(IT'S OVER)The Unofficial Clementine Hat Giveaway!
I'm giving away 10 custom made Clementine Hats!
International members can join!
All you need to do to enter is leave a comment, and please try not to spam...* conversations are allowed though*. I will enter your names into a random name selector once the deadline is over (deadline is 4/29/14 6:00pm Central). New Accounts may join but I will investigate to find if you're an active AND friendly member of the community. AND please don't use double accounts
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You quick as lightning!
Ahh yessss omg
Enter me babe.
if i win this i'll wear my hat during some of my periods and put it in my room
gl to everybody
This is really nice of you!
Thanks, I ran track in high school.
Can I join, even if I'm not from USA?
They're so beautiful. T.T
Um, periods?
as in school periods since i can't wear them during passing periods (hallways) since the teachers and principles are assholes lol. some of my teachers are really chill and would let me slide
hopefully if i win i'll get more people in twd since i'd assume others would ask what it meant. i tried buying a hat like this on ebay but it was $30 lmao. anyways gl br0
I have terrible luck but let's do it!
These look brilliant.
I gotta' admit, JonGon. Those hats look of prestige craftsmanship. I can only imagine how long it took you to make em'! Nevertheless, absolutely amazing work!
Those hats look amazing..
International members are free to join
These look absolutely identical to the real thing! Awesome job! Also thank you for doing this
Those are custom made? Wow, that's impressive.
Nice teachers are the best teachers.
You know at first I thought you meant... nevermind.
Good Luck, to you as well!
Pictures make them look better than they are haha!
Holy smokes, you MADE them? O_O (i'm not from America is that still okay? ^^;)
I'm so down.
I want!
they're just rly sexy pixs dont lie
These are custom-made correct?
So, do you like design body or head-wear as a job or is this just a hobby?
Those are some mighty fine hats.
This is really cool of you to do! Consider me entered, I've envied other member's Clem hats for years.
It's just a hobby. If I see something I want to try I go for it, and I did have an airbrush just laying around lol.
Then count me in
too cool, i'm not that active though so I know i'm out
We have to be friendly? Well shit.
A Clementine hat!? _ Oh dude. They look awesome!
You know what I mean >.<. Total dicks/trolls can forget about it!
Thanks Jon for being such a generous user. I love the hats!
Earned Respect from me to you!
Exact replica of Clementine's hat ^_^ 
Oh man! I'd love to get a hat! U made those?! U my friend is talented!!!
Damn! Well, you're certainly determined, that much is certain!
Im super fucking lazy too >.<
I wanted a Clemmy hat since season one. xc
I absolutely love the Clementine hats that you made. c: