Ever get the feeling that you don't really blend in with the people around? Like you're sort of an outsider? I get that whenever I go out in… more public, whether it be school or around town.
Same here.. which is why I generally just keep to myself. I absolutely love the feeling of walking around town/campus at night though. Adds a feeling of anonymity and comfort. I actually feel far more secure and relaxed. Even a little cocky..
Whether or not it's PTSD would depend on the symptoms, I think. Here's some information from mentalhealth.org.uk:
'Post-traumatic stress disorder is a reaction to exposure to very stressful and traumatising events. People experience flashbacks, panic attacks and other acute symptoms. It can be treated, so it is important to get expert help. Common symptoms of PTSD include re-experiencing the event in nightmares or flashbacks, avoiding things or places associated with the event, panic attacks, sleep disturbance and poor concentration. Depression, emotional numbing, drug or alcohol misuse and anger are also common.'
If you've experienced any of those, it's probably PTSD. It sounds possible from what you've described, but I really would advise checking out reputable and trust-worthy websites so you can get a good idea for yourself. If afterwards you're still not sure whether or not it's PTSD, I'd still say do something about it if it's really impacting on your life.
My PTSD isn't actually combat related; it started when I was eight due to an illness. No where near as bad as combat-related PTSD, but I had… more it for ten years without it being diagnosed and it's almost completely ruined me, so I know what it's like to experience the symptoms.
I wouldn't call it social anxiety, more like somewhat irrational paranoia. For example, being in a crowd and thinking "someone can easily st… moreab me if they wanted to", or "why is that person looking at me like that, are they planning to hurt me in some way, better watch them to make sure they don't follow me". Checking all the possible exits when I enter a room, trying to stay near the walls, as opposed to the center of the room. Looking periodically over my shoulder when walking out of an establishment, or to my car. Going into a slight panic when my ride is late, and I'm convinced something bad happened to them. Never wanting to go out alone at night, because it's easier to be to be taken in the dark, always having a stun-gun, knife, pepper spray, and soon to be concealed gun on my person. Checking all the windows and doors to make sure they're covered and locked before going to sleep, as well as making sure the electric fence is on, personal… [view original content]
Ever get the feeling that you don't really blend in with the people around? Like you're sort of an outsider? I get that whenever I go out in public, whether it be school or around town. I feel like I'm not really fully accepted into whatever community that faces me.
Yeah man it happens every day of my life. I feel so disassociated to the world back in the states. I remember being normal happy, after coming back i avoid everyone. I avoid talking to family, friends just to avoid drama.
"I'm tired of you making a scene."
"you are so embarrassing."
Then i always hear this number, please George lets just have a normal night.
The evil monster which is PTSD. Fuck everyone at this point. I stopped caring,
I know what you mean. Ever get the feeling that you don't really blend in with the people around? Like you're sort of an outsider? I get tha… moret whenever I go out in public, whether it be school or around town. I feel like I'm not really fully accepted into whatever community that faces me.
Listen, try and get an expert on depression to talk to your parents. If you can't, just remember that your safe on here
I seem to make other people anxious when I'm around, does that count?
In any case, not really, I don't like talking to people much but it doesn't make me anxious, in fact I tend to be calm in most situations, calmer than normal for example if there's a fire while the other people panic or take picture and record video of the fire to upload it to youtube or facebook or whatever thing assholes like to use, I calmly assessed the situation asked someone for a fire extinguisher and since they didn't have any I ordered some of the assholes that were recording it to go look for one while I went to another nearby building to look for one, so we get fire extinguishers and I look at the car and try to assess where the fire is coming from, it was from the radio oddly enough so I made one of the stupid assholes that were watching open the door for me and I crawled in and put the fire away with my fire extinguisher that worked better than theirs because it used some white substance instead of water, now since that the fire was gone and my work was done I started walking away, I heard the old lady that owned the car come out of the building (finally) and how shocked she was, she started thanking the people that were there and I just kept walking and returned the fire extinguisher to it's owner, because I don't need someone else to thank me, I'm already aware that I'm amazing and everyone should worship me as their God, but that would be annoying so I'm fine with letting assholes take credit for what I did.
In any case I'm not an anxious person, I do explode every once in a while, one time I even had a nervous breakdown, you know since I normally try to act cool and calm all the stress piles until I explode, I can normally calm myself down by just going for a walk, it's normally around December that I get stressed out, last year I had to take a 5 hour walk in order to calm myself down and I had to take a cab to go back home because when I finished I was at the damned US border, I didn't know the train tracks ended there (I live in Mexico).
It doesn't matter how you used to be whether you remember it or not: no one can be who they were years ago either way. PTSD leeches at your personality until there seems nothing of you left and your life revolves around the memories, or at least that's my experience, but that can get better with treatment and you can be someone new. You might not remember how you used to think, but the memories from before the PTSD won't seem so foreign. Only my opinion.
Any movie that makes you feel empowered is great. Its a natural way to suppliment weight lifting. You could use the pre-workout stuff, but, i don't mess with that stuff.
Ever get the feeling that you don't really blend in with the people around? Like you're sort of an outsider? I get that whenever I go out in… more public, whether it be school or around town.
Same here.. which is why I generally just keep to myself. I absolutely love the feeling of walking around town/campus at night though. Adds a feeling of anonymity and comfort. I actually feel far more secure and relaxed. Even a little cocky..
Man, that sucks. I have a friend in college who went over to Iraq in 2008-2009. He says that he had a hard time connecting with people back home. It's hard to care about people's petty problem/insecurities after you watch a truckload of people get blown to hell. It took him years to adjust back to civilian life, some people struggle with it much longer. Hope that's not the case for you.
Ever get the feeling that you don't really blend in with the people around? Like you're sort of an outsider? I get that whenever I go out in… more public, whether it be school or around town. I feel like I'm not really fully accepted into whatever community that faces me.
Yeah man it happens every day of my life. I feel so disassociated to the world back in the states. I remember being normal happy, after coming back i avoid everyone. I avoid talking to family, friends just to avoid drama.
"I'm tired of you making a scene."
"you are so embarrassing."
Then i always hear this number, please George lets just have a normal night.
The evil monster which is PTSD. Fuck everyone at this point. I stopped caring,
It's hard to care about people's petty problem/insecurities after you watch a truckload of people get blown to hell.
Exactly. People just don't understand I've seen shit that would make a blind billy goat puke. When you see that stuff Every Day for six years straight. It will leave a effect, before the war i was just a Ohio farm boy who loved, who laughed, who had friends. I was normal.
Came back to the states and realized how, i had changed. How the whole world changed, it wasn't what i thought it was.
Now i am the "monster" that people wish could sweep under the rug. I gave up caring long ago.
Man, that sucks. I have a friend in college who went over to Iraq in 2008-2009. He says that he had a hard time connecting with people bac… morek home. It's hard to care about people's petty problem/insecurities after you watch a truckload of people get blown to hell. It took him years to adjust back to civilian life, some people struggle with it much longer. Hope that's not the case for you.
Sorry to hear that. The worst thing about my anxiety is it even makes me hesitant in starting anything new, or at least procastinate on doing it. It probably caused me extremely limited opportunities to gain from. Living in your head all of the time is exhausting and does not reflect positively in non-verbal cues and interactions.
I was born with APD (audio prossecessing disorder) I have poor social skills because it. having this disorder lead me builled in high-schoo… morel that lead to depression as an adult, with depression I have anxiety and insomnia some times. Yes I know what its like having problems with meeting other people, saying the wrong thing when you meant in a different way. It makes you feel isolated and that you don't fit with other people, your different but you just don't want to stand out in the crowed. Yes I understand, it sucks its horrible.
Lol I can't force myself to break rules. The shame of getting caught is too much for me.
Whether or not it's PTSD would depend on the symptoms, I think. Here's some information from mentalhealth.org.uk:
'Post-traumatic stress disorder is a reaction to exposure to very stressful and traumatising events. People experience flashbacks, panic attacks and other acute symptoms. It can be treated, so it is important to get expert help. Common symptoms of PTSD include re-experiencing the event in nightmares or flashbacks, avoiding things or places associated with the event, panic attacks, sleep disturbance and poor concentration. Depression, emotional numbing, drug or alcohol misuse and anger are also common.'
If you've experienced any of those, it's probably PTSD. It sounds possible from what you've described, but I really would advise checking out reputable and trust-worthy websites so you can get a good idea for yourself. If afterwards you're still not sure whether or not it's PTSD, I'd still say do something about it if it's really impacting on your life.
All the best.
sucks. Sorry.
I get that way too when i get the green light.
I have M.S which also adds a little bit of anxiety.
You'll know if you have it.
Yeah man it happens every day of my life. I feel so disassociated to the world back in the states. I remember being normal happy, after coming back i avoid everyone. I avoid talking to family, friends just to avoid drama.
"I'm tired of you making a scene."
"you are so embarrassing."
Then i always hear this number, please George lets just have a normal night.
The evil monster which is PTSD. Fuck everyone at this point. I stopped caring,
It does suck, but there's no need to apologise.
Have you been able to receive any treatment for your PTSD?
Wouldn't work anyways. I don't remember how i used to be.
What do you mean by green light?
I seem to make other people anxious when I'm around, does that count?
In any case, not really, I don't like talking to people much but it doesn't make me anxious, in fact I tend to be calm in most situations, calmer than normal for example if there's a fire while the other people panic or take picture and record video of the fire to upload it to youtube or facebook or whatever thing assholes like to use, I calmly assessed the situation asked someone for a fire extinguisher and since they didn't have any I ordered some of the assholes that were recording it to go look for one while I went to another nearby building to look for one, so we get fire extinguishers and I look at the car and try to assess where the fire is coming from, it was from the radio oddly enough so I made one of the stupid assholes that were watching open the door for me and I crawled in and put the fire away with my fire extinguisher that worked better than theirs because it used some white substance instead of water, now since that the fire was gone and my work was done I started walking away, I heard the old lady that owned the car come out of the building (finally) and how shocked she was, she started thanking the people that were there and I just kept walking and returned the fire extinguisher to it's owner, because I don't need someone else to thank me, I'm already aware that I'm amazing and everyone should worship me as their God, but that would be annoying so I'm fine with letting assholes take credit for what I did.
In any case I'm not an anxious person, I do explode every once in a while, one time I even had a nervous breakdown, you know since I normally try to act cool and calm all the stress piles until I explode, I can normally calm myself down by just going for a walk, it's normally around December that I get stressed out, last year I had to take a 5 hour walk in order to calm myself down and I had to take a cab to go back home because when I finished I was at the damned US border, I didn't know the train tracks ended there (I live in Mexico).
Well, it's saddening to know that someone else is suffering from it. I really do advise seeking help for it, if it's possible.
It doesn't matter how you used to be whether you remember it or not: no one can be who they were years ago either way.
PTSD leeches at your personality until there seems nothing of you left and your life revolves around the memories, or at least that's my experience, but that can get better with treatment and you can be someone new. You might not remember how you used to think, but the memories from before the PTSD won't seem so foreign. Only my opinion.
If you aint paxin you aint releaxin.
Any movie that makes you feel empowered is great. Its a natural way to suppliment weight lifting. You could use the pre-workout stuff, but, i don't mess with that stuff.
Plot twist: Belan is a vampire.
Man, that sucks. I have a friend in college who went over to Iraq in 2008-2009. He says that he had a hard time connecting with people back home. It's hard to care about people's petty problem/insecurities after you watch a truckload of people get blown to hell. It took him years to adjust back to civilian life, some people struggle with it much longer. Hope that's not the case for you.
Exactly. People just don't understand I've seen shit that would make a blind billy goat puke. When you see that stuff Every Day for six years straight. It will leave a effect, before the war i was just a Ohio farm boy who loved, who laughed, who had friends. I was normal.
Came back to the states and realized how, i had changed. How the whole world changed, it wasn't what i thought it was.
Now i am the "monster" that people wish could sweep under the rug. I gave up caring long ago.
Everything is beginning to make sense.
i felt awkward and anxious around my GF and never told her that i cared alot about her and now we dont talk anymore.
Sorry to hear that. The worst thing about my anxiety is it even makes me hesitant in starting anything new, or at least procastinate on doing it. It probably caused me extremely limited opportunities to gain from. Living in your head all of the time is exhausting and does not reflect positively in non-verbal cues and interactions.