
  • edited April 2014


    "Fantastic! I'd tell you more, but we should start another comment chain for this conversation."

    okay dokey :3

  • Fantastic! I just completed the prologue and first chapter of my story!

    xValkyx posted: »

    @Ohyoupokedme "Fantastic! I'd tell you more, but we should start another comment chain for this conversation." okay dokey

  • The one you were talking about yesterday? awesome! :D

    what is your story about btw?

    Fantastic! I just completed the prologue and first chapter of my story!

  • Unfortunately I had to get a video with the lyrics, cause the original video is based on age :/

  • edited April 2014

    There's a lot to explain, but to put it simply:

    Pangaea is its name. It's about Earth that mysteriously formed into a super continent. The story details how humanity (and anthromorphs) would survive on one continent. There are seven nations in this story: four anthro, and three human nations.

    xValkyx posted: »

    The one you were talking about yesterday? awesome! what is your story about btw?

  • It sounds like it would be very complicated to write o.o but seems interesting.

    do you upload your stories onto a site or do you keep them to yourself?

    There's a lot to explain, but to put it simply: Pangaea is its name. It's about Earth that mysteriously formed into a super continent.

  • I plan on uploading it, but right now I am getting it proofread and edited. One of the furs at a furry site is proofreading my work, making suggestions. His name is Auramaru, and he is a white dragon (^_^). If you want, I can send you some of the chapters.

    xValkyx posted: »

    It sounds like it would be very complicated to write o.o but seems interesting. do you upload your stories onto a site or do you keep them to yourself?

  • edited May 2014

    Could you? only if it's no trouble because i want to read it :3 ohh a white dragon! :D is the site furaffinity by any chance?

    i just realized i ask you a lot of questions xD

    I plan on uploading it, but right now I am getting it proofread and edited. One of the furs at a furry site is proofreading my work, making

  • edited May 2014

    How would I send it to you without posting it on here?

    I go to FAF, but I think its the dunghole of the furry fandom. I only go there for feedback for my book. The place is way to political for my liking. Everywhere I go. It's not kept in one section. Sometimes the moral sickness of people surprise me, but there...

    Anyway, I spend more time at Furs For Christ. It's open for everyone, Christian or not Christian, and it much more accepting than FAF.

    xValkyx posted: »

    Could you? only if it's no trouble because i want to read it ohh a white dragon! is the site furaffinity by any chance? i just realized i ask you a lot of questions xD

  • edited May 2014

    i can give you my email? serenaforbes@hotmail.co.uk

    Ah i see D: the artwork there seems pretty good though (better than on deviantart anyway) and there is actually filters

    it must be quite difficult to find good sites for discussing it though, since most (well the ones i've seen) are pretty much covered in the porn images of it and are filled with the kind of people that give the fandom a bad reputation -_-;

    I just noticed Azlyn is on it as well :O i didn't know she was part of the fandom as well, i'm learning so much xD

    How would I send it to you without posting it on here? I go to FAF, but I think its the dunghole of the furry fandom. I only go there fo

  • edited May 2014

    I'll send ye an email after I am done with the first chapter. So far, only the prologue is complete. Plus, it would be good to get an opinion from a source that knows next to nothing about the story. All my proofreaders know a detailed summary of the story, so someone who knows nothing about it can act as a normal reader.

    Anyway, the forums are way to political, and some of the people there make comments completely off topic. One time, for example, I was scanning through a thread made about children. Well, I get to a comment that makes a stab at pro-lifers. I am pro-life. I wanted to defend against him, but then I would be banned for derailing, I bet. The place has no order, and some of the mods act like 11 year olds. Anyway, the less said about that place, the better. I am not saying that the porn takes skill to create, but it's like a well presented meal that tastes like dung, or a good tasting meal that looks like dung, pick your poison.

    xValkyx posted: »

    i can give you my email? serenaforbes@hotmail.co.uk Ah i see the artwork there seems pretty good though (better than on deviantart anywa

  • Okay dokey~ i'll be sure to give you my opinion on it :)

    It sounds rather chaotic ^^;
    okay, i shan't ask anymore about it.

    oh btw, did you know a teaser image and 3 screenshots have been released for ep3?

    I'll send ye an email after I am done with the first chapter. So far, only the prologue is complete. Plus, it would be good to get an opin

  • Yes, but I can't view them. I am currently in my school, so the images are blocked and only show Alt Text. I have to wait until I get home... :'^(

    xValkyx posted: »

    Okay dokey~ i'll be sure to give you my opinion on it It sounds rather chaotic ^^; okay, i shan't ask anymore about it. oh btw, did you know a teaser image and 3 screenshots have been released for ep3?

  • Aww damn D:
    i could explain them to you if you want..? XD

    Teaser Picture: Clem and Sarah with Walkers surrounding them, Clem's new weapon appears to be an axe this episode so goodbye Mr Hammer :'( R.I.P she also is sporting a blue jacket with a rainbow stripe x3

    screenshot 1: Clem being a badass and smashing a walker in the head with an axe whilst an army of them are behind her.

    screenshot 2: The group being lead into the base (has a fitting 'prison' feel to it) and Kenny doesn't seem to be there.

    screenshot 3: Carver holding a bloody walkie talkie which he is using to smash someones skull in (we don't know who it is)

    Yes, but I can't view them. I am currently in my school, so the images are blocked and only show Alt Text. I have to wait until I get home... :'^(

  • GAH! It's like a sex tease!

    Me want!

    xValkyx posted: »

    Aww damn i could explain them to you if you want..? XD Teaser Picture: Clem and Sarah with Walkers surrounding them, Clem's new weapon

  • lmao xD

    also in the 1st screenshot Clem has blood marks on her face which resemble the ones she has in the main menu for the 4th Episode. The blood still looks applied though, because if it was natural then the blood wouldn't have made perfect marks like that. So i'm guessing they may finally be using the trick Lee and Clem did in Ep5 of S1??

    the dude (or chick) that appears to be getting their brain splattered into bloody chunks by the Carvmeister looks a bit like that dude in Ep2 that was Carver's henchmen that Kenny killed. It's hard to tell though who it is though...they are definitely wearing a blue hood/hat though but i can't tell if the 'hair' is actual hair or if it's just a furry hood : S

    GAH! It's like a sex tease! Me want!

  • Oh God, please stop! You're making me erect!

    xValkyx posted: »

    lmao xD also in the 1st screenshot Clem has blood marks on her face which resemble the ones she has in the main menu for the 4th Episode.

  • That must be awkward if you're in school ;P

    Oh God, please stop! You're making me erect!

  • Because i'm a bit of a sadist :3

    Why do you have to be such a harsh mistress?

  • Why do you have to be such a harsh mistress?

    xValkyx posted: »

    That must be awkward if you're in school ;P

  • Because i'm a bit of a sadist :3

    Why do you have to be such a harsh mistress?

  • Are you going to punish me for my weakness? ;^)

    xValkyx posted: »

    Because i'm a bit of a sadist

  • meh, well i could hit you over the head with a mallet if you want xD

    Are you going to punish me for my weakness? ;^)

  • I think this pup deserves a spanking.

    xValkyx posted: »

    meh, well i could hit you over the head with a mallet if you want xD

  • edited May 2014

    Sorry but i don't hit cute furry animals :P

    i could pet you though?

    I think this pup deserves a spanking.

  • edited May 2014

    wags tail

    Oh yes, please pet me. Stroke my fur.

    xValkyx posted: »

    Sorry but i don't hit cute furry animals :P i could pet you though?

  • edited May 2014

    -pat- -pat- =w=

    so...much...fluffiness <3

    wags tail Oh yes, please pet me. Stroke my fur.

  • I provide you with ALL teh fluffs!

    Alt text

    xValkyx posted: »

    -pat- -pat- =w= so...much...fluffiness

  • Excuse me, but...

    Alt text

    xValkyx posted: »

    -pat- -pat- =w= so...much...fluffiness

  • KYA! this is so fuckin kawaii! ~_~

    Alt text

    I provide you with ALL teh fluffs!

  • I have an obsession with Fluffy stuff...

    go ahead, nothing to see here -hands you bag of skittles and pushes you out the room-

    Rafoli posted: »

    Excuse me, but...

  • Alright, it's better for me to watch this weird conversations from the distance.


    xValkyx posted: »

    I have an obsession with Fluffy stuff... go ahead, nothing to see here -hands you bag of skittles and pushes you out the room-

  • cuddles up to you

    Pet me more!

    xValkyx posted: »

    I have an obsession with Fluffy stuff... go ahead, nothing to see here -hands you bag of skittles and pushes you out the room-

  • Were you actually reading this whole conversation? xD

    wow i'm sorry for the mental scarring you had to endure... -throws you a drink from distance- there ya go :D

    Rafoli posted: »

    Alright, it's better for me to watch this weird conversations from the distance. O)_(O

    • scratches behind your ear-

    i think you may genuinely be the death of me at this point.

    cuddles up to you Pet me more!

  • edited May 2014

    No, no problem, I'm used to it. I talk a lot with Azlyn about crazy and random stuff.

    xValkyx posted: »

    Were you actually reading this whole conversation? xD wow i'm sorry for the mental scarring you had to endure... -throws you a drink from distance- there ya go

  • OOooooooo... that feels nice!

    xValkyx posted: »

    * scratches behind your ear- i think you may genuinely be the death of me at this point.

  • Ah good, because i'm quite a random person and i've been more active on the forums lately :3

    Rafoli posted: »

    No, no problem, I'm used to it. I talk a lot with Azlyn about crazy and random stuff.

  • you're adorable!

    would you like a treat? i have marshmallows x3

    OOooooooo... that feels nice!

  • I want your marshmellow sandwich cakes!

    xValkyx posted: »

    you're adorable! would you like a treat? i have marshmallows x3

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