'Gave what you Got'



  • you annoying ass confirmed in this community

    Cluke4Life posted: »

    Cleddie confirmed for Episode 4.

  • Who knows? Maybe the past two years could have sharpened his fighting skills. Then again, maybe not.

    true you do have a point. maybe Kenny will lose.

  • yeah I was thinking that. And if Kenny did lose and dies because if it would be doing what he has to do till the end, I am quoting lee here.

    ATLAS1192 posted: »

    Who knows? Maybe the past two years could have sharpened his fighting skills. Then again, maybe not.

  • edited April 2014

    Or Carver is going to beat the shit out of Alvin.

    I bet getting beaten down has to do with Becca.

  • Ughh... "Witnessed a murder". Fuck...

  • i believe Sarah might Die On this Episode

    (Like Duck)

  • edited April 2014

    I'm actually very worried about who it's going to be... :S

    Ughh... "Witnessed a murder". Fuck...

  • It should be Alvin, judging by how much Carver hates his guts, but he's determinant (maybe you only "witness a murder" if you saved him, I mean, didn't kill him). Just... not Nick or Kenny ok, Telltale?

    I'm actually very worried about who it's going to be... :S

  • I didn't know they were so fucking full of spoilers!

    I wish I had your willpower. I was trying to say no but I gave in and looked.

  • She probably killed someone, I don't think it will be Carver though. I think Carver will live on to at least Episode 4, but I think there will be a rape attempt, possibly from Troy. There we see in the Episode 4 slide, she has blood on her hands. That's usually a term when someone is responsible for someone else's death "Blood on your hands". Probably just symbolism.

  • It isn't rated on the Australian classification site yet, so I wouldn't bet on it

    As soon as the Episode is updated here


    The Episode can come out at any point from then on

    ItsGabee posted: »

    Episode 2 came out March 4 soooo.... it's a 4 - 5 day wait i guess.... ???

  • Maybe Troy is Gordon Freeman, just think about it, they are both silent characters.


  • I bet we'll have a three way choice like The Wolf Among Us and we have to sneak into Carver's quarters or something. We get to chose between Alvin, Kenny or Nick. It doesn't matter who we chose because either way, the person we chose is killed by Carver but he lets Clementine live to give the others a warning. That'd be pretty damn Telltale-ish because we'd kill that character because we chose him.

    That stands for the "Witness a Murder". After this "Got Beaten Up", maybe Carver tells Becca to fight with Clem to punish her.

  • May be nothing, but it occurred to me that we've heard the Line "Gave what you got" before, kind of.

    Michelle: "Don't lie to me. I'll pop you! Give me what you got!"


  • Well, I hope we'll have the option to beat the shit out of them if that does happen. #Don'tMessWithClementine

    Rigtail posted: »

    She probably killed someone, I don't think it will be Carver though. I think Carver will live on to at least Episode 4, but I think there wi

  • Nice connection of evidence ;)

    Gunab posted: »

    May be nothing, but it occurred to me that we've heard the Line "Gave what you got" before, kind of. Michelle: "Don't lie to me. I'll pop you! Give me what you got!" Maybe...

  • Trolling dipshit confirmed for foreseeable future.

    Cluke4Life posted: »

    Cleddie confirmed for Episode 4.

  • edited April 2014

    I'm not sure if it's been mentioned yet but I've been thinking, it says 'Gave what you got' correct? Well, wouldn't that mean giving back what was given to you? The achievement it's under is 'Rehabilitated' that means restored to a condition of full health or good condition. This could connect to the 'Got beaten down.' in the 'Not in Nottingham' achievement where maybe you get pay back for what was done.

    So I don't know, maybe Clem killed somebody out of revenge and that's why there's blood on her face, because it was on her hands from having beaten somebody to death with a crowbar o_o

  • That's basically exactly what this thread is about. :S

    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    I'm not sure if it's been mentioned yet but I've been thinking, it says 'Gave what you got' correct? Well, wouldn't that mean giving back wh

  • ....

    oh o.o

    "So...she got beaten, and eventually gives what she got...leading to..."

    I'm so so sorry, I missed this line between the pictures XD you have my full permission to kick me out a window.

    That's basically exactly what this thread is about. :S

  • Haha, don't worry about it. ;)

    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    .... oh o.o "So...she got beaten, and eventually gives what she got...leading to..." I'm so so sorry, I missed this line between the pictures XD you have my full permission to kick me out a window.

  • Fuck off shaundi.

    Cluke4Life posted: »

    Cleddie confirmed for Episode 4.

  • More than likely @gd3232
    Maybe if Becca steps out of line or tries to run away with Carlos @CannibalCarl

    gd3232 posted: »

    Or Carver is going to beat the shit out of Alvin.

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