has went through his werecat change and is running wild. Daren needs to find his son before he hurts himself or someone...
Chapter 7
"My little demon peanut"
I'm in a wonderful, family drawing kind of mood because I just found out I'm going to be a … moredaddy! I apologies now if that's ALL you will see for awhile! Of course, all the gore and adventure will be included as well in my stories XD! So, the real life Georgie and Lyla are expecting a little mini version of myself in April.
"I dare you, Junior!"
"No, Gren Junior! Why do I have to do it?!"
"Because, dude! You got dared! Unless you're a big baby and still wears diapers-"
"Shutup! I'm not a baby! Its just...I'm not...this is stupid! She does not exist!"
"Then, prove it-I DARE you to call Bloody Mary into the bathroom!"
When I woke up the next mornng, she was already gone. I could smell the coffee brewing in the kitchen, so her suddenly vanishing couldn't have been that long ago. I sighed, pulled myself up and headed into the shower. For once, I'd like to wakeup and fin… [view original content]
Chapter 1 Papacat.
Here's a drawing of Omar in his werecat form sitting on moss stone. I messed up his eye but, oh well :P
It was … morea long day at work for Daren, but the day is finally home he can go home to his family now. He puts his things into the care and drives home and on the way he see's a pair of eyes in the alley watching him. He thought he hallucinating, so he ignored it.
Daren pulled up to his house and exited the car, he opens the door and enters. His son Omar is sitting on the couch watching TV. Daren tells his son that it's a full moon tonight and ask him that if he's prepared. He continues to watch TV and Daren shakes his head and goes upstairs.
"Tisha? Are you there? Tisha?"
He knocks on her door and with no answer he enters. Her window is wide open and her in no sight. He rushes down stairs and ask Omar where his sister went. Omar tells his father, "She went to some kids party. He was going to go but it was … [view original content]
Hehe, what a nice middle name.
Aww, I wouldn't say that, he's so much better than me, lol. It felt like it needed another romantic dip. I'm not sure what I'm gonna do exactly for the next chapter, but hopefully it will be good. I've got plans for down the road, I just need plans for the current stand point >.<
Instead of me explaining the details about a story challenge in a separate discussion, I figured that it would be best if I include monthly or holiday challenges in the original post up above from here on out.
So, in other words, I recently added the August challenge. You can view it under the Fable Storyteller Award Listings if any of you want to tackle it.
Pudding_pie, I may message you soon concerning the challenge as well.
Here is my sister's oc of Fables/ The Wolf Among Us

The fables know him better as Mr.Fox. He is a haute couture, meaning he creates specific clothes for individuals. He owns a shop where he does this job/hobby and he has the helping hand of both mundies and fables. He is bisexual, and he very charming man, but he usually uses his charm (mostly on females) to get what he wants. According to him, he and Bigby are old friends. His roommate is a fable cat named Piper (A picture will be posted). She is sometimes seen as an ordinary cat, and sometimes a glamoured woman. She and Fox are not in a romantic relationship.
Wow, your sister did a very nice job! Did she make the bio below for Mr. Fox too? Or did you?
I love the picture with Mr. Fox and Bigby! XD Great job!
Oh! Sounds exciting! Need to check this out for myself!
EDIT: Oh man-am I in trouble! lol I'll just pick ONE of the kids to draw; wouldn't be fair if I did them all. Think I'll focus on Junior. Not sure yet.
She created the bio, not me. I'm sure she's flattered
My sister drew the picture, I'll be sure to tell her your comment
Lol, just read the challenge. I can't draw for shite xD Maybe I'll do some MS paint, but it's going to look like crap, lol.
Still amazing either way! Tell her that she's welcome to share more of her story on here if she considers it!
Don't say that, believe in yourself! Be one with the wind and all that, be like Harmony! XD
Haha xD Yeah, I tried drawing on paint but I keep messing up. Maybe I'll get my friend Kayla to draw for me. She's good at animals.
Prologue: The Wrecking Crew
Echoing footfalls sounded through the business office as a well-dressed men walked towards the mayor’s desk. The man wore a large hat with a single feather that stood erect like a mast and had a handsome face, completed with a suiting moustache. He moved with a cane which suited his attire and apparent status of nobility with ties to the navy. Everything about him seemed perfect save for one feature. His left hand which held his cane with normal but his right was wrapped in a black glove and seemed rather rigid.
The mayor, another handsome looking man, wearily looked up from his books and gave a wicked smile when he saw his visitor.
“James, long time no see.” The mayor said with a smirk.” Or should I call you Captain?”
“Call me what you like, Charming.” James replied as he took his seat across of the mayor’s desk and placed his cane aside.” You are fortunate I left my hook at home or else your tenure as mayor of Fabletown would’ve been a very short one.”
“Ten seconds and already with the death threats, Hook I am shocked you are resorting to those already.”
“You killed Bluebeard and if it weren’t for the general amnesty I would’ve honoured the pirate’s code and challenged you to a duel right now.”
“To avenge your friend?” Charming cocked his head to the side.
“A colleague. You aren’t a proper gentlemen if you don’t respect your peers. Not that you would understand of course…” James said with venom.” But that is not why you called me, is it?”
Charming kept his smile up.” Indeed, I’ve a proposition for you.”
“Are you going to give me ship back?”
“Yes, the Jolly Roger will be yours to command again once more.” Charming said.
“And what is the cost?” James frowned.
The mayor leaned forward. “A mission for the good of Fabletown. Last year when the Adversary attacked our town many of our friends died and our homes were destroyed.”
“I was there Charming, I remember vividly.” James frowned.” Get to the bloody snake in the grass already.”
“Oh please my good Captain, indulge with me for just a moment longer.” Charming continued.” For the past year I have been preparing a war. We are going to take the fight to the Adversary and reclaim the Homelands.”
James raised his brow at that.” You want to reclaim the Homelands?”
“Our sanctuary has been found, my good captain. It will be only a matter of time before the Adversary sends in another legion of wooden dolls. Next time he might send Ogres or Trolls or even Dragons. And you don’t need me to remind you the good people of New York will not take kindly or stay calm in face of such a war.” Charming lend back on his chair.” I have been in talks with the Arabian Homelands and we are forging a alliance.”
“Miss White and Bigby will appreciate that I’m sure…” James said.
“What happened two centuries ago between my former wife and the Sultan is not of this day and age. The Adversary is knocking on the doorstep of the Arabian Homelands and the time to strike is now. However we need time to prepare for such a war and this is where you and your ship come in.”
The Captain folded his hands together.” Go on.”
“Your reputation as a Pirate is on par with Blackbeard’s and Long John Silver. You attacked and raided many merchant ships before you started chasing little boys in Neverland-“
“Careful, Charming.” James warned.
“I meant no disrespect, my good captain.” Charming apologized.” You saved those children from Peter Pan of course, the mundies of course have a different version where you are the villain.”
“Don’t remind me.” James said.” So you want me to go harass the Adversary for you?”
Charming clapped his hands and pointed at the Captain.” Yes, my good sir. James, wars are won or lost not just with men or weapons or tactics but also with who has the most cold, hard cash.”
Mayor Charming picked up a small bell and rang it. A moment later a green winged ape flew in and landed on the desk.” Yes, sir?”
“Buffkin, show Captain Hook the information Boy Blue gave us please.”
“Certainly sir.” Buffkin replied and flew off. A moment later he returned and dropped a book in front of them where Charming immediately began skimming through.
“Our enemy strength and weakness is the vast scale of his Empire. His goblins and trolls may not work for coin but his warlocks, men at arms and dragons do. Your job is to go here-“ Charming pointed to a map of the Homelands, to one nation in specific.” To Toscane. My little bluebird told me that all of the Empire’s tax money goes to three separate banks.”
James nodded.” I get it, rob the banks and steal all the goods inside-“
“Cripple the economy.” Both agreed.
“That way when we do invade we’ll face a weakened Empire and the heat will be off the Arabian homelands, a little present for them.” Charming smiled again.
James’ eyes darted across the page.” There is no information on the banks.” He noticed.
“No there isn’t. Boy Blue’s mission was to gather as much information on the Empire and if possible slay the Adversary. He did not have much time when he arrived at the capitol and save for those three banks he found little else.”
James rubbed his chin as he pondered.” You are asking me to go in alone and blind. I would do this for you…for what reason? Giving me back the Jolly Roger only gets you that much.”
“You can have fourty percent of the money you get from this operation. Which should be about fourteen dragon hoard’s worth of plunder. Not anywhere near Bluebeard’s fortune of course but close.”
“Sixty.” James folded his arms.” Especially if I’m going to have to look for a crew for this kind of operation.”
“I didn’t say you were going in alone.” Charming said as he opened a drawer from his desk an took out a folder.” In this folder I have names of five Fables who will help you with this heist. Most will need a little convincing but I think you can do just that.” The mayor threw the folder on the table on top of the book. James turned it around and opened it. The first page showed a small bearded man in a mechanic’s overall as he is fixing a car. A picture of a warhammer was added to it.
“Hadgar Dainson, the last of the Seven Dwarves and only wielder of the Foehammer. He owns a car repair shop here in Bullfinch Street. He has two adopted Mundie grandchildren from his deceased wife who have are gifted in magic, Good and Evil each. So far the Vizier and Tinkerbelle are teaching them well but I’m told the tuition fees are high and he has a score to settle with the adversary for taking over his mountain and killing the brothers Snow White didn’t get around to. He’s a expert miner and craftsmen. Always handy to have around, especially with that hammer of his.”
“Foehammer?” James raised his brow at Charming.
“It’s a miniature Mjolnir of legend. Since it’s a heirloom of his line it’s not in our armoury.”
James nodded and skipped another page. This time it was of a human sized Toad wearing a bowler hat and a coat as he watches a smaller toad like creature swimming in a river at a picturesque farm. “Mr Toad, he was a resident of Fabletown until Snow White threw him out due to repeated glamour offenses. He made his living as a cabbie here and is a expert driver. He should work well as a getaway driver.”
“Let me guess, he can come back here?” The captain asked.
“Among other things. And with his share of the coin he is halfway to building himself a 2nd Toad Hall. I hope your hatred towards reptiles don’t extend to toads?”
“Toads are amphibious, Prince Charming.” James replied.” And I dealt with that issue a long time ago.” He flipped another page.
The next picture was of a small and impish looking man in well off clothing who was polishing a old looking vase in a antique shop.
“Rumpelstiltskin, the current curator of ‘The Lucky Pawn’ after that Crooked Man business a few years ago. He is a lot harder to get a beat on but I’ve been told you and him have a history together?”
“He owes me a favour, aye. I know his skill set as well, it’s good to have some magic on our side.”
“And one who knows the goblin mindset.” Charming agreed. “His daughter is getting married next year so he would try to give her a large dowry.”
James nodded and moved another page.
“Queen Odette aka the Swan Queen.” James looked up to Charming.” One of yours?”
“No, I did not have the pleasure.” Charming frowned this time, ever so slightly, which made James smirk.” Her curse of being turned into a swan at nightfall saved the lives of her and her family when the Adversary came. She and her kin fled to our world and in time the 13th floor managed to make it so that she can shift from human to swan form at will although at every full moon she will transform into a swan. It would take a lot of money to get that curse removed…”
“Aerial reconnaissance...” James nodded and flipped over to the final member of the group.
James’ eyes went wide and immediately slammed the folder shut.” No! Not him!”
“You will need native support in the Homelands and from what I have been told the Indian tribe is still there fighting the good fight. He might persuade them to-“ But Hook didn't want to hear any of it.
“No! I will not bring him along! I’ve spend centuries away from Fabletown for a reason.”
“If you don’t bring him along you will be in the Homelands with no support or hiding place. With the gates closed down the Jolly Roger always has to go via Neverland before it can go to the other Homelands.”
“I know how my bloody ship works, Charming!” James shouted. He took a moment to compose himself and took deep breathes.
“You alright?” Charming asked.
“Peachy.” James replied.” One condition. I want guns. Lots of them. AK-47’s. Missile launchers, C4. The works.”
“Deal-“ Charming began but was interrupted.
“Also the price went up to seventy percent my way AND I get to pick the rest of my crew.”
“As is your given right.” Charming smiled and offered his hand.” Do we have a gentlemen’s agreement, Captain Hook?”
James stared the hand down before he grumbled and shook it.” Deal.”
“Good, when do you think you will be setting off?”
“Tomorrow evening.” James turned around and took up his cane.” Drop the ship and supplies off at the docks by noon. Two PM sharp.”
Charming stood up.” James, I know I shouldn’t have to say this but this operation is very much Top Secret. Can I trust you to keep your mouth shut?”
James turned around and gave a wicked grin before he left the office. He passed a janitor who wore a frog’s cap. The man said something but James merely nodded and went downstairs.
In the hallway he saw a portly man with a bulbous nose and red cheeks in a limo driver’s attire read a magazine.”Mr Smee!” James shouted. The portly man immediately stood up and saluted at no-one in particular.” A-aye aye sir?!”
“We’re leaving.” James said and went outside to his limousine. Smee ran past him and opened the door for him and closed it after him before he got into the driver’s seat.
“Where to sir?” Smee looked into the rearguard mirror.
“Take us to Tapster’s Mr Smee.”
“Of course sir.” Smee replied and drove the car.
“When you dropped me off there call the crew together and tell them to be at the docks tomorrow afternoon, quarter to two.”
Smee looked back.” You mea-“
“EYES ON THE ROAD, MR SMEE!” James shouted.
“Oh, sorry sir!” Smee said as he darted the car around thebusy New York road.” My apologies, but what you said perplexed me.”
“I’ll fill you in all in good time Mr Smee.” James grinned.” It’s a pirate’s life for us again after all.”
TBC Link:
The morning was blissfully peaceful.
"I wish I could wake up like this every morning," I whisper, shifting under Tim's arms. He groans and stretches his arms, standing up and walking toward the bathroom.
"What time is it?" He calls from the other room. I sit up in the bed and stare at the clock. It's 9:30.
"It's time for me to get ready for work. The boss won't like it if I'm late."
"Yeah, I figured. I'll get out when I'm done peeing and you can shower and stuff."
"Why didn't you shut the door if you're using the bathroom?"
"I forgot to. Oh well."
"Uhuh. I need to get ready..."
"Don't let me stop you."
I stand up and pull clothes from my drawers. Tim and I pass each other in the bathroom doorway and he snags a kiss before returning to the comfort of my bed. I stand there for a second, recollecting last night's pleasures. I wish I could just lay with him forever, but I've got responsibilities.
The shower was ice cold for the first few minutes, but after a moment it was steaming hot. I started to sing, like normal.
"Everything is awesome!" I practically yell.
"Everything is cool when you're part of a team!" Tim yells from the other room.
I wash the soap out of my hair, laughing,"You have it stuck in your head too?"
"Nah, but since you brought it up, it is now!"
I get out, drying off. My work clothes sit folded on the sink and I get dressed, no matter how much I'd rather not leave the apartment today. Tim is in the kitchen now, wearing his boxers and frying some eggs. He hands me a plate and I gulp down some orange juice. An ideal breakfast, if I do say so myself.
Off to work I go.
Relatively simple chapter, extremely short. Just a wee bit of what I'm trying to get to. Meh.
ALSO, in regards to the art challenge.......I have a question. Could the character I create be created in other means? Like...sims? Because I'm damn good at making them. I could try doing the sims 3 (Although it likes to crash often for me.), but I can also do the sims 2. I have the sims 4 demo, but I wouldn't be able to make them do anything other than smile. Maybe I'll do all three (That should be interesting..) If of course, I'm allowed to use those as my creative outlet.
Chapter 1: Second star to the right...
“Here it is kid, the docks.” The cabbie turned around to see his customer. The kid looked about seven- or eighteen but he still had a wild look in his eyes. He wore a green shirt with a sleeveless red jacket with a leaf motive and some ruined jeans. His green cap was turned around. ”You work around here?”
“Something like that.” The kid replied and paid the cabbie before he got out. He took out his skateboard with him and slammed the door shut. The cabbie rolled down his window. “Say kid, aren’t you a bit to old for skateboards?”
“Aren’t you a bit to talkative, old man?” the boy retorted.
The man laughed.” Guess so. Sorry you remind me of my boy when he was your age. Scrappy jeans, weird t-shirts and a rebel attitude.”
“What happened to him?” the boy asked but already expected the answer.
“He grew up. Got a job, got married and has a mortgage to pay.” The cabbie smiled.” Just like me. Speaking off I need to find myself another customer. You take care of yourself, alright?”
The boy merely looked at him and did not feign a reply.
The cab driver shut his window and drove off as the boy made his way to the docks. For a moment he wondered if he came to the right place when he saw a car drive in and park in the special parking building. It was a sports car, bright red with a golden statue on the hood and golden rims. The driver was a well-dressed, if small and ugly looking, business man. He closed the door and put on his tophat and sported a cane, with golden overlays of course. The boy had to cough so the man would notice him.
“Ah, Peter! Good to see you here my boy.” The impish man said as he walked over.” I see you were convinced to come here.”
“Anything to just fly around for a bit.” Peter replied.” Even if it means going to the occupied Homelands.”
“And the money is also a good incentive I’m sure.” The imp smirked.” Come, this way.” He motioned his cane forward and that is where the two went. “ So how did you get here, you didn’t use that contraption I’m sure.” The imp motioned to Peter’s skateboard.
“No, I paid for a cab. He compared me to his son, think that is why I had to pay less than usual.”
“Must be tiring.” Peter turned to see the imp.” The boy who never grows up.”
“Immortality didn’t seem to much of a bother…until I came to this place.” Peter glared.” Not all of us can make gold out of wool, Rumplestiltskin.”
“You have gifts as well Mr Pan.” Rumple replied.” You have flight, you have a shadow you can control, you are nigh immortal and play a wicked flute. Like most of the other Fables you seek to blame others for ruining your own potential….tell me, how many days are you clean right now?”
“None of your business.” Peter gave him a glare and walked past him. Soon enough the sound of Rumple’s cane hitting the pavement drowned out as the sounds of dockworkers, seagulls and the ocean came closer. Peter could not help but run to the edge and take a deep breath of the salty air. He closed his eyes as he stretched his arms in the air and cheered on the top of his lungs. The dockworkers looked at him oddly before they shook their heads and kept working. Blockheads, Peter thought to himself.
As he neared the wharfs he sensed magic in the air. He looked to his shadow who immediately pointed at the direction where it sensed it was coming from. Peter moved to that direction and saw a abandoned half broken down building with no ship anchored. He looked around to see if others on the docks saw him before he stepped forward. The half broken down building was still there but where there were no people before, it was swarming now. Dozens of men and women were working. Trucks came in carrying large boxes. Inside were food, water and even guns. A crane seemed to lower a even larger container on the ship. Peter could not help but stare at the large brig he had feared, hated and loved for so many years.
“The Jolly Roger….” He said with a smile.
“I’m surprised she can still float let alone fly, myself.” A friendly voice spoke. Peter turned to his left and saw a friendly man walk to him.” Smee, long time no see.” Peter replied with a smile. Smee nodded.” Likewise, Pan. Likewise.”
“Is Hooky here already?” Peter folded his arms.
“No, he had a delay with convincing the last of our group to join this expidtion.” Smee motioned for Peter to walk with him, which the boy did.” He is on his way now.”
“Is he still as tall and smelly as before?” Peter grinned.
“Ironic coming from the boy who hasn’t discovered dry cleaning yet.”
Peter turned around and saw Rumplestiltskin had walked through the barrier as well.
“Ah Mr Rumplestiltskin.” Smee smiled.” I-I had hoped you would be here. The Captain said-“
“I heard what you said Mr Smee.” Rumple walked past as his cane kept tapping the pavement.
“Let me guess, you created the barrier?” Peter asked the impish magician.
“A well educated guess Mr Pan. I helped to summon the wards around the Farm with the others of the 13th floor. To summon a temporary barrier for this endeavor was a piece of cake.”
“Y-your cabin is ready for you, sir.” Smee bowed to the Imp.
“Splendid.” Rumple said with a grin on his lips.
The imp still talked to Smee when Peter noticed someone nearby. He saw a large toad with a bowler hat and a hand me down coat and trousers talking. Peter had seen strange creatures before such as Mermaids, large crocodiles and dragons so talking toads did not scare him as much. But the person he was talking to brought his blood to a boil. He was half the size of a human and had a long black beard that covered his belly. He wore similar clothing as the toad and had a hammer slung on his back. The boy charged forward and his fist flew to the man’s jaw. The dwarf stepped back and shook his head. “What the fuck?!” the toad shouted in surprise as he leaped aside.
“YOU!” Peter glared at the dwarf.
“What the fuck is wrong with yer, kid?!” the dwarf retorted and rubbed his jaw.” Who in ta name of Hella ere yer supposed ta be?!”
“You know who I am!” Peter’s rage grew.” Your grandson stole Tink! He stole her from me!”
The dwarf blinked at the boy as recognition set in.
“You know this gobshite, Hadgar?” the Toad asked.
“Aye ah do, dis kid ‘ere is Peter fookin’ Pan.” The dwarf replied.
“Wait, you are telling me a kid in tights nearly decked you just there?” the Toad laughed.
“Oh go fook yourself, Toad.” Hadgar retorted to his friend before he turned to Peter.” Look kid, ah aint getting’ inta any fights between you and ma grandson. If yer got grieve you go take it out with him. If he’s fooking yer girl it aint my fa-” another fist to the face stopped him mid-sentence. Much like anything in the Mundie world, his expectation of having floored the dwarf was met by reality. The dwarf still stood and he looked pissed. Peter immediately send his shadow to attack him from the flank. Hadgar had his hammer drawn and slammed it on the ground hard. Peter felt his shadow in pain and called it back. He jumped into the air and hovered there. A small smile appeared on his face, it had been way to long since he last flew AND was in a fight.
“YER CALLED DOWN THA THUNDER, YER LITTLE SHIT!” Hadgar shouted and was ready to swing his hammer.” I’LL HIT YA LIKE A FOOKIN’ HOMERUN!”
“Bring it, old man!” Peter shouted in return and flew backward before he charged forward at full.
A gunshot rang as both parties stopped their fight to see where it came from. The smoking gun was held by a man in a captain’s outfit who handed it to Smee.” Why am I not surprised…” Hook began as he walked forward.” I had hoped you would’ve been in rehab by now, Pan.”
“I life to disappoint you, Hook.” Peter replied.
“So it seems.” Hook stepped closer.” I will say this now so there are no illusions. You don’t like me and I sure as hell don’t like you, Pan. I’m not sure why you are in this and who convinced you but let me make this perfectly clear.” The captain held up his hook hand and held it inches from Peter’s face.” If you do this shit one more time on my ship, I will kick you off my ship.”
“General amnesty, Hooky.” Peter grinned.” You can’t hurt me.”
“Oh I won’t hurt you…” Hook grinned.” But the Adversary might. Or the hard fall when you fall exhausted into the ocean. We do this job and then we each go our separate ways. Do you understand me?”
“Crystal.” Peter replied.
“Good…” Hook replied as he turned to go to his ship.” And oh word to the wise, if you treated your fairy with more respect she wouldn’t have gone off with the first Mundie that came along. No offense Dainson.”
“None taken…” Hadgar muttered in his beard.
The group split off as each went to do their own thing. Peter walked over to the edge of the docks and sat down as he watched the ocean in front of him. The sun began to set but the air pollution as always covered all the stars. Even at the docks New York smothered it’s skies.
He took out a packet of cigarettes from his jacket and lit one up. He heard someone walking up to him but did not turn around. His shadow said it was a woman with long white hair, a blue dress with a swam embroided on her chest and wore a purse in the shape of a swan.
“This seat taken?” she asked to which Peter shook his head. The woman nodded her thanks and sat down. She looked at the boy and frowned a little.
“What?” Peter did not look at her.
“Are you smoking….Huff and puffs?” she raised her brow.
“Yeah, only brand I can afford. What’s it to you?”
She smiled and rooted through her purse. She took out a packet of cigarettes and opened it. She grabbed his cigarette and threw it in the ocean. He was about to say something when he saw her fully. She was stunning. Her eyes were sky blue and her mouth had the most beautiful smile. Her hair seemed to absorb the last of the sun’s dying lights and seemed to shine the brighter. She placed another cigarette and lit it for him.
“Marlboro, the Cadilac of smokes.” She smirked. Peter inhaled the sweet tasting smoke before he exhaled.” I cant stand by when anyone who smokes that crap brand.”
Peter nodded and took the cigarette away from his mouth.” Thanks…”
“Don’t mention it.” The woman smiled.” Name’s Odette.”
No it’s Wendy he wanted to argue. “Peter.” He replied.
“I know, I saw you and that dwarf fight.” She took a cigarette for herself and lit it.” His grandson took away your girlfriend or something?”
“She isn’t my girlfriend.” Peter said.” Just a friend…a friend who has stopped…hanging with me.”
“Sorry to hear that.” She said.” I know how that feels like.”
“You do?” Peter asked to which she nodded.
“You needed something to vent on, Hadgar was the next best thing. Not a solution mind you.”
“Felt good though.” He smirked.
“I think your fists felt the pain more than the dwarf did.” She smirked.” No offense but if Snow White, poisoned apples and the Adversary’s monsters can’t kill him I don’t think a few punches will phase him.”
“Says you.” Peter sat up and puffed his chest up.” I had him up at the ropes.”
“Suuuuure you did.” Odette smiled.
“ALL ABOAAAAAARD!” Smee shouted on the top of his lungs as the last of the containers were brought in. Peter saw Toad shouting at the crane man as he lowered a vintage looking care onto the cargo hold of the ship.
“Well that’s us.” Odette got up.” You coming?”
“Came to far now not to.” Peter replied and walked with her.” At least I’m glad not everyone hates me on that boat.”
“Well you haven’t punched me yet for no reason.” She chuckled.
“The night is young.” Peter teased but only got a smirk in return.
“RAISE ANCHOR!” Hook shouted as the call was echoed by Smee and several other sailors. The anchor was raised and already Peter felt the ship was rising from the waters.
“HOAST THE MAIN SAILS!” The sails came down as a heavy wind blew them forward…and upward. Peter saw Hook smile and even heard him laugh as he took out his binocular. The ship began to fly higher and highever as the sea gulls flew with them. Peter saw Rumplestiltskin hold his cane in the air, his eyes closed, as he probably cloaked the whole ship from sight. The light pollution died away as the ship burst through the clouds…into a star filled sky.
“Where to, Captain?!” Smee shouted as the helmsman held his place at the wheel. Hook turned around.” Second star till, and straight on till morning!!”
TBC Link:
You're definitely in trouble, mister artist. :P But as I mentioned in the message to you, feel free to post your pictures nevertheless.
I'll send you a message pertaining to your question soon, and again: nice chapter!
Very fascinating indeed, I like Odette's character so far!
Glad you like it dude!
This story will be Neverland heavy but I hope i'll get some cool other Fairy Tale stuff in it.
Yes, that type of explanation is usually very interesting to read, much like what you're doing! And thanks
The origins African theme is good - looking forward to what you're going to do, Stone
Like a true romcom :,)
Somehow, I can really believe Lyla and Georgie having a great wedding day
poor Mary has for a lot going on with your's and Emmypess' plots!
Oh, crumbs! I have very little confidence with drawing so this is going to be interesting
I love Mr. Fox's jacket! He looks and sounds like a real character - great job!
Hey! I'm really enjoying this story so far! I agree with Dragon-Odette is a great character with a badass personality!
Would love to read more!
Thanks dude/dudette! I'm glad you lot like Odette, trust me I got cool things planned for her. Swan Queening it up!
Also I'll try to clean up my two chapters. Juuuust noticed copypasting this from word was a BAD idea...
Okay heads up, due to me sucking so hard with this forum's interface i'll add a link to my page at the end of each chapter so you wont have to tear your eyes out!
Chapter 7
"My little demon peanut"
I'm in a wonderful, family drawing kind of mood because I just found out I'm going to be a daddy!
I apologies now if that's ALL you will see for awhile! Of course, all the gore and adventure will be included as well in my stories XD! So, the real life Georgie and Lyla are expecting a little mini version of myself in April.
"I dare you, Junior!"
"No, Gren Junior! Why do I have to do it?!"
"Because, dude! You got dared! Unless you're a big baby and still wears diapers-"
"Shutup! I'm not a baby! Its just...I'm not...this is stupid! She does not exist!"
"Then, prove it-I DARE you to call Bloody Mary into the bathroom!"
When I woke up the next mornng, she was already gone. I could smell the coffee brewing in the kitchen, so her suddenly vanishing couldn't have been that long ago. I sighed, pulled myself up and headed into the shower. For once, I'd like to wakeup and find her still asleep beside me. But this was Bloody Mary we were talking about; she wasn't exactly the cuddle and wake up with a smile kind of gal.
As I turned the knob for the hot water, I heard the pitter patter of little feet against the wooden floor. The second I turned around, there was George. He was all smiles, as he dragged his teddy bear into the bathroom.
"Well, good morning, little man. Mommy take you out of your crib or did you escape again?"
"Mommy...mommy took out. She go bye bye, daddy!"
I kissed George on the cheek, as I placed his squirming self back down. "Ok, go watch cartoons for a bit until daddy get's out of the shower." George nodded, as he grabbed his teddy and ran into the living room. "Don't wake your sister up!"
I wasn't in there for very long; I found George sitting on the couch watching some talking Frog and a dancing Kangaroo. Man, the things they come up with now. As I made George some Oatmeal, Sheila let out a bellowing shriek. As George ate, I fished her from the crib and took her into the kitchen.
"There is my little mirror terror. Hi, sweetie. You hungry?" Sheila just stared into my eyes and cracked a smile. God. You look at me like your mother does-annoyed, like I SHOULD know the answer. "Okay, let's get you a bottle..."
As I began heating up the milk, my phone rang. I looked at the screen and noticed Penny's name. She and my parents were coming to the Doctor's office with me today to view the Ultra sound.
"Hey sis. What's going on?"
"Just checking in to make sure the appointment it still nine o' clock."
"You KNOW it is. Mary hates changing her schedule up."
"You picking up mom and dad?"
"Nah. I offered but mom said she will drive down there with dad. See you in a bit?"
"Okay. See you in a bit, turd." Really?
As I hung up the phone, I noticed the bathroom mirror glowing a bright red; Sheila reached her arms out and began babbling. George looked up from the bowl and smiled.
"Mommy is coming!"
Sure enough, her she came, walking down the hall. George pratically leapt from his seat, as she scooped him in her arms and held him close. She gathered Sheila in her free arm and rocked both kids gently. As she did this, her eyes focused on me. There was that familiar twinkle in her eyes, as she grinned from ear to ear.
"Hello, daddy. Well, look at you all dressed up."
"Mary. What, uh. What time did you leave this morning?"
"The sun was barley rising when I finally managed to get up and-"
"You know I hate when you just leave like that! I'd like it if you told me-"
"Relax, Porgie. I don't see why you have to get your undies in a bunch. I come back everytime. You have me 'trained' not to wonder off too far..." She chuckled, as she kissed both the kids. "And besides, I'd see you no matter what. Ready to head over to Swinheart and see what kind of damage you have created."
I ignored her remarks, as I grabbed the keys and diaper bag. As I locked the apartment door, Mary continued to laugh.
"I wonder if this baby will have your big head. George did."
"Hm. Maybe they'll jump from mirror to mirror like you and Sheila."
"THEY?! Easy there, Tiger. I'm only asking for one. Don't need a litter like your poor mother!"
There was a pleasing sense of happiness, as we buckled up the kids and dropped them off at my Aunt and Uncle's house. Rosie met us outside; she was too busy playing with the babies to notice we were in a hurry.
"Thanks for watching them, Rosie. Sure you don't mind?"
"No, Junior! I love watching them for you and Mary. Besides, my mom keeps bitching that she never get's a chance to see them very often, so this gives her a chance to make that dream come true."
"Thanks again. We will be at the doctors. Please call if ANYTHING happens..." I took a minute to gather my thoughts, as I handed Rosie the diaper bag. "And I mean ANYTHING!" Sheila laughed as I said this. Yeah. I'm talking about YOU.
"Junior-shutup! You're just going to the doctor's office, not Mexico. Besides, they are always well-behaved with me. Huh, kids?"
I kissed them each goodbye. As she waved to us, I peeled out of the driveway and back onto the road. The radio softly played, as I reached my hand over and grabbed Mary's; her fingers laced around mine, as she sat silently looking out the window.
"You okay, Mary? You seem distracted."
"Junior. Is this how you pictured your life?"
"What do you mean?"
"I mean, c'mon, kid-Bloody fucking Mary?! You are a very handsome young man-you could have had ANYONE in this fucked up town, yet you choose the bitch that skins mundies for a hobby and hides in mirrors. Why?"
"Same question I should be asking you, I guess. Centuries on this planet and you pick the son of the notorious Georgie Porgie."
"Hm, well-who could say no to this chubby face." She reaches her free hand over and pinches my right cheek. "I never pictured myself with ANYONE, let alone mothering three kids. Fuck. I hate kids...."
I tried not to giggle at her remark. "Oh, c'mon. You LOVE our three little monsters."
"Fuck you, Porgie! Those little leeches! Yeah...I do..."
We pulled up to Swinehart's place, just as Penny and my folks did. As mom embraced me, I watched dad hold a conversation with Mary. He was enjoying a cigarette, as he leaned against the building.
"Hello, Georgie. Well, don't you look nice."
The five of us walked inside, found the room and waitied patiently for Swinheart. It was not even five minutes later, when he finally showed up.
"Ah, yes. The Porgies. Good morning, everyone. I see we are here to examine Mary and see if we are indeed, pregnant."
"Don't fuck around, doc-I already know this guy's swimmers went upstream!"
Swineheart began the preperations of the machine, as Mary laid on the table and looked in my direction. He took the time to check her belly, until we saw it-the tiny baby, no bigger than a peanut. We could see it slightly moving but not by much.
"Hm. It appears you are about nine or ten weeks, Mary. Congratulations, you two. There he or she is."
"Can you tell if the baby is like me or Mary?"
"Hmm...let me take a better look." Mom got up and leaned in closer; her face was just inches from the screen, as she looked at my little peanut.
"Oh, Georgie-isn't it beautiful? Oh-my boy is going to be a daddy again." There were tears coming from both their eyes; dad had to take a second, as he gave me a loving pat on the back.
"Congrats, my boy..." Then, Swineheart spoke once more.
"Well, it appears to be like you, Junior. But-that can change. We didn't detect Katie's wolf abilities until your mother was cloe to her due date. Just get plenty of rest, drink lots of water and TRY to eat more Dairy products, Mary. And the smoking-no more smoking, okay?"
Mary began to mumble, as she snatched the ultrasound picture and headed to the car. Swineheart gave me an appointment card and after few minutes talking to my folks and Penny, we exchanged goodbyes and went out seperate ways. I looked at the time; it was barley nine thirty, as I glanced over at Mary and flashed her a smile.
"What, Porgie?"
"You hungry? Its early and I figured we can take this opportunity to grab some breakfast and have some alone time."
"Hm. Our alone time is how we GOT to this point."
"I'll take that as a yes, then."
We both joined in a laugh, as she leaned in to kiss my cheek. As we drove down to the Eggman Diner, I laced my fingers once more around her's and continued driving down the street.
"Gren Junior-hello? Okay, guys! This isn't funny anymore! Let me out of the bathroom!"
"No, Junior! you have to stay in there with just ONE candle and call her name five times!"
"Fuck you, Gren Junior. Fine! Okay! But if I die, I'm coming back to haunt your ass. we go...Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary...."
Anything, dude?"
"Hm. No, I don't see-HOLY FUCK!! STAY BACK! I'm was a prank and-"
"You're soul is mine, kid!"
Chapter 8 soon.
My sister pretty much drew this, not me
, and Fox pretty much designed and made it himself. Mr.Fox thanks you for your compliment
Complements to her then
and at least you took the time to upload it! Mr. Weasel (my Fable) graciously accepts the thanks on my behalf.
Chapter 8
"Down with the sickness"
Doing as much as I can because in two weeks, start school up again. -.- Gotta love college life, though!
"Daddy, how come I have powers?"
"When a Fable makes babies with someone outside the Fable books, the children have a higher chance of developing powers."
"Katie didn't. Emily didn't."
"It doesn't happen ALL the time, sweetie. You and Junior just got lucky."
"Mommy said the stone you carry sometimes give you powers."
"Yeah. Sometimes. But daddy does not like using them..."
"How come, daddy?"
"Because mine come from a dark and scary place, Penny..."
I came home just in time to see the chaos brewing in the lounge; Oliver had come down from his 'high' but was suffering some severe paranoia. In his hand, he held a broken bottle and several firecrackers. Dice and Chad circled him, each slowly trying to grab his hands.
"Okay, Oliver. Give us the firecrackers and bottle and let's sit down to talk..."
"Fuck you, Dice! I know what you are going to do!"
"Oh, yeah?"
"YES! you are fookin' gonna take me away and lock me up forever! I know your plans!"
Chad tried to grab him while Oliver was distracted but it was no use; Oliver had a sixth sense about him and as soon as he could, turned and sliced Chad's palm open. The shreds of skin dangled from his open wound, as blood poured out and coated his fingers. I rushed over and placed pressure on the wound.
"Damnit, you guys! I leave for thirty fucking minutes and come back thos this shit!"
I grabbed the first aid kit under the skink, took out some wipes and cleaned the area. Swear, he have more kits lying around this place than anything else. I watched as Dice managed to tackle Oliver to the ground and hold him under his torso. Like a child, Oliver began kicking his legs up and pursuing to bite Dice.
"Fuck, boss! You sure know how to put up a fight!"
"He comin' down from the drugs?"
"That or he managed to take more. I doubt that, though-Chad and I have been watching him like a hawk!"
"You guys didn't have to do this. Know this isn't how you want to spend your Saturday mornings."
"Well, I-"
Before Dice could finish, Oliver managed to slide his hand under Dice and with every ounce of strength, push him off. Dice nearly flew into the wall, as he grabbed the bottle and held it up. Chad backed up, as I slowly walked towards Oliver. He was like a caged animal and out of fear and anguish, was prepared to attack. I could see the fire burning in his eyes; the bewilderment cornering the dark circles.
"Oliver. Please. Put the bottle down and relax. We only want to help you..."
"Fuck you, Penny! You have no right to talk! Hypocrite is what you are! You ALL are!"
"That's nice, Oliver. Now, hand me the bottle-"
"Fuck off, Porgie! I should have known you'd leave me behind to fend for myself! You bitch about them, when you are fookin' no better!"
I was severly confused. Just what in the fuck was he talking about? "Oliver, what are you-"
"Then, you tell me that I'm on my fookin' own and you have better things to worry about! What about me, Georgie, huh!? The fook am I gonna do now, you stupid twat!"
Without warning, Oliver lunged at me and managed to plunge the glass into my arm. Like daggers, the sharp ends sunk into my skin and instantly drew blood. There was a slight feeling of pain, as I pulled him off and tossed the pimp into the bar. I ripped out the bottle and tossed it to the side. I could feel my hands warming up; my eyes closing and the air thickening up around me.
"Penny, what are you doing?"
I ignored Dice's remarks, as I opened my eyes and heard the boys gasp, for I knew what they were surprised to see. My eyes had turned a solid black and my palms now had clouds of Magenta forming around the tips of my fingers. Oliver stood up and wiped his mouth. I somehow managed to make his back tooth fall out.
"Oliver. I told you-you need to calm down! Don't make me use force to restrain you-"
"Fook you, Porgie! Come at you, you bastrad!"
"Oliver, I'm not my father! Its me, Penny!"
"What's the fooking difference, you son of a bitch?"
As he ran in my direction, the world around me came to a slow motion pace. I noticed Dice leaping out towards him, chad trying to reach across and grab something to stop him. OIiver's face was contorted, as his eyes focused on me. He was lost, confused and vexed, as he continued to fling himself at me. I lifted both plams up, closed my eyes and circled his body with a cloud of Magenta. I lifted his body into the air, held it there for awhile then tossed it to the side like he was nothing.
The world returned to its normal pace, as Dice and Chad looked at me with confusion. I threw my arms back, then tossed him again. For several seconds, I managed to do this until he frantically waved his arms.
"Enough! Just...just stop, Penny! Please!" I noticed the cuts and blood coating his body. "Just...stop!"
It had been a long time since I used my powers. It felt good to use them again. Don't think either Chad or Dice knew I could do that; as I left the room, they both continued to watch me, like they had just witnessed a miracle or something. I walked to the back, took out a cogarette and lit it.
"Uh, the fuck was that?"
I handed Dice one of my cigarettes; Chad soon followed but lit a Cigar instead.
"Don't WHAT me, Porgie! That shit don't work with us! You carried the boss around, with fuckin' pink clouds of pain or something-"
"They don't bring pain, just a point."
"I, like Junior, were born with these gifts. My power derives from love, whil his from anguish. My parents say its the two sides to my father; one good, one bad. My dad said Fables that breed outside the books tend to develop powers like this."
"But, if your power comes from 'good', then why did you use it against Oliver like that?"
"It comes from a variety of good things, Dice-love being one of them."
The room stood still for a moment; that was the first time I openly admitted my love for Oliver. Chad didn't seem too shocked; think the bastrad already knew. I flicked my cigarette butt over the balcony and walked back into my room. I closed the door, turned on the radio and headed to my desk. I placed my Disturbed cd into my stereo and found the song 'Indistructable.'
As I checked my Facebook, there was a faint knock at the door.
"Penny, you in here?" Oliver. "Penny...sweetie-"
I opened the door and sat back down; I refused to say a word, as he took a seat on my bed.
"I'm...I'm sorry, Penelope. I'm sorry you-"
"I'm way beyond controlling you, Oliver. My ability to stop you has its limits and I'm tired of coming to your fuckin' rescue EVERY Goddamn time you fuck up! I'm tired of coming back from whatever and finding people fight you off! you could have hurt them, Oliver!"
"Dice can handle it-"
"Yeah but Chad can't and you KNOW that! YOU can't handle this shit!" I slammed my laptop shut, as I threw my chair into the desk. "I....I don't know what i'm going to do, Oliver! I will not be like 'THEM!'
"My parents! I will not be my mother and save you every fucking time you mess up! You made this for yourself; do not bring my into the darkness with you, Oliver!"
"Whoa, whoa-your mother?! I made my own choices and so have you! no one is making you stay here, Penelope! I never once said you HAD to stay! There is the fucking door-use it!"
"Fuck you, Oliver! All you ever do is nag, nag nag and then when push comes to shove, there you are again acting up! do you think I wanted to use my powers on you?"
"You didn't have to do that, Penelope!"
"And what-have you hurt the boys or worse? You are so much stronger than ALL OF US when you are strung out, Oliver!"
Without warning, Oliver grabs me and pins me to the wall. There is a loud thud, as our eyes meet. The urge to scream for help is nowhere to be found; my mouth refuses to produce these words, as he holds my arms up.
"I dare you, Oliver. go on-hit me! that's what you wanna do, ain't it?! Go ahead, you fucking British piece of shit! Hit me!"
Suddenly, my phone rings. We both stand in silence, as he hangs his head and releases my hands. I push him to the side, as I notice the unkown number. At first, I refused to answer it; if it was important, they would leave a message. The ringing stopped but seconds later, it started up again.
"Who the fuck...hello?"
"Penelope Porgie?"
"Yes. May I ask who is calling?"
"I'm not sure if you remember me, dear but this is Marcus Billings from the Wolf council. Your grandfather used to work with us-we know your family VERY well..."
"Yeah. I know who you are..."
My grandfather had not come into contact with the Council in years; my mother refused to speak to them OR about them. For years, we had no idea they existed on this Earth until we came across some old books my Nana left lying around. Since then, that side of the tracks were off limits, especially after we found out what they put us through, especially my aunt and uncle. My uncle Gren almost died one night because of these parasites.
"Great, my dear. Now, I need to know if your sister Katherine is in town still?"
"Well, we have been sending her letters for weeks and we still have not heard from her."
"What letters?"
"Never mind you, Penelope, for those are meant for Katherine."
I could feel the anger brewing within my body; the Council was nothing but trouble and no matter how they managed to word it, we were not considered 'one of them,' so why did they want my sister now? The Council was full of greed and hate, things my sister was not.
"Why do you want my sister, Marcus? I will not tell her your message, unless you give me an answer!"
"Hm. Just like your mother. Pity your mother and aunts didn't just stick to what they knew, for we knew the potential they had, despite the mundy blood they shared within. Only sensible one is your aunt Mary..."
"Answer me, Marcus!"
"Just tell her this-we have sent out her invitation and would love to hear back. Make sure she keeps her 'pet' in the kennel when she DOES answer back, okay? After the last inccident with the Jersey Devil, we can not take that chance. Took us months just to clean up the mess...."
Marcus soon hung up, the dial tone echoing in my ears. My heart sank, as I grabbed my car keys and frantically ran down the stairs; Oliver was following behind.
"Penny, wait-stop! Who was that? What is going on?"
"Call my father-something terrible is going on! I need to find Katie and tell her what is going on!"
"Just fucking do it, Oliver! I don't have time! My family might be in danger!"
I didn't allow him the chance to speak, for I was heading to the Lucky Pawn.
"Please...please be there, Katie. For fuck's sake, be there!"
"Do I get a stone, daddy?"
"No, just me and moomy."
"Well, you have something special, too! Just make sure to use it for good and not evil, sweetie."
"I know, daddy! Why would I use it for bad, though?"
'Just...promise daddy you won't and make sure to watch your brother, too."
"There are mean people in this world that would love to use your powers for bad. Just...promise daddy..."
"I promise."
"Good. Now, let's go see if dinner is ready."
Chapter 9 soon.
Congrats, dude! That is wonderful news! You will be a great dad!
I love the pictures, too! The 2nd one is too cute-George's face!
I loved this chapter for various reasons. You see not only the connection Junior and Mary have but despite her ways and the growing need to ignore these emotions, she still cares and loves her growing family. The throwback was a nice touch; Gren Junior is a dick to Georgie Junior! XD
Great work, pie! Can't wait for more!
Oh, shit! Excuse me but....its those letters Jersey has been getting! I told you something was going to go down!! I wonder what the Wolf Council wants with Katie. She is a Halfer in their books, no? Also, think Penny loves Oliver a little too much.
Another great chapter! Can't wait to read more and yes....the joys of college! XD
From what I remember of your drawings you look like you could do well for this challenge!
Chapter 1 Papacat.
Here's a drawing of Omar in his werecat form sitting on moss stone. I messed up his eye but, oh well :P
It was a long day at work for Daren, but the day is finally home he can go home to his family now. He puts his things into the care and drives home and on the way he see's a pair of eyes in the alley watching him. He thought he hallucinating, so he ignored it.
Daren pulled up to his house and exited the car, he opens the door and enters. His son Omar is sitting on the couch watching TV. Daren tells his son that it's a full moon tonight and ask him that if he's prepared. He continues to watch TV and Daren shakes his head and goes upstairs.
"Tisha? Are you there? Tisha?"
He knocks on her door and with no answer he enters. Her window is wide open and her in no sight. He rushes down stairs and ask Omar where his sister went. Omar tells his father, "She went to some kids party. He was going to go but it was a full so..."
"She didn't listen dad..."
"Where is this kids house and what is his name?"
"Arnez , his pad is right down the street"
Daren rushes out of the house in search of his daughter, the moon is full. He pics up Tisha's scent and transform into his werecat form and make his way down the street undetected. He arrives at the house where the party is being held. He approaches and two teenagers are blocking his path.
"Get out of my way, I'm here for my daughter."
"She's having fun, let her be. Go home and read the paper old man."
"Old man??"
Daren picks up the two teens and throws them into the bushes. Daren then enters the house and looks around for Tisha. He see's her and Arnez making out, this infuriates him.
"The hell?"
Daren makes his way past all the teenagers towards Tisha. He calls her name and startles her.
"Who the hell are you?"
"I'm her father and I believe everyone here is a bit young to be drinking?"
"Thats none of your business holmes"
"Your right, it's not. But my business here is to take my daughter home, so we are leaving now. Bye."
"Daddy wait.."
"Tisha enough, you are in serious trouble ."
Arnez grabs Daren arm and his eyes glow yellow and he says to Daren, "If she wants to stay, it's her choice!" Daren turns around and smiles at him.
"Son if you don't take your hands off me im going to rip out your lungs then feed them to you in your doggy bowl.. I don't care who see's me really I'll just get a new glamour."
Arnez let's him go and backs off. Daren and Tisha leaves the house.
"Daddy what was that all about?"
"YOU have a curfew at this time of the night. Weekend or Not."
"No buts, and hold on... you didn't turn yet?"
"I did, earlier.... I learned how to control it."
"That is amazing Tisha, I am proud of you. Now we only have to teach your borther the same--"
"Oh no..."
Daren and Tisha arrive back home only to notice the front door is wide open and claw marks over it. Omar has went through his werecat change and is running wild. Daren needs to find his son before he hurts himself or someone...
To be continued
lol. "She's doing it again!"
Adding my last two pics next chapter.