Nothing good about it. Next weeks episode looks like someone will die. Even if no one does that doesn't change the fact that it is guaranteed to have lots of action. This should make up for the boring episode we had.
I tought there was at least some character development (Daryl trusting Beth, Beth stops whining for a minute). And even if there weren't any character development, at least we got to know the characters better. Daryl has always been a mistery to me and it's good to know something about his past life.
Well, maybe I misjudged you. Im just so used to people bashing the show, especially when there are slower episodes. It just makes me sad that some people dont want to put in any effort when watching a show. They just want to be excited all the time, so they ignore anything thats not zombie killing. I see it all the time.
i watched the episode again and liked it more, the reason why i was hating so much was because i had a really shitty day on sunday and i was… more really looking forward to the new episode and just wasnt in the mood for an episode like "still" i wanted action and stuff just to make my day a little better, but i do like how daryl and beth are becoming friends now.
and btw i do understand what the show is about.
ya me to, in the preview it showed sasha screaming so i think bob the drunk is gonna die.
I tought there was at least some character development (Daryl trusting Beth, Beth stops whining for a minute). And even if there weren't any character development, at least we got to know the characters better. Daryl has always been a mistery to me and it's good to know something about his past life.
Well, maybe I misjudged you. Im just so used to people bashing the show, especially when there are slower episodes. It just makes me sad that some people dont want to put in any effort when watching a show. They just want to be excited all the time, so they ignore anything thats not zombie killing. I see it all the time.