
  • Lmao, I was actually going to put

    Valky- "Everyone taste the rainbow motherfuckers!!"

    Oh not a problem, I'll be prepared for it :p if people question it I'll have you back. B]
    xValkyx posted: »

    Yeah same here :3 Just wait...i'll be in the shadows...waiting O_O Ep3 will come out and whilst you are all having your little hap

  • It is hard, which is why I seek after more internet relationships rather than physical relationships. It creates a relationship that is based on being around and chatting with one another rather than under the constant pressure of taking physical intimacy. That way, it's easier for me to see a relationship as being something to satisfy social pleasure, not just physical pleasure, even though I still suffer through school during late spring and summer. Those flip flops show NO mercy.

    Ahh, OK. Heh, well I guess I can see how some would find them attractive, I always liked when girls had smooth legs but I never realized tha

  • Lol just be like "Yeah...it's Valky" *self explanatory*

    Lmao, I was actually going to put Valky- "Everyone taste the rainbow motherfuckers!!" Oh not a problem, I'll be prepared for it :p if people question it I'll have you back. B]

  • edited May 2014
    @SaltLick305 Hey :3 do you understand why i go on this thread now? :P

    Edit://fuck, i forgot links don't work
  • Haha, alright. I guess that would work. B]

    Well, Valky. Glad to meet some more good people around here. Let's catch up some other time. :p
    xValkyx posted: »

    Lol just be like "Yeah...it's Valky" *self explanatory*

  • Nooooooooooo our love chat :(
    xValkyx posted: »

    Oh of course, my apologies *gives you some bread* :3

  • Nooooooooooo our love chat :(
    xValkyx posted: »

    Oh of course, my apologies *gives you some bread* :3

  • I tried, but my phone sucks. I made a steam group for us, though.

    You naughty Goose you ;) Lol, you missed all the fun yesterday in the instagram thread :p you should have joined us.

  • Sure, I hope we do :D i mean, it would suck if this is the last time we talk :P

    "hey talk to you later" *2 years pass* xD

    Haha, alright. I guess that would work. B] Well, Valky. Glad to meet some more good people around here. Let's catch up some other time. :p

  • To be honest i think it was for the best :P

    our joking around peeved off a lot of people i think xD but since your here eat some skittles and chill out! :3 *hands skittles*
    SaltLick305 posted: »

    Nooooooooooo our love chat :(

  • Heh, wow that reminds me of this show I watched before on MTV, called True Life. They did an episode titled "I have a Fetish". It showed this one guy that had a foot fetish and it was hard for him to get into relationships, but some women didn't mind. I don't know if you've seen it or heard of it.

    It is hard, which is why I seek after more internet relationships rather than physical relationships. It creates a relationship that is bas

  • Haha, well I'm usually in the meme and fun thread but since pics and thaaaaangs are disabled at the moment, I'm just going around chatting with people. So when we get the tools back come visit the meme and fun thread, I usually post everyday over there. :p

    Lol, nah don't worry, I'll probably come to this thread as well and we could chat again. :)
    xValkyx posted: »

    Sure, I hope we do :D i mean, it would suck if this is the last time we talk :P "hey talk to you later" *2 years pass* xD

  • Ah, damn that sucks, bro :( Lol, alright, if I'm in the mood to joke around again and everyone is up for it, then I'll make sure to check it out.
    Giraffehat posted: »

    I tried, but my phone sucks. I made a steam group for us, though.

  • I'll come and visit there occasionally then :3

    i think i used to read stuff on that thread all the time till it got lost somewhere in the forums xD

    Haha, well I'm usually in the meme and fun thread but since pics and thaaaaangs are disabled at the moment, I'm just going around chatting w

  • Nah it was just at the wrong place. Its their job to delete it if that happens.

    That's the reason we have this thread to flirt with each other XD. Love you Skittle Girl !
    xValkyx posted: »

    To be honest i think it was for the best :P our joking around peeved off a lot of people i think xD but since your here eat some skittles and chill out! :3 *hands skittles*

  • "Skittle girl" xD i sound like a rejected fable lol love ya Saltlick guy(?) xD

    so what are you up too? :D other than being on here of course~
    SaltLick305 posted: »

    Nah it was just at the wrong place. Its their job to delete it if that happens. That's the reason we have this thread to flirt with each other XD. Love you Skittle Girl !

  • Ah, yes. It got lost in the bottom of the pits. Here, I'll help you out. I'll post something in the meme and fun thread and then you can check it on my profile. From there as long as you have something liked in the thread, the thread will be in your followed discussions so you won't lose it again, haha.
    xValkyx posted: »

    I'll come and visit there occasionally then :3 i think i used to read stuff on that thread all the time till it got lost somewhere in the forums xD

  • Thank you! :D i'll also bookmark it to be extra sure XD

    Ah, yes. It got lost in the bottom of the pits. Here, I'll help you out. I'll post something in the meme and fun thread and then you can che

  • Oh nothing babe, All my time is dedicated to you.

    Hehe, I'm just enjoying my week off. I moved so I finally got a break from job. I'm resting until I get a new one here.
    xValkyx posted: »

    "Skittle girl" xD i sound like a rejected fable lol love ya Saltlick guy(?) xD so what are you up too? :D other than being on here of course~

  • Meh, I wouldn't say it's HARD for me, I just never tried it. I don't see high school relationships doing anything but creating sexual tension for me and they usually never last. Plus, I'm not exactly good looking... I mean, I don't think I'm ugly by any means, but not exactly the first guy a woman would feast her eyes on.

    I also think that most women wouldn't mind. I mean, she has a guy who actually gets TURNED ON by giving her a foot massage. They'd probably think it's still weird, but most are open minded about those kinds of things.

    Heh, wow that reminds me of this show I watched before on MTV, called True Life. They did an episode titled "I have a Fetish". It showed thi

  • edited May 2014
    Oh you are such a Casanova xD

    Oh nice :D i think i remember you mentioning you were moving (it appears i spoke to you before after all)
    what was your job?
    SaltLick305 posted: »

    Oh nothing babe, All my time is dedicated to you. Hehe, I'm just enjoying my week off. I moved so I finally got a break from job. I'm resting until I get a new one here.

  • Nah We've never talked but you probably heard me mention it. I worked at a restaurant in South Beach. It was a cool Job, but I moved like two hours away from there.

    Oh I ain't stopping. I gotta make sure your love for me keeps growing. We still have to go to Japan and all those places.
    xValkyx posted: »

    Oh you are such a Casanova xD Oh nice :D i think i remember you mentioning you were moving (it appears i spoke to you before after all) what was your job?

  • Oh i see :o

    Lol but of course xD
    so long as you buy me Chow Mein every day and we get to watch Anime then i'm a happy bunny :3
    SaltLick305 posted: »

    Nah We've never talked but you probably heard me mention it. I worked at a restaurant in South Beach. It was a cool Job, but I moved like tw

  • Don't beat yourself up, man. Not everyone in this world is going to like you but there will always be those who do, you just never know. Heh, I'm sure most women wouldn't mind it at all either and in the heat of the moment they probably wouldn't care.

    Meh, I wouldn't say it's HARD for me, I just never tried it. I don't see high school relationships doing anything but creating sexual tensi

  • SaltLick305SaltLick305 Banned
    edited May 2014
    Oh Hon we'll do all of that. We'll watch anime, eat sushi, and adopt a Japanese kid.

    You just keep loving me and giving me skittles and I'll be a happy Saltlick :3
    xValkyx posted: »

    Oh i see :o Lol but of course xD so long as you buy me Chow Mein every day and we get to watch Anime then i'm a happy bunny :3

  • edited May 2014
    "and adopt a japanese kid" i fucking died XD
    if we adopt a girl can we name her Clementine?

    okay dokey :D
    SaltLick305 posted: »

    Oh Hon we'll do all of that. We'll watch anime, eat sushi, and adopt a Japanese kid. You just keep loving me and giving me skittles and I'll be a happy Saltlick :3

  • Best Idea Ever !!

    I mean, Clementine is kinda Asian after all, They say.

    Besides, it makes you happy so that's an order for me.
    xValkyx posted: »

    "and adopt a japanese kid" i fucking died XD if we adopt a girl can we name her Clementine? okay dokey :D

  • edited May 2014
    Plus i like the meaning "Merciful" :3
    Clementine looks a mix of different races xD ...that actually take quite a bit of talent to make.

    Yayyyy! *hugs*

    i was going to say if we adopt a boy we could name it 'Carl' but i couldn't say that with a straight face :P
    still...i could then be like "Carl go inside" or go around everyone being like "Has anyone seen Carl??"
    SaltLick305 posted: »

    Best Idea Ever !! I mean, Clementine is kinda Asian after all, They say. Besides, it makes you happy so that's an order for me.

  • The school is so small almost all the girls have a date, so the chances of me finding someone in high school is null. I don't really need to be in a relationship like that either. I suppose I can wait until college to find a few serious relationships.

    Don't beat yourself up, man. Not everyone in this world is going to like you but there will always be those who do, you just never know. Heh

  • NOOOOOOOOOO not Carl please, lol.

    That kid would be a pain in the ass for us. We need one that behaves, You know we also need time for each other.
    xValkyx posted: »

    Plus i like the meaning "Merciful" :3 Clementine looks a mix of different races xD ...that actually take quite a bit of talent to make.

  • I was only messing with it :P

    Of course! and ClemmyClem is the perfect child :3
    we will be the most badass family in the apocalypse.
    SaltLick305 posted: »

    NOOOOOOOOOO not Carl please, lol. That kid would be a pain in the ass for us. We need one that behaves, You know we also need time for each other.

  • Oh I'll protect my two queens no matter what.

    I'd sacrifice myself to a horde of walkers. True love, my dear.
    xValkyx posted: »

    I was only messing with it :P Of course! and ClemmyClem is the perfect child :3 we will be the most badass family in the apocalypse.

  • Well as honorable as that is, i would hope it wouldn't have to come to that as i don't know how the hell i'm meant to look after a kid in an apocalypse myself xD
    SaltLick305 posted: »

    Oh I'll protect my two queens no matter what. I'd sacrifice myself to a horde of walkers. True love, my dear.

  • Yeah, man that's true. Live it up while you can in the meantime B]

    The school is so small almost all the girls have a date, so the chances of me finding someone in high school is null. I don't really need t

  • You ruined this romantic moment XD.

    I'm sure by the time That happens you'll be pretty good at surviving. Clem will be a badass too, No meed to protect her lol.
    xValkyx posted: »

    Well as honorable as that is, i would hope it wouldn't have to come to that as i don't know how the hell i'm meant to look after a kid in an apocalypse myself xD

  • edited May 2014
    That was my intention ;P muwahahahahahah

    I wish i could find a scythe. I would LOVE to fight a ton of zombies with that thing :D you know, instead of a knife or hammer :P oh well...if push comes to shove then i could always do a ''Scooby Doo'' and dress up as one of them to confuse them and run away xD

    I also just realized...if an apocalypse was to really happen the Asians would be one step ahead of us D:
    they already grow most of their food and they have better weapons. Japan it is then xD
    SaltLick305 posted: »

    You ruined this romantic moment XD. I'm sure by the time That happens you'll be pretty good at surviving. Clem will be a badass too, No meed to protect her lol.

  • I came up with the Japan idea.

    We all know who's the smart one here lol. If a Zombie apocalypse were to happen I'll carry a bag of SaltLicks everywhere. Best weapon eeeveeerr !
    xValkyx posted: »

    That was my intention ;P muwahahahahahah I wish i could find a scythe. I would LOVE to fight a ton of zombies with that thing :D you k

  • edited May 2014
    May as well share an awkward foot fetish story with you guys:

    So I was at my grandma's house for Easter one weekend, and my mom, aunt, and grandma were all talking. All of a sudden, my mom puts one of her feet on my leg.


    My assumption was that she forgot I had foot fetish, but I didn't want to say anything in front of my aunt and grandma. So, I just sat in that chair awkwardly as my mom placed her foot on my leg. It was pure torture. She kept her foot on my leg the entire conversation, and that entire time I think I had the weirdest boner... like, I know it was my mom, but feet is feet, you know? Again, though, this was my MOM...

    She finally took her foot off of my lap, but it was so awkward...

    Yeah, man that's true. Live it up while you can in the meantime B]

  • edited May 2014
    Well all right Mr Smartypants :P

    Yeahh...you may want to be careful in case that bag of saltlicks you're carrying get's used against you xD
    i think i speak for everyone when i say you're most prone to be on the receiving end of this plan.

    also i just got told to GTFO the laptop since it's like 2:00am :/
    talk to you tomorrow? :3 *hugs and vanishes, leaving a trail of skittles*
    SaltLick305 posted: »

    I came up with the Japan idea. We all know who's the smart one here lol. If a Zombie apocalypse were to happen I'll carry a bag of SaltLicks everywhere. Best weapon eeeveeerr !

  • Hugs for you Hon :) Yeah, we'll talk tomorrow.

    Dream about Japan and our kid !
    xValkyx posted: »

    Well all right Mr Smartypants :P Yeahh...you may want to be careful in case that bag of saltlicks you're carrying get's used against yo

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