Is the game just getting worse? YES!
First season passed as good because it was something new for many out there, but season two makes me feel like game developers aren't even trying anymore. Feels more like watching a cartoon than playing a game!
Let players decisions REALLY influence the game even more!
One of many examples. In the end of episode 2 in chapter 12 someone decided that Everyone Have to get Captured, I say F*K THAT!
Sure, player is given choice to surrender so Carver doesn't shoot and kill the doctor OR escape with Clem and find Kenny with a rifle. But both choices eventually led to the very SAME OUTCOME! Its not really a choice then is it!? Game developers are getting lazy instead of stepping up from season one! Have to say I regret paying for the full second season. Don't go now and argue that there are decisions that player does to influence the story because there are just not enough acting opportunities and choices. Let me influence more than just a conversation, I want more choices, more possible outcomes.
Have to add that voice and music editing is good but this other guys are messing up the game.
Yeah, so does almost everything in season 1. Season 2 has more branched choices in case you haven't noticed
I think that the game keeps the same quality as it did in season 1. The he only problem of being Clementine is that you can't go like a terminator like Lee did in s1 e5 cause she is a (11 year old girl i think) so she can't do the same things that Lee did. That's something that you just have to deal with.
The Walking Dead Season Two is not the same game as Season One. It's a sequel. thus, a different game. Your argument is now irrelevant.
Plus Season One's been doing the illusion of choice for a long time. Have you never paid attention to what you were playing?
Hahahahaa! Guys, easy now.. How can you improve anything without a little critical thinking? I just want the game to get even better. Take a chill pill.
P.s. Oh and I'll go you're right, for a second I almost got thinking like I had no life outside of the keyboard, oh yea but that's your lives, little angry people.. so funny when you get upset haha :P
Don't pay attention to the morons. You're not a troll. If you think the game is getting worse, that's fine because you're entitled to your opinion. I think Season 2 is better than the 1st one but I can see the quality declining now that the worst character in the history of video games has returned. And yes, I'm talking about Kenny.
Ha, was just about to say; "Oh hay Shaundi." myself.
Yes, these kinds of people have nothing on me.
Why the deslikes again ? Is his opinion. If he thinks the game is worst, then let him think.
Derailing time? XD
Hm? Derailing? I think I'm going to back off now before my browser breaks down...
I see, fellow trolls defending their kind.
Oh, okay, sorry then.
haha, okay
We need moar allies!
are you doing like weird gifs or something??!??
hell ya.