Clemmy hats <33 always wanted one of those xD much excitement for this c:
Cool story bro.
CoolStoryBro posted: »Thanks, I ran track in high school.
Thanks, I ran track in high school.
Those hats are AWESOME!!!!!
Oh man, I want one of those!
Pride is in!
Am I in? I'm entering now. I guess. yeah. I'm entering.
Super awesome, hope you randomly select moi
Cool contest. Here's to hoping I have half as much luck as Kenny.
Awwwww Yeeeeeahh count me in on this!
here hatty hatty! come to meeee!
I want that hat!!
Michelle got her priorities right.
awesome I would not mind having a Clementine hat thanks for the opportunity!
Yeah, I'll throw my hat into the ring for this.
I hope that when i check the forum tomorrow the list says darky07, it has to happen, it has (starts the good luck unstopable crazy probably useless dance while running through a 4 leaf clover forest)
Hm... sign me up Maybe I win, maybe I don't. If not then at least it won't be the end of the world. Or is it...?
Wow this is great!
im not active either.....but....
Amazing hats, man.
I hope I win!
Never win anything so I hope I do now. Sign me up dude.
OHHHH! Well I'm International member...and new
Oh welp...
Clay...needs...the hat....
cool hat
Oh my, awesome hat! Count me in! :-)
I would like to enter! Thank you for doing this.
11 hours remain as of now to enter the giveaway!
ugh god the look of those hats are making me droll!
Dont_Look_Back posted: »THEY LOOK AMAZING! I WANA JOIN!
you have so much talent!
JonGon posted: »11 hours remain as of now to enter the giveaway!
They're AMAZING, how did you make them?
If I win this, I'll wear them every time I play the game, as tradition.
Nice, they look awesome
Sure, friend. LOL
CoolStoryBro posted: »That's the spirit! lol
That's the spirit! lol
Those hats look sweet! Count me in!!!
But I have one question though, how are you gonna send these hats away?
Please let me win
Clemmy hats
<33 always wanted one of those xD much excitement for this c:
Cool story bro.
Those hats are AWESOME!!!!!
Oh man, I want one of those!
Pride is in!
Am I in? I'm entering now. I guess. yeah. I'm entering.
Super awesome, hope you randomly select moi
Cool contest. Here's to hoping I have half as much luck as Kenny.
Awwwww Yeeeeeahh count me in on this!
here hatty hatty! come to meeee!
I want that hat!!
Michelle got her priorities right.
awesome I would not mind having a Clementine hat thanks for the opportunity!
Yeah, I'll throw my hat into the ring for this.
I hope that when i check the forum tomorrow the list says darky07, it has to happen, it has (starts the good luck unstopable crazy probably useless dance while running through a 4 leaf clover forest)
Hm... sign me up
Maybe I win, maybe I don't. If not then at least it won't be the end of the world. Or is it...?
Wow this is great!
im not active either.....but....
Amazing hats, man.
I hope I win!
Never win anything so I hope I do now. Sign me up dude.
OHHHH! Well I'm International member...and new
Oh welp...
Clay...needs...the hat....
cool hat
Oh my, awesome hat! Count me in! :-)
I would like to enter! Thank you for doing this.
11 hours remain as of now to enter the giveaway!
ugh god the look of those hats are making me droll!
you have so much talent!
They're AMAZING, how did you make them?
If I win this, I'll wear them every time I play the game, as tradition.
Nice, they look awesome
Sure, friend. LOL
Those hats look sweet! Count me in!!!
But I have one question though, how are you gonna send these hats away?
Please let me win