What is YOUR most LOL moment in Sam&Max S1 or S2?



  • edited February 2009
    In episode 202 when you put in the twenty in the jukebox and for a few seconds nothing was playing, and i was laughing alot
  • edited February 2009
    Try clicking on the nutcracker George Washington in the White House in 104 before and after Max is elected and in 204. The results are funny.
  • edited February 2009
    I also laughed at the line in Night of the Raving Dead when you
    switch your souls with each other and end up in each other's body.

    Sam: *feels around Max's body* ...Oh, there's where you keep your gun!
  • edited February 2009
    "GEEZ CALM DOWN LADY!" from ep 202 :D
    And when they were at Bosco's, and Max told something about a phenomenon that still continues to baffle the scientists..
    Bosco: "What's that?"
    *Max farts with a content smile on his face*
    Oh gosh I keep cracking up on that one, everytime. XD

    201 was also hilarious.. I loved that Megatron robot with his philosophical way of thinking.
    And of course, "Did someone say.. BIRTHDAY?" Totally random!

    ..I think I had something else on my mind too, but can't think of what it was right now. :)
  • edited February 2009
    Any moment a character breaks into song makes everything worthwhile for me ;)
  • edited February 2009
    Still my favorite moment: Season 1, Episode 4. Max: "Akward!"
  • edited February 2009
    Trica wrote: »
    201 was also hilarious.. I loved that Megatron robot with his philosophical way of thinking.

    Wow, Megatron? Like, Transformers Megatron? Damn, looks like I'm going to need to play that game over again.

    If you meant the Maimtron...then yeah, I liked that part too.
  • edited February 2009
    Wow, Megatron? Like, Transformers Megatron? Damn, looks like I'm going to need to play that game over again.

    If you meant the Maimtron...then yeah, I liked that part too.

    Gah! yeah, I meant Maimtron. XD I have no idea how I ended up writing Megatron.. my mind plays tricks on me sometimes. :D
  • edited February 2009
    I know one part I really liked, but not because it was funny, just because it was so unexpected. My mouth was just OPEN when Sam let Max answer the phone in 205. That was not something I had been prepared for.

    Also, if you click on the "Hell Efficiency Level" after you wreck the place, Sam giggles like a little girl and says, "We broke Hell!"
  • edited February 2009
    Maxilyah wrote: »
    I know one part I really liked, but not because it was funny, just because it was so unexpected. My mouth was just OPEN when Sam let Max answer the phone in 205. That was not something I had been prepared for.

    Also, if you click on the "Hell Efficiency Level" after you wreck the place, Sam giggles like a little girl and says, "We broke Hell!"

    I had missed this one on the first playthrough, but found it the second time and it had me laughing pretty hard, actually.
  • edited February 2009
    Maxilyah wrote: »
    I know one part I really liked, but not because it was funny, just because it was so unexpected. My mouth was just OPEN when Sam let Max answer the phone in 205. That was not something I had been prepared for.

    Also, if you click on the "Hell Efficiency Level" after you wreck the place, Sam giggles like a little girl and says, "We broke Hell!"
    I was spoiled for the phone thing, and when I first played the game, it wouldn't run properly with the sound effects on so I didn't even hear it ring, but Sam acting like a five-year-old makes me laugh every time. I love the bit where Sam goes to Hell so much that I have a saved game right before it so I can play it whenever I want, and I always click on Hell's efficiency metre before I go outside.

    This is why we can't have nice afterlives.
  • edited February 2009
    I laughed at the conversation Max had on the phone. "I won the Nobel Peace Prize?!"
  • edited February 2009
    Haha, I've heard of this! XD so it's episode 205? Can't wait to play that. :3 (Hurry up Atari, hurry up! I want my game! D8 )

    Just another (in my opinion) pretty funny part in ep 202 (..demo. XD ) Tha part where Sam had got a punching bag in the office so that Max would stop beating him.
    Max: "But that's how I show affection!" *happyface*

    Seriously, that was.. adorable. 8D But I definitely wouldn't want to wake up to someone punching me around 6 in the morning, either. Poor Sam. XD
  • edited February 2009
    "I could never stop loving you, Sam." XD
    Sorry, I just had to put that.

    Also, after Death leaves, try using the Mr. Reaperphone.
    Sam: I wonder if this works for everyone...
  • edited February 2009
    Which episode is this in?
  • edited February 2009
    The reaperphone line? It's from 205.

    The whole punching bag line from 202 is

    Sam: I'd hoped that after getting a punching bag for the office, Max would stop hitting me all the time.
    Max: But that's how I show affection!
    Sam: Well could you stop loving me so much before 6 am?
    Max: No way, Sam! I could never stop loving you!

    Which is hilarious. But Sam also shows affection by hitting. Or manly awkwardness towards the concept of affection, I'm not sure. There's this part from the comics.
    Max: Where to now, Sam?!
    Sam: Thought we'd (do everything Sam wouldn't let Max do earlier in the story)
    Max: You're my best friend, Sam.
    Sam: Aw, you're gonna make me cry or slap your face or something, little pal.

    I think Sam's more sane in the Telltale games than he is in the comics.
  • edited February 2009
    Shwoo wrote: »
    I think Sam's more sane in the Telltale games than he is in the comics.

    That's probably true, with 204 being the exception when they go to the future. Sam does seem more self-concious in the games as well, as he is always talking about dieting and watching his weight. Perhaps Max teasing him all the time had something to do with it.
  • edited February 2009
    In the games he kind of acts like he's trying to be normal and not quite succeeding. His social skills seem a lot better, but that could just be because he holds longer conversations than usual.

    Yes, I'm analysing a fictional character's social skills. I am aware of that, thank you.
  • edited February 2009
    Shwoo wrote: »
    In the games he kind of acts like he's trying to be normal and not quite succeeding. His social skills seem a lot better, but that could just be because he holds longer conversations than usual.

    Yes, I'm analysing a fictional character's social skills. I am aware of that, thank you.

    It's ok. I talk to fictional character's that i find social enough.
  • edited February 2009
    MussKatt wrote: »
    It's ok. I talk to fictional character's that i find social enough.

    That makes three of us. :P
  • edited February 2009
    Maxilyah wrote: »
    That makes three of us. :P

    4 of us.
  • edited February 2009
    4 of us.

    5 of us.
  • edited February 2009
    6 of you us.
  • edited February 2009
    I especially liked the end of 205.
    Max: Don't do anything I wouldn't do! *To Sam* Are you sure we can trust them with our car?
    Sam: It's posessed by demons, Max. Can we trust the car... with them?
  • edited April 2009
    In hell :
    talking to brady:
    Max: So not only the Poppers beated you in the ratings, they beated you to death
    Sam: Well that's so silly you just gotta laugh
    Brady: (no reaction)
    Sam: (menacing) I said "Laugh"!
    Brady: Muhuhahahahahaha!
  • edited April 2009
    Investigating the computer in hell and Sam says "I don't know how to work it. Computers in hell all run linux."

    Same episode:
    Asking hugh bliss to forgive you for killing him and he replies "it happens"

    Getting smacked by the fist after getting the tear gas grenade launcher
  • edited April 2009
    103 "Verbally Overwrought?"
    104 "Get the Keys"
    201 "Hold still while I give you your presents"
  • edited April 2009
    The Mariachi song in S2 EP4
  • edited May 2009
    I like'd it in 204, where you put the AI on suggestive and put it in Buster Blaster. I don't remember the line though.
  • edited May 2009
    This is what happens when you do that:

    Bluster Blaster: That shot left my defenses... wide open.
    Little Max: This game is really digging me, Sam. I may never stop playing!
    Bluster Blaster: Begin docking procedure.
    Little Sam: Ew, gag me. I'll change it back.

    Which is hilarious. I love messing with the younger Sam and Max.
  • edited May 2009
    LOL, I missed that one!
    edit: I mean the suggestive AI.
  • edited May 2009
    I have 6 that stick out:

    You jerks made us live out the last year and a half all over again!

    The "Hell's a-Poppin'" intro.

    It's the &@%# Poppers!

    It burns when I pee!

    But it's an even tie between the last 2:

    I sure hope nobody's on the other side of that portal.

    Sam: "Ladies and gentlemen; the President of the United States."

  • edited May 2009
    One of my favorite parts of Season 2 was Max's distraction in 205:

    Max: Oh dear, I seem to be completely naked!
    Hugh Bliss: Oh, my! Oh no!
    Max: I hope I don't have to BEND OVER PROVOCATIVELY and--
    Sam: That's enough, Max.
  • edited May 2009
    I was just replaying 106, and this part made me laugh really hard:

    Sam: Hey Lincoln, wanna rub my unicorn?
    Lincoln: ...
    Sam: :D
    Lincoln: ...
    Sam: :D Never mind.

    His enthusiasm can be really funny.

    Also, everything Hugh Bliss says in that episode.
  • edited June 2009
    I hate necro-bumping, but I just remembered something funny. How about the part from 104?
    Max: Did I ever tell you I memorized Pi to 1000 decimal places? It's 3.141592658579--
    Sam: Hey, Max, do you have a piece of paper handy?
    Max: You wanna write down the phone number?
    Sam: I remember the number. I wanna write myself a reminder to smother you with a pillow in your sleep.
  • edited June 2009
    Replying to a topic that was lest posted in less than three weeks ago isn't necro posting, so there's really no problem.
  • edited July 2009
    in "abe lincoln must die" when whizzer wants to know where the toilet is and you send him straight to lincoln's bedroom :D
  • edited July 2009
    In 205 after the credits
    the soda poppers are finished off for ever, that was great.
  • edited July 2009
    Definitely Sam's dance when he would walk onto the dance floor at the rave in Night of the Raving Dead. I don't think I have ever actually laughed out loud at a game until that moment. The animation was hilarious.
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