Man, I can't wait! So much shit is happening! Possible trailer tomorrow, you and this amazing idea of a thread, me- not doing my homework... again! The hype is real!
I always wanted enter something like this, but with the luck I have, I kinda remember why I stayed away from these stuff.
First time for everything I guess. Count me in.
Awesome, man. Now if you'll excuse me, it would seem that I'm about to pass out.
What a night JonGon, what a fuckin' night...
passes out
(?) CoolStoryBro won't remember this.
... who told you?
You're like me, got some walkers chained up in the basement, right? Get that authentic black/rotted/awful look.
Is it too late to join? Because if not...
One is mine. hahaha XD
Hope so, I'm anxious to see it. And about homework, never do.
oh no baby don't spread the word :'0
I would KILL for those hats.
I hope I get it
Count me in
Jesus are you fuckin kidding me?
Yes you and everyone!
Clementine, please! I'll be your bestfriend!
I love you ^^ Good luck too all
Those eyes seem like she would kill you if you attempt to take it O.O
Awesome hats
I don't have the stones to try a stunt like a that. She'd kill me with those eyes.
Clemmy hats?
Hey! Over here!
Even if I don't win, nice hats
I want one so bad! Surprised Telltale haven't tried to create some merchandise revenue from TWD
I really want this! I am a new user, but no worries I will stan active in the community
Wait, so the 10 people who win will have to give their adress, am I right?
Or a P.O box (etc...), Whatever way is more convenient to you.
Ok. Thanks.
I'll give you 10k for all ten.
I always wanted enter something like this, but with the luck I have, I kinda remember why I stayed away from these stuff.
First time for everything I guess. Count me in.
Damn son... you a straight balla!
So when shall the winners be announced? Should I stick around or just wait til' morning cause I'm about to fall over from sleep-depravity.
This is really cool of you! I'd like to be entered
That's the spirit! lol
Yolo Swaggins Bilbo baggins Give me da Clem Hat
Tomorrow around 6:00 PM Central time I will stop accepting entries and submit the names into the Random Name Selector.
Awesome, man. Now if you'll excuse me, it would seem that I'm about to pass out.
What a night JonGon, what a fuckin' night...
passes out
(?) CoolStoryBro won't remember this.
LOL! shit made my night. Good night Gre... err I mean CoolStoryBro.
Clem hat clam hat clem hat clem hat i swear I'm spazzing right now I WANTTTTTT AHHHHHH. If i get i will wear every day for the rest of my life i SWEAR
Goodnight. See ya- no, ugh - talk to ya' tomorrow!
OOOhhhhh. These look amazing.
I'd love to win one
I WANT ONE PLEAAAASE.I want a cool hat just like Clem. p.s. I'm in.
Well, I hope I get a hat! But... How will this work?
Here's hoping I get lucky. Thanks for doing this it's really cool of you.
Here i am! Not getting my hopes up but why not.
This. I like this. Excellent!
I hope I win. It'd be awesome to have a Clementine hat.