TWD Funny Glitches

I've been discovering lots of glitches in Season 1, mostly from walkthroughs, and they're really funny, especially the reactions. I wanna share them... have you guys experienced any other glitches?
If you have any footage of other glitches feel free to post them here!
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Wow thanks for posting this! Really funny
. I don't have any glitches though
. I love the third one the most.
I only ran into that first one. The other two are hilarious though.
Yeah, the way the characters move is just hilarious xD
I've never experienced any of them, but apparently I heard the many people experienced the first one.
This made my day thanks!
This made my day thanks!
a while back i was replaying episode 2 and Luke didnt have an eye. o.0 lol it was scary.
Haha np:)
That sounds you have any footage of it or anything? Lol
These videos are amazing! Especially the last two. I couldn't stop laughing, thank you!
Lol, np
no sorry wish i did, but im not lying to you though
it was the itywd part of the game when it happened.
Haha, I can just imagine
I experienced the same glitch as the first video, but I could see the forest a lot clearer. And, another glitch I witnessed was when I was watching my brother playing. He pushed Omid off the bridge, but instead of Omid falling he started walking in the sky above the walkers.
Hahaha! Omid falling down and limping sideways xD
My new favorite thread
Yeah...the way the characters move is the funniest part xD
I was actually pretty lucky, glitch-wise.
The only glitch I ever encountered in TWD was in episode 2 of season 1 (my second run) when you're handing out food. After a conversation with Kenny, when the screen zooms out, he was friggin' levitating. It looks amazing to say the least. Then Lee sunk a bit to the ground once I started to try to talk to Kenny again about his new found powers.
Other than that, nothing. My first playthrough through all the series was as flawless as it could be.
The first one is, like, the bestest thing ever.
The guys reaction is hilarious lol
Random dude with no name from the video- " WHAT THE FUCK"
Lol...this game has some weird glitches....
Yeah, the way he says it is funny
His name is Dekap by the way
Cool. Imma check him out.
Yeah, I barely had any glitches either. No funny glitches anyway.
Watch out, he's a gangsta!
The only funny glitch I encountered while playing was in S1E3. As soon as I went near Chuck to talk to him before getting on the train, his guitar started floating around him for no apparent reason. Even after starting the conversation, it just kept doing that, lol. It was hilarious, but it kinda ruined the whole dialogue to me because I wasn't really paying attention to his words during that little show XD
LOL, that sounds funny
When pewdiepie played, there was one glitch where he saved Carley, but Doug magically came back to life back at the motor inn.
And when Duck was bitten, and Katjaa was holding him, Duck wasn't there and Katjaa was holding air.
Lol yeah, I saw his playthrough, and those were pretty funny. I'm not going to put them all on this thread though because they last like 5 seconds (not the Doug one though, but you know what I mean)
"Christa: I'm out!"
"Kenny: how many bullets do you have?"
that made me laugh so hard xD
Lol yeah, that's because the 2 scenes got merged together haha
^^^ hoping that works. Experienced this in my first playthrough. Skip to 7:37.
This one is pretty funny too because everyone is a chipmunk or the Joker. Starts at 0:24.
Nice rifle ya got there, Lilly.
This wouldn't happen to most people, because the game had to be modded for it to happen, but it's still a glitch because all I did was swap everybody's model with Vince and I certainly wasn't expecting it to turn out the way it did:
I got the invisable duck glicth once but thats it
I never experienced a glitch in my play through, but a lot of unbearable lag during and after 'Starving for help' on my Vita. Led to a lot of deaths on that damn dairy farm.